My Japanese Apartment in Hiroshima

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @cindypattana6071
    @cindypattana6071 8 років тому +266

    That's a pretty big apartment for Japan. It looks like a nice one.

    • @memmm139
      @memmm139 8 років тому +30

      There are many size of apartments in Japan. I guess you saw Japanese apartments were for single or couple. There are many apartments for family, these are bigger and have many rooms.

    • @hoshination6607
      @hoshination6607 7 років тому +7

      I guess it's because he's not close to Tokyo maybe

    • @naheenisapoet69
      @naheenisapoet69 5 років тому +2

      Well TOkyo apartments are super small

  • @turowat
    @turowat 8 років тому +50

    The lack of natural light is depressing!!

    • @misuzu2007
      @misuzu2007 7 років тому +3

      turowat The first apartment in Japan that I see with lack of sunshine. Does make it pretty depressing...

  • @1cmman
    @1cmman 8 років тому +25

    This apartment is huge for japanese apartments. And very nice and spacies too.

  • @thinderellaedwards1365
    @thinderellaedwards1365 6 років тому +1

    I really like the idea of a shoe closet, instead of the lineup of shoes by my apartment door. It's very nice & spacious, larger than a couple of the apartments I've lived in when I lived in Chicago.

  • @salimahjackson2313
    @salimahjackson2313 8 років тому +72

    There are so many doors !

    • @henriquemadureira1531
      @henriquemadureira1531 8 років тому +3

      ikr, He was showing that and I was like omg this is so confuse

    • @benconway9010
      @benconway9010 8 років тому

      Henrique Pinto it's a maze hehe

    • @henriquemadureira1531
      @henriquemadureira1531 8 років тому

      Hehe, I'm sorry but I like to call it paper Doors hehehe

    • @storm921
      @storm921 8 років тому


  • @AmericanExpatInThePhilippines
    @AmericanExpatInThePhilippines 8 років тому +40

    That fisheye distortion makes it hard to judge distance well. An interesting video, though. It's much different in the Philippines.

    • @koolnutzkapone
      @koolnutzkapone 7 років тому +4

      American Expat In The Philippines yes very annoying

    • @tallgirl195
      @tallgirl195 7 років тому +4

      Gave me motion sickness.

    • @watermelonwishes4193
      @watermelonwishes4193 5 років тому +1

      I kept forgetting about the fish eye-I thought the last closets had curved doors. lol

  • @googles1515
    @googles1515 8 років тому +43

    I was surprised that the apartment was so spacious. I could live there comfortably!!

  • @mimithao9929
    @mimithao9929 8 років тому +1

    I was under the impression that apartments in Japan were small but hat's a pretty big apartment. I like that there's so many doors that closes off each room.

    • @Reddragondiaries
      @Reddragondiaries  8 років тому

      living spaces are generally smaller in Japan. Re:apts for English teachers, this place is huge

  • @nesha934
    @nesha934 8 років тому +118

    Barley any windows, that would kill me especially in the kitchen

    • @Firguy_the_Foot_Fetishist
      @Firguy_the_Foot_Fetishist 6 років тому +1

      Not only that, but there's hardly any barely! That would kill me especially in the kitchen.

    • @naheenisapoet69
      @naheenisapoet69 5 років тому

      just keep the living roomdoor open iguess

    • @Kevin-sm8pn
      @Kevin-sm8pn 3 роки тому

      Wow, all of you must be rich, lol. I have never lived in an apartment with windows in crazy. This obsession with wanting Windows everywhere is insane. Windows in the kitchen. Window in the bathrooms. Windows on the ceiling. What's next? Windows in the damn CLOSET? All of you are spoiled, lol.

    • @vellexia2
      @vellexia2 3 роки тому

      @@Kevin-sm8pn shut up lol no one asked

    • @MarianadeOliveiraSaitu
      @MarianadeOliveiraSaitu 3 роки тому

      @@Kevin-sm8pn My aunt is an architect, and she says windows in bedrooms, but specially in kitchens and bathrooms are essential for air and moist circulation, and also gas leaks (in the kitchen). It's not only about lighting and much less for the view.

  • @avib4850
    @avib4850 8 років тому +20

    Hey man, I have been watching you for about 3 years now and am realizing how you really have to love your alone time when and if you decide to teach abroad. Great content, keep it coming man.

