Marine Spirits and Their History With Lust, Beauty, and Vanity

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @Thedevilisaliar23
    @Thedevilisaliar23 5 місяців тому +6

    I beg and implore all of us godly holy women to wear head covering from now on - our hair is to be covered when praying 🙏🏾 and prophesying . These are facts our hair is our covering but we out to cover for prayer

  • @saintamerican6105
    @saintamerican6105 10 місяців тому +7

    Please God bless her with more fruits for making this video to help women!❤️🙏

  • @Godsdaughter1025
    @Godsdaughter1025 Рік тому +22

    I would rather have someone want me for me than for my shape or body or looks that’s superficial and it fades away…that’s not genuine love

    • @saintamerican6105
      @saintamerican6105 10 місяців тому +3

      yes amen! a man of God will love the heart!!!
      our youthfulness and feminine features are just a BONUS

    • @CasualPower9
      @CasualPower9 8 місяців тому +1

      Like a great personality 👍🏿

    • @Thedevilisaliar23
      @Thedevilisaliar23 5 місяців тому


  • @tamaraslay
    @tamaraslay 11 місяців тому +5

    listened to this as i shopped for my new wardrobe.....dresses. perfect timing.

  • @jinabecker886
    @jinabecker886 7 місяців тому +7

    You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons.
    I Corinthians 10:21

  • @cecep7477
    @cecep7477 4 місяці тому +2

    Watching this really just woke me up. Seriously.

  • @TiffanyA837
    @TiffanyA837 9 місяців тому +4

    This year The Holy Spirit had me throw away my expensive pandora bracelet and I didn't know the exact reason as to why, thank you for answering this question I had! Great and insightful video as always

    • @Thedevilisaliar23
      @Thedevilisaliar23 5 місяців тому +3

      Girl 🥹when the spirit spoke to me I had to throw a cashy necklace 😆 when I was broke I was like I should have pawned it 🤣 but that wouldn’t have been a proper and true calling .. so 👏🏾 I love when we leave material things easily for Gods glory .. 😘 sis .. imagine how Blinged out God is going to have us in HEAVEN after perfecting holiness and humility here 🙏🏾

