Lisa Ekdahl - Now Or Never (Video)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @someonespecial75
    @someonespecial75 13 років тому +28

    i don't understand why she is not so famous!! she is excellent and has talent!!

    • @mariebonnet3020
      @mariebonnet3020 2 роки тому +3

      Parce que c'est un peu léger. Un peu trop femme enfant.

    • @stephendevore
      @stephendevore 9 місяців тому

      "I don't understand why she is not so famous!! she is excellent and has talent!!"
      Possible explanations (from a Producer):
      The two songs (videos) I heard her sing were kinda so-so songs, not "hits", meaning not as famous as might make one famous.
      While her singing is usually pretty good, sometimes it is a bit inconsistent.
      The videos were both blurry, which gives the impression of Unprofessional. So, these videos might be in some way hurting more than helping, at the moment.
      Both videos were at 480p resolution which is too low.
      Also, her visual performance is inconsistent.
      Her "image" in these was on the edge, and a bit out of the usual "expected" image for the genres sung (one might suppose).
      She also - while coquettish - may not be getting as much into the actual story of the song as she is in portraying a particular vibe, which, while appearing "sexy", may be taken less seriously by those in the industry.
      Also, Jazz and perhaps this genre aren't usually an industry that record labels are looking for the next big thing in.
      The recordings of the music that I heard were good; and the videos weren't terrible but need to step up a notch or two.
      If I were the/a Producer, I would both Direct the vocal performance for greater impact, and also the video for higher resolution and higher production value, even as good as it is already. (Other than stated, I would keep the rest of the ideas to myself, for if I were hired.) And I actually have Producer/Executive Producer background, and Awards as such. Related: I also have credits for dozens of films and other shows (in various positions), and for Music Videos; and I am also a Composer and Songwriter, and have Degrees and Certificates related to Audio Engineering and Music Production. I was also once a Performer/Singer myself (currently doing Acting), including both group and solo performances.
      Speaking of hits (hopefully), I have a lot of original music to release in 2024, perhaps even one Jazz/Blues song I wrote and sang with a Jazz trio (24 years ago, which is in low-res-s-vhs-type quality on my channel here); maybe there is a hit waiting; although as a Singer, maybe I waited too long to release; but maybe as a Composer, it doesn't matter. :)
      -Cheers! Stephen DeVore, StephenDeVore [dot] com.

    • @stephendevore
      @stephendevore 9 місяців тому

      She also released most music in Swedish, and then finally in English; she was famous and sold well to a Swedish audience. If it matters, today she is now over 52 years old which might make it a bit difficult; although she is likely famous enough to do some kind of tour. And Jazz sometimes loves older singers.

    • @elviscaragea4433
      @elviscaragea4433 7 місяців тому

      ​@@stephendevore52 years, my god

  • @effdee71
    @effdee71 3 роки тому +6

    I always loved her little giggle at 2:36, maybe because of that funny piano lick just before.

  • @EnriqueRodriguez-nm1gp
    @EnriqueRodriguez-nm1gp 9 місяців тому +1

    Te amo Lisa, en buen plan, te admiro mucho

  • @celine6129
    @celine6129 Рік тому +1

    Thank you Lisa🙏beautiful voice❤

  • @amansaku
    @amansaku 8 років тому +15


  • @mrVL211
    @mrVL211 10 років тому +18

    love Lisa so much
    she's like an angel to me

  • @EnriqueRodriguez-nm1gp
    @EnriqueRodriguez-nm1gp 11 місяців тому

    Te amo Lisa gracias por compartir tu arte te admiro mucho, saludos! 😊

  • @mariecatherinemauclert4273
    @mariecatherinemauclert4273 2 роки тому +2

    Wonderful music to chill out !!!!

  • @realbigdeals2048
    @realbigdeals2048 2 роки тому +1

    I love everything about this video!

  • @MrOliverovski
    @MrOliverovski 13 років тому +1

    I love it.There is something special about this girl. Looked at the other songs wow!

  • @오늘부터우리는-j4y
    @오늘부터우리는-j4y 6 місяців тому

    이름이 기억이 안나 한참 찾았네요. 정말 목소리에 반해서 자주 들은 기억이 있어요.

  • @hilmimertcelik6683
    @hilmimertcelik6683 2 роки тому

    Thats the cutest clip i ever seen

  • @BevCapeTown
    @BevCapeTown 3 місяці тому

    Love Lisa Longtime ❤️🎵💃🕺❤

  • @FabienSchori-uo7mg
    @FabienSchori-uo7mg Рік тому

    This is great ... in fact its rock n roll !

