في آباي (لا تختبرونا) " آباي هو الاسم الذي تطلقه إثيوبيا على نهر النيل" لن نتساهل عن آباي لن يتنازل أي مواطن عن آباي (“تشي بلو” كلمة إثيوبية وترجمتها "النفير و التقدم" والتي تستخدم في الحروب) تقدم، هيا تقدم تقدم، فوالده محارب تقدم، فوالدته محاربة تقدم، فإنه لن يظهر الرحمة في شؤون بلاده تقدم، فأنا امتلك آباي تقدم، فقد مددت يدي وقلت لنتشارك تقدم، على كل ظلم حتى وان كرهت مصر ذلك تقدم، حتى الحب، عندما ينفذ الصبر ينفجر لن يتنازل أي مواطن عن آباي (“سانجاو” كلمة إثيوبية وترجمتها "السيف") سيفنا لا يندفع إلى الحرب نحن ببساطة نرغب في تخفيف عطشنا لا أكثر! ليكن للخير أنا أُحجم من أجل مصلحتنا ولكن لا اخاف احداً تقدم، آباي السخي تقدم، لقد روى ارض مصر تقدم، وعندما قال بلدي تقدم، عاد إلي تقدم، لا أتمنى ان أكون في مكانك إذا تجرأت علي (“تاوْ” كلمة إثيوبية وترجمتها " توقف " وتستخدم لإيقاف الحروب) توقف، توقف، توقف من الآن وصاعداً لن نضحي ولن نتساهل عن آباي لن يتنازل أي مواطن عن آباي لن يسكت أي مواطن عن آباي لا تردٌد إذا تجرأوا على اختبار حدودنا إذا كان يتجنب الاتفاق فلاحقه بسيف اجدادك لن يتنازل أي مواطن عن آباي لقد اكتفى، تمادى حتى نفذ صبري لقد اكتفى، ناهيك عن الجيران لقد اكتفى، الذين شربوا من أنهاري لقد اكتفى، اعلموا ان "ذراعي مصنوعة من اللهب" لقد اكتفى، حتى لمن يأتون من بعيد لقد اكتفى، سأعلمه تاريخي الأزلي إلى أن يخشاني أسلافه الأموات النسخة الأمهرية الأصلية: كلمات تيودروس كاساهون (تيدي أفرو) ترجمة إلى العربية فيصل شكيب و أحمد حسن
ADWA pictures شكرا علي التوضيح يسلمو يا أخي احب إثيوبيا أكثر من أي بلد في العالم وياريت لو تتواصل معي أكثر لكي اعرف المزيد عن إثيوبيا بحبكم في الله ❤️❤️❤️
I am your brother from Sudan of course. I love Habashian songs very much especially for singer Teddy Afro. You are always in mind, great people, may God protect you.
My brother in God, I am all Ethiopia in my heart, and you are a great people. There is no difference between an Arab and a non-Arab, except for my piety and my most love for Jimma and her Aromo people
Love and support from Eritrean brother in Sweden 💪🏽. In school in Sweden they taught us Nile is Egypt. Worlds most spoken and known river belongs to my cousins Ethiopia. You do whats best for Ethiopia.
Thank you for your brotherly understanding. The world knows it, poor Africa is waking up. It is about time. Aid is what is killing us. Stop the """ Aid"""
@@hanilove1222 I'm Eritrean and my people also stand with Ethiopia. We East Africans have can be strong if we all work together and we can all prosper too. One love!!
I am from Liberia, I don’t know why he get this all dislike. This music is for all of our African to be proud. Shame on u who u dislike this. Proud to be African and proud to hear this music😍😍😍
thank you🙏 if only we had realized this 70 years ago, we would have by now become the most prosperous region in the world..we have so much potential , and most importantly we have deep rooted love overshadowed by politics..we can still make it never too late👍 ይቀነይለይ❤
First l can't say teddy afro he is only one place super man l say teddy afro he is icon east Africa Second one lm from somalia 🇸🇴l support brothers and sisters in Ethiopia to my neighbor they are owner abay wtr. Wish you all the best
I belong to a country where I am considered as a religious minority. It's happy to find my own people living together in another country where we are the majority.its my attitude.thats it.personally i had visited & worked in Ethiopia.
@@manojthomas9859 Hi Manoj, I hope there will come a time when a person will live freely without being persecuted because of his or her religion, race, and gender. I hope you enjoyed your stay in our beautiful country. Also hope you will visit us soon. Stay strong!
I'm from Sudan🇸🇩 me and my people love Ethiopia and wish all the best to Ethiopian nation .. be proud of what you gain and keep on dears❤️ you really deserve this happiness and joyfull because of your great DAM💪
I am from Eritrea 🇪🇷 by nationality and I need full peace in the Ethiopian land and people. I pray for this country. God bless you. Ethiopia and Eritrea 🇪🇷 Amen
To all my fellow Africans in this comment section...this is the unity and compassion that will take Africa out of darkness. I love you all. It warms my heart to see my brothers and sisters from 🇸🇴🇪🇷🇰🇪🇬🇭🇳🇬🇸🇳 etc etc. Together our potential is limitless!! ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹
Its now or never!!! We should all Africans honestly try to think out side the "white box"! United we stand, divided we fall!!! Power is to those who fight to be free not to those who fight to concur!!! Solidarity and Respect to us all Africans!!! 🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹
@@siractewolde5908 I Agree!!! It's all ready being too long, too late it's high time we change the way we think, we live, we see the future, God help us all!!!!
10qu brother Ethiopia stands for Eritrea forever after u support us by sheltering our attacked SOLDGERS we will never forget that 🇪🇹💚🇪🇷 if anyone think about attacking Eritrea think 2 wise we will be their too
ቴዲ የሙዚቃችን ንጉስ ከሆንክማ ቆየህ እሱ ብቻም ሳይሆን አንተ እኮ: ~ ዓለምኣቀፋዊ ምልክታችን ነህ! ~ ብሔራዊ አርማችን ነህ! ~ ብሔራዊ ጀግናችን ነህ! ~ የማንነት መምህራችን ነህ! ~ የነፃነት ታጋያችን ነህ! ~ ድምፃችን ነህ! ~ መልካችን እና ስሜታችን ነህ! ~ የዜማ የቅኔ የግጥም አባታችን ነህ! ~ የፍቅር ፀበል ጠማቂያችን ነህ! “ፍቅር ያሸንፋል!" ቴዎድሮስ ካሳሁን 2012/20. አንድ ፍቅር 💚💛❤️. Teddy, you are already our king of music 🎶 but that is not the only one to us you are also: Our global symbol! Our national logo! Our national hero! Our identity teacher! Our freedom fighter! Our voice! Our look and feeling! Our father of melody and poetry! Our preacher of love! "Love Wins!" Tewodros Kassahun 2012/20. ONE LOVE 💚💛❤️.
