CompTIA Troubleshooting Model

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ksofficerofficer7858
    @ksofficerofficer7858 7 місяців тому

    what is the difference between window update and software 8:16

    • @itfreetraining
      @itfreetraining  7 місяців тому

      So in this example there are two updates being applied to the computer. One is through Windows update and is provided by Microsoft. The second update is applied directly to the software and supplied by the vendor.
      In the example, the software requires the vendor update, and thus the windows update needs to be removed. However, on this network Windows updates are managed by WSUS. WSUS will detect the update has been removed and re-install it.
      To get around this, WSUS needs to be configured to not install the update on that computer.
      This is a pretty rare problem, but does sometimes occurs. Once the vendor fixes their software to work with the update, WSUS should be configured to install the update again.

  • @michaeltremba9947
    @michaeltremba9947 3 роки тому

    Awesome module!!!

  • @abhisheksaroj4043
    @abhisheksaroj4043 2 роки тому

    very good video

  • @timtrainage
    @timtrainage 3 роки тому +3

    The Comptia troubleshooting model includes not being able to repair your own device.
    (Comptia is AGAINST right-to-repair)

    • @jasonwarbird
      @jasonwarbird 3 роки тому

      Do you have a resource showing that they are against right-to-repair?

    • @itfreetraining
      @itfreetraining  2 роки тому +2

      Can you provide a reference to that?