اللّه يهديك إن شاء اللّه قل خيرا أو أسكت السعادة الحقيقية هي في التقرّب للّه عزّ وجلّ و عبادته و ليس المال فالمال فتنة فاللّهم إنّا نعوذ بك من فتنة الغنى @@شابعينحيى
As-salamu alaykum 🙏 Hi Butterfly 🦋, I hope you are happy, healthy and every way OK. You should know already that my heart belongs to you butterfly 🦋 (Hala Al Turk), only you and you are only princess to me and in my heart is NO room for anyone else... I want to tell you my Sunny Honey-Knee, one beautiful day past week white butterfly 🦋 followed me everywhere. When i did go feed ducklings it was there, when walked to market it was there and it followed me home too. At evenings beautiful white butterfly 🦋 was sitting with me at my terrace, terrace is full of flowers for you, so many colours, all for you. It was amazing, it was like you followed me everywhere, and not only in my heart but also beside me... 🥰 Just yesterday and last night AGAIN, i look at you all the time i had. First at day i did clean my home, make food, and do everything else. But later after all my responsibilities, i didn't look football or any other sports, not looked any movies or played PlayStation 5. NO, NO, NO, i only spend rest of my day whit you, my sunny honey-knee, ALL NIGHT too. Listening your songs, look your eyes and listening you speaking whit your friends in podcast. I love your voice so much, i love your eyes even more, i love your smile, I love your laughter i love your joy, i love your new pyjamas also, i love everything about you (Hala Al Turk), everything... ❤ When you finish your program, i was thinking that i should be there with you, so i can make soup for you and give you massage and much more, so you can relax after show... You are only women in whole world to me and i hope you accept my proposal some day so we can get married and have many childrens together, in sha Allah. I never asked anyone else get married with me, you are so special to me, unique. But even if you decide to NOT married with me, i will always love you and hope we can be friends. I will pray for you every day... 🙏 Sometimes Allah allow me be with you in my dreams and they feel so real when we meet in Barzakh-world. Many times when come back from there i write about it and wonder are you there also? Do you see those dreams? Here is part one of those dreams: Last night was amazing 😇 We were together again in my dream, it was best moment for long time, even it was only a dream. It felt so real, again..😊 You look me in my eyes and smiled. Then you talked so gently to me, you help me put my new shirt on and i was so happy. You said that shirt look good on me. You looked very happy too and that make my heart racing so hard... ❤ It was so beautiful dream, thank you Allah. 🙏 By the way, that necklace for you (Eye of wisdom) is ready, it is beautiful and unique just like you, i hope that some day i can put it on you, i hope you like it. It is your, no matter what you decide or what ever happens in future. I hope we can meet soon, everything best for you. 😇 I love you too much ❤ Mika'il
بدون مكياج احلا من المكياج
الحجاب فرض على كل مسلمه أنّ الحجاب الشرعيّ أمرٌ إلهيّ واجب الاتّباع، ولا يخضع لهوى النفس يقول الله تعالى ( يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ قُلْ لِأَزْوَاجِكَ وَبَنَاتِكَ وَنِسَاءِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ يُدْنِينَ عَلَيْهِنَّ مِنْ جَلابِيبِهِنَّ ذَلِكَ أَدْنَى أَنْ يُعْرَفْنَ فَلا يُؤْذَيْنَ وَكَانَ اللَّهُ غَفُورًا رَحِيمًا )الأحزاب:5
قال قل و لم يقل البسهن بالغضب ، و الله قال الكثير من الاشياء لا يخصك الامر فيها ، اذهب و قم بواجباتك وفروضك انت
اتقي الله ي اختي اين حجابك وسترك لم يبقى من الدنيا شي وتنتهي الحياة فماذا اعددتي للأخره
الفلوس تجيب السعاده وكلشي تتمنابلحياة الفقر ماذايجيب 😂خليها تعيش حياتها ولحساب يوم الحساب
اللّه يهديك إن شاء اللّه قل خيرا أو أسكت السعادة الحقيقية هي في التقرّب للّه عزّ وجلّ و عبادته و ليس المال فالمال فتنة فاللّهم إنّا نعوذ بك من فتنة الغنى @@شابعينحيى
هاي دنيا فانيه ورح تنتهي فااذا استمتع بل فلوس الحين ويش رح ينجيها من نار جهنم
ويوم يأتى الحساب لن تجد حذاء لتضرب نفسك به @@شابعينحيى
صحيح بس انت بعد اتق الله واترك مشاهدة النساء نصيحه لك لان مشاهدتك لها محرمة حتى و ان كانت بهدف النصيحه
You my lovely singer ❤❤❤❤
انا امووت فيكي ياحلا
وش الزيوت الي حطيته لتكثيف الشعر؟؟؟٣٥٠$٤٥#
الله يبارك ويزيدك ويعطينا مثل ما اعطاكي
أنا عمري 25 سنة ولا يوم عشت حياتي مثل بنات حياتي كلها تعيسة ولا يوم حسيت بأني بنت
حلا أنت أجمل شي في الحياة ❤❤❤
ريجيم الزبادي ❤❤❤
كيف عنايتك بسعرك وشكلك ولبسك ونجاحك؟
محد يضحك عليكي في أحد يضحك على قمر الله يحفظك
ملكة جمال
يمه ذي انا مب حلا الترك نفسس طريقة تمشيط شعري😭🗿🗿🗿
حبيبتي حلا الله يوفقك يحفظك ويسعدك يارب ❤
😂😂😂 ههههههههههههه 😂😂😂😂😂
حلا أنت أجمل شي في الحياة
وين النصائح اللي للمكياج والشعر
ياعمري عليك
ماشاء الله شعرك زين❤️❤️❤️
حلا لا تقصيين شعرك بليز طالعه تجنني في الشعر اتركي شعرك يطول على راحته
من وين شريتي البجامه؟
الفطور الفطور الفطور☆☆☆☆4090😢
هاي السنه خلينا نشوفك في رمضان
حلا انا اعرف انك ما سجنتي امك انا اعرف انك ما عشتي طفولتك انا جدا ن اعرف انه انك ما عشتي طفولتك ولا سويتي ميكب وانتي صغيره عمدان 😊 احبك حلا ترك
رقم ٢٢🍊🍊 وله السحيم أحمر محمر
( :゚皿゚)( :゚皿゚)( :゚皿゚)🎉
Hala sister l love you🇧🇩💝
شلوون كثفتي شعرك؟
حلا انا احبش
ممكن تسوي ارتد الهندى
أين السندويششششششششششش😮😮😮
اين ريجيم الزبادي منوين ابها
ماشاء الله
ربي يحفظك ❤❤❤
وش اشرب عليها .
