Busta Rhymes - Calm Down ft. Eminem (REACTION!!!)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 2,4 тис.

  • @NoLifeShaq
    @NoLifeShaq  5 років тому +2182

    How tf is their 89 comments in 55 seconds 🤯

  • @M.B.C38
    @M.B.C38 4 роки тому +799

    "I sent it to Eminem with 16 bar verse. He sent it back with like 40. I sent back my verse with 45. He sends back 56. I sent mines back 62 bars. He sends back 66. I’m like are we making this record for consumers or we are just battling each other now? It's an art of emceeing" - Busta Rhymes on "Calm Down" 😆😆😆
    #bustarhymes #eminem #calmdown #newinterview

    • @TheLocalChurchExperience
      @TheLocalChurchExperience 4 роки тому +16

      😂😂😂 is that so?

    • @epprez
      @epprez 3 роки тому +40

      They need another track together soon

    • @jharm90
      @jharm90 3 роки тому +21

      i saw that interview i was dyin 😂

    • @MorrWorm8
      @MorrWorm8 3 роки тому +48

      I seen a comment that said “legend has it they are still sending bars back & forth to each other” haha

    • @playboyAZ520
      @playboyAZ520 3 роки тому +13

      @@TheLocalChurchExperience yea Busta did a interview saying that about this song 😂

  • @manolkalinov2195
    @manolkalinov2195 5 років тому +574

    This should be taught in school in the Quantum Physics of Lyricism class.

  • @phimuskapsi
    @phimuskapsi 5 років тому +342

    They went back and forth on this for almost a year when they were making it, both got super competitive.

    • @okiedokie2557
      @okiedokie2557 5 років тому +8

      Busta won by a mile

    • @ynkeefan77
      @ynkeefan77 5 років тому +21

      Busta knws Em be outdoing most ppl in their own records...renegade, dead wrong, patiently waiting....Em ain't no joke....

    • @dyls6052
      @dyls6052 4 роки тому +6

      Okie Dokie lol ur funny, em destroyed him to the ground

    • @el34glo59
      @el34glo59 4 роки тому

      @@okiedokie2557 😂

    • @curtisdickson6277
      @curtisdickson6277 4 роки тому +14

      This was close but busta edged him out. This coming from an em fan. Skills recognize skill

  • @zyonjackson5298
    @zyonjackson5298 5 років тому +246

    I like how he mentioned Biggie and proceeded to say “I’d be Dead Wrong”, as in the Biggie song he was featured on

  • @koaellis3115
    @koaellis3115 5 років тому +239

    Busta Busta!! This track with Emz is one of my favorite hype tracks ever and the story behind the friendly competition between these two legends while making this track is just pure Hip Hop magic bruh!

    • @jamesmrproducefordjr6555
      @jamesmrproducefordjr6555 4 роки тому +3

      Fr Fr🗣🗣🗣👌

    • @goodrum151
      @goodrum151 2 роки тому +1

      That track they did "hurt you" actually my fave but this a close close 2nd

    • @justicejakober5506
      @justicejakober5506 Рік тому +1

      This collaboration for them is better than I’ll hurt you.

  • @zainhameed786
    @zainhameed786 5 років тому +922

    B.O.B - Airplanes part 2 (feat. Eminem)
    Eminem - You’re never over

    • @barockobama5441
      @barockobama5441 5 років тому +14

      Shaq, you better do it or I'll make you breakdown every Em bar till' ya get a headache.

    • @tRaw828
      @tRaw828 5 років тому +13

      I’d be happy with any B.o.B honestly. Dude is so underrated! Elements mixtapes were good af!

    • @butterstotch181
      @butterstotch181 5 років тому +2

      Airplanes part 2 when coach reaches 1m

    • @Adr30M
      @Adr30M 5 років тому

      Sure this is next

    • @daviddavis8850
      @daviddavis8850 5 років тому +1

      @@tRaw828 truest comment ever

  • @rafaelfigueroa549
    @rafaelfigueroa549 5 років тому +197

    It took them almost A YEAR to make this because they kept sending verses back and forth trying to one up each other 👍

    • @andim.8788
      @andim.8788 4 роки тому +4

      Wat about Lil pump ft Lil xan

    • @rapartist9309
      @rapartist9309 4 роки тому +10

      Yeah busta had 2 16 bar verses em sent in a 42 bar verse so busta scrapped his 2 16s and wrote a 50 bar verse then when they went to mix em found out he wrote a 50 so em went and changed his verse

  • @Pandalover1982
    @Pandalover1982 3 роки тому +188

    "I'm happier than a child in a park chasing a duck when I'm chasing a buck" 😆 This has been one of my favorite colabs for so long I'm really glad you reviewed it! 😁

