BOMMALAATAM - பொம்மலாட்டம் - Episode 1145 (17/10/2016)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Kailashsathyanarayanan
    @Kailashsathyanarayanan 8 років тому +22

    One of the last romantic scenes of Santhosh and Bharathi. Loved their romantic scene to the core

  • @manjunathjack622
    @manjunathjack622 8 років тому +13

    super santhosh and bharathi

  • @queensvlog960
    @queensvlog960 8 років тому +17

    feeling of bharathi n santhosh superb

  • @srihasini114
    @srihasini114 8 років тому +17

    i love bharthi

  • @kumaresanm4745
    @kumaresanm4745 8 років тому +8


  • @uma227
    @uma227 8 років тому +14

    gud story.

  • @deepar8942
    @deepar8942 8 років тому +4

    All are against Malathi but she only wins always.waiting for the climax

  • @mithrasiva1679
    @mithrasiva1679 8 років тому +8

    Nice episode... Now rajesh is meeting mallika and malathi is watching it... She will now know it is a drama played by the family against her... She will again try to hv physical relation with rajesh... Loosu rajesh....

  • @Narayanau
    @Narayanau 8 років тому +12

    I can very well understand Santosh's anger toward those three Clowns. Very nice afficanate talk between Barathi and Santosh. LOL still I don't understand Mr. Chidambaram keeping his mouth shut about the CHIDAMBARA . RAGASSIYAM. He is always asking Santosh to keep away from this problem and he will handle this. But the real truth is Chidambaram is very selfish , covered, and Muttal. Barathi please you must tell Santosh and Devi Chellam the truth.waiting for the court case. In my openion Malathi will try to kill Chittapps and might go to Jail. That bitch won't keep quite she will do something to destroy the court case. Waiting for tomorrow's episode . Regards. Yamuna. Melbourne

  • @rammaruthirammaruthi7946
    @rammaruthirammaruthi7946 8 років тому +3

    Irritating and draggy please ithukku oru mudivu kattungappa