Txhob Cia Koj Tus Txiv Ua Mob Koj. 3/11/2024
- Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
- Txhob Cia Koj Tus Txiv Ua Mob Koj.
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Hais rau poglaus yawglaus hmoob mekas ua ntshaw ntshaw mus yuav poniam yuav txiv rau dab ntxaug teb ce nej kawg tuag thiab mag nyob nkuaj xwb osmog lubteb chaws nplog yog tebchaws dab ntxaug lawm xwb leej twg mus thab tau ce kawg tuag nawb mog. Nej cov laus muaj los muab pab rau nej menyuam es tej menyuam thiaj xav hlub yu nawb mog
I agree with you. Love yourself and most importantly, do not let yourself go! Keep your figure and spend money on yourself to look young. Men only want good looking women, so stay good looking!
yeej tsis pom ib tug hmoob nplog yuav zoo los yog hlub hmoob makas li as tsuas pom cov phem xwb
I just can’t believe this niam mos ab no destroyed the whole family. Ruam tiag2. Koj niam yawm yij ces yog ntshaw nyiaj dhau lawm ces pab tsis tau vim nyiaj npog nws qhov muag lawm. Hos koj niag txiv txoj kev npam ntshe tseem yuav npam heev tshaj koj niag txiv yawg thiab es kav tsij hlub koj tus kheej zoo dua.
Wow poj hmoob Nplog Mas haib tiag tiag li ....cov me thaub laus uas ntshaw ntshaw cov .me niam nkauj mos iab o..siab nqig lawm lau yom
Anyone with the name Niam mob ab don’t trust at all!!! They are here for the money and will do anything for money!!! Ik some are good but that very few. If they are here and married to a grandpa then be cautious!!! 🤦♀️
Tiam no kev Npam nyob qis qis xwb ..Npam sai tiag tiag li yom.
Sister us women once we get older we changed.. we want a husband who’s going to take cared and do everything with us. That’s why we moved up to older men.
Mob ua tus dabtsi....nia txiv dev twb laus lawn es zoo dabtsi Nas why u care ...why u suffering since he is a cheater? U don't need to waste tears for your hubby since he stop loving u. It not worth it lady...let move on and start to love yourself and be happy.
Self care is very important for oneself.
Zoo kawg kev npam loj heev rau koj tus txiv yawg os! Kuv tus qub txiv los coj tib lub maib thiab thaum kawg twb npam npam mag mus hlob kav hlau vim nws tus niam mos ab coj mus ua xas coj xas mus muag ncig ntuj! 😊
Cov niam tsev uas tuam tuam poj nrauj hais tias ua haib2 ces yog ua Dib luag tej txiv thiab ua mej cab no tab sis nej txhob khav tias nej nquag2 ces yog niam tsev zoo lawm , nej paub tsawg heev nawb muaj ib hnub twg ces nej tau ua poj nrauj kiag thiab ces mam tsab zag ces thaum yus twb ciaj poj nrauj ces lig lig lig dhau lawm .
Yog tshaj. Tsis khes lawv cov niag niam mos ab os. Lawv yog tsiaj xwb nawb.
Wow! This story is wild! Those Hmong nplog girl got nothing to lose. All the want is your husband and money! And yet, it’s the old dude that’s bringing them to the US. SMH
Lwm nhb nw mam mj nw tu tsim rau koj tu txiv thb ma tu niam tsev aw nw tsim kj mob lwm nhb yeej yv mj ib tug lo taim nw li mob kj mob o koj pom koj txiv yawg lo tseem mob tsaj thiab
Your father-in-law may have brought a snake inside the house, but it’s not his fault why your husband cheated. Your husband chose to cheat on you. Don’t worry, he will end up like his father or worse. 🤞
You should take care of yourself, but it won’t prevent a cheater from cheating. You can be a goddess and he will still cheat. Just love yourself and always look your best.
Totally agree.
Agreed your husband’s a txiv dev liam.
Cov poj hmoob nplog khaus kawg nawb kuv ntsib
dua lawm nawb cov poj hmoob nplog tuaj ua caraoka muag cev rau tim thaib nov tuaj ntxais peb cov txiv yog nws khiav mus ntxias hmoob meskas lawm yog nws tseem nyob kuv yeej tsis cia nws tau zoo kiag li nawb
Nyuam qhuav ntxim. Nej cov es xav2 pab thiab hlub cov poj hmoob nplog na. Cov poj hmoob nplog mas siab phem tshaj.
