From an annoying kid to a partner in crime from a partner in crime to a friend from a friend to a little brother from a little brother to the most important person in Ace's life now I know that Ace met many people and considered Whitebeard as his father and loved his crewmates and did not forget Sabo but Luffy is a different story “he is the source of Ace's happiness and the person who saved him from his depression and the first one who wanted him to live” Ace’s feelings for Luffy were the thing that affected me the most in One Piece
Damn! I cried again because of them 3! Ace never knew that Sabo is still alive until his death and Sabo will only remember of Ace when he died... Luffy lived 2 times trauma of losing his dear brothers...
This song made me think about Roger and Portgas D. Rouge = 'Where there is desire'. 'There is gonna be a flame' = Ace 'Where there is a flame Someone's bound to get burned But just because it burns Doesn't mean you're gonna die' This is when Portgas D. Rouge waited to give birth to Ace, putting her life in danger and, consequently, dying after Ace was born. But she's not dead since baby Ace is part of her. I want to cry TT
From strangers to friends from friends to brothers for life from brothers to dream for a same crew as pirates from this dream to king of Pirates and then to the journey of being the knowned one in the whole world this is the journey of 3 brothers this is One Piece 🥺
People saying the worse thing about this, But the best thing about this is that droppZtudio knew that ace was going to die look at the ending, and this came out In 2013..
I've remembered about the three brothers of the three kingdoms (a Chinese tale), they have made a deal, promise to each other they will die together, fight together., one of them became king the two dies
The worst part is that 2 of them left and became a pirate while ace is in that island crying because of luffy and sábado but never known sabo was still alive and ace was dead
From an annoying kid to a partner in crime from a partner in crime to a friend from a friend to a little brother from a little brother to the most important person in Ace's life
now I know that Ace met many people and considered Whitebeard as his father and loved his crewmates and did not forget Sabo but Luffy is a different story
“he is the source of Ace's happiness and the person who saved him from his depression and the first one who wanted him to live”
Ace’s feelings for Luffy were the thing that affected me the most in One Piece
the part where luffy says you promised you won't die and no matter how many times i watched that part over and over it always makes me cry so bad
I got spoiled of his death already, but I hadn’t seen everybody’s reactions and that’s what makes TEH death sad- so I cried-
the fact that ace was trying to avoid luffy when he was little. And yet here he is dying because he protected him.
ace tried to kill luffy multiple times in the past.
and now ace died protecting luffy.
the worst part about this is that ace died never knowing that sabo was still alive 😭😭😭
@I’m fine, I’m fine mela
Makes me a cry a bit
i know but if he didn't die Sabo wouldn't remember
@@kahriseh he could probably remember more later
Watching this makes me miss Ace more and more.
I miss him so much.
I always get tears in my eyes whenever someone brings up something about Ace in OP.
It makes me cry to see how hard luffy tried to be there friend 😭
Luffy is be beautiful or life 🤗🥰❤️
@Meme_masta thanks 😊
@slick uzamaki then who is monkey d dragon
@Whyroblox Deleted stupid he didnt grow up with any parents rewatch one pieace idiot
Tell me why I still cry over ace and it still hurts when anyone mentions him or he’s brought back in a flashback
Same here 😔💜
Because ace is the best
Damn! I cried again because of them 3! Ace never knew that Sabo is still alive until his death and Sabo will only remember of Ace when he died... Luffy lived 2 times trauma of losing his dear brothers...
I think Luffy's best conquer is Ace's heart. That is where he actually become the Luffy we know...
@@ВладимирКарнаков-ц2й k
This was his One Piece TT
I wanna see an alliance between the straw hats and revolutionaries after wano so badly
I mean it's not like they're gonna fight each other sabo is luffys brother and dragon is luffys dad
As Sabo is probably captured too so maybe they will maybe
Straw hat+revolutionary = navy ded
Also don't forget revolutionary is like mini but dangerous navy and luffy hai 5k subordinates
@@beastgaming-mw5hq what abt 8k subordinates of Godd Usoppp
Love Ace
Why did he have to die!!!!
Ace×Luffy×Sabo forever
Savo famous ..🤔 me wack sabo in episode no Bigg
Thanks for commenting this used to be my brothers account but he died
This song made me think about Roger and Portgas D. Rouge = 'Where there is desire'. 'There is gonna be a flame' = Ace
'Where there is a flame
Someone's bound to get burned
But just because it burns
Doesn't mean you're gonna die'
This is when Portgas D. Rouge waited to give birth to Ace, putting her life in danger and, consequently, dying after Ace was born. But she's not dead since baby Ace is part of her. I want to cry TT
Bring tears in eyes..😭
From strangers to friends from friends to brothers for life from brothers to dream for a same crew as pirates from this dream to king of Pirates and then to the journey of being the knowned one in the whole world this is the journey of 3 brothers this is One Piece 🥺
I saw this after 10 years thanks for the video ❤
I know it jst an anime but the emotions, memories really makes me cry 😢 😭. Tq oda for giving us such a masterpiece 💖
This is so beautiful, it will make you cry.