    • @Reddragondiaries
      @Reddragondiaries  8 років тому +3

      +AVI B thanks so much

    • @eeliejun
      @eeliejun 8 років тому

      +Red Dragon Diaries you look like a giant when your filming

    • @eeliejun
      @eeliejun 8 років тому +1

      +Red Dragon Diaries scratch that your a giant when you compare the building size

    • @Reddragondiaries
      @Reddragondiaries  8 років тому +1

      jim bab lol!

    • @dwight4k
      @dwight4k 8 років тому

      Are all the power cables that close to the buildings?

  • @joury900
    @joury900 8 років тому +39

    Damn, I could totaly live there.

    • @Scrambles1
      @Scrambles1 8 років тому +3

      you could not, you're bed would never dit. and where would you put pickles or your hot tub?

    • @ryan-gregorysmith651
      @ryan-gregorysmith651 8 років тому

      you must have way to many cat's I got four and could definitly relax chillin in that place kitties better stay of the counters and tables though...wanna move with me Steph?

    • @fruitypuffpie1585
      @fruitypuffpie1585 8 років тому

      Nathan Explosion me too

  • @alonzo9772
    @alonzo9772 8 років тому +244

    Japan is the land of a million sliding doors.

    • @MrJacky1602
      @MrJacky1602 8 років тому +2

      Beautiful, or not?

    • @jinnalee7167
      @jinnalee7167 8 років тому +7

      actually between doors....
      ghosts are hidden...... sadakodayo.............. o_O

    • @insertname2067
      @insertname2067 7 років тому +5

      i actually love sliding doors XD sadly britain rarely has these type off doors except for the gardens.

    • @hidekiryuga2096
      @hidekiryuga2096 3 роки тому

      The land where lead business executives sleep on the floor

  • @amariluna
    @amariluna 8 років тому +5

    Ahh Hiroshima!! I was there in April this year (2016). Made it a must to visit the Atomic Bomb Dome and Memorial Museum. It was incredible to see how the Japanese reconstructed their city and rose from the ashes and destruction.

  • @ClipOriss
    @ClipOriss 8 років тому +34

    Watching this video makes you feel like a giant. As an example, the toilet feels like the ones you see in Kindergarten for kids haha

  • @claussamor7344
    @claussamor7344 8 років тому +18

    the walls need some color, currently feels little depressing with plain color.

  • @tayj1313
    @tayj1313 5 років тому

    The room with the balcony seems ideal for a bed room. Sliding window doors, light, and a breath of fresh air in the morning.

  • @matthewmilan6979
    @matthewmilan6979 8 років тому +7

    thanks for the update. pretty good sized apartment. I really like the tatami room. at the beginning in your entryway it reminded me of that episode of King of the Hill when they visit Japan and they complain about the size of the hotel room and then right before they leave a Japanese person shows them the sliding door and the rest of their huge hotel room.

  • @son_o_day
    @son_o_day 8 років тому

    Oh cool! You're using the Xiaomi Yi Action cam! I was thinking of buying that, maybe soon. Nice to see some footage of it!

  • @Cloecpippi
    @Cloecpippi 8 років тому +11

    why do u sleep in the storage room when u got a "huge" spare room?

  • @dinnerandashow
    @dinnerandashow 8 років тому +62

    This is your neighbor, stop slamming the door !

  • @Lonelyeco
    @Lonelyeco 8 років тому +45

    I needed this. I'm building Japanese apartments in the Sims 2.

    • @Reddragondiaries
      @Reddragondiaries  8 років тому +22

      +Lonelyeco make a red dragon apt building for me

    • @nutmeg9593
      @nutmeg9593 6 років тому +1

      Someone still has Sims 2? That was the best one. I wish I still had it.

  • @laitae
    @laitae 8 років тому +60

    A lot of space, especially in comparison to Korean flates I've seen videos on. But what surprised me is that it's quite dark:(

    • @Reddragondiaries
      @Reddragondiaries  8 років тому +15

      I kept the doors closed for the video but normally there's a good deal of light in the apt. This is close to 3 times the size of the studios you will get in Korea. I'm very lucky

    • @jonjones6749
      @jonjones6749 8 років тому +3

      I wouldnt call yourself lucky man that apartment is the most Unsterile , homely, windowless looking place i have ever seen. there is no way i could live in that it's nasty.