You are awesome ma man keep it going on my mind is blown away with your music and talent yet again 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷 and the GERD is Ethiopian matter no one ☝️ will put hand on it as it is black color pride dam and me as as an Eritrean I stand with you guys you can do what ever you want with your dam guys 🖐 all the way from 🇪🇷 🇪🇷 🇪🇷 ❤️ 🇪🇹 🇪🇹 🇪🇹
Those who dislikes get out of here and listen Egyptian music 🎶 Eritrean stands with our neighbors Ethiopian 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹 I love his songs! Music is a magic,It connects people worldwide even you understand or not the messages and language. I am lucky, I listen and speaks Amharic I enjoyed it a lot !!! Love, Peace, and prosperity for Eritrea 🇪🇷 and Ethiopia 🇪🇹 Beloved sister from Eritrea 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷💕
@Abeil Hedgu Hedgu What are you talking about? Don’t you know that if you don’t have peace with your neighbors . There is no sustainable peace and economical development. I rather stand to Ethiopia than Egypt because we can share borders, culture ,economical and political integration! Peace ✌️ for Eritrean and Ethiopian 💕
really if it is like that way did not happen the last 30 years do you really believe this people l believe what l did see the last 60 years I didn't see anything good from this people say that l respect your opinion.
I am Sudanese,🇸🇩✌🏼 I love all Teddy Afro’s songs, even though I do not know their meaning, I feel that he sings for the homeland, for injustice, for love. A very great artist. Teddy is in the depths of my heart, and his voice is melancholy, his voice is a melody inside me. 🇪🇹 ❤💛💚
The Nile River belongs to Ethiopia. I, Somalia, stand by my Ethiopian brothers 🇪🇹The Nile River belongs to Ethiopia. I, Somalia, stand by the Ethiopian brothers 🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹
@@fabdul91 lmao what a loud of bs. Oromo extremists are against the song cuz of hate against teddy as a artist. GERD will benefit alot of poor oromos as well as the rest of the country, this just proves that people like you don't actually care about oromos
@deenaAbullahi keep expressing your “Denezna” internationally! 😂 teddy haven’t say a word about Oromo lol your stupidity level is to high, call ambulance right now otherwise it might get infectious! Read more, your far way behind! Yarada lij zer yelewm! Segete!
Congratulations Ethiopia no outsider should say no to your dam!!! You own Abay you do what ever you want with it. Eritrea 🇪🇷 congratulates you on finalizing this grand project!!!
Personally I don't like the singer, but love Ethiopian who respect Eritrea and Eritrean. We got to be careful Eritrean how we interact with them especially "tsila" you don't know them much amchie hawkum🇪🇷. Peace for Eri& Ethio
Am from Uganda Kampala. We are always stand with Ethiopia. Abaye is the source and the initial point of African development so let us co-organize together and build the Ethiopian Renaissance Dame. Egypt hv come to Africa and deal together on our natural resources. God bless Ethiopia.
We are so lucky to have neighbors like Ethiopian people. From the heart to heart I love all of you Ethiopian people, Keep going and make us proud 💪💪 #Sudan / #Ethiopia
እኔ ሱዳናዊ ነኝ እና በአማርኛ ለመፃፍ እየሞከርኩ ነው ስለዚህ የበለጠ ተረዱኝ ከየትኛውም ሀገር በላይ እንወድሻለን አንተም ሱዳንን ትወዳለህ በሁሉም ነገር ካንተ ጋር እርግጠኛ ነን ለፈጠራው አርቲስት ቴዲ አቭሮ ሰላምታ ይገባል።🇸🇩🇸🇩🙏🏽🙏🏽🇪🇹🇪🇹
በህወቴ እንደዚህ powerful ዘፋን አልሰማሁም ደጋግሜ አዳመጥኩት አሰለቀሰኝ በአባይ አንደራደርም አመሰግናለሁ ቴዲ ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትሩር
እውነት ነው !!!እማማ ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር!!!!!!!
Teddy is my best singer in Africa ❤️love you all brethers and sisters ❤️❤️❤️big love from sudan🇸🇩🇸🇩
في آباي
(لا تختبرونا)
" آباي هو الاسم الذي تطلقه إثيوبيا على نهر النيل"
لن نتساهل عن آباي
لن يتنازل أي مواطن عن آباي
(“تشي بلو” كلمة إثيوبية وترجمتها "النفير و التقدم" والتي تستخدم في الحروب)
تقدم، هيا تقدم
تقدم، فوالده محارب
تقدم، فوالدته محاربة
تقدم، فإنه لن يظهر الرحمة في شؤون بلاده
تقدم، فأنا امتلك آباي
تقدم، فقد مددت يدي وقلت لنتشارك
تقدم، على كل ظلم حتى وان كرهت مصر ذلك
تقدم، حتى الحب، عندما ينفذ الصبر ينفجر
لن يتنازل أي مواطن عن آباي
(“سانجاو” كلمة إثيوبية وترجمتها "السيف")
سيفنا لا يندفع إلى الحرب
نحن ببساطة نرغب في تخفيف عطشنا لا أكثر!
