由于收到版权方的要求,我只能将此视频华晨宇演唱的部分静音,非常的遗憾 如果大家想看完整版可以移步B站 链接如下 www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Hf4y1m7Gd/ Due to the request from the copyright owner, I can only mute the part of the videos sung by Hua Chenyu, which is a pity. If you want to see the full version, please click the link above Sorry
Hello, thank you very much for providing this in-depth analysis of this song. We are interested in being able to translate and subtitle all your analyzes into the works of Hua Chenyu into Spanish Thank you very much.
@@phl3429 Thank you! Actually, I would like to be able to add the subtitles in your own video, in your own channel, and thus share your own video, with subtitles in Spanish.But we can also upload it to our channel, with due reference to your channel. Thank you!!!
Focus on music is meaningful only if it is n comes out the genuine choice n performance of EVERY singer but not just the chosen one(s) for predetermined set up ! We feel shameful !
Wow, a very detailed analysis of the song. I thought I understand this song about 80%. After your analysis, I realised I only understood 40%. Now I can say I am at 80%. HCY is a real artiste and philosopher. Thank you.
This is the best and most thought out breakdown I've seen of this song. I've heard this song before but had a completely different interpretation the first time I heard it. I really enjoyed this video, thank you so much. I hope people can appreciate the audacity of the song and how it seems to swim upstream, rather than the outcome of the Singer show. Thank you!
Man, the guy is truly an artist. As always, his songwriting is just sublime, truly genius bordering on madness (madness bordering on genius?). This was a very interesting analysis. Usually I can generally understand a song even without a deep analysis of the content, but with this song I really needed to read some comments to fully understand it.
Music is poetry is art is philosophy is mythology is spirituality is introspection is exploration is personal is universal is joy is sadness is wonder is expression is flawed is perfect is a bridge, a doorway, an invitation, a light. Hua Hua is unique. I feel so much joy listening to his songs. He demonstrates pain and struggle but equally inspires their transcendence. He bravely and generously invites us on our own journey of understanding. Grateful thanks once again for your insightful interpretation. You too are part of the bridge. 🙏 🇦🇺
Kc Wong 太认同你的想法,花花的痛苦来自于不喜欢他的人,不喜欢他没关系,不过有的也太过分了,这首歌就是他,佩服他的自我剖析,这是要多大的勇气呀!真的,对不喜欢他的人而言,确实是忠言逆耳,音乐应该是包容性的,我们可以不喜欢某种曲风,但请不要诋毁他人,不要人身攻击,不要残踏他人提高自己喜欢的,做个有素质的歌迷吧。华晨宇一直都被推上浪口风尖,相信他的内心足够强大,他足够善良,他能做到海纳百川,所以这首歌最后那一声有旋律的嘶喊是有意义的,这首歌绝了!他获得歌王是绝对名副其实,当之无愧。
Wow wow wow! Such a great reaction and sharing, 👍👏❤️! I didn’t expect that you really go deep into this “documentary song” in such a short time and thank you so much for your comprehensive sharing. What amazed me that HCY could geniusly put into music the very difficult topic (these also are experiences of a thinker, one used to have in the process of beginning practice meditation), I wish that one day he would find time and having predestined to read Abhidhamma then he could write another song not only with 7 personalities but at least 52 to make it easier for people who is interested to learn this subject. - Your chart: The trauma had it credit to give us The genius HCY of today! - I love the string performance for this song for it gave the vulnerability which expresses exactly the interleaving of personalities. Thanks 🙏 again, I really enjoy your reactions on HCY! 🙏❤️
You do an incredible job with analysis of this song., and many other songs. Love to read your intense efforts. This song was so well done. It is a classic. Hus Chenyu is in a class of his own. Glad he won. He should have won in 2018.
What word first comes to mind when I listen to this Song, is masterpiece,so I totaly agree with you there. I remember the first time I watched this Song from his performance on the mars concert, I was totaly awestruck. That was then, but now it is just the same, it hasn't changed for me, I am in total awe each and every time I have watched it.
In my opinion, this is Hua's most representative creation so far, a masterpiece telling us all that is ok, if not desirable, to engage in this long and painful journey to free ourselves from any limitations we might have even if we're most probably destined to fail. The knowledge you gain after going through this introspective experience makes it all worth it. Many thanks for your really beautiful analysis from Romania!