    • @Nr4747
      @Nr4747 2 роки тому +5

      The line is actually even smarter: "I got 'em happier than a child in a park chasing a duck" - which could mean "them" or "Em" xD

    • @mrsistyable
      @mrsistyable 2 роки тому

      Dude stop

    • @THEJAESTER718
      @THEJAESTER718 2 роки тому

      I was gonna highlight this bar from Busta too....shit is 🔥🔥🔥

  • @bigwillysgarage2301
    @bigwillysgarage2301 5 років тому +766

    Busta is in my opinion one of the most underrated 💯

    • @Jitzau
      @Jitzau 5 років тому +8

      @Darren Mcclean underrated by wannabe rappers trying to make a name for themselves even though they couldn't make a listenable song even if they ripped it from someone.

    • @josephlpz901
      @josephlpz901 5 років тому +3

      Yea wtf ????!!!! Dude shut up no one and they mother EVER !!!! Underated Busta hes STILL relevant til this day

    • @josephlpz901
      @josephlpz901 5 років тому +5

      Now if you wanna talk about someone who's REALLY GOOD and who was underrated that title for me would have to go to Ludacris !!!! 💯💯💯💯💯

    • @TheIdiotChallenege
      @TheIdiotChallenege 5 років тому +1

      LMFAO what? do you even know what underrated means?

    • @TheIdiotChallenege
      @TheIdiotChallenege 5 років тому +3

      @@josephlpz901 huh? Ludacris underrated? You don't even know what underrated means either

  • @kristiferrari1353
    @kristiferrari1353 5 років тому +140

    He said, WHY SO MUCH VIOLENCE!? 🤣😂 I just woke up my fiancee from laughing so hard

  • @demonz6668
    @demonz6668 5 років тому +697

    Busta : What in the fat fishes of a phenomenal Fahrvergnügen is Going On
    Shaq : I Don't Care What u said Busta u just Made That Up 🤣🤣🤣

    • @mr.travis9193
      @mr.travis9193 5 років тому +2

      Sofyan dEMON'z 😂😂😂😂

    • @claytonhilljr260
      @claytonhilljr260 5 років тому +6

      That had me dead🤣🤣

    • @celeste1737
      @celeste1737 4 роки тому +1

      Sofyan dEMON'z 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @markuspseidl2556
      @markuspseidl2556 4 роки тому +13

      Fahrvergnügen means driving pleasure in German...its out of a I think BMW comercial :)

    • @JesusismygoodShepard
      @JesusismygoodShepard 4 роки тому +3

      “Wtf was you thinking bout” 😂😂😂😭 I cried

  • @danieldavis2347
    @danieldavis2347 5 років тому +257

    Em said "me and Biggie gonna come out the laptop and kick the shit out of you. I was dead wrong."
    Em was on the Biggie's Dead Wrong remix with a 🔥 verse

    • @j8342
      @j8342 5 років тому +3

      Shaq already reacted to that

    • @jeremiahfyan
      @jeremiahfyan 5 років тому +1

      Wasnt a remix

    • @danieldavis2347
      @danieldavis2347 5 років тому +2

      @@jeremiahfyan It was. Em's verse isn't on the original Dead Wrong.

    • @jeremiahfyan
      @jeremiahfyan 5 років тому +4

      @@danieldavis2347 there is no original dead wrong. It was released after biggie died with em on it

    • @danieldavis2347
      @danieldavis2347 5 років тому +3

      @@jeremiahfyan There is a version with Biggie only and a version the Em as a feature. I have both.

  • @ragemac4619
    @ragemac4619 5 років тому +470

    I remember when you had to battle Busta Rhymes to get into Aftermath records

    • @beach9952
      @beach9952 4 роки тому +53

      Only real ones know what this guy is talking about

    • @hrh1tter06
      @hrh1tter06 4 роки тому +11

      Son... duke is sick!!

    • @neygonzalez9349
      @neygonzalez9349 4 роки тому +1

      Y yyy g g uh%gggggggg

    • @coltglenn7758
      @coltglenn7758 4 роки тому +5

      Yeah, I lost.

    • @emyf9197
      @emyf9197 4 роки тому +16

      I think this rule should still apply... Mumble rappers wouldn't exist lol

  • @ampfufus
    @ampfufus 5 років тому +88

    "I'm so full of self-esteem(steam) that I sweat fog"

  • @alexandreluis6592
    @alexandreluis6592 5 років тому +416

    React to Eminem - you're never over proof tribute 🔥

    • @stephengibson1247
      @stephengibson1247 5 років тому +11

      Gotta do Difficult by Eminem if he does this song

    • @juliantrejo1947
      @juliantrejo1947 5 років тому +2

      Alexandre Luis been wanting him to do this one but he hasn’t caught my comment

    • @shanecoleman
      @shanecoleman 5 років тому +1

      Definitely d this one.. straight barzzzz!

