Relationship Advice For Women - Boost a Man's Confidence!

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @franzabananza
    @franzabananza 3 роки тому +890

    I love these series about men and masculinity. It’s much needed. No one talks about it in a positive way

    • @someonesomeone25
      @someonesomeone25 3 роки тому +8

      I think many men have just given up.

    • @LauraLoraVlogs
      @LauraLoraVlogs 3 роки тому +5


    • @joncolunga673
      @joncolunga673 3 роки тому +14

      Its cause Teal is smart enough to see how trying to get rid of a natural trait in a human being is a bad thing

    • @ninoslanguagejourney6002
      @ninoslanguagejourney6002 3 роки тому +10

      Well but the issue is she makes it often about men and women when it really isn't about that bht about BEING RESPECTFUL and learning how to communicate well. A women will react just as frustrated and defensive as a man if being critisized like "You never care about me" instead of being tolled "I feel lonely / needy recently and would love to get more quality time together"
      So while she pushed men up in a manner of "we need to consider his confidence and male energy" and critisizing at the same time fellow women off shopting ourself in the foot with "modern feminism attacks men", I think it is wuite toxic to call those kind of things she means "feminism". She actually is a REAL FEMINIST. Real feminism is about creating fair oppprtunitiea and treatment. NOT about trying to make us the same. Men and women do need each other and there is nothing wrong with holding up some "male" and "female" genderroles.
      As with maternity leave for example: If men where given fathers leave, they would get to be woth their kids and step up as dads at home. It would also lead to more women being able to chose to keep working while some men might chose to stay at home for a while. This would lead to better job opportunities and less of a gender wage gap. It would also create the opportunity for men to bond more eith their kids, which so far is often simply not an option, cause many families can't afford or don't want to afford childcare so of course the women who earns usually less will stay at home. It's not a choice. If it was a fair choice for a couple, I am sure that also the women chosing to stay at home would feel better about the choice as they know it wasn't out of a "forced" need. It also would mean that women would not "automatically" become the primary or single caretaker in dovirce cases.
      That's what feminism is about. Adjusting how we do things so we can all profit from the benefits of becoming equal in society.

    • @MathieuDeVinois
      @MathieuDeVinois 3 роки тому +1

      @someone someone it's quite black and white. Either you are attractive than one won't have a big challenge or one is not attractive that giving up is the only way to find a happy existence with one self. either you have it or not. I think it's thought in childhood and early teens. If you haven't learned it by then it's getting mostly impossible. with attractive or "it" I mean that thing that makes woman want a man. Must not be physical or money. It's that kind of perseption or energy. ...

  • @darthfiende1
    @darthfiende1 3 роки тому +324

    Woooooow. I thought I was doing the right thing by not burdening my husband with pleasing me, but I see now how I'm depriving him of confidence and masculine power. I watched my mother ball-bust all her husbands for being useless, so I did a 180 and fawned my way through my first relationship only to feel totally powerless and weak. Since then, my husband and I have both been mostly in our masculine, basically being independent together, trying not to burden each other with our needs. I've made any reliance on him an ego threat to my own inner masculine, a zero sum game. However, I can see now how it's blocked me to receiving nourishment and support that he's willing to provide and deprived him of a sense of efficacy and importance in my life. How strange to realize the first step to receiving the support you resent not having is to let yourself receive it. Thank you as always for your timely insight.

    • @MrKoiner
      @MrKoiner 3 роки тому +6

      Thank you, what an honesty. I think what we need the most in relationships (and beyond) is a positive sense and practice of power and beeing influential on one side (only seemingly self-understood / daily practice in the "spiritual community"), and of vulnerability, sensuality and beeing receptive on the other. And how to mutually play with both, depending on the situation (and psychological condition). That's the play of YIN/YANG - and we've actually not much of an idea about it.
      (I think, I know pretty well what it means that I'm personally moved to tears listening to this as a man.)

    • @Moesie
      @Moesie 3 роки тому

      Exactly, your a submessive femenine women. You only feel sexually satisfied if you recieve help from a masculine alpha male.
      No wonder why females that likes me ask for help. Even if its small.
      My co worker asked me if i could help her find some stuff.

    • @cassandrareedy7369
      @cassandrareedy7369 2 роки тому +1

      That guy who commented about you seems to have totally missed your point. Much love and luck on your journey!

    • @cassandrareedy7369
      @cassandrareedy7369 2 роки тому +8

      @@Moesie I think you totally missed the point. We need to allow the man to be dominant... Not want him to dominate us. Big difference.