Thank you for your analysis and discussion of this epic piece of work and on Hua Hua. Your explanation gave me a more profound understanding of this song....the flow and progress of any person's life journey, not necessarily his. We all aim for freedom: liberty to many aspects of life and also freedom from...you name it. I see that towards the end you felt like crying, bless you....I could be wrong ;-). Like Hua Hua always say: take it easy. Stay healthy and safe.
Music played before and after your narration plus added English subtitle, could really get an in depth understanding to this song as a very original masterpiece written with many meanings that could really touches one heart with strong emotional feel to have a natural flow of uncontrollable tears!!! Indeed liken a story to portray with each listening, really amazing never bore!!!😇👍👍👍
I like what one commenter said about being a quality fan. Let's not bring ourself down to criticize others, it only make one look desperate to defend. The talent of the singers will prove themselves on their own merits. We all have our idols, but the beauty of it is, we get to hear other wonderful diversified singers with their unique qualities and their sweet personalties. Why not enjoy them all? Without prejudice, we may be more open to those that are unique. I'm from US, and discovering the Singer 2017 with Dimash, I also found Hua, then it just lead me to different shows to find other wonderful singers. I have my favorite, but also respect other talents as well.
Thank u for ur thoughtul analysis. The way you put the things and ur explanations is so well done, for the people who might encounter this song for the first time. I have same thoughts about it, though i think all his new songs are linked. Especially Little Love, Madhouse and 7 Personalities, are the real trilogy about himself, because i find the story in the lyrics of one song that continues also in the other songs. Lile the reborn, rencarnation from Madhouse is also mentioned in 7 Personalities, and the desire of leaving this world and escape from the painful stances and reality from Little Love etc. It is so much to talk about, and I also can go deeper and think about many other things. That is the beauty of artistry, to affect your mind and imagination in all possible ways.
I like how you approach reactions to music: 1. melody and how it appeals to you emotionally as a music lover, 2. technical structure based on the science of melody, 3. content particularly to song writers providing deeper understanding on the motivation for the message and 4. lastly how you put them all together. Even said in Chinese, I took some effort to appreciate your reactions as it adds to my knowledge. Thank you PHL. I do not even know your name.
Your breakdown of this song in music composition and how it relates to the different personalities really helps to understand more of how Hua creates his music. Hua really puts a lot of detail and thoughts into his composing and it's so nice when it is recognized and respected for his efforts. Hope soon he is more respected and honored worldwide as one of the most creative composer of this era.
Did you hear OM MANI PADME HUM mantra in the background? I think he was going through all the stages of a person or how we have different personalities. His performance of a “madness” was amazing. This song and all 5 last year were more complex in the lyrics and taking on a subject of depression which it is said is never discussed and how he encouraged people to help each other. Again, I always love your insightful discussions of the music and the words. This song was complex. Hua has been a performance artist since 2013.
Due to the request from the copyright owner, I can only mute the part of the videos sung by Hua Chenyu, which is a pity. If you want to see the full version, please click the link above
Hello, thank you very much for providing this in-depth analysis of this song. We are interested in being able to translate and subtitle all your analyzes into the works of Hua Chenyu into Spanish Thank you very much.
Hua Chenyu Español Alright, hope you could put the link of my channel, thank you🙏
@@phl3429 Thank you! Actually, I would like to be able to add the subtitles in your own video, in your own channel, and thus share your own video, with subtitles in Spanish.But we can also upload it to our channel, with due reference to your channel. Thank you!!!
Hua Chenyu Español That‘s ok. You could add subtitles in Spanish.
Sonya Liu 谢谢🙏希望如此吧
Sonya Liu 这个是战神妆啦,寓意“为了真正的家人而战”。斗牛妆是眼角带小牛角的。
shuai wang 战斗天使艾丽塔 对吧。
He is not just a singer. He is truly an artist !
Thạch Thảo Bùi 👍
Titan Liu 是的,我也认为他享受孤独的时光
PHL在土澳 是的 他自己也说过 孤独一个人很多时候是很美好的
ma ma 说得很有道理,我也很期待
一直在期待你精闢又客觀的樂評,果然又是一次很優質又有文化的解析,而身為花花的歌迷,深深為彼此感到委曲,因為入門的第一法則就是務必學會忍耐,無論是當他受委曲被黑的一踏塗地時或當他在各個領域中大放異采時,尤其是歌手之間的競技events, 我們為了尊重其他參與競演的歌手及照顧各家粉絲的心靈,都必須時時提醒自己「此時無聲勝有聲」,盡力憋住心中的氣憤或驕傲,以免成為眾所之矢,還被批判成拖他後腿的腦殘粉,哈!
