Whereas Descartes said the mind and body had distinct substances. Locke relocated the rationality, which was traditionally associated with the soul, to the material brain; hence ushering in the age of modern materialism.
0:52 Don't you mean that Locke believes that all knowledge is based in experience? Descartes believes that all knowledge is innate. You know more about this than me so your confirmation or denial would be appreciated.
Very helpful video for class, thank you!
Thank you
Whereas Descartes said the mind and body had distinct substances. Locke relocated the rationality, which was traditionally associated with the soul, to the material brain; hence ushering in the age of modern materialism.
0:52 Don't you mean that Locke believes that all knowledge is based in experience? Descartes believes that all knowledge is innate. You know more about this than me so your confirmation or denial would be appreciated.
he most definitely does