    • @Reddragondiaries
      @Reddragondiaries  8 років тому +6

      ***** hater lol!

    • @jonjones6749
      @jonjones6749 8 років тому +2

      Red Dragon Diaries Good One!!! LOL

    • @Damnationization
      @Damnationization 8 років тому

      I like it but what is a tatami room for in general? Meditation maybe.

  • @ananasupreme
    @ananasupreme 8 років тому +8

    This apartment has the biggest bathroom I've seen so far. Also, kudos for using a fisheye lens.

  • @mcsedvet
    @mcsedvet 6 років тому

    I enjoyed ur apt tour. I lived in Fussa for 7 1\2 yrs. I left in 1997 but still miss Japan greatly. That apt is bigger & more equipped than any I've been in. Nice place. Enjoy yourself!!

  • @withl0vebryanna
    @withl0vebryanna 8 років тому +15

    If you don't mind me asking, how much do you pay monthly? This apartment is very spacious and kind of big for being in Japan. I'm guessing $800 or so? Well depending on your key money, right?

    • @ailinos
      @ailinos 8 років тому +1

      Isn't key money a Korean thing not Japanese?

    • @Seankwondo87
      @Seankwondo87 8 років тому +4

      Definitely a Japanese thing. Maybe it's done in Korea also?

  • @KOSPman
    @KOSPman 8 років тому +15

    that place looks like the bomb

  • @kerryoke68
    @kerryoke68 7 років тому

    The new place has a lot of charm. I love it! I am very excited for you.

  • @ReneeandJimmyG
    @ReneeandJimmyG 8 років тому +3

    Wow! Your apartment is huge! I was really surprised!

  • @AnthonyUbelhor
    @AnthonyUbelhor 8 років тому +1

    Very nice. I'm so envious of you being able to totally immerse yourself in a new culture. Good luck. I love your videos.

  • @Rhelanae
    @Rhelanae 8 років тому +66

    You have one of the nicer apartments I've seen on UA-cam! How much do you pay for it if you don't mind my asking?

    • @MikeXwolf
      @MikeXwolf 8 років тому +21

      I'll join this question :)

    • @hepthegreat4005
      @hepthegreat4005 7 років тому

      Mister Boot if that's true, that's awesome. half of most peoples money goes to rent.

    • @numuves
      @numuves 7 років тому +1

      Why would Korean help him in this case?

    • @LaynieFingers
      @LaynieFingers 7 років тому +1

      Mister Boot You realize he's in Japan here, right? They don't speak Korean in Japan... it's a different country.

    • @LaynieFingers
      @LaynieFingers 7 років тому +8

      Mister Boot I didn't say he was Korean, I wondered why you thought speaking Korean would help get an apartment in Japan. No need to call names, either... I apologize if I came across as rude or ignorant. It was not my intention.

  • @anthonya910
    @anthonya910 8 років тому

    Thank you for taking the time to show US around.

  • @animallvr682
    @animallvr682 8 років тому +3

    The room you have your bedroom in is meant to be a closet, or a child's room maybe. The tatami room is supposed to be the main bedroom.

  • @linkinparkroxx
    @linkinparkroxx 6 років тому

    Pretty inspiring to see how you moved from one country to another.
    I am a european student who is currently in Korea for a year and I hope to follow your example one day.

  • @Satsui_No_Hado
    @Satsui_No_Hado 8 років тому +3

    really enjoyed this, thanks for posting 😀😎💪

  • @TrueMexico
    @TrueMexico 8 років тому

    Just found your channel! :) That's a nice sized apartment you have there :D I lived in Japan for three years and for part of the time had a tatami room too. Love them.

    • @Reddragondiaries
      @Reddragondiaries  8 років тому

      +True Mexico Awesome! Yes, I really like the vibe the tatami room gives the apartment.

  • @いちごくん-l6d
    @いちごくん-l6d 8 років тому +23

    my gosh your flat is huge ! How much are you paying for this?

    • @Cordiformi
      @Cordiformi 6 років тому +1

      これは何?いちご 1LDK so probably a lot! He just have a good job or a

  • @ArienneJay
    @ArienneJay 8 років тому +1

    This is very spacious, love it! You should think of getting some wall decals of trees or birds or quotes or something to put on your kitchen walls, to make it look more homey. But I really like the space

  • @karenj4854
    @karenj4854 8 років тому +206

    Needs a woman's touch. :-) Or a cat or an orchid or something.

