J.J. Abrams Gets Out of Director's Jail (UNFORTUNATELY)

  • Опубліковано 19 жов 2024


  • @johnjones3813
    @johnjones3813 4 місяці тому +13

    You: "I don't like JJ Abrams". Me: Clicks the subscribe button.

    • @FromGregaWithLove
      @FromGregaWithLove  4 місяці тому +1


    • @jeffreyseay7707
      @jeffreyseay7707 4 місяці тому +1

      In my opinion, he is #2 on the list of morally bankrupt Hollywood filmmakers. The only one I see as worse is Michael Bay. I won't judge anyone else for their opinion though

  • @jamesfleming9837
    @jamesfleming9837 4 місяці тому +4

    I don't think making 2 billion dollars with mostly positive reviews is a "disaster". Say what you want about JJ but TFA did exceptionally well when it came out.

    • @johnjones3813
      @johnjones3813 4 місяці тому +4

      I don't give two craps how much a movie makes, or what Disney shill critics have to say. I know Star Wars, and the sequels were not Star Wars. Not even close.

  • @WilliamJames48
    @WilliamJames48 5 місяців тому +14

    JJ had one job to do which was reunite Harrison, Mark, and Carrie on screen, instead, he killed them off... One job. He might as well stock shelves at this point.

    • @johnjones3813
      @johnjones3813 4 місяці тому +2

      Did he even need to bring them back at all though? Did we really need to see these iconic characters as septuagenarians? How about coming up with a new generation of characters that are actually likeable and interesting that the audience actually cares about?

    • @cesaracosta5483
      @cesaracosta5483 4 місяці тому

      Han solo was killed off because that exactly what Harrison ford wanted. Luke skywalker was killed off in the last jedi courtesy of Rian Johnson and Carrie fisher was long dead before production on the rise of skywalker started. There’s nothing JJ could’ve done to make a reunion scene seem plausible. 🤷‍♂️

    • @miltontavares9506
      @miltontavares9506 4 місяці тому +2

      @@johnjones3813 They were brought as a nostalgia bait.They were so wasted in the new trilogy.

    • @cordlxze9559
      @cordlxze9559 4 місяці тому

      @@cesaracosta5483What are you talking about?? He had all 3 actors in force awakens and he had luke sit out 99% of the movie for a lame reason only for Rey to find him which was also lame

  • @CitizenKen01
    @CitizenKen01 4 місяці тому +3

    There’s one aspect of JJ Abrams that has always put me off from his work and no it’s not because of lens flares nor is it because the industry thinks he’s the next Spielberg, it’s his “mystery box” style storytelling.
    To explain his “mystery box” method (he’s even got a Ted Talk on this) explains that every mystery he sets up is basically an empty box. He doesn’t care about giving you a solution to the mystery he only cares that YOU care about what could be in it and in essence, this how he draws you in as a viewer. The only problem with this is the whole “fool me once, you can’t fool me again, pal” aspect that proves when I watch Lost, Alias, Super 8 or his Star Trek movies I’m not drawn in because I know his game now and I know Abrams doesn’t have any answers here so why should I care?
    This brings us to Star Wars where I feel like I was the only person back in 2015 who thought something was fishy about The Force Awakens. Not just for using the beat for beat template of A New Hope (which Abrams did for Into Darkness as a beat for beat copy of Wrath of Khan also being utterly trite) but in asking the logical question of how are the sequels gonna pay off these mysteries without the same writer director coming back? Either Abrams planned out the trilogy or was only contracted to do one movie. Unfortunately it was the latter so by the time The Last Jedi rolled around Ryan Johnson must have thought “there’s no answer to these mysteries so I’m just gonna do what I think is interesting and subvert these mysteries entirely because that would be interesting for me to see in a Star Wars film.” Only for the harsh blow back to come from an audience expecting the story to expand futher. I’d rather not bash on Johnson here because lets not forget that his next film Knives Out subverted the who-done-it genre by making a thriller that’s infinitely more rewatchable than a typical who-done-it would have been. In some cases this “subversion” does work. So if you hated The Last Jedi it’s not just because it’s a bad Star Wars film to you but it’s because JJ Abrams set the expectations in The Force Awakens. He played you, maybe not intentionally but played you none the less. So when Rise of Skywalker comes it’s dead on arrival because Mr. “I don’t do endings well” Abrams for once was a man of his word. Also Kathline Kennedy shares some of the blame for letting it all happen.
    All in all, getting only half of storytelling and mystery writing 101 right does NOT entitle you to get full credit JJ Abrams! You do NOT get to have the full trust of the audience when you fail to provide the second piece of the puzzle to any mystery… the solution! Getting 50% on a test is still a failing grade. Any “real” writer you’ve worked with in your 30 year long career in tv and movies could have told you this!

