Thrangu Rinpoche - Mahamudra Lineage Prayer 1/4

  • Опубліковано 13 лис 2022
  • Thrangu Rinpoche recites The Kagyu Lineage Prayer (Tib. Dorje Chang Tungma) every single time that he gives a Buddhist teaching. He does because this prayer has immense blessings and it settles the mind into relating to the Dharma because it outlines the whole Mahamudra path in less than a dozen verses.
    Namo Buddha Publications has collected several of Thrangu Rinpoche’s teachings in which he used the Kagyu Lineage Prayer to teach Mahamudra meditation into one book. This 154 page book published by Snow Lion Publications besides having the Lineage Prayer and five original line drawings of the lineage holders, covers each of the verses of the lineage prayer in detail including practical and insightful teachings on the creation of the Kagyu lineage, the four common, the four special preliminaries, Shamatha meditation, Vipashyana meditation, and conduct.
    "The Mahamudra Lineage Prayer was composed by Pengar Jampal Zangpo, one of the two tutors of the Seventh Karmapa... In the opening verse, he pays homage to the Mahamudra lineage, including all the branches of the Dagpo Kagyu. In the verse that follows, he introduces both the preliminary practice and the main points of the Mahamudra practice, using vivid pith instructions.
    Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche is a great scholar, a great practitioner, and a contemporary Karma Kagyu master, who has dedicated his whole life to the service of the Dharma. . . He has given many teachings on the practice of Mahamudra and classical Mahamudra texts. I , therefore, welcome the publication of this compilation of his teachings on The Mahamudra Lineage Prayer which extend over nearly forty years.” -- The Seventeenth Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje