Electric Boogaloo makes Debut. 1977 Dodge Street Van. House of Kolor

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @georgewilson1184
    @georgewilson1184 Рік тому +3

    I don’t recall this one being in any of the magazines back in the 70 s but I really like this Van

  • @nicholasyoder
    @nicholasyoder Рік тому +1

    So bad ass! Looks like a 70’s carnival ride!

    @TVCAVEMAN213 2 роки тому

    One of the BEST EVER van paint jobs.

  • @georgewilson1184
    @georgewilson1184 Рік тому +2

    This man knows his stuff I wonder if you were a fan of Van World Magazine back in the day you were born 79 I have brother born 74 I was born 65 I also have a brother born in 2002

  • @smocko61
    @smocko61 8 місяців тому +1

    Speechless…. You are a Vanning God

  • @tylwythhill2913
    @tylwythhill2913 2 роки тому

    we just saw this Van in Debary, which lead us to this video! it's great to be able to see the interior. amazing work!

  • @808kiker
    @808kiker 5 років тому +16

    The glitter in the paint just makes this magic. Can't stop watching.

  • @randyhoepker5528
    @randyhoepker5528 11 місяців тому +1

    Love the Electric Boogaloo!

  • @patrickkish6662
    @patrickkish6662 4 роки тому +2

    Might not be everyone's flavor. But the skill and artistry is undeniable 👍

  • @Heavy-t8t
    @Heavy-t8t 10 місяців тому +1

    Very cool, love the flake!

  • @dmwi1549
    @dmwi1549 3 роки тому

    Wow, flashback! Nice work!

  • @artat777
    @artat777 5 років тому +2

    I saw this van at Sonny’s in Apopka. It was so awesome.

    • @magiccheeseball
      @magiccheeseball 4 роки тому

      I bet that metal flake paint looks nice in person I live by Apopka I wish I saw it

  • @charlesgreaves3293
    @charlesgreaves3293 6 років тому +4

    Very nice,,,you found that sweet spot between expression and tribute. That truck is perfectly your own. Inspirational Sir!

  • @cliffjamerson3107
    @cliffjamerson3107 5 років тому +3

    Your up there amongst the coolest dads in the world

  • @ricusserfontein1086
    @ricusserfontein1086 3 роки тому

    Thats a dream van. Just beautifull 👍💓

  • @TheTripperShow
    @TheTripperShow 6 років тому +6

    Met Josh, Sue, & Smooth at the 44th Van Nats. Saw this van before he did anything, and got to watch it all unfold on instagram. Great job! It's gotta feel good to get this project completed. Now don't go letting anybody pull out in front of this van buddy! See ya in Massachusetts in July 2019 if all goes as planned. *FISTBUMP*

  • @tomp1612
    @tomp1612 5 років тому +1

    I am not even into vans but stumbled across this video after watching something else.Great job on the whole thing, it certainly looks period correct and would have been a showstopper in the 70's as well. For the paint having been done in the garage it turned out spectacular. Nice details.

  • @raychambers3646
    @raychambers3646 5 років тому +1

    Nice van ,nice paint ,amazing details, always liked vans, and here the reason why.real good job ,cheers from UK.

  • @alansmlth7989
    @alansmlth7989 5 років тому +5

    Love to see the younger people do the custom van thing.

    • @cindysue5474
      @cindysue5474 5 років тому

      Its a little hard finding Vans in good shape and where do you start to find the custom parts like flares etc.I don't know maybe a J.C. Whitney catalog.

    • @HoosierGarage
      @HoosierGarage 4 роки тому

      @@cindysue5474 customvan.com or Kurk Collis on facebook (he runs Custom Van)

  • @elmowilson298
    @elmowilson298 3 роки тому

    You got it, man! Outstanding work on this Dodge van 1977. Every detail talks by itself even the upholstery

  • @matthiashassler9762
    @matthiashassler9762 4 роки тому

    This Van is a Beauty 🥰

  • @johahnz
    @johahnz 6 років тому +17

    Sir, you are the Man! Just beautiful!!. Love the flake, I wish more people did this style of van. I'm always looking for inspiration for my van project and this has given me hope. Thanks for sharing this masterpiece. Great job!

