The Smoking Man IN MINIATURE for my Beetlejuice Dollhouse!!🤍🖤🤍🖤

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @zacksoraven158
    @zacksoraven158 2 роки тому +5

    BEETLEGUST Is here bring on the strange and unusual and the black and white stripes and the DAYYYY Os

  • @abigailphoenixthepaperaddi2501
    @abigailphoenixthepaperaddi2501 2 роки тому +61

    DEFINITELY don't put these skeletons in the oven! I've used these to create "dead faeries". I used a heat gun on the joint areas to make the plastic bendy. I've also inadvertently melted a skeleton or two doing so... lol.
    Another cool trick for a "mummified" or dessicated look to the skeleton is to tightly wrap plastic grocery bags where you want the "skin", melt it with the heat gun (repeat to add thicknesses) & then age it with paints, etc. =D Makes for really REALLY creepy "mummified" skeletons lol.
    Side note, I actually squealed yesterday when I reslized it was August finally & it was time for Beetlegust!
    Edited: woah... only about 9 minutes in and he looks so FREAKY (in a good way lol).
    Mmm.... paper mache looks way easier than the plastic bags. Yessss.... beautiful!!!

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому +15

      Yeah I didn't think they would fair very well in there lol! Art and Anxiety did the plastic wrap too and it looked really cool but I definitely wanted him to look dried out and crispy lol! Thank you so much Abigail! I am so glad you enjoyed it😊😊

    • @icooley7391
      @icooley7391 2 роки тому +1

      Yes! Dead fairies, I forgot about those.

  • @fairstream
    @fairstream 2 роки тому +12

    New Intro looks awesome, Ara! Smoking man is definately a success, he looks so kwispy, lol! Also, I would LOVE to se that flattened Guy who comes swooping in with messages and documents, hanging in the reception! Beetlejuice is truly a favorite of mine, I’m always so happy to notice when you’ve uploaded a new video. Can’t wait for more!

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому +3

      Thank you Fairstream!! I feel like 'Kwispy' should be his nickname lol... poor guy!

  • @dmmomma
    @dmmomma 2 роки тому +1

    Beetlejuice in Beetlegust! So excited to see each of the posts that will be coming! What a great job on Smoking Man!!

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you I am so excited too! And thank you for all the houses you sent in💖💖

  • @kevinhampton2068
    @kevinhampton2068 2 роки тому +2

    The smoking man looks absolutely fantastic!

  • @pamelaespy10
    @pamelaespy10 2 роки тому +1

    I have been waiting for Beetlegust all year!

  • @Voirreydirector
    @Voirreydirector 2 роки тому +1

    Oh my dear he’s gorgeous! He made my dear old dad, who nearly did burn himself alive in the seventies (don’t drink and smoke if you’re sleepy!) laugh uproariously! It became one of his favorite movies, his only favorite movie after the passing of John Wayne. Dad is gone now, in fact I lost both parents to smoke related cancer, but is was so nice to remember the day he discovered this film. You are a gifted artisan and a sweetheart for so lovingly portraying these characters. Thank you.

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому

      Sounds like your dad had a great sense of humor and I am glad the video could bring back a great memory for you. Thank you so much for your kind words Susan💖💖

  • @TopsyDora147
    @TopsyDora147 2 роки тому +1

    Fantastic job! Love him!

  • @ArtsyMario
    @ArtsyMario 2 роки тому +3

    I'm SO EXCITED that you are starting to create the Underworld characters!
    Mr. Smoking Man looks so COOL! He was one of the characters I was hoping you create.
    I'm happy that you are attempting to create all the characters.
    I'm most excited to see you create Miss Argentina, Shunken head hunter, and the Scuba Guy with Shark leg.
    This is going to be such a fun month to watch Beetlejuice characters being made!

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому +1

      I think they are all so individually interesting but together they are such an interesting group! I am saving Miss Argentina 'til the end I think since I think she will be the highlight of the whole room and I want to get her right!

    • @ArtsyMario
      @ArtsyMario 2 роки тому

      @@BentleyHouseMinis Thats fine. Im excited for the next video to see who you will create next.😊

  • @lindacsmith13
    @lindacsmith13 2 роки тому +3

    I never realized how gory this movie was. Funny tho. I loved the ashtrays! It's so awesome that people contribute to this build.