Please watch it minna ;…;
"Let's be friends, what is your name"
"Sa- I won't tell you" 😂😂😂👏👍🤗💛
This showed up in my recommended right after I finished the marineford and post-marine ford flashback, this shit got me man
1:31 Luffy's Smile💗💗💗
Before they say “kill” lol it gets me everytime
Last part is like its from a movie trailer and I love it
I'm almost 30 and this amv almost made me cry. OP travel has been one of the best travels in my life
How old are you?
@@whyrobloxdeleted6552 near 30 or 30
Man no amv from 2019-2022 can beat these og amvs
Only One Piece's real fans can feel the goosebumps 🔥
I got too many
idk why I'm crying 😭 this is so amazing sad and cool at once 😭
The memories kids be beautiful in or human 🤗❤️🥰
I can still hear when Ace said to Luffy thank you when he was dying 😭😭😭
I wish they meet again and become crewmate on the same ship
Only for some time ... A party with straw hat crew and ace sabo
The three won't meet together
Luffy meets Ace first then Sabo
@@raizen79 maybe a filler
Need a anime on this in alternate universe
This is the best one piece amv I have ever seen
Goddamnit! This was so fucking wholesome I thought I was gonna cry at several points in this! It was beautiful but goddamn does it make you feel shit
Sabo and luffy meet again on episode 668
I watched this video while I started my anime journey
This is so beautiful ❤️
Brings back so much memories and there is still a long way to go ❤️
Thank you for this emotional trip
Best video on internet till now ❤️❤️ got goosebumps keep it up 👍
Now this is good👌🏾
I always feel really sad whenever I see ace cry like a baby😭
If I could I would offer anything just to see the three of them together again :')
you know one piece is the best anime when even this is enough to make someone cry
Best brotherhood 🖤🖤🖤🖤
Can't wait to see akainu regretting for killing ace day luffy will surely make him regret
Bandit so stronger .....or easy olny 🤣
I don't understand wht ur trying to say bro
You forgot Sabo, he is practically just a powered up Ace with Haki. He's gonna show him the true potential of his fruit.
@@fjalac9661 yea bro excited whts gona happen after this wano arc
That’s hurt my heart 🥺💔
So sad I hate when I see heroes die ☹️😫💔
I love this scene
I almost cried when I saw sabo again In dressrosa
Bro ace is still looking around to find sabo in heaven
What makes more sense depressing is the ace die right before knowing Saba was alive
9 years ago. This story can’t ever die
Once I’ve choosen an opponent,
I won’t run🔥
4:18 I promise I won’t die, luffy!” “Dies in luffy’s face”
I'm gonna cryyyy😭
these brothers always make me cry
It feel sad when Ace die.
9 years ago.
Its 2022 now and That memory Just gives me tears.
i am crying and lesning to eatpls bring ace back
So sad cause Sabo can't meet Ace again
30/06/2022 im here🖐....i wish i'll never get die😭😭😭
Aces cryin is killin me
We miss you🙂💔
Bro I'm crying
Just imagine ASL becoming a pirate group that would have been the end of everyone, no one would have been comparable then.
Beatiful ♡
I'm literally crying
I love this scene rip ace
amazing video :)
Why is this making me cry;(
luffy never gave up on ace till his death
People saying the worse thing about this, But the best thing about this is that droppZtudio knew that ace was going to die look at the ending, and this came out In 2013..
I almost cried..
It made me cried
I love this
Thank you dear oda ❤️
Nice edit
9 years ago…
❤️from Mizoram
"Where there is a flame somone is going going to get burned" ace😭😭😭
Tiny luffy😍
Ace died but i hope sabo don't die bf he got captured
Bu sahneler güzeldi.
Oi torao
@@naminamionepiece5258 Oi Nami
Tudo bem com você law
I still remember aces death
i want to have 3 male kids and gonna name them Ace ,Luffy, Sabo ❤️
-اشتقت اسولف لك عن أوجاعي وتسمعني .
I love one piece.
crying 😭
I skipped Ace's death
If I never see him die I don't believe he is dead.
my brain-
0:36 what is sp in taim
I will hope that Sabo meet Ace at least one time before Ace die..
W song
I cry
Ok. Why the hell did those two have to die?! They had the saddest story ever.
Sabo died? NO!!
he didnt
he still alive
lol im replying to this comment 1 year later
Sabo might die in 2020
who knows?
I've remembered about the three brothers of the three kingdoms (a Chinese tale), they have made a deal, promise to each other they will die together, fight together., one of them became king the two dies
Think of how diffrent one piece would be if the 3 sailed together
Voice of sabo was matching wait Naruto 😃
You are right about that
I'm totally not crying...
ya me hiciste llorar
you have made me cry
The worst part is that 2 of them left and became a pirate while ace is in that island crying because of luffy and sábado but never known sabo was still alive and ace was dead