ليكن للخير
أنا أُحجم من أجل مصلحتنا
ولكن لا اخاف احداً
تقدم، آباي السخي
تقدم، لقد روى ارض مصر
تقدم، وعندما قال بلدي
تقدم، عاد إلي
تقدم، لا أتمنى ان أكون في مكانك إذا تجرأت علي
(“تاوْ” كلمة إثيوبية وترجمتها " توقف " وتستخدم لإيقاف الحروب)
توقف، توقف، توقف
من الآن وصاعداً
لن نضحي ولن نتساهل عن آباي
لن يتنازل أي مواطن عن آباي
لن يسكت أي مواطن عن آباي
لا تردٌد إذا تجرأوا على اختبار حدودنا
إذا كان يتجنب الاتفاق
فلاحقه بسيف اجدادك
لن يتنازل أي مواطن عن آباي
لقد اكتفى، تمادى حتى نفذ صبري
لقد اكتفى، ناهيك عن الجيران
لقد اكتفى، الذين شربوا من أنهاري
لقد اكتفى، اعلموا ان "ذراعي مصنوعة من اللهب"
لقد اكتفى، حتى لمن يأتون من بعيد
لقد اكتفى، سأعلمه تاريخي الأزلي إلى أن يخشاني أسلافه الأموات
النسخة الأمهرية الأصلية: كلمات تيودروس كاساهون (تيدي أفرو)
ترجمة إلى العربية فيصل شكيب و أحمد حسن
ADWA pictures شكرا علي التوضيح يسلمو يا أخي احب إثيوبيا أكثر من أي بلد في العالم وياريت لو تتواصل معي أكثر لكي اعرف المزيد عن إثيوبيا بحبكم في الله ❤️❤️❤️
@@abrahampicturesofficial4416 ķ
#ውድ የሀገሬ ልጅ ጆሲ በላይ እባላለሁ ምርጥ #ቤተሰብ እንሁን ቻናሌ Josy Belay tube ነው
Faisal Abdi جزاك الله خير تسلم كتير يا ابن بلدي الثاني. دا اسمي في الفيس بوك altayebdondi
ይሄንን ዘፈን ማነው ሰሞኑን እንደ አዲስ መስማት የጀመረው እስቲ ላይክ
አንታ አህ ምሰማው
Yes yes Tedi Afro jigna Anbesaw
Yes yes inem alew Tedi Afro the best artist
ቴዲ ማለት ከሚኒሊክ በዋላ የተወለደ የዚህ ዘመን ሚኒሊክ ነው። የኔ ኩሩ ኢትዬጽያዊ።የሚስማማ ላይክ
የቴዲ አፍሮ ስራዎችን በተጨማሪ የሌሎች አርቲስቶች የሆኑ ስራዎችን ለማግኘትና ቻናላችንን ለማበረታታት
/ሀበሻ ቅኝትን/ subscribe ያርጉ
በቀላሉ በ ቤታችሁ ሆናችሁ የ ቴዲ አፍሮን ደግሞ በአባይ የተሰኘውን ሙዚቃ በ ጊታር እንዴት መጫወት እንደምትችሉ አዘጋጅቼ አቅርቤላችኋለሁ።
ሁላችሁም እንድታዩት ጋበዣችኋለሁ 👇
የቴዲ ኣፍሮ ሙዚቃ ዩቱብን ኣልፎ ቲክቶክ ላይ ሪከርድ እየሰባበረ ነው ቪዲዮዉ ለመመልከት ሊንኩን ይጫኑ።
@@amrmasoud5971 ምን አቃጠለክ ስራችው መጥፍ መልካችው አስቀያሚ ንግግራችው ቆሻሻ
@@amrmasoud5971 banda
13ሺ ከብቶች መቼስ እናንተ ግብፆች ብትሆኑ ነው። ለማነሰኛውም ቴዲዬ አንደኛ ዘፈን ነው። አንተህ ለኢትዮጵያ አንደኛ የሀገር ሀብት ነህ❤❤ ፈጣሪ ይጠብቅህ
13k/ የከብት መንጋ'' በሚኒሶታና በአውሮጳ በካናዳ በሃገር ቤትም '' ያሉን ጥቅም የለሸ የተመረዘ የሀገር ሀብት ።
ተያቸው ይጋጉ
ተየ ሀገሩ ተየተሰባሰቡ መነሰጋወች ናቸው አጫሉ ባይገደል አሁን የደም ጊፊት ይገለው ነበረ
They gone hung themselves of jeoulousy. Shame shame shame, Teddy 👍👍👍 haters 👎👎👎
እኔ ኦሮም ነኝ ግን ዘረኛ አይደለሁም ኢትዮጽያዉ ነኝ ጽድት ያልኩ ቴድን በጣም ነው እምወፍህ ምክንያቱም አተ ስላንድነት ነው ከህጻኔ ጀምሬ እምሰማህ እድሜህ ይርዘም የሙዚቃ አድናቂ ግን አይደለሁም
ሁላችንም እንዳቺ ብንሆን ተመኘው
Anile oromo dha garuu zaranya mitii💝💝💝💝
ምናል እዳች ቢሆኑ የት በደርስን እስካሁ
God bless u sis one love Ethiopa
Thank u
የሶማሊያና ግብፅ የሰሞኑ ድንፋታ አንገብግቦኝ በዚህ ሙዚቃ ልፅናና መጣሁ!! ቴዲዬ እድሜና ጤና ይስጥህ
ምንም አያመጡም
አስተምረዋለሁ ታሪኬን ከጥንቱ፣
እስኪፈራኝ ድረስ የሞተው አባቱ።
ቴዲ አንተ እኮ ብርቅዬ ሀብታችን ነህ።ፈጣሪ ይጠብቅህ።
የኔ የምንግዜውም ጀግና
"አስተምረዋለሁ ታሪኬን ከጥንቱ እስኪፈራኝ ድረስ የሞተው አባቱ"....ክብር የአገራቸውን ዳር ድንበር ለማስከበር ለተዋደቁ ጀግኖች አባቶቻችን
like,share,subscribe teddy afro
I am your brother from Sudan of course. I love Habashian songs very much especially for singer Teddy Afro. You are always in mind, great people, may God protect you.
My brother in God, I am all Ethiopia in my heart, and you are a great people. There is no difference between an Arab and a non-Arab, except for my piety and my most love for Jimma and her Aromo people
Amen 🙏
Amen you tooooooo 💚💛❤
We love u to my blood 🇪🇹🤝🇸🇩
Love and support from Eritrean brother in Sweden 💪🏽. In school in Sweden they taught us Nile is Egypt. Worlds most spoken and known river belongs to my cousins Ethiopia. You do whats best for Ethiopia.
Really they taught you that Nile comes from Egypt
@@johentertainment5292 yeah its crazy
Thank you for your brotherly understanding. The world knows it, poor Africa is waking up. It is about time. Aid is what is killing us. Stop the """ Aid"""
Nile is Egypt worlds 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@weynituyimer3712 never ethopia is its sourceالنيل نجاشي
ቴዲ የአንተን ዘፈን ስሰማ ሆድ ይብሰኛል እኔ ምንም ቃላት የለኝም በቃ ትለያለህ
ኢትዮጵያ አገራችን ለዘላለም ትኑር 💚💛❤️
ዩእግዚያንሔር ጥበቃ ከአንተ ጋር ይሁን እንወድሃለን
Fryat anchim be amharic yetekansh mrt actress nesh endet endemwedsh
በጣም ነው እውስጥ ሚገባው
@@leadyaleadya9942 leady
ይሄ ድንቅ ሰው አዝግ የሆነውን የሜትሪዎሎጂ ዜና እንኳን ቢያነብ ዝም ብዬ ነው በተመስጦ የማዳምጠው:: እግዚአብሔር እድሜ ዘመንህን ይባርከው::
Hahah great expression
ወሬኛ ነገር ነህ!!
ኩመካህን ግን ወድጄልሀለሁ
እኔ ኦሮሞ ነኝ , ቴዲዬ ከልጅነቴ ጀምሮ በጣም እጅግ በጣም ነው የምወድህ , የማከብርህ ፣ ፈጣሪ ከነ ቤተሰቦችህ ረጂም እድሜና ጤና ይስጥ ።
Oromo Ethiopie teddy Ethiopie selzh wedmehen betwedw men yegermal lemangnawm amen beyalu
የኔናት ቴዲን ለመውደድ ሰው መሆን ብቻ በቂ ነው
ለቅሶና ሰርግ አብረን ነው የምናሳልፈው:: ፖለቲከኞችን ትተን እኛ ብንፋቀር ነው የሚጠቅመን:: ያለበለዝያ ተያይዘን እንጠፋለን:: አሸናፊ አይኖርም::
በኦሮሞነት ራስህን ለመግልፅ ከምትሞክር ኢትዮጵያነት አይበልጥም?