    • @fuhfuhfresh
      @fuhfuhfresh 5 років тому +3

      Has Shaq been sleeping on Busta?

    • @boutrosebba7258
      @boutrosebba7258 5 років тому +3

      Stephen Gibson he did but it got blocked

  • @rikeoffc4931
    @rikeoffc4931 5 років тому +173

    Eminem - fine line this is straight fire bro! storytelling

    • @vick7848
      @vick7848 5 років тому +3

      I just heard that for the first time last week and it's catchy af

    • @finbass5764
      @finbass5764 5 років тому +1

      yeah bro

  • @ericpark9983
    @ericpark9983 5 років тому +162

    Coach react to "Rap Game" by D12 feat 50 Cent and "Never Enough" by Em feat 50 and Nate Dogg, those joints stupid fire

    • @1ddenis1
      @1ddenis1 5 років тому +4

      50 cent and eminem collabs all are pure fire, i really really wish shaq gonna do them eventually

    • @Dezzyyx
      @Dezzyyx 5 років тому

      Man I love both of them!

    • @JimmyJayJunior
      @JimmyJayJunior 5 років тому

      Yeah good shout

    • @hvadman8827
      @hvadman8827 5 років тому +1

      Eric Park and my words are weapons by D12

  • @LonelyxNinja
    @LonelyxNinja 5 років тому +49

    if you cant tell after he said "time to go back in time" he went through his flows from his career

  • @robertoliver3901
    @robertoliver3901 5 років тому +92

    Him sayin hes 8..is his way of saying hes INFINITE..hes TIMELESS..like he said on his INFINITE album

    • @romaknafel4116
      @romaknafel4116 4 роки тому +1

      Ohhh got it now, thanks man

    • @mushinjedi6526
      @mushinjedi6526 4 роки тому

      oh shit!

    • @brian95240
      @brian95240 3 роки тому

      Thanks bro. That's a slick bar that alot of us missed.

    • @dyronmccauley1305
      @dyronmccauley1305 3 роки тому +1

      Ok i thought he meant he was 8 mile but your interpretation was dope

  • @DesiRapBattles
    @DesiRapBattles 5 років тому +167

    Eminem - You're Never Over
    You gotta see this Coach.
    it's about Proof ✌️

    • @calebmikel3743
      @calebmikel3743 5 років тому +2

      Awsome song bro

    • @ronanwalker6859
      @ronanwalker6859 5 років тому +1

      And difficult

    • @stephengibson1247
      @stephengibson1247 5 років тому +1

      Gotta do Difficult if he does this song

    • @calebmikel3743
      @calebmikel3743 5 років тому

      @@stephengibson1247 yes it is amazing song check it out if you haven't heard it

    • @Danny-hz7yd
      @Danny-hz7yd 5 років тому

      Ronan Walker he said a while ago he reacted to difficult and it got taken down straight away

  • @sergioh2015
    @sergioh2015 5 років тому +454

    6:59 "is my mind scrambled, cause I'm lit." Im lit, omelette... anybody?

    • @Diggity_Senpai
      @Diggity_Senpai 5 років тому +38

      Damn bro.. I've been jammin this song a while now and you just helped me out with that line

    • @stefanbalint2352
      @stefanbalint2352 5 років тому +11

      "am I fried, cuz my mind scrambled" 😂😂

    • @avisco01
      @avisco01 5 років тому +13

      sergio hernandez Eggcellent

    • @blaat.n
      @blaat.n 4 роки тому +1


    • @peterg644
      @peterg644 4 роки тому +4

      Doc rich got it the first time lol

  • @viktorsoderhielm5401
    @viktorsoderhielm5401 5 років тому +122

    React to Eminem - Drips! it is so fire Obie trice kills his verse

    • @datfoodylan6054
      @datfoodylan6054 5 років тому +3

      Viktor Söderhielm . Hell yeah I been trying this one for a minute 🔥🔥

    • @bigmac8299
      @bigmac8299 5 років тому +3

      Up this shit to 1000 I'm ready to hear homie react to obies verse lol

    • @TheChaingangmember50
      @TheChaingangmember50 5 років тому

      I've been waiting for this one forever

    • @mysticruin6043
      @mysticruin6043 5 років тому +1

      I buss a FAT ASS NUT.

  • @ganeshvaradharajan5325
    @ganeshvaradharajan5325 4 місяці тому +3

    “Skip with Thou…art” Thou art! Damn Busta!

