To the love of my life Jimmy MacCarthy Qiumei Chen (Annie) A few visible lines may show you age but those eyes of yours take decades away eyes as clear as those of a new born not to endure even the tiniest dust Serendipity and passion live side in you enchanted and passionate about music while as calm as a lake about life You stepped into the even changing realm of music only to discover its uncertainty and illusions which throw you into a desert one of I fathomable lifelessness and loneliness Money and fame find no place in you the spotlight loses its dazzle before you so you left the raucous world behind to hide away in the woods li a hermit Peace and quiet resumes You are alone but never lonely little do you ask for never with any regret Life is uneventful but rich in colours Glories fade away heroes pass their heyday your legend however carries on despite your departure from the center stage The thousand songs you wrote are played everywhere your name is heard in TV and rad music programmes your songs may have even changed the trajectory of many singers from being unknown to becoming shinning stars from the famous queen of folk music Mary Black to the celebrated musician Christ Moore Your songs follo the course of their careers The music scene changes like a kaleidoscope however those chords that your music strikes dazzle our heart the incomparable thril and joy that hop out of your music will always make this world a warmer and nicer place
To the love of my life Jimmy MacCarthy
Qiumei Chen (Annie)
A few visible lines may show you age
but those eyes of yours take decades away
eyes as clear as those of a new born
not to endure even the tiniest dust
Serendipity and passion live side in you
enchanted and passionate about music
while as calm as a lake about life
You stepped into the even changing realm of music
only to discover its uncertainty and illusions
which throw you into a desert
one of I fathomable lifelessness and loneliness
Money and fame find no place in you
the spotlight loses its dazzle before you
so you left the raucous world behind
to hide away in the woods li a hermit
Peace and quiet resumes
You are alone but never lonely
little do you ask for never with any regret
Life is uneventful but rich in colours
Glories fade away heroes pass their heyday
your legend however carries on
despite your departure from the center stage
The thousand songs you wrote are played everywhere
your name is heard in TV and rad music programmes
your songs may have even changed the trajectory of many singers
from being unknown to becoming shinning stars
from the famous queen of folk music Mary Black
to the celebrated musician Christ Moore
Your songs follo the course of their careers
The music scene changes like a kaleidoscope
however those chords that your music strikes
dazzle our heart
the incomparable thril and joy that hop out of your music
will always make this world a warmer
and nicer place
这是陈秋梅给Jimmy MacCarthy写 的素描:
多少英雄迟幕,多少传奇正在落幕。可你退出江湖很多年,江湖却一直都有你的传说:你创作的上千首歌曲不间断地唱响在英语歌坛,隔三差五电视和电台音乐访谈节目就会提到你。你创作的歌曲曾经让一些歌手一举成名……逆袭成著名歌唱家(如著名的民歌皇后Mary Black和著名歌唱家Christy Moore……他们都在尽情演绎着你的歌曲)。
写给我亲密的爱人Jimmy MacCarthy
陈秋梅(Annie Chen)