I'm Nigerian I hoping to visit Ethiopia. My love for this country is very enormous.
Wow💚🇪🇹🇳🇬Ya are always welcome here!
And I'm in love with Nigerian music 😭
Me too
@Sarron Dan me too
Come to ethiopia mi casa su casa!!!
ቴዲ እኮ እንኳን ዘፍኖ ሲያስነጥሥ የሚያምርበት ብርቅዬ ሰው ነው
Em from Mekelle,Tigray,Ethiopia ....we love u bro Teddy Nice job one of the dope hit i ever hear after Gigi ....Respect...
ደሞ በኣባይ።
ምርጥ ስራ ትሰራል ❤🎉
በጣም ደስ ይላል ቴድየ እዴሜና ጤና ይስጥህ እንወድሀላለን🎶 It’s my dam💚💛❤️
ፍርየ እር አቺን ወድጅ ልሞት ነው ምን ይሻለኛል ቅመም
ሀስቡነላህ ወኒእመል ወኪል አላህ በቂየ ነው 6 gize siged 😉
@@tewodrostedaethiogirma1702 ጋሽ ቴወድሮስ አንተ ስገድ እሱ የአድናቆት
ላንተ ኮሜንት የምሰጥበት ቃላት የለኝም ቴዲየ ብቻ አንተንም ቤተሰብክንም እመብርሀን ትጠብቃችሁ ኡኡኡኡኡኡኡኡፍፍፍፍፍፍ ስወዳችሁ
በስንቱ የናት ጡት ነካሽ ብንሸማቀቅም ብዙ ሃዘን ቢፈራረቅብንም በ እንደ አንተ አይነት ክስተት እንፅናናለን አባትህ ይባረክ የተሸከመችህ ማህፅን ለእናትህ ክብር እንሰጣለን።ኩራታችን ቴዎድሮስ ካሳሁን ገርማሜ።ባለግርማ።
Big love from South Sudan 🇸🇸💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾
ወይ አንተ ሰው ደሞ በዚህ ዘፈን አቧሯ የሚያነሳ አይጠፋም ከታች ሰፈር ......እኛ እንደሆነ ባንተ እየተደመምን በዘፈኖችህ የደስታ እንባ ማፍሰሱን አንተው አንተም ትራቀቅበታለህ በርታልን የኛ ሳልሳዊ በጠዋት አስለቀስከኝ
እውነት ነው ቲዲ ምርጥ
ንጉስ ቴዲ አፍሮ የመጀመሪያ ወንድ ልጄን ባንተ ስም ስላወጣሁለት ኩራት ይሰማኛል ቴወድሮስ ማንደፍሮት ❤💪❤
ስምህን ደብቀህ አሁን አወጣሃት ማንደፍሮ ብለህ
@@davidharcot220 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍👌😜😜😉😉😉
Yemrehn new😁😂😂
My son name is Tewodros as well he is 3 years old
1.7k የግብጽ ተላላኪዎች ዘፈኑን እየሰማችሁ ተቃጠሉ የእናት ጡት ነካሽ ሁላ !!! ኢትዮጵያ ለዘለዓለም ትኑር 💚💛❤ዘረኝነት ይውደም !!!!
ትክክል እህቴ አሁን ይኸ ዲስላይክ ይደረጋል
የዓድዋ ደርቢዎች ፍጥጫ!!!
ኢትዮጵያያያያ ጠላት ይቃጠል።🤣🤣🤣
@@melkamalmaz246 Green Yellow Red!!!
እነ ቄሪት እና ቄሮ ናቸው አራጃቹ
ቴዲዬ ከአሁን በኋላ ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ሺ ዘፋኝ ቢፈጠር አንተን የሚተካ ዘፋኝ አይፈጠርም
እኔ ሲዳማ ነኝ ማነው ቴዴን የአማራ ብቻ ያረገው ቴዶ የኢትዮጵያን እንቁ ልጅ እንወድሀለን😍😍😘😘😘💓💓💓💓💓
Man amhara nw ale🧐
ማነው ያለው ❤️
ጉራጌ ነው ግን ምርጥ ኢትዮጵያዊ
እኔም እወድሻለው
12 ሺህ የሀገር ጠላቶች በስሜት እንደ ከብት የምትነዱ:: ሰውን ስትጠሉ በምክንያት ይሁን:: ሺህ አመት ንገስ ቴዲያችን::
Adrgu teblewukonew
most of them are egyptians.
ታዘው ነው
እኔም ገርሞኛል ወይ ሰው እኮ😎
Tedy, You are No. 1/One/ here in Asmara, Eritrea. We are also with you by the Nile Issue. ቴዲየ ዕወድሓለሑ
From Djibouti 🇩🇯 we r ethnic somali Issa and afar tribe , it’s just natural that we stand with our brothers and sisters Ethiopia 🇪🇹 abay !
I'm somali from Ethiopia 🇪🇹 one love
Yur xishoo
@@hanilove1222 I'm Eritrean and my people also stand with Ethiopia. We East Africans have can be strong if we all work together and we can all prosper too. One love!!
@@kinghindiholish1016 ADIGU xalkan laga ma bahno clear
@@redseayouth2897 wasn’t Eritrea 🇪🇷 and Djibouti 🇩🇯 part of Ethiopia 🇪🇹 🇪🇹 🇪🇹?
ቴዳ አንተን በሰማሁኝ ቁጥር ለሃገሬ ያለኝ ፍቅር ከፍ እያለ ይሄዳል ብቻ ፈጣሪ እድሜና ጤና ይስጥህ
የቴዲ ኣፍሮ ሙዚቃ ዩቱብን ኣልፎ ቲክቶክ ላይ ሪከርድ እየሰባበረ ነው ቪዲዮዉ ለመመልከት ሊንኩን ይጫኑ።
I’m from Somalia 🇸🇴 I support our neighbor Ethiopia 🇪🇹
We will make the horn great again brother, somalia will benefit from the dam as well 💚💛❤🇸🇴
Thank you so much for your support bro💚💛❤
Thank you
Tnx bro we love somalian people and the countrie tnx respect bro🙏🙏
From Djibouti 🇩🇯... we love Ethiopia. The land of my grand parents ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
What a lovely comment, we love you too 😍
We love you thank you
Also it's your country
Djibouti is a friend in need for Ethiopia. True friend really.
የአንድነታችን መሠረት አባይ ቴዶ እናመሰግናለን ኢትዮጵያን የነካ የለውም በረካ
i am from USA I💓 TEDDY AFRO: Ethiopia is The mother of Africa & Ethiopia is our promise Land (for Black Nation)
Shut up etiopia not mother africa ok
Mother of the 🌎
@@Youandbible 🖓👎
😂😂😂 and who is the father??
