@@ThePedalboardOrchestra thanx a lot for your time to tuned in and your comment, it means a lot to me🙏! It’s great you like this SubH jam. Greetings 🖖☺️
Relaxing and very welcoming atmosphere. The sounds are amazing and transport you to another dimension. Great job as always ... and thanks for sharing it ✌️👍
@@ASMRcigarlounge1865 thanx a lot for tuned in and your comment , it means a lot to me 🙏! Yeah, I love my garden too, it’s a great sanctuary from all the stress around…. Greetings 🖖☺️
@Somnambule Yes sir! That's why I created my channel last month. It's just me smoking my cigar or pipe, sipping on cocktails. No talking. Just a relaxing sanctuary from the insanity of the world. Sometimes I'll have smooth jazz or calming ambient music in the background. But more often than not it's just the nature sounds of wherever I filmed the video. The lake video seems to be the most popular so far. So if you enjoy a good smoke, hop on over and join me. I'd love to have you, my friend. In the meantime, I'll enjoy your music and garden!
Listening to it once again while working after looking for a lot of demos on different channels and yours remains the best one so far. 38 likes is a joke seeing what I’ve seen, it truly deserves more. Really beautiful.
Hey... that track with the Moog Subharmonicon... just wow. It’s a very special device. I never played it but I was also intrigued about it. The depth, the layers... you’ve got magic in your hands. Seriously... can’t wait for more!
@@Hessencemusic big thanx for your time to tuned in and your kind words! It means so a lot to me….yes, this a very magickcal moment;-) best greeetz 🖖☺️
Big thanx for tuned in…the patch was very simple, sequence 1 out into cut off and clock out into trigger and a special tuning of the oscillators. Greetings 🖖☺️
Big thanx for your words! I love the smooth sounds of the sh. Sometimes it runs over hours in the background meanwhile I‘am working or relaxing;-) Greetings 🖖☺️
Hey, big thanx for your interest…not really one module the SubH has more than one module….the four oscillators, filter, two generative sequencer, envelope module, vca…. all modules in one box…let me count, there 9 modules….;-) have a nice day! Greetings 🖖👽
I mainly work in ableton with vsts but the past 2years I've really been wanting to get into hardware modular etc , etc. I have a dfam it's kind of cool but the lack of midi really sucks.
Just a teeny weeny bit of space, hah! Great job! Often when I put on these UA-cam performances, I'm not that impressed. But this, my friend... this, is what Hans Zimmer failed us for. This, should have been the soundtrack to Bladerunner 2049...!!
Big thanx for your interest and stoped by. No, not the patch makes it generative, in this case it was the internal sequencer of subh that brought the generative thing;-) Greetings 🖖☺️
what is your full set up for this video? just wondering what you are running the moog through. Interface, Daw, any other equipment and how to get endless looping.
@@TJ.WEIGHT big thanx for your interest! I used only the eventide space for some spice and recorded directly into the zoom h2n without any overdubs or audio postproduction…raw and rough;-) greetings 🖖☺️
@@60400 big thanx for interest and stoped by! If you patch so, the steady clock works additional to the different step rhythm settings and it‘s a nice evolving effect for note triggers. Greetings! 🖖☺️
Anytime I hear a Subharm patch that doesn't have that typical ultra chords ding ding is a win for me. Nice one. Do you have all OSCs at the same level? If so, I'm even more impressed.
Thanx for your comment and interest….I‘m so sorry but this makes the UA-cam algorithm….that’s unfortunately out of my control….I hate it too… listend to nice chilly ambient tunes and interrupted by commercials….greetings and have a nice weekend 🖖☺️
wow, you are a master of the Subharmonicon. Best ambient sound I have heard so far with that instrument. 👍👍👏👏🖤🖤
@@ThePedalboardOrchestra thanx a lot for your time to tuned in and your comment, it means a lot to me🙏! It’s great you like this SubH jam. Greetings 🖖☺️
Relaxing and very welcoming atmosphere. The sounds are amazing and transport you to another dimension. Great job as always ... and thanks for sharing it ✌️👍
Big thanx for your comment and that you tuned in! Cool that you like it! Greetings 🖖☺️
@@Somnambule I will always be there 🖖😀
I love your ambient garden, my friend.
@@ASMRcigarlounge1865 thanx a lot for tuned in and your comment , it means a lot to me 🙏! Yeah, I love my garden too, it’s a great sanctuary from all the stress around…. Greetings 🖖☺️
Yes sir! That's why I created my channel last month. It's just me smoking my cigar or pipe, sipping on cocktails. No talking. Just a relaxing sanctuary from the insanity of the world. Sometimes I'll have smooth jazz or calming ambient music in the background. But more often than not it's just the nature sounds of wherever I filmed the video. The lake video seems to be the most popular so far. So if you enjoy a good smoke, hop on over and join me. I'd love to have you, my friend. In the meantime, I'll enjoy your music and garden!
@@ASMRcigarlounge1865 yeah, I‘ve subscribed my friend🖖☺️
I've subscribed to you as well. Modular synths and beautiful gardens are a great mix.
Wow this one sounds so good, I’m gonna get one. Thanks for the great demo. It sounds like a poly synth.
@@MrDaigoRiki thanx a lot for your interest🙏! It‘s great to gave you an inspiration. Wish you much fun with your SubH! Greetings 🖖☺️
Fantastic jam, a perfect use of the machine, mesmerizing creation.
Big thanx for your comment! It’s great that you like my way to make music with the subha! Greetings 🖖☺️
Listening to it once again while working after looking for a lot of demos on different channels and yours remains the best one so far. 38 likes is a joke seeing what I’ve seen, it truly deserves more. Really beautiful.
@@nolake big thanx for your kind words, it means a lot to me! 🖖☺️
One of the best jam I've heard on the subharmonicon. Great ambient. Congratulations ! 🤩
Very special thanx for your comment! It means a lot to me when other like my music! Greetings 🖖☺️
I'm genuinely blown away-excellent work!
@@recreepy big thanx for tuned in and your kind words🙏! Greetings 🖖☺️
Lovely atmosphere 🧎♥️
Ich fliege hier gerade so ab. DIVING
Saubi! 🖖☺️
I have always been interested in the Subharmonicon the most out of the three. This makes me feel like I need one even more!
Sounds Great!
Big thanx for your interest and stoped by! I‘m very appreciate! Greetings 🖖☺️
Hey... that track with the Moog Subharmonicon... just wow. It’s a very special device. I never played it but I was also intrigued about it. The depth, the layers... you’ve got magic in your hands. Seriously... can’t wait for more!
@@Hessencemusic big thanx for your time to tuned in and your kind words! It means so a lot to me….yes, this a very magickcal moment;-) best greeetz 🖖☺️
Im just drown in this music, complete relaxation for your soul and body! Thanks Bro!🤝
@@1988Denj thank you for your support and kind words bro, I appreciate it very much🙏! Greetings 🖖☺️
Oooh... That's awesome. Really interesting atmosphere and as always Moog is amazing. You did a superb job 🖖😀
Very special thanx my friend 🙏!greetings 🖖☺️
@@Somnambule My support will always be there 😀
Amazing. It brings to mind parts of Aphex Twin's "Rhubarb". Fantastic work.
@@TheCuttingBureau big thanx for tuned in and your kind words….oh, that’s an honor, Aphex Twin the grandmaster of electronic music! Greetings 🖖☺️
Nice patch, love my SH!
Big thanx for your comment! Yeah, I love the SubH❤️🔥, too….it can sounds so smooth and lush. Greetings 🖖☺️
Same words to both of you! Love it:D
Such lovely tones & atmosphere, awesome work as always !
Thanx for your words! Cool that you like it! Greetings 🖖☺️
the sounds and the video are great
Big thanx, cool that you like it! Greetings 🖖☺️
WOW! I've been on the fence about getting one for a long time, cause it looks good on paper but I've never liked what I've heard ... UNTIL THIS VIDEO!
Super special thanx for your kind words! Great, that you like it! Greetings 🖖☺️
It’s all reverb. Take that away and it sounds lame. Trust me, I have one
@@andrewnancarrow So get yourself a reverb pedal
Check out ab85.. he does amazing tracks with the three moogs. So good in fact that he convinced me not to buy them as i'd never reach that level 😅
Wow! This is great, well done🙌
Very special thanx for your comment! Great that you like it! Greetings 🖖☺️
@@Leerf-driftingpitches big thanx 🙏! Greetings 🖖☺️
Nice patch, love my Subharm.
