Liver and pancreatic enzymes explained | AST, ALT, GGT, ALP, Amylase & Lipase

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,1 тис.

  • @MedicosisPerfectionalis
    @MedicosisPerfectionalis  5 років тому +48

    ► 💊Antibiotics Lectures:
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    • @sofakingwetodddid1685
      @sofakingwetodddid1685 4 роки тому

      I went to hospital for a overdose and got told I got liver damage of six but I was drunk and been drinking for ten years just asking if you could help me understand what it means I will ring them tomorrow but if anyone can help thanks

    • @sofakingwetodddid1685
      @sofakingwetodddid1685 4 роки тому +1

      He also said it's usually .4 I cant find anything tho

    • @8191-m8t
      @8191-m8t 4 роки тому

      @@akashskolige9729 why does this happen?

    • @diegoalejandrogarciasanche7930
      @diegoalejandrogarciasanche7930 4 роки тому

      Many thanks, I been tryin to find out about "steatosis of liver symptoms" for a while now, and I think this has helped. You ever tried - Bachalaswin Better Body Rule - (should be on google have a look ) ? Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my partner got amazing success with it.

    • @PeliculasOnline2017
      @PeliculasOnline2017 4 роки тому +1

      This was great, thanks, I've been looking for "hepatitis disease" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you ever come across - Bachalaswin Better Body Rule - (should be on google have a look ) ? Ive heard some super things about it and my mate got excellent results with it.😎👍

  • @1073994
    @1073994 2 роки тому +242

    This was the clearest explanation of liver enzymes I have ever heard. The questions at the end really helped me understand the interpretations. Thank you so very much.

  • @kdub7176
    @kdub7176 3 роки тому +15

    Not a medical student but a worried Mom of 2 little boys.
    Because of my elevated ALT & AST, I was referred to a GI doctor last week. The sonogram showed a fibrosis liver. AND Unfortunately I have also experienced my first mild pancreatitis attack 4 days ago. After watching your video I have a better understanding of my lab work results. Thank you for this video! Thank you for taking time to explain and inform! Excellent video! Again thank you 🙏 .

  • @gkount_
    @gkount_ Рік тому +18

    This man just never misses. Every time I watch one of his videos, they're always both very detailed and always easy to comprehend

    • @MedicosisPerfectionalis
      @MedicosisPerfectionalis  Рік тому +1

      I am honored!
      Would you please help me by sharing my videos with others?

    • @gkount_
      @gkount_ Рік тому +1

      @@MedicosisPerfectionalis sure thing man

  • @pbp430
    @pbp430 Рік тому +3

    Man, You are Him.👏🏻❤️
    Wish Every Professor teach like you instead of just throwing mugged up words nd then showing off.
    From- UG MBBS student from India

  • @lisagonzalez2902
    @lisagonzalez2902 4 роки тому +41

    Super helpful, once again, especially because of the questions. For me it's been difficult to learn these enzymes and what they do and what it means when each one is elevated. It took me quite a few years to finally understand it now since your video helped me a lot. Thanks!

  • @yuvimap
    @yuvimap 4 роки тому +6

    This is one of the clearest youtube videos, I've seen on UA-cam. Just watched the first half in full speed to test myself. All the best to you!

  • @nithyasreesathyanarayanan5611
    @nithyasreesathyanarayanan5611 Рік тому +3

    I learnt this in a lecture a few months ago and I was still confused about diagnosing only by the given test results. Your video helped very much in refreshing my poor memory, thanks ❤

  • @melonaansah2373
    @melonaansah2373 2 роки тому +2

    OMG this video is the best gift I ever had this year. I was totally lost when I saw those alphabet on my mum lab results. From your video I now understand everything and the last eight questions help so much. Thanks

  • @nhlanhlambambo5990
    @nhlanhlambambo5990 3 роки тому +6

    2 years later...this vid just found another fan, i dont know if you still make em but i just subscribed without hasitating and looking forward to watching more...thank you Sir...all the way from South Africa🇿🇦🤝

    • @MedicosisPerfectionalis
      @MedicosisPerfectionalis  3 роки тому +2

      Thank you so much, dear!
      It means the world to me!
      Yes, I am still uploading new videos every week.

