If the substrate is wheat straw are the mushrooms gluten free? (I bought a bunch of straw for animal bedding that was just poor headed uncut wheat...) Celiac safe?
That's like asking the question; " Since my butthole produces turds as well as farts, are my farts turd free? And are my turds made of fart???" Serious quandry!
Enjoyable and interesting.
Can you use it for garden right aft3r bringing home or will it burn it 9:03
Very educational
Very cool!
If the substrate is wheat straw are the mushrooms gluten free? (I bought a bunch of straw for animal bedding that was just poor headed uncut wheat...) Celiac safe?
That's like asking the question; " Since my butthole produces turds as well as farts, are my farts turd free? And are my turds made of fart???" Serious quandry!
D you also have aged compost