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому

      For real! I hope UA-cam doesn't get unhappy with me when I make the Magicians Assistant!😳

  • @afroborilafemme
    @afroborilafemme 2 роки тому +35

    You did such a great job! I can’t wait to see the other characters.

  • @eshbena
    @eshbena 2 роки тому +23

    Using those skeletons is genius! He looks amazing.

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому +6

      Having the skeleton premade helped so much! Thank you BJ!

  • @pamwhitcomb6472
    @pamwhitcomb6472 2 роки тому +1

    I love your content - so unique!

  • @sharonrafferty3423
    @sharonrafferty3423 2 роки тому +1

    Paging Dr Ara. Thank u. U never dissapoint

  • @TheUndeadOfNight
    @TheUndeadOfNight 2 роки тому +14

    Looks perfect . Cutting the toes really makes those $ store skeletons more realistic , I'll be borrowing that idea . Your organization skills are as detailed as your miniatures .

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому

      That idea was form Art and Anxiety and it's amazing what a difference that little difference makes! So glad you liked him!

  • @natashapoirier4696
    @natashapoirier4696 2 роки тому +1

    Smokin hot!!!

  • @dawnc.9676
    @dawnc.9676 2 роки тому +7

    So awesome! Can I suggest adding a dot of glue to the lit end of the cigarette and a very thin pull of cotton it gives the smoke effect. Looking forward to the rest of Beetlegust!

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому +2

      Ooh that's a good idea! I will try to remember that when I do the final touches and details to the whole room😉

    • @dawnc.9676
      @dawnc.9676 2 роки тому

      @@BentleyHouseMinis I saw Queen City minis cig tutorial a few weeks ago( maybe more ,my son is on summer vacation until September so I don’t know what days are what lol) so I used the technique for cigars for Gomez 🖤

  • @andreavictoriaparadiso47
    @andreavictoriaparadiso47 2 роки тому +7

    What a great new intro! The Smoking Man turned out just fantastic. I can see why you're so excited about Beetlegust. You're going to have so much fun with all these characters after all this preparation. We're all going to enjoy this tremendously!

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому

      Aww thank you my friend!! I am just so excited to see them all hanging out together!! It may end up my favorite room ever lol!

  • @rachaelkasper5445
    @rachaelkasper5445 2 роки тому +12

    This little guy is so fun and cute! I had the giggles about his bone adjustments and anatomy. I think you nailed it. Great techniques and additional reference videos, too. Thank you! I'm excited to see the next waiting room characters!

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому +1

      I am pretty sure one of these characters is going to get me demonetized at some point lol! I keep trying to be careful about what I am saying because the youtube bots are going to think I have lost my mind!😄 Thank you Rachael!!

  • @christinastalder4727
    @christinastalder4727 2 роки тому +2

    He's amazing, you blow my mind, he's so good. I can't wait to see you do the witch doctor. Also the dude with the chicken bone in his throat. All of them. This is just so cool. So excited.

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому +1

      I am so excited to make the Witch Doctor as well! I am slowly collecting items to make his look as screen accurate as possible!

  • @wsn111
    @wsn111 2 роки тому +10

    I've also seen people use shrink wrap on these little skeletons for a more translucent skin. This guy looks great and extra crispy as is :)

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому +2

      Yes those look so cool too! I am always afraid of just completely melting the skeleton lol! I am so glad you like him!

  • @queencityminis
    @queencityminis 2 роки тому +8

    This is fantastic! I LOVE how the cigarettes came out. Thank you for the shoutout 👏
    I really love how you organized your little "doll kits". Beetlegust will be very fun.

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому +2

      I am so happy to send people to your amazing channel! So many great videos over there! I hope being organized means I can get a bit more done😄

    • @queencityminis
      @queencityminis 2 роки тому +1

      @@BentleyHouseMinis You're too kind 😊 I'll try to employ the same tactic. Good luck to both of us!

  • @jojosmumdorothy2829
    @jojosmumdorothy2829 2 роки тому +1

    Well done on the accessories 👏 people they are brilliant 👏

    @JFLATTERMANN 2 роки тому +6

    What a great start into Beetlegust. Love the smoking man, he looks just right in his chair. Looking forward to meet the other characters.