    • @lisatolliver2866
      @lisatolliver2866 3 роки тому

      @@MedicosisPerfectionalis I am having issues with my own issue, my liver enzymes are elevated. I stopped my meds and they are climbing higher. My ggt is slightly elevated, now my bilirubin and lipase are becoming elevated. Thank you for explaining these enzymes, it will make it easier for me when I go back to the doctor.

  • @GREENngrayZP
    @GREENngrayZP Рік тому +2


  • @garyomglol
    @garyomglol 4 роки тому +3

    What an amazing video. I'd served in the military and came home with PTSD. During my time overseas, I had right upper quadrant tightness/fullness and sharp pain on and off for about 3 years due to the stress I'd been through. I'm not a drinker and I never had liver issues before my time served. I went to military hospital where they gave me blood test for ALT and AST. Both were below 25 iu which were excellent numbers. Doctors gave me a clean bill of health and some prozac as I was also dealing with anxiety/depression. After my time served, I went for ultra sound where they said my liver didn't looked the "best", but they also found nothing wrong with it, and no recommendations were given. I later found a Chinese doctor whom practiced traditional Chinese medicine. Only after around one minute measuring my pulse with his fingers, he came to the conclusion that I had "blocked liver chi" translated to me as "the flow of energy to/from liver was blocked". I hadn't even told him what I had seen him for. He gave me medicine which "cleared" the blockage and I didn't have any more pain/tightness. Months would go by and this tightness would come back after I eat much greasy or lots of fried/ spicy food. I go to my western family doctor and had the ALT and AST test again along with cholesterol and triglycerides . All of these normal my Doc said. What do you think of this? My Family Doc refuse to send me to a specialist saying that if I had any issues that it will show up as elevated ALT and AST. In a way, he is right ..correct? What are your thoughts? Please advise, and thank you in advance.

    • @hillalex219
      @hillalex219 4 роки тому

      Sounds like a gallbladder issue. Choledocholithiasis or Cholecystitis . You’ll need to get an abdominal ultrasound

    • @hillalex219
      @hillalex219 4 роки тому

      A gallbladder issue which is obstructing your liver also can cause elevated ast and alt

  • @ritikgarg7646
    @ritikgarg7646 Рік тому +1

    It's been 5 years of med school, now these are crystal clears

  • @rachelalister7093
    @rachelalister7093 3 роки тому +18

    I honestly think this is the best explanation of LFTs. Thank you so much 💕

  • @jameshardin1100
    @jameshardin1100 2 роки тому +2

    I have cirrhosis of the liver, quit drinking last month. All enzymes are lowering fast. Currently: ALP 103, AST 50, ALT 18, Total Bilirubin 1.7 and going down. I’m hoping I can put in some good years.

  • @belizerdem1092
    @belizerdem1092 6 років тому +158

    wow you just summed up everything i was trying to learn in these two weeks for my gastrointestinal exam, thank youu

  • @MNVanny
    @MNVanny Рік тому +1

    I got 5 correct without cheating. I'm so happy and more energized and motivated to continue reading.

  • @annawright4545
    @annawright4545 2 роки тому +13

    That was absolutely outstanding! Thank you, so much. It is one thing knowing all the info and another getting it organized. What a difference has this made!

  • @pabloblanco2656
    @pabloblanco2656 3 роки тому +2

    Exceptional lecture. What about sky high unconjugated bilirubin and sky high total bilirubin but AST, ALT, ALP, GGT, LIPASE and AMYLASE ALL within range and 3 x 3 cm posterior hepatic adhesion ?
    Symptoms : yellow stool, jaundice and right quadrant pain just below liver, shortness of breath, unexplained rapid weight loss ? Gallbladder removed 7 years prior to becoming symptomatic.
    Over 17 ER doctors and 4 Gastroenterologists over a 2 YEAR span have not been able to figure it out.

