I'M LIVE STREAMING: www.twitch.tv/welyn LIKE and COMMENT if you enjoyed! GAMER PICS: instagram.com/iamwelyn/ THUMBNAIL ARTIST: instagram.com/reids_into_art/ FOLLOW FOR UPDATES: twitter.com/welyn USE GFUEL CODE: WELYN MERCH: creatorsclub.net/product-category/welyn/ DISCORD: discord.gg/QkQTYdS PATREON: www.patreon.com/welyn1 BECOME A MEMBER: ua-cam.com/channels/g4XK-l40KZD7fLi12pJ1YA.htmljoin
Not water physics, there is nothing physical about it. Its just an on repeat loop. Nothing is simulated. Looks amazing but is not a physics simulation.
@@mememachine5244 The way things interact with the water is entirely physical though. Objects will realistically float and bounce on waves for example. Take the right angle and you can get big air off a wave if you time it right. The actual generation of the waves may be relatively simple (I think it just depends on the depth of the sea at that point, the proximity to land, and the proximity of storms), but the way everything in the game fully interacts with the waves, no matter how big or small, in a completely consistent and physical coherent manner is unlike any other game I've seen.
Clandestine is the french word for something that isn't allowed, like for example: "this is a clandestine meeting", this specific word may also refer to a female immigrant, detritus is the french word for something that belongs in a trash. But étiquette is a French word and it means pricetag, so go figure it out what the fuck that's mean in English
Top notch storytelling and editing, Hollywood needs a man like you. Really appreciate the effort and the way it seems as though you genuinely enjoy what you do. Much respect, no homo.
Having never played Sea of Thieves I love your narrative style. "this means they will spawn far away", "this would mean we get more reputation". Perfectly done to keep the unknowing audience up to speed.
Usmaan Chaudhary He does it as a joke and he knows he isn’t sounding so epic, I don’t know how you could think he sounds epic because it sounds like his normal voice.
non-descript drab browns and dark greys work really well. I've definitely ducked into a small bush with the loot on my last few hitpoints after a long fight and watched my opponents run right past me
I remember wanting to get this game and reading up on it and watching reviews when it released and pretty much all of them were saying that it was a terrible game and that for a Microsoft game, it should be way more. About 2 weeks ago I started playing it because it was on Microsoft game pass and it was just a click away so I gave it a shot. Now I realize that those reviews are just biased bullshit and that this game is a really fun game. I go fairly far offshore in my boat at least once every 1-2 months to fish and this game honestly gives me the feeling of being on the open ocean....Except it does that without the fear of breaking down 10-20 miles off the coast which has happened to me before lol. For anyone that likes the open ocean, it’s an awesome game for that aspect alone. I’ve learned not to take those reviews seriously now or I’ll just be missing out on more good games that I would have loved if I decided myself to try them.
@@Guy.WhoAsked Lol you aren’t joking either. Ubisoft makes me 🤢. They fooled me with rainbow six siege and the E3 footage...That seems to be the ace in the hole for them...Just misleading us.
Brxndon1x depends how long you’ve been gone but now there are checkpoints in tall tales if you want more depth I suggest going to the sea of thieves UA-cam channel and watch their update videos
I love how you guys left some treasure for the guys that said gg. It just goes to show that *proffesionals have standards.* *_Edit: I'm sury Twizted if mai incorekt spilings offind yu._*
Nobody else wanted to be that guy but I'm not here to make friends so I'll tell you that you shouldn't speak about standards when you can't spell *professional* , you don't study for a proffession so you can't become a proffessional.. It's a simple extension of the word you started with.. Profession-al I understand your point and I agree 100% but I couldn't let you be ridiculed because of your lack of proof-reading, that's the whole purpose of proofreading.. to eliminate errors like this. I don't care that it was a mistake, I don't care that you probably know how to spell quite well. Fact of the matter is you didn't correct the mistake and your message falls on deaf ears when you look like an idiot. You even edited it nicely with that emphasis on the bold text - Just to leave it there misspelled is ugh.. *yuck* .. :)
Twizted do you know what memes are? This isn’t supposed to be serious, it’s a meme and it’s for a laugh. By saying this you managed to correct someone and mention that they can’t be taken seriously (when they aren’t meant to be taken seriously) leading you to seem like an idiot.