韓應該 谢谢支持🙏确实在现在这样的环境下,想表达自己的开心或者任何情绪都不容易,我觉得沉醉在音乐之中是一件很美妙的事情
PHL在土澳 你説得對,已無法再讚同更多了!
Cathy Liu 谢谢支持🙏希望如此吧
徐有怀 是这么回事
Please focus on music not the championship
Focus on music is meaningful only if it is n comes out the genuine choice n performance of EVERY singer but not just the chosen one(s) for predetermined set up ! We feel shameful !
Totally agreed!
很開心,你是我留意最多關注[七重人格]說得最有深度的一個樂評人。 謝謝
Kitty Kan 谢谢🙏
1202rc Sorry, I don’t understand what is it about?!
Ivy Huo 您过奖了🙏或许这就是音乐的魅力
谢谢你 PHL, 感谢你用生命与真诚来详细解剖这精致上等的音乐作品。你今天说的不长不长,余兴未了,解说得很道味,我大开思维。佩服!佩服!佩服你!佩服华晨宇!你说得对!粉丝与粉丝之间不要陷入他人的错误而互相撕杀。他们俩都是九零后优秀的宝藏歌手,我们要好好爱护他们。不要人身攻击,谢谢!
花花這首歌裡面,我最讚嘆的是觀音菩薩的六字真言,第一次聽到融入一首流行歌的創作裡面,毫無那種違和與不恭敬或說戲謔感!!! 非常震撼與佩服花花高深的功力!!! 就自首一下,我有一點自己的期待,是他這些大格局的原創歌曲,會有結束於昇華或真正被救贖或得到自由的輕盈釋放,而非痛苦的吶喊與渴求,但這反而是我自己的落入俗套的盲點吧! 他非常忠於自己,這點是很為他高興的!!
最後,更佩服您竟然畫了一個精彩又可愛的圖解耶,哈哈哈,天啊! 那位修行者,竟然直接用了有緊箍咒的孫悟空意象的笑臉,太生動點題了,讚讚讚! 德不孤必有鄰,天下之大,肯定有多很朋友也懂您的! 非常感謝您的全程無廢話視頻製作與無私分享,很享受 !
Sophie Wang 非常感谢🙏这个过程我也很畅快
很感謝你詳盡理性的分析,花花的音樂已被他提升至不是單統用耳朵聽聽的娛樂,是一個精緻藝術品讓人禁不住再三回味解構它的內涵,去年演唱會他說過已發現了世間萬物包括天文、地理、哲學、數學…… 等等無限可能都足以成為他音樂的取材,已不需要關在過往黑暗的小房間冥思創造音樂,走出外界看到或遇到什麼也能觸動靈感納入他的音樂作品,這是他走出孤寂內心世界的第一步,今後他的音樂國界將會是無盡寬廣,漫無邊界,正是我們歌迷最大的福音,當然懂的人會趨之若騖,不懂的會嗤之以鼻,譏為裝神弄鬼,但這不重要,他的知音人將會不斷擴張蔓延,他的大愛會影响更多人,世界變得更美好,亦是我敬佩他的原因之一。
Olivia li 说得好👍我很赞同
这个圈是复杂的,很多黑粉伪装成 ET去搞事,因真正ET是优秀的,与偶像一起,绝不回黑。
@@sockkiangtan8348 ,对,以花花为榜样,以花花的人品为标准,不回黑,只给正能量,懂的人自然懂,我一直都认为花花是一名修道者,上天会关照他,世界会善待他,这一天正在赶路上。
HCY's music is the kind of thing that the more knowledgeable and experienced you are, the more beautiful it becomes
Wow, a very detailed analysis of the song. I thought I understand this song about 80%. After your analysis, I realised I only understood 40%. Now I can say I am at 80%. HCY is a real artiste and philosopher. Thank you.
Thank you🙏Hope you enjoy
Gan Zeh May 谢谢👍
This is the best and most thought out breakdown I've seen of this song. I've heard this song before but had a completely different interpretation the first time I heard it. I really enjoyed this video, thank you so much.
I hope people can appreciate the audacity of the song and how it seems to swim upstream, rather than the outcome of the Singer show.
Thank you!
