How I'd Invest in Real Estate From Scratch (in 2025)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @seanlovesrealestate
    @seanlovesrealestate  10 місяців тому +3

    ✅ ✅ Attend our FREE "How to buy your first rental property masterclass" to learn how to start investing in real estate in 2024:

  • @opesvi
    @opesvi Рік тому +22

    It has to be said that as long as space remains limited, housing will always have value as a hard asset, so no matter when and where you begin investing you will see benefits, and even if the market's in a choppy state and you do see some minor losses, the lessons you'll learn throughout your investment journey will be worth the downpayment.

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому

      Very well said! 💯

    • @CommanderRich
      @CommanderRich 11 місяців тому +1

      Simply just not true. You can own a house but its not an asset unless its making you money.

    • @MrJosh066717
      @MrJosh066717 7 місяців тому

      @@CommanderRichrich dad poor dad approves this message

    • @CommanderRich
      @CommanderRich 7 місяців тому

      @@MrJosh066717 thats where I got it from lol. Read that book awhile ago and have been tryna learn since then

  • @epictetus3406
    @epictetus3406 Рік тому +41

    Would love to see some numbers on your properties - cash on cash return, cashflow, maintenance, capital expenditures etc

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому +3

      I have an upcoming video for my airbnb. This might be of help where I talked about my fourplex deal -

  • @rumahjakartabekasidijual
    @rumahjakartabekasidijual Рік тому +8

    Real estate investing: A journey of learning, growing, and building financial stability

  • @paulmiracle6739
    @paulmiracle6739 9 місяців тому +8

    Am 21 years old from Nigeria but i don know where to start but i will keep researching

    • @akhil_m9703
      @akhil_m9703 2 місяці тому

      Hey i am a 20 year old from India It would be so nice to find out What are your observations? , and how far have you come in ur research

  • @mikef2811
    @mikef2811 Рік тому +9

    I think a great way to start is your backyard and garage, especially in areas that are extremely expensive. I am dipping my hands into building ADUs. I am about to finish with my garage, which was converted into a Jr. ADU. My next step is to build an ADU in the backyard. I am located in CA.

  • @ohmy...9007
    @ohmy...9007 Рік тому +10

    Hi Sean, what's your opinion about investing in retirement accounts vs real estate? Did you max out your retirement accounts and used the extra funds for real estate? Or did you go all in on real estate? Would love to hear your strategy

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому +10

      Great question! I'm a big fan of all things Roth related and tried to max out my accounts (Roth IRA first, then Roth 401k if possible). Eventually, I started flipping houses and buying rental properties and had to dial back on my retirement accounts. It's good to have a mixture of both. The best part is that I don't touch my retirement accounts at all and they've been growing steadily over time.

    • @ohmy...9007
      @ohmy...9007 Рік тому +1

      @@seanlovesrealestate Thanks for the reply Sean, makes sense! I like the idea of diversifying like you suggest

    • @alberto7455
      @alberto7455 Рік тому

      ​@@seanlovesrealestatecan foreigners also invest in retirement account?

    • @mikef2811
      @mikef2811 Рік тому

      @@alberto7455 Yes, anyone can invest in retirement accounts. Go to a bank, an investment firm, or your workplace.

    • @Momo-96
      @Momo-96 6 місяців тому

      You can’t eat your shingles.

  • @LeviForWaifu
    @LeviForWaifu Рік тому +6

    Hey man. Seen a lot of crying about this so please feel free to make a short about this:
    IRS allows a 10k withdrawal from IRA accounts within your lifetime penalty free to be used for purchase, construction or "reconstruction" of first home.
    From one's day job, Put money into 401k and get the company matching, then roll it over into a Traditional IRA (penalty free), then pull it out penalty free to use for home down payment. (You will owe income taxes in the year you do it, no penalty)
    I just did this in Year 2022, it works and is fully supported by TaxAct and other software for reporting what happened.
    Love your channel, keep holding people accountable.

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому +3

      That's awesome! I never used this since I wanted to keep as much money in my tax advantaged accounts as possible, but I know several people who have!

    • @LeviForWaifu
      @LeviForWaifu Рік тому

      @@seanlovesrealestate Keeping money in them just means you pay more later... it is LITERALLY the optimal move especially with the whiners crying they don't have down payment

  • @Dashabell.
    @Dashabell. 8 місяців тому +2

    I realized that the secret to making a million is saving for a better investment. I always tell myself you don't need that new Maserati or that vacation just yet. That mindset helped me make more money investing. For example last year I invested 80k in stocks and made about $246k, but guess what? I put it all back and traded again and now I am rounding up close to a million.

