Wow - you're channel has grown quickly! I remember you hitting 300 subs not long ago, and now all of the sudden ur at 460. And you've gained another 8 just today! Davis is definitely an odd ball for the separate cardboard collection, but it's fun to watch! Congrats man!
Congrats on 400!
Thank you!
Wow - you're channel has grown quickly! I remember you hitting 300 subs not long ago, and now all of the sudden ur at 460. And you've gained another 8 just today! Davis is definitely an odd ball for the separate cardboard collection, but it's fun to watch! Congrats man!
It sure is odd, wish they had a separate cart for cardboard. Thank you again for the support!
Is this in Davis? I think they had a cardboard only route before Recology took over
Yeah they still do have a cardboard route, since the recycling carts are still split
Can you make the same footage vid with garbage? Also longer length?
With a different truck yes, this truck I can’t since it only does cardboard
Congrats. Why does Davis run an amrep msl on the cardboard route.
Thanks! Just what they have from the buy out of DWR. They also have an STS but with the arm taken off
I hope you have ear plugs in. This truck is giving me a headache. Had to watch it on mute because of the rattling.