Your tutorial is worth a million, with Your help, I got 100% from the VLSM summarization test !Now everything is clear and easy! You are the best teacher, thank You for help!!!
I think you're a grate instructor, and because of your videos I will be able to take and pass the CCNA. Right now I'm doing my undergraduate work, but your videos are a great help to me. Thank you so much. You remind me of some of my Army instructors.
I just wanted to say Mr. Diaz Thanks to your subnetting video and over 200 packet tracer labs it helped me to get on the right track to pass the CCNA this past month. You are a great instructor because I went to an "accredited college" that offers Cisco classes and graduated last January with the stress of not having my CCNA. I still didn't have the understanding of subnetting until I replayed your video several times....Thanks, I'm off to get started on my CCNP!
I'm glad that you added the note in the description about confusion regarding whether to count by 1 or 2. After trying to watch other videos on VLSM with different instructors because of the sound quality, I soon found myself back here. That means that you're the best Doc!
Lazaro, I want to give you thanks for these videos. I'm studying for CCIE and your videos have been great refreshers. Keep up the great work teaching our network engineers of the future.
Lazaro , Appreciate your passion, enthusiasm and commitment to the networking profession. The video was outstanding. Keep up the good work, and I look forward to subsequent tutorials.
I really wish you were a teacher at my university. That way I wouldn't have to attend class and then come home and watch your videos to understand the material. :) The way you explain it works! Thank you so much for your help. I really wish you had a way to donate or something.
I came here for a quick refresher and I'm very impressed my good man. You have some awesome communication skills this was explained simpler here than anywhere else I've looked.
Laz is one of the best CCNA instructors in Florida. Thank you once more for your dedication and commitment. Those videos are gold, great for any revision and any level. Best Regards John K
Viva La RASA! Great video from a very knowledgeable person. I used to teach a few years ago, and this is almost identical to the way I approach teaching. More of us should come forward and share the knowledge. These instructions are amazing! Gracias
Gracias Hector! ...en la Union esta la fuerza! Animaste y enseña lo que sabes...el mundo te lo va a agradecer! 📚 Déjame saber que enseñas y quizás te puedo ayudar.
You sir, are seriously one of the best instructors I've ever come across. I can't describe how thankful I am for the videos you've put up. I'm gonna buy your book ASAP, even though I've just switched from Networking to Programming. Cheers!
great stuff, thanks doctor....a lot of the other videos are 60% pluff and 30% important and 10% head scratching, but yours is 100% stuff. I like the way you get the thing started without much pluff before it....get it goinggg...........lovely
Thank you so much! I've been taught this at school and I just couldn't understand it at all (it's been weeks!) and with the help of your video I learned how to do it under an hour! You've saved me haha, great teacher!
Thank you so mutch man, I was struggling so bad with this but thanks to your videos I now have 2 ways of checking my work, thank you! I have 3 tests on Tuesday on CCNA, now I can get this done and go learn my Commands for the practical.
Hi, dude I am really grateful for all your videos and all your work. I am going for my CCNA in the next year just finished exploration 1/2. My final for this class will be next Monday all your videos really helped me understanding the concepts of rooting and subnetting. thank you so much many greets from Germany nik.
hey dude, I'm glad I was able to help...good luck with your CCNA...remember that on October 1st, 2013 the new certification is coming out. It will have more stuff on IPv6 and other things that is not part of the current CCNA cert. But have no fear...I will be putting up new videos geared for the new CCNAX....again, study hard and GOOD LUCK!!!!
Thanks for the videos. I've been wanting someone to explain VLSM to me in a way that I could understand. Keep putting more videos up. Helps me through class!
I've been following you for the past two years and I still come to you when I need clarification on my studies. I'm preparing for the CCNA and I'm always inspired by your energy, enthusiasm and your passion to share your knowledge with us newbies. If I were closer I'ld come visit and pick your brain (do you teach online classes only?) Mil gracias por todo lo que ha compartido con nosotros los novatos. He comprendido mejor gracias a sus clases.