@@Twizted86 Imagine thinking you are so better at spelling than someone that you go to correct someone, calling them an "idiot" and such, only to realize your post, too, has multiple errors. For example, the first sentence is a run on sentence. There shouldn't be a comma between "professional" and "you," rather a period with "you" starting a new sentence. Second, whilst you may think that playing video games - such as Sea of Thieves - isn't a profession, the sole fact that Welyn makes money off of these videos instead suggest that it is one. Therefor, he would be able to be a professional at this game despite your ignorant outlook. Three, when you say "Profession-al" and immediately go into "I understand" the sentence makes no logical sense what so ever. Once again, you fail to use a period to separate your statements. Four, saying "I couldn't let you be ridiculed" before and after ridiculing someone not only makes absolutely no sense, but if you actually knew how most people on this platform operated then maybe you'd be able to comprehend that correcting someone's meme post to this extent is no where near normal behavior. Five, saying "that's the purpose of proofreading.. to eliminate errors like this..." is quite ironic considering the amount of errors I have already pointed out in your post, suggesting you either didn't proofread yourself or you are simply incapable of writing at all. Six, saying "I don't care that it was a mistake" is just outright lying, because judging by both the length and message of your post it is quite obvious that you do, in fact, care. Funnily enough, the list goes on. I'm not even going to point out the "-" you used in the last sentence because that alone shows how incompetent you are at writing despite your "claims" to the contrary. How about instead of leaving huge posts like these on people who are just trying to leave quick meme comments we instead mind our own fucking business? Okay? Okay.
Idk who else has noticed but this guy 17:40 has been in other videos too, Anna de Aquatic, I’ve seen him in other of his sot videos I think he was actually in the second sot video where they betrayed the galleon at the fort of the dammed
"My first ever long game tuck. The drama, the intrigue, the excitement. I knew it wouldn't be my last." Worlds colliding as Welyn discovers the competitive world of RuPaul's Drag Race.
Also the weyln sea of theives universe is so connected, he fought alongside captain chicken, one of the toxic players in his relentless video, and Ramsey’s ghost fought with chicken, and he makes a return in this video
Captain: Officer report! Where is our flag and treasure?! Officer: We were ambushed sir, they appeared out of thin air on our ship. Captain: Who were they? Officer: A pumpkin and a reaper sir. Captain: . . . To the brig with this drunken idiot.
"Who hired this blithering fool? Surely he's joking." "Sir, he... he speaks the truth." "Back to the beach. The lot of you. A pack of sharks would do better!"
I love how you manage to perfectly use jusic from other games for these scenarios, like the GTA V theme or im pretty sure somewhere in the video i could hear some backround music from the Witcher 3
Ironically, that person is above your comment on my screen. (Play by play if you don't see it). Gamer: OMG THATS MY TEAM IN THE GALLY! :D it was fun fighting you guys! Welyn: fun fights GAMER! Random commenter: Fun getting killed more like.
I was playing this and someone decided to attempt to board my ship without damaging it via cannons. They came aboard while I was sailing and said they were going to take all my stuff if that was ok. I actually have them some stuff.... A bit of Gunpowder and metal. They were so happy they didn't leave the same spot until they despawned
You're easily amused I see. I found it quite fitting for the moment, the Arma theme added suspense as intended and it worked out well.. I find your logic hilarious to be totally honest; are you genuinely that simple or did you condition yourself? Don't get me wrong, I'm trying to understand the thought process here but you're saying the tune from Arma can't be used in any other context other than a military sandbox / FPS? Ohh shiiit steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/829135754411301288/3AB19E3E483CE0A3E04655A4D5D346055025B462/ - Looks like pirates in Arma 3 Captain!.. lol I've been playing Arma 19 years, don't take it the wrong way I'm just sayin' you're obviously new to the whole sandbox concept.. Arma's base game is post-modern military sure, but it's not limited to that.. only your brain is limited..
Welyn, I really enjoy watching you play Sea of Thieves, whether it be with pros like Pace and Summit1G, with new players like Enardo and Lady Jennifer or with random people. No matter who you've got in your crew, your content is always thoroughly entertaining and the opposite of toxic. Keep being awesome and please keep making your kind of content, you're a rare breed on UA-cam and we don't deserve you! Thanks dude! 😎
@@Joopie101 wym? I play PC and I que with random people every day and always get into some good fights and make alot of money. You can have fun in a game like this without friends.
I'M LIVE STREAMING: www.twitch.tv/welyn
LIKE and COMMENT if you enjoyed!