  • @Mavis-Jason
    @Mavis-Jason Рік тому +7

    *Amazing content. You are still the best! It's been a year since I found ways to improve my finances and by working with a recognized professional, I was able to achieve financial independence. I have to say this; “As long as you have determination and work hard, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.”*

  • @zorgee
    @zorgee Рік тому +4

    i think it's simplifying it by saying we just ear passive income with little hassle. The heart of REI is about management. Property management of 34 units remotely in even more than 2/3 states is not little hassle. I manage a lot more units than that and it's plenty hassle.

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  10 місяців тому

      I think a big difference is that we don't manage the properties ourselves. We hire professional property management to handle the day to day operations and only get involved for major issues.

  • @grabthemappodcast
    @grabthemappodcast 10 місяців тому +9

    Your emphasis on community and team-building in real estate investing is spot on. Integration into a community of real estate investors provides support and knowledge-sharing opportunities.

  • @cesarmurph
    @cesarmurph 9 місяців тому +3

    My aunt passed away, and I inherited part of her portfolio and cash savings. I'm 38 years old, and everyone always tells me to invest. So, what stocks are good long-term investments? My sole big plan is to use my gains to buy a house in five years.

      @ANDYPADOVA 9 місяців тому +2

      You're lucky, I would use that to invest heavily in tech stocks and dividend portfolios.

    • @thomasbetts01
      @thomasbetts01 9 місяців тому +2

      Don’t come to UA-cam looking for UA-cam advise, instead contact a fiduciary for proper guidance.Don’t come to UA-cam looking for UA-cam advise, instead contact a fiduciary for proper guidance.

      @ANDYPADOVA 9 місяців тому +2

      Same, I just use UA-cam for research purposes, I run all my major investment through an investment adviser, the market is just too unstable to handle things on your own.

    • @MarielPerkins
      @MarielPerkins 4 місяці тому

      Being a PML is hands down way better option, IMO. More profit, faster and more secure than stocks.

    • @BlaireAugust
      @BlaireAugust 4 місяці тому

      ​@@thomasbetts01People don't often realize how financial advisors are important. Records from the last 60 years shows that people who usually work with advisors earn more than people who don't. I've worked with one for 15 years, with her assistance I've achieved alot including a 7-figure size portfolio

  • @Killuastrikes
    @Killuastrikes 5 місяців тому +1

    I am 12 and going to 13 and my dad keeps telling me to learn to invest or do some stock market so I guess I’m with him

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  5 місяців тому +2

      Increase your knowledge while you’re young! You got this!

    • @Killuastrikes
      @Killuastrikes 5 місяців тому

      Thanks Sean I will try my best👍

  • @Leomcc96
    @Leomcc96 Рік тому +6

    I mean if you start up a small business and put 20% into investments then 20% into re-investments in your business and the rest can be for tax and bills and anything else you have to pay for to keep

  • @BlakeAnderson-tp8nh
    @BlakeAnderson-tp8nh 4 місяці тому +5

    This is all really cool but I am just confused should I invest in stocks or real estate, or if I should just put my money into a retirement account?

    • @gabrielhaskins705
      @gabrielhaskins705 13 годин тому

      All 3. I would say you should have a Roth IRA established you slowly contribute to. But if you have the capital for real estate, research what type of investment you’re going for. I want an area that’s appreciating quick, buying one that has all the structurally sound stuff but maybe a bathroom and kitchen you can remodel. Live in it for a while, now rent it out. You can buy some townhouse in Florida and rent it out for a ton more than the price

  • @billbonu1639
    @billbonu1639 11 місяців тому +1

    25 countries ditched the u s dollar last year alone.keep stackin em up!!

    • @bayodaman
      @bayodaman 8 місяців тому

      who cares what they ditch lol. If they aren't rapidly growing and depend on a bunch of US business guess who doesn't give a shit. now you just have to pay a billion v bucks for an iPhone lol 🤡🤡

  • @haciendadad
    @haciendadad Рік тому +6

    Have a good property manager is better than having a good property!!!

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому +2

      Yup, but it's also a bit of a mix of both. A great manager working on a bad property is also a recipe for disaster.