Yus mus hlub yus tus kheej lawm xwb os... ❤ ua siab loj... qhov zoo tshaj yuav los cuag yus.
Cov pog hmoob nplog no tsis muaj hlub nej li os mog
Nej txiv coj tau ib tug dab phim nyuj Vaisala tuaj ncu tau txiv, tub, vauv, ua nej poob tsag tas
Kuv mas nyiam tshaj. Cov niag thaub laus liam hiam ntxawm qhuav thim ua li tug poj hmoob nplog no ua xwb mas.
Cov niam nkauj mos ab ces yeej siab phem li no ntag nawb lawv aw...
That’s impossible to receive a big amount of insurance. I believe they only pay upto the coverage
Kuv ma ntxub niam yau ib sim neej 😂
Mhoob nplog ces yeej tsis leem cai yuav txiv tag yuav tub yuav vauv tib si tsuav yog txiv neej xwb .lawv tsis muaj siab muaj ntsws lawm .
Nej cov hmoob meskas ntag lo ua li ko na...koj pua pom peb cov hmoob nplog yuav vauv yuav tub ma...pom nej cov hmoob meskas nkaus xwb laib phooj ywg zoo npaum cas lo koj tseem tham kuv poj niam tseem yuav yus phooj ywg poj niam tib si
@@laothor2090 nw g yg li o nyob ntawm tej tug neeg xb o g yg hmoob plog thiaj ua li ntawv xb o
Don't blame pojhmoob nlpog, blame your father in law and your husband. Your father's fault. Do you think you can stop them? NO! No one can stop Men! Men always go after young women.
Ntxaw tu poj niam hlub tiag xwb cov hluas yuav tsi kav mus tas yus lub neej txiv neej tsi zoo thiab xav ib yam os nawb
Nej tsev neeg mus coj tau tus poj meb cab xyob txhiaj no tuaj ua rau nej tsev neeg liam tag nrho li lawm o
Tim nej xb os txhob ce2 nej tus niam yaug
Sister aw, it doesn’t matter if ur pretty or ugly, fat or skinny, rich or poor…if ur spouse is gonna cheat, they’ll cheat.
That's so true. You have a good husband to begin with but all men let their balls for the thinking. Thaum txiv neej raug dab poj niam nplog lawm ces tig tsis tau rov qab lawm.
100% true. Mine cheated for 2yrs and this will be his 3rd year. All those hmoob nplog girls are not nkauj mos ab os ib cov poj nrauj thiab poj liab xwb os. Mine send money to them almost every week. Even I am 15 yrs younger mine still cheated. No matter how good you are or done to protect the marriage. Once your man go overseas just face it that you and him are done period. I don’t live with mine anymore it’s just made them hate you more only. Those hmoob nplog girls have very thick faces. The more koj thab lawv the more lawv muaj phlus ua tauj xwb.
Tsev neeg raug dab niam mos ab thiab dab phim nyoob vais.
Txhob dag dag os. Pojniam los yeej ntshaw txiv mos ab heev thiab tabsis txiv mos ab tsis nyiam pog laus xwb, yog txiv mos ab nyiam pog laus ces pog laus yeej rho nyiaj yuav txiv mos ab. Saib twb muaj cov pog laus hmoob meskas vwm vwm rau cov nraug mos ab es raug dag ne... tseem vwm tshaj koj txiv yawg thiab.
Cas hmoob mes kas pheej cem nkauj hmoob nplog na. Hmoob mes kas tsis muaj hlwb los cas lau. Nkauj hmoob nplog lawv nyob lawv ib sab ntuj lawv puas tuaj nrhiav nej tej txiv na. Nej cov txiv mus nrhiav lawv xwb na nej cov qhov muag tsis pom los. Hmoob mes kas yog cov muaj kev NPAM hos hmoob 😮😅
Wow, 3 marriages wrecked by 1 nkauj mos ab. But all the husbands do it willingly so can't blame nkauj mos ab but yourselves.
Hmoob nplog yeej tsi sia siv li ntawd 2 ces yg nws siab phem xb,kev siab phem ces npam sai tshaj li vim tabxab tib ua phem,koj ua ib yam niam pog ua thb lo pob kg npam koj tus txiv thb lo mas hlawv xyab ntawv rau li niam pog thb lo mas
So when bad things happen to them, they’re “npam” but when bad things happen to you it’s not “npam”…Interesting
Saib yus tus kheej kom muaj nqis pab yus cov me nyuam rau yav laus tsi txhob tuag rau cov neeg siab phem zoo lis koj niag txiv yawg thiab koj niag txiv dev yeej tsi kav ntev lis os me ntxhais kav tsij noj qab hnav zoo tu yus tus kheej kom tsi txhob laus sai ES thiaj pom cov txiv dev thiab maum dev ntawm txoj kev npam nawb.