GAMER PICS: instagram.com/iamwelyn/
THUMBNAIL ARTIST: instagram.com/reids_into_art/
FOLLOW FOR UPDATES: twitter.com/welyn
MERCH: creatorsclub.net/product-category/welyn/
DISCORD: discord.gg/QkQTYdS
PATREON: www.patreon.com/welyn1
BECOME A MEMBER: ua-cam.com/channels/g4XK-l40KZD7fLi12pJ1YA.htmljoin
Hey welyn I love the sot videos
👍 yes 👍
Captain Loooook!
@Welyn Sea of Thieves is a dead game
Hes definitely allowed to play the pirates of the Caribbean theme now.
He's gotta be the best virtual pirate I've ever seen
so it would seem...
*cue He's a Pirate*
He's my favorite Reaper UA-camr actually
can we take a moment to appreciate the INCREDIBLE water physics in this game?
Probably the best sea-scale water physics in any game
I tought looking at the sea was the whole Game
Sea of Thieves is one of the most beautiful games I’ve ever played
Not water physics, there is nothing physical about it. Its just an on repeat loop. Nothing is simulated.
Looks amazing but is not a physics simulation.
@@mememachine5244 The way things interact with the water is entirely physical though. Objects will realistically float and bounce on waves for example. Take the right angle and you can get big air off a wave if you time it right. The actual generation of the waves may be relatively simple (I think it just depends on the depth of the sea at that point, the proximity to land, and the proximity of storms), but the way everything in the game fully interacts with the waves, no matter how big or small, in a completely consistent and physical coherent manner is unlike any other game I've seen.
Whenever Welyn posts a video you know you’re about to watch a mini-movie.
i love ittttt, its like action asmr
Facts, I love the type of videos he makes
A very high quality mini-movie.
"I have mastered the ability of standing so incredibly still, that I've become invisible to the eye"
Drax was right
The best camouflage is called not moving, the human eye evolved to catch movement
@@Fabzil That's right but didn't they see the white playernames?
RotorScout not when you’re tucking.
Welyn on UA-cam: Uses words like "clandestine" and "detritus"
Welyn on Twitch: Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer
bruh tf is a clandestine
@@dunnet24 google is your friend
@@peixearrombado also Pornhelious Hubert comments
Clandestine is the french word for something that isn't allowed, like for example: "this is a clandestine meeting", this specific word may also refer to a female immigrant, detritus is the french word for something that belongs in a trash.
But étiquette is a French word and it means pricetag, so go figure it out what the fuck that's mean in English
I could just imagin Wylen making the narrations just hunched over at his gamer mic reading off what he wrote while watching his footage.
XD the way you are imagining it is exactly how it goes down
Top notch storytelling and editing, Hollywood needs a man like you. Really appreciate the effort and the way it seems as though you genuinely enjoy what you do. Much respect, no homo.
@@juggmkj yea, i think we can all aggree this storytelling Is darn good, but srsly, the "no homo" came out as really out of context for me😅
@@Welyn pumken boi is one hell of a story machine, a writer, a narrator and director. As an amateur writer, I look up to your writing prowess
Having never played Sea of Thieves I love your narrative style. "this means they will spawn far away", "this would mean we get more reputation". Perfectly done to keep the unknowing audience up to speed.
if you close your eyes it sounds like we are in a tavern and he's telling us tales of his pirate life I mean really it sounds like a movie
and then the arma soundtrack blasts your head off xD
yea but tbh, the way he describes things in his vids is kinda cringe ngl
@@OPROSEBUD it legit sounds like he's trying to narrate but ngl, it's rly bad bc of 'epic' he's trying to sound, but he ultimately fails at it
Usmaan Chaudhary
He does it as a joke and he knows he isn’t sounding so epic, I don’t know how you could think he sounds epic because it sounds like his normal voice.
Veterans: ah all this hard work is going to pay off
Welyn and his crew: allow us to introduce ourselves
Haha so funny
James Whitler more like pace and welyn but yeah lol
@@TheRealNobodyButu right? Welyn is a beast but Pace is one of the og og's on this game.