Thank you Marijan! I do understand about the audio thing, but this is a very old video, way before I thought of teaching online and taking YT seriously.
thanks for the videos these are very help full and you saved my lot of money. there are so many institute in india who are charging a lot of money for these course and not even teaching that clearly.keep it up. you are helping lot of student thanks
Well the default gateway is your routers interface facing your lan. On a PC you would type ipconfig. If your asking how do we calculate the default gateway, it would be an available ip address within the range of your subnet.
Laz, you are the man! I have several of your courses on Udemy! I use your courses to supplement my hybrid CCNA class that meets once a week.... Thank you for the great content and making it interesting "not putting me to sleep."
Thanks Laz. It was really helpful. i needed a recap and didn't have much money and time as well for classes again. if i remember, earlier i used to do this VLSm by "2^q" method however it was all wastage of time as you said everyone should sought it out within 30 sec should focus on NAT and protocols parts. THANKS A TON LAZ.
Great job sir.....this video helped me to clear all my doubts in the area of vlsm & route summarization.....actually i was a bit confused regarding this subnetting concept ...but after watching and studying this video its all clear now....thank you sir.....
I have to note that you are explaining very well and you really know how to transfer knowledge :) Excellent video! Straight to the point! Remind me of my uncle :)
Thanks Laz, I've been studying this CNNA stuff from different sources and your methods and the way you explain makes everything more clear. much appreciated.
hi doc, All your videos and the way you explain is very clear. when i read alot of books i have a lot of confusion and questions(what's this?, how come?, where did he get this?, etc) but when i watch your videos regarding CCNA, i got all the answers(aha that's why). I remember when i first saw your videos regarding subnetting i've got my first "aha thats why" moments. Without hesitation hit the subscribe button. Thank you so much for your efforts for making these videos. I hope your got your CCIE soon, can't wait for CCNP videos. Still Preparing for CCNA exam.
Hi, network doctor you really help me a lot and i don,t know what can i do to give u THANKS. God bless you for us we this young upcoming Network Engineers.
Super cool video. I really have problems with subnetting. I am just not getting it. But your video makes more sense, than most teachers does :) so thank you very much!
Thx to you Laz, I got an A- on my final in my data communications class. In total a A in my class. Hopefully I can do my CCNA this year. I will be studying abraod in the US this Fall just need to find out were I can my CCNA there.
Great Question, there is another way using exponents, but it will give the correct answer only if the value of the octet you are working in is 100 or above. I learned this the hard way, once I would get the summary address and placed into the router I kept getting errors, because the binary bits would not match up when using numbers less than 100. After practicing the binary method, you will start to see all you need is the 1st and last network and you can figureout the rest in your head.
I are right!...but what I've explained to others that have posted similar comments, is that this was done a while back, and it really started like a fun project for me. My wife is the "videographer" and she did her best. But now were getting to a professional level and you should see a much better quality in Audio, Lighting and filming in the new uploads. Thanks for the feedback!
Good info. If possible next time close Window to eliminate glare on board. Could barely see. Do you have any workout or weight lifting training videos?
Yep!...the audio is bad, but then this video is old. This was when I had no idea I was going to be teaching online and just put it out there as a matter-of fact kind of thing. Sound quality has improved in the newer videos.
Okay, I'm actually searching for the video tutorial explaining identifying the appropriate IP addresses of fast ethernet and serial of routers in packet tracer Could you paste or mention the video tutorial link which explains this?
I have a question about 17:24 when finding the Broadcast Address. Please explain how the third octet is three plus the 16 in the network address is 19. The Broadcast address consists of all ones in the host portion depending on how many host bit have been turned on to join the network portion should it be. So since there is only two host bit left after the green line... shouldn't the broadcast be Please somebody explain
Hey Laz, I really enjoy your vids! Nice strategy to tech your visitors about IP / routing etc. It helps me to survive my CCNA certification process :) Thanks a lot! Greets from Germany! P.S. and keep doing your thing, you are doing this very well!
+Bartek Wulff ...thanks Bartek! Although this video is quite old, I'm glad the information was helpful. Hope you subscribe to the channel, there will be new videos in 2017!