    • @haciendadad
      @haciendadad Рік тому

      @@seanlovesrealestate I should rephrase this as "Having a good property manager is just as good as having a good property"

    • @ritamc90
      @ritamc90 Рік тому +1

      What do you think about property management software as a compromise between DIY and hiring a PM?

    • @MrRodneyH
      @MrRodneyH 5 місяців тому

      @@ritamc90would love to hear the answer to this

  • @star_platinum2821
    @star_platinum2821 Рік тому +4

    if you own 34 units how does the bank keep lending you money , wont your debt to income ratio prevent the banks from lending

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  10 місяців тому +3

      Great question! There's a lot of components that go into this so I'll break it down here:
      1) The banks will consider 75% of your gross rents towards your income, so it helps when it comes to debt/income ratio
      2) The bigger limiting factor tends to be the number of conventional loans (10), so my wife and I typically get loans with just one person on the note.
      3) multifamily units (2-4 units) count as one property, so this way, you can buy multiple units with just loan.
      4) After a certain point, you can't get a conventional loan anymore, so that's when you can start looking into commercial and DSCR loans. These have worse rates and worse terms, but they help get the job done.
      I have videos about them in my channel if you want to learn more about them!

  • @User-t4f3q
    @User-t4f3q Рік тому +5

    Do you have advice for a kid who wants to be successful in life? Should I keep on learning about investing and business?

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому +4

      Don’t stop learning. The earlier you invest, the better. ☺️

    • @basedblueboy8770
      @basedblueboy8770 Рік тому +2

      Focus primarily on investments and do your passions as a hobby. I did the reverse and feel behind.

  • @Koley_channel
    @Koley_channel Рік тому +3

    Have a good day/night everyone

  • @edbrown7919
    @edbrown7919 Рік тому +5

    What property management do you recommend for the Bay Area? Thanks

    • @Donald-oo2rj
      @Donald-oo2rj Рік тому

      Funding is available for real estate investing?

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому

      My Dad's a property manager, but he's retiring soon. I recommend looking up property management companies on Yelp and Google and calling them to see if they're a good fit for you.

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому

      What kind of funding do you need? (Conventional, Hard Money, DSCR?)

  • @walkerbot6059
    @walkerbot6059 11 місяців тому +15

    I’m 13 watching this because my dad does this and I’m very confused

    • @sscarto
      @sscarto 7 місяців тому +2

      Bro pls ik u wanna get rich but pls enjoy ur child hood forgot about making money for now (as long as u don’t need it)

    • @walkerbot6059
      @walkerbot6059 7 місяців тому

      @@sscarto thanks man

    • @sscarto
      @sscarto 7 місяців тому +1

      I’m not telling u to completely forgot about money js don’t let it mentally effect you it’s good to have a little side hustle something like cutting grass or something light

    • @lordishurue4153
      @lordishurue4153 7 місяців тому +2

      Stay focused on money , childhood is nothing very rarely will you have friends from 13 to age of 40
      Really is at 13 your fun is all coz of parental sacrifices .
      This is coming from someone who wishes at 13 was thinking of getting rich n not from child dream of being actor or pro wrestler rtc

    • @smlVIDS54
      @smlVIDS54 3 місяці тому

      ​@@walkerbot6059Naaa bro focus more on money bow thats one thing i regret if i just started sooner then i would know better and more

  • @dingleberrymore9725
    @dingleberrymore9725 9 місяців тому

    Interesting. So this is why people are increasingly being priced out of housing. Because the wealthy who are able to have 34 real estate properties go to markets and states that are cheaper to become landlords, and dry up those real estate markets, gate keeping the middle class. Even once you get past the astronomical increases in cost of living, you have to contend with people who solely focus on amassing as much wealth as possible. Good to know!
    Very informative channel. Subscribed.

  • @marvinars2274
    @marvinars2274 Рік тому +5

    Good vid!😊

  • @Welnetzclerton
    @Welnetzclerton 2 місяці тому

    So ein wichtiges Thema, gut erklärt.

  • @Zer0ThePlagueDoc
    @Zer0ThePlagueDoc Рік тому +5

    I don't doubt your strategies work, but I see the same thing so often:
    "I have no money, and live check to check.. how can I get a foot in?"
    "Well, start budgeting and begin saving so you.."
    "..assuming you didn't hear me.. I live check to check. Meaning I have no disposable income.."
    I have never found an answer to this catch 22. You need money to make money, but many people can't get out of this spiral. Is there any advice on this conundrum?