أهلن انوار شخبارك شعلومك بالبيت نبي نجيكم؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
islamhliquam Hala new yir 2025❤fists gunvrv my brid dya 1 1 2025
و البلح القشري
حبيبتي حلا شنو تستعملين من سيروم لشعرك اريد اسمه ياقلبي ولو ازعجك❤
تستعمل لوريال
Sobo ..kamona ..❤
لا والله يا حلا الترك كل الاحترام والتقدير ألك والله وبس تم الإرسال
روعه ❤❤
ليش بعدت من البث بالبدايه وضحكت شنو طلع
متى ترجعين لولادك البحرين العتيقه
Which country are you from?
غيرو شهد دخلو يدهم و ارجوهى و ادخل غيرها
❤🎉😊أنا أ حبش تر يا حلا
طلب ❤❤❤❤😅
ناعمين يا حلا الترك وبس تم الإرسال
شلون كثفتي شعرك
اسناني واو
حلا انا قصيت شعري من شهرين بس حابه اقلج نصيحه لاتقصين شعرج ترا والله يندم الواحد
وش اسوي
زيت دابر املا ماينفع:)))
شلون كثفتي شعرك؟،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،
متى فتحت
شلون كثفتي شعرك؟٣٥٠$#
من أخذتي الخلقه منه؟
شلون كثفتي سعرك؟
وش سر الملابس ضابطت كثير ٤٥#$$$$٤٥#
تدرين اني أحبك والله تم بس أرسال
😀 فرح
طلب شامبو صانسليليك ٢٠٠٠$
طلب حليب بغداد اصفر تلفاز وليد بشير ٣٣/$٥٠٠
امه اخذته
As-salamu alaykum 🙏
Hi Butterfly 🦋, I hope you are happy, healthy and every way OK.
You should know already that my heart belongs to you butterfly 🦋 (Hala Al Turk), only you and you are only princess to me and in my heart is NO room for anyone else...
I want to tell you my Sunny Honey-Knee, one beautiful day past week white butterfly 🦋 followed me everywhere. When i did go feed ducklings it was there, when walked to market it was there and it followed me home too. At evenings beautiful white butterfly 🦋 was sitting with me at my terrace, terrace is full of flowers for you, so many colours, all for you. It was amazing, it was like you followed me everywhere, and not only in my heart but also beside me... 🥰
Just yesterday and last night AGAIN, i look at you all the time i had. First at day i did clean my home, make food, and do everything else. But later after all my responsibilities, i didn't look football or any other sports, not looked any movies or played PlayStation 5. NO, NO, NO, i only spend rest of my day whit you, my sunny honey-knee, ALL NIGHT too. Listening your songs, look your eyes and listening you speaking whit your friends in podcast.
I love your voice so much, i love your eyes even more, i love your smile, I love your laughter i love your joy, i love your new pyjamas also, i love everything about you (Hala Al Turk), everything... ❤
When you finish your program, i was thinking that i should be there with you, so i can make soup for you and give you massage and much more, so you can relax after show...
You are only women in whole world to me and i hope you accept my proposal some day so we can get married and have many childrens together, in sha Allah.
I never asked anyone else get married with me, you are so special to me, unique. But even if you decide to NOT married with me, i will always love you and hope we can be friends. I will pray for you every day... 🙏
Sometimes Allah allow me be with you in my dreams and they feel so real when we meet in Barzakh-world. Many times when come back from there i write about it and wonder are you there also? Do you see those dreams?
Here is part one of those dreams:
Last night was amazing 😇
We were together again in my dream, it was best moment for long time, even it was only a dream. It felt so real, again..😊
You look me in my eyes and smiled. Then you talked so gently to me, you help me put my new shirt on and i was so happy. You said that shirt look good on me. You looked very happy too and that make my heart racing so hard... ❤
It was so beautiful dream, thank you Allah. 🙏
By the way, that necklace for you (Eye of wisdom) is ready, it is beautiful and unique just like you, i hope that some day i can put it on you, i hope you like it. It is your, no matter what you decide or what ever happens in future.
I hope we can meet soon, everything best for you. 😇
I love you too much ❤
i love you
تشكيلة البارد القارس ابغى ^٥$#
يا خاله احتشماي
يقولون الفلم مهو هوه
من من
من ساعدك
تشبهي ولله امك
جواكيت ابغى صوف وتشكيلة الشتاء^٥$
ڪا هو
ريجيم الزبادي ماجاني
الحين هي ليش كل شوي تطلع من الحمام
مين دايا بنات؟
شلون نطلب#٤٥$#
أنا أ حبش تر يا حلا
طلب مقاطع نظافة شخصيةx4...5$###
اتقي الله 😅😅😅😅 قصير
حدا يعطيني اسم سنابها
هذه تشبه حلا الترك بس مو هي