    • @mastera6999
      @mastera6999 Рік тому +4

      @@cassandrareedy7369 a man's confidence is heightened when he knows he is needed ... its in our dna and not for the just his money b/c these days men are working more hrs and making less just to keep the house from sinking.... ask him to do things nicely with a touch of seductive way not in a nagging way... make him a sandwich or a lemonade drink or perhaps ask if he like a beer... a kiss in the cheek

  • @sdownin72
    @sdownin72 Рік тому +10

    I think you helped me nail down why I’ve never had any self-confidence.
    Outside of a somewhat isolated situation in college, I’ve never felt needed. My input has never felt valued or most time even wanted. Decisions I make are often second guessed or overruled by others.
    It’s hard to lead when life has shown you repeatedly that no one wants to follow.
    And you’re right. It KILLS a man’s confidence, and much of his masculinity.
    There were a brief couple of years during college where I felt like I’d found my tribe, and for the most part was appreciated, valued, and wanted. It -gave- me a purpose that I threw myself in to. Respect and value from the people you want it from is a SERIOUS confidence booster. And not getting it is a serious confidence killer.

  • @TealSwanOfficial
    @TealSwanOfficial  3 роки тому +38

    Incase You'd Like To Read About It Instead:

  • @oliviak.7977
    @oliviak.7977 3 роки тому +134

    Please adopt me. I appreciate this woman SO much !!

  • @Mrinkydink
    @Mrinkydink 3 роки тому +51

    I feel like the switch from "you did this and you suck for doing it because you made me feel bad" to "hey we need to talk about this thing that happened because when you did this I felt really bad and I feel like we should fix this so we're both happy" already is such a huge leap in the right direction. Be on the same team as your partner, folks.

    • @Sassy387
      @Sassy387 Рік тому +2

      We all know how well men handle the can we talk about this from their women.

    • @Tatiana-xi9gb
      @Tatiana-xi9gb 8 днів тому

      I’m actually not sure about it. I believe it would still depend on a man as well. When I tried talking about my feelings if anything he did made me feel hurt, he took it as a personal attack on him, got super defensive and then blamed it all on me. And I was VERY supportive and understanding, especially in the beginning but if nothing changes, the fuel just runs out… 😢

    • @Mrinkydink
      @Mrinkydink 8 днів тому +1

      @@Tatiana-xi9gb you're absolutely right! It only works if both parties are sensitive to one another's needs. Even if your partner feels hurt by you sharing your needs, that doesn't mean he can disregard them. Both people should be happy in the relationship and both people are responsible for making that happen.

  • @bastardsonofretkillr
    @bastardsonofretkillr 3 роки тому +126

    Thank you wife is awesome we’ve been married 41 years...I blame her for our fantastic relationship

    • @BrooklynBaby100
      @BrooklynBaby100 2 роки тому +2

      Glad to know you didn’t screw it up 💜 like most guys do.

    • @IkesPimpHand
      @IkesPimpHand 2 роки тому +2

      @@BrooklynBaby100 most women. Women are the ones who file for divorce the most.

    • @BrooklynBaby100
      @BrooklynBaby100 2 роки тому

      @@IkesPimpHand So?

    • @IkesPimpHand
      @IkesPimpHand 2 роки тому

      @@BrooklynBaby100 so you lied. It's women who screw it up.

    • @BrooklynBaby100
      @BrooklynBaby100 2 роки тому +3

      @@IkesPimpHand Sigh*, just because someone files doesn’t mean they are the ones that ruined it. Let that sink in for a little while.

  • @Shoshow
    @Shoshow 3 роки тому +6

    The women's side of why they resist confidence was a slap on my face.. So thanku for that Teal.. I love you❤️

  • @42Channel42
    @42Channel42 3 роки тому +11

    Thank you, Teal. Your understanding of the modern power dynamics between men and women is critical to saving society. You are the only person I’ve heard touch on exactly what is wrong and how to fix it. I’ve learned a lot!

  • @RaduP3
    @RaduP3 3 роки тому +3

    I absolutely respect and love the fact that you are talking about these things that are currently demonized in our society, being a woman yourself. Most of the women remain passive when abuse towards men (as individuals or towards the collective) happens, as it is currently. I know and understand as well that women are also paying a price long-term for this "movement" that is happening, but most of them don't say anything and just live their life benefiting from the pro-sides of what is happening, being unaware of the dark consequences upon themselves as well. But you speaking about it, standing up for us man, letting aside the indirect positives for both genders, brings for me the most respect for you. Thank you so much. I know that people trust you and that is why this is very important. Wish you the best, Teal.

  • @Tatyana_Co
    @Tatyana_Co 3 роки тому +19

    Wow! You've put in words the exact dynamic of my husband's and I relationship. This video is priceless for couples! At least a year of marriage therapy in one video! 🙏

    • @Tatyana_Co
      @Tatyana_Co 3 роки тому +6

      @@Vention1MGTOW we are complicated beings for sure... This is why I find it extremely important to be able to self- reflect... Enjoy the sunshine and good luck with your recovery! 🙏

    • @robertallencarl4770
      @robertallencarl4770 3 роки тому

      please, can we chat private?

