Fireflies - Blue in the FACE PSU Spring 2024 Concert

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024


  • @MetalPotionEhUmCu
    @MetalPotionEhUmCu Місяць тому +1

    Wow, now THAT is some singing! Great job to everyone involved. You really put the FIRE in Fireflies! Wowee, we're talking harmonizing, vibrato and soprano, if you know what I'm saying! What an arrangement! Actually, that reminds me of my arranged marriage. I was skeptical at first about having my parents select my wife for me. What if we didn't get along? What if -- God forbid -- she was the fat? You know? Scary stuff. But after I turned 19 and hadn't found the ideal woman for me, I started getting nervous. Well, wouldn't know you it? My mom found a skinny and gorgeous girl for me. The second I saw her, I committed myself completely to her. I didn't really know her and didn't love her, but by God, I would learn to! The coming months were challenging. We had to get to know each other quickly before the baby was born. We were doing Buzzfeed quizzes to each other around the clock. I would often come late to work because we'd be arguing about things like what flavor of ice cream best described my wife's personality. It wasn't until our gorgeous little boy was born that I learned that my wife had been cheating on me with 2 of her coworkers. I tried to make it work but I just couldn't get the picture of those 2 manly and muscular accountants man-handling my wife in the storage room. I... I'm not proud of what I did next, but I just couldn't look my son in the eyes anymore. He had his mother's eyes. Cheating and deceiving eyes. I left at that moment to Iowa and found a different woman: Annie. Annie wasn't as religious as me. She was born and raised in Iowa, so we settled there and started taking care of a farm. Well, that's until I heard a voice telling me to build a baseball field in the middle of the farm. After that, I ended up getting a lobotomy and now the only social connection I have is through youtube comments..