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому +2

      Thank you J! I was so happy without he fit in the chair. I wanted him to just look like he was relaxing and taking his time in the waiting room😄

  • @lenarrr13
    @lenarrr13 2 роки тому +1

    Yay, Beetlegust! Can't wait for the next installments!!

  • @kathysausen6493
    @kathysausen6493 2 роки тому +1

    U r Incredible talented!! I’ve said that so many times but it’s true!!! I was SO happy to see you again!!!💕🧜‍♀️

  • @lyndilee2955
    @lyndilee2955 2 роки тому +1

    Love love love it💞

  • @SofiasSpookyStuff
    @SofiasSpookyStuff 2 роки тому +1

    This was fantastic ! The smoking guy is brilliant ! This is my favourite film since I was a child so love seeing everything come to life ❤❤👻

  • @teresahickey4380
    @teresahickey4380 2 роки тому +1

    Love the smoking Man. He is quite the crispy criter LoL

  • @suzangrumetti1227
    @suzangrumetti1227 2 роки тому +1

    Yay... thrilled to see a video for my fav room in my fav diorama... Beetlegust WILL BE SO FREAKIN' COOL to watch.. I can hardly wait... Love, love, love the new intro 😄 it's perfect !!! Love, love, love how smoking man turned out 🤩 such a clever idea to use the skeleton... he looks so chill just lounging there, and his Don King hairdo had me cracking up lolol... the ashtrays add such a great they match the lamps lol... my fav though is the standing ashtray.. I've seen that exact one in so many living rooms... lol! Sigh, could watch your videos all day ( I'm green, I'm not, I'm green, I'm not 🤣🤣🤣 ) xxx I am most excited for the Scuba Driver and the Shrunken Head guy... although I know I will enjoy them all.. I even loved how you organized everything, given my OCD ... 😁 Thank you so much for sharing your talents and time with us... very inspiring 👏 see you for the next one!

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому

      Thank you Suzan!! I just knew I had to get organized or I would never make it through all these dolls in a timely manner! I loved the standing ashtray too and I think that little corner was just made for it!

  • @thcusandsunny
    @thcusandsunny 2 роки тому +1

    Beetlegust is upon us :D another fun installment.

  • @katgriffin52
    @katgriffin52 2 роки тому +4

    Love the intro! Yay it's Beetlegust!!! I thrilled to see what you're going to make!! OMG the Smoking Man turned out abso mags!!!

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому

      Brad did amazing on the intro!! He totally surprised me with it a month or so ago and I couldn't wait to use it lol! Thanks Kat!

  • @anneargo-davies692
    @anneargo-davies692 2 роки тому +1

    You are amazing!!! I have been waiting for this!!! I see you make this with my own eyes, but my brain is going “ that’s magic “!!!😊💜

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому

      😄 Thank you Anne!! I wish I could do magic because I could def get videos out faster for you all ;)

  • @katinamartin7934
    @katinamartin7934 2 роки тому

    wow you and the folks that sent you the little houses and boxes with the news papers and tress its just all so cute and amazing... I love it

  • @carrie4910
    @carrie4910 2 роки тому +2

    Spot on! He looks awesome

  • @britnigreen8169
    @britnigreen8169 2 роки тому

    I'm obsessed! Every single detail is perfect. He's my favorite character by far

  • @angelabernhardt6761
    @angelabernhardt6761 2 роки тому +1

    He looks so good!! You never cease to impress and amaze!

  • @annalepper457
    @annalepper457 2 роки тому +1

    What an awesome start to Beetlegust!

  • @malyssa_
    @malyssa_ 2 роки тому

    I LOVE Beetlegust!! Smoking Man looks amazing - can't wait for the rest of the cast!

  • @ghoulgoil5029
    @ghoulgoil5029 2 роки тому

    So freaking awesome! Love that viewers sent in props off Shayla’s videos! Love her videos. Looking forward to the other characters!

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому +1

      Her videos are amazing and she adds so much detail and realism into everything!!

  • @zinthiakee6472
    @zinthiakee6472 2 роки тому +2

    This is brilliant, Ara. I am always so blown away by the amount of detail you put in your projects. Those wee little cigarettes are just too cute!