  • @alexisguerrero7551
    @alexisguerrero7551 3 роки тому +5

    You hit the nail on that men are not the same as men before and this was actually spoken on the Candence Owen show pod cast and documentaries speaking about gmos and how certain chemicals affect men in increasing estrogen, men are not men because of the increase in estrogen that comes from the environment and food and yes most products in plastics and other things increase estrogen in men which effected this generation and going forward. that is something that needs to be mention in further videos Miss Swan and as always fantastic video!

    • @inthenebula92
      @inthenebula92 3 роки тому +2

      I had the exact same thought watching this video and recently--testosterone levels have been plummeting for decades. It's been on my mind as well because I've been watching Survivor and skipping around on seasons. When I've watched older seasons, men are men as I remember in my adolescence--stronger, more together. You watch newer seasons and the men are crying MORE than the women. Of course there are a lot of factors coming into play, including how the game has changed and who they cast; and I don't think it's per se healthier when men are suppressed. But something seems to be in the water so to speak . . .

    • @scabiesandrabies
      @scabiesandrabies 3 роки тому +1

      Everything in society is designed to increase serotonin and lower testosterone

    • @lextor4712
      @lextor4712 3 роки тому

      You got it, it's true. Testosterone levels are on a massive decline on average since 20 years or more. Now you need to ask yourself why and who benefits from that.

    • @lextor4712
      @lextor4712 3 роки тому +1

      @@scabiesandrabies Not only that but to make you Dopamin addicted as well.

    • @alexisguerrero7551
      @alexisguerrero7551 3 роки тому +1

      @@lextor4712 I hope teal makes a mention of this information in later videos.

  • @oliviasmit2657
    @oliviasmit2657 3 роки тому +2

    I so totally agree with you and have always thought the same about this. What I think is confusing is that on one hand we are told as women by love coaches everywhere, to NEVER tell a man you need him or be needy because it 'scares them away' but on the other hand we need to show them we actually DO need them. Its confusing.

    • @Sebastian_Gecko
      @Sebastian_Gecko 2 роки тому

      Don't tell him you need him. Tell him about your needs and give him the opportunity to fulfill them.

  • @Ninja4az
    @Ninja4az 3 роки тому +3

    I think I was slow at learning that my own ideologies shouldn't be twisted to appease another but accepted. Also to accept another person as they are instead of trying to condition them into believing what I do, we are love and that's what we are at the core regardless of our egos selfish misguided desires for life. 💕

  • @carriehobbes2448
    @carriehobbes2448 3 роки тому +2

    Earlier this week ... “FFS how much healing and inner work do I have to do before life gets better? It feels ENDLESS. Aaaargh!”
    Watching this episode of Teal Swan : “Woah. I have ZERO resistance to the idea of caretaking a man’s confidence now. I used to have so much anger and hurt and grief around being let down by men. I didn’t realise how much of that has already healed until this video.
    What a great idea - I love how it feels to be supported by divine masculine energy. And it feels natural to be an ally to a man’s confidence.
    Hang on, for the first time in YEARS, there’s a portion of a video by Teal that just doesn’t apply to me anymore, because I spent years working to heal wounds around my own femininity and now actively have confident good men around me in my life.
    I guess all the inner work I have done IS working. Teehee! Got the message universe!”
    Thank you for being my guide Teal, you have helped me heal so much around my life experience as a woman. Have a good weekend sister! 🙂🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

  • @toddvogt8416
    @toddvogt8416 Рік тому +1

    Brilliant. This puts a finger on something I’ve known but have never heard articulated. Thank you

  • @melaniesmith2261
    @melaniesmith2261 3 роки тому +6

    I’ve always loved your work Teal, I’ve been studying this for years and masculine/feminine polarity is my favourite subject

    • @camatyleon
      @camatyleon 2 роки тому

      Do you have any recommendations on books or other people that also talk about this??

  • @TP-ie3hj
    @TP-ie3hj 11 місяців тому

    I cant believe how accurate and simple this is when listed out this way. I know all men could tell you how when these things happen the success that they have is through the roof. Without it, the fall is a long one. I am now learning to derive it on my own. Perhaps that could be another video? For those of us who spent decades with others and had no idea that such a list existed.

  • @riube28
    @riube28 3 роки тому +4

    I wish there was a love buton for this!! ❤ If heeded, this advice can save so many relationships, which would lead to a safer home environment for a lot of kids, which would so greatly improve the world at large.. It's funny how people sometimes think of relationship advice and relational intelligence as 'not that important', almost second place... When in fact it is the bedrock of human experience. Another thing Teal gets right :)

  • @michelleraymond3626
    @michelleraymond3626 3 роки тому +5

    Thank you for this 🙏🏼 Could you do a video about women? I'm curious for myself about what a woman needs to feel confident in a relationship.