Thank you🙏Totally agree
You really have a very good understanding of this song. Bravo. Hats off to you.
vulcansaur Bravo👍
Man, the guy is truly an artist. As always, his songwriting is just sublime, truly genius bordering on madness (madness bordering on genius?). This was a very interesting analysis. Usually I can generally understand a song even without a deep analysis of the content, but with this song I really needed to read some comments to fully understand it.
Yep, this song need more time to understand
Music is poetry is art is philosophy is mythology is spirituality is introspection is exploration is personal is universal is joy is sadness is wonder is expression is flawed is perfect is a bridge, a doorway, an invitation, a light.
Hua Hua is unique. I feel so much joy listening to his songs. He demonstrates pain and struggle but equally inspires their transcendence. He bravely and generously invites us on our own journey of understanding.
Grateful thanks once again for your insightful interpretation. You too are part of the bridge. 🙏 🇦🇺
Thank you so much🙏
忘了也要为你鼓掌👏👏👏👏👏👏😆谢谢你 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
很喜歡你的 reaction,雖然你很年青,但你充滿智慧,分析得很有深度,真的太喜歡了。其中一樣令我很喜歡花花的原因,是他的創作,他不落俗套。他打破了我在音樂上思維的框架,他的音樂真的令我驚艷驚呆!
非常非常感謝PHL, 花費很多時間, 做這個視頻.
謝謝你對的解讀. 聼了很多遍, 也沒有認真想每一個人格是什麽意思. 你的解析, 幫我更細緻理解這首歌. 謝謝!
最後, 你講歌手的粉絲們不要打架. 我覺得你把你的主題打破了. 花花非常辛苦創作這首歌, 非常辛苦地演唱這首歌, 你也很辛苦地解讀, 刨析. 這一切痛苦的起源, 就是類似粉絲們的戰鬥. 人, 人們, 對世界/社會/他人, 是有不同認知的; 其中很多人, 要强加自己的認知, 要求別人同意/做出改變. 人類社會的衝突, 大多來源于此.
花花的痛苦, 有一部分, 而且, 繼續有一部分, 會來自于不喜歡他的人(包括一些其他歌手的粉絲), 對他的傷害. 這些傷害, 不會停; 花花對痛苦的感受, 不會停.
非常喜歡聼. 對我而言, 聼花花表述的痛苦, 掙扎, 絕望, 幫助我理解, 痛苦, 是很多人都有的.
有錢如花花, 成功如花花, 被千萬歌迷寵愛著的花花, 也會痛苦.
作爲沒有錢, 不成功, 塵埃中的小人物, 有痛, 有苦, 很正常. 聼完歌, 把痛苦梳理一遍, 釋放一點, 起來, 繼續活著.
痛苦, 絕望, 掙扎, 永遠是我們生活的一部分; 不是因爲我們遇到什麽, 經歷什麽; 最本質, 是我們有能力體驗到痛苦, 絕望, 掙扎.
帶著痛苦的感覺, 絕望的感受;
Kc Wong 说得太好了👍我很赞同
Kc Wong 太认同你的想法,花花的痛苦来自于不喜欢他的人,不喜欢他没关系,不过有的也太过分了,这首歌就是他,佩服他的自我剖析,这是要多大的勇气呀!真的,对不喜欢他的人而言,确实是忠言逆耳,音乐应该是包容性的,我们可以不喜欢某种曲风,但请不要诋毁他人,不要人身攻击,不要残踏他人提高自己喜欢的,做个有素质的歌迷吧。华晨宇一直都被推上浪口风尖,相信他的内心足够强大,他足够善良,他能做到海纳百川,所以这首歌最后那一声有旋律的嘶喊是有意义的,这首歌绝了!他获得歌王是绝对名副其实,当之无愧。
這麼多剖析中 ,我最喜歡你的解說 ,詳細且深入!
有觀眾的舞台就是特別不同,睇現場反應,就知道花花的表現是如何震撼!這首歌,現場觀眾會很容易被花花歌聲帶入音樂裏,很感心跳缺氧; 但靜下來聽,卻有一種悲涼的感覺! 花花的歌總是由音樂至編曲到歌詞,都充滿深意,非常值得回味。
Virginia Kong 确实如此
很棒的reaction. 听华晨宇的歌,真的是每次都有不同的感受,总觉得每次都有新听到的他的表达,以及新的内心体会!每个人都有自己的感受,能与别人交流自己的感悟也是很开心的事!up可以不仅从歌词,而是结合更重要的作曲编曲,以及演唱舞台去整体分析整首歌的人格转换推进以及每部分的剖析,也给我提供了新的思考与感受!我也是,对于自我剖析的歌曲也会切身代入去体会每一个音符,每一句表达,所以能够很强烈的体会这首歌震撼的地方!每重人格的挣扎,其中的转变,整首歌的过渡和结合,真的太绝了!最后,华晨宇真的太厉害,恭喜华晨宇,歌王实至名归!