❤🎉🎉😂❤⁰⁰😅⁰ 15:00 15:00
Yus yuav tsus hlub yus tus kheej. Ib tus txiv neeb tsi li ko ces tsi muaj nuj qhes rau lub ntiaj teb no li os.
Maybe it is your karma too for helping your father in law .
What an evil poj hmoob nplog maum dev.
80% hmoob nplog R evil
Kuv twb mag lub maib ntawm kov thiab hos niam ntsuab teev aw quaj2 ntshav muag tawm tag tau 4 xyoos no nim qhuav ua ib siab lawm xwb
Txoj me kev uas yus pheej txhawb2 nqa txiv yawg txojkev lim hiam ne. Npam yus thiaj ho. Txiv yawg ua phem rau nej niam es cas nej tsis hlub nej niam nej tseem mus pab2 txiv yawg thiab txiv yawg tus niam yau ces thiaj npam nej tas
Yog kawg mas!
Tsij ko yeej muaj noj zoo nawb kaj tsij nrhiav tshuaj noj os nawb kuv tus kheej yeej tsij nawb tab sim kuv noj tshuaj zoo tus qab lawm os mog
Twg kom koj mus pab hlub koj tus niam pog yau no, koj puas paub ntshai tias koj ua li es mob koj niam pog siab no???? Nyuam qhuav haum koj xwb mas.
Dev Liam tsis tas mloog kom tas li os
All these comments blaming the Hmoob nplog girl.. it’s not fully her fault. She lived thousands of miles away. The father in law brought her to the US. She left the family after the father in law got locked up. The brother in law and sister in law just can’t let her be. They are the one who went knocking at her door. 🤦🏻♀️ so stupid. Like they say, tau zoo tsis nyob twj ywm.
People don't understand "bad omen"
What a homewrecker!
Maj mam yeej g mob hlo li .
hnub no koj nrhiav tau pas ces nab dua toj lawm os mog,
This story gives me HBP. Karma will get her.
Super haib tiag2 kis tab phab tas pheev vim qhov is xwb.
Kuv yog yog ib tus txiv neej hmoob, thaus kuv hluas kuv muaj hluas nkauj coob2 kawg tab sis thaus kuv yuav poj niam ces kuv cia li tsi tham hluas nkauj li lawm vim yeej txaus siab heev rau lub neej hluas lawm, kuv thov hais rau peb cov txiv neej hmoob Melikas ntau2 leej uas nub nyoos 35-75 tias vim tus dab tsi es nej yuav ruam tshaj ruam thiab!!! tus poj niam hmoob nplog ntsaj hauv xov tooj ces koj twb los kuas lawm, koj paub tias tus uas mus kawm ntsaj ces los tom tsev niam ntiav los xwb naj!! es koj yuav mus mloog niam ntiav ntsaj ua dab tsi naj!! hmoob rua aw!! tus poj niam txawj2 ntsaj tuaj txog teb chaws no nws tsi paub mob siab nrog koj ua neej nawv mog, nws tsuas yog saib tias koj tsi taus lawm ces yuav mus rau lwm tus txiv neej xwb mog, thov txiv neej hmoob mekas xob ruam rua lawm.
How do you sue your own insurance company when the husband is at fault and in the same household? If anything, they’ll just cover medical bills but not pain and suffering. I’m sure your step mom didn’t get money from the car insurance but maybe from life insurance.
I disagreed with the story. You need to put the blame on your grandfather, husband, and brother-in-law.
You married a toxic family smh. Krama will come to them soon. Just watch.
Ntuj aw, cas yuav khib nej ua luaj os. Nej tsev neeg yeej liam, tsis tim tus pog mos ab npaum li nej cov niag txiv os. You loved you blame her, blame yourself blame your husband.
Tus yug kiag thj li mob siab yuav caij yuav tuag nawb,luag thj li hlub yus xwb.tus dab nraum luag tsi hlub nej nawb.kj txiv mus coj tau ib nim maum dev tuaj noj tas nej ib pob nus muam nev,nco ntsoov nawb tus txiv dev hauv lub neej coj li cas ces nws cov tub yuav coj li ntawm nawb.