Special thanx for stoped by and your comment! Greetings 🖖☺️
Beautiful. Thank you.
Big thanx for stoped by and your comment, great that you like it! Greetings 🖖☺️
Many thanks! Greetings 🖖☺️
Great soundscape!
Big thanx for tuned in and your comment! Greetings 🖖☺️
Thank you for tuned in! Greetings 🖖☺️
Wonder work, so chill ❤
Big thanx for tuned in and your comment! Greetings 🖖☺️
Really enjoying this! The subharmonicon is super cool, and it looks very relaxing where you're at. :)
Big thanx for tune in! Yeah, there is no place like home…., it’s my home in the garden! Greetings 🖖☺️
awesome sound
Thank you so much for tuned in and your comment 🙏! Greetings 🖖☺️
Patch Notes! Patch Notes! Patch Notes! - This is great.
Big thanx for tuned in…the patch was very simple, sequence 1 out into cut off and clock out into trigger and a special tuning of the oscillators. Greetings 🖖☺️
c'est assez épique et orchestral _ bravo pour cette performance
A relaxing half hour. Great work.
Big thanx for chilling and tuned in! Greetings 🖖☺️
Hey fellow Moogster, what an amazing instrument the SubH is sounding really sweet here.
Big thanx for your words! I love the smooth sounds of the sh. Sometimes it runs over hours in the background meanwhile I‘am working or relaxing;-) Greetings 🖖☺️
Super cool vibes;)
Very special thanx for your words and subscribed! Greetings 🖖☺️
Very, very good. 😊
Big thanx! Great that you like the smooth tunes! Greetings 🖖☺️
This music makes me feel like I'm traveling through space and time. Relaxing and inspires thought. Love it. Thank you so much for this.🥰
Thank you so much for your time to tuned in and your comment 🙏! Greetings 🖖☺️
@@Somnambule You're most welcome! And thank you for creating this. I too have a Moog and watching your video inspires creativity in me. :)
Crazy beautiful. How am I gonna explain how much I need this?!
Thank Youssouf much for your time to tuned in and your comment, it means lot to me 🙏! Greetings 🖖☺️
Big thanx for tuned in and your comment🙏! Greetings and happy new year🖖☺️
@@justinhuffman2430 thanx a lot for tuned in🙏! Greetings 🖖☺️
@@Somnambule I shall be returning frequently
@@justinhuffman2430 You’re welcome🖖☺️
Sincere apologies this took me a year to find. This is beautiful🩶!!!
Big thanx for your comment! The important thing is you found it! Greetings and have a happy new year🖖☺️
Big thanx for your comment! Greetings 🖖☺️
This persuaded me to buy one :)
Big thanx for your comment! Great that you got an inspiration! Greetings 🖖☺️
I’m Subscriber 880. The Subharmonicon sounds cool.
Very special thanx for subscribing and your comment! That means a lot to me! Greetings 🖖☺️
Bravo!!! 🤩🤩🤩
Big thanx, cool that you like it! Greetings 🖖☺️
Generative with one module and two < 3ft patch cables. PhD worthy!
Hey, big thanx for your interest…not really one module the SubH has more than one module….the four oscillators, filter, two generative sequencer, envelope module, vca…. all modules in one box…let me count, there 9 modules….;-) have a nice day! Greetings 🖖👽
One could spend a lifetime messing with the subharmonicon and never get close to figuring out all of its possible uses.
Thanx for your interest and comment. Yeah, SubH is a great device with so many possibilities - a unique instrument. Greetings 🖖☺️
You are right. I only have a Mavis and I cools get incredible sounds. This thing is even more complex and exciting
@@tomwawer5714 thanx a lot for your interest and your comment🙏! Greetings 🖖☺️
Totally agree!
@@Hessencemusic 🙏🖖🤘☺️
I mainly work in ableton with vsts but the past 2years I've really been wanting to get into hardware modular etc , etc. I have a dfam it's kind of cool but the lack of midi really sucks.