Humphery 谢谢支持🙏
鵬王 👍👍
分析詳盡,謝謝你!花花很幸福,他應該感欣,因有你能聽憧他的音樂。世上確有一些不幸的事,遭遇到不幸的也大有人在,希望他的作品能自愈,乜能給予別人正能量!God bless!
lorraine lam 谢谢🙏我想懂他音乐的人会有很多,希望音乐可以治愈很多人
wenxin pang 👍👍
博主得是多么有共情能力且温柔的人,才能写出如此好的解读。无论是知识储备,乐理分析 还是表达能力,都是如此的优秀。共情能力强的人也很容易感到别人的痛苦,希望你的世界永远都是阳光,你值得被世界温柔以待,加油!
Wow wow wow!
Such a great reaction and sharing, 👍👏❤️!
I didn’t expect that you really go deep into this “documentary song” in such a short time and thank you so much for your comprehensive sharing.
What amazed me that HCY could geniusly put into music the very difficult topic (these also are experiences of a thinker, one used to have in the process of beginning practice meditation), I wish that one day he would find time and having predestined to read Abhidhamma then he could write another song not only with 7 personalities but at least 52 to make it easier for people who is interested to learn this subject.
- Your chart: The trauma had it credit to give us The genius HCY of today!
- I love the string performance for this song for it gave the vulnerability which expresses exactly the interleaving of personalities.
Thanks 🙏 again, I really enjoy your reactions on HCY! 🙏❤️
I’m glad to see your wonderful comment. Thank you🙏
PHL在土澳 🙏❤️
我很用心的聼你每一句話,你的鑽硏,理解和很耐性的同我們仔细分析,幫助我們 在門外嘗試窺探華晨宇的内心世界,思想。
Sabrina Lam 谢谢,夸的太好了😂其实看图就好,那张图是我女朋友画的,我告诉她我的思想,真的用了很长时间,大概6、7个小时,基本上把所有我理解的七重人格之间的关系都表达明白了。还有一点,这首歌其实并不是真的在说七重人格,它只是披着华丽的外衣,作为一件艺术品出现。华晨宇还是在追寻自己最想要的,可以说是自由,也可以说是解脱
@@phl3429 你俩真棒 理解与表达都很强
請代謝謝你的女朋友的圖解 💐
Sabrina Lam 好的👌
@@phl3429 哈哈~ 你女朋友讚喔~
他一直都在用音樂抗爭、挑戰,連結到他第一張專輯第一首創作「Why Nobody Fights」這不得了,他是很有思想的創作者......但他所處的位置有些東西是不存在的,從被改的詞就知道.......但搖滾的精神不會滅的!
江玲 是的👍
Che Che 谢谢🙏尽力而为
PHL在土澳 😂真的嗎,哇賽真棒,很可愛的畫風,用畫畫來解釋七個人格我喜歡,難怪您片尾提到可以交女朋友,有人可以陪在身邊分享感受一起探討真的很好😎
Deqqueen D 是这么回事👍
You do an incredible job with analysis of this song., and many other songs. Love to read your intense efforts. This song
was so well done. It is a classic. Hus Chenyu is in a class of his own. Glad he won. He should have won in 2018.
What word first comes to mind when I listen to this Song, is masterpiece,so I totaly agree with you there.
I remember the first time I watched this Song from his performance on the mars concert, I was totaly awestruck.
That was then, but now it is just the same, it hasn't changed for me, I am in total awe each and every time I have watched it.
Lene Lene Totally agree with you🙏
看完這個更加深刻地理解了這首歌 謝謝你
In my opinion, this is Hua's most representative creation so far, a masterpiece telling us all that is ok, if not desirable, to engage in this long and painful journey to free ourselves from any limitations we might have even if we're most probably destined to fail.
The knowledge you gain after going through this introspective experience makes it all worth it.
Many thanks for your really beautiful analysis from Romania!