  • @jm8186
    @jm8186 Рік тому

    You say all the things I've known somehow but never put into words or had the confidence in myself to even think to say out loud.
    You're amazing, so happy to have discovered your channel.
    Thank you for doing what you do and being who you are ❤️!

  • @annaschafermeier6670
    @annaschafermeier6670 3 роки тому +4

    Amazing. Would love to see the video about weakness & men!! ❤️ ❤️

  • @mihaelazlate4729
    @mihaelazlate4729 3 роки тому +1

    Dear, thank you for your work and what you gave for free to people, today for the first time in 35 years of life i don't live with the fear of my parents and their mental abuse, Because of your videos my boundries are high enough that i cannot accept the abuse anymore, thank you.

  • @richbarrett6380
    @richbarrett6380 3 роки тому +3

    Saturday mornings are not complete without a dose of Teal sagacity..

  • @jmforeveryoung
    @jmforeveryoung 3 роки тому +1

    You nailed it Teal! Seems like most women don’t get this. A man can rebuild his own confidence but if his woman doesn’t stop her critical habit, he will most definitely withdraw from her.

  • @alexfeldman5146
    @alexfeldman5146 3 роки тому +182

    A woman's highest calling is to lead man to his soul so as to unite him with source. A man's highest calling is to protect woman so she is free to walk the earth unharmed. Cute no?

    • @akiinefaexperiencinglife
      @akiinefaexperiencinglife 3 роки тому +2


    • @Moonbunny55
      @Moonbunny55 3 роки тому +3

      I’ve read that before and loved it! Still do. Nice to read it again.

    • @Monikainlove
      @Monikainlove 3 роки тому +8

      that sounds awful

    • @alexfeldman5146
      @alexfeldman5146 3 роки тому +3

      @@Monikainlove I hear, it’s a Cherokee proverb, for those who are in that space it could help no? Called owning it no? 😁

    • @Lea941
      @Lea941 3 роки тому +2

      Yes! A wonderful Native American proverb

  • @deerinheadlights9784
    @deerinheadlights9784 3 роки тому +1

    I still can’t believe how few subscribers you have for the content you create. Thank you Teal 💕🙏🏽

  • @janbalaban5268
    @janbalaban5268 3 роки тому +3

    Even better, priceless advice: Don't treat man like your divorced mother treated you father.
    And than maybe, just maybe, will not be answer of divorced men to question "best best event in your life?" :
    "Divorce. I lost my wife, my house, my kids, but i won my freedom and MY LIFE back"

  • @kheilawarheart
    @kheilawarheart 5 місяців тому

    Excellent excellent video Teal, as always.
    I see if watched this before, probably meant years ago and i know then I'd have watched it much more underdeveloped than I am now.
    It is incredible to come back and see how the lessons you've taught me are now part of my modus operandi.
    Just this morning my partner's child part who hated school and feeling powerless was very activated, having to do a course he felt he shouldn't have to need to do.
    I automatically care took his confidence and sense of leadership, led him to lead his child part and teach him how to approach responsibility as a man and remember that he's intelligent and knows how to take this situation as an opportunity to gain advantage. He's now teaching his anxious-angry child part that he's still in control and they're being curious together about looking for opportunities to take advantage. He also realised the course will be easy because it is more about a certificate in commonsense, rather than an academic challenge.
    Anyway, thank you Teal.
    Your excellence in teaching makes me a better women immeasurably, and that leads my man to himself, and now we're part of a better more conscious world.
    I love you sister. Thank you❤

  • @haleyhez
    @haleyhez 3 роки тому +6

    I clicked on Teal's sexuality playlist this morning thinking, "I'd love it if she did more advice videos for women." WELL WHADDYA KNOW UNIVERSE

  • @MT-uf8xh
    @MT-uf8xh 3 роки тому +1

    This is weird for you, thank you for being vulnerable and open. Your walls were up for so long. Grateful that a good man has come to you, you deserve.

  • @Featherasalight
    @Featherasalight 3 роки тому +3

    Brilliant teal thank you!! I love when you said confidence reveals his character

  • @parththakkar9383
    @parththakkar9383 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much Teal for this video!

  • @happylindsay4475
    @happylindsay4475 3 роки тому +1

    🎯 the synchronicity was real Teal!!
    Thank you 💯😊

  • @h23456ify
    @h23456ify 3 роки тому +3

    Teal, how do I step into my Divine Feminine?
    I always hated being a "young lady" as a kid bc/ I saw how my mom was treated badly, as a result, I became "sporty" & hated the color pink.
    One guy friend, I had a crush on brought my feminine energy out for the first time. That energy was way more powerful than the masculinity I always tried to prove.

