Superman | Official Teaser Trailer | Reaction!



  • @gaba-goo3733
    @gaba-goo3733 2 години тому +364

    Tyrone threw the can 2:05

  • @cjlilbaby
    @cjlilbaby 3 години тому +856

    Guys I think Tyrone doesn’t like the suit, I’m not sure though

  • @TheBrother847
    @TheBrother847 3 години тому +353

    "Krypto will be a regular dog with no superpowers" ok James Gunn you had me there for a second....

  • @royandescartes
    @royandescartes 3 години тому +395

    "wow that suit is trash" 🤣🤣😂😂
    -Tyrone Magnus 2024

  • @musa4574
    @musa4574 4 години тому +574

    Lex Luthor looks awesome

  • @leoflash7745
    @leoflash7745 4 години тому +877

    Superman getting Yamcha was perfect lol

  • @dezaknar0
    @dezaknar0 4 години тому +639

    Superman got Yamcha'd

  • @AlphaProto
    @AlphaProto 2 години тому +252

    I don't care for the costume, but I think the movie looks promising.
    I'll watch it in theaters.

  • @davidp.777
    @davidp.777 4 години тому +608

    Never thought i would be a Krypto fan. But loved this trailer!

  • @ProfessionalPeopleOffendor
    @ProfessionalPeopleOffendor 4 години тому +418

    Batman: "Do you bleed?"
    Superman: "Apparently, yes...."

  • @1Dragon-King171
    @1Dragon-King171 4 години тому +308

    Superman and Krypto amazing

  • @scottyd0530
    @scottyd0530 2 години тому +36

    It's certainly not Henry Cavill, but I feel this looks promising.

  • @RamPrakash-tr3pq
    @RamPrakash-tr3pq 4 години тому +234


  • @abvevo6406
    @abvevo6406 4 години тому +391

    This just reminds me how ZS ruined the tone and hope aspect of Superman. This looks amazing to me, feel free to disagree, to each their own.

  • @brandonhahaha
    @brandonhahaha 3 години тому +140

    Henry Cavill deserved better.

  • @Trailmixmedia88
    @Trailmixmedia88 4 години тому +190

    Man of steels suit is still better

  • @awangtaiepalat7308
    @awangtaiepalat7308 2 години тому +22

    Batman: Do you bleed?
    Superman: Errr, apparently yes.

  • @nathandrake5271
    @nathandrake5271 2 години тому +25

    10:00 Tyrone officially loses his mind

  • @Jack0f_llTrades
    @Jack0f_llTrades 2 години тому +18

    Watching Tyrone fly around his room humming the theme is why you never suppress the kid inside.

  • @_Trenchfoot_
    @_Trenchfoot_ 3 години тому +328

    They made Superman look vulnerable I like it. The movie looks like it’s going to be fun and that’s what I want.

  • @JDUKE25
    @JDUKE25 2 години тому +19

    Some of the shots with Lex felt like a car commercial lol

  • @ideozublake8036
    @ideozublake8036 4 години тому +158

    tyrone quick as fuck. wtf🤣

  • @lindodlamini2322
    @lindodlamini2322 4 години тому +22

    Krypto really be that loyal dog that leads you home after a drunken night

  • @ihavethehighground732
    @ihavethehighground732 4 години тому +125

    Tyler Hoechlin is what I’ll be comparing this movie to, as he’s the real optimistic Superman since Reeves legendary portrayal; budget aside, Tylers mannerism and acting is Superman and Clark Kent; not Henry Cavil, that’s just pure biasm to people who haven’t even watched a season of Superman & Lois.

  • @grantheming1975
    @grantheming1975 4 години тому +14

    Although I don't approve of what DC did to Snyder or the fact they haven't had a great movie in almost 3 years, I remain cautiously optimistic with this! Interested if they have Bizarro and Krypto!