  • @mariakelley8410
    @mariakelley8410 2 роки тому

    Your videos are always so much fun to watch. Thank you for sharing your time and talent with us.

  • @keishajackson4054
    @keishajackson4054 2 роки тому

    I concur with everything Rachael Kaster said!

  • @kaelbellchambers
    @kaelbellchambers 2 роки тому +1

    Wow Ara, he looks amazing! I love Beetlegust. And am very impressed by how organized you are!!

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому

      Thanks so much! 😊 I have to admit I am not always this organized, I just know this whole month of dolls would be a huge undertaking and I needed to get a handle on it all.

  • @mrscb5303
    @mrscb5303 2 роки тому

    😮 WOW!! He turned out fantastic!!

  • @tinykeyholeminis
    @tinykeyholeminis 2 роки тому +1 nailed it! 👏 He was fun! Excited for this was like waiting for a new season of your favorite show to come back on!! So many new things are happening..Thank you for the shout out! Soon we will be able to Peek inside the Tiny KeyHole! ❤❤❤

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому +1

      Whoo hoo!! Thank you for your generosity in helping me with my project!! The ash trays are just what were needed!

    • @tinykeyholeminis
      @tinykeyholeminis 2 роки тому

      @@BentleyHouseMinis Thank You for sharing your Miniature Visions with us and all that I have learned from you is my pleasure to share mine with you! How much fun is this!!!!🥰💖

  • @CornucopiaOFmadness
    @CornucopiaOFmadness 2 роки тому +1

    Really smart how you did the hair. I love his Pose. It's a bit sassy 😅
    These doll parts look amazing 😍 what a talent ❤️

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому +1

      Haha exactly what I wanted! I think he's probably the most social in the waiting room so I wanted to get that across somehow. So glad you liked him!

  • @yezzyjames
    @yezzyjames 2 роки тому +1

    Happy Beetlegust!! The Smokingman turned up looking Smoking indeed. :}

  • @ElaineBakerCreepyCaboodle
    @ElaineBakerCreepyCaboodle 2 роки тому +2

    Amazing job as usual; can't wait for the next one! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍

  • @debbralehrman5957
    @debbralehrman5957 2 роки тому +1

    😄 You are so polite about his death. I think adding the stick at the neck worked well as
    collarbone which is more realistic for the head placement. He looks great. I remember watching this seen at the theater
    and laughing. And then you feel a little guilty for laughing. 😄😅 Thanks The new intro is super!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому +1

      I am really trying to avoid saying too much that will get the attention of the youtube bots lol! Thank you Debbra! I am so glad you enjoyed it!💖

  • @RavensMinis
    @RavensMinis 2 роки тому +1

    What a joy to watch! You definitely nailed it! Looking forward to the other characters :) much love!

  • @Idkwtfthisisnordidiwantit
    @Idkwtfthisisnordidiwantit 2 роки тому +2

    I am sooo excited!
    I love this project!

  • @jenOutpost
    @jenOutpost 2 роки тому

    Wow, he looks so good! I'm excited to watch each character's creation 😀

  • @icooley7391
    @icooley7391 2 роки тому

    Those skeletons are so versatile, seriously can use them for anything. As is, as an actual doll "structure", the way you used them! I've cut them up and repositioned them into various poses. Used them atop a base and turned them into various Halloween trophies.
    Great idea for the smoking nan! Loving this series.

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому +1

      Halloween trophies sound awesome!! And what a great use for these little guys!

  • @Kosmofire
    @Kosmofire 2 роки тому +9

    Oh yay!!! I’m so excited to see this while at work 😉 but I’m working and watching lol

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому +3

      Thank you for watching! I hope you have a nice and easy work day😊

  • @makewithblake
    @makewithblake 2 роки тому +2

    This turned out so perfect!! I can't wait to see the rest of the cast! and i love the green light- so festive! lol

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому +2

      Thank you so much Blake! I just had to do something to really bring in the Beetlegust spirit lol!

  • @beverlywalker8215
    @beverlywalker8215 2 роки тому +1

    Excellent! I soo enjoyed watching this and can't wait to see the future waiting room patients.

  • @TheTerrormisu
    @TheTerrormisu 2 роки тому

    Ahhhhhh!!! He is perfect! I can't wait to see the next one. Especially the half lady.