    • @TheSapphireLeo
      @TheSapphireLeo Рік тому

      Related to this? Stop fearing the illusion of things in pessimism of "survival mode", and only as self-defense, as a last resort? Try enjoying nature and flowers and animals, more, if not already? Only the good bits of animation, which could still have colonial coding?

  • @Beatrice_bb
    @Beatrice_bb 3 роки тому

    Somebody has to made Teal a SAINT.
    Infinitely THANK YOU.

  • @phillipmeredith6101
    @phillipmeredith6101 3 роки тому +3

    With boys opting out of society and male suicide rates through the roof, the feminist message we are 'useless and monsters' has done tremendous damage. Men and boys need what Teal is talking about here. We don't want you to be our sole support, we just want to know we did well and we are valued. We quite literally want you challenge us with being better. Just don't kick us when we do our best and need another go at it. Don't hold our hand in everything, just cheer us on now and then. :)

  • @SkillofAttraction
    @SkillofAttraction 2 роки тому

    Great advice! While it's really the man's job to build his own confidence, a supportive woman & cheerleader in his corner can really help a lot! Plus, in today's society it's quite rare to hear a woman suggesting this to other women. 👍🏻

  • @Thunderroad8517
    @Thunderroad8517 Рік тому

    Thank you so much for this content. I am learning and being able to identify the problems that I’m having that has resulted in the loss of my marriage. I am trying to be a confident man but sometimes it’s fleeting. I have childhood traumas that have been triggered by my in-laws. I want to heal all those things to be able to maybe help people too. I am a mechanic a prayer walker and a Sundancer. I have value! I’m just faltering under the toxic environment that I have been living in for too long. I really need help that don’t cost a fortune. I don’t know that you will ever see this comment. I just thank you so much for your work to help people and diffuse the bs. Peace to you!

  • @radicalhonesty3628
    @radicalhonesty3628 2 роки тому +1

    as I watch this video,
    what arises in me,
    is longing and desire...
    and an immense and intense
    ache inside my soul...
    I pray magical blessings
    in the lives of myself
    and my true love (whom I am yet to meet).
    may him and I, both experience magical transformation
    and new levels of enlightenment and bliss...
    and may that lead us to each other, very-very soon!
    and may you, as well, beloved reader, be blessed, too...

  • @farukdee7502
    @farukdee7502 Рік тому

    For me, this is an excellent breakdown of what I understand about myself, the men and the women around me, and the relationships we all share. Also, I have always thought that I just wanted a woman who understands herself, but truly, I also want one who, in understanding herself, she understands the effect she has on her man, i.e., me.

  • @rosew6755
    @rosew6755 3 роки тому +4

    Thank you so much Teal! This does explain a lot about my own relationship.

    • @rosew6755
      @rosew6755 3 роки тому

      @@Vention1MGTOW what does that have to do with me and my relationship?

    • @rosew6755
      @rosew6755 3 роки тому +1

      @@Vention1MGTOW not meaning to sound rude but idk if you were responding to me

  • @cyberninjasworld
    @cyberninjasworld 2 роки тому

    I´m a woman and all these things listed help me a lot and relieve my depression lol. I wish someone would support me in any one of them. I wish someone made videos telling others to help people like me in these ways. A reason why women don't want to do this for men is because we are starved for all that ourselves and yet we are asked to help men, as Teal mentions.... on the other hand I wish everyone supported each other in these ways in general.... Having said this , this was helpful to understand men better and I intend to do more of that with the valuable men I do know even if just as friends.

  • @Jessica-fj1zc
    @Jessica-fj1zc 3 роки тому +3

    needed this 😍 thank you teal. very confirming for some thoughts I’ve been having.

  • @MareBear80
    @MareBear80 2 роки тому

    This is wonderful! So many amazing truths condensed in this video. 💕I particularly appreciated the comment about ensuring a man has autonomy and knowing that he won’t lose connection. I have been fortunate to finally meet the love of my life at age 41. I am conscientious about boosting his confidence in every way I can. Luckily, he is already a confident man, which attracts me even more😊 This video is wonderful at pointing out lots of creative ways to nurturing him. Thank you 🙏🏻

  • @PacificNWGrl
    @PacificNWGrl 3 роки тому +2

    Power doesn’t change who someone is it reveals who they always were
    Wow....: thanks for this

  • @MrKoiner
    @MrKoiner 3 роки тому

    Brilliant. Thank you.
    I think, I know pretty well what it means that I'm moved to tears listening to this as a man. (Ladies, get real.) Guys, it's one thing to see HER criticism as "testing Shiva" (as f. e. David Deida explains it so nicely), and another to take it with humor and love, take it without enforcement and eventually self-humiliation.

