If I attend a live conert I go to be a part collective humanity, sharing an artistic experience with the audience, the artists.I don't expect to be able t o hear or see much, due to crowds etc. If I want to focus on the art alone, I listen to a good recording or video, at home, maybe even check out the actual musical score and lyrics, to better understand the true meaning of a song.
Bad Axel Rose vocal ruined the concert the only bright point was Slash on the top of his game I saw many peoples leaving midway through One positive was there was no riot again Bravo Vancouver😂
Its sounds better in person,went to show in nashville and was better than expected 7 out of 10 they still got it🤘
Great video, 👌 awesome
Missionária brasileira continua orando por Axl rose
Disse jesus meu filho amado rose estou te entregando um grande segredo receba este presente do céu
If I attend a live conert I go to be a part collective humanity, sharing an artistic experience with the audience, the artists.I don't expect to be able t o hear or see much, due to crowds etc. If I want to focus on the art alone, I listen to a good recording or video, at home, maybe even check out the actual musical score and lyrics, to better understand the true meaning of a song.
I l8ke how the visuals in this video show the reflection of Axl as he plays piano.
Quando eu orei por esta banda slash voltou missionaria brasileira
Disse jesus fui eu que exaltei está banda operando eu quem impedirá e escoili está missionária para orar po ela
Mil cairão ao teu lado e dez mil a tua direita mas tu não serás atingido disse jesus
Disse jesus meu filho mui amado rose escrevi para ti uma nova historia no brasil
E disse jesus entrei nesse barco e jamais sairei jesus usando esta missionária brasileira
Escute a voz de jesus na hora que nao lembra nada e no cilencio com ele diz a missionaria elineusa
With so many voices he used to have, i dont remember Mickey M. being one of them...
Joao pessoa te espera missionaria brasileira jesus falou ta falado
I rather he sounded like this instead of lipsync. I hate lip lync
Fale com jesus no cilencio para ele te da a resposta que preciza diz a missionaria elineusa
A missionária tá cansada de esperar venha resolver um mistério de jesus
Quando eu orei por esta banda slash voltou missionária brasileira
Disse jesus faço como eu quero sou eu que escrevo e apago
Couldn't hear a single song the whole time. Such horrible acoustics. Wayyyyy to loud.
Only discernable melodies were Slash's solos
Idoso axl...
Bad Axel Rose vocal ruined the concert the only bright point was Slash on the top of his game I saw many peoples leaving midway through
One positive was there was no riot again
Bravo Vancouver😂
Try make better