I danced to this song with my mum at my wedding. She's since passed. Our daughter is getting married July 2022. This will be the dad-daughter dance. In her memory and to one of modern day's great poets.
people go on about his "habits" - but can anyone think of many of the super great musicians that didnt have "habits"? and many of us have habits too but did we write songs that will be played 300 yrs from now? nay - that was my goal the last 25 yrs was to make one piece of art or one song or one anything that people would still appreciate and love 200 or whatever yrs from now...but I know now that one has to be supernaturally gifted to achieve that level of immortality and its a very rare one - like MacGowan - who does achieve that. While I will never achieve that myself I feel that by my attempt I at least gained a even deeper appreciation of the real geniuses - like MacGowan - for really its the great artists like Shane that one is taken into an "otherworldliness" that helps one keep sane in these troubled weird times. Their art is like a talisman to get us thru. Allright enough of this warbling carry on lads hope yer all hanging in there during this whateverItis-demic. Fight the Great Reset too, cheers! from calgary canada
It’s better this way, this sounds the way Shane was feeling in those days, he was a speedfreak when he was in the popes and on skag and coke when he did all of this work... call it romanticism but the moment old boy got on the opiates he started looking twice as emotionally involved in the lyrics he’d sing however fucked up he was
I danced to this song with my mum at my wedding. She's since passed.
Our daughter is getting married July 2022.
This will be the dad-daughter dance. In her memory and to one of modern day's great poets.
Rest in peace, Shane. Thanks for the timeless tunes!
He’s really singing from the heart thinking about the lyrics here 🙌
Perhaps the only time in history a singer sang the lyric, “drunk to hell” while drunk to hell.
Shane --- greatest MAN for the all times.
great cut, saw the young lad version. thanks fir the newwer cut good qualtiy
RIP🥃💀🤘you did well✊
Trust me he was sober compared to a lot of other interviews he’s a total legend
What a king 😅
good music gets never old...
people go on about his "habits" - but can anyone think of many of the super great musicians that didnt have "habits"? and many of us have habits too but did we write songs that will be played 300 yrs from now? nay - that was my goal the last 25 yrs was to make one piece of art or one song or one anything that people would still appreciate and love 200 or whatever yrs from now...but I know now that one has to be supernaturally gifted to achieve that level of immortality and its a very rare one - like MacGowan - who does achieve that. While I will never achieve that myself I feel that by my attempt I at least gained a even deeper appreciation of the real geniuses - like MacGowan - for really its the great artists like Shane that one is taken into an "otherworldliness" that helps one keep sane in these troubled weird times. Their art is like a talisman to get us thru. Allright enough of this warbling carry on lads hope yer all hanging in there during this whateverItis-demic. Fight the Great Reset too, cheers! from calgary canada
I just want to drink hard liquor, listen to this over and over, and talk a lot of shit with my pals.
the best
xx Dear boy xx
Pouges not popes
The Popes!
The Pogues sacked Shane in 1991
Little bit too fast
It’s better this way, this sounds the way Shane was feeling in those days, he was a speedfreak when he was in the popes and on skag and coke when he did all of this work... call it romanticism but the moment old boy got on the opiates he started looking twice as emotionally involved in the lyrics he’d sing however fucked up he was
He was way too wasted here 😂