
  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2024
  • In this section of the Olivet Discourse, we consider Jesus' Warning Parables. As we examine the text, let's remember that while the church escapes judgment, many are left to suffer the Great Tribulation. We must be righteous, be ready, and be responsible.
    This teaching is from our series Matthew - 2011 with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Church.


  • @viking_boer8474
    @viking_boer8474 2 роки тому +6

    Brilliant in deep study and teaching on Matthew 24 - You did not "SKIP" anything. Thank you and God bless you Brother Skip Heitzig.
    May the Lord bless you
    and keep you;
    May He make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you;
    May He turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.
    SHALOM and Maranatha

  • @Saved777Sinner
    @Saved777Sinner Рік тому

    God bless Skip! Thank you Lord for giving Skip wisdom. I bible study with him everyday at work and have learned so much from him. Expound is amazing

  • @samuelnhaokip955
    @samuelnhaokip955 Рік тому

    Listening to Skip has always been a blessing. May God continue to bless him to be a blessing for all!

  • @Wendy-jc1zz
    @Wendy-jc1zz Рік тому

    Amen!!! I was so deceived and didn’t know what I didn’t know. Jesus thank You for Your anointing flowing through Pastor Skip. I pray in Your Mighty Name You keep him safe and his family and protect them from the evil one.
    I pray everyone hears it starts with asking the Holy Spirit to help us let You love us…many of us never knew love and Your Love is Jaw-dropping/overwhelmingly from above. I pray this in Your Name Jesus according to Your will Abba Father, my redeemer. Amen (tine to get back to being busy so I hope Siri didn’t change my thumbed words…not proofread).

  • @audreypowell318
    @audreypowell318 Рік тому

    Thank you for teaching TRUTH ❤

  • @TedTurner2023
    @TedTurner2023 5 років тому +9

    I have read about people who date set. I don't like it at all because I think of it this way. Let's say a new believer listens to one of these people, and then when the day comes and goes and the rapture didn't happen, they could walk away from the Lord because of this? Thank you for going over the Jewish wedding to explain the context of the parable. Great Bible Study

    • @tanimm2902
      @tanimm2902 3 роки тому

      Very clear explanation 👍 we thank you God for your love and passion to teach us...

    • @myrticeharris3126
      @myrticeharris3126 3 роки тому

      My heart is rejoying at the word. It is so motivating.

  • @Wendy-jc1zz
    @Wendy-jc1zz Рік тому

    Oh my gosh you sounded exactly like Keith Green at 54 min mark. Being “concise” is not my forte, yet my prayer & belief that the Holy Spirit will empower me. I haven’t heard Keith Green in quite awhile. When I was 1st saved in 1988 I was given his tape & it was used BIGTIME as spiritual milk. Last night, praising and in awe of what Jesus did and is doing in my life, I was Praising God in my place singing Keith Green song verbatim….God planted it in my heart. My walk past few years (when was 1st noticed by me) after Jesus left the 99 to bring me back into His fold, arms and will, several of those songs have been belted out of my heart …I thank God for good insulation or great neighbors because I can’t stop Praising our Lord and Savior, Redeemer, Everything. When I did things my way, I’m not sure in fact I’m sure I wouldn’t have understood this amazing Expound and wisdom. Oh Praise God, thank You Holy Spirit for ears to hear and for understanding and more knowledge of You…that’s all I want, and to share it with all Your children that don’t yet know they are adopted by You Abba Father. I pray Your saving, ever changing blood flows through us, protects us, uses us for Your will to bring Your chosen souls to Your kingdom according to Your will

  • @gingerlanger9551
    @gingerlanger9551 2 роки тому

    Everything I buy new gets a ding within the first week for as long as I can remember. It reminds me that nothing is perfect except God. Everything else is flawed. The dings are His reminder to me to keep seeking Him not things.

  • @rogercloud6003
    @rogercloud6003 4 місяці тому

    Matthew 16:28
    “Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.”

  • @OmexSitolo-mo1wz
    @OmexSitolo-mo1wz Рік тому


  • @caelachyt
    @caelachyt 3 роки тому +1

    The "taken" (the rapture) in verse 40 is the Greek word "paralambanó".
    That means - "to take to, to take with one's self, to join to one's self": "an associate, a companion" (Strong's)
    See how this aligns with the rapture as our Lord joins us unto Himself. This is fetching one's companion.
    The phrase "took them all away" (the flood) in verse 39 is the Greek word "airō".
    That means - "to raise up, elevate, lift up ": "to take upon one's self and carry what has been raised up, to bear ".
    This taking is simply "removing". This is a burden, not a companion.
    Verse 32 starts the parable of the fig tree which speaks of the generation existing when these signs occur, saying it will not pass until all the events described are fulfilled. Then, the context changes from the dire situation described before leading to the Second Coming. It speaks of life being normal, not beset with the wrath or the Sun and Moon's light being extinguished. It fashions Christ coming like a thief, in stealth, not in glory with all nations witnessing His approach.
    From verse 37 on speaks of the rapture as it fits in with the entire end times period.