    • @FromTheBiggining
      @FromTheBiggining 8 років тому +121

      you let a woman in, and that's the end of his peacefulness.

    • @benconway9010
      @benconway9010 8 років тому +7

      Claudia Marin lol

    • @cuzcohusky3533
      @cuzcohusky3533 6 років тому +1

      There is nothing in the world sweater then a women’s love

    • @kakadaf3
      @kakadaf3 6 років тому


    • @suzettekath9860
      @suzettekath9860 6 років тому +3

      Depends on the woman.

  • @akeeperofoddknowledge4956
    @akeeperofoddknowledge4956 6 років тому

    Nice digs ! Much, much bigger than the camper/trailer I've been living in for the past 10 years or so. But I'm in Florida, people live in smaller units than I have !
    Be interesting to see how you furnish your home !
    Thanks for sharing !

  • @Asovo
    @Asovo 8 років тому +118

    I think your setup is wrong, you should use tatami room as your bed room.. Lol

    • @domdom9349
      @domdom9349 8 років тому +10

      Maybe he doesnt like tatami smell? Not everyone likes it i heard

    • @cluelessnerd2271
      @cluelessnerd2271 8 років тому +25

      if i was him, i will use that "livin room" as my bed room and make the kitchen as a guest room.

    • @rachelford8260
      @rachelford8260 7 років тому +5

      David I thought the same thing lol

    • @LovelyRequiem999
      @LovelyRequiem999 7 років тому +5

      That's what I thought too! I would totally make that my room!

    • @danielrevelations7006
      @danielrevelations7006 6 років тому +4

      I was thinking leave all the doors open so you dont feel traped or inclosed u have 3 other rooms to sleep in my man not the closet

  • @nikemko9038
    @nikemko9038 6 років тому

    Thank you for this peek into a Japanese apartment. It seems very nice. Very different than the apts here in Wisconsin. It has GREAT potential!

  • @jessalex
    @jessalex 8 років тому +151

    I am kinda getting prison vibes from this apartment, but hey maybe I've just been watching too much OITNB

    • @MikeTheGamer77
      @MikeTheGamer77 8 років тому +35

      When he showed the kitchen the first thing I thought was "where are the windows?"

    • @MikeTheGamer77
      @MikeTheGamer77 8 років тому +4

      You want prison? look at a Leo apartments room. Those bastards are SMALL.

  • @sokka44
    @sokka44 7 років тому

    When I studied in Nagoya I had a tatami room as my bedroom and slept on a futon. loved that room and I prefer futon over a bed

  • @millydemenduit917
    @millydemenduit917 8 років тому +30

    your apartment is big. if I were you. I will move my bed room to the tatami room and use the big close to store my matress or get a western bed for the current room.

    • @Reddragondiaries
      @Reddragondiaries  8 років тому +24

      I've since moved my futon into the tatami room. I just use earplugs now for the noise from the street

    • @danielrevelations7006
      @danielrevelations7006 6 років тому

      @@Reddragondiaries get some foam and cut it to the size of the window will cancel the noise and light good for the summer to keep room cool for AC

  • @andrewcarmichael8683
    @andrewcarmichael8683 7 років тому

    I had a house with a small yard and garage in Yokosuka. Loved it!

  • @katerinafeiglova7886
    @katerinafeiglova7886 8 років тому +3

    wow it's interesting. I don't like the disposition as much, but it's indeed very Japanese. I would (as someone said) move the bedroom to the tatami room and I would make the small room where you sleep now a storage room (for clothes, maybe hanging clothes and all). But that's just because I can't imagine sleeping in such a small and dark room. Also some plants and wall decorations would help very much :)

  • @LaynieFingers
    @LaynieFingers 7 років тому

    Wow, your apartment is he!!! Thanks for the video, I really enjoyed it!

  • @ciljean
    @ciljean 8 років тому +10

    Actually it's a really big room for 1 person to live in Japan.........

  • @MeggieKay
    @MeggieKay 8 років тому

    This is actually one of the nicer apartments I've seen (and I'm pretty sure I've watch every Japanese apartment tour video on UA-cam :P ). I would love to find a place like that when I move to Japan. Thanks for sharing!

    • @Reddragondiaries
      @Reddragondiaries  8 років тому

      +Meggie Kay A lot depends on the city and location. Hiroshima is much cheaper than Tokyo.