Also do you know which CISCO books/certification covers like a network design for company's based on their n/w need etc involving L2/L3 and the reason behind how and why networks are designed that way. Basically like case studies i guess.
@nik k Great to hear that you passed the class and with an A!...and I'm very humbled that you hold me in such high regards. But believe me if it wasn't for your own commitment and dedication, no matter how much information I would give you, it wouldn't have happened. I can only do so's those like yourself that make it happen. I know that you will definitely get your CCNA!
Thanks so much for your class because I needed, now I'm understanding better this topic but It is a little complicated because I have to pay attention to use VLSM and I will could to present my test or exam for certification CCNA.
I've noticed with route summarization people give the obvious scheme I've noticed that if you have a subnet that needs to be summarized pick the highest usable host in that subnet .
Good question...and one that many have asked. That's why I made a video called "Counting by 2" where it explains the reason behind this. There's a method to my madness! ;)
in my class I was told to NOT use a flat network. I was told to use 1260 IP addresses. 4 buildings would use 250 connections each. one building would use 180 connections and would also house all the servers and network backbone. the last building would use 80 connections. Playing the role of the network administrator, what steps would you take to accomplish this setup using subnets instead of using a flat network of 1260 IP addresses assigned from a Class B network range? Determine and list the IP address ranges and masks associated with each building and explain the process you used to obtain the IP addresses and masks showing the obtained addresses and masks.
wayne weisser I did do my own homework. I was not looking for the answer just a point in the right direction. after watching the video a few times I finally caught on and now its a piece of cake.
Hi Alejandro....I'm glad that you where able to grasp the concept! Please keep in mind that I am not able to answer everyone since I am quite busy....but I try to help out when I can. It just took me a while to look at your comment. However, I am glad that you caught on and if it's a piece of cake...that means you must of looked at my videos and/or viewed my UDEMY courses. :) Good Luck in your studies since they are the key to a wonderful future!!!!
wayne weisser Thanks Wayne for your help...I know you've got my back! But I do understand when people like Alejandro send me questions since they are probably confused and may just want a clarification. I know and you know that some instructors teach in a manner that make the CCNA seem like if it was "Rocket Science" know that is NOT my method and that's where confusion sets in....many can not comprehend that it's pretty easy...if it is explained in a simple, layman's term. Anyway, thanks again! Hope to see you in my new HOA!
Absolutly. Thank you for the videos. I am in online classes and if you are familiar with those then you know that I have to pretty much teach myself. You're videos have been a great help to me. Thank you again.
Excellent explanation. But would you please explain in the first VLSM exercise What will be the largest remaining block of available addresses ?; How to calculate it and the CIDR notation for it. Thanks . . .
5 years later and still better explained and faster to understand than my Cisco Cert Book and a Purdue Professor trying to. Kudos.
Thank you William!
I just passed my first exam of CCNA! Thanks to your lessons I was able to do the subnetting and vlsm! Thank you soo much!!
Your tutorial is worth a million, with Your help, I got 100% from the VLSM summarization test !Now everything is clear and easy! You are the best teacher, thank You for help!!!
I think you're a grate instructor, and because of your videos I will be able to take and pass the CCNA. Right now I'm doing my undergraduate work, but your videos are a great help to me. Thank you so much. You remind me of some of my Army instructors.
I just wanted to say Mr. Diaz Thanks to your subnetting video and over 200 packet tracer labs it helped me to get on the right track to pass the CCNA this past month. You are a great instructor because I went to an "accredited college" that offers Cisco classes and graduated last January with the stress of not having my CCNA. I still didn't have the understanding of subnetting until I replayed your video several times....Thanks, I'm off to get started on my CCNP!
RIP headphone users
dmoua08 😂
I have learned VLSM within 20mins of the video. Thanks alot. Now i am able to solve problems on my own without depending on my classmates.
I'm glad that you added the note in the description about confusion regarding whether to count by 1 or 2. After trying to watch other videos on VLSM with different instructors because of the sound quality, I soon found myself back here. That means that you're the best Doc!
man i was having a midterm exam about subnetting and vlsm and it wasn't clear to me until i bumped into your videos , Thank you so much !