  • @Geek0904
    @Geek0904 4 години тому +75

    All of the suits look homemade or fan made. And I feel like the hairstyle is a bit too “gen z”

  • @Adefuye
    @Adefuye 4 години тому +249

    Little disappointed they didn't show much, but then I remember it's only a teaser 😤😤😤 can't wait for more

  • @crazyooma
    @crazyooma 4 години тому +96

    "Super jammies." haha I'm fine with the suit, personally, but it's funny whenever I hear your opinion on it.

  • @aaronking8694
    @aaronking8694 2 години тому +27

    Color grading is good. The suit is not the best, but I can get past it.

  • @kitsune7979
    @kitsune7979 3 години тому +36

    I like the trailer, but that suit is actually a plastic toy outfit.

  • @ssj2tarble
    @ssj2tarble 4 години тому +86

    At least he got the yamcha pose right

  • @sadgekeanu8164
    @sadgekeanu8164 4 години тому +110

    They fired Henry Cavill and we lost man of steel for THIS?

  • @mrum5462
    @mrum5462 4 години тому +19

    I loved snyder version but i also want this to be awesome. Im too much of a supes fan. This needs to be great.

  • @andres_rodriguezz
    @andres_rodriguezz 3 години тому +46

    We are in complete opposite opinion in literally every single point Imaginable on this movies trailer. And thats okay, we are adults and don’t have to agree. Still love your videos and your honesty. Excited for the movie!

  • @Antorr99
    @Antorr99 4 години тому +17

    You can see this person's pain in every frame 😂😢

  • @JTFC77
    @JTFC77 3 години тому +78

    For me it has a shazam feel to it

  • @dmp762
    @dmp762 3 години тому +67

    The superhero costumes look like guardians of the galaxy character costumes.

  • @brettjohnson1886
    @brettjohnson1886 4 години тому +59

    The camera angles and color feel like i took melatonin and had a fever dream about superman

  • @ultrainferno.
    @ultrainferno. 4 години тому +102

    The man of steel official 3 trailer gets me in the feels everytime. But this does have a lot of promise.

  • @YoYoYogibear
    @YoYoYogibear 3 години тому +49

    Superman: "Not impressed."

  • @KyPhin502
    @KyPhin502 3 години тому +88

    I don't hate it, I don't love it....just meh. Yeah it's a meh for me dawg 🤷🏿‍♂️😆

  • @InterstellarInerstate
    @InterstellarInerstate 4 години тому +278

    I think the suit looks good and the was a beautiful 4k trailer i cant wait for this!!

  • @Knight84ify
    @Knight84ify 3 години тому +39

    Soo is the Suit trash....or trash???😅😂

  • @mcguzman5398
    @mcguzman5398 2 години тому +3

    I don’t think Tyrone likes the suit very much…

  • @nickt453
    @nickt453 2 години тому +55

    "Halloween Doo-doo City suit" 🤣

  • @jasonwistaff
    @jasonwistaff 4 години тому +4

    James Gunn threw everything but the kitchen sink at this movie. A lot of characters.

  • @Patrick76399
    @Patrick76399 3 години тому +8

    Is it just me or are they playing the Superman theme like it’s the national anthem being played at a sports game? Is Lenny Kravitz playing the Superman theme lol???

  • @TheRogueAttraction
    @TheRogueAttraction 3 години тому +81

    Made me just want to rewatch the Man of Steel trailers.

  • @GarrettS-eb5ow
    @GarrettS-eb5ow 4 години тому +21

    Does anyone know at 2:50 was that one of Supermans Robots?
    Thanks 😊

  • @bigbear7076
    @bigbear7076 4 години тому +11

    I'm going to watch this one at home with my dog. Watching them lunge at my screen for Krypto will be entertainment enough.

  • @EDKsurly
    @EDKsurly 4 години тому +34

    I think it looks decent.

  • @____sammy____
    @____sammy____ 4 години тому +36

    I feel like it looks grounded in a way, like it looks real, but with superpowers.