  • @knoxbom3274
    @knoxbom3274 4 роки тому +19

    Busta rhymes has always been one of my favorites due to the speed of his barz And Em is ridiculously fast and crazy barz. so 2 tracks with EM that I know of these 2 legends are the dynamic duo and definitely want more of them 2

  • @mrsflapjacks-9712
    @mrsflapjacks-9712 5 років тому +633

    Y’all don’t give enough credit to Busta Rhymes smh 🤦‍♀️

    • @TheDreserDeviant69
      @TheDreserDeviant69 5 років тому +33

      true,true....He is TOP 10 mc of all time in my book

    • @darynglover9325
      @darynglover9325 5 років тому +28

      @@TheDreserDeviant69 I agree, honestly busta rhymes top 5 to me

    • @38kal
      @38kal 5 років тому +5

      @@TheDreserDeviant69 minds too

    • @RGTitan901
      @RGTitan901 4 роки тому +12

      Us real hip hop heads do give Bus a Bus his credit my G. Ijs.

    • @sackthebastard
      @sackthebastard 4 роки тому +8

      I see way more comments giving Busta props than not but okay lol

  • @nemanjabujisic3520
    @nemanjabujisic3520 5 років тому +81

    "Is my mind scrambled,cause I'm lit(Omelette)" 🔥

  • @timetraveler3040
    @timetraveler3040 5 років тому +47

    Eminem - Shady XV lyrics

  • @judsonrose2298
    @judsonrose2298 5 років тому +43

    I appreciate your appreciation of this highly underrated track. The command of lyricism and flow to the point of being able to toy with it really is amazing.

  • @descendantofchaoscontrover7046
    @descendantofchaoscontrover7046 4 роки тому +16

    Had to revisit this reaction after watching the Busta Rhymes interview speaking on the process of how this all came together

  • @lowkz4565
    @lowkz4565 5 років тому +266

    Yooo shaq you need to react to Drama setter by tony yayo ft Eminem and obie trice

  • @iLLWiLL510
    @iLLWiLL510 5 років тому +90

    "Love Me" from the 8 Mile Soundtrack, Eminem, Obie Trice, 50 cent

    • @Ccastick
      @Ccastick 4 роки тому

      One of my favorite track ever 🤯

  • @phlyphan1083
    @phlyphan1083 5 років тому +111

    Eminem, Stat Quo, 50 and Obie: Spend Some Time! It's relationship storytelling! Please coach.

    • @florapirie111
      @florapirie111 5 років тому

      PhlyPhan yes !! my man , some real shit . not this bob airplanes shit

    • @bompton84
      @bompton84 5 років тому

      Haven't heard that song in a minute

    • @PsyOnFps
      @PsyOnFps 5 років тому

      It's literally in my playlist top 20 songs lol

  • @brian95240
    @brian95240 3 роки тому +25

    Honestly, both verses sounded great. They each brought their own strength and gave us all lyrical options to enjoy. I believe some chose one over the other due to stylistic preference. Others probably decided over which punchlines they felt more. This one was too tough for me to chose a clear winner.

  • @rebeccahopkins9522
    @rebeccahopkins9522 3 роки тому +15

    Em is still here. And I'm A huge fan of Em. But I miss the days of busta's crazy ass 😂 that manic energy, that psycho, intense vibe, unorthodox word use, just loved him ❤ story behind this track is great too. Look it up to its worth it.

  • @immattyice7669
    @immattyice7669 5 років тому +116

    Eminem - Invasion 1, 2 and 3 diss tracks 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 you’re sleeping Shaq!

  • @maxkellerman6215
    @maxkellerman6215 5 років тому +20

    If I get locked up Eminem 🔥

  • @MikeDiggity
    @MikeDiggity 5 років тому +91

    Yo Shaq! You're killin this reaction shit!! Thank you and Keep up the good work!
    Also, Eminem - Just Rhymin With Proof, is a pretty rare freestyle and it's dope! Just sayin....Peace!

    • @averagejoewithstufftoknow2242
      @averagejoewithstufftoknow2242 5 років тому +1

      He already reacted to it he found it on his own

    • @MikeDiggity
      @MikeDiggity 5 років тому

      Na dogg. That was the one with eminem in the car with proof in the window freestyling. I mean the one when they freestyle at skyrock radio yo.

    • @clipsedrag13
      @clipsedrag13 5 років тому


    • @MikeDiggity
      @MikeDiggity 5 років тому

      It's called, just rhymin with proof.

