PwC Scandal | Q+A

  • Опубліковано 19 жов 2024


  • @whatsafirstname
    @whatsafirstname Рік тому +67

    Could this be considered terrorism or treason or both? A private company undermining the sovereignty of their nation, while making foreign agencies stronger and making themselves richer

    • @czarkusa2018
      @czarkusa2018 Рік тому

      Exactly, this particular company that just chose to pass around the key to avoid all of the Liberal Party's tax legislation just so happened to be invited into parliament and was personally handed the key by Hockey. That is treason.

    • @taranullius9221
      @taranullius9221 Рік тому

      Google those words. If any charges are laid, breach of confidentiality/contract, fraud, something like that. Oh, I had typed "they'll throw someone under the bus, then business as usual" but thought I was being too cynical but I just saw the news, 2 hours ago: AFP announces criminal probe into 1 person. Welp we can all sleep sound in our beds tonight. Great job Australia.

    • @taranullius9221
      @taranullius9221 Рік тому +5

      In fairness to Labor there is no going back without major sacrifices that few Australians are willing to make...even if they were I think we're too enmeshed. 1 guy though? Very disheartening. I'm glad we're getting into some system of federal ICAC but they're likely going to be toothless. How'd those Royal Commissions turn out against the big banks?

    • @TankEnMate
      @TankEnMate Рік тому

      In short no; terrorism requires the unlawful use of force, the threat of force, serious damage to property, or threatening a person's life. Treason is within the context of war or armed conflict, and at a minimum requires military action of some form, an attack on lawful authority or aiding an enemy, and being against a body to which you owe allegiance. None of the above apply to the current PwC scandal. This scandal legally centres around breach of contract (the non disclosure agreement), and potentially a breach of corporation law (trade secrets) as well as fraud (obtaining benefit by way of deception).

    • @man.inblack
      @man.inblack Рік тому

      @@TankEnMate 2
      "Treason: The betrayal of a trust .i.e. treachery" - it is in NO way limited military or armed conflict.
      Treason is a very real conclusion that can be made to those who harm national interests while enjoying its benefits.
      According to the history of corporations, they are one of the few institution that can challenge national interests and threaten the livelihoods of citizens, and demand special privileges at cost to the community.
      This is not limited by the legalese of the situation, its a national question of what to do with associations that prove to be working AGAINST the interests of the people.
      It should be about LAW MAKING and ensuring this corruption cannot repeat.
      Thats why we have politicians, to ensure modern problems get modern solutions.
      They'll make up BS arguments and claim all the interpretations of irrelevant laws to justify the incarceration of whistleblowers and journalists to protect institutions, but when the mask slips and crimes are revealed, if the Government doesn't use its power to send a message to the political influence industry it won't abide this behavior, this situation will become 'best practice' for the wealth industry - but they'll work harder not to be caught

  • @tonganqueenb5517
    @tonganqueenb5517 Рік тому +43

    PWC needs to be banned from being considered for tenders from the government. End of story.

    • @czarkusa2018
      @czarkusa2018 Рік тому

      The Libs caused this problem, they too must be banned.

    • @taranullius9221
      @taranullius9221 Рік тому +5

      Agreed. Won't happen though.

    • @tonganqueenb5517
      @tonganqueenb5517 Рік тому +1

      @@taranullius9221 I’m afraid you’re correct

  • @htopherollem649
    @htopherollem649 Рік тому +12

    looking forward to the "Honest Government Ads" video covering this!

    • @htopherollem649
      @htopherollem649 Рік тому +6

      also 4.2 million in donations over 10 years just goes to show how cheaply politicians are willing to sell out their constituents

  • @HyperHorse
    @HyperHorse Рік тому +43

    It's time to bring back the public service jobs.

  • @TimotheeLee
    @TimotheeLee Рік тому +4

    Thank You Margret Thatcher. It ain't over.

  • @samwalker6268
    @samwalker6268 Рік тому +10

    This is a symptom of the previous Liberal government and their ethos of “private enterprise can do it instead”. It’ll take a long time for Labor to rebuild the public service and stop this consultancy gravy train.
    It also looks like PwC’s days are numbered in Australia. I wouldn’t be surprised if the IT arm was spun off into a different entity, like Accenture was from Arthur Andersen

    • @jaywulf
      @jaywulf Рік тому

      Lets call a crook a crook “private enterprise can do it instead” means "my mates can do it instead".
      When I was in PS, I had to get three quotes for a bauble around $5000. These thieves hand out multi million dollar no-bid contracts every day.