Thank you yazed! I'm glad I was able to help 😉
This is the first video I've seen of yours and I have to say is, you're the man. You're the opposite of dull and very easy to understand.
Already got my CCNA but I still return to Laz
videos for refreshers.
Awesome 👏
Lazaro, I want to give you thanks for these videos. I'm studying for CCIE and your videos have been great refreshers. Keep up the great work teaching our network engineers of the future.
+L. Ortega ...thank you for your comment L. Ortega!
Lazaro , Appreciate your passion, enthusiasm and commitment to the networking profession. The video was outstanding. Keep up the good work, and I look forward to subsequent tutorials.
I really wish you were a teacher at my university. That way I wouldn't have to attend class and then come home and watch your videos to understand the material. :) The way you explain it works! Thank you so much for your help. I really wish you had a way to donate or something.
I came here for a quick refresher and I'm very impressed my good man. You have some awesome communication skills this was explained simpler here than anywhere else I've looked.
Thanks Jacob...and to think English is not my native language 😉
Makes it that much more impressive :)
Laz is one of the best CCNA instructors in Florida. Thank you once more for your dedication and commitment. Those videos are gold, great for any revision and any level. Best Regards John K
Viva La RASA! Great video from a very knowledgeable person. I used to teach a few years ago, and this is almost identical to the way I approach teaching. More of us should come forward and share the knowledge. These instructions are amazing! Gracias
Gracias Hector! ...en la Union esta la fuerza! Animaste y enseña lo que sabes...el mundo te lo va a agradecer! 📚 Déjame saber que enseñas y quizás te puedo ayudar.
You sir, are seriously one of the best instructors I've ever come across. I can't describe how thankful I am for the videos you've put up. I'm gonna buy your book ASAP, even though I've just switched from Networking to Programming. Cheers!
Van V ...thanks and Cheers to you!
The Networking Doctors But you really do need a better microphone though.
I have one...this video is old! Look at the date it was put out. My newest videos have a better quality over all.
Very easy to understand it this particular way. So many videos out there that are so full of fluff info. Thank you for this!
great stuff, thanks doctor....a lot of the other videos are 60% pluff and 30% important and 10% head scratching, but yours is 100% stuff. I like the way you get the thing started without much pluff before it....get it goinggg...........lovely
Glad you approve! 😉
Thank you so much! I've been taught this at school and I just couldn't understand it at all (it's been weeks!) and with the help of your video I learned how to do it under an hour! You've saved me haha, great teacher!
Thanks Linda!....Hope to see you at my next HOA on my new "Learn with Laz" channel :)
Thank you so mutch man, I was struggling so bad with this but thanks to your videos I now have 2 ways of checking my work, thank you! I have 3 tests on Tuesday on CCNA, now I can get this done and go learn my Commands for the practical.
Glad this helped and good luck on your tests!
@@thenetworkingdoctors Thank you very much, I will do my best!
Hi, dude I am really grateful for all your videos and all your work. I am going for my CCNA in the next year just finished exploration 1/2. My final for this class will be next Monday all your videos really helped me understanding the concepts of rooting and subnetting.
thank you so much
many greets from Germany
Laz you are AWESOME......I am learning more from you than class.
Network ranges are so much easier to understand when you teach the "magic number" method. I do enjoy your videos.
If you came here for the route summarization and EIGRP command check 36:18
thanks buddy
Thanks! So much time spent on basic subnetting lol, could be a separate video
hey dude, I'm glad I was able to help...good luck with your CCNA...remember that on October 1st, 2013 the new certification is coming out. It will have more stuff on IPv6 and other things that is not part of the current CCNA cert. But have no fear...I will be putting up new videos geared for the new CCNAX....again, study hard and GOOD LUCK!!!!