  • @Supes97
    @Supes97 5 років тому +266

    -I'll Hurt You : Busta killed it
    -This track : Em killed it

    • @llogo1306
      @llogo1306 4 роки тому +66

      Nah busta bodied this shit

    • @dyls6052
      @dyls6052 4 роки тому +22

      Llogo Sounds 😂😂 Busta was no where near em

    • @Hugh-mongis
      @Hugh-mongis 4 роки тому +24

      I dunno bro honestly I think that’s the only song that eminem had the weaker verse, and I’m not saying that busta is better I know eminem could’ve done better but busta went wild on that one still good song all around

    • @sexiniki19
      @sexiniki19 4 роки тому +36

      I am an em fan, but busta got this one.. em killed I'll hurt you. My opinion

    • @tofuteh2348
      @tofuteh2348 4 роки тому +9

      @@Hugh-mongis busta didnt really... say much. Em was talking nonsense too but there were more punchlines and he switches his flows. Always liked this bustas voice and speed but the lyrics werent the best imo

  • @trishathompson5136
    @trishathompson5136 4 роки тому +17

    Shaq, "What is the motive? I'm about to start playing first 48 in here. What is the motive?"...dyin...No Life Shaq is the KING of ad-libs!!! That's tough!! Keeps me coming back all day, every day! Congrats on the Em tweet my guy! You deserve the recognition. NOONE get's me hyped up like you watching an Em reaction!!

  • @BuzzcraftWoW
    @BuzzcraftWoW 5 років тому +182

    3:15 phenomal "fahrvergnügen", it is a german word, meaning "driving pleasure" your welcome

    • @comegetthathitter6935
      @comegetthathitter6935 5 років тому +5

      It was a car model as well, wasn't it? Didn't know what the word meant though, thanks.

    • @potte2314
      @potte2314 5 років тому +3

      That line in the song is my favorite

    • @andyloy7809
      @andyloy7809 5 років тому +9

      @@comegetthathitter6935 it's the old German slogan for Volkswagen

    • @matthewblackwood4704
      @matthewblackwood4704 5 років тому +2

      Yeah back when I was growing up it was Volkswagens slogan.

    • @matthewblackwood4704
      @matthewblackwood4704 5 років тому +2

      @@comegetthathitter6935 no it was an advertising slogan from Volkswagen

  • @saadas526
    @saadas526 5 років тому +131

    Coach react to no favors by big sean featuring eminem dope em verse

  • @minalsalam2426
    @minalsalam2426 5 років тому +21


  • @LtFrankDrebin100
    @LtFrankDrebin100 4 роки тому +10

    Busta had like 7 layers of bars going the whole time. Shit was like one of those cakes that make the judges cream their jeans on the Great British Bake Off.

  • @cl-audio322
    @cl-audio322 5 років тому +5

    "Roar Roar, Like a dungeon dragon"!!!! That's my guy, Busta, where you at right now!!!!

  • @trini_ray2730
    @trini_ray2730 5 років тому +24

    ....yo man congratulations! Your subs climbing faster than fuel prices.

  • @AlexMe7o
    @AlexMe7o 5 років тому +48

    Mann you make me laugh so much when you say " what is he talking about " 😂😂😂 2:50

    • @el34glo59
      @el34glo59 4 роки тому

      I fucking pissed myself there

  • @yztrailryder
    @yztrailryder 5 років тому +19

    I love when busta gets like this. He can be hilarious.

  • @colossalthadon8161
    @colossalthadon8161 5 років тому +61

    So nobody caught them "powering up"? Busta when he said "A LA LA LA" and Em "Maybe to take them back into time"
    The mario sound effect.

    • @budbudpoop
      @budbudpoop 4 роки тому +2

      Dammm I just caught that🤣

    • @chocsonbronx7117
      @chocsonbronx7117 3 роки тому

      I guess if you think that ur hearing it and you force urself to hear it then yea but its definitely not there

    • @colossalthadon8161
      @colossalthadon8161 3 роки тому

      @@chocsonbronx7117 you must be bored

    • @chocsonbronx7117
      @chocsonbronx7117 3 роки тому

      @@colossalthadon8161 not really, u jus made a definitively shitty observation and i corrected on it

    • @iitstre_4550
      @iitstre_4550 3 роки тому

      @@chocsonbronx7117 No, you could for sure argue that it’s a Mario sound effect. I mean it’s not hard to emulate the sound. I’m not saying the guy is right, but for you to call it a shitty observation is objectively as shitty as you claims OP’s to be. So… maybe think a little more before you just decide to be a douche, cool?

  • @johngrant7218
    @johngrant7218 5 місяців тому +1

    Busta is my favorite rapper. The fact that he stepped up knowing he's on a track with Shady and it's a back and forth and this is not the original makes me proud.

  • @SteveFuks
    @SteveFuks 5 років тому +32

    D12 - Revelation , Coach you need to do this one its insane !