  • @makennapainter3200
    @makennapainter3200 4 місяці тому

    this is gold. thank you!

  • @Cvfdsx
    @Cvfdsx 3 роки тому +4

    When i was young i worked in the construction industry. I wish to tell all you women out there, that in all those years, not ones did i hear a man talk disrespectful of a girlfriend or a wife. For the last 20 years i been working as at teacher. Surrounded by a lot off women. And man, often I've felt myself almost drowning in a tsunami of despise and raw hatered toward the women's own spouses. Last year I've was standing in the midst of such an "debate" of how disgusting it was with the husbands sexual urges. When heard the women next to me whispering, "One would miss to be desired if it disappeared thou." No one heard her but me. I looked at her an tried to tell her with my eyes, "Don't worry youre betrayal stay between us"😑

  • @jhan094
    @jhan094 Рік тому

    This video deserves a million views

  • @OrlandoVidali
    @OrlandoVidali 3 роки тому +1

    Another gem, Teal. Thank you.

  • @mihaleban1480
    @mihaleban1480 3 роки тому

    Teal u are genious!!!! As a man can confirm that everything what u said is 100 true!

  • @pereleloffler9014
    @pereleloffler9014 3 роки тому

    Thank you, Teal! I love when you speak the truth on such sensitive topics. I pray to God that i be a source of confidence to my man. May God bless us all

  • @freshfishism
    @freshfishism 3 роки тому

    Hey Teal, I felt this video was rather synchronistic. I watched it with my partner and our discussion afterwards, quickly turned into a heated defensive argument. In brief, he initially dismissed the video and saw no relation to our situation. Where I, on the other hand, found this incredible parallel to our experience. As if your illustrated depiction described the very subconscious piece that was causing us conflict and we couldn't quite uncover on our own. My nervous system is in flight or fight right now and I now feel threatened by my incompatibility with a partner I feel dependant on. When sharing the video, I was intending it to be used as a directional talking piece to our healing not a reason to leave. Ahh. eek.
    What am I defending against? maybe against the fact that I feel a lack of my own confidence and unable to carry the two of us beyond my shame if he's not able to understand the complexity. Bless you and your crew. Peace and love sister. Natalie

  • @alessia3176
    @alessia3176 3 роки тому +1

    Perfect timing! Thank you!!!

  • @marieclaire7995
    @marieclaire7995 3 роки тому +3

    Man's confidence and his masculinity!!!!

  • @KarimKarim-xy9py
    @KarimKarim-xy9py 3 роки тому +1

    We love you Teal.

  • @teriward2589
    @teriward2589 3 роки тому +1

    Oh my God Teal you nailed it thank you so much that was very enlightening.

  • @aspiringrootwoman24
    @aspiringrootwoman24 7 місяців тому

    16:24 this idea of containment is both new and intriguing to me.

  • @sukran96
    @sukran96 3 роки тому +2

    Another highly senseful insight on relationships from beautiful Teal. It is a shame that mindless feminism which believes women would be empowered through a bold competition with men, crippled the men, especially kind and nice ones. Feminism is not to compete with men, it is to compete with one’s self to become the better and more powerful version of self. We have to be so strong to be able to give birth to babies for God’s sake. Men and women should govern with different kind of leaderships in a relationship: Men are to make women feel safe and loved; and women are to make men feel powerful and confident. Only a confident man could bring out his love in full without any hesitation. I believe it is women have to be strong to establish such balance in a relationship because how we will take care of a baby if we are not strong enough to make a man feel confident, self-assured and competent among other men. Anyway.. thanks Teal. I love you. ❤️💕

  • @ser2374
    @ser2374 2 роки тому

    Extra helpful thank you

  • @666bro
    @666bro 3 роки тому +2

    Damn... now I know why I had so many problems with my ex. Tks TS

  • @natureandsoulwomban
    @natureandsoulwomban 3 роки тому

    Thank you so much!!! Ive expirienced this so much.
    The fear of helping a Man step into his masculinity has eaten me alive. He migh just go to some other female.. I wish I could have a one on one conversation. Yoy speak truth and say what I could never have Words to express. Thank you so much for existing ✨✨✨✨✨✨

  • @reeo5756
    @reeo5756 3 роки тому +3

    I wonder about the dynamics of a potential relationship involving a disabled man and non-disabled woman... Even if their personalities “click”, is this situation doomed to eventually fail?

  • @Jay-Jones
    @Jay-Jones 3 роки тому

    I know no one who understands both genders so well like you, Teal. I've learned a lot from you over the 2 years

    • @joshuaadamstithakayoutubel2490
      @joshuaadamstithakayoutubel2490 3 роки тому

      People draw this kind of information from experience, and we all have very different experiences. Teal would agree with me about this. "I thought [colors] was the same for everyone, but it sure as hell isn't." - Teal Swan

  • @bendavisson1264
    @bendavisson1264 3 роки тому +5

    Thank God for Teal. Hey ladies watching this video...hit me up!