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому +2

      There are 2 ways to get out of the cycle, but neither are going to be easy.
      Option 1 is to get a higher paying job. Maybe this requires you to go back to school to get trained in a higher paying profession, or maybe you just need to have the courage to ask for a raise from your boss.
      Option 2 is to start a side hustle that brings in more money. Try to do things that are scalable that don't take up more of your time.
      Good luck!

    • @Zer0ThePlagueDoc
      @Zer0ThePlagueDoc Рік тому

      @@seanlovesrealestate So.. success is based on the whim of your boss, or do a side hustle? Best side hustles are illegal. Decent profit per effort put in. The people I work with seem more and more to want to lean into this field as legitimate work doesn't seem to cover their needs anymore. And the payout is much less than the work put in, so it doesn't feel worth it. And the idea of 'start a side hustle'; I love to death. So many people suggest it, but never offer guidance on how to do this, or where to begin, or even decide what you're going to do. Tate, Wallace, Marcus, so many 'inspirational' influencers/millionaires make these comments and never specify anything.

  • @Scott21
    @Scott21 10 місяців тому +1

    The video was interesting, but I really like the last note

  • @husbandandwifeteamak
    @husbandandwifeteamak 5 місяців тому

    Great insights on starting fresh in real estate. Thanks!

  • @breezeadele
    @breezeadele Рік тому +5

    Sean, how do you think if I buy out of state rental property before I buy primary residence? Also, can the income generated by home #1 be qualified for mortgage of future property?

    • @bosellibrothersrealestate
      @bosellibrothersrealestate Рік тому +2

      @breezeadele banks look at your DTI or “Debt to Income” ratio when issuing a loan. The income you generate from the property will most likely not help you because of the debt you carry for that same property. As long as it’s rented out, you can have your debt serviced by a professional servicing company and have 75% of that property's debt removed after 1 year, and 100% removed after 2 years. I own 13 properties and still rent my personal residence so I know the struggle!

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому +1

      It's possible to buy rentals first, but most of the investors I know (myself included) purchased our primary residence before buying rentals. It's a personal choice.

    • @MrRodneyH
      @MrRodneyH 5 місяців тому

      @@bosellibrothersrealestatecan you elaborate? How is the debt removed and are there any downsides to this? I’ve never heard of it

  • @learningSpanish_EngSraRamirez
    @learningSpanish_EngSraRamirez 8 місяців тому

    Very informative! Thank you!

  • @Gregfrealestate
    @Gregfrealestate 11 місяців тому

    No matter what is the market situation there will always be a good strategy that we can take advatage. This is a good one!

  • @hannahviolet927
    @hannahviolet927 3 місяці тому +1

    Is it possible to invest in real estate while renting an apartment? I can't afford to buy a house in my area on a single income, but I can in my home state.

  • @wealththruturnkeyrealestate
    @wealththruturnkeyrealestate 4 місяці тому

    Real estate is the way to go! 💰💰

  • @thk_24
    @thk_24 4 місяці тому

    Which country is good for investment in real estate right now also how should i do it

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  4 місяці тому

      We haven’t tried investing in other countries at the moment. Our rentals are all in the US

  • @disneyfan_1237
    @disneyfan_1237 7 місяців тому

    Great video. Im 18 and almost done highschool. I don't have a bank account yet so that's where I'll get started.

  • @jaxcoraion5295
    @jaxcoraion5295 Рік тому +3

    That was amazing

  • @Emilioh888
    @Emilioh888 5 місяців тому

    Where can I get the excel sheet? It doesn’t show up in the video

  • @NateLeeGreat
    @NateLeeGreat 5 місяців тому

    Hi Sean, I am 18 years old and lost my mom about half a year ago and I am going to receive some money soon. Do you think it would be smart to hold and grow my money in stocks for a few years while I am in college and then invest in rental properties afterwards, or should I go straight for real estate investing first? This was a great video!

  • @AprilRae19
    @AprilRae19 7 місяців тому

    Great episode Sean 🌟 With today's sky-high interest rates and soaring home prices, your breakdown of entering the real estate market from scratch is super relevant. I appreciate the focus on practical steps like financial preparedness and building a network through meetups and conferences. What would you recommend as the best ways to approach financing options in this high-interest rate environment? Any specific tips for negotiating better terms with lenders would be hugely beneficial! Keep these insights coming!