  • @jacopodani2434
    @jacopodani2434 2 роки тому +1

    Every time you post a new video I'm happy! ❤ from 🇮🇹

  • @brentwheeler7189
    @brentwheeler7189 2 роки тому +1

    I love this Ara.. he is perfect.. I had to watch bettlejuice today 😃

  • @JustCallMeMeghan
    @JustCallMeMeghan 2 роки тому

    Oh I am SO here for all of the Beetlejuice goodness! Hehehe.He turned out absolutely fantastic Ara!

  • @margoreppert8241
    @margoreppert8241 2 роки тому +1

    The ash trays really finish off the scene. So cute!!

  • @ResinBelle
    @ResinBelle 2 роки тому

    Oh man!! He is absolutely brilliant! Perfect in every way, makes me want to make one lol. Can't wait to see the other characters finished. Too too cool

  • @mirandaschristiancrafts9092
    @mirandaschristiancrafts9092 2 роки тому

    I super excited about Beetlegust! The smoking man looks incredible!!! I look so forward to watching these characters being made. I love all the details you put in them.

  • @patstoughton
    @patstoughton 2 роки тому +6

    Absolutely wonderful. Love the character. I also sort my projects exactly this way and it's nice of you to show it because some might not think of this organization process (how would we manage without little plastic bags that close on the top???). Can't wait for the rest of the creatures, I mean, people.......

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому

      Thank you Pat! I don't organize very well often but I am definitely seeing the benefits more and more! It's just so nice to sit down and know you already have everything you need!

  • @camwatkins8203
    @camwatkins8203 2 роки тому

    It’s Beetlegust time!!! Great start off

  • @karentidwell8970
    @karentidwell8970 2 роки тому

    He looks really good! Love watching you create characters!

  • @ginajennings1664
    @ginajennings1664 2 роки тому

    WOW, he looks fabulous. This series is my new addiction.

  • @StephALowry29
    @StephALowry29 2 роки тому

    I'm so excited to see the rest of the waiting room characters, especially Miss Argentina! She was my favorite!

  • @keishajackson4054
    @keishajackson4054 2 роки тому

    What a great start to your characters. So awesome.

  • @lexxdiaz
    @lexxdiaz 2 роки тому

    I loved the Addams family house but I cannot tell you how excited I am about the beetlejuice house. This is my favorite project!

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому

      Thank you Alexis!! They are both so fun but this one is going to be way more involved and colorful lol! I am excited to add music too someday!

  • @JayofallTrades
    @JayofallTrades 2 роки тому +8

    Love the funky spooky intro for the month. Looking forward to all the characters. Especially the magicians assistance.
    There is a smoking man action figure on Amazon. I dunno what scale he is. I wonder how he compares to your wonderful creation. Those skeletons are fun. Can turn them into so many sculptures and dolls using as a base.

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому

      I saw him actually while I was researching lol!! There are a few action figures from the waiting room but not everyone that I would want. I am not sure of the scale either. Thank you Jay!

  • @LeFouGallois
    @LeFouGallois 2 роки тому

    This is brilliant. Thank you so much for these videos. So many handy hints. I so agree with the difference in colour when using paint mixed with another product before and after it dries. I have often panicked after using a varnish mixed with acrylic paint, and seeing how white it looked, but once dried I was relieved that it actually gave the desired effect ! ;) xx

  • @adriennemcclain9853
    @adriennemcclain9853 2 роки тому +1

    I organize all my small projects like this in baggies. It makes everything so much easier to have everything you need in one spot so you don't have to keep getting up and foraging while trying to work. That's so distracting!
    Can't wait to see the witchdoctor and scuba diver! Also, Juno!
    Love the way the smoking man turned out. He looks great!

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому

      I totally agree! It's so refreshing to not have to stop every 30 mins when I have to search from something I need. Thank you Adrienne!

  • @icooley7391
    @icooley7391 2 роки тому

    Love how he turned out! I am looking forward to both Juno and the shrunken head guy.

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому +1

      Juno will be done later but I will be making her a little kit as well for when the time comes!

  • @Cordib33
    @Cordib33 2 роки тому

    I’m so hype for the other ones you are going to make! He looks amazing!