  • @leahbiffin8432
    @leahbiffin8432 Рік тому +11

    Thanks for your work Stan. Will miss you, hope to see you back when you are ready.
    There are Things I'd like to say to the trolls and haters who want to hurt you, but i can't say them here.

    • @taranullius9221
      @taranullius9221 Рік тому +3

      Why not? It's a goodly chunk of white Australia. We need to just out and say it. It's not a fringe group. It's simply level of intensity. Australia cannot handle Indigenous voices without getting hysterical and defensive...because they know somewhere in the back of their minds it's all true...and they feel attacked.

    • @man.inblack
      @man.inblack Рік тому

      @@taranullius9221 its lazy opinions who want a simple hollywood world view that makes them feel everything is going to be OK.
      They feel attacked because they don't want to relearn stuff, or keep up with the changes life presents.
      Its not like the institutions help, Education is largely just based on providing cheap workers for industry and the media has become the OG social influencers for corporate profit.
      Its not an excuse for the ignorance of the reality of history or enabling the 'feelings before the facts' approach of the conservative mindset, but its not restricted to white Australia, you can see it in many cultures with a sense of entitlement.
      Its not a debate - because opponents to change will always try to stall things with bureaucracy and their control of the means of communication - Its an opportunity to make the choice for a conscious evolution of understanding.
      If Australia wants to be a country worth peoples 'allegiance', then it she be the one we need.
      If Australia wants to be a republic, it needs to deal with the sins of its ex masters first.
      or it will repeat its mistakes.
      We can't change the past, but we can change the trajectory of our collective destiny.
      ps cool name considering the conversation ;)

    • @lachlank.8270
      @lachlank.8270 Рік тому


  • @elizlagana5010
    @elizlagana5010 Рік тому +12

    Money in politics always leads to corruption

    • @owenrodgers8020
      @owenrodgers8020 Рік тому +6

      You realise it's the private sector that is corrupt in this instance, not government...

    • @Zei33
      @Zei33 Рік тому +5

      @@owenrodgers8020 that’s true, but the private sector are the ones with interest in swaying politicians.

    • @czarkusa2018
      @czarkusa2018 Рік тому

      Liberals in power always leads to corruption.

  • @nephriteitsarock5377
    @nephriteitsarock5377 Рік тому +8

    They go external to shift blame if the advice turns to shit, let’s be honest.

  • @LittleTed1000
    @LittleTed1000 Рік тому +3

    Who are the companies who benefited from this espionage? They need charging, too and we need to be told who they are.

  • @leahbiffin8432
    @leahbiffin8432 Рік тому +7

    How can public service be a career of choice when employees must fear the other side of politics - whatever their colours - may come in and cut your job every few years?

    • @taranullius9221
      @taranullius9221 Рік тому

      I don't know how we'd do it but the ABC and the public service should be guaranteed X funding regardless of whether Labor or the s**m are in power. In general I'd point out that job security is overall pretty poor everywhere especially for young people and "post"-pandemic. It's been a good 10 years so, things may have changed but you're waaaay harder to get rid of once you're in the public system than in private enterprise. There's a project for both of us. Current job security/turnover public vs. private. I still have friends in the public service and it's a great wicket to be on.

    • @taranullius9221
      @taranullius9221 Рік тому +5

      The point of the public service is that it is apolitical. It largely is aside from some prestigious appointments. It's financial cuts, not party affiliation that's at issue and that's something we're all prone to under capitalism.

    • @davidhoward4715
      @davidhoward4715 Рік тому +1

      Leah, learn the facts before posting nonsense. Australia does not have a "spoils" system in the public service.

  • @lisathiedeman4487
    @lisathiedeman4487 Рік тому +4

    No clarity that PWC won't be given any of these contracts for their fraudulent behaviour! Just ongoing investigation! Of course, all involved will be hoping that memories are short and this will all blow over, so that they can get back to the business of scratching each other's backs.

  • @mikeyb6737
    @mikeyb6737 Рік тому +5

    PwC has to be fired and the rest of these private company's need to go

  • @Mr.InbetweenFX
    @Mr.InbetweenFX Рік тому +2

    Why'd you turn off the comments on the cocaine video???

    • @man.inblack
      @man.inblack Рік тому +1

      because of the insanity it be?