  • @Raymondjohn2
    @Raymondjohn2 Рік тому +9

    I'm a single, 43-year-old father who resides in Hamburg. If everything continues to go well for me, I intend to retire at age 50. I couldn't be happier right now than I am that I just bought my first house last month. I'm so happy that I made wise choices that altered my life forever.

    • @kenanporubsky2122
      @kenanporubsky2122 Рік тому +2

      Salutations, dude. At your age, you're doing extremely well. I'm 54 years old, and right now my finances are a mess. Any helpful advice would be greatly appreciated in helping to mold my life. I want to buy a home of my own.

  • @builtra
    @builtra Рік тому +4

    I've been following your journey for a while now, and I'm constantly inspired by your insights and experiences. Your videos have been a goldmine of knowledge for me
    One thing that has always intrigued me about real estate investing is what happens after the sale. It's clear you've got the buying and selling game down, but what about the ongoing challenges of property management? Have you ever encountered unexpected hurdles, like tricky tenants or maintenance issues, that really tested your skills?
    I'm also curious if you've ever considered taking your investment properties to the next level with construction or renovations? It seems like a logical step to increase property value, but maybe there are reasons why you haven't ventured into that territory yet. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!
    Keep up the fantastic work on your channel. Your content is not only informative but also incredibly engaging. Looking forward to your next video!

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому +1

      Thanks for watching! And yes, we've had challenges with some of our properties after we close on them. It's usually based on the tenant pool so one lesson that we've learned is to stay far away from really cheap markets because the tenants there generally create a lot of issues. We remodel about 1 house a year but it is more capital and time intensive. Thanks for your awesome questions!

  • @michaelG2310
    @michaelG2310 Рік тому +182

    Step one - save 20% down for a property. Okay, I’m out

    • @TheLethargicAge
      @TheLethargicAge Рік тому +7

      Step two - tie it up in an illiquid asset with high leverage

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому +58

      I recommend starting by investing in stocks to build up your savings to eventually get into buying properties. It takes a while for sure, but getting into real estate investing is one of the most stable ways of preserving and growing your wealth!

    • @TheLethargicAge
      @TheLethargicAge Рік тому +3

      @@seanlovesrealestate What about all the expenses that come with owning a property-interest, taxes, insurance, maintenance? Sure, you can rent it out and cover all of that with the rent, but any unexpected expenses (broken AC or special assessment from HOA) will inevitably end up eating up a big chunk of your “profit”. And if you sell it and invest the proceeds into another property, it will most likely be at a higher price and higher cost of financing, so how much cash profit are you really making?

    • @haciendadad
      @haciendadad Рік тому +6

      If the property is for commercial purposes, i.e., this is not your primary dwelling, you will probably need to put down 30%. That was my experience.

    • @BRC332
      @BRC332 Рік тому +4

      I’d say, use a FHA loan with 3.5% down, and wait a few years to refinance.

  • @boiseboi2007
    @boiseboi2007 Рік тому +4

    I need money for food.
    I need food for protein.
    I need protein to get my heart pumping.
    Which I need to get oxygen to my brain.
    So I can live!

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому +2

      Technically you can live off of the Earth for free, but having money makes it much easier :)

  • @Malikah.of.G.O.D
    @Malikah.of.G.O.D 8 місяців тому

    did u ever goto college for real estate or did you ever take a program that you feel really really benefitted you?

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  8 місяців тому

      I went to school for engineering but it had nothing to do with real estate. The best "program" was going to local meetup groups and hanging out with other investors.

  • @PalAl11
    @PalAl11 Рік тому

    I am looking for my 1st investment property. It will be on the coast for peak and off season rental. Looking at possible dipping into and old IRA from an old employer. Know that i will have to pay fees since not of age yet, but i think the return on investment in long run will outweigh the fees for that year. Also, looking at taking out a HLOC to use only iff needed for repairs or payment when vacant. What are your thoughts on both?

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  10 місяців тому

      I think you can roll over the funds into a self-directed IRA and then invest from there so that you don't have to take the penalty (talk to a financial consultant first to see if this is a good idea). Right now most banks are only offering HELOCs on primary homes, but it can be a good tool to have if you need spare cash.

  • @Kleinycast
    @Kleinycast Рік тому +1

    Sean how does that work??
    Like you need to put higher down payment then put high on furniture so would get a higher cash flow..

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому

      That's if you go the "fully furnished" route. And yes, it requires more money up front.