  • @hannaclarke4658
    @hannaclarke4658 3 роки тому +12

    These videos make me happy. I find it such a relaxing way to learn - thank you!

  • @christinetran5800
    @christinetran5800 2 роки тому +2

    Metc mlt needs this as a resource because I sat through 6 hours of class without absorbing any of this information. And it took you significantly less time to explain it better

  • @rosegallus4048
    @rosegallus4048 3 роки тому +11

    Thank you.
    I had a very hard time understanding these, something which really made my Physiology and Biochemistry exams really hard back then.
    Happy to keep adding some more knowledge.

  • @jordand2939
    @jordand2939 2 роки тому

    Question for anyone who may be able to answer.
    In a case where patient has severe pancreatitis with high amylase and high lipase. Lipase is fluctuating 600/700 in this case. Amylase is also high but I don't have a specific value.
    Patient has severe bloating and fluid build up in the abdomen that is recurring after every paracentesis (draining). The fluid in the abdomen has high amounts of amylase.
    There are no ruptures in the pancreatic duct or bile duct. Pancreas does have various cysts as well.
    The question that can't seem to be answered is where does the fluid in the abdomen come from. Due to high amylase in the fluid in abdomen we believe it is somehow coming from the pancreas, just unsure how exactly.
    Additional note* Patient has low levels of Albumin.
    I welcome any and all theories. Thank you for those that may offer any insight.

  • @mariajoseporras6737
    @mariajoseporras6737 6 років тому +23

    Hi! I’m from Costa Rica and I’m a microbiology student! Your videos have helped me a lot with my hematology exams and now this one with my clinical biochemistry classes! Thank you very much 🙏🏼

    • @MedicosisPerfectionalis
      @MedicosisPerfectionalis  6 років тому +4

      Thanks a lot for this super nice comment...It touches my heart that my videos are helping...I wish you the best of luck! May I request that you share my video with others, please? Thanks again!

    • @mariajoseporras6737
      @mariajoseporras6737 6 років тому +2

      Medicosis Perfectionalis I’ve already done that 😅 with my study buddies haha thank you!

    • @MedicosisPerfectionalis
      @MedicosisPerfectionalis  6 років тому +2

      That’s amazing...I am truly speechless! Thanks a million!

  • @liveinreality1427
    @liveinreality1427 2 роки тому +1

    Omg!!!!! U r an angel.... ❣️💯 I can solve any clinical question from this topic now... It's all just because of you .... Love from India🇮🇳

  • @ivo3185
    @ivo3185 3 роки тому +4

    The questions were a great addition! They made the video great. Thank you for sharing

  • @anastasiaaa4094
    @anastasiaaa4094 8 місяців тому +1

    m doing my residency in Internal medicine, and you make everything easy for me understandable

  • @christinemcgrath7204
    @christinemcgrath7204 2 роки тому +22

    As a mother of children with rare diseases, I would really, really appreciate you educating the next generation of Dr's about low alk. Hypophosphatasia is being ignored and misdiagnosed b/c it's been taught for many, many years to disregard low levels. Hypophosphatasia is no joke, it's painful and can plague a patient their entire life. Please start explaining to figure medical providers that consistently low levels need to be investigated. Thank you.

  • @floriankordowske7341
    @floriankordowske7341 2 місяці тому +1

    I‘m stunded that I was struggling so much on something so simple for so long… this video was amazing, thank you 🔥

  • @payalnayak2176
    @payalnayak2176 4 роки тому +18

    Great lecture as always....We are really blessed to have a teacher like you. Stay safe.