  • @megandarlene2080
    @megandarlene2080 2 роки тому +1

    He looks so good! I'm thoroughly impressed. I cannot wait to see everyone else. 🥰

  • @debbralehrman5957
    @debbralehrman5957 2 роки тому

    So many talented people in your audience!

  • @suzannecuerrier279
    @suzannecuerrier279 2 роки тому

    He is adorable! Well done!

  • @SilversunScreamworks
    @SilversunScreamworks Рік тому

    Oh I love this. Your attention to detail is amazing 🙌🏻

  • @danadarling101
    @danadarling101 2 роки тому

    Char Man! Looks great!

  • @panacheluxury4262
    @panacheluxury4262 2 роки тому

    After working backwards in watching this series I have to say The Smoking Man is my favorite. I like the others, but he wins hands down. 👏👏👏

  • @dianabizet4264
    @dianabizet4264 2 роки тому

    Always amazed with your creativity

  • @darkprincess000jk
    @darkprincess000jk 2 роки тому +1

    What a great idea to use a $1 store skeleton as a base. I LOVE how he came out. You can tell you took a lot of time and put a lot of effort into this character. You did an amazing job, can't wait to see all the other character :D

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you!! That idea came to me because of Art and Anxiety's video😉 They are so fun to pose!

    • @darkprincess000jk
      @darkprincess000jk 2 роки тому

      @@BentleyHouseMinisYou're welcome :) Definitely looks like fun to pose them.

  • @sandradugger6115
    @sandradugger6115 2 роки тому

    Thats awesome. cant wait to see them all done..

  • @LilHemogoblin
    @LilHemogoblin 2 роки тому

    Yay! so excited to see Beetlegust is back

  • @haleyann2872
    @haleyann2872 2 роки тому

    You don’t give yourself enough credit about your sculpting! 💕 you did an amazing job 😊

  • @pinkyysk
    @pinkyysk 2 роки тому

    Amazing looks so cool. Can't wait to see more.

  • @Ladyofdeath777Weaversoftheweb
    @Ladyofdeath777Weaversoftheweb 2 роки тому

    I'd love a Beetleber.... till December!!! He looks great!!!! I'm super excited to see what you do!

  • @SnackPacks10
    @SnackPacks10 2 роки тому

    I love it omg I'm obsessed. Gonna start keeping an eye out for those skeletons from now on :D

  • @penelopemiller1908
    @penelopemiller1908 2 роки тому

    He looks great can't wait to watch the next video 😊

  • @keishajackson4054
    @keishajackson4054 2 роки тому

    I always stick around for the credits like I do with Marvel movies. LOL, you never know what you’re gonna get! You crack me up 😂

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому

      😄I am so glad you enjoy that part!! It's fun to add the mess up and the goofing off that goes on while setting up the camera!

  • @christineingram55
    @christineingram55 2 роки тому

    Wow he turned out fabulous. What a find to get the perfect sized skeleton from that amazing store you have .The bargains that come from there are incredible.I am quite envious as a lot of craft things are expensive in the U.K…I think the likeness between yours and the real Smoking man I’d close considering yours is so tiny.He looks great on his chair in the waiting room too This is going to look fantastic when you get all the characters in there . Can’t wait.🥰

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  2 роки тому

      thank you Christine!! Yes I definitely hoard these little guys just incase we don't have them one day.

  • @nickimcpheehals572
    @nickimcpheehals572 2 роки тому

    Loved your "Smoking Man"! Can't wait to see who you make next!

  • @Lacquer.
    @Lacquer. 2 роки тому

    He looks great! Looking forward to what else comes out for Beetlegust!

  • @ninarparker
    @ninarparker 2 роки тому

    Bravo!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • @awenbunny
    @awenbunny 2 роки тому +1

    He looks fabulous! Great job as always Ara.

  • @lunaluma1
    @lunaluma1 2 роки тому

    OMG! I absolutely love that guy and you nailed it! I cannot wait to see the rest. I can't even pick a favorite. I thought they were all pretty cool.

  • @jansinclair3769
    @jansinclair3769 2 роки тому

    Is it ok if I say..You just make me smile! Thanks for sharing your talents.

  • @zoehamilton9993
    @zoehamilton9993 2 роки тому

    Fantastic! You do awesome work 🥰