Sharon Cato smart and beautiful hey ma 👋
From Eritrea, i was born in Addis Abeba
And left the country in 1998 when i was 7. Ethiopia is our second Country , wish you alle the bests 🇪🇷🇪🇷
From Eritrea, I hope Ethipoean peacefully
Ethiopia is your home no matter what.
Not 2nd bro its your home
I am from Liberia, I don’t know why he get this all dislike. This music is for all of our African to be proud. Shame on u who u dislike this. Proud to be African and proud to hear this music😍😍😍
@La La ተናግረህ ልብህ ውልቅ ብሎአል
የህዝብን ስም አንድ ላይ አትውቀጥ
ሙቀጫ ራስ
ለምሳሌ እኔ ኦሮሞ ነኝ ግን ለቴዶ እንገቴን እሰጣለሁ
አማራ ውስጥ ንፍጣም ፅንፈኛ ያለውን ያህል ኦሮሞ ውስጥም ዘረኛ ፅንፈኞች አሉ
By the way ቴዲ ጉራጌ ነው እርምህን አውጣ 😁
Disliked ያረጉት በብዛት ግብፆች ናቸው ብለህ
ንግረው ለሰውዬው ቶሎ በል
ካልሆነ የአማራን ጉድ ነግረዋለሁ ዋ 😎😎😎😎
those who dislike unity hate him
egyptians and some bandas
there’s a people who doesn’t like his language which is Amharic may god bless them
Thank you
ቴዲ የዘመናችን ክስተት እንኮንም ያንተ ዘመን ትውልድ ሆንኩ
ምን አንተ ብቻ እኔም ጭምር እንኮን በሱ ዘመን ተፈጠርኩ
I'm from sierra leone I love Teddy Afro. Amazing music and Talented. Just Africa Reggae Music King 👑💪
Africa Unite !!! we are 1 Brother ! Same Blood !!!
Thanks our brother from Sirra leone thanks for loving Teddy Afri😘😍
Black Lion Medilp
ሀገራችን ላይ ባለው መጥፎ ነገሮች ምክንያ የ አባይን ግድብ መገደብ ደስታውን በደንብ አላጣጣምኩትም ነበር እድሜ ለቴዲ የተደበቀውን ስሜቴን የቀሰቀሰ ድንቅ ግጥም እና ዜማ እንዲሁም ድምፅ ሺ አመት ኑር ይህ 4ኛ ኮሜንቴ ነው ዘፈኑን ማዳመጥ ላቆም አልቻልኩም ጠላት ከመቃጠል ውጪ ምንም አታመጡም ማፈርያዎች ቴድሻ ክብር ይገባሀል ✊✊✊✊💚💛❤️
የዓባይ ጉዳይ ሲነሳ አንዲት ግድብ ብቻ ሳይሆን ገና ብዙ እንገድባለን የሚል እምነት አለኝ፡፡ ለዚህ ደግሞ ምክንያታችን ብዙ ነው፡፡
እኔ ኤርትራዊ ነኝ የ ፖሎቲካ ሃሳብ ልዩነት ቢኖረንም በ ኣባይ ጉዳይ ላይ ግን ከ ኢትዮጵያን ጎን ነኝ ምክንያቱም የ ኣባይ ጥቅም እኛንም ያካትትል ከዝህ ባሃላ ለ ኤረትሪክ ለማግኘት ነዳጅ ከ ሳዑዲ ማምጣት ኣይጠበቅንም።እኛን ኤርትራዊን ብቻ ሳንሆን መላው ኢስት ኣፍሪቃ ግድቡ ያስፈልገዋል።በዛ ላይ ደም በ ጥቁሮች ኣፋሪካ ለመጀሜራ ግዜ እንደዝህ ኣይነት ነገር ተሰርቶ ማየት ለኛ ለጥቁሮች ያስደስተናል እኛ ኣፍሪቃውያን ከተስማማን ያለ ምንም እርዳታ ቡዙ መስራት እንደ ምንችል ያየንበት ተስፋ ነው ኩራትም ነው።love you Teddy afro
እኛም እንወዳቿለን
thank you🙏 if only we had realized this 70 years ago, we would have by now become the most prosperous region in the world..we have so much potential , and most importantly we have deep rooted love overshadowed by politics..we can still make it never too late👍 ይቀነይለይ❤
ኤርትራውያን በጣም እናመሰግናቹሃለን በዚ ሰዓት አብራችሁን ከጎናችን ስለተገኛቹ
I love you. ሙጭጭ from ዱከም ይቅርታ from Ethiopia
አዎ ግድቡ የሁላችንም ነው እንወዳቹሀለን ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🤍
First l can't say teddy afro he is only one place super man l say teddy afro he is icon east Africa
Second one lm from somalia 🇸🇴l support brothers and sisters in Ethiopia to my neighbor they are owner abay wtr. Wish you all the best
Thank you for your wish dear 💚💛❤
We love you neighbour's
@@toentertainment9635 www
Thank you
ስንቶቻቹ ናቹ እንደኔ ይሄን ዘፈን በጉጉት እና በፍቅር ስትጠብቁ የነበራቹት#it's_my_dam
ቴድዬ አንተ እኮ ትለያለህ በጣም ደስ የሚል ስራ ነው😍
ንጉሥ ቴዲ ሁለተኛው ሙሌት ሲጀመር የመጣ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹እንኩዋን ደስ አላቹ ኢትዮጵያን
🇪🇷 🇪🇷 🇪🇷 🇪🇷 🇪🇷 🇪🇷 ደሞ በአባይ ደርደር የለም . Support Ethiopian brother and sister
We amhara/habesha Love you ertirea
Thank you
betikkl 🇪🇹🇪🇹😀😀😎
ይህ ግድብ የእናንተም ነው። pawore for all
🤴🤴የቴዲ አድናቂዎች እስኪ በላይክ 👍👍👍👍💚💛❤
የቴዲ አድናቂዎች አድናቂ ነኝ እስኪ 🥰👍
Teddy yen adegna 🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹❤❤❤❤❤😍😍😍😍😍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
ማን ዝም ይላል ሆኖ ዜጋ
ደሞ በአባይ
አባይ አባይ....💚💛❤. Love and Respect Tedye.
የዘመናችን፥ እንደገና የተወለደው፥ ጥላሁን ገሠሠ፦ ቴዲያችን!!!!!
(ቼ በለው) አባይ የግሌን
(ቼ በለው) ባልኩት የጋራ
(ቼ በለው) ካቃራት ምስር
(ቼ በለው) ግፍም ሳትፈራ😏
(ቼ በለው) የተቆጣ እንደሁ
(ቼ በለው) ፍቅር ታግሶ💟
(ቼ በለው) የሚባላ እሳት🔥
(ቼ በለው) ይሆናል ብሶ
(ቼ በለው) አረ ቼ በለው ×2👊
Kalat yelegnm just golden✨
ቴዲ ቀሽም
@@teddybear5052 ነው እንደ ሲሉ ሠምተሐል ባክ
@@teddybear5052 አረርክ አይደል
I' white ..born to Djibouti ..and grow up in Ethiopia to Dire Dawa .. I ' m Proud to feeling Abesha ...!!!😎😉😉😉
@Roman Abate l eat injera and l drink cofee Sir
Dominique, all love! Thank you and blessings to you!!