  • @بلاهدفتشانل
    @بلاهدفتشانل Рік тому

    فخور بكونك مصري عندك قدره الشرح دي

  • @حارةاليوتيوب-ذ7ش
    @حارةاليوتيوب-ذ7ش 4 роки тому +4

    You are reserving your own place in the medicine teat hing industry (if I can name it so) and it’s gonna be a unique great platform just keep goinnng

  • @mta.nazari
    @mta.nazari 8 місяців тому +2

    Thank you very much! I never understood these stuffs until now I'm watching this video.

  • @gwen2410
    @gwen2410 3 роки тому +11

    wow after years of studying & forgetting i finally understood this now. the explanation was very clear, and the 8 questions at the end helped me understand more, thank you very much!

  • @tayyabaraees9825
    @tayyabaraees9825 Рік тому

    U have changed my hepatic enzyme approach forever, can't thank you enough. ❤

  • @knosis
    @knosis 5 років тому +3

    Awesome video! Thanks. I got 7/8. I got the last one wrong. The last one I said "pancreatitis with a bacterial etiology" ... This really cleared up a lot for me.

  • @trishgirard3497
    @trishgirard3497 4 роки тому +2

    I have watched your videos and they are so well understood by someone who isn't quite sure and is taking all this info in for the first time. Thank you so much for sharing your wealth of knowledge you have to share!

  • @haqzahoorul
    @haqzahoorul 3 роки тому +13

    Superb. I wish you were my teacher 40 years ago when I was a medical student 👏👏👏

  • @onelivingsoul2962
    @onelivingsoul2962 8 місяців тому +1

    One of the best Medical videos i have ever seen.

  • @tamaraconkova1365
    @tamaraconkova1365 3 роки тому +12

    You literally saved my life, so clear and easy to understand. Thank you !

  • @omernasir35
    @omernasir35 Рік тому +1

    Just saw the video once, got 7/8 questions and have gotten similar results on my Q bank! Loved it thank you.

  • @gibompotom8315
    @gibompotom8315 2 роки тому +3

    Sir, this video immensely helped me lot to understand the LFT test which I am going through these days. And sir, if you could tell me what exactly I have a problem in my liver, I will be always grateful to you, as I am sharing my LFT report here:
    Bilirubin-total = 1.0 mg%
    Bilirubin- Direct = 0.3 mg%
    Bilirubin- Indirect = 0.7 mg%
    SGPT = 36 IU/L
    SGOT = 64 IU/L
    Alkaline Phosphatase =485 IU/L
    Total Protein = 6.0 gm/dl
    Albumin = 3.4 gm/dl
    Globulin = 2.6 gm/dl
    Gamma GT = 25 U/L.
    Basically, now, I have no any bodily problems. But, psychologically I am very much disturbed. Please help me out.

    • @malikhumayun1236
      @malikhumayun1236 11 місяців тому

      Hey, did you find out what was causing your number?

  • @anastasiaaa4094
    @anastasiaaa4094 2 роки тому +1

    best video on liver enzymes. always come to this video if I forget anything. thank you

  • @emilianaleyva6411
    @emilianaleyva6411 5 років тому +26

    Incredible lecture, thank you!

    • @MedicosisPerfectionalis
      @MedicosisPerfectionalis  5 років тому

      My pleasure 😇...Thanks for watching!

    • @bonniestewart3722
      @bonniestewart3722 3 роки тому

      Thank you so much! I'm just a medical moron who's having as yet no definitive answers, but I just loved your presentation! Has anyone told you you're funny in a very dry way? 'WOW'.

  • @mysticperidot
    @mysticperidot Рік тому +2

    Nice explanation, I got sucked into learning this.. very simple, and kept me in loop. I had to pause video couple of times to process.. I got 6 correct, and I was very happy!!😀

  • @sameepthakuri9550
    @sameepthakuri9550 4 роки тому +10

    NGL, i avoided this channel because of the voice over but now that I paid attention to the content it was AMAZINGly summed up.

    • @MedicosisPerfectionalis
      @MedicosisPerfectionalis  4 роки тому +8

      Thank you so much for being such an open-minded person!
      Respect 👍👍

    • @sunainaaaa
      @sunainaaaa Рік тому

      Play it at 1.5 speed, it gets lot better.