  • @erde4273
    @erde4273 3 години тому +12

    My Blood. Superman 2 first diner part scene :)

  • @GWA-c5p
    @GWA-c5p 4 години тому +77

    2 things feels weird for me. 1 is suit ofc. 2nd is fat blonde Spock as Green Lantern

  • @GinsuJune206
    @GinsuJune206 4 години тому +91

    Knocked the stitches out 😂😂😂😂

  • @kelz702
    @kelz702 4 години тому +62

    They had 180K likes with 3K views. DC is pulling a Disney

  • @fyshyefemeshack3118
    @fyshyefemeshack3118 4 години тому +2

    I flew to your page with the speed of light when I first saw this trailer

  • @GrowHealthyGetFit
    @GrowHealthyGetFit 2 години тому +4

    Dude said "Super Jammies" 😂😂💀

  • @jonathanrivera3400
    @jonathanrivera3400 3 години тому +26

    Getting 80s vibes which i don't mind

  • @tulacagas
    @tulacagas 3 години тому +42

    The suit looks like the same one Steve Urkel wore in Family matters . 😂

  • @stellarjl319
    @stellarjl319 4 години тому +37

    Lmao @ the Superman 2 diner scene call back “My blood, it’s my blood”

  • @SherlockTheHound
    @SherlockTheHound 3 години тому +3

    With that guitar playing, I feel like I’m watching the opening scene of Top Gun rather than a Superman movie. His suit has all the quality of a melted crayon, and belongs in the return bin at Party City. Superman deserves better!

  • @bozalini
    @bozalini 2 години тому +15

    Tyrone I agree with you. The suit is horrible. It looks worse than CW with no muscles. But I liked the trailer, I think it will be good.

  • @melllvar4262
    @melllvar4262 4 години тому +12

    3:40 "My blood" Thats from superman 2. The scene in the diner when clark got him butt kicked by that jerk dude...

  • @namormia5233
    @namormia5233 3 години тому +3

    Holy shitt! - Tyrone 🤣🤣

  • @michaelreyes8879
    @michaelreyes8879 2 години тому +21

    If anything I trust James Gunn, he's got a pretty good track record, we'll see what he does with this Universe, but it definitely won't be for everyone.

  • @Noah21200
    @Noah21200 2 години тому +5

    🤣🤣🤣 knocked the stitching out

  • @azrink
    @azrink 4 години тому +14

    Now watch it side by side with Man of Steel Trailer, You will feel the pain from this one

  • @oldflipgamer
    @oldflipgamer 4 години тому +75

    Bro I'm so opposite I love the suit. It reminds me of Caps first suit in Captain America.

  • @redhotchilifan98
    @redhotchilifan98 4 години тому +29

    I love it so far. Visually looks great. I’m also excited for David’s interpretation. He has that classic Superman look to him. Henry Cavill will always be my favorite but I’m always open to other actors giving it their shot I’m pretty pumped for this.

  • @FrankD71864
    @FrankD71864 4 години тому +6

    Why does the suit look like something from Nova Corp? I don't like it.

  • @somebody251
    @somebody251 3 години тому +13

    I thought I was the only one who thought the trailer had the boys tone

  • @CapitalGainzz
    @CapitalGainzz 3 години тому +13

    No way this movie has a scene like Clark remembering Jor-El’s and John Kent’s words to him before putting on the black suit. Cape Flappin!

  • @NevadaSoxfan
    @NevadaSoxfan 3 години тому +3

    It’s a bird, it’s a plane, but it’s not Cavill

  • @MattValente
    @MattValente 4 години тому +2

    The end of this review was better than the trailer 😂

  • @johnnyshivers7310
    @johnnyshivers7310 4 години тому +41

    That suit looks like plastic. The color is great and so is krypto.. but its a cheap.move to put the original score in. Also.. we just skip over the zack snyder slow mo of super saving the child? I thought all the zack haters hate slow mo? Now it's okay ey?