  • @andileandile993
    @andileandile993 Рік тому +1

    This is serious unethical behaviour with some elements of criminality, but Peter-John Collins only receives a 2-year ban!!! Considering PWC and its partners made money out of this breach of trust by the senior partner in PWC, the 2-year ban is just a slap on the wrist. It appears there was clear intent by Peter-John Collins as he allegedly shared this confidential tax information with his 53 partners in a scheme of generating more revenue for themselves. While these companies may have benefited from the insider information knowingly or unknowingly this may get all those companies involved (clients of PWC) into trouble with their boards and shareholders. These companies may have used this information to avoid paying more taxes if they have not evaded Australian tax laws as it is not clear in the report.
    These are the very same accountants or professionals who teach us about “the agency theory, which posits that those who are tasked with running the organizations should do so in the best interest of the organization and not in their self-interests”. The accountants, at least some of them, do not practice what they preach, unfortunately. Because of alleged agency practices, PWC may suffer reputational damage with the potential fines being imposed on them and loss of future revenue.
    This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the influence and lobbying by accounting firms on matters, they are supposed to be neutral on. The whole system must be overhauled as numerous conflicts of interest exist between the regulators and accountants making it prone to breaches like in this reported case. You cannot be a player and a referee in a game. Because accounting as a discipline is not static, the development of accounting should consider these scandals which bring the accounting profession into disrepute. ESG reporting is another area that needs to be thoroughly re-examined if we are serious about the environmental impact of reporting companies to avoid greenwashing practices.

  • @michaelandrews4783
    @michaelandrews4783 Рік тому +2

    Wasn't one of the bull reason we were given for privatization was if a company like PWC does this we can simply can them and use another company? hm?

  • @barryfaulkner7032
    @barryfaulkner7032 Рік тому +3

    The public service is out of control. All contractors has to do is find a public servant to take a bribe and they are in baby. The party that happens to be in power at the time might have something to do with it but really I don’t give them the credit for that much intelligence.

  • @hauptmannbalalaika
    @hauptmannbalalaika Рік тому +3

    Two-timing is essentially fraudulent behaviour. Not only do we get this, we even shovel money to wealthy shareholders in the US. Look at all contracts when they expire and do not make new ones. The financial and other burdens from digitization also come from taking good advice from fraudulent two-timers?

  • @shiraz1736
    @shiraz1736 Рік тому +3

    This is so American.

    • @czarkusa2018
      @czarkusa2018 Рік тому

      This is fundamentally Australian. The Libs blatantly selling our country out and half of Australia will still preference them.

    • @davidhoward4715
      @davidhoward4715 Рік тому

      This is the Australian disease. Blame foreigners for our own screw-ups.

  • @sherazmukhtar9627
    @sherazmukhtar9627 Рік тому

    Can anyone tell that who suffered most from the scandal? Which stakeholders paid the prices?

  • @vijaysambyal9353
    @vijaysambyal9353 Рік тому +2

    Current aps hiring process is excuse to promote and hire internal staff member and friends and family.

  • @danielr5552
    @danielr5552 Рік тому +7

    Happens ALL THE TIME. Won’t change. Allow whistleblower laws and it would help stop it but we won’t be seeing those laws any time soon.

  • @0401412740
    @0401412740 Рік тому +4

    Can we actually solve housing? I cant afford a house to live in

    • @davidhoward4715
      @davidhoward4715 Рік тому

      The Greens are determined to block affordable housing.

    • @goodgame3374
      @goodgame3374 Рік тому +1

      Look at the whole picture. If a billion dollars in tax revenue is funneled offshore that's a lot of housing & subsidies that can't be funded

  • @bigphinis675
    @bigphinis675 Рік тому +3

    Jail please

  • @nonotthaone
    @nonotthaone Рік тому

    the private section for the same position is almost 40 to 100% more pay in finance and ICT sectors... how are you gonna convince younger generations who are financially worse than previous ones to join public sector...

  • @MrLukeyhym
    @MrLukeyhym Рік тому +4

    Puppet show 🎪

  • @joeshin3070
    @joeshin3070 Рік тому

    Lost tax by australian people should be repaid by pwc

  • @michalp1
    @michalp1 Рік тому

    Consulting firms have not be regulated and should be

  • @davidjdreid6285
    @davidjdreid6285 Рік тому

    This is not a 'baby with the bathwater' situation. The 'consultants' have been proven corrupt. The government that hired them is questionable at best. At best.

  • @jonrobinson8005
    @jonrobinson8005 Рік тому +7

    When there’s government, private companies, truck loads of money and party “donations” involved of course there’s a lack of standard of practices and the blurred lines of ethics. Greed and corruption is not the bug it is the feature.