  • @ΓιωργοςΚακαβας-ε7γ

    Hi Sean I am just starting with real estate I inherited 3 units in Greece but two of them need renovation, I was thinking of getting 2 small loans for the renovations, and after I am done rent all 3 of them and try to buy a 4th one using the 3 previous as guarantee as well the income from the 3 units to get the loan for the 4th purchase. What do you thing about the strategy? I am not entirely sure about the refinancing method here in Greece but I am still exploring it.

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому +1

      That sounds like a good idea. Definitely speak to a local lender first to see if your strategy will fly.

  • @austincook9180
    @austincook9180 Рік тому +2

    I can't find your free money quiz that you talked about in one of your shorts. Can you share the link?

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому

      Hey! Try this link.

  • @fusionvideos6288
    @fusionvideos6288 Рік тому

    What is your opinion on turnkeys?

  • @RonaldSimonKahn
    @RonaldSimonKahn Рік тому +4

    Thank you for the educational videos!

  • @whynot9421
    @whynot9421 Рік тому +5

    Hi Sean! I was wondering if there are any calculators you use to calculate if a property can cash flow. Do you have any that you recommend?

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому

      You can get mine for 50% off!

  • @wahidraziullah7355
    @wahidraziullah7355 Рік тому +2

    Very good video, inspiring 😍

  • @noahizquierdo9008
    @noahizquierdo9008 11 місяців тому

    You didn’t talk about fha wld u recommend taking a fha or waiting till u can afford a 20% down payment

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  10 місяців тому +1

      Tbh it depends on your situation. You can't get an FHA loan for investment properties (unless you live in one of the units) and the MIP is an additional cost that you'll have to pay for the lifetime of the loan. I'd prefer to put 20% down if I had the choice but it's up to you

    • @noahizquierdo9008
      @noahizquierdo9008 10 місяців тому

      @@seanlovesrealestate ty!

    • @noahizquierdo9008
      @noahizquierdo9008 10 місяців тому

      Great advice

  • @coldflu
    @coldflu Рік тому

    Max Kaiser is up 20 billion percent since 2011. Let that sink in.
    How’s real estate treating you with all the additional costs and pain that doesn’t come with Bitcoin?

  • @calyournnnbroker47
    @calyournnnbroker47 Рік тому +5

    This is a really interesting topic! Your content is both enjoyable and valuable! If you want I'd love to collaborate on content that educates your audience about generating passive income through triple net properties. I'm in the NNN property business for over 15 years.

  • @verynormalyoutubeuser
    @verynormalyoutubeuser Рік тому +1

    can you make a video about, how we can use AI in real estate. Would you recommend it. Is it better or should we not use AI in real estate

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому

      That's a great idea! We've been incorporating AI for many parts of our business, but we haven't used it for investing yet. I'm sure there are ways to use it but I haven't done so quite yet.

  • @footballrules634
    @footballrules634 Рік тому +1

    sean i live in perth can you make a video about Australia real-estate

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому

      Hey, sorry but I only have properties in the US and share what I know based on my experiences.

  • @wesome0756
    @wesome0756 4 місяці тому

    What did he said in 1:06

  • @dannynim414
    @dannynim414 Рік тому +3

    Have you invest any units in the Bay Area recently? Can you get cash flow in the Bay Area with 20% down? Please comment.

    • @mikefeir
      @mikefeir Рік тому

      Lol 😂 no chance

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому

      Not gonna lie, it'd be pretty hard. The best case scenario is if you bought a property in the East Bay that can be house hacked or rented out as a fully furnished unit. I've seen it done before but it's definitely harder than if you just went out of state.

  • @JimGCoachingClub
    @JimGCoachingClub Рік тому +3

    Your real estate insights are fascinating. Our faith-based channel focuses on Airbnb passive income. I appreciate your valuable insights on the challenging real estate market. Keep up the great work with your educational content! 🙏

  • @Chessfish1
    @Chessfish1 Рік тому +1

    Would an engineer make enough to invest in index funds and real estate

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому

      Definitely. Although I complain about my old career, it did give me enough to save and invest so that I could eventually leave it.

  • @aina.cavalida
    @aina.cavalida Рік тому

    Subscribed! ❤

  • @Leomcc96
    @Leomcc96 Рік тому +1

    What if you don’t have any money how do you get enough to invest

  • @ClairGlover-y7y
    @ClairGlover-y7y Рік тому

    Syndication is the most profitable way to invest in real estate for me.