  • @tiptopdadddy
    @tiptopdadddy 5 років тому +1

    Josh is the man! I’ve got the original slider windows in my van now.

  • @CEOkiller
    @CEOkiller 4 роки тому

    Incredible paint job and attention to detail!

  • @TomSmith-io9uk
    @TomSmith-io9uk 4 роки тому

    Dude love your Van. I use to buy van magazines in the 70's and you did a wonderful job of going Back in the Day. By far the best Soccer van ever... Oh and by the way you are a GREAT Painter.

  • @craigmonteforte1478
    @craigmonteforte1478 5 років тому +1

    Over the top Josh on the Electric Boogaloo Van i am a hobby Upohlesterer / retired Woodworker and I love the interior detail work that is neat and tidy and not overdone that some people do its cool that you made it to be used too many people who build with your details wind up having a trailer queen or equivalent and forget it was actually made to be driven

  • @txJoJo55
    @txJoJo55 2 роки тому

    The only thing missing in this bad boy was the disco ball 🙂Bad azz Van, Love it , the paint job is outstanding

  • @Ratdaddy2023
    @Ratdaddy2023 5 років тому +10

    Damn this thing is awesome!

  • @Rttuning
    @Rttuning 6 років тому +3

    Killer job on the van!

  • @michaelcorl9646
    @michaelcorl9646 6 років тому +4

    Shes a beauty bro, love love those Thrush pipes!!

  • @nicoladanzi8185
    @nicoladanzi8185 4 роки тому

    I love that paintjob !

  • @dutchinklettering405
    @dutchinklettering405 2 роки тому

    Awesome van. Great tribute to breakin
    I just picked up a 73 dodge about take mine to the next level.

  • @chrissnodgrass2705
    @chrissnodgrass2705 4 роки тому

    I love that electrical boogaloo that’s a neat van

  • @williamwirick886
    @williamwirick886 5 років тому +1

    Sweet sweet ride! Your attention to detail is amazing!

  • @mustangmarty8491
    @mustangmarty8491 5 років тому +14

    🇺🇸 Man, brings me back to the 70's. I'm 56 now and I grew up with these Van's. If you a custom van back then you were it, just wanna say Excellent job, keep on Vanning. 👈 Lol Is that right?

  • @JosephDR
    @JosephDR 6 років тому +1

    Josh, Electric Boogaloo is awesome! Excellent job on the paint. Thanks for the tip on the interior material. That vinyl looks great and is durable and cleanable. My van will be similar to yours in that it will be a street custom. It's a 1981 Chevy G10 shorty cargo van with a hi-top.

  • @kevinfalkner2243
    @kevinfalkner2243 3 роки тому

    Very impressive nice work.

  • @Maverick_Van_Traveller
    @Maverick_Van_Traveller 6 років тому +2

    I met Josh at the Van Nationals in Florida in 2015, when this van was still in primer and had windows in the sides. I said to myself "this thing is just a paint job away from being perfect". Little did I know, it would receive the Mother of all Paint Jobs! Killer work Josh, can't wait to see this rig in person!

  • @TheRealKalEll
    @TheRealKalEll 5 років тому +1

    VERY VERY nicely done. Best I've seen in a long time

  • @formertstv1908
    @formertstv1908 5 років тому +1


  • @fvgc454ss
    @fvgc454ss 4 роки тому

    Killer work

  • @ThereIsNoGodOnlyUs
    @ThereIsNoGodOnlyUs 5 років тому +1

    Damn... this is fantastic

  • @rocknrollguitarplayer9071
    @rocknrollguitarplayer9071 4 роки тому

    Met Josh at the Nationals 🤘🏼

  • @PaulyStax
    @PaulyStax 4 роки тому

    We want to hear it !! Awesome van dude!!!!!!