Thanks for the videos. I've been wanting someone to explain VLSM to me in a way that I could understand. Keep putting more videos up. Helps me through class!
i usually call you best of the best , you make things simple thank you very much
I've been following you for the past two years and I still come to you when I need clarification on my studies. I'm preparing for the CCNA and I'm always inspired by your energy, enthusiasm and your passion to share your knowledge with us newbies. If I were closer I'ld come visit and pick your brain (do you teach online classes only?) Mil gracias por todo lo que ha compartido con nosotros los novatos. He comprendido mejor gracias a sus clases.
Best video I watched it is simply interesting, don't understand why people complain for audio
Thank you Marijan! I do understand about the audio thing, but this is a very old video, way before I thought of teaching online and taking YT seriously.
you are a lifesaver sir, i got vlsm down now, thanks a million
I have been struggling with this for the last 2 days, studding for my Net+ thanks a bunch.
Glad to be of help 👍
thanks for the videos these are very help full and you saved my lot of money. there are so many institute in india who are charging a lot of money for these course and not even teaching that clearly.keep it up.
you are helping lot of student
Glad I came across your channel. I am learning more from you than from my professor. Maybe I wont fail CCNA 1 now.
Thank you. I am really looking forward for your new videos. The other people here on youtube cant explain as good as you. They bring me to sleep.
Your tutorial was ingeniously presented. It's a 100% from me. God bless you
Well the default gateway is your routers interface facing your lan.
On a PC you would type ipconfig.
If your asking how do we calculate the default gateway, it would be an available ip address within the
range of your subnet.
Laz, you are the man! I have several of your courses on Udemy! I use your courses to supplement my hybrid CCNA class that meets once a week.... Thank you for the great content and making it interesting "not putting me to sleep."
Thanks Laz. It was really helpful. i needed a recap and didn't have much money and time as well for classes again. if i remember, earlier i used to do this VLSm by "2^q" method however it was all wastage of time as you said everyone should sought it out within 30 sec should focus on NAT and protocols parts. THANKS A TON LAZ.
This video clarifies a lot of questions. I was wondering why I couldn't get those packet tracer challenges to work, now I know. Thank you.
thxs a lot doc. learned more in 40mins about vlsm then a week in class
Thanks a lot these videos has help me out so much, I recommend everyone to watch the whole 50 minutes
I'm glad that I was able to help you out....continue with your studies and
good luck in your future endeavors.
Great job sir.....this video helped me to clear all my doubts in the area of vlsm & route summarization.....actually i was a bit confused regarding this subnetting concept ...but after watching and studying this video its all clear now....thank you sir.....
Thank you so much..
I do have one question though.
Whats your max bench press?
Thank you so much for your videos; you explain these concepts so much better than my professor!
I have to note that you are explaining very well and you really know how to transfer knowledge :) Excellent video! Straight to the point! Remind me of my uncle :)
Thanks Bruno! ....I do have to say that this is a very old video though, but glad it can still help.
Finally, I am getting this stuff. Your videos have been a turning point for me! Thanks!!
Thanks Laz, I've been studying this CNNA stuff from different sources and your methods and the way you explain makes everything more clear. much appreciated.
Thank you Say0n!
I must say this guy is a good teacher
your doing it better than my instructor TY
I love this guy!!!!! Since I saw his videos, I have learned a lot about Networking.!!!!
+Misley Cardenas ...thanks Misley!
Just passed. Thank you your videos are always helpful and on point
Congratulations Hernus!
hi doc,
All your videos and the way you explain is very clear. when i read alot of books i have a lot of confusion and questions(what's this?, how come?, where did he get this?, etc) but when i watch your videos regarding CCNA, i got all the answers(aha that's why). I remember when i first saw your videos regarding subnetting i've got my first "aha thats why" moments. Without hesitation hit the subscribe button. Thank you so much for your efforts for making these videos.
I hope your got your CCIE soon, can't wait for CCNP videos.
Still Preparing for CCNA exam.
It's nice to know that I've reached those from the other side of the globe...Thanks!
thank you, sir, for these videos subnetting and this one you explained them in a really easy method I'm confident that i will pass my uni exams
Have his videos and helping me a lot to pass new CCNA exam
If you need a true teacher to teach the old fashioned way when teaching was teaching Laz is your teacher.