  • @hiyori2846
    @hiyori2846 Рік тому +10

    I watched a testimony of this woman who said that when she was in the world she was really being led by the marine kingdom to get a BBL and she said that she wanted another but she got delivered of Jezebel. She mentioned how it was the marine Kingdoms influence to make you look like a mermaid and I started to realize that mermaids do have those kinda wide hips and big butt looking figure. Around this time I was getting dreams of me having a BBL and even beforehand I was struggling with my body, wanting to go to the gym to build a bigger butt and keep the weight that I developed when I was depressed and using gluttony as an a idol to numb the pain I was dealing with. Not only do we see the marine kingdom influence with getting plastic surgery but we also see this in the fitness industry where women go from 112lbs to 150lbs and I'm not saying it's wrong for a woman to gain healthy weight or to want to keep some extra weight on her but a lot of these women are building their bodies to be "thick" and they can't even handle the weight at all and the way they gain the weight is through gluttony, basically forcing themselves to eat more than they can naturallly handle to become thick. This is the influence of the marine kingdom. I saw a picture of a woman who went from 120 something pounds to about 160lbs and she became very thick and curvy through weight gain and exercise and I believe the Holy Spirit told me it was witchcraft. A demonic spirit came to me in a dream in the form of Sister tiffany telling me that God is gonna give me a body like Megan Thee Stallion and that I don't have to worry about my body. Mind you, Megan works out naturally and she was also a woman who went from being slim to thick and curvy through weight gain and exercise and I was planning to do the same, I asked for a sign from the Lord and a demon behind the dream gave me false confirmation. I kept getting dreams of me having a BBL and then it all clicked and dawned on me that I was being influenced by a demonic spirit to build my butt in the gym. The Lord gave my sister a dream of me being thin, basically the weight i'm supposed to be to get through to me and even years prior He gave my older brother a dream of me having a BBL. We tend to get on the women with the plastic surgery but in the fitness community you see the same women who work so hard at the gym to achieve the exact same figure they condemn other women for getting surgery for instead. It's hyprocritical and everybody is chasing after the same physique and not asking the Lord to give them speciifc workouts to fit their bodies that does not add nor take away too much from the figure He has given them but rather improves and build upon what we already have, however much He wants us to build that is. I was trying to use "natural" creams to make my butt bigger and the Lord gave me a dream of a couple of men trying to come rape me because of my butt and I saw a instagram model who looked to have had a BBL posing and taking a picture with her body showing. I've even saw some testimonies on instagram from two women who I followed and one woman who was very very thick and curvy who was thin at first and started to go to the gym admitted that at first she gained the weight purposefully but then she started to gain the weight through depression and she ended up being 210lbs and keeping the weight for a body trend and because she was getting praised but afterwards people started to look at her as an object. I do believe intentions are important with being in the gym with your fitness goals but just because our intentions may be good doesn't necessarily mean its still right in the eyes of the Lord. Just a few years ago everybody wanted to be model thin, a big butt was considered ugly and now everybody wants that shape. I tthink women nowadays are intentionally keeping access weight that is not supposed to be there all for the sake of being thick and losing curves. If you're losing curves then it isnt truly your curves, it's just fat that stuck in the places that society and satan deemed to be right. So many women are going from having a boxy type waist to a thin waist hour glass shaped waist, triangular shaped body to a hour glass figure. Obsessing over the butt 24/7 contantly doing posing in the mirror and even taking pictures that emphasis the butt, its vanity and its not of God. Again, I dont think theres anything wrong with going to the gym, lifting weights and toning your body up or even shaping your body especially for those of us who are losing weight and are coming out of obesity because things hang and the skin is all loose and saggy but purposefully trying to keep weight that you know you've gained through gluttony, depression, binge eating, and then trying to keep it and shape it into a hour glass figure I think is wrong and its most likely not even your correct weight we as women are just afraid to be slim and "skinny" because the thick body trend is in right now and we want to follow that. I don't think the women who workout are any different than the women go out and get surgery if the woman whos in the gym is trying to achieve the same figure only "naturally" and it isnt even natural at all. It's witchcraft. But with everything that I've said please take it to the Lord for yourselves. i still struggle with body dysmorphia and condemnation about my body and lifting weights and looking my best self I'm still trying to seek the Lord about where the line draws between building up my body in a way that pleases Him and where I can still look amazing versus actually building up my body with muscle for a body trend and to look a certain way and completely not look like myself in the way He intended for me to look and be shaped.
    Btw I am not saying that women who are a natural hour glass or a woman who is just naturally curvy is wrong or demonically influenced or her body is wrong.

    • @GloryToTheHighest
      @GloryToTheHighest Рік тому +3

      I am hourglass naturally and I don’t think demons had to do anything with my shape… The problem is that people hate their bodies and mess with it when it was created by the image of God. Who is perfect.

    • @hiyori2846
      @hiyori2846 Рік тому +4

      @@GloryToTheHighest I'm not saying that theres anything wrong with a woman having a natural hour glass shape or figure. I'll edit my orginal post to make that more clear because I don't want women who are naturally shaped in that way to then think they are somehow wrong or demonically influenced for having that shape. But what I am saying is that there's something majorly wrong with women who are not hour glass shaped manipulating their bodies through lots of food and the gym to build that figure. I notice this same hour glass shape and figure is on the rise and so many women try so hard to achieve that whether it is through the gym or running and getting plastic surgery. Women who are naturally built that way is great! And it doesn't have anything to do with demons because it is how God has molded and shaped you but like I said earlier if a woman is not naturally shaped that way and is manipulating her body to become that way through gaining tons of weight or even the women who try to keep the fat, knowing it's unhealthy to and to also try to fit into the current body trends of today is wrong and I think it is withcraft and I do think those women are being influenced by the marine kingdom just like how I was.