  • @craigroy9614
    @craigroy9614 11 місяців тому +1

    I literally can’t stand people who made a living off RE prior to 2023, trying to give advice to people trying to buy in 2024.

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  10 місяців тому

      Why not? Have you tried to implement any of the steps that I mentioned in the video?

  • @Horselattice
    @Horselattice 9 місяців тому

    How do you scare?

  • @finitefish
    @finitefish Рік тому +2

    Do you have advice for staring and running a business

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому

      I recommend starting a business that can produce cash flow as soon as possible (i.e. selling products and services vs trying to create an app that will dethrone Facebook). Keep your expenses at a reasonable level and don't quit your full-time job until you have traction. Good luck!

  • @missramireztr
    @missramireztr 11 місяців тому

    I want to try and invest but I rent right now.

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  10 місяців тому

      Start attending local meetups and network with investors in your community

  • @themariomaster5207
    @themariomaster5207 Рік тому +1


  • @douglashillson1531
    @douglashillson1531 9 місяців тому

    How do you manage properties in states you don’t live in? What do companies typically charge? How do you avoid some of the nightmares I’ve heard about?

  • @Brandon_66
    @Brandon_66 8 місяців тому

    Honestly, people like you that buy and rent out properties is why I can't afford a home

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  8 місяців тому

      Debatable, we don't usually buy houses that are in livable condition and put in a lot of money to make them rent ready. These are houses that most people wouldn't buy as their first home unless they have experience with construction.

    • @Brandon_66
      @Brandon_66 8 місяців тому

      @seanlovesrealestate I'm talking about people scalping all the real estate and putting it up for rent instead of selling it. There is a low supply now because people treated a necessity like an investment. People don't want to rent but we are forced to because a few people take all the real estate from everyone else. I just graduated college and now have a high paying job but I still can't afford a house just because I was born too late. I can't start a family like I wanted to. Just at least understand what problems our current generation is facing. We are screwed from the start. This greed is why the American Dream was killed for us. We have no hope anymore

  • @RealEstateResearch1
    @RealEstateResearch1 Рік тому


  • @josephwickham1989
    @josephwickham1989 7 місяців тому

    This is fucking ridiculous smdh it's like absolutely impossible. I literally grew up extremely poor, I had no father, got taken away into DCF, then somehow went back to my mother's at age 7, she was a alcoholic, druggie, never taught anything. School doesn't teach you any of this shit. Now 34, I have a basic job at a hotel as a janitor. I make 15 an hour, I have a 7 year old daughter. I live by myself and barely make enough to survive. Every single week I go atleast 2 days without eating so my daughter has a roof over her head and a meal for her. I'm sick of my life. I went to court and fought for my daughter. I spent every pennies for a lawyer. I'm sick of being at the bottom and these videos just confirm that I'll always be broke. I screwed up my credit when I was young, I don't have any emergency money, I swear I have 3 dollars in my bank account. Ha!!! What a joke! Life is so hard and so confusing. How tf could I ever get out of this hole!,!?? I work 2 jobs. Other job is side work for my landlord to knock off some rent money. But im not getting anywhere. N this rental investor, landlord, etc is out of the picture for me. Smh wish I had smart great parents who taught me something. Whatever

  • @AnitaAnita-du5wr
    @AnitaAnita-du5wr Рік тому

    That's informative 👍 but please understand not everyone follows English please speak slowly and clearly 🙂🇮🇳

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому +1

      Thanks for the feedback. You may also turn on the captions and adjust the playback speed to .75 or .5. ☺️

    • @AnitaAnita-du5wr
      @AnitaAnita-du5wr Рік тому

      @@seanlovesrealestate ok👍

  • @wesome0756
    @wesome0756 4 місяці тому

    What the heck did he said? 1:06

  • @angelmakescents7514
    @angelmakescents7514 Рік тому

    Hi there!! Did you start off as a real estate agent? Do you recommend being one to begin investing?

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  10 місяців тому +1

      Technically, I was, but I don't think it helped my investing career. It's not necessary to start investing.

    • @MrRodneyH
      @MrRodneyH 5 місяців тому

      @@seanlovesrealestatenot necessary but would it help? Aren’t there fees associated with working with real estate agents? If I was one, that would be one less expense yes? Did the knowledge help you understand/find good properties???

  • @g_heisenshine6207
    @g_heisenshine6207 10 місяців тому

    Being a 20 and doesn't understand what property investment actually is

  • @suggesttwo
    @suggesttwo Рік тому +4

    Sean, you don't buy properties with a negative cash flow. You don't buy properties that break even. I want a 30% profit. Otherwise no. There's repairs and maintenance. I can get 0 at the bank.