Hi, network doctor you really help me a lot and i don,t know what can i do to give u THANKS. God bless you for us we this young upcoming Network Engineers.
Super cool video. I really have problems with subnetting. I am just not getting it. But your video makes more sense, than most teachers does :) so thank you very much!
I'm glad I was able to help!
Thank you 4 the wonderful tutorial............ I totally get VLSM now.
27:03 - 27:30
30 seconds of my life I'll never have back
each and every video i used to appreciate whatever it is:
Thx to you Laz, I got an A- on my final in my data communications class. In total a A in my class. Hopefully I can do my CCNA this year. I will be studying abraod in the US this Fall just need to find out were I can my CCNA there.
Thank you for the great video. It explains much better than my book.
you made me understand subnetting better and now vlsm
You are absolutely correct. Can you invent some formulae to calculate VLSM and subnetting quickly.
OMG Finally i found what i was looking for...enjoy the videos. I dont even know how many times your vids saved my ass
Glad I was able to help Chad!
Thank you.... bcoz finally I understood the concept through ur video clearly
+chaitanya allada ...glad I was able to help!
Your lectures are perfect, very helpful. Thank you
u r just awesome bro.. i love ur teaching style... clearly understood the subnetting concepts,,, thanks alot man!!
Best explanation of VLSM ever
Thanks Sam!
Excellent video, you gave a very nice way to understand VLSM, Thank you so much for this nice presentation .
With Regards
Amit, India
Great Question, there is another way using exponents, but it will give the correct answer only if the value of the octet you are working in is 100 or above. I learned this the hard way, once I would get the summary address and placed into the router I kept getting errors, because the binary bits would not match up when using numbers less than 100. After practicing the binary method, you will start to see all you need is the 1st and last network and you can figureout the rest in your head.
I are right!...but what I've explained to others that have posted similar comments, is that this was done a while back, and it really started like a fun project for me. My wife is the "videographer" and she did her best. But now were getting to a professional level and you should see a much better quality in Audio, Lighting and filming in the new uploads. Thanks for the feedback!
Good info. If possible next time close Window to eliminate glare on board. Could barely see.
Do you have any workout or weight lifting training videos?
hahaha!....not yet my friend, NOT YET!
This looks pretty good and all but can you find a way to use a Echo Canceling MIC as all i could hear half the time is sound bounce from the room.
Yep!...the audio is bad, but then this video is old. This was when I had no idea I was going to be teaching online and just put it out there as a matter-of fact kind of thing. Sound quality has improved in the newer videos.
Thank you for the video, really helpful. I have one question.. In point-to-point network can I use /31? If there is no broadcasting?
+zolilwtf no, /30 has only two hosts. why would you need less than that lol
Hi, After finding the Network ID, Broadcast, range of hosts. How do we identify Serial IP address, fast ethernet IP address of each router?
You would need to choose a number within the range.
Okay, I'm actually searching for the video tutorial explaining identifying the appropriate IP addresses of fast ethernet and serial of routers in packet tracer Could you paste or mention the video tutorial link which explains this?
Thank you very much for this tutorial, much appreciated and very helpful! Keep up the good work!
+09ldixon ...Thanks for watching...and I will!
You are amazeballs Sir! Great refresher!! Thank you!
Where is your book on Amazon? Thanks for all your help!
+runebooke're welcome. Look under the title "The Only IP Book You Will Ever Need" or under my name.
I have a question about 17:24 when finding the Broadcast Address. Please explain how the third octet is three plus the 16 in the network address is 19.
The Broadcast address consists of all ones in the host portion depending on how many host bit have been turned on to join the network portion should it be. So since there is only two host bit left after the green line... shouldn't the broadcast be
Please somebody explain
thanks for the videos. 3rd week of my NSS course your videos really helped man. keep them coming :D
Thanks Scott...will do!
Hey Laz, I really enjoy your vids! Nice strategy to tech your visitors about IP / routing etc. It helps me to survive my CCNA certification process :) Thanks a lot! Greets from Germany! P.S. and keep doing your thing, you are doing this very well!