  • @HappyQuailsFarm
    @HappyQuailsFarm 8 років тому +7

    We don't realize just how large we live until we watch accommodations to this scale.

    • @Reddragondiaries
      @Reddragondiaries  8 років тому +2

      that's a very good point

    • @SSECreator
      @SSECreator 8 років тому +4

      And this is a good size compared to some I've seen. When I saw he has TWO burners on the stove, I almost applauded him. Makes me feel guilty for not utilising all four on ours.

  • @suganthisathyaprakash4600
    @suganthisathyaprakash4600 6 років тому

    I just love Japan ,ur language,ur cleanliness vry kind people ,hard working thank u sir fr sharing this video

  • @gualdacolorao
    @gualdacolorao 8 років тому +29

    I like your house. It´s really nice.

  • @dundeedell1960
    @dundeedell1960 6 років тому

    looks kind of fun. I like how it compartmentalizes the room, although I might get kind of tired of it after a while.

  • @ladyb4325
    @ladyb4325 8 років тому +8

    Sooo many doors! lol Honestly though much larger than all the other Japanese style apartments I've seen! That seems to be suitable for even a small family! Not sure if I missed the details but how much does this style apartment cost monthly?

    • @Reddragondiaries
      @Reddragondiaries  8 років тому +4

      It really depends on the city and area in that city. This place is cheap because it's in Hiroshima in a slightly removed neighborhood. Also, the school owns the unit so it's a reduced rate from normal market value

  • @HipFitSoooGood
    @HipFitSoooGood 8 років тому

    I've never been to Japan, and it's so interesting to see your place. Thanks! It's very clean and efficient!

  • @kocoaberry7041
    @kocoaberry7041 8 років тому +26

    Damn, you're gorgeous.

  • @Daynaster16
    @Daynaster16 8 років тому

    I love this place!! It's perfect for me! Getting a place with separate rooms gives you privacy (in my perspective).

  • @Mongalz
    @Mongalz 8 років тому +7

    Like.. 3 windows for the whole apartment? I couldn't live there

  • @LivT04
    @LivT04 8 років тому

    Your apartment is spacious! I'm so inspired to live more minimally. Nice to see you settling in 😀

  • @VangElizabeth
    @VangElizabeth 8 років тому +3

    Amazing apartment!

  • @tb5531
    @tb5531 7 років тому

    The clock... does it say "radio controlled"? If it does it's probably syncing with one of the UHF or VHF time keeping frequencies, like in the US... We have WWV that since a ping tone at the top of each minute. Once you get the batteries into a new clock it sort of looks for specific radio signals and when it finds the right one it will sync with it.

  • @carlacarraway7221
    @carlacarraway7221 8 років тому +19

    That's a good looking man

  • @zachariahvalentine8693
    @zachariahvalentine8693 7 років тому

    Hey! You're in Japan. I remember viewing many of your blogs while you were in South Korea. Your advice about teaching over seas was very helpful and inspiring. I'm a bit of a coward and decided so far not to get into the program. One day I will. However, it was very good to see you doing your thing. God bless with everything Red Dragon. Plus, wow Hiroshima! How surreal to be there were the hydrogen bomb was dropped...must been emotional that first day; a spirit and soul connection that cannot be explained just experienced...How blessed you are to be able to experience this in your lifetime. Peace be with you and your family. -Ant Valentine

  • @CharmingAthens
    @CharmingAthens 8 років тому +6

    So in the US the culture is open floor plans, I am guessing they just REALLY enjoy doors as part of theirs?

    • @Krazycutiegurlxxx
      @Krazycutiegurlxxx 8 років тому +5

      In japan, water closets are for showers and ofuro, and toilets are in their own room, so that part is normal. For the rest, i guess the designers of the apartment just like doors!

    • @TinyBreakfastTable
      @TinyBreakfastTable 8 років тому +3

      Megan Flanagan my understanding is that usually there isn't central heating in most Japanese homes so heating a smaller room is easier than attempting to heat a large space. This was the case in old western homes as well but as AC and stuff became a big deal the trends changed. Don't quote me on it though.

    • @123JWJWJW
      @123JWJWJW 7 років тому

      TinyBreakfastTable yes, those doors are very necessary for when it gets cold.