  • @bluehefner1009
    @bluehefner1009 5 років тому +145

    Bro React to We all die one day by Obie trice, lloyd banks, eminem and 50cent... been asking this alot😊

    • @Kim-rf5et
      @Kim-rf5et 5 років тому +1

      Been asking for months he will get to them all

    • @ismail10_02
      @ismail10_02 5 років тому +2

      The wrong comments get to the top... 🙄

    • @ismail10_02
      @ismail10_02 5 років тому +1

      People like "funny" Eminem songs. I like the other side of Em'

    • @BUDDAz1g
      @BUDDAz1g 5 років тому

      Dope ass song

    • @dumbeldore9067
      @dumbeldore9067 5 років тому

      Been asking for this and drama setter

  • @AstaIsAMonster
    @AstaIsAMonster 5 років тому +24

    Yooo!! I never heard of this track before Shaq so thanks for doing this reaction because this track is 🔥

  • @errolseverin3380
    @errolseverin3380 3 роки тому +51

    Busta BODIED that! His energy, delivery and barz are otherworldly. EMINEM did his thing but BUSTA...

    • @dredfurst06
      @dredfurst06 2 роки тому +3

      Yeah I agree they both killed it though

    • @theghostofthomasjenkins9643
      @theghostofthomasjenkins9643 2 роки тому +9

      em had the lyrical ability as usual, but no one can match busta's energy level.

    • @onurbole7921
      @onurbole7921 Рік тому +8

      I think Eminem knows that nobody can match Busta's energy so when they collab he doesn't compete in that department, he intentionally stays calmer and creates contrast. That also applies in "I'll Hurt You," for instance.

    • @Ertwas17
      @Ertwas17 11 місяців тому

      @@theghostofthomasjenkins9643Tupac and dmx are the only equals

  • @Clouds12012
    @Clouds12012 6 місяців тому +2

    Lmfao 🤣 😭🤣😭 "what in the what in the what in the what!?" That part was a good reaction. That bar was the best in the whole song too

  • @noahdoran4365
    @noahdoran4365 5 років тому +18

    Coach we need Airplanes part 2 (ft Em) and WORDS ARE WEAPONS D12 it's the TUFFEST hype up track around, crazy Bizarre verse too

  • @johnmurphy6496
    @johnmurphy6496 5 років тому +52

    Please react to “ say what you say “Eminem and Dre ( Jermaine Dupri Diss)

  • @theenlargedyee6012
    @theenlargedyee6012 5 років тому +147

    Cant wait to see Shaq react to em insulting music critics
    He said “I’d be dead wrong” because em has a song with biggie called dead wrong

    • @usuallyclueless4477
      @usuallyclueless4477 5 років тому +13

      he's already reacted to that before, i think

    • @erty2389
      @erty2389 5 років тому +1

      THE ENLARGED YEE he said he eould jump out the laptop with big before that aswell

    • @theenlargedyee6012
      @theenlargedyee6012 5 років тому

      Erty that’s.... why I wrote the comment.

    • @rafthethinker4948
      @rafthethinker4948 5 років тому

      He's been done it

    • @sergioh2015
      @sergioh2015 5 років тому

      @@rafthethinker4948 hes talking about the bar guys

  • @capivara23
    @capivara23 4 роки тому +1

    Busta is so old he said Fahrvergnügen..So tight...it was a commercial back in the day. People mover

  • @Dezzyyx
    @Dezzyyx 5 років тому +11

    "Eminem - Ridaz" - Entire song about a street brawl! You gonna love this Coach.

  • @Enzoskii87
    @Enzoskii87 5 років тому +9

    I love this song your reaction kills me bro
    How they make a whole song saying nothing and it makes sense #GOATSTATUS

  • @theunrealshady4704
    @theunrealshady4704 5 років тому +60

    React to Eminem- Remember Me (Marshall Mathers LP)
    PLEASE coach

  • @lukebowden3618
    @lukebowden3618 5 років тому +74

    Yes shaq big shout from England loving your videos bro

    • @brent3785
      @brent3785 5 років тому +5

      Uk for the win my G

    • @lukebowden3618
      @lukebowden3618 5 років тому +2

      @@brent3785 UK is killing it bro

    • @brent3785
      @brent3785 5 років тому +3

      Noone is doing it like the UK bro everyone taking are flows and shit aha why do you think my man Shaq is kill the UK reaction respect to all my UK dons

    • @bossmangoodson673
      @bossmangoodson673 5 років тому +1

      Wtf?!!! You all the way in the UK bruh?!!! Muuuuuccchhhh respect Bret 😏💯#Carolinashit

    @ANARABWHOWANTSPEACE 8 місяців тому +1

    Shaq reacting to Busta R talking for just talking like who heart you 😂😂😂
    7:24 Em broke Shaq 😂🤣

  • @jordanoldenburg601
    @jordanoldenburg601 5 років тому +2

    Busta always spit crazy lyrics. All the back to leaders of the new school, and guest spots with tribe.