  • @ralucajoia4791
    @ralucajoia4791 Рік тому

    I m in the first year in med university and this video is very useful for me. Ty!

  • @sidkun5455
    @sidkun5455 5 років тому +5

    one night before exam, these are just perfect plus the Cases you added.

  • @DonzLockz
    @DonzLockz 3 роки тому +2

    Excellent video. I just got let out of hospital. I had gallstones, sepsis and acute pancreatitis. Nearly died a few times, very bad experience. Also have a fatty liver, bad aorta valve and COPD which made o2 levels really bad. I'm just trying to understand all my blood tests and discharge reports. Thank you so much for the detailed info. Exactly what I need to help me. 🙏♥️👍🇦🇺

  • @AnaGomez-ce1nd
    @AnaGomez-ce1nd 11 місяців тому +1

    Only one without cheating !! Thanks and it is an excellent study

  • @fatmanursezgin6578
    @fatmanursezgin6578 4 роки тому +6

    thank you for your time and effort, i love the diagnosis part!

  • @VirtualStudyTogether
    @VirtualStudyTogether 11 місяців тому +1

    Thank you so much Sir. Was really very confused in these concepts. You cleared it all so beautifully 🙏 Thank you so much once again

  • @superakram5535
    @superakram5535 5 років тому +7

    I just thought that I should thank you... you make a difference....God bless you

  • @mdzafruddin5808
    @mdzafruddin5808 Рік тому +1

    Really very very helpfull. Now I'm able to understand this topic.
    Thanks a lot.

  • @drSJV
    @drSJV 2 роки тому +3

    Such a great explanation, thank you so much! Years of confusion just got dissolved 😅

  • @akhilsajeev8246
    @akhilsajeev8246 Рік тому +1

    Man you are a genius instructor!

  • @arishsyed4464
    @arishsyed4464 4 роки тому +4

    awesome lecture and the questions at the end made the lecture even more interesting! keep up the good work! Massive thanks! ❤

  • @jimmynyirenda4861
    @jimmynyirenda4861 3 місяці тому

    Best explanation in 8 minutes than my lecturer's 2hours

  • @syedsyamil3666
    @syedsyamil3666 4 роки тому +4

    Introduction song really brings the mood to study medical knowledge thankyou for the great videos!

  • @suleimanmoussa9377
    @suleimanmoussa9377 3 роки тому

    معلومات عظيمة. معلومات مفيدة جدا. الشرح بسيط ، واضح، ومفهوم. شكرا.

  • @Total_Body_Fitness_USA
    @Total_Body_Fitness_USA 2 роки тому +4

    Actually, both AST and ALT can be elevated due to extreme exercise and remain elevated for several days following the exercise. I see this frequently in my practice.

    • @Rgrrohit
      @Rgrrohit Рік тому +1

      SGOT-169, SGPT- 54, ALP-41, GGT-7, Bilirubin-2.59 Do you think my SGOT levels are high because of weight lifting? Because I dont consume alcohol and have a very balanced diet. And if my SGOT levels are rising due to intense workout what should be done to recover?

    • @Zincink
      @Zincink Рік тому

      Yeah I do not drink or ever take a Tylenol for years. I do exercise a lot with cardio and weights and my doctor said my numbers were elevated. Strange …

  • @Claudiannamani
    @Claudiannamani 2 роки тому +1

    I have an exam today and this is the first time I’m ever understanding this topic😍

  • @solid648
    @solid648 6 років тому +6

    Very good video. Thanks! Got 5 right. The acetaminophen toxicity one was new to me.

    • @MedicosisPerfectionalis
      @MedicosisPerfectionalis  6 років тому +1

      Great...I am so delighted that you are learning something new...Very well done...Thanks for your honesty...Good luck!