  • @strandedinseattle9931
    @strandedinseattle9931 3 роки тому +1

    Speaking from experience, in a 12 yr relationship currently. Listen to Teal Swan with this. Helping my partner get his confidence back was a huge game changer and saved us from a horrible end. It had affected every facet of our life together, but now he is confident and happy and the person I fell in love with. Confidence is the key!

    • @blue_sky_bright_sun7599
      @blue_sky_bright_sun7599 3 роки тому

      But he didn't think that HE could take charge of it and do it. It was you who did the emotional labor and put the work in FOR BOTH and he reaped the benefits.🤔

    • @strandedinseattle9931
      @strandedinseattle9931 3 роки тому +1

      @@blue_sky_bright_sun7599 Not at all, please don't jump to conclusions about what effort either of us put into saving our relationship. It takes two to make it work, one person cannot carry a relationship and have it be fulfilling and successful. I did not fluff his ego until he felt confident and then everything was fine and dandy.
      What I can say is that he lost confidence in himself on so many levels that he was but a shell of a man. I didn't understand what was happening to him until much later, or what behavioral patterns I was stuck in which contributed to his mindset. Once we both had better tools and better channels of communication, we worked hard for nearly three years now to make things good for both of us. Do not mistake me, it took a lot of work on both sides together.
      Now we are closer than we have ever been and are in a perpetual honeymoon phase (for lack of better phrasing). We are secure and happy, affectionate and doting, and always learning how to better our relationship in different ways. We reap the benefits together.

    • @blue_sky_bright_sun7599
      @blue_sky_bright_sun7599 3 роки тому

      @@strandedinseattle9931 I am glad for you that you're happy. But from what you said again, sound like he didn't do.any work on himself and things improved because YOU took charge of things and CHANGED YOURSELF and the WAY you interact with him. What was his 50/50 part in reaching this honeymoon phase?.

    • @strandedinseattle9931
      @strandedinseattle9931 3 роки тому +1

      @@blue_sky_bright_sun7599 I said I helped him. Helping someone is not "taking charge and doing all of the work for them."
      I never implied I forced him to change, nor that I did all the work to make him change, or even told him it was time to change. That implication all came from you, 100%.
      I don't want to make this personal, but maybe you should ask yourself why you are projecting that onto someone else (a stranger, even) and their happy relationship. Is this a reflection of your own relationship or something you went through? I hope you learn something about yourself from your answer and that you benefit by it.
      Thank you for the interaction. Take care. =)

    • @blue_sky_bright_sun7599
      @blue_sky_bright_sun7599 3 роки тому

      @@strandedinseattle9931 Ofc it's a reflection from my own life. We all speak based upon our experiences..I just replied to your post because it sounded that you were the one doing all the emotional labor on the relationship when it should be 50/50. 🙂 Take care too

  • @raymondearnestlong8822
    @raymondearnestlong8822 3 роки тому

    Team work makes dream work 👊❤

  • @Searcheroftruth_seer
    @Searcheroftruth_seer 3 роки тому

    Amazing video teal tells it as it is ! TRUTH

  • @bruceprigge5212
    @bruceprigge5212 2 роки тому

    Thank you! 🙂

  • @Beccanator007
    @Beccanator007 2 роки тому

    Hallelujah & thank you Teal, this was exactly the message I needed to help me with my current situation! Praise goddess for bringing you into my life! 💙💚💙

  • @blueblack8240
    @blueblack8240 3 роки тому +2

    What’s the confidence equivalent for women’s? (Like what women need) xx

  • @Yulandapotee423
    @Yulandapotee423 3 роки тому

    I love this coming from Teal. She covers a lot from her perspective ❤️

  • @rereshelton8866
    @rereshelton8866 3 роки тому

    Excellent! Thank you for sharing your gift of understanding.

  • @jessadams4806
    @jessadams4806 3 роки тому

    Thank you so much for your videos. We all appreciate you very much.

  • @Idkjustyet
    @Idkjustyet 3 роки тому

    Being confident is a great thing 😌 I love a confident man because im not trying to deal with ego issues & secret competition. It’s weird and it makes me cringe

  • @OlGa51431
    @OlGa51431 3 роки тому

    12.20min. Thank you for highlighting this.
    Please, can u list a few of your videos which could give me some hints on how to become better at this? Might be that I have seen them already, that they link to self-trust and childhood experience and so on. (I am gonna watch those three below ur video now.)
    Thank you, Teal. Have a good week :).
    Ps: after 2h or so of watching those videos that refer to other videos i think i have got enough material to understand and apply in my life, tx.