  • @DrumRaisin
    @DrumRaisin 5 років тому +24

    One of the most 🔥 Busta features is Craig Mack - Flava in ya ear remix w/ Notorious as well as LL Cool J

    • @ciarrajohnson3849
      @ciarrajohnson3849 4 роки тому

      Drum Raisin RIP BET☹️☹️ Memories of a time of music before social media (Had that video on tape, I believe)👊🏿👊🏿

  • @seancooper4265
    @seancooper4265 4 роки тому +11

    Break Down “Dead Wrong” The Notorious B.I.G ft. Eminem
    Track is sick!!!
    Busta a beast & Em toying with the industry

  • @sethisawsom
    @sethisawsom 5 років тому +108

    Busta went back and added more bars after hearing ems verse in this. True facts.

    • @quitetheordinaryguy1195
      @quitetheordinaryguy1195 5 років тому +39

      So did eminem.(it took damn near 6 months to complete this track because of the back and forth)

    • @chriswallace1642
      @chriswallace1642 5 років тому +14

      Busta killed this

    • @DeeJoyce
      @DeeJoyce 5 років тому +28

      They both added bars back & forth for almost a year...is what I've heard in interviews. So I'm not sure why you made a failed attempt to create a fake narrative...that Busta didn't play fair. They both share the same type of crazy energy! That's what makes this so damn dope! RAP SOULMATES! They're GOATS....MAD GENIUSES! Storch & Dre are talented technicians!

    • @domesticpigeon2896
      @domesticpigeon2896 4 роки тому +4

      Yeah. Because Busta made a 16 bar verse and Em made a 32 bar verse. So Busta made a 34 bar verse. There's a version of Busta's original 16 bar verse called "Calm Down 2.0"

    • @GamingStar1995
      @GamingStar1995 4 роки тому +5

      @@domesticpigeon2896 Busta said he made 16. Em did 32, Busta doubled that and made 50 sum bar according to him. But by the time he was finished it was 64. doubling EM. Months later em did 128. And Busta was in the middle of making over 200 bars but he called EM and said we gotta get this out to the people or it'll be a 20 minute song.

  • @nariimarekino4672
    @nariimarekino4672 4 роки тому +5

    When he had mentioned & I quote "We will see, on the next episode of DBZ"
    I was like.. HELL YEA LET'S GET IT!

  • @cheetahohdeer9976
    @cheetahohdeer9976 3 роки тому +3

    Busta is always lyrically and creatively 10 years ahead.

  • @immattyice7669
    @immattyice7669 5 років тому +11

    We All Die One Day - Obie Trice ft. Eminem & G-Unit 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @cyrax5628
    @cyrax5628 5 років тому +9

    Eminem - Fine Line

  • @Dipskin248
    @Dipskin248 5 років тому +6

    Em is on Biggie's song "Dead Wrong" which explains the laptop line

  • @Tonybagofdonuts79
    @Tonybagofdonuts79 4 місяці тому +1

    Your reactions are the best man..realest

  • @midnight2853
    @midnight2853 2 роки тому +1

    Crazy !!! Greatness 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯

  • @Bwall1020
    @Bwall1020 5 років тому +57

    Eminem "Nut Up" unreleased track from Relapse 2.

    • @integra91ah
      @integra91ah 5 років тому +4

      Not worth it. It's really not all that good.

    • @K-Dot94
      @K-Dot94 5 років тому +1

      2SHAYNEZ the hooks pretty good the 2nd verse is nice but the other 2 verses were eh

    • @JayK07
      @JayK07 5 років тому

      Might as well just because

    • @integra91ah
      @integra91ah 5 років тому

      @@K-Dot94 I didn't care for it. Its ok... He can do better.

    • @Bombsaway1
      @Bombsaway1 5 років тому

      It’s a calm track I like it

  • @mrMichel19862009
    @mrMichel19862009 5 років тому +32

    How many likes for a reaction of THE WEEKEND FT EMINEM - THE HILLS
    Coach!! You gotta do it!! It's a tuff one!