    • @johnjones3813
      @johnjones3813 4 місяці тому

      I wish I knew about this empty box thing before dedicated much of the mid '00s obsessing over LOST.

    • @miltontavares9506
      @miltontavares9506 4 місяці тому

      Dude,he s nowhere near Spielberg´s level.He would never come with a Jaws or a Close Encounters or even a Raiders of the Lost Ark.

  • @daniel49324
    @daniel49324 4 місяці тому +1

    I will never forgive him for what he did to Star Trek.

    • @zimriel
      @zimriel 4 місяці тому

      He used it as his job-application to get in on Star Wars again. He's the sort of Jew who doesn't care what or whom he uses if he gets him further up the ladder.
      Yeah, I said it.

  • @quanstum
    @quanstum 4 місяці тому +4

    This dude needs to look at a sunset or some shit. Bro is more negative than the fan reception of the last Jedi.

  • @Cyberlisk
    @Cyberlisk 5 місяців тому +2

    He should have stayed at writing TV series. I mean, he was involved in Fringe, which is a really great and somewhat underappreciated show, so I think he did much better working for the small screen than for the big screen.

  • @kcoose5356
    @kcoose5356 4 місяці тому +5

    So ur a hater got it

    • @keanuxu5435
      @keanuxu5435 4 місяці тому +1

      So you have no taste. Got it.

    • @unSelf21
      @unSelf21 4 місяці тому +1

      Easy to be a J.J. hater. His films are unoriginal, trite and saccharine. Super 8 was fun but he lacks sincerity and it shows.

  • @TYbudgie
    @TYbudgie 4 місяці тому +1

    My man lookin' like a chiropractor who plays a mean blues guitar in a Steven Seagal cover band.

  • @MrCobaltScar
    @MrCobaltScar 4 місяці тому +1

    Jar Jar's whole schtick with Lost that got him his whole career was writing an extremely complex story that he then completely ruins by having no idea how to explain or resolve. So yeah. That's his gimmick.

  • @thephantomfanboy
    @thephantomfanboy 4 місяці тому +2

    I found his lost Rise of Skywalker script and he never said thank you

  • @lazerfistmanpunch358
    @lazerfistmanpunch358 4 місяці тому +2

    Imo JJ is a good producer or director.
    He should not touch the screenplay, editing, or writing.
    Whenever he is involved there his projects suck

  • @borgstod
    @borgstod 4 місяці тому +2

    'Somehow...JJ Abrams has returned.'

  • @Robert-Peterson
    @Robert-Peterson 4 місяці тому

    It takes a special kind of suck to ruin the two biggest sci-fi franchises in history.
    Perhaps what both franchises needed was a polar bear in the fucking jungle?

  • @thewerepyreking
    @thewerepyreking 4 місяці тому +1

    Lots of assmad fans clicked dislike two seconds into the video lol.
    And yes, JJ Abrams has been this one trick pony from the very beginning, including on TV.

  • @sqtq09
    @sqtq09 4 місяці тому +1

    JJ Abrams is the killer of worlds. took out star wars and star trek. hes rubbing his hands in glee still and is still a threat to any remaining universes

    • @theman8034
      @theman8034 4 місяці тому

      Star Wars was dead long before JJ. The fans killed it.

  • @yammt3148
    @yammt3148 2 місяці тому

    Imagine if Star Wars had been directed by Villeneuve, Garland or Cuaron... Too adult for Disney though, so nevermind.

  •  4 місяці тому +1

    relax man...there's real problems in the world.