Just like a pirate
I don’t think any of them were actual veterans
veterans: noooo you cant just ignore our veteran skills and cool skins
welyn: haha barrel go boom
Ah yes, _ingore_
@@keitheilish7983 Oh my god he corrected a spelling error, WHAT ABSURD INTELLECT
ok i fixed it
frick i now realize
alpoen 707 nah it’s fine
*thats got to be the best pirate I’ve ever seen*
So it would seem
So it would seem
So it would seem
*so it would seem.*
So it would seem
Welyn: Chest of a Thousand Grogs? Is that new?
Me: No dear child, it’s very old
Honestly, its the best chest to hold while running from enemy pirates
@@Fatestcates it's basically a auto strafe xD
@@jojojojojojojojojojojojo4181 how are you gonna walk into their crosshairs if you can't walk at all
Bro, Welyn is such a good narrator. It’s like listening to an audiobook.
its like endless story lol i love it too...
but better
Welyn’s way of storytelling is compelling and interesting, with some good, positive energy, that people in this day and age don’t have!
Maybe because most of the time, the world is not so great a place.
yes, thats why i watch every single video he posts, even though i havent played literally any game myself :D
@@ThatOneBlacksmithGuy sad. If only beacons of light smothered the darkness.
@@ShortP1089 I don't even play Rust yet I've binged it all.
Imagine if tucking was in Rust, and you could wear clothes that blends with rocks and walls and whatever
Tuck and go deep.
No dear god please no
you mean like crouching and grey clothing?
non-descript drab browns and dark greys work really well. I've definitely ducked into a small bush with the loot on my last few hitpoints after a long fight and watched my opponents run right past me
I remember wanting to get this game and reading up on it and watching reviews when it released and pretty much all of them were saying that it was a terrible game and that for a Microsoft game, it should be way more.
About 2 weeks ago I started playing it because it was on Microsoft game pass and it was just a click away so I gave it a shot. Now I realize that those reviews are just biased bullshit and that this game is a really fun game.
I go fairly far offshore in my boat at least once every 1-2 months to fish and this game honestly gives me the feeling of being on the open ocean....Except it does that without the fear of breaking down 10-20 miles off the coast which has happened to me before lol.
For anyone that likes the open ocean, it’s an awesome game for that aspect alone. I’ve learned not to take those reviews seriously now or I’ll just be missing out on more good games that I would have loved if I decided myself to try them.
La bible des coms mais c'est vrais
Just let the people leaving reviews keep playing Assassin's Creed: Black Flag on pacifist. Little idiots it's in the name
Lol you aren’t joking either. Ubisoft makes me 🤢.
They fooled me with rainbow six siege and the E3 footage...That seems to be the ace in the hole for them...Just misleading us.
Seems like a very amazing game but sadly it’s not on PlayStation.
Welyns team: that’s got to be the best pirate I have ever seen
Welyn: or so it would seem
Y0U H1T wah grammar wah wah
How he narrates it makes it so good it’s like a heist movie he narrates what he’s doing omg welyn likes my comment
@@branemadic4860 okay?
Quality content
He went to college and did some poetry stuff i believe, watch misfits interview him, he used to do rap battles.
MN Productions wow didn’t know that very interesting
That "Friendship" clip was the most wholesome thing I've ever seen
"I named my ship "Friendship", because I am a friendly pirate" - That's just sweet:)
2:00 Talking about one of the most competent enemy crews on the server being a worthy adversary.
*Proceeds to front end big röcc*
Pace22 and his crew don't actually sail that much, they tucc'n'fuck 99% of the time, leaving their ship anchored near some spires or behind an island.
röcc seems like a motley crue clone.
Srry if this offends u
It's 2am, I am not keeping up with preparing for my finals.
Welyn: *releases a video*
Me: Welp, going to the army sounds not that bad...
"Bringing the stronghold chest Barry" lol made me laugh so hard, the voice he used made it even better.
I subbed after after you left their loot on the beach, that was wholesome 💗
Bro what are u doing here ur a drift youtuber
This couldn't have come at a better time because I'm just now getting back into Sea of theives
spo0nyboi r they any good new updates
Stige hey i pirate legend there are a heap of new good update welcome back to the game!