  • @7thangelad586
    @7thangelad586 2 роки тому +2

    Matthew 25

  • @christopherwalls4337
    @christopherwalls4337 9 місяців тому

    I can't help but see the similarities between Matthew 24:30-31 and 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17. Pastor Skip says that 1 Thes 4 speaks of the Rapture of the Church, but then concludes that Matthew 24:30-31 is a different gathering. Both have Jesus in the air, trumpets, angels, and the gathering of believers. The sun, moon, and stars reference is also made in Revelation 6:12-17 about the sixth seal. There, the sky roles back as a scroll and the people of the earth mourn. I know Pastor Skip would agree that Matthew 24 and Revelation 6 are speaking of the same thing.
    Then we have Revelation 7, where a great multitude from every nation are now in heaven. They weren't in heaven before that point, but they are in heaven after the sun, moon, and stars from chapter 6. Why are they in heaven in chapter 7? Because they just got raptured out in chapter 6.
    Pastor Skip also mentioned 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 (maybe in the previous message) about the Antichrist declaring himself to be God in the [future] temple in Jerusalem. 2 Thessalonians 2:1 says that Paul is talking about the coming of Christ and the church being gathered to him (the rapture). That event would not take place until the abomination of desolation.
    All of these passages seem to give the same conclusion: that the rapture of the church takes place in the midst of the great tribulation, not before it. It happens at the sixth seal, but before all the trumpet and bowl judgments.

  • @rogercloud6003
    @rogercloud6003 4 місяці тому

    And me. This video was made in 2011, you need to backtrack and refresh your eschatology.

  • @143Jesus38
    @143Jesus38 4 місяці тому

    I can hear woman saying something just when skip stop talking
    “You are not alive”.

    • @mirandabisgrove9536
      @mirandabisgrove9536 Місяць тому

      I thought it said “you’re not loved.” That was so strange I rewound and slowed down then went to the comments to see if anyone else caught it.

  • @larriveeman
    @larriveeman 4 роки тому +1

    who are the virgins, if the bridegroom comes with the bride?

  • @nzbrotrev9028
    @nzbrotrev9028 4 роки тому +1

    Matthew says ,his branches , not its branches .
    Mark says. her branches .
    Luke says , they.
    Why ?
    Different audience maybe.
    Matthew 24 to the Jews.
    Mark 13 to the Romans ?
    Luke 21 to the Gentiles , the Church , because it had the rapture promise , Luke 21 v 36 ?

    • @viking_boer8474
      @viking_boer8474 2 роки тому

      I go with you. A very clever observation from you. Three views to three groups about the same thing. The end result is the same like many things in the three gospels.

  • @paulremnantone1102
    @paulremnantone1102 2 роки тому

    Talking about the book 88 reasons for Christ return. I feel the same way re: pretribulation. Wait until people find out it’s the bitter book and no one was worthy. Gods remnant people are the ones that go through apoplectic and keep his commandments. 6/1/22 things will hasten and escalate in a smaller time period. Famine is starting!

  • @7thangelad586
    @7thangelad586 3 роки тому

    Is that Romain you mentioned the same one Pastor Chuck Smith references in several of his recordings??
    He always did some good-natured ribbing to that Romain 😆

  • @garywhitt98
    @garywhitt98 3 роки тому +1

    So “this generation shall not pass away” is the race of the Jews? Seems like an odd word to use for the Jewish people.

  • @louispick2668
    @louispick2668 Рік тому

    also, earlier, concerning the parable where he said, one will be taken one will be left and he said the one that was taken was taken into judgment. He said that was at His second coming and they were taken into judgment. but then when he’s teaching Matthew 25, concerning the sheep and goat judgment he says that the righteous and the unrighteous are standing there together when Jesus comes back to be judged? that is the problem with the futurist perspective you have all of these comings where you say different things happen, but they don’t all blend together very smoothly. You have in John chapter 5 Jesus clearly is saying that the judgment of the righteous and the unrighteous the resurrection, we’re going to happen at the same time. wouldn’t it make sense that the Matthew 25 judgment would be that same judgment that Jesus was talking about in John 5:28? Jesus said ALL who are in the graves are going to come out the unrighteous and the righteous to be judged. And just because it doesn’t mention a resurrection in Matthew 25 doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen. just like the statements by the apostles concerning the resurrection, they all give us a little different viewpoint and fill us in in different ways and it doesn’t mean it’s not the same event. same thing concerning Judas did he hang himself or did his entrails spill out? both happened.. I think Jesus does the same thing concerning the parables. he gives you different ones for the same event. Some of them have all of the things that are going to happen. Some of them only have parts of the event that are going to happen. it doesn’t make sense that you never saw the apostolic fathers ever teaching this view of multiple comings. historic premillennialism always taught one coming after the tribulation.

  • @larriveeman
    @larriveeman 4 роки тому +1

    the virgins seemed to know he was coming before he actually came...interesting

  • @odessadionisio8482
    @odessadionisio8482 3 роки тому

    Chapter 26

  • @pektis2000
    @pektis2000 3 роки тому

    Let's not forget that ALL of the virgins initially had oil in their lamps. Oil is the Holly Spirit. Which means they were ALL born again believers (invited to the wedding)

  • @gordonmarshall3218
    @gordonmarshall3218 4 роки тому +1

    I'm a born again Christian and experienced hell. Osas is not biblical.