  • @angelacadieux1972
    @angelacadieux1972 2 роки тому

    I needed this! 💔😢

  • @tanja5208
    @tanja5208 3 роки тому +4

    Question: why strong women attract man who is not strong? Is it becouse they operate more in masculine energy or is it becouse they need to integrate that part of themselfs?
    Thank's Teal!!

    • @Monikainlove
      @Monikainlove 3 роки тому

      opposites attract

    • @7sons484
      @7sons484 3 роки тому +1

      A strong woman is a feminine woman. In 2021 women seem to think ''strong'' means taking on masculine traits. A strong man has no interest in competing with his mate and isn't attracted to masculine traits.

    • @tanja5208
      @tanja5208 3 роки тому +1

      @@mattis1389 Thank you for commenting, it is interesting point.

    • @mattis1389
      @mattis1389 3 роки тому

      @@tanja5208 your welcome. I deleted my comment cause I thought no it can't be both realy at the same time. Like either you being more in your masculine isnt tottaly natural to you and its an overcompensation. And you need to integrate or come into your feminine more. And the men being weaker is just a mirror of that.
      Or it's actually just natural to you and your actually just more masculine or strong even in relationship with men.
      The point is either way I believe the partner will balance it out by being more in the opposite sexual energy.
      If it's a mirror for integration or not.

    • @tanja5208
      @tanja5208 3 роки тому +1

      @@mattis1389 it is ok, Im on my path to work on that specific thing and I want to understand more about that subject. So every advice can be potental to think from a different perspective :)

  • @avagencheva8354
    @avagencheva8354 3 роки тому

    Truly brilliant, Teal! Respects girl🙏🙏

  • @MT-gm1kf
    @MT-gm1kf 3 роки тому

    "Behind every great man is a great woman" and vice versa!

  • @robertlopez6092
    @robertlopez6092 3 роки тому +1

    12:53 this is good advice for everyone actually.

  • @joku3438
    @joku3438 3 роки тому +1

    You speak my thoughts 💭

  • @GoOutside321
    @GoOutside321 3 роки тому

    This is wonderful insight Teal, thank you 🙏

  • @Martin.Lazo.Ireland
    @Martin.Lazo.Ireland 3 роки тому +4

    Great videobTeal🙏🏻What about LGBT relationships and “roles”. How do we ho about it?

  • @WombToWorld
    @WombToWorld 3 роки тому

    When I clicked on this video there was 777 comments!!! Alignment

  • @DamianHinkson
    @DamianHinkson 3 роки тому +7

    Are you trying to get canceled by the feminist movement..... lol great content...thank you for your view point Teal.

  • @jeffreyrafuse6950
    @jeffreyrafuse6950 3 роки тому

    I'm so deeply grateful for having this today 🙏 💫 your exceptionally wonderful and I remembered you from years since I first saw you 💐
    I agree with all you presented here so much, and you are massively attractive because you embody this insight or knowledge, it makes you spiritual and physical beauty and is nice 💕 thank you again so much, I'm single but I love this subject of relationships and I want to meet a beautiful woman.. ✌💞

  • @TruepathTarot
    @TruepathTarot 3 роки тому +1

    Interesting. A brave conversation (for my generation). Thank you!

  • @btwthblood
    @btwthblood Рік тому

    100% agree

  • @alaiaadam5767
    @alaiaadam5767 3 роки тому +1

    02:58 On
    03:40 Might be work that cause decrease in confidence

  • @kristensmagicalcreations
    @kristensmagicalcreations 3 роки тому

    So so good !! 🙌💙🙌

  • @windarcher6294
    @windarcher6294 3 роки тому

    Thank you for this Teal, lot of informations and lessons 🙏

  • @lynschoe9727
    @lynschoe9727 3 роки тому

    Thank you so much. I like the idea confidence reveals qualities and creating allies as been unsafe wanted to create a king

  • @joemartinezjr.6692
    @joemartinezjr.6692 Рік тому


  • @davidakshay2024
    @davidakshay2024 Рік тому

    YIN AND YANG I AM A WHITE AND BLACK KNIGHT!! Now when I say Black Knight....I'm Not an Evil Person. I AM A LIGHT AND DARK EMPATH!!

  • @burtsmith6452
    @burtsmith6452 3 роки тому

    I love you, Teal!

  • @a3jones
    @a3jones 3 роки тому

    like # 999 flipped to 1k. i never make these comments but i’m taking this as a sign! 🙏🙏

  • @peacefulachievers
    @peacefulachievers 3 роки тому

    🙏🏽❤️❤️ thanks for this. Genius.

  • @emmelinepitcher6721
    @emmelinepitcher6721 3 роки тому

    Love you Teal X