I totally agree with you sister
Poj niam tsw lub tsev tsw ntxhiab ces siv baking soda thiab vinegar sib tov los ntxuav xwb ces tus ntxiab yeej polj los ma.
tim niag thaub laug kom xwb. Kav tswj tuag tom nkuaj nej tsev neeg tau xyob txhiaj lawm tiag
Zoo kawg cov txiv dev uas mus yuav hmoob nplog tuaj tsim mas zoo nyob tiag. Tus neeg npam mas npam tiag tiag.
Pab txiv tub no liam tshaj liam lawm. Txiv ua tas vauv ua. Koj tus txiv siab phem thiab liam ntawd lub neej yeej yuav raws nraim nws txiv lub xwb. He will get his turns soon.
Yes, let him go. He sure will end up like his father. The apple never falls far from the tree.
Cov niag dab hmoob nplog yeej siab phem siab nyoo li kj os😊
Tsis txhob tu siab os yus tsis ua mob nws es lwm tus mam li tuaj ua rau nws mas lo nws ua mob koj lwm tus ua mob nws xwb os
Nej Niag Txiv yawg ko Yog tshuav nej Niag Niam yau nqi tiag2 li os, nej Niag Niam yau thiab nej Txiv mas Kev npam loj kawg li os, nyuam qhuav ntxim xwb os, Yuav Niam yau txawj ua Rau Nej Txiv Zoo Siab es thiaj mag kaw ntag 😊😊
Tos lawv hais tias cov niag hmoob nplog yog neeg phem no lawv yeej tsis muaj kev ntshai npam kiag li. They will do everything in their favor only. Hos koj ces xav tias koj tau ua ib yam koj kawm tau; ua phoojywg nrog ib tug yeebncuab.
Liam tiag tiag.
Ua cas lub khu yuav loj tag npaum tsis txhob chim. Yus mas qhia yus tej menyuam txhob ua lis lawv txiv lawv yawg.
Vuag cas koj tsev neeg cov niag txiv neej yuav liam ua luaj os...txhob muab lub txim rau poj hmoob nplog tag2 os.. ib tug txiv tsev zoo tsis ua li koj tsev neeg cov txiv neej os.. Ntshe kev npam caum cuag lawm os... What a drama family...
Oh yo nej mas npam txhua tus li os poj hmoob aw, twb yog koj hlub2 niam pog yau es koj thiaj npam thiab los mas
Yog ntsaj xwb es txawj siv los kua tag lawm no. Kuj tseem heev tsheej txiv neeb kawg.
Peb tsuas los qiv lub ntiaj teb no nyob ib ntus xwb, yam twg tsis zoo rau yus lawm muab tshem tawm kiag, txhob txeeb li. Nrhiav yam tshiab.
I was not expecting that and LOL when she said she got a mustache 😂 I never heard someone turning into a man after blood transfusion
Nej cov me neeg quav cawv ces kawg nyob lub neej tsaus ntuj nti li ntawd xwb tiag.
21st century men only like niam dev xwb
Koj niag txiv yawg mus coj tau poj dab ntxhwg nyug haus ntsav los haus nej tsev neeg ntsav ntag hos. Koj txiv yawg mus coj tau 1 niag poj meb cab coj tuaj ua poj niam ne
Cas nej twb yog hmoob makes nej twb nyob teb chaws vàm meej nej tseem yuav tuag tag rau ib tus hmoob nplog phem li ntawv thiab
Ca hmoob me kA tseem muaj cov ruam ua luaj li thiab os
Sister aw! Tus npam loj tshaj plaws hauv koj zaj neej neeg no ces two yog KOJ tag lau! You love drama and seek attention by making other people's problems your own, which contributed to your husband leaving you. He received no attention from you and you neglected your role as a wife. It’s just a matter of time until he’s fed up with your drama. Once he reached that point when he sought attention from someoneelse.
In your story, all you talk about is your in-laws nothing about you or your marriage. This already shows that all of your focus is on their problems. You can blame your in-laws all you want but at the end of the day, it’s YOU who were absent in your own marriage. I hope you listen to your own story told by May. You might learn something from to improve your life.
Every 5 mins, something happens so I always put my kids in seat belt's; no matter how soon it takes for you to get to the place or someone's home!! I really think that one second anything can happen, don't ever trust that no one won't do anything wrong!!