  • @sanchoodell6789
    @sanchoodell6789 8 років тому

    I've noticed that about the toilets over there as well. Having an unusual design where the fresh water pipe comes out over the cistern tank and then pours water in via an open hole into the cistern tank. I'm guessing that plumbing regulations in Japan are stricter and this arrangement is considered more hygienic and reduces risk of contamination of the fresh water supply keeping a greater barrier from the foul water.

  • @marlennepichardo2665
    @marlennepichardo2665 8 років тому +5

    I love your tatami room! 😍

  • @makeuponthemind
    @makeuponthemind 8 років тому

    I love how you explained what everything is! your apartment is pretty big. thankyou for sharing.

  • @Anthony-rt1yl
    @Anthony-rt1yl 8 років тому +13

    Yes he has a Bible!!!

  • @natashaharper8770
    @natashaharper8770 8 років тому

    It's good to see you are settling in. Seeing you sorting out the trash reminds me of when I first arrived here in Japan and had anxiety about how to put things in the correct places. I currently have 6 garbage cans to deal with all my separate kinds of garbage. I live in the countryside of Kyoto. I have a fairly old house with three tatami rooms but the tatami is pretty old and worn out. Just be on the look out for things like Dani 'tatami mites' since your building is old. One great thing about my house is the washlet. It has the heated seats, which are a saviour in the winter. But there is only one aircon/heater unit so its pretty difficult to keep cool in the summer and warm in the winter. I have been enjoying your videos chronicling your move from Korea to Japan. I have put Hiroshima on my list of places to visit in Japan. Hope you are able to sort out the lights and the judo situation soon.

    • @Reddragondiaries
      @Reddragondiaries  8 років тому +1

      +Natasha Harper Sounds like an awesome situation. It must be quite the unique situation living in the country

    • @natashaharper8770
      @natashaharper8770 8 років тому +1

      The countryside (inaka) of Japan has its good points and its bad. Good points include how simply beautiful it is, the people are super friendly and helpful so I have made many friends, my students are mostly sweet and spend their free time riding their bikes, playing baseball and hunting for bugs in the creeks and rivers. Bad points are the copious number of bugs in the summer and the freezing cold in the winter as well as not having many available activities for people who aren't married with kids or elderly. However I am lucky that I live within a 2 hour distance of the metropolitan areas like Kyoto city, Osaka and Kobe.

    • @Reddragondiaries
      @Reddragondiaries  8 років тому

      Natasha Harper that sounds pretty good. I can only imagine the bug situation you have to deal with. Do you have a mosquito net for your bed?

    • @natashaharper8770
      @natashaharper8770 8 років тому

      I am actually looking to get one, but have to go on amazon and order one or go to the big city and find one in costco maybe. I had a bad experience with mukade last week. Was finding one in the house every day. Spiders and the stink bugs I can deal with but mukade are horrible!

    • @Reddragondiaries
      @Reddragondiaries  8 років тому

      Natasha Harper I ordered mine from a company in Australia. Very good

  • @723lion
    @723lion 8 років тому +20

    yall gon need a phd to do the garbage in Japan

    • @Ivy99999
      @Ivy99999 6 років тому +3

      meanwhile in Canada: 4 bins - trash, compost/ yardwaste, cardboard, and glass/plastic. Unless you're my crazy a** Granny who just make a big fire pit in the backyard by the garden. Only gets away with it because she lives in a log home on a mountain and her closest neighbor is like 30 - 40 mins down the road XD

  • @Maebull70
    @Maebull70 8 років тому

    Nice digs Mr G! A lot of roominess and rooms!

  • @AnneHoA
    @AnneHoA 8 років тому +63

    It's a nice appartment, but to me it doesn't look like someone actually lives there...

    • @SLTravel11
      @SLTravel11 8 років тому +12

      not everyone lives like a animal

    • @koro_kokoro
      @koro_kokoro 7 років тому +1

      have you ever started moving into a place? thats kinda what it looks like

  • @fazbell
    @fazbell 8 років тому

    Great series of videos. Thanks.

  • @mentosmariel
    @mentosmariel 8 років тому +3

    How tall are you?