  • @jaybacon1174
    @jaybacon1174 2 роки тому

    What's up Josh!! The van looks awesome. Sorry the wife and I couldn't find you guys at daytona. Next time we come to to Orlando we should get dinner man. Another outstanding build bud!!

  • @Scooopdog
    @Scooopdog 6 років тому +1

    Brilliant work, what a job well done , old skool classic :)

  • @christopherhawkins2359
    @christopherhawkins2359 4 роки тому

    One Word ! Awesome 👏

  • @ericp9596
    @ericp9596 2 роки тому

    Badass van brother. I’m right beside you right now on I-4W lol….. I just gave you the thumbs up in the Blue Ford Edge. I googled your vans name and I’ll be damned your on UA-cam! Great job on the Resto! Thanks for sharing.✌️💪🤟👊

  • @magiccheeseball
    @magiccheeseball 4 роки тому

    I love your attention to detail! I wish I could see this man in person I live in Orlando so I hope I see it sometime

  • @prince151ful
    @prince151ful 5 років тому +1

    Now that is a sweet van👍👍

  • @tedkukla4178
    @tedkukla4178 5 років тому

    Awesome Paint Job $$$$$

  • @robbaker137
    @robbaker137 5 років тому +1

    Awesome job , great color choices love it !!

  • @clarkgriswold5903
    @clarkgriswold5903 6 років тому +1

    WOW what a nice Van, unreal!

  • @kilawattkidd
    @kilawattkidd 6 років тому +2


  • @michael17scaletruckerzisle92
    @michael17scaletruckerzisle92 5 років тому

    Stunning great Work

  • @traviswright456
    @traviswright456 2 роки тому

    I remember watching the movie "Breakin" and "Breakin 2 Electric boogaloo"

  • @fvgc454ss
    @fvgc454ss 4 роки тому

    Awesome job man!

  • @adanvaldcontreras4283
    @adanvaldcontreras4283 5 років тому +2

    Great job 👏👏🤘🤘😃

  • @RandysFiftySevenChevy
    @RandysFiftySevenChevy 5 років тому

    Very nice job...I love the Vans, someone needs to build one that looks 70s but with modern improvements hidden

  • @Dartman6
    @Dartman6 6 років тому +2

    That's awesome and retro and cool and awesome! Go Mopar!

  • @kevdonew1412
    @kevdonew1412 5 років тому +1

    you did it the way I want it thanks great job

  • @siry0ggdstinguishdgent.680
    @siry0ggdstinguishdgent.680 6 років тому +1

    Beutifull werk....Bro*Vanner...with a TRUE VANNER...aint nuttin plain!!!

  • @raymondj8768
    @raymondj8768 5 років тому

    Love the flakes n the side pipes dude !

  • @Daquickflip808
    @Daquickflip808 2 роки тому

    Cool van brah!! 🤙

  • @fixit4u73
    @fixit4u73 5 років тому

    Wickedly bad ass. Nicely done!👍

  • @Red-rl1xx
    @Red-rl1xx 6 років тому +1

    In 1979, my Dad bought a '69 Dodge Coronet from a neighbor down the street with those same side pipes!

  • @teeKeri
    @teeKeri 6 років тому +1

    I love this van ! ♥

  • @cosmicstudioca
    @cosmicstudioca 6 років тому

    knocked that one straight out of the Diner . great job

  • @an_auto_addiction5742
    @an_auto_addiction5742 6 років тому

    Awesome video man. His van came out great . I didn’t make the show but my van was there.

  • @donedwards3811
    @donedwards3811 5 років тому

    nice work dude....

  • @hopen4tune
    @hopen4tune 5 років тому

    Bad Ass Van!!

  • @backroadbikes3778
    @backroadbikes3778 6 років тому

    Amazing build!

  • @Terry_Baker
    @Terry_Baker 6 років тому

    Josh is the man!!!