Captain Slurp14 bro anything new I have Been gone for awhile
Brxndon1x depends how long you’ve been gone but now there are checkpoints in tall tales if you want more depth I suggest going to the sea of thieves UA-cam channel and watch their update videos
I love how you guys left some treasure for the guys that said gg. It just goes to show that *proffesionals have standards.*
*_Edit: I'm sury Twizted if mai incorekt spilings offind yu._*
Nobody else wanted to be that guy but I'm not here to make friends so I'll tell you that you shouldn't speak about standards when you can't spell *professional* , you don't study for a proffession so you can't become a proffessional.. It's a simple extension of the word you started with.. Profession-al I understand your point and I agree 100% but I couldn't let you be ridiculed because of your lack of proof-reading, that's the whole purpose of proofreading.. to eliminate errors like this. I don't care that it was a mistake, I don't care that you probably know how to spell quite well. Fact of the matter is you didn't correct the mistake and your message falls on deaf ears when you look like an idiot. You even edited it nicely with that emphasis on the bold text - Just to leave it there misspelled is ugh.. *yuck* .. :)
@@Twizted86 ok boomer
Twizted do you know what memes are? This isn’t supposed to be serious, it’s a meme and it’s for a laugh. By saying this you managed to correct someone and mention that they can’t be taken seriously (when they aren’t meant to be taken seriously) leading you to seem like an idiot.
@@Twizted86 Imagine thinking you are so better at spelling than someone that you go to correct someone, calling them an "idiot" and such, only to realize your post, too, has multiple errors.
For example, the first sentence is a run on sentence. There shouldn't be a comma between "professional" and "you," rather a period with "you" starting a new sentence.
Second, whilst you may think that playing video games - such as Sea of Thieves - isn't a profession, the sole fact that Welyn makes money off of these videos instead suggest that it is one. Therefor, he would be able to be a professional at this game despite your ignorant outlook.
Three, when you say "Profession-al" and immediately go into "I understand" the sentence makes no logical sense what so ever. Once again, you fail to use a period to separate your statements.
Four, saying "I couldn't let you be ridiculed" before and after ridiculing someone not only makes absolutely no sense, but if you actually knew how most people on this platform operated then maybe you'd be able to comprehend that correcting someone's meme post to this extent is no where near normal behavior.
Five, saying "that's the purpose of proofreading.. to eliminate errors like this..." is quite ironic considering the amount of errors I have already pointed out in your post, suggesting you either didn't proofread yourself or you are simply incapable of writing at all.
Six, saying "I don't care that it was a mistake" is just outright lying, because judging by both the length and message of your post it is quite obvious that you do, in fact, care.
Funnily enough, the list goes on. I'm not even going to point out the "-" you used in the last sentence because that alone shows how incompetent you are at writing despite your "claims" to the contrary. How about instead of leaving huge posts like these on people who are just trying to leave quick meme comments we instead mind our own fucking business? Okay? Okay.
The Entertainer I guess that not all heroes wear capes. Unless you do.
Idk who else has noticed but this guy 17:40 has been in other videos too, Anna de Aquatic, I’ve seen him in other of his sot videos
I think he was actually in the second sot video where they betrayed the galleon at the fort of the dammed
People: omg, why npcs have such a stupid AI when It comes to stealth?
Also people: 16:20
North Korea
13:37 Usually people are pretty salty when their loot’s stolen. It’s nice to see these guys were good sports. Idk why, it just feels nice. 😊
yea because if this happened to you, you would rage quit
Yea it does
It's called Sea of Thieves, so stealing and saltiness should be expected =)
Welyn should narrate a documentary, those starting scenes are perfecto!
Yes his Sound ISS perfect
"My first ever long game tuck. The drama, the intrigue, the excitement. I knew it wouldn't be my last." Worlds colliding as Welyn discovers the competitive world of RuPaul's Drag Race.
lmfao holy hell
OMG THATS MY TEAM IN THE GALLY! 😁 it was fun fighting you guys!
fun fights GAMER!
Fun getting killed more like
@@deuceyd8468 you're the kind of guy to look up and down before you cross the street
@@Guy.WhoAsked Yea because I was there walking through blood and bone trying to find my brother on September 11 2001
@@deuceyd8468 why would you need to look up for that
Welyn: Supports Pirate Pacifism
Everyone liked that
(Or at least just me) 👍
Me: *hears Carson*
My brain: it’s callmecarson
@buckfast Boy no 😞
You literally made me buy this game. Your narration is top of line for a streamer. Your ability to entertain and keep attention is also great.
Me: about to go to bed.
Welyn: posts a video.
Me: "well I'm staying up late."
'well I'm' get it? Like 'welyn staying up late' but it's well I'm. No?
@zXxReactionxXz like the phrase welyn is same as well I'm if you read it fast. No?