Even tho they are chasing you both, should always remember to seat belt your kids before you drive!! So sad for the babies, all I could think of is mine kids! Never drive and drink when you have kids! I always never want to take my kids out when someone is drinking and it would be hard if it was a manual or stick shift car and I can't drive it so I choose to go somewhere else like KID FRIENDLY; ZOO or the MUSEUM or I rather stay home!!
I wouldn't even bother helping a "WOMEN" because anything can go WILD & For WORST ... They are so good at everything; even take your man and you didn't even see it coming!! Anyone; relatives, siblings, cousins, friends, other people would do anything with who your with so don't trust too much!! They don't care, a good person knows what's right and wrong and the bad ones don't care!!! BEWARE!!
Ua cas insurance ho tsis fooj lub tsev muab cawv rau lawv haus thiab. Lawv mas muaj hmoov kawg laiv.
Neeg liam ces mus tsis kawg cias nws mus nws. Kev npam yuav caum cuag nws sai, raus kiag txiv nkawm khaus xwb mas
Foom2 niam mos ab tabsis tus npam yog nej. Ntsis muaj npam os. Chim2 es hais tias npam kom zoo nej siab xwb. Niam mos ab tau $1 million thiab 401k thiab tau txiv meskas dawb thiab tau yawm yij thiab tau koj tus txiv thiab tseem yuav tau 10+ tus txiv hmoob meskas yav tom ntej. You need to be objective about it. You said npam lawv but look at you. And oh please, 10 years from now if she has an accident, don't say it's because of npam because you and your family have accidents too. 10 years from now if she gets sick, don't say it's npam as if you and your family will never get sick and will live forever.
Nkauj hmoob nplog tam sim no mas cov nyiam nrhuav lwm tus lub neej yog feem coob twb tsi yog nrhuav hmoob me kas xwb
Li no es kuv thiaj ntxub nkauj hmoob nplog tuag nti txawm yog kuv tus viv ncaus los kuv yeej ntxub tsuas lam hais lus zoo rau xwb hauv lub siab mas xav kom tuag kiag kuv tsuas ntxub tus phem xwb
You are crying right now, but in the end, you will be laughing at your husband. What goes around comes around.
CA sab Meka e hai aim li aim xb vab😂
Totally agreed. Poj niam yuav tsum du txiv dev lub zom . Txiv neej yog dev. Mekas los ib ya.😅😅😅😅😅
Cia mus ntxiv koj tu txiv yawg nram nkuaj os
hhh yeej hais tias hmoob nplog ntse dua hmoob meskas no nej mus yuav tus ntxhais hluas tuaj ces tuaj tham vauv tham tub hos cov pog laus mus yuav cov tub hluas tuaj txog ces thaum kawg tham nej cov nyab
Peb ua neeg nyob ces kev khaum kev npam ces yog nyias tsim rau nyias xwb txhob tu 2 siab thiab nawb. Yus quaj yus ntu es cia nws mam ho quaj nws ntu xwb es kav tsij ua neej kaj siab lug xwb mas.
Nej niam pog hlob yog tu foom nej es nej thiaj npam tag vaj tag tsev tsi Yog tim nej tu niam yau nkauj mo ab twb tia luag tsi tau ua txhaum rau yu kom txhob foom, foom ce rov lo npam rau yu tsev neeg li ntawv tiag es tseem yuav muab liam rau nej tu niam pog yau thiab 😂
Txij no mu Txhob lam tau lam hlawv xyab foom neeg lawm nawb
Wow. Hmoob ce zoo rov ua rau hmoob xwb.
tu me viv ncau aw koj txiv thiab txiv yawg thiab niag yawm yij ko ce zoo li pab niag tsiaj xwb yog dev thiab npau xwb tsi yog tib neeg dev thiab npua tsi paub yog niam tsi paub yog muam yog ntxhai li ncaj twg ua twg lawm xwb qia neeg tiag2
Ur guy fault
Y ur guy not helping ur niam pog
Not niam mos ab
I not support ur guy or I hate it
Cov thaub laus thuab civ hmoob nplog caij tsheb yeej tsis seat belt lis lo? Ruam dhau lawm os. Pab tsis tau. Thauj me nyuam coob ua luaj es tsis ua zoo lis os.
Yeah, blamed others for starting the problems but you are 💯% didn't have anything to do with them.😂😂😂😂😂😂 May I say you may have some faults too?
I don’t understand, how she had mustache growing when she had blood transfusion? What a homewrecker she is! Hluas nkauj hmoob nplog thiaj li muaj qhov xwb os. Cov niag txiv neej hmoob mekas no mas ruam tshaj li os!