  • @1111116411
    @1111116411 Рік тому

    4.2 million to the major parties over 10 years doesn't seem like much that's 1.05 per company at 105k a year and then assume just labour and LNP that's pwc giving each one 50k every year that's barely 1 persons salary

  • @jn715-i3h
    @jn715-i3h Рік тому

    Is there much real difference in the severity of the crime in relation to Wikileaks and the PWC tax leaks? except the staff with Wikileaks are in jail and the PWC staff are not.
    There are a lot of global companies that stand to gain from the PWC tax leaks and it makes you wonder what countries stand to gain from the impact of the PWC leaks on Australia's economic security and the devastation on this economy - as well PWC's involvement with Australia's public services is also something to be considered when connected with this PWC tax scandal, anyway shouldn't the PWC staff who are involved in this be jailed for life like the Wikileak staff have been?
    Strange thing is PWC Plc and Capita Plc has just been appointed in June 2023, by the City of London Police to provide the replacement for Action Fraud. This comes after what has happened in Australia with PWC, along with a possible cause for concern about Capita’s appointment following its admission that it suffered a cyberattack in March 2023 along with investigations into data breaches, which the outsourcer has said will set it back £20m.

  • @onenate
    @onenate Рік тому +4

    Agree with everything they said about consulting. But I’ll never return to the APS, would rather be unemployed than work in that risk adverse anti-change culture.

    • @man.inblack
      @man.inblack Рік тому +1

      Why does the culture have to stay the same? Corporate and social culture has evolved over the decades, but the public service is still spoken of in the same way that the 80's neoliberals used to undermine it.
      We need new people to defy the systemic bureaucracy thats been embedded within to ensure the establishment bias goes on.
      We need to change the institution from within, We need people with ideals strong enough they'd actually stay unemployed.
      People make culture, people condone behavior, people make change.
      apathy will be our undoing

    • @andrewthomas695
      @andrewthomas695 Рік тому +1

      I felt the same, but went back. Running away, as tempting as it was, didn't work. Better to fight and fail than run and hide.

    • @andrewthomas695
      @andrewthomas695 Рік тому

      ​​@@man.inblack Well said. If ever there was a sin that was left off the deadly sins list, it's apathy. Apathy is a central factor in many of humanity's, most egregious periods and actions.

  • @jaywulf
    @jaywulf Рік тому

    4:21 Narrator - There was no tightenign up, in fact PwC got more contracts from the Government.
    Its called "Legislative capture" and both sides of politics are big time into it... and we, the people are the victims.

  • @jeffreystorer4966
    @jeffreystorer4966 Рік тому

    Govt subcontracting out their work to others , while giving themselves pay rises free travel stage 3 tax cuts, we get a watered down underfunded nacc, and the joy of footing the bills

  • @JJ-rp2df
    @JJ-rp2df Рік тому

    PwCheat karma catching up

  • @urmwhynot
    @urmwhynot Рік тому +9

    Labor is looking more and more like Liberal party lol

    • @ryan266846
      @ryan266846 Рік тому +3

      That's what centrism is.

    • @Whoisthis1111
      @Whoisthis1111 Рік тому +1

      Because the libs have always been centre right, it’s just that the left are moving further left and the right are moving further right. Labor has moved further to the centre from the left it used to be.

    • @m0rthaus
      @m0rthaus Рік тому +5

      Yo, genius.. Both the ATO whistleblower prosecution and the PwC tax consultations that they illegally used to help their clients bypass corporate tax happened under the LNP leadership.. the ATO raised the concern in 2018 when they were flumoxed that corporate tax cheats were repeatedly able to beat what they had expected were easy-win audits. The Tax Practitioners Board launched their investigation into this in 2021. This was happening at the same time the LNP was slashing the budget to the ATO by the way.
      Tell me again how this is Labor's fault?

    • @czarkusa2018
      @czarkusa2018 Рік тому

      Australians voted against housing reform, Australians voted against every good policy Labor had. As soon as they campaigned on no policies at all they won an election.
      Australians want to sit in a pool of their own shit and will only get up to pummel anyone that threatens to build a plumbing system.

    • @davidhoward4715
      @davidhoward4715 Рік тому

      @@ryan266846 No, it isn't. Don't fall for right-wing propaganda.

  • @vijaysambyal9353
    @vijaysambyal9353 Рік тому

    They are hiring aps what a bull, fix your toxic culture and hiring process first before you make attractive place to work. Dont blame the contractors for incompoentances of aps staff and unions.

  • @joonlee6146
    @joonlee6146 Рік тому +1

    It is only one little pice of big ice berg…. Who knows there are more which not been discovered.