Yes you‘ve right, the dfam no midi implementation only sync over clock input! But it sounds so warm and deep;-) Greetings 🖖☺️
Fucking beautful. Not just the music but the two gorgeous white patch cables and the grass moving against the wind. Cheers!
Thanx for your interest! The cables hold up like a rock in the surf🖖😂👍
Just a teeny weeny bit of space, hah!
Great job! Often when I put on these UA-cam performances, I'm not that impressed. But this, my friend... this, is what Hans Zimmer failed us for. This, should have been the soundtrack to Bladerunner 2049...!!
Very special thanx for kind words, that means a lot to me🙏. When Hollywood ask me I‘ll do the soundtrack of the new blade runner;-)😅! Greetings 🖖☺️
Algorithm gods have done me right!
@@soundvandal3570 thank you very much for tuned in and found me;-) greetings 🖖☺️
This is awesome! Are you using a reverb? If so, which one?
Big thanx for your comment and tuned in! I used the space by eventide for a little spice;-)! Greetings 🖖☺️
You can make a generative patch with just seq1 -> cutoff and clock-> trigger? I thought the patching would be more involved than that.
Big thanx for your interest and stoped by. No, not the patch makes it generative, in this case it was the internal sequencer of subh that brought the generative thing;-) Greetings 🖖☺️
Hipster boxes. Also handy for keeping doors open.
@@ConstableHandsy yeah thanx, I‘ll try it to used it as a door holder…🖖😂
Big thanx for tuned in! Greetings 🖖☺️
what is your full set up for this video? just wondering what you are running the moog through. Interface, Daw, any other equipment and how to get endless looping.
@@TJ.WEIGHT big thanx for your interest! I used only the eventide space for some spice and recorded directly into the zoom h2n without any overdubs or audio postproduction…raw and rough;-) greetings 🖖☺️
Would you mind sharing the patch?
Thanx for your interest. From Seq1 to cutoff input and clock to trigger input. The generative thing makes the internal sequencer! Greetings 🖖☺️
@@Somnambule Isn't clock to trigger already the default patching?
@@60400 big thanx for interest and stoped by! If you patch so, the steady clock works additional to the different step rhythm settings and it‘s a nice evolving effect for note triggers. Greetings! 🖖☺️
@@Somnambulethank you for sharing
@@garyg3927 big thanx for tuned in🙏! Greetings 🖖☺️
how you trigger this tones?
Thank you for your interest! The tones triggered by the internal sequencer! Greetings 🖖☺️
Subharmonicon is great for this kind of music but many consider it hard to use.
Might be the 303 of our times.
@@asdfjkl227 interesting thought. what makes you think that?
Anytime I hear a Subharm patch that doesn't have that typical ultra chords ding ding is a win for me. Nice one. Do you have all OSCs at the same level? If so, I'm even more impressed.
Big thanx for your interest, great you like it🙏! Yes, all OSCs are more or less at one level, all four OSCs are activated. Greetings 🖖☺️
Wow. It’s like I entered a parallel dimension and then just disappeared for 30 minutes
Big thanx for your time to tuned in and your nice comment🙏! Greetings 🖖☺️
Awesome. Is that the eventide space reverb? If so what algorithm is it if you don't mind me asking?
Big thanx for your interest! Yes, you‘ve right it was the eventide space and I used the first algorithm the „hall“. Greetings 🖖☺️
Love the music, but interrupted by ad, which jarred me out of my peace, so *DOWN VOTE!!*
Thanx for your comment and interest….I‘m so sorry but this makes the UA-cam algorithm….that’s unfortunately out of my control….I hate it too… listend to nice chilly ambient tunes and interrupted by commercials….greetings and have a nice weekend 🖖☺️
If you have no premium account by youtube you will interrupt by commercial….add info, I make no money with yt and with its commercial …bye🖖
That's on you for not using adblock mate. The creator has no influence over that.
Those who don’t understand YT ads probably need to read
That's your free account and no ad blocker bud. Not the artists fault for giving YOU FREE ART
Awesome soundscapes, paired with relaxing visuals. what Fx are you using?
Thanks for sharing this ❤
Big thanx for your interest and comment! I used the eventide space for a little rev spice;-)! Greetings 🖖☺️