    • @DestinedWomenMinistries
      @DestinedWomenMinistries  Рік тому +10

      May I respectfully respond? I don’t believe your comment is bad but I do believe it can be harmful and it also seems the influence for your opinion came from a myriad of UA-cam videos rather than wisdom, scripture, prayer and research. Most cosmetic procedures were created for very practical purposes , just because it has become a trend for people to use them solely for vanity and influence it doesn’t mean everyone on the operating table was sent there by a demon. There are reasons surgery’s like the Brazilian Butt Lift was created. Here are a list of some of those reasons:
      1. Fat loss and misshapen buttocks due to aging and menopause.
      2. Fat loss and misshapen buttocks due to excessive amounts of weight loss.
      3. Medical conditions as follows; gluteal amnesia, dead butt syndrome, flat butt syndrome, pancake butt (when the underbutt has been lost or isn’t present- it’s where the buttocks and the thighs meet.)
      All stated reasons have nothing to do with demons or the marine kingdom, it’s things that may happen to our body as we go through necessary life changes, or in regards to the medical condition, it’s the way some people are born. The medical condition is diagnosed as such because it causes pain in other areas of the body and negatively effects functionality, comfortability, and strength for everyday tasks such as walking, sitting, standing and lifting. God created our bodies to have certain proportions and when the lower body which supports the upper body is weakened it causes all over discomfort. BBL’s restore or create a proportioned physique, restores a physique that was irreparably damaged, or creates a lower body heavy/proportioned/strong enough to comfortably support the upper body. So, as Christians, especially if we’re in leadership positions it’s best to be respectful, knowledgeable, understanding prayerful and open minded before passing judgement. Concerning women in the gym; You say years ago everyone wanted to be thin, that’s not true or at least not for any person I’ve ever seen in my entire 35 years on this planet. I had a friend in school who was forced to lose weight and stay as thin as possible as a teenager; it dramatically hurt her relationship with her mom and her mental health. If she decides to eat without being in a calorie deficit, and set goals to build a body that she feels normal and confident in, is that a demon? Just because someone wants to gain weight and they gain it, it doesn’t mean that gluttony and force feeding got them there. Calculating calories and macronutrients is what I see from fitness professionals. Having a healthy balance of these macronutrients to achieve your weight goals. Being either excessively thin or excessively heavy causes severe self esteem and mental health issues to some people and they should not be demonized for attempting to build a body they’re confident in. Men have always been associated with being straight up and down with no curves, which is their typical physique. Women on the other hand are associated with being curvy; biologically curving at the breast, waist, hips, and buttocks. If a woman goes to the gym to naturally achieve a more feminine figure, how can that be demonized? Most women who work out are not at the gym because they want to look like a box or like they have excessive amounts of testosterone in their bodies, which is usually responsible for the boxy figure. Rather, they want to tone, strengthen, tighten, their bodies while working on certain areas to reveal a typical female body. Rachel was biblically noted for her shapeliness and hips, which wasn’t demonic but rather seen as beautiful and womanly. So, a woman enhancing or sculpting a womanly figure in the gym isn’t demonic. Rejection, low self esteem, insecurities, and vanity can lead people to do things which change their natural features in several different ways but this isn’t a universal fact and should not be spread as such. We need to be sensitive, mature, considerate, and knowledgeable as we spread our opinions. Every instance of a person getting cosmetic surgery or going to the gym to achieve the body they want is not demonic. When it comes to beauty, people tend to judge other people harshly because of their own insecurities. Thankfully, God gave us the ability to workout and tone and shape a a body that we love. The Bible says this in Ecclesiastes in regards to people being “overly righteous” or “overly wicked”: 7:18 “It is good to grasp the one and not let go of the other. Whoever fears God will avoid all extremes.” Let’s avoid the extreme of demonizing everyone who does these things and instead examine our hearts and focus on our goals. I’m certainly not in the gym because a mermaid spirit sent me there, after being over 300 lbs I am working to create, strengthen, and tone the body God blessed me with. I hope this helps us to not be harsh or unnecessarily judgmental moving forward. As well as open minded to know that everything that has to do with beauty is not a demon. I believe your well meaning and not in anyway attempting to be insensitive or judgmental, prayerfully the perspective I’ve given doesn’t change yours, but adds to it. We’re not out here to force anyone to see things our way, and they aren’t always wrong if they don’t. But it is good to plant seeds and enforce love as we do so.