  • @xharjhonsuarez7585
    @xharjhonsuarez7585 7 років тому

    yow that apartment is perfectly for me . especially when you're a gamer that doesn't go outside and like a dark place . i love it

  • @LizzieBeezie
    @LizzieBeezie 8 років тому +3

    I'm curious as to how much you are paying for that apartment in Hiroshima? I'm in Okoyama right now and perhaps will have to move to Hiroshima and was wondering about the rent there. Thx

    • @Reddragondiaries
      @Reddragondiaries  8 років тому

      My situation is very unique. My school owns the school so I pay a reduced rate. I don't know the market value for a place like this

    • @LizzieBeezie
      @LizzieBeezie 8 років тому

      Red Dragon Diaries Oh ok. I've been trying to get some infos before moving there and till now can't much about it :(

  • @CushionOfWealth
    @CushionOfWealth 8 років тому

    10:14 ... There's a bit of head-dirt grim on the wall there on the left of the bed, looks bad !

  • @MissAllanPoe1988
    @MissAllanPoe1988 8 років тому +3


  • @NephilaClavata
    @NephilaClavata 8 років тому

    A built-in fish fryer? Awesome!
    The apartment does look a bit spartan but it's also nice that there isn't so much clutter...keeps things feeling open and fresh!

  • @F0r3v3rT0m0rr0w
    @F0r3v3rT0m0rr0w 8 років тому +8

    when you showed me the bedroom, all i could think about is ... how the hell does a tall guy like you sleep in a small place like that.

    • @Reddragondiaries
      @Reddragondiaries  8 років тому +3

      It's more than big enough for me. The camera lens made it look that way. I now sleep in the tatami room anyway

  • @myselfme767
    @myselfme767 8 років тому

    I loved this video. It was really interesting for me to see an apartment in Japan, it's so different from apartments in my country. it looks cozy and peaceful.

    • @Reddragondiaries
      @Reddragondiaries  8 років тому

      +Myself Jovovovich Thank you. I'm really happy with it. It's my home for a while now

  • @Arianna_T.
    @Arianna_T. 8 років тому +25

    Everything looks so small ...because you're tall?

    • @Arianna_T.
      @Arianna_T. 8 років тому +6

      quite big to me..I think it's expensive?

    • @Arianna_T.
      @Arianna_T. 8 років тому

      the bedroom look kinda scary...

    • @Reddragondiaries
      @Reddragondiaries  8 років тому +6

      the doorways are low for me so I always bump my head

    • @Reddragondiaries
      @Reddragondiaries  8 років тому +9

      I sleep in the tatami room now

    • @Betcaligarcia
      @Betcaligarcia 8 років тому

      +Red Dragon Diaries isn't a tatami room for sleeping? what was the other room for ? the one next to the main door .

  • @agasd67654asdga
    @agasd67654asdga 8 років тому

    Very nice....going there next cold does it get there??

  • @jacksonhagist6514
    @jacksonhagist6514 8 років тому +61

    "It's an older building" can't be older than 1945

  • @filiphazel8610
    @filiphazel8610 8 років тому +1

    I'd make the tatami room my bedroom totally, there's space and closet, the another room could be an office or a meditation space :) and with the window like the large room in order to get some light in

  • @MsChandler7
    @MsChandler7 8 років тому +4

    I love the apartment, my favorite feature is the Bible :) I like the open space, the bike lot is nice, and the huge kitchen is amazing, particularly because I love to cook. Overall you have a really nice setup.

  • @Leinarina
    @Leinarina 8 років тому

    i love the apartment so much! it's huge and cosy!
    different from what i've seen before that mostly japanese apartment are so small and confine...
    nice vid thou!

  • @virvich
    @virvich 8 років тому +4

    very different from scandinavian homes..

    • @ailinos
      @ailinos 8 років тому +3

      Same with Irish. I wish it have more windows :(

  • @islatrope
    @islatrope 6 років тому

    Private, functional, efficient (minimal) ... but because of the damn flourescent lights, soul-crushingly clinical... I have seen the simple elegance of Japanese architectural styles in the books....but modern reality is so different.... in any case, you must have immense wealth to live in an apartment of that size. Thank you for showing us what's possible on a teacher's salary in Hroshima.

  • @susripathy
    @susripathy 8 років тому +18

    dang! they did not build for tall people did they? must have a lot of bruises.

    • @Reddragondiaries
      @Reddragondiaries  8 років тому +6

      +susripathy definitely not lol! The top of my head is all banged up at the moment

  • @fuzz7981
    @fuzz7981 5 років тому

    Dude, I had a 3 bedroom apartment in Hiroshima just like that one but obviously slightly larger. Your "living room" and Tatami room are both meant to be used as bedrooms and your kitchen space is designed to be both dining, kitchen and living space together. You are essentially using the storage/coat room as your bedroom.