Djibouty people and Ethiopian people is one people we love u family 🇪🇹🇩🇯
@Roman Abate yes madam
Who else doesn't get Amharic but follow the rhythm? Love from South Sudan 🇸🇸 Teddy.
We love u too guy's 🖤
He is saying we r not gonna be silent on our Nile we r not scared if they dont understand sharing and love
Ilove you so machi
Tnx bro
ونحن نحبك يااخي الحبيب
Orthodox Christian Power .......Greetings to Ethiopian Christian Brothers & Sisters .Love & respect from Syrian Orthodox Christians ,kerala ,India
Ethiopia is a country of all religions. Why is it necessary to mention only one religion?
Dear Manoj, thank you for your kind words. Your Orthodox Christian brother. Stay safe!
I belong to a country where I am considered as a religious minority. It's happy to find my own people living together in another country where we are the majority.its my attitude.thats it.personally i had visited & worked in Ethiopia.
We orthodox syrian christians of kerala ,india has decades old relationship with Ethiopia.your old king Haile selasi had visited our state once.
@@manojthomas9859 Hi Manoj, I hope there will come a time when a person will live freely without being persecuted because of his or her religion, race, and gender. I hope you enjoyed your stay in our beautiful country. Also hope you will visit us soon. Stay strong!
I'm from Sudan🇸🇩 me and my people love Ethiopia and wish all the best to Ethiopian nation .. be proud of what you gain and keep on dears❤️ you really deserve this happiness and joyfull because of your great DAM💪
Thank u dear
wubit ethiopa
Love u all💕
Love and respect brother ❤
We love u too Mohamed 🙏
Habesha Sew
Me too much dear❤️
I am from Eritrea 🇪🇷 by nationality and I need full peace in the Ethiopian land and people. I pray for this country. God bless you. Ethiopia and Eritrea 🇪🇷 Amen
Amen yemane samuel we love eritrean peoples 🙏🇪🇹
Africa Unite !!! we are 1 Brother ! Same Blood !!!
በትክክል 🙏🙏🙏
To all my fellow Africans in this comment section...this is the unity and compassion that will take Africa out of darkness. I love you all. It warms my heart to see my brothers and sisters from 🇸🇴🇪🇷🇰🇪🇬🇭🇳🇬🇸🇳 etc etc. Together our potential is limitless!! ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹
Its now or never!!! We should all Africans honestly try to think out side the "white box"! United we stand, divided we fall!!! Power is to those who fight to be free not to those who fight to concur!!! Solidarity and Respect to us all Africans!!! 🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹
@@siractewolde5908 I Agree!!! It's all ready being too long, too late it's high time we change the way we think, we live, we see the future, God help us all!!!!
🙏🏾🇳🇬💖 All of Africa 🌍
ቴዶ ማኛ ለኢትዮዽያ የከፈልከው መሰዋት ታሪክ ነው ሚከፍልክ ቴዲዬ እኖድካለን ንጉሳችን ኑርልን ያላንተ ኢትዮጵያ ባዶ ናት
የአገር ወኔን ጨመርለኝ የሙዝቃው ግጥሙ እንዴት ደስ ይላል ሰውነቴን ውርር አደርገኝ
ሳንጃው ፀብ አይመርጥም
ግብፁ ዋሃ ጉድሽ እንዳይፈላ
በጣም ልዬ ሙዝቃ ነው ቴዲያችን
ድምጻዊ ዳዊት ጽጌ
የትውልድ ዕንቁ የዘመን ቅርስ: ታላቅ የሀገር ፍቅር:: አዎ ፍቅር ሁሌም ያሸንፋል::
ሀገር ለእኔ ልክ እንደ ወላጅ እናት ናት!! እቺ ውድ እና ብርቅ ሀገራችንን ሰላም እንጠብቅ! በስደት ያላችሁ ላሳደገች ውድ እናት ሀገራችሁ ያብቃችሁ🙏
አሜን ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር::
ዴቭ አንተም እድሜ ከጤና ይስጥህ
እውነት ነው ዴቫ ቴዲያችን ይለያል
አሜን ሁለተኛው ቲዲሽ ነህ አንተም ለኛ አንተም አንድ ለአባይ አውጣልን መልሱን ፀፍልኝ😃
ሀይማኖት መሥኖ አንተ የአገር ኩራት ደሞ ባባይ
ቴዶዬ የህዝብ ልጅ ንሩልን 18 ተኛ ጊዜ እያዳመጥኩት ነው ሰፍሩም ሞቅ አድርጌው ዋልኩ 💚💛❤
I am playing it on loop. I am on the 7th round and counting ...
💚💛❤️ክበሪልኝ ውዴ
fbwn staragbi wulesh Ezim metash
@@mihretabnega4694 እሷን መከተል ነዉ እንዴ ስራህ?
@@solotg6064 awa lela mn sra alegn man
We Eritreans support Ethiopia. Go Ethiopia rise up.
We will rise together my blood 🇪🇹❤🇪🇷
@@ቀጭቀጭ Thanks bro! May God help us!
10qu brother Ethiopia stands for Eritrea forever after u support us by sheltering our attacked SOLDGERS we will never forget that 🇪🇹💚🇪🇷 if anyone think about attacking Eritrea think 2 wise we will be their too
We Ethiopians appreciate the love and support you give us. Hopefully all of East Africa and Africa as a whole will rise up to their true potential
የዓለም ብርሃን እናት (ድንግል) ትጠብቅህ! አየህ አይደል የአምላክን ስራ ረቂቅ ነው። አሁንም የአምላክን መጠበቅ ነው ስለሁሉም ፣ አምላክ አይቸኩልም፡ "አሁንም እሱ ያውቃል"!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ቴዲ የሙዚቃችን ንጉስ ከሆንክማ ቆየህ እሱ ብቻም ሳይሆን አንተ እኮ:
~ ዓለምኣቀፋዊ ምልክታችን ነህ!
~ ብሔራዊ አርማችን ነህ!
~ ብሔራዊ ጀግናችን ነህ!
~ የማንነት መምህራችን ነህ!
~ የነፃነት ታጋያችን ነህ!
~ ድምፃችን ነህ!
~ መልካችን እና ስሜታችን ነህ!
~ የዜማ የቅኔ የግጥም አባታችን ነህ!
~ የፍቅር ፀበል ጠማቂያችን ነህ!
“ፍቅር ያሸንፋል!" ቴዎድሮስ ካሳሁን 2012/20.