  • @Speedyreedy1218
    @Speedyreedy1218 5 років тому +5

    Busta and Missy Elliott are probably king and queen of using interjections in their flow. They can drop bars with noises. ☺

  • @stantaylor6223
    @stantaylor6223 5 місяців тому +1

    Im over here 😂😂☠️☠️ Bust is one of my favorite rappers and a lot of times I dont know what he's talking about either, but they bars tho🔥🔥😂☠️

  • @Matt-zp1jn
    @Matt-zp1jn 4 роки тому +13

    Both guys killed it. Busta with his energy, flow, sound effects, and loud-hard in your face style, and Em with his lyricism, bars, upfront attack, punchlines, more cogent understandable verses. It’s near impossible to beat Busta on energy flow etc which is not what Em was trying to do. They both complimented each other and the whole song track as a whole. It’s a draw imo. Otherwise it’s 51-49 Em win for lyricism, bars, punchlines, attack etc, and Busta maybe 51-49 if you judge by energy, flow, outrageousness etc. It’s a pretty fair battle imo. If I had to choose I would pick Em by a hair, like Em 50.5-49.5 Bus, but it’s not to take away from either of them. Props to both for a great track! 🎤🎼🎤

  • @whatagain5739
    @whatagain5739 5 років тому +35

    React to eminem redman off the wall

  • @lukehendrickson3200
    @lukehendrickson3200 5 років тому +4

    "Y'all might wanna leave him alone. He's talkin some crazy stuff!"
    That's tough

  • @olinney
    @olinney 4 роки тому +3

    One of THE MOST underrated songs EVER!!

  • @bheid1188
    @bheid1188 Рік тому +1

    Baaaaaaars after bars after bars!!!!! Both Busta and Em!!!

  • @dornomac
    @dornomac 5 років тому +3

    The rare NLS em reaction i missed! Glad i found it after falling down a busta bus rabbit hole;] Awesome as always, Coach!

  • @paulovictordejesusmoraes9641
    @paulovictordejesusmoraes9641 5 років тому +37

    Hey, could you react to Can You Keep Up- Busta rhymes ft . Twista?

  • @PedroPereira-pj4ph
    @PedroPereira-pj4ph 5 років тому +92

    Eminem - We made You
    You gotta react to this, please shaq, the video is very funny😂😂😂

  • @CarlyRonq
    @CarlyRonq 5 років тому +4

    That beat demanded some crazy spitting to go down. Those two were tearing it up! 🔥You made me lmao as usual. 🤣

  • @joshuatmanion8010
    @joshuatmanion8010 10 місяців тому +2

    Farfenugen was a word used by Volkswagon in a marketing campaign, like Mazda had Zoom Zoom

  • @harleypaynter5848
    @harleypaynter5848 Рік тому +1

    Bro the leinenkugels dog on the ad is the bro I never had lol anyone bringing a beer to me is a friend but that dog came in clutch he's family lol

  • @Jimik1995
    @Jimik1995 5 років тому +5

    you the best reaction channel, not just music, in any genre of reaction haha

  • @sandervdvelde
    @sandervdvelde 5 років тому +66

    My guy, please react to Eminem - Encore ft Dr Dre and 50 Cent
    Have a nice day

    • @arhamboy8149
      @arhamboy8149 5 років тому

      Its My Favourite Outro💥💥💥

    • @michaeloh000
      @michaeloh000 5 років тому

      Marshall Mathers and The Slim Shady Story: ua-cam.com/video/RjsZASYVNKM/v-deo.html
      Comments by 50 Cent, Ice Cube and Doctor Dre

  • @darebel9362
    @darebel9362 5 років тому +7

    The Message, Grand Master Flash and the Furious Five! Come on coach!

  • @Wilcox3
    @Wilcox3 Рік тому +2

    I love the story about how busta and Eminem went back and forth with their versus for the song before they mixed it together.

  • @derekpruitt6163
    @derekpruitt6163 2 місяці тому +1

    Some of the best lyrics ever 💯 both impressed me with cadence switches I don't think I have ever heard. 🔥

  • @nicnac9443
    @nicnac9443 5 років тому +10

    O shit! I slept on this one and this reaction, idk how I miss this! Won't miss you again though 😘

  • @benjamindyke3325
    @benjamindyke3325 5 років тому +5

    Interesting fact - Busta Rhymes presented his verse to Eminem in the hopes of Em putting a verse on the song and he did and right before, when the song was going to be released, Em called it off, rewrote and re-recorded his verse because he thought he wasn’t matching Busta Rhymes’s energy with his original verse. And here we are with that product🙌🏼🙌🏼

    • @LeonCamero
      @LeonCamero 3 роки тому +1

      That's not correct. Busta explained it.

  • @ljwright9823
    @ljwright9823 5 років тому +7

    C'mon Shaq, you just hearing Buster Rhyme spit ? When Buster Rhyme, bust a rime' he goes off all the time" that boi cold.

  • @genocorporation6044
    @genocorporation6044 4 роки тому +1

    Busta and Em together is like lava and fire mix with the wildness of the jungle. Blazing heat.

  • @arionmreyman
    @arionmreyman 2 місяці тому +2

    See, this is what happens when 2 of the greatest rappers alive get on the same track and verse for verse try to match each other's energy. Holy fuck. I don't know if I love it or hate it.