  • @worstalentscout
    @worstalentscout 3 роки тому

    didn't knew jazz music has music videos !......heard this ages ago !

  • @mysoor2042
    @mysoor2042 4 роки тому

    Entendue sur FIP il y a bien longtemps, ça me rappelle des chouettes moments!

  • @christinahuang2978
    @christinahuang2978 2 роки тому

    The best version ever

  • @ILikeDifferentMusic
    @ILikeDifferentMusic 13 років тому +1

    Fantastic Lisa.

  • @tim-andreslach5772
    @tim-andreslach5772 2 роки тому +1

    lisa ekdal is very nice 👨‍🌾

  • @annbrowett7642
    @annbrowett7642 8 років тому +9

    Still on my top CD list

  • @lincemaxx
    @lincemaxx 4 роки тому

    Que esquisito el ritmo !!!

  • @obamafan98765
    @obamafan98765 15 років тому +1

    i love this song! it has such a good beat! my mom used to have an old walkman where i listend 2 this song. it reminds me of a nice walk in central park on a sunny january day...:)

  • @changrinkim8194
    @changrinkim8194 9 років тому +4

    I found you through this song! Love your voice

  • @carcajoudalecarlia2186
    @carcajoudalecarlia2186 7 років тому +1

    Really cute!

  • @regisfernandez5882
    @regisfernandez5882 6 років тому +1


  • @hannahalberr2373
    @hannahalberr2373 2 роки тому

    Yes fan va bra de svänger 🤩😍🥰😘

  • @mphomakhalemele6096
    @mphomakhalemele6096 4 роки тому

    My favourite artist

  • @moifranckolivier6628
    @moifranckolivier6628 2 місяці тому

    Bons souvenirs S.R.

  • @sunglelive
    @sunglelive 9 років тому +7

    nice voice

  • @phunkybis
    @phunkybis 4 роки тому +1

    Lovely tune ! Thank you Lisa you are so talented .

  • @khaledlarnaout4432
    @khaledlarnaout4432 3 роки тому

    Very beautiful jazz

  • @nicomedy2010
    @nicomedy2010 2 роки тому +1

    happy bday ;-)

  • @poomanclancy9000
    @poomanclancy9000 11 років тому +1

    I love you're song, and i think i love you dear Lisa

  • @jaymorris4971
    @jaymorris4971 8 років тому +3

    Some random free 3 track cd that I can't remember how I got had this song on years ago now and this is still one of my all time favourite songs.

    • @ivanhustuft9687
      @ivanhustuft9687 7 років тому

      hi i think this song is on the Lisa Ekdahl at the Olympia, Paris album if you wonder best regards :) im really get into lisa-s work on english :)

  • @superrrrliz
    @superrrrliz 7 років тому +1


  • @soyeli
    @soyeli 11 років тому +1

    Very very nice

  • @adil5769
    @adil5769 3 роки тому

    Piano part, Piano Solo (even it is short) and after solo a few bass notes with Ronnie Gardiner(written on the drum) at drums super. One of the best version of the song.

  • @net60man
    @net60man 6 років тому

    Long time waiting

  • @fredrictengstrom5646
    @fredrictengstrom5646 10 років тому +2

    just luv t piano an dancers

  • @FlahDuds
    @FlahDuds 13 років тому +3

    I wish I had her voice

  • @danielhuber4953
    @danielhuber4953 11 років тому +3

    I defenitely LOVE Lisa. Just must check what we did ... LOVE

  • @RichardJagg-tr2pv
    @RichardJagg-tr2pv Рік тому

    Aragoste swedes recomdndando

  • @net60man
    @net60man 13 років тому

    Integritet fröken det är rätt härligt, så det här är rätt härligt.

  • @SteinRuneBjerkholt
    @SteinRuneBjerkholt Місяць тому


  • @Lipitoarea
    @Lipitoarea 13 років тому

    excelent:D love it:)

  • @fredrictengstrom5646
    @fredrictengstrom5646 10 років тому +2

    so much time

  • @asdfghjkl48873
    @asdfghjkl48873 6 років тому +4

    2018 here

  • @gunslinger861
    @gunslinger861 12 років тому

    wow i havent hear this in 12 years

  • @mrcountbasie
    @mrcountbasie 8 років тому +1

    Peter Nordahl piano, Ronnie Gardiner drums. Oskarsson bass ?

