James Young - In the Year 2001

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024
  • Famous Ulster comedian James Young's Year 2001. A funny monologue about a Loyalist dying and going to hell, hell being a United Ireland. Funny for all sides! Enjoy!
    The monologue:
    It was Sammy McNally that done it,
    He was never done swinging the lead.
    And one bloody day as he swung it,
    He hit me a blow on the head.
    "Get up!" sez he, trying to lift me.
    I never heard one word he said.
    "Are y' deaf?" sez he, trying to shift me.
    But I wasn't deaf... I was dead!
    Of course, I went straight up to heaven,
    It's three million miles past the sun.
    I arrived at a quarter past seven,
    In the year of 2001.
    I seen a big lad in the hallway,
    Sez I, "I'm just in from Belfast."
    "Is that so?" sez he, "I am from Galway.
    Sure, we've let an old Prod. in at last!"
    I said I was happy to meet him,
    And asked him what I should do.
    "Come with me," sez he, "and I'll show you
    We have a special department for you."
    I followed him down a long passage
    Where it led to, your man wouldn't tell,
    But my God, I soon got the message
    When I saw a sign pointing to Hell!
    "Aah" sez I, "for God's sake have pity!"
    "It's all for your sins in the past.
    And he led me right into the city...
    A place, the dead spit of Belfast.
    "Is thon Hell?" sez I quite astounded:
    "It is so, indeed." sez your lad.
    "If that's Hell," sez I, looking round now,
    If that's Hell, it can't be too bad!"
    But the whole thing was very provoking,
    Here was a place I knew well.
    Surely to God, they were joking,
    Surely Belfast... wasn't Hell!
    But there, God love it, before me
    The big City Hall stood in state.
    With a tri-colour flying above it
    And two Civic Guards at the gate.
    That was only the start of the torment
    I soon was to learn all the facts.
    The Pope was living in Stormont
    And Paisley was cleaning the jacks.
    The head of the great Orange Order
    Had long ago given himself up
    Lemass had abolished the border
    And Linfield was out of the cup!
    All the Micks had lovely fat faces
    And the Prods. were all queueing for soup.
    There was Fenians in all the high places
    And MacLiamoor was playing The Group.
    The shipyard arrived like lightening,
    I knew I'd find Orangeman there
    But, what I did find was frightening
    Speaking in Gaelic, they were.
    The whole bloody city was stinking
    There was nowhere a Proddy could go.
    It was desperate thoughts I was thinking
    Then it come in a flash, Sandy Row "
    I knew they'd be loyal to Lizzie
    And I wouldn't be left in the lurch
    But when I got there, they were busy,
    Building a Catholic church!
    I went back to the fella that brought me,
    He was having a snooze at the gate.
    I tried to get by but he caught me.
    "You can't get away from your fate!"
    Sez I, "I don't like what you've brought me
    If I'd known, I'd never have came."
    Sez he and him standing fornenst * me
    "Sure in here we all are the same.
    In here perfect freedom is given,
    To wander about, it's as well.
    It's just that some think it's Heaven
    And then, again, some think it's Hell!"
    I'm a ghost now, but I'm just a beginner,
    But if I was a mortal again,
    I'd be nice to the Micks and the Shimmers
    And I'd write to the Pope now and then.
    Every man on this Earth is your brother
    So don't write those things on the wall,
    For, if we love one another...
    We'll find out there's no Hell, at all.


  • @Tehgoat
    @Tehgoat 11 років тому +4

    "Everyman on this Earth is your brother" Amen

  • @67conmar
    @67conmar 11 років тому +2

    James Young was ahead of his time, a funny man who spoke a truth that few others would...

  • @JohnMcMahon.
    @JohnMcMahon. 11 років тому +3

    Absolute classic.
    This place hasn't changed a bit, James Young could've played this yesterday and it would still ring true.
    Sure if ye don't laugh, ye'll only cry.

  • @seanhughes1923
    @seanhughes1923 3 роки тому +1

    Jimmy was a very funny man ............

  • @gremlinuk1968
    @gremlinuk1968 6 років тому +3

    as jimmy always say, stop fighten !!!!