  • @mariammuqadas437
    @mariammuqadas437 4 роки тому +2

    Brooo you are life saver.
    Thousand prayers on your way💕

  • @CaptivaLP
    @CaptivaLP 4 роки тому +46

    Those "wow"`s were amazing :D

  • @RNHolly-vs9ct
    @RNHolly-vs9ct Рік тому +1

    first time ever learn this knowledge so easy , thank you

  • @jaspreethobbs1859
    @jaspreethobbs1859 5 років тому +12

    I don't know why this
    was in my recommendations but I watched it anyways. Will watch more :-)

    • @MedicosisPerfectionalis
      @MedicosisPerfectionalis  5 років тому +2

      Wow! Awesome 👏...Glad to have you 😊

    • @jaspreethobbs1859
      @jaspreethobbs1859 5 років тому

      @@MedicosisPerfectionalis thanks :-)

    • @KMCDM
      @KMCDM 5 років тому +2

      Because you have a liver problem statistically seen by your google search index. AI is a bitch!

  • @sultannasser3271
    @sultannasser3271 4 роки тому +2

    Due to your flawless teaching skills, I got all the question right

  • @yasemin5201
    @yasemin5201 5 років тому +5

    Got 7 out of 8, this was a very helpful vid, thanks!

  • @meissa2222
    @meissa2222 10 місяців тому +1

    hi, you are one of the best educators in medical arena . i got 7/8 correct
    by the way i want to pay for the whole year at once. tell me how please

  • @OwtlawVids
    @OwtlawVids 5 років тому +6

    one less subtopic to "wing it" on exams. Thanks so much

  • @jessicacopeland8358
    @jessicacopeland8358 2 роки тому +1

    Super helpful, thanks! I liked the quiz at the end, too

  • @mikekirchner7303
    @mikekirchner7303 5 років тому +8

    After strength training your ALT & AST can be elevated for up to 7 days! SO ask a person before sending them for a liver biopsy for no reason. like some doctors try SMH.........

  • @Hesbonful
    @Hesbonful 4 роки тому +2

    Hi, Medicosis perfectionalis- greetings all the way from under the rock village. I got all the 8 questions correctly by the time I was even doing the 3rd question. From under the rock here we use SGOT and SGPT... that's the secret...

  • @arvindt4078
    @arvindt4078 3 роки тому +3

    4:13 High ALP should be due to increased osteoclastic ( bone destruction ) activity
    Correct me if I’m wrong

    • @garyjamesstanton414
      @garyjamesstanton414 Рік тому

      The ALP comes from Osteoblasts creating bone. E.g. Broken bone = body makes new bone to fix it = increased ALP. The other example is bony Mets in cancer patients, where the cancer either eats away the bone (osteolytic) or causes abnormal osteoblast activity (osteoblastic/osteosclerotic) creating areas of abnormally formed bone which can break. Both of these involve increased osteoblast activity and therefore increased ALP.

  • @bre1263
    @bre1263 3 роки тому

    Thank you...please let no one ever convince u to stop doing are excellent at it.

  • @laurenpatterson1783
    @laurenpatterson1783 5 років тому +5

    this is the best. Thank you!!

  • @vaishnavaprakash
    @vaishnavaprakash 4 роки тому

    Thank you so much for the video. Very clear and crisp. I am a vet but this is very useful to me. Tanks again

  • @drarnabsamanta7293
    @drarnabsamanta7293 6 років тому +4

    Please explain about biliary pancreatitis

  • @SaifRehman-ir7mq
    @SaifRehman-ir7mq 29 днів тому

    Outstanding explanation really appreciated and also subscribed the channel

  • @naomihedley8602
    @naomihedley8602 3 роки тому +3

    Really great layout of information in such a practical way for us budding clinicians. I got 2 questions wrong tho but learnt so much!

  • @PedramV
    @PedramV Рік тому

    Your videos are amazing! So much so that I got 5 questions right as someone who's been watching your videos over the past year or so for fun and has nothing to do with medicine 😄

  • @omraz7864
    @omraz7864 6 років тому +3

    If your GGT is abnormal what does this mean what is GGT What's does it do in the liver?