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому +1

      That's true, we definitely recommend that people start by buying properties that are cash flow positive!

  • @matthawks961
    @matthawks961 10 місяців тому

    Okay so you’re saying you need to have a larger down payment to make worthwhile gains. Which doesn’t cater to the broke person just starting. Nice

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  10 місяців тому

      Part of starting is saving and preparing yourself to buy your first rental property

  • @r.4169
    @r.4169 11 місяців тому


  • @ExoticMusic1
    @ExoticMusic1 11 місяців тому

    Looking at purchasing a rental this year at age 21

  • @GLDKN1T
    @GLDKN1T 5 місяців тому

    can you make a living off of this? i’m 18 and i want to get into it

  • @marvinars2274
    @marvinars2274 Рік тому +1


  • @JR_55591
    @JR_55591 Рік тому +2

    This real estate investment culture has ruined society's general living needs. An unfortunate time we live in.

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому +1

      Landlords have existed since the dawn of time.

    • @JR_55591
      @JR_55591 Рік тому +2

      @@seanlovesrealestate I am talking about the growing investment culture in properties. It was never like this back then. It has ruined families living and future. Even general rent has gone up because of this.

  • @EZWORK.
    @EZWORK. Рік тому

    Unfortunately $150,000 wouldn't get you an empty lot where I live.

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому

      That's why we looked out of state to buy our first few rental properties. If we outsource the management anyways, it doesn't matter where we buy!

  • @thekiokos6698
    @thekiokos6698 Рік тому +1

    Man I thought this vid was posted like a year ago

  • @stopato5772
    @stopato5772 Рік тому

    I am in Europe and finding reasonable priced good deals is very hard.

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому

      We just came back from our Eurotrip and I can definitely agree to that!

  • @AdepojuAyclassic
    @AdepojuAyclassic Рік тому +3

    I'm a web developer looking to build my portfolio by offering my services to those in need of a website. This is a great opportunity for both of us!

  • @ZainZain-wx6xu
    @ZainZain-wx6xu Рік тому

    Good thing there isn’t bank interst in Sweden, that means even anyone in another religion [for example islam] can do that? I don’t know.

  • @withny1234
    @withny1234 6 місяців тому

    The investments I like to deal with are the ones that have a high ROI, these truly help me feel like I'm getting the best from my investment.

  • @mosimakgomo7207
    @mosimakgomo7207 10 місяців тому +1

    I love real estate but interest rates are extremely out of order for black people

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  10 місяців тому

      High interest rates make it harder than usual to start, but you can always start learning the different strategies by going to local meetups. Then when interest rates drop, you'll be able to hop on in right away!

  • @Ji_O-zg4mh
    @Ji_O-zg4mh Рік тому

    I have no money tho literally a poor person struggling I've tried boat loads of these different strategies of making money online long enough to go up to straight three months with no profits coming in I even once decided to write a book I did get a job but due to fowl play by others I lost it and now I'm back to square one with not much money real estate has been intriguing and I fort that I would have been able to get into but the problem still lingers I have no money to actually buy a house to start so ik it might be impossible but with hope I'll need advice on what I should do now cause I'm afraid I'll fail and fall even deeper in poverty past this month but just before I the clock runs out for me I'll need advice please!!

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому

      Keep your chin up! I don't think you should get into real estate investing at this time since it's going to take up a lot of your free cash to buy a property in the first place. It might be better for you to find a side hustle that works well for you and focus on growing that to gain extra income first. Good luck!

  • @elmntz1435
    @elmntz1435 Рік тому +2


  • @elmntz1435
    @elmntz1435 Рік тому


  • @yashdalal2815
    @yashdalal2815 4 місяці тому

    Can't help with the interest rates though, but I help Real Estate Investors get off-market properties by using a bunch of outreach methods like E-mail marketing, SMS and Social media direct messages. Basically we line up a list of realtors of your required location and hit them with constant outreach to get the best options for Investors to choose from. Can even find Money lenders with the best deals. Interested guys can hit me up in the comments to know more ⬇

  • @chanakyabharat756
    @chanakyabharat756 Рік тому

    Hi Sean, any email ID to reach for more questions

    • @seanlovesrealestate
      @seanlovesrealestate  Рік тому

      Hey! You can shoot me an email at or use this link.