    @JUNEORJUNE 2 години тому +20


  • @SirDavidAsher
    @SirDavidAsher 3 години тому +3

    I’m hopeful. Honestly I’m going to see it purely for Krypto.

  • @Ozker19
    @Ozker19 4 години тому +169

    “Every shot of the suit is Trash”🤣🤣

  • @udhdbdjxisskka
    @udhdbdjxisskka 4 години тому +32

    Tyrone is the only one who says what he thinks without filters. That's why I come here. All other channels are woke as f. Don't ever change man!

  • @RigbyTheGamer
    @RigbyTheGamer 4 години тому +25

    Superman did the Yamcha
    From Dragon Ball Z

  • @IbbyB.
    @IbbyB. 4 години тому +60

    I love the suit honestly!

  • @ramilantigua9734
    @ramilantigua9734 4 години тому +14

    This looks good. And the score sounds great

  • @ikonanik8604
    @ikonanik8604 3 години тому +34

    After this trailer, I watched Zack Snyder's Man of Steel trailer and realized that this era of cinema will never return. Thank you Snyder and Henry Cavill for this masterpiece.

  • @Jakers80
    @Jakers80 3 години тому +2

    First off.. I'm on the fence with the suit.. I don't hate it, but I don't love it either.. and secondly, I thought I was gonna watch this trailer and just be completely put off by it and not be interested in seeing this new version of Superman... but, I can't say that honestly. At least not yet.. the next trailer might be the one that makes me think "Oh, nope... looks terrible and I'll wait until I can see it as cheap as possible.." but, as of now.. I want to see a little more so, good job Mr. Gunn.

  • @Anarchist_Noir
    @Anarchist_Noir 19 хвилин тому

    Superman laying there looking like Yamcha from Dragonball.

  • @quicksnapgaming
    @quicksnapgaming 3 години тому +3

    I was hoping you would tell me how you really felt about the suit 😂

  • @arhamali5721
    @arhamali5721 4 години тому +16

    I dont like the suit and that first shot of him on the ground looks weird

  • @TheKnight886
    @TheKnight886 4 години тому +16

    Henry Cavill suit was Heath
    Ledger level this suit is cw💀

  • @Themagician225
    @Themagician225 3 години тому +31

    This shit looks like it would be the best CW special at best! I’m not on the Snyder train, but we lost Cavill for this? 😅 Jeez.

  • @GabiBrooks
    @GabiBrooks 20 хвилин тому

    Am I the only one who laughed and clapped after seeing Guy Gardner? I'm officially excited!

  • @johnnyshivers7310
    @johnnyshivers7310 4 години тому +28

    Omg.. tyrone.. your batman animated voice is AWESOME

  • @marleyoda
    @marleyoda 3 години тому +16

    Halloween DooDoo city suit!!! ☠️

  • @thetexanjedi95
    @thetexanjedi95 4 години тому +18

    I haven’t felt this excited for a movie in a long time, Especially a movie that contain icons that we have grown up with. But I tell you after watching the teaser, I’m actually looking forward to this. Let’s see how Mr. James Gunn does! Also not gonna lie Tyrone I was immediately looking for your reaction after I saw it, Not just 10 minutes ago.

  • @AndrewKendall71
    @AndrewKendall71 3 години тому +27

    It feels like I expected - Guardians of the Superman Galaxy

  • @rawwaf3580
    @rawwaf3580 3 години тому +37

    I think imma just rewatch man of steel

  • @iangall76
    @iangall76 2 години тому +2

    It doesn't move the needle for me. There's no intrigue at all. There's nothing about it that makes me want to know more.

  • @SSSMOR.
    @SSSMOR. 2 години тому +1

    Instead of saying to 10 million subscribers at the end Tyrone should say that suit is trash lololololol

  • @datkiddtho
    @datkiddtho 4 години тому +3

    looks good so far, as nervous as i am for this film i’m hoping for the best

  • @iBOAZ
    @iBOAZ 4 години тому +15

    Clark’s got that Bussin hair cut