    • @omraz7864
      @omraz7864 6 років тому

      @@lazymedic5988 if it's 8 u/l is it ok?

    • @gungagalunga9040
      @gungagalunga9040 4 роки тому +2

      High GGT is caused by a high carb diet. My stupid doctor didn't and probably still doesn't know. He asked me if i drank alcohol. Haven't drank in 15yrs. This lecture presents very obvious conditions however MOST doctors do not tell you or perhaps know that a high carb diet increases GGT . My GGt was 120 for years! I did a 4 month healthy keto diet and my GGT went from 120 to 22! ALT 100 to 25!!!

    • @ValentinaKajcinovska
      @ValentinaKajcinovska 9 місяців тому

      ​@@gungagalunga9040GGT is normal at 30-45

  • @Teams-ex7rd
    @Teams-ex7rd Рік тому

    Jaundice -where the CB is more elevated than the UCB AST and ALT -ALP is very high the GGT is very high -post hepatic -obstructive jaundice occurring during or after surgery in the billirubin. Meaning there was a surgery done that caused the obstruction of liver enzymes such as gallbladder removal or breaking down of gallbladder stones that can seep toxins outside of the gallbladder to the pancreas and other areas

  • @haderomar5636
    @haderomar5636 5 років тому +3

    I'm from egypt but really i love it thanks alot❤️

  • @mcbrow8409
    @mcbrow8409 11 місяців тому +1

    The most clear video i have seen ❤❤❤❤.

  • @omarmahmoudibraahim443
    @omarmahmoudibraahim443 4 роки тому +3

    i h've correct 6 question , thank you

  • @dr.sananesar958
    @dr.sananesar958 5 років тому +2

    1st of all thank u soo much for such a nice video.. I want to thank UA-cam for making ur videos accessible... And I got 5/8..🙂

  • @nazninanawaz8895
    @nazninanawaz8895 5 років тому +5

    7/8 acetaminophen toxicity was wrong. Thank you for your help May Allah bless you ameen

    • @MedicosisPerfectionalis
      @MedicosisPerfectionalis  5 років тому +1

      Thanks 🙏
      You too!
      You’re great 👍

    • @nazninanawaz8895
      @nazninanawaz8895 5 років тому +2

      I came to know about you very late I have my last professional in few days and I'm regretting why I didn't know about it before. Well keep going hope u help alot of people surely going to recommend you to my juniors

    • @fahadgondal7
      @fahadgondal7 4 роки тому

      I swear he’s amazing!

  • @hosp1tali3r
    @hosp1tali3r Місяць тому

    A huge thanks from France man

  • @hareecionelson5875
    @hareecionelson5875 4 роки тому +8

    "You see the medicine, Acetaminophen, oh girl"

  • @rishswamy1510
    @rishswamy1510 Рік тому +1

    keep up the good work, love from India. I am just an enthusiasts.

  • @RuvzLhang
    @RuvzLhang 5 років тому +3

    ano po normal na sgpt at sgot?

  • @snehakumari5136
    @snehakumari5136 Рік тому +1

    Perfection is the crown you own!

  • @زنكي
    @زنكي 5 років тому +6

    High carbohydrates diet, rise GGT...

  • @miranmuslem
    @miranmuslem Рік тому +2

    Thank you so much! Amazing video.

  • @kolyah22
    @kolyah22 5 років тому +3

    I love you

  • @pruthvidharmendra4541
    @pruthvidharmendra4541 3 роки тому +1

    Just wonderful concepts are very clear now after watching this

  • @aranjawankar7321
    @aranjawankar7321 4 роки тому +1

    Simplest explaination ...... thanx a lot ...... this was a huge help for solving mcqs ...... ✌🏻👌🏻

  • @Zain_altouka
    @Zain_altouka Рік тому +1

    I'm blessed to have a teacher like you 🤍♥️