@@knightmare6619 tf you saying boi
@@knightmare6619 I understand. i like it lol
Knightmare ?
Random player kills him
Welyn: now I’ll recreate his ship in my private server for maximum tactic.
My pirate server
Veteran: we can finally sell this loot
“So I rebuilt their boat on my private server”
"pirate server"
This is such a good video you deserve a notification bell
ty gamer
true gamer moment
Also the weyln sea of theives universe is so connected, he fought alongside captain chicken, one of the toxic players in his relentless video, and Ramsey’s ghost fought with chicken, and he makes a return in this video
This is like when you crouch in Skyrim right in front of the enemy with 100 sneak
"i called my ship friendship because im a friendly pirat" my heart melted
I feel bad for the gold boys. They were just vibing until the twitch streamers gave them a bad day.
Its so hard to play the game normally
@@Thetruthfrees it’s a Pirat game xD
@@Thetruthfrees Then you are not good at the game and your definition of "normally" is incorrect when it comes to this PIRATE game.
18:01 "He desk popped" holy shit lmao
I love how when he talks about what's happening he's so serious and uses big brain words but when he talks to a player he's so childish XD
Shut up weeb
@@kappastar4839 that was a compliment.....
I think hahaha
@@kappastar4839 okay shut up edge lord if youre useing this logic.
@@lamihadamshareef5270 aw gonna cry? Shut up weeb
Idk why but I just love you style of recording, it really gives of a sense of a storyline :) keep up the good work.
That part with the tuck was epic. The immersion, the tactics, the strategy, and the plan B. It was amazing.
Captain: Officer report! Where is our flag and treasure?!
Officer: We were ambushed sir, they appeared out of thin air on our ship.
Captain: Who were they?
Officer: A pumpkin and a reaper sir.
Captain: . . . To the brig with this drunken idiot.
"Who hired this blithering fool? Surely he's joking."
"Sir, he... he speaks the truth."
"Back to the beach. The lot of you. A pack of sharks would do better!"
I've never played in Rust or SoT, but still I'm watching Your videos because i like them and I enjoy them very much. keep going man, yoink! ;D
TheBoredKoala lmao
Yeah I saw the title and was like wtf
this took me a second and then i lol
"I named my ship Friendship, Because im a friendly pirate" That is some precious cuteness that we need in this game.
When you said we “saw our target” I got a ad that was about guy drifts on a island and throws up
Mampir sob
My ad said ‘Pegi 18’ I burst out laughing
*has grade 5 emissary that shows on the map*
also welyn: "Another sneaky play"
"We were attacked by the kraken so i built him in my private server."
You missed an incredible chance to make a pun
@@PaleRook and the pun being?
Read "kraken" as Karen
Pls stop this joke is no longer funny in any way it’s just unoriginal
@@hollw9474 n o
its so crazy to know that its possible that somebody is just watching you for just over an hour just plotting.
I love how you manage to perfectly use jusic from other games for these scenarios, like the GTA V theme or im pretty sure somewhere in the video i could hear some backround music from the Witcher 3
And Payday 2
Probably at 21:00 Witcher 3
ArmA 3 Main Theme 7:00
i love how welyns intros is basically an intro of an anime
5:51 That music made my nostalgia fly to the roof
Arma 3 ost flippin pops
Reminds me about the beginning of the game DLC “Contact”game mode
5:49 Is that the music for one of Arma 3's trailers? Lol thats awesome
In reality he’s just making a goddamn pirates captain log
9:25 when you drink for the first time
I love this game because every time you play it’s your own version of pirates of the Caribbean
I love Welyn’s cheeki and evil laughter. Best pirate to ever sail the sea of thieves.
Imagine being one of these guys in the vids, and watching this.
Welyn and the boys just swindling your ass
Ironically, that person is above your comment on my screen. (Play by play if you don't see it).
Gamer: OMG THATS MY TEAM IN THE GALLY! :D it was fun fighting you guys!
Welyn: fun fights GAMER!
Random commenter: Fun getting killed more like.
Omg. Just found your channel. I LOVE this, the story telling + gameplay, perfect
The arma music is literally one of the greatest things to ever be created
what is the arma music
@@deathwish-gg8wz its music from arma
@@deathwish-gg8wz at 6:45 is the music its from a game called arma 3, a military sim
Welyn, you are the only gaming channel I can actually watch. Your production is always so thorough and entertaining. Keep up the good work!