    • @saintamerican6105
      @saintamerican6105 10 місяців тому +2

      i know who you’re talking about and it breaks my heart to say she STILL has the jezebel spirit.
      she is always glammed up in makeup.
      she started wearing skin tight dressed again.
      and she calls herself a sister in Christ..
      im done with these boujee wanna be Kingdom girls

    • @saintamerican6105
      @saintamerican6105 10 місяців тому +2

      There is nothing wrong with how GOD made you or women who naturally have very wide hips. Its a blessing. But Satan attacks women who dont have wide hips OR women who want a cartoon body shape is what shes trying to say.

  • @celiagattereau8502
    @celiagattereau8502 Рік тому +4

    i thoroughly enjoyed this video.❤❤ I truly needed to hear this and felt liberated!!

  • @Luyanda_shezi
    @Luyanda_shezi 6 місяців тому

    Had to take out my Journal, God bless this channel ✝️🙌🏾✨

  • @come_on_barbie_123
    @come_on_barbie_123 6 місяців тому +2

    OMG...the PANDORA bracelets today! 😮😮😮😮 Whoaa

  • @bekaogoro7071
    @bekaogoro7071 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for this teaching.

  • @shushuc
    @shushuc Рік тому +5

    I love your research of Greek mythology and how it relates to marine spirits….but iim not sure about pants….some culture women wear pants, esp underneath their dress, and some men wear skirts or tunics, ie Scottish, Asian, Jewish culture. I agree transgenderism is much more subtle and pervasive but Bible never explicitly tell women to not wear pants.😅

  • @valenciawalker6498
    @valenciawalker6498 8 місяців тому

    Amen🙏🏽💞 Thank you for talking about these things.

  • @KhayalakheSkosana
    @KhayalakheSkosana Місяць тому

    Can I please copy this message and share with our what's app group? God bless you this is a rare teaching!

  • @saintamerican6105
    @saintamerican6105 10 місяців тому +2

    yes ive been having lesbian relationships in my dreams and also dreams with other men consistently since i moved in with my husband. im 110% straight so its so weird, idk why these blonde female spirits keep attacking me!!! i pray against it as soon as i wake up its been 2-3 weeks since the last one. Plz God deliver me!!!

    • @AN-fg4cd
      @AN-fg4cd 10 місяців тому +4

      I always got a spiritual warning when I was dating certain guys. Back then I was unaware why it was happening. I would be nauseous at times out of the blue or have weird dreams (sex with random women, friends, and relatives). Years later, turned out they were lustful (heavy porn, bi, or sleeping around)…carrying the Jezebel spirit.
      When I started seeing a certain man…my dreams became dark again. It was whatever entity and spirits he had attached to him. I left and didn’t look back. Due to what I learned from the past experiences.
      I’m not trying to be disrespectful, but it seems like your husband is engaging with something or someone dark. Or you have a peaceful connection and being attacked to break you two a part.
      You need to do a spiritual cleansing and have a serious talk with your husband. If he gets upset then😳.

  • @theparttimehomemaker
    @theparttimehomemaker Рік тому

    Thanks very much for this, sister Tiffany x

  • @floriiqa1866
    @floriiqa1866 4 місяці тому +1

    If I am going hiking or to work out .must I still wear a skirt

    • @kimberlylaguna4272
      @kimberlylaguna4272 2 місяці тому

      I heard another sister say that if you can’t do it while dressing according to Gods standards then it’s better not to. For myself I workout at home and it’s just me and my sister so I wear shorts but I won’t go gym in shorts or go at all if I can’t do it while wearing a skirt

  • @darlenerhinehart1857
    @darlenerhinehart1857 Рік тому

    Very informative

  • @darlenerhinehart1857
    @darlenerhinehart1857 Рік тому

    What's the title of the video that follows this video? Dreams

  • @qtigrizzly490
    @qtigrizzly490 5 місяців тому

    What was the demon of other states of consciousness I can't understand you

  • @areathompson9035
    @areathompson9035 Рік тому


  • @Thedevilisaliar23
    @Thedevilisaliar23 5 місяців тому +4

    Ladies of God .. we all will be beautiful with Gods glory upon us the more natural and wholly submitted to his principles or letting beauty shown from inside ..

  • @Debora-k
    @Debora-k 7 місяців тому +4

    Your videos are convicting me so much. I was indeed perishing from lack of knowledge.

  • @AnchoringHighFrequency
    @AnchoringHighFrequency 4 місяці тому

    32:21 also known as “muses”… Hecate