Rebecca Huang 非常感谢🙏
要傱灵性去解构七重人格这歌,实在是太难了!你却做得很到位, 证明你也是一位很有深度的少年呀!👍🏻
很高興看到你是花花正能量影响下的實証,你已逐漸邁進美好的前程,繼續努力 !
ET 08042 优秀👍
你如此認真分析的實在很棒, 也是我沒聽過的觀點, 為你點讚!!!!
ning 谢谢🙏
一直觉他是个黑洞,不能深究 (笑),认真了很难不被扯进去。
Thank you for your analysis and discussion of this epic piece of work and on Hua Hua. Your explanation gave me a more profound understanding of this song....the flow and progress of any person's life journey, not necessarily his. We all aim for freedom: liberty to many aspects of life and also freedom from...you name it. I see that towards the end you felt like crying, bless you....I could be wrong ;-). Like Hua Hua always say: take it easy. Stay healthy and safe.
Nocturnal Owl Thank you🙏Take care
Excellent analysis. Thank you.
Music played before and after your narration plus added English subtitle, could really get an in depth understanding to this song as a very original masterpiece written with many meanings that could really touches one heart with strong emotional feel to have a natural flow of uncontrollable tears!!! Indeed liken a story to portray with each listening, really amazing never bore!!!😇👍👍👍
I like what one commenter said about being a quality fan. Let's not bring ourself down to criticize others, it only make one look desperate to defend. The talent of the singers will prove themselves on their own merits. We all have our idols, but the beauty of it is, we get to hear other wonderful diversified singers with their unique qualities and their sweet personalties. Why not enjoy them all? Without prejudice, we may be more open to those that are unique. I'm from US, and discovering the Singer 2017 with Dimash, I also found Hua, then it just lead me to different shows to find other wonderful singers. I have my favorite, but also respect other talents as well.
Wow! Awesome job PHL,what a wholesome analysis of this song & insights into it. Appreciate very much. Tqvm.
Thank you🙏Cheers
@@phl3429 Thanks for your acknowledgement. Cheers!
Anggle Ang 是的👍👍
Anggie Ang, 谢谢您对花花的认可,其实周深也是一位优秀的歌手,花花曾经在某访谈中肯定他的优秀,其实他们的交情不错,是惺惺相惜,只是希望歌迷们以自己喜爱的歌手为榜样,大家都是有素养的,继续支持自己喜爱的歌手吧。
Seiko 👍👍
Hailey Poon sook Chen 谢谢🙏
一直都很喜欢你的客观解说,这一次你也很专业的点评了花花很高深的一首歌。我完全明白和认同你所说的,你说的每一点都正是我心里所想和get到的,只是无法用言语形容,还好你都把它解说得挺到位!花花的歌曲尤其这首都是需要平静下来体会,才能真正听明白的!你说的对,我们就应该感到幸福有这么优秀的音乐家可以带给我们更多美好和震撼的音乐来欣赏,不要等到有天他们都离我们而去(比如michael jackson、邓丽君、张国荣)才来后悔当初没好好珍惜!不止你学习到东西,我在看你的解说也学到了很多,而且也乐在其中!真的谢谢你也感恩我们有花花这样的音乐才子💗
vivian wee 非常感谢🙏
PHL在土澳 不客氣呀!
PHL: 感谢你和大家分享你对华晨宇的歌的解读。看完这个后, 我订阅了你的频道, 又看了你对他另外16首歌的分析, 学习了很多, 非常感谢!
Thank u for ur thoughtul analysis. The way you put the things and ur explanations is so well done, for the people who might encounter this song for the first time. I have same thoughts about it, though i think all his new songs are linked. Especially Little Love, Madhouse and 7 Personalities, are the real trilogy about himself, because i find the story in the lyrics of one song that continues also in the other songs. Lile the reborn, rencarnation from Madhouse is also mentioned in 7 Personalities, and the desire of leaving this world and escape from the painful stances and reality from Little Love etc. It is so much to talk about, and I also can go deeper and think about many other things. That is the beauty of artistry, to affect your mind and imagination in all possible ways.
Alessia L. That‘s true. Totally agreed with you👍🙏
花花在16岁的时候其实已经自我和解了。 他已经找到属于他的自由。 谢谢你的解说,我受益不少。 ❤️🌹🌹
Really like your reaction and analysis of Hua Hua’ songs, make me understand more about them.