  • @badfoody
    @badfoody 4 місяці тому

    Kathleen Kennedy this
    Kathleen Kennedy that
    blame JJ Abrams. BLAME HIM
    Force Awakens was ok for what it was. but Jesus, the planet killers why

  • @MrCobaltScar
    @MrCobaltScar 4 місяці тому +1

    JJ is one of the worst, most overrated directors of all time. We need everything he touches to fail so he will go away forever. He ruined both STAR WARS AND STAR TREK.

  • @keanuxu5435
    @keanuxu5435 4 місяці тому

    Micheal Bay is a great cinematographer who became a director.
    Zach Snyder is an above average cinematographer who became a director.
    JJ Abrams is a good cowriter specializing in mystery and probably whodunnits who became a director.
    Some people are not cut out to be directors.

  • @peterfyfe2945
    @peterfyfe2945 4 місяці тому +1

    how old is this video rehashing JJA hate??? just 2 days? wasted effort

    • @thewerepyreking
      @thewerepyreking 4 місяці тому

      4 minutes isn't much effort compared to the hundreds of millions of dollars he has already squandered on big projects. lole!

  • @theDgrader
    @theDgrader 4 місяці тому

    NOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, send him back

  • @iangerahty3422
    @iangerahty3422 5 місяців тому +1

    His earlier work was ok from what I remember but he definitely lost it on Lost (I gave up once it got too stupid for words) and I can’t recall when I gave up on Alias. Jar Jar is about right if not a bit kind.

    • @johnjones3813
      @johnjones3813 4 місяці тому +1

      I will never forgive the show runners for literally running LOST (and Alias, for that matter) into the ground.

    • @PM-gf1nj
      @PM-gf1nj 4 місяці тому +1

      Lost taught me a valuable lesson: people mostly just wing it.

  • @matthewgaudet4064
    @matthewgaudet4064 4 місяці тому

    If he makes something original that isn't a remake or remix, like if he has his auteur film or does something more adult like Spielberg, I'll watch it.

  • @johnjones3813
    @johnjones3813 4 місяці тому

    One, one!, of the problems with Abrams is that he starts projects and then hands them off to other people, presumably because he gets bored easily. Alias was a very good show for its time, and then it went way downhill. And good god don't me started on LOST. The first two seasons were incredible. Then it devolved into a total disastrous mess.

    • @thewerepyreking
      @thewerepyreking 4 місяці тому

      He wasn't even really involved in Lost past the initial production, iirc.

  • @jimmyboy131
    @jimmyboy131 4 місяці тому

    I remember back in the day the first time I watched Alias, I really liked it. Then some years later I rewatched it and didn't like it as much. But I tried getting into Lost, watched the first season, but could not even finish season two.
    Since then I've never been excited to see anything from Jar Jar.

  • @jeffreyseay7707
    @jeffreyseay7707 4 місяці тому

    When exactly was he put in? Hope this wasn't why Believe was canceled and still hasn't been put to physical. Honestly that is the only morally valuable show he ever did. Though in that he was actually the exec producer. Was he barred from that job as well?

  • @ayi1705
    @ayi1705 3 місяці тому

    Jar jar Abrams 😍

  • @skywalkersbutido6375
    @skywalkersbutido6375 4 місяці тому

    unfortunately for you indeed.

  • @robertkeller3835
    @robertkeller3835 4 місяці тому +1

    the first StarTrek was awesome and a miracle. will tell youtube to not reccomend you just for saying it's okay

    • @thewerepyreking
      @thewerepyreking 4 місяці тому +1

      It sucked. JJ Abrams has said multiple times in interviews that he never liked Star Trek growing up. You probably didn't either. You shouldn't enjoy vampires who only like to reuse old IPs because it saves them advertisement budget.

    • @robertkeller3835
      @robertkeller3835 4 місяці тому

      @@thewerepyreking star trek (2009) was grreat i love star trek fuck off weirdo

    • @robertkeller3835
      @robertkeller3835 4 місяці тому

      @@thewerepyreking get off your high horse star trek (2009) was a miracle and great movie

  • @wfm445
    @wfm445 4 місяці тому

    I'm not a fan he never creates anything original. He directs already established franchises. Super 8 was just copying 80s kids movies. He's not an auteur He's a hack. Most of his scripts are like fan fiction.