  • @catherinewolff7937
    @catherinewolff7937 10 років тому +8

    magnifique voix belle reprise contrairement à l'original de Billy Holliday

  • @Bojanmarsetic
    @Bojanmarsetic 11 років тому +3

    The Piano is literary fucking the sound space :)

  • @fredrictengstrom5646
    @fredrictengstrom5646 9 років тому

    Now. or Never.
    Tims runnin out

  • @billie44
    @billie44 9 років тому +5

    The piano player is good

  • @Rossie2023
    @Rossie2023 4 роки тому

    hey there baby make up your mind
    'cause i've been waiting such a long, long time
    now baby or never 'cause i been so good to you
    now baby or never 'cause i've been so lonesome, too
    now baby or never if i mean anything to you
    now baby or never 'cause i've wasted so much time
    now baby or never and you must make up your mind
    now baby or never it ain't no fault of mine
    it's got to be yes or no
    it's either you stay or go
    you can't leave me on the shelf
    you gotta commit yourself
    it's either you will, or you won't fall in love with me
    i'm gonna call you once more on the telephone
    i'll give you till twelve then i'll be gone
    now baby or never 'cause i been so good to you
    now baby or never i've been so lonesome, too
    now baby or never if i mean anything to you
    now baby or never 'cause i've wasted so much time
    now baby or never and you must make up your mind
    now baby or never it ain't no fault of mine
    it's got to be yes or no
    it's either you stay or go
    you can't leave me on the shelf
    you gotta commit yourself
    it's either you will, or you won't fall in love with me
    : it's got to be yes or no
    it's either you stay or go
    you can't leave me on the shelf
    you gotta commit yourself :
    it's either you will baby or won't
    you do baby or don't
    will baby or won't fall in love with me

  • @jocameron1440
    @jocameron1440 2 роки тому


  • @ShirosTamagotchi
    @ShirosTamagotchi 6 років тому

    is this an original from Lisa Ekdahl or a standard? couldn´t find it

  • @stephendevore
    @stephendevore 9 місяців тому

    Lisa, What was the reaction right at the end when you tilted your head way back and moved your mouth like you wanted to say something. What were you wanting to say? What is the explanation for the reaction? --Producer, Stephen/Steven.

    • @stephendevore
      @stephendevore 9 місяців тому

      Thoughts as an Executive (video) Producer: I cannot tell what some of the reactions are during the video; but during the video, it's sometimes distracting. The video is also only showing up on my browser at 480p which is perhaps too low of a resolution. Also, in this and another video, the video seemed out of focus where it should be in focus, on the singer. Also, if it's just an electronic slider going back and forth, maybe there is some other thing that can be done, like multiple takes of the same thing, but with the slider starting at the opposite end. Also set up multiple cameras at the same time, if there is any kind of actual performance by the band members. In the other video I saw, it artistically cut to moments with each performer (one supposes); that might be a perfect time, if they are just looking down and also into the camera, to put their name on screen. If you're already distracting the viewer from the song and from the performance, then (maybe) you might as well go all the way, IMO.
      I have more thoughts, if I were to be a Producer of one of these videos, or of a video-rerelease. -Stephen DeVore.

  • @GoodbyeStranger1
    @GoodbyeStranger1 11 років тому

    Why is B.B. King at drums?

  • @fleurdesel825
    @fleurdesel825 4 роки тому +1

    Nabokov n'est pas loin....

  • @fredrictengstrom5646
    @fredrictengstrom5646 9 років тому

    Know how

  • @janbekdevrim
    @janbekdevrim 12 років тому

    Bu kadına aşığım galiba.

  • @fredrictengstrom5646
    @fredrictengstrom5646 9 років тому

    Misstänkt pianist Jan Lundgren adept, elev till fd Bengt Hallberg ???!!! EllerJan Tengström

  • @RichardJagg-tr2pv
    @RichardJagg-tr2pv Рік тому

    Stranger than Fanny

  • @elkealbrich5380
    @elkealbrich5380 2 роки тому

  • @regisfernandez5882
    @regisfernandez5882 6 років тому


  • @manusia319
    @manusia319 6 років тому

    Triplets ride

  • @poomanclancy9000
    @poomanclancy9000 11 років тому

    french boy

  • @Herve1955
    @Herve1955 13 років тому

    So delicious ;)

  • @JörgGroß-s9f
    @JörgGroß-s9f 10 місяців тому

    Erfrischend anders