  • @raymondj8768
    @raymondj8768 5 років тому

    I did my super comp dragster in all house of color paint great stuff !

  • @markj2838
    @markj2838 5 років тому

    Cool tribute to the 70s,👍👍... looking for a bare bones 70s chevy to do ... won't be this elaborate, gonna go more camper style like my folks had in our 79 deep red chevy with chrome package.. getting hard to find here in Canada.

  • @davidr4332
    @davidr4332 6 років тому +3

    I Love that old school paint work LQQK about it ..

  • @tommyhunter9641
    @tommyhunter9641 4 роки тому

    Very Nice!!!

  • @zacharyclement8100
    @zacharyclement8100 6 років тому

    Nice job Josh

  • @joshjones1360
    @joshjones1360 5 років тому


  • @danielequihua9359
    @danielequihua9359 4 роки тому

    Freakin Sweet. A True Classic 👌 Primo Bitchin !!!

  • @nicholasyoder
    @nicholasyoder Рік тому +1

    I wish I knew how to paint with candy paint/giant metal flake.

  • @turbo6598
    @turbo6598 5 років тому +1

    This van is sick sweet and fascinating the interior is Flawless but the seats look like they're super hot to sit on LOL

    • @batvette
      @batvette 5 років тому

      Chicks in cutoff shorts prolly stick to the vinyl...once you pick em up they aint gettin out.

  • @TheHermitHacker
    @TheHermitHacker 5 років тому

    I have been having trouble locating the tilt-out windows like i see so many of these vans have. Is my only source the junk yards? I can't ever find the vans. I've got a 79 Dodge I want to install a couple tilt-out windows in.

  • @ericv.9842
    @ericv.9842 3 роки тому

    Great job. Is the dash pad removable? I can't imagine how blinding that window reflection has to be.

  • @Grant-rj3km
    @Grant-rj3km 3 роки тому

    i saw this drive by my house yesterday

  • @john-paulnagel2732
    @john-paulnagel2732 3 роки тому

    Dodge Surfer 🏄 Van Nuys Blvd 1976-1977 The Best

  • @coinslotsandjoysticks2572
    @coinslotsandjoysticks2572 3 роки тому

    I think I met your son in Florida at the show there. Lol. Little guy with green hair? Blue dream van won 3 awards at that show

  • @josephdeffendoll3056
    @josephdeffendoll3056 5 років тому

    You are da boogie van man !!!!

  • @ninjadojonobi7923
    @ninjadojonobi7923 3 роки тому

    That van is full of Proud Boys

  • @caseyjones3684
    @caseyjones3684 5 років тому

    Jesse James twin brother!!!! Beautiful Paint work bro.!!!!!!

  • @wadeguidry6675
    @wadeguidry6675 5 років тому +1


  • @michaelroecker2649
    @michaelroecker2649 4 роки тому

    Nice van.

  • @coinslotsandjoysticks2572
    @coinslotsandjoysticks2572 3 роки тому


  • @ellbdotmusic3521
    @ellbdotmusic3521 5 років тому +1

    Sweeeeeeeet!!!! Now I'm going to watch Breakin' 1&2 although 1 was the best plus Beat Street and Krush Groove!!!

  • @kendallsmith1458
    @kendallsmith1458 4 роки тому

    Funny how things change. This vid came up when I searched you-know-what.

  • @hdrcx12vid
    @hdrcx12vid 4 роки тому

    No seatbelts? Did I miss that?

  • @mrbigg7255
    @mrbigg7255 5 років тому +2

    Nice van and video. You should put “House of Kolor” in the title. You’ll get more views. This vid hasn’t come up when I searched for House of Kolor vids.

  • @Red-rl1xx
    @Red-rl1xx 6 років тому


  • @brianrussell1565
    @brianrussell1565 4 місяці тому +1

    Visor.where center bolts. Don't see any except the sides

  • @BluesBadTom
    @BluesBadTom 5 років тому

    Nice !