Maurane and Lara Fabian Tu Es Mon Autre

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Love_Lara
    @Love_Lara 4 роки тому +11

    They were close friends (Maurane died RIP). It's song about unconditional friendship and it's my favorite duet. Btw, this concert is full of great songs! Je suis mon coeur or Comme ils disent are magical

  • @andreu6502
    @andreu6502 4 роки тому +7

    Salut Jeff, il existe une autre version live acoustique avec en plus de ces deux charmantes chanteuses accompagné par Lalane à la guitare , une pure merveille pour nos oreilles et pour nos âmes,un bonjour du Sud de la France, André

  • @BKAldin
    @BKAldin 4 роки тому +15

    Thanks Jeff. This is one of the most harmonic duets I ever heard. They were close friends and well experienced vocalists. I could feel the chemistry between them and that they really felt and meant every word in this beautiful lyrics they sang. So honest and so beautiful.

  • @lilaladdada
    @lilaladdada 4 роки тому +6

    J’adore cette chanson j’adore , je ne peux pas préférer telle ou telle partie Maurane as Lara is from Belgium ... ( she died on 2018 ) . We all know this beautiful song . Merci milles fois ( oui c’est une magnifique chanson magnifique et quelles paroles ❣️) 🇫🇷🌹

  • @alaindubeau3243
    @alaindubeau3243 4 роки тому +10

    Two beautiful Belgian voices. Sadly, Maurane passed away a couple years ago.

  • @lutdesimpelaere2947
    @lutdesimpelaere2947 4 роки тому +7

    They are so in sync, it’s amazing. They breathe the same way, they have he same timbres. I agree without on what you pointed out about not taking a breath in that one section, it puts more emphasis on that sentence. Gorgeous.

  • @DoggieFosters
    @DoggieFosters 4 роки тому +5

    I loved this from the moment I heard it for its close harmony ( I didn't understand the French.) Played it every night to destress, feeling it like a lullaby for a sad adult taking care of her dying mother. When my mom passed away, I played it on loop for us as we waited the hour for the Hospice nurse to come. It was only recently I came upon this translation. And the song remains fitting.
    I enjoy seeing Fabian sing the same songs at different times because her little ornaments change as the spirit moves her. 4:43 is not in official recording or other performances I've seen.

    • @ReactionsByJeff
      @ReactionsByJeff  4 роки тому +3

      I completely understand. Having lost both of my parents, I know how the soothing power of music can cut through the unsettling silence of loss.

  • @mandarina4157
    @mandarina4157 3 роки тому

    Thanks so much for the reaction. I adore this song, although it makes me cry every single time, and it doesn’t get enough recognition compared to Lara’s other songs.

  • @robertjaget5742
    @robertjaget5742 3 роки тому +1

    Maurane song ...prélude de Bach ...ces magnifique

  • @DoggieFosters
    @DoggieFosters 4 роки тому +2

    Reading through comments I didn't see anyone mention this, so here you go in a game of comment telephone:
    Read recently that with Fabian's participation in The Voice type programs, etc., she has paired up over the years to sing this with other singers. Apparently, she said she has had to work with the singers to help them learn when/where to breathe and how to hit that long run-up to the chorus you commented on. Not easy for them. At all. 😃 Fabian and Maurane were so well matched, from color (if not, obviously weight) of their timbres to their technique.

  • @dianam4832
    @dianam4832 4 роки тому +5

    I'm commenting before watching your reaction, because i already know i'm going to cry! I love Maurane, and i miss her!
    This is my favorite duet of Lara (as much as i love the one that she had done with Johnny Hallyday "Requiem pour un fou" this is the one i love the most). Their performances always make me cry, they had such a beautiful friendship!
    Thank you for your reaction !
    PS: this is the link of Lara's tribute live performance for Maurane in Brussels, if you want to watch it

  • @loveroftrueandlastingpeace
    @loveroftrueandlastingpeace 4 роки тому +2

    Wonderful. The only thing I regret are the English subtitles. The translation could have been better. It seems to me somebody looked up every word in a dictionary but didn't consider the context and the structure of the sentence.

  • @didierlemoine6771
    @didierlemoine6771 3 роки тому +1

    For Maurane with regrets :)

  • @samboman40
    @samboman40 4 роки тому

    hello, i understand your thinking about the duet with Laura Pausini, the difference between both is that la solitudine is a Laura song, and Lara came in. but this one had always be a duet with Lara and Maurane. and you can watch all the video you want on this duet they always sing this song on the same tone. only on this performance they miss the beginning, the reason they laugh on the intro. and also i see the comments, we are from France or Belgium, you really think we go to choose between both? GRRRRRRRR !!

    • @DoggieFosters
      @DoggieFosters 4 роки тому

      Technically, I believe it was originally a duet between Rick Allison and Fabian. But recorded (thank God), released and charted with Maurane.
      Extremely well trained Contralto + extremely well trained soprano + close harmony + close friendship = magic.

  • @jeremie2020
    @jeremie2020 4 роки тому +4

    As a frenchman, I know this song/duet very well (it was extremely successful at the time). I've always loved how their two great voices (yet very different tone wise) blended perfectly. They were very close friends (both belgians), like true sisters. In May 2018, Lara Fabian was totally devastated when she heard that Maurane had been found dead in her flat, after a deadly fall. Maurane had such a warm and unique tone too.
    If you enjoy this kind of duet Jeff, I recommend you another amazing duet between Maurane and Céline Dion this time, called "Quand on a que l'amour", they sang it on several occasions.

    • @ReactionsByJeff
      @ReactionsByJeff  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you for this information. I will look into it.

    • @jeremie2020
      @jeremie2020 4 роки тому

      @@ReactionsByJeff My pleasure Jeff ;).

    • @Dannyboy.
      @Dannyboy. 4 роки тому +2

      You forgot their most memorable performance of the song :

    • @jeremie2020
      @jeremie2020 4 роки тому

      @@Dannyboy. Brilliant indeed ;)

    • @dianechenier854
      @dianechenier854 4 роки тому +1

      @@ReactionsByJeff I believe that Lara Fabian wrote this song with her first love, Rick Allison, and you can find on UA-cam on one live concert that she did his « surprise » appearance and them two singing « Tu es mon autre ». It is so beautiful !!!
      Let us know if you have interest to react on this one please !

  • @genevieve7733
    @genevieve7733 4 роки тому +2

    Peut-être la plus belle performance musicale en duo!
    Pour rester dans les performances d'artistes belges, il y a le plus grand, le Maître, Monsieur Jacques Brel. Je crois que votre réaction serait très appréciée!! ;-) J'ai trouvé une vidéo avec sous-titres en anglais de sa chanson " Ces gens là ":

  • @Dannyboy.
    @Dannyboy. 4 роки тому +2

    Hello Jeff ! I highly recommend you to react to Maurane singing "Le monde est stone" live in Paris in 1999 (audio only) : She was such a great singer !

  • @robertjaget5742
    @robertjaget5742 3 роки тому

    Ecoute michel sardou chanson je vais t aimer

  • @melanieblanc906
    @melanieblanc906 4 роки тому

    You should try a new song of her : Par amour :
    She is still amazing