  • @hikalight
    @hikalight 8 років тому +7

    bike storage door, i actually thought it was a castle tower door lol

  • @JackieRobinson24
    @JackieRobinson24 8 років тому

    It looks very nice! Also, I love the soon-to-be vlog room!

  • @taipeitaiwan10
    @taipeitaiwan10 8 років тому +4

    How many people committed suicide in the apt?

  • @RobuRobu
    @RobuRobu 7 років тому

    It's funny that this video popped up in my recommended feed. I've been looking for an apartment in Japan today, since I found a job in Tokyo two weeks ago. The prices are less expensive than I expected. It would be nice to have an extra room for friends from my country that want to stay over. Yours seems nice and spacy for this purpose, so I hope I can find something similar.

  • @georgebelev1900
    @georgebelev1900 8 років тому +2

    isnt hiroshima nuked??

    • @MrJacky1602
      @MrJacky1602 8 років тому

      Yeah, sure... Is a desertic land...

    • @laowyn4414
      @laowyn4414 8 років тому +1

      White Crown Everything has been rebuilt. Now it's just a normal safe city.

    • @sodenoshirayuki69
      @sodenoshirayuki69 8 років тому

      Laowyn yeah but radiation lasts a very long time

    • @laowyn4414
      @laowyn4414 8 років тому

      sodenoshirayuki69​ Despite the catastrophic effects, the amount of nuclear material (plutonium, uranium) in the nuke was very little compared, for example, to the amount in Chernobyl explosion. Here's a link for a better explanation

    • @like7oranges
      @like7oranges 8 років тому +3

      the city was rebuilt entirely since the clean up after the bomb. its very safe and there is very low radiation (about the same that occurs naturally in all major cities). radiation fallout from bombs (to simplify it), kind of works like ash, it settles and it can be cleaned up almost entirely by removing contaminated debris (top soil, concrete etc). so after the explosion all that is there is all that is there, its not going to continue creating more radiation like it would in a meltdown at a nuclear powerplant where the process is on going. many radioactive debris from bombs also have a shorter half life (they decay rapidly, making them less and less dangerous by the day)when compared to a radioactive substances found in a reactor.

  • @Baka_Oppai
    @Baka_Oppai 8 років тому +2

    Where are you exactly? What's nearby, how much is rent? What's the area like? Tell us some stuff.

  • @thatgayliengremlinp4766
    @thatgayliengremlinp4766 8 років тому +7

    Omg your place is huuge ! (I probably couldn't live alone in an apartment like this one x))

    • @Krazycutiegurlxxx
      @Krazycutiegurlxxx 8 років тому

      I was thinking the same thing! It's practically a house! Not even a small house! It's pretty epic.

    • @thatgayliengremlinp4766
      @thatgayliengremlinp4766 8 років тому +1

      Hero✩Lydragius​ I'd probably freak out x)

    • @thatgayliengremlinp4766
      @thatgayliengremlinp4766 8 років тому +5

      20009Erika​ I live in France, the average size of a house/apartment is (way) smaller than in America (if it's where you live), and it's also a matter of tastes and habits too, because I can't stand an empty home and I don't need much more space than my bedroom's, so yeah ^^

    • @thatgayliengremlinp4766
      @thatgayliengremlinp4766 8 років тому

      eleonora giannetti I think it's because both are european countries ? France and Italy have more or less the same average height, while in Japan people tend to be smaller, or in America taller (like, I'm average height in Europe, but I'd be considered short/mid-short in America and tall/hella tall in Japan)
      Each country designs it's apartment based on it's average height, so it's not surprinsing to find people that live in countries where people are taller than in the other country, thinking that the house/apartment is too small, and the same goes in the other way
      That's also a matter of lifestyle and tastes, there are people that like to move around, need/want space and light, and other people (like me) who enjoy small and/or dark rooms and don't need/want much space (I'm kind of afraid of big rooms, I somewhat find small, dark and fresh rooms reassuring)

    • @Krazycutiegurlxxx
      @Krazycutiegurlxxx 8 років тому

      Erena Jäger How tall are you? I'm 5'8!

  • @madisonic354
    @madisonic354 6 років тому

    I loooove it! I’m wanting to do a Japanese apartment theme.

  • @Razan3bdullah
    @Razan3bdullah 8 років тому +5

    it looks like hospital