+Bartek Wulff ...thanks Bartek! Although this video is quite old, I'm glad the information was helpful. Hope you subscribe to the channel, there will be new videos in 2017!
Perfect man, i really liked the video, But hopefully i wish you can just make the board more bigger.
Everything is awesome, Thanks!
Look at when this video was created and loot at my newer videos. You’ll see the difference
Thank you for this great teaching and simplifying.. Best regards from Iraq
Thank you sooooo much. I am really thankful for all these constructive and awesome videos. You are really great and I thank you again.
Thanks for your comment Ashraf...glad these videos are helping.
+The Networking Doctors
Also do you know which CISCO books/certification covers like a network design for company's based on their n/w need etc involving L2/L3 and the reason behind how and why networks are designed that way. Basically like case studies i guess.
Love this stuff, at first it might look weird but its so simple.
thanks for the videos man
@nik k Great to hear that you passed the class and with an A!...and I'm very humbled that you hold me in such high regards. But believe me if it wasn't for your own commitment and dedication, no matter how much information I would give you, it wouldn't have happened. I can only do so's those like yourself that make it happen. I know that you will definitely get your CCNA!
Laz, you're a life-saver. Thanks!
Sir, how to find or what is the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and so on up to the last usable ip?
Thanks so much for your class because I needed, now I'm understanding better this topic but It is a little complicated because I have to pay attention to use VLSM and I will could to present my test or exam for certification CCNA.
I've noticed with route summarization people give the obvious scheme I've noticed that if you have a subnet that needs to be summarized pick the highest usable host in that subnet .
Thank you sir, your a great teacher, and even though I'm just refreshing myself, Your video is great!!! THANKS AGAIN!! Lewis Hudgens
Thanks Lewis!
Why when you start putting down your bit values you start with the number 2 and not number 1 as the bit value range is 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128?
Good question...and one that many have asked. That's why I made a video called "Counting by 2" where it explains the reason behind this. There's a method to my madness! ;)
nothing to complain. it was such a good explanation. it help you move forward
in my class I was told to NOT use a flat network. I was told to use 1260 IP addresses. 4 buildings would use 250 connections each. one building would use 180 connections and would also house all the servers and network backbone. the last building would use 80 connections. Playing the role of the network administrator, what steps would you take to accomplish this setup using subnets instead of using a flat network of 1260 IP addresses assigned from a Class B network range? Determine and list the IP address ranges and masks associated with each building and explain the process you used to obtain the IP addresses and masks showing the obtained addresses and masks.
Give us your answer and we'll check it. You should really do your own homework.
wayne weisser I did do my own homework. I was not looking for the answer just a point in the right direction. after watching the video a few times I finally caught on and now its a piece of cake.
Hi Alejandro....I'm glad that you where able to grasp the concept! Please keep in mind that I am not able to answer everyone since I am quite busy....but I try to help out when I can. It just took me a while to look at your comment. However, I am glad that you caught on and if it's a piece of cake...that means you must of looked at my videos and/or viewed my UDEMY courses. :) Good Luck in your studies since they are the key to a wonderful future!!!!
wayne weisser
Thanks Wayne for your help...I know you've got my back! But I do understand when people like Alejandro send me questions since they are probably confused and may just want a clarification. I know and you know that some instructors teach in a manner that make the CCNA seem like if it was "Rocket Science" know that is NOT my method and that's where confusion sets in....many can not comprehend that it's pretty easy...if it is explained in a simple, layman's term. Anyway, thanks again! Hope to see you in my new HOA!
Absolutly. Thank you for the videos. I am in online classes and if you are familiar with those then you know that I have to pretty much teach myself. You're videos have been a great help to me. Thank you again.
thank you sir i got it !!
sir is there any webinars in future
millions of thanks to your CCNA training tutorial and Videos
Excellent explanation. But would you please explain in the first VLSM exercise What will be the largest remaining block of available addresses ?; How to calculate it and the CIDR notation for it.
Thanks . . .