አንድ ፍቅር 💚💛❤️.
Teddy, you are already our king of music 🎶 but that is not the only one to us you are also:
Our global symbol!
Our national logo!
Our national hero!
Our identity teacher!
Our freedom fighter!
Our voice!
Our look and feeling!
Our father of melody and poetry!
Our preacher of love!
"Love Wins!" Tewodros Kassahun 2012/20.
ONE LOVE 💚💛❤️.
ቴዲ ቀሽም ነው።
ቴዲ ቀሽም ነው
@@teddybear5052 አንተ ዘባተሎ ቅናታም ደደብ መሀይም የኢትዮጵያ ጠላት አህያ ነህ
@@teddybear5052 በዳተ አይነቱ ዘረኛ ነው ምስጌን ህዝብ እያለቀ ያለው ቴዲየ የፍቅር ሰው 10000 አመት ኑር
Teddy Bear አንተን አያርገኝ ዛሬ 😂በየኮሜንቱ ለፍቅር ሳይሆን ለጥላቻ for hate ስትሯሯጥ ዋልክ. "ፍቅር ያሸንፋል" ሰምተሀል!
🇹🇩🇪🇹 we stand with Ethiopia
We love you dear!
እግዚአብሔር ይመስገን!!!
ባምስት ወሩ ደግሞ ደጋግሞ ያዳመጠው የቴድን ሙዚቃ ማነው
I am from Eritrea love ur music congra
ብዙ ሰዎች ቴወድሮስ ካሳውን ዘፋኝ ይመስለዋቸዋል ቴዲ ማለት ሀገር ማለት ነው ::
አገላለፅክ በጣም ተመቸኝ
Teddy Is a legend. People from Somaliland are with you 🟢⚪️🔴 🤝 🇪🇹... Abay belongs to Ethiopia and we’ll support you
You have allowed egyptian base so you are traitors
ሁለተኛው ሙሌት ተጀምሮል ሲባል የመጣ🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹👍👍👍👍
I am from Djibouti🇩🇯 I love you music TEDDY affro from Ethiopia🇪🇹😍😍
Ethiopia has the right to make use of its resources
one love from a Somali ❤️🇪🇹🇸🇴
Exactly. Jazakumullah Kheyr! We Ethiopians love you and appreciate your support
You are awesome ma man keep it going on my mind is blown away with your music and talent yet again 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷 and the GERD is Ethiopian matter no one ☝️ will put hand on it as it is black color pride dam and me as as an Eritrean I stand with you guys you can do what ever you want with your dam guys 🖐 all the way from 🇪🇷 🇪🇷 🇪🇷 ❤️ 🇪🇹 🇪🇹 🇪🇹
I love Ethiopian songs so much 😭🇸🇩🇪🇹
Those who dislikes get out of here and listen Egyptian music 🎶
Eritrean stands with our neighbors Ethiopian 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹
I love his songs! Music is a magic,It connects people worldwide even you understand or not the messages and language.
I am lucky, I listen and speaks Amharic I enjoyed it a lot !!!
Love, Peace, and prosperity for Eritrea 🇪🇷 and Ethiopia 🇪🇹
Beloved sister from Eritrea 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷💕
Thank you sis...peace be with you!
What has to do we Eritrean with Ethiopia this is their thing place we possessed so many things stopped 👎👎👎👎👎.
Thanks 🙏
@Abeil Hedgu Hedgu
What are you talking about? Don’t you know that if you don’t have peace with your neighbors . There is no sustainable peace and economical development. I rather stand to Ethiopia than Egypt because we can share borders, culture ,economical and political integration!
Peace ✌️ for Eritrean and Ethiopian 💕
really if it is like that way did not happen the last 30 years do you really believe this people l believe what l did see the last 60 years I didn't see anything good from this people say that l respect your opinion.
በቴዲዬ ዘፍን እንደኔ ተመስጣችው ኮሜንት የምታነቡ በላይክ 💛💚❤️
በጣም ደስ ይላል የኔ ብላቴና እግዚአብሔር የፍቅር አምላክ አንተንም ቤተሰቦችክንም አብዝቶ ይባርክ#Artist genet nigatu
By the way ur not #genet why not use ur profile ? Be ur self OK!
Besew sm meneged mindnew
ሌባ በሰው ስም የምትነግዱ አፈር ብሉ 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬👊👊👊👊👊👊
I am Sudanese,🇸🇩✌🏼 I love all Teddy Afro’s songs, even though I do not know their meaning, I feel that he sings for the homeland, for injustice, for love. A very great artist. Teddy is in the depths of my heart, and his voice is melancholy, his voice is a melody inside me. 🇪🇹
I'm not understand this song,but I loved ethopian music❤ from somalia 🇸🇴
Thank you batsemaw yishalhal 😁 much respect 👍
We will say we never give up about our dam we like love if no never give up dear
Is for the Nile Dam
No one shut up for the Nile
I won't give my truth
This song is for nile my brother ዘራፍ ወገን man zem yelal demo
Thanks brother it is about our dam
ጥንብ ዘረኞች ሺህ ግዜ ደጋግመው እየሰሙና እያጣጣሙ በቅናት ዲስላይክ ያረጋሉ ባንዳ ማለት ይሄ አይደለ ምቀኛ ብቻ!!!!!!!
Ye sharmuxa lejoch xenb enante nafxagna nefxamoch nache 🖕🖕🖕
mom mom There’s no need to be jealous of someone talent. Bro go to the hell !!!
Anchi ye komata zer begid like yelem 👎👎👎👎👎
@@rozarozi606 ከስድብ ትርፍሽ ምንድነው?በለቀ ጊዜ አንደበትሽን መልካም ነገር ተናገሪበት የነጋችንን ማናችንም አናቅም።
Roza Rozi anchi ye ensesa zer hula (ye leba lij hula)
Am from morocco i love teddy afro on love africa
انت منافق .
@@lightknowledge5297 y u mad tho?
Thank you and lots of love on behalf of all Ethiopians!
Abay 🇪🇹 🏞
Love from Somalia 👏🏾👏🏾
Kenya 🇰🇪 stand with Ethiopia 🇪🇹
Abay is Source Africans. (Black Excellence)
Thank you our brothers 🙏🙏🙏
We love Kenya our brothers
ቴዲዬ የኢትዮጵያ ልጅ ነው ንፁህ ኢትዮጵያዊ እና አፍሪካዊ!!!!!!!!!
Kenya is awer lovely harbor
Kenya is awer lovely nearbor
if the world spoken one language, Teddy afro would have millions of subscribers.
@@ebrahimi44 but youtube users less than 1 million
Ewnet belhal wondme
@@ebrahimi44 but even 1 million people have no access of wifi
The Nile River belongs to Ethiopia. I, Somalia, stand by my Ethiopian brothers 🇪🇹The Nile River belongs to Ethiopia. I, Somalia, stand by the Ethiopian brothers 🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹
This song is promoting terrorism & hate against Oromo people in Ethiopia! Do not support! Please report this song!