P/s: I like your drawing of 7 personalities 🤣🤣🤣
Carly Lombard Thank you🙏haha
Siew Hwa Wo 👍👍
@@phl3429 對。Up你真的很像靈媒,有自己的感知力(是稱讚哦😁~)
卡卡 谢谢
其實說實話, 他真的蠻難找到能與他思想匹配的女友....能懂他都不容易了.....
@@phl3429 感謝你用圖解七重,之前都一直點不齊7個。真是個好方法up超用心👍。跟你一樣,一直覺得這首歌跟小瘋子是最貼花花個人的作品,很難想像他的成長經歷竟然沒變壞跟自爆自棄。如果是我可能真的做不到。感謝你的分析,說的真的很好。也很幸運遇見花花願意分享。注大家越來越好😁👍
Хуа мало слушать его надо обязательно видеть так его харизма и неповторимое актерское мастерство превосходны!
Thanks for your reaction 🌼🌼❤️❤️🙆🙆
非常高興你從你的感受反饋這首歌 ! ! 去年聽到了七重我內心一下子衝擊到了!在心理學有個「創傷後遺症」~~最可怕就是孩童時期I造成的創傷,成人以後有許多常人難以理解的行為表現。反社會/自閉/功利/冷漠/暴力~~~這些都是不自覺行為,但如果有自我意識或被旁人關心到了都是幸運的。一般人會歸化為環境/教育/家庭因素~~很多都錯失了被救贖機會。謝謝你的分享,謝謝花爺創作這首歌。
H英雄氣泡 确实是这样,希望他可以被治愈
@@phl3429 他其實一直有「病識感」,所以他嚐試各種可以跳脫出來的方法。真難想像花爺是如何逃出創後症的「宿命結果😁😁😁」,可見他內心多強大。他有一首歌的一句歌詞可以得到答案~~跟自己和解~~因為和解才能擁抱,祝大家都心想事成 坦然面對自己然後有擁抱別人的勇氣 ! !
Kh Kc 谢谢🙏
谢谢分享,让我们多了解花🌸的内心世界,歌手节目结束了,希望还有机会看到你分享花花的作品,我觉得这首歌有神树和降临的精髓在里面,顺道说一些还有一段歌词是被删改了。窗外的麻雀 “又为谁喧闹” (为谁在哀悼)
謝謝詳細深度分析, UP主太棒了! 整張的歌曲我都很喜歡. 個人覺得專集的風格與之前的已有所不同. 華晨宇的音樂值得聽眾發掘. 現在更期待不一樣的五專! 🥳🥳🥳
I like how you approach reactions to music: 1. melody and how it appeals to you emotionally as a music lover, 2. technical structure based on the science of melody, 3. content particularly to song writers providing deeper understanding on the motivation for the message and 4. lastly how you put them all together. Even said in Chinese, I took some effort to appreciate your reactions as it adds to my knowledge. Thank you PHL. I do not even know your name.
Thank you for your summary!🙏Name is not important, hope you enjoy.
hcwz2011 谢谢支持🙏
Your breakdown of this song in music composition and how it relates to the different personalities really helps to understand more of how Hua creates his music. Hua really puts a lot of detail and thoughts into his composing and it's so nice when it is recognized and respected for his efforts. Hope soon he is more respected and honored worldwide as one of the most creative composer of this era.
S T 谢谢🙏
Did you hear OM MANI PADME HUM mantra in the background? I think he was going through all the stages of a person or how we have different personalities.
His performance of a “madness” was amazing.
This song and all 5 last year were more complex in the lyrics and taking on a subject of depression which it is said is never discussed and how he encouraged people to help each other.
Again, I always love your insightful discussions of the music and the words. This song was complex.
Hua has been a performance artist since 2013.
看了你的视频,感觉你应该去学心理学,做心理医生😀。开玩笑的。感谢分享你听歌的听后感, 有些跟我的感觉一样,有些则有点不同,但是每个人都是独立的个体,感受不同应该是正常的。对于花花很难说很了解,但是从他的音乐里能体会出一星半点的,他和每一个普通人都一样,七情六欲样样不缺,他和每一个普通人都不一样,他对于自己的自我解读。不过无论如何都感谢他带给我们如此精彩的音乐。再次感谢你的分享,谢谢!
Joyce 谢谢支持🙏
谢谢你! 用心了! 辛苦辛苦! 你的解析使我受益匪浅 (比心)
Stella Yang 谢谢🙏
歌王 华晨宇。