I swear I’ve watched this 100 times.
It’s just so good.
I was playing this and someone decided to attempt to board my ship without damaging it via cannons. They came aboard while I was sailing and said they were going to take all my stuff if that was ok. I actually have them some stuff....
A bit of Gunpowder and metal. They were so happy they didn't leave the same spot until they despawned
When Carson joins the game it truly is cereal when milk.
is it the same carson lol idk
ik im about to get wooshed
Bailey Witherow r/woooosh has to do it to em
I love your Sea of Thieves videos. They got such suspense and make me laugh in a way like: "Will the enemies figure out?", and stuff like that.
Welyn : I got sucked by the kraken!
Every FortNite streamer : First time?
"I hate fortnite with a bloody grit and I think everyone can relate"
Yes always did
Just a storm
Welyn : turns it into a full story
Welyn using "this is war" from ArmA 3, never thought I'd see it
This is one of the best stories on UA-cam feels like a movie, havent subscribed to anyone in 2 years but this Channel is a finding!
*when a huge ship is going through rocks*
*spongebob: ghost ship going through rocks*
6:36 I find it hillarious that he uses a song from Arma 3, a game about realistic modern combat in a pirate game.
You're easily amused I see. I found it quite fitting for the moment, the Arma theme added suspense as intended and it worked out well.. I find your logic hilarious to be totally honest; are you genuinely that simple or did you condition yourself? Don't get me wrong, I'm trying to understand the thought process here but you're saying the tune from Arma can't be used in any other context other than a military sandbox / FPS? Ohh shiiit steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/829135754411301288/3AB19E3E483CE0A3E04655A4D5D346055025B462/ - Looks like pirates in Arma 3 Captain!.. lol I've been playing Arma 19 years, don't take it the wrong way I'm just sayin' you're obviously new to the whole sandbox concept.. Arma's base game is post-modern military sure, but it's not limited to that.. only your brain is limited..
Twizted if either of you are interested the mod pictured looks like Nassau 1715 or something like that.
@@Twizted86 why so toxic
This reminds me of the navy seal copypasta lmao
@@Twizted86 Ok redditor
This is what we like to see, pumpkin gang where you at!!
Welyn, I really enjoy watching you play Sea of Thieves, whether it be with pros like Pace and Summit1G, with new players like Enardo and Lady Jennifer or with random people.
No matter who you've got in your crew, your content is always thoroughly entertaining and the opposite of toxic.
Keep being awesome and please keep making your kind of content, you're a rare breed on UA-cam and we don't deserve you!
Thanks dude! 😎
10:06 me when ever my stomach hurts
I'd love to get this game because of Welyn.
its the best game ever
sadly only on pc and xbox
U need ppl to play with otherwise its no fun at all mate
Did anyone want to team up? I may be getting it soon
@@Joopie101 wym? I play PC and I que with random people every day and always get into some good fights and make alot of money. You can have fun in a game like this without friends.
13:10 "well our cover had been blown" Ya dont think
This was such an entertaining episode!! That tuck on the bow was LEGENDARY!
I really like *Redacted* part in it
Welyn love this bud, see you on the seas
6:15 the same music that plays near the end of a KOTH match on Arma
It’s the arma 3 theme
Oh that’s where I know that song from
Imagine Welyn and Zylbrad on the same boat.
I haven't heard the name Zylbrad in a long time.
we lost him to apex
Welyn's video: *electronic dun, nuh nuh nuh*
me: wait i don't remember opening arma 3
also me: oh it's just the video
I just logged onto Sea of Thieves to do a Run of Thieves haven
*You feel an ominous presence watching*
23:56 He has the same kitty as me!! Mine's named Edward Teach.
so Black Beard is still alive :D
11:55 is my favorite part i just get so happy
14:39 it triggred me that he didnt do the sword dash jump
When your so early the comment section hasn’t made its firs joke yet
So it would seem
Yeah the.joke was called 'they potato'😂
20:33 missed opportunity for Kronk meme
The ankle crunch at 12:15 made me spit my drink out 😂
is this a guy i watched around 3 am, who destroyed whole clan in rust ?
Im late but its more than likely
video: enjoyable :)
"Holy fish, that thing is huge!"
-That's what she said
Didn't see that one coming even tho I am the first one to say that xd
Can I just say...II love this...the way Welyn tells his story. It's like he's doing a documentary. Love it man.