Deena Abdullahi keep your conspiracys to yourself
@@fabdul91 lmao what a loud of bs. Oromo extremists are against the song cuz of hate against teddy as a artist. GERD will benefit alot of poor oromos as well as the rest of the country, this just proves that people like you don't actually care about oromos
Deena Abdullahi 😂😂 u guys are getting crazier for each day
@deenaAbullahi keep expressing your “Denezna” internationally! 😂 teddy haven’t say a word about Oromo lol your stupidity level is to high, call ambulance right now otherwise it might get infectious! Read more, your far way behind! Yarada lij zer yelewm! Segete!
Good sooong ilket 👌🏻👏🏻👍🏼💜👏🏻👏🏻
Congratulations Ethiopia no outsider should say no to your dam!!! You own Abay you do what ever you want with it. Eritrea 🇪🇷 congratulates you on finalizing this grand project!!!
ቅድም ቅድም መለስ ኢዩ ጀሚርዎ ደሓር ከኣ እዚ ዋጣ ካሳ ኣንጻር ኢረይ ኢዩ ኣየድልየናን ኢዩ።
Hara Ghrmay እሞ ዶር ኣቢኮ ኣይበልኩን ኢትዮጽያ ኢየ ኢላ ደሓርካ ከምቲ ባሕርና ከምድላይና ንብል ኣባዮም ባዕሎም ከማሕድሩ ምድጋፍ ነውሪ የብሉን። ናይ ተወድሮስ ካኣ ሓቅካ ግን ኤረይ ንሕና እምበር ካልእ ዋና የብላን ተኮኑ ጽቡቅ ጎረቤትካ ከሐገስካ ሰናይዮ ዋላ ሕሱም ይኩን ክቡር ሓው።
ኤርትራ ክብረተይ Thank you for your solidarity!
Hara Ghrmay Then why are you here listening to his song! Nonsense
Personally I don't like the singer, but love Ethiopian who respect Eritrea and Eritrean. We got to be careful Eritrean how we interact with them especially "tsila" you don't know them much amchie hawkum🇪🇷. Peace for Eri& Ethio
Iam from somalia 🇸🇴 we are with Ethiopia 🇪🇹 they are our brothers ❤️🥰🇪🇹🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴🥰🥰
thank you 🥰
We are all brothers 🇪🇹🇸🇴🇪🇷❤💯
somali 🇸🇴 our brothers from day one we love you 🇸🇴❤️ 🇪🇷❤️🇪🇹
us wariya adiga gowbe 🐀🐑
adiga somali cush nikan habesha wye
I m from somalia i love teddy songs and all ethopin song beautiful
When the somali language is accepted as federal language I can imagine how the business men from Somalia could make a miracle in the two countries.
My favorite singer in Africa Teddy, I love all Ethiopian music, you brother from Sudan ❤❤❤❤
King 🤴 is comeback ❤️❤️❤️ teddy afro and I love u from Djibouti 🇩🇯🇩🇯🇩🇯🇩🇯🇩🇯🇩🇯🇩🇯🇩🇯 And we love Ethiopia 🇪🇹 🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹be unity 🙏🙏
Me too from Djib❤
Yeesss he is back
We love you from Ethiopia
From Somalia 🇸🇴 we are with you guys we defend our brothers and sisters Ethiopia 🇪🇹 ✊🏿✊🏿✌🏿✌🏿
Tnx bro
Thanks bro
Thank you, we just have to get peace , wealth and stability in our countries together. Greater horn africa
ua-cam.com/video/dusW7_6-XyQ/v-deo.html English Translation of the song
Am from Uganda Kampala. We are always stand with Ethiopia. Abaye is the source and the initial point of African development so let us co-organize together and build the Ethiopian Renaissance Dame. Egypt hv come to Africa and deal together on our natural resources. God bless Ethiopia.
Well said...
Brother we don't need war from Somaliland
Am not the pointing fingers on anyone but do u thing that oganen is somail's land???
Ante kedada Tare hono semh ha ha yemchik abate We love Uganda 💚💛❤🖤🖤🖤🖤
ውድ ወንድሜ እስከ መቼ ነው በአለም መድረክ ለዲያብሎስ ውብ ድምፅህን የሚትገብረው ውጣ ከዚህ ከቀፋፊና ፍፃሜ ከማያምረው ድቅድቅ የጨለማ ከተማ ውጣ ።ና ወደ ምትወድህ እናት ቤቴክርስቲያን ተዋህዶ ቤትህ ግባ። ያለህ ይበቃል ጊዜው አልቋል ለልጆችህ ኑር አውሬው እንዳይውጥህ አምልጥ ቴድ እድሜህ ተጠቀም ድንግል ማርያም ያች የልጅነት እናት ናናናናናናናና ትልሃለች❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I am from Eritrea 🇪🇷 wow amazing song Teddy afro love❤❤❤ 🇪🇹
I’m from Ethiopia 🇪🇹 wow good job 👏🏻 Teddy
ሌሎች አዳዲስ ጀማሪዎችን የምታበረታቱ ከሆነ
የፈጠራ ስራ UA-cam ላይ እሰራለሁ subscribe በማድረግ እና አስተያየት በመስጠት እንዲሁም ለሌሎች share በማድረግ አበርቱኝ
That's why Eritrea supporters Egypt, full of hate to Ethiopia, the moment you guys stepped into a capital city life in Ethiopia went downwards
We love u too Eritrean family's 🇪🇹❤️🇪🇷
from OMAN 🇴🇲 i fully stand with the nation of 🇪🇹 Ethiopia) go go with head high
Thank you so much ❤❤❤
Thank you so much❤️🙏
Jazakumullah Kheyran.! We Ethiopians appreciate your support.
Thank you so much
🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇸🇩🇸🇩🇸🇩 We support Ethiopia
በጣም የሚገርመው ሁሌም በወቅታዊ እና ሀገራዊ ዘፈኖችህን ሁሌም ጠብቃቸው ነበር ጠብቄም አልቀረሁ አዳመጥኩህ በጣም ጥሩ ወድጄዋለሁ
Brothers for ever
ከትራምፕ ዛቻ በኃላ አይኑ በእልህ እንባ ቋጥሮ, ቼ በለዉን ሊሰማ የመጣ like...😡💪💚💛❤
We are so lucky to have neighbors like Ethiopian people. From the heart to heart I love all of you Ethiopian people,
Keep going and make us proud 💪💪
#Sudan / #Ethiopia
ያሉሽን በሰማሽ ገበያ ባልወጣሽ አሉ!!
We (Ethiopian) love you as well.
@@abrahamdebasu2751 😂😂😂😂😂😂
May Almighty God bless Africa. Teddy Afro God bless you. Greetings from Ghana.🇬🇭🇬🇭🇬🇭