WebGL + WebGPU Meetup - March 2024

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • The WebGL +In WebGPU Meetup was held in conjunction with GDC 2024. Ken Russell and Gregg Tavares of Google gave updates on WebGL and WebGPU respectively, and:
    - Current State of glTF - Alexey Medvedev (Meta)
    - Implementing WebGPU for Unity - Brendan Duncan (Unity)
    - Rive Renderer Demo - Chris Dalton & Luigi Rosso (Rive)
    - Current State of USD and MaterialX - Henrik Edstrom, Ashwin Bhat, Nicolas Savva (Autodesk)
    - WebGPU's Vulkan Backend for Android - Brandon Jones (Google)
    Presentations can be found at: www.khronos.or...


  • @bennoH.-cr9gu
    @bennoH.-cr9gu 3 місяці тому +1

    🤟Great Stuff THX a lot with best wishes for U & the future of WebGPU
    Please add the web links from the screens to the YT description
    bat hey guys please don't do too much just for Mac's. I worked with Macs for over 15 years until around 2007 and then switched to PCs because of the unpleasant arrogance & of the excessive prices and my RTX 4090 now can do far more for its price than these Apple things at a comparable price. Apple is sitting on a high horse, just let them fall a long way down!
    Thx for think diffrent!!!

  • @dubietbay3154
    @dubietbay3154 Місяць тому

    all this because apple dont want to support vulkan.

  • @linyuzqlby2590
    @linyuzqlby2590 3 місяці тому

    webgpu, the entrance of greenland