I was tutoring a college student yesterday Who is supposed to learn the evolution airy origin of the earth. I was trying to explain to him that it is just one viewpoint and not actual science. This video helped clarify things for me so I can explain it to him better today. Thank you!
The earth doesn't have an "Evolutionary origin ". Why did you inject your personal ignorance into something rooted in science and yet claim to be a tutor? You obviously couldn't tutor a 3rd grade science student
00:45 "scientists will almost never say that science can prove anything without a doubt because they understand the limitations of experimental science"
You never prove things with science No one within the scientific community in any field is using the term "experimental science" as AiG use it. "Operational science" is just a made up term by AiG So the video is wrong on so many points
Yes. But Christian’s will never admit the huge amounts of gaps and easily disproved points in the Bible. Science is never limited, it must be refined in order to advance into our previously impossible tasks. But at every point in the evolution of research we will always feel limited until we break that barrier.
I don't think scientists want to lose valuable time trying to convince people the bible is just another book amongst many others, they have better things to do like trying to understand how the universe works through rigorous scientific methods. Religion has always taken the easy path and ends up confusing or distracting people more than anything else.
Yea exactly it's like trying to disprove the idea that we live in a simulation to someone who is already 100% convinced of it and has no way of changing their mind. It's a complete waste of time because at the end of the day all they are going to say is, "Well you can't disprove it, therefore it's true". Our brightest minds should be dedicated to actual theories that can be disproved and are based in reality. Not superstitious, psuedo-scientific, nonsense.
Those of us that follow The Way The Truth and The Life are not able to take an easy way out by just blindly following. More and more and day by day we are having more proof of God. The energy source that pushed amd breathed and spoke the universe into existence. Science is the study of life and all that’s in it. God created that so we can actually understand what the reasons are for things and creations. Unfortunately there is not an easy out of this learning and studying of life. Isn’t that soo awesome 😎 💯🎉👍🏽
THE SHEPHARD CASE: This is sort of off topic, anyhow, I just wanted to point out, that how Shepard's affair is possibly the main contributing factor in his conviction. This shows how easily sin can ruin a life. Something to think about.
Off topic but catchy thus arguably effective. My thought is that because human dna is so complicated it is unlikely to have occurred naturally (Darwinism) in such a short time without intervention by a higher force
@Daily verse thanks for not being belligerent like most on utube. I like what u said from a non-biblical perspective. Keep up the desire for righteousness. It is refreshing and much needed in this flawed world! Made my day!!!!
You bought the straw man premise. Science does not in fact try to disprove the bible. Refuting some unsupported claims of young Earth creationists is not trying to disprove the bible. It's simply skepticism about unsupported claims.
There will always be a gap between what we can “know” and what we “believe.” This applies equally to skeptics and believers. We cannot possibly know every detail involved every time we sit in a chair, eat food, or climb stairs. Such actions all express a measure of faith. We act, despite what we don’t know, because of what we do know. That’s the essence of biblical faith, including faith in the existence of God. We trust in what is known, leading us to action, despite a less-than-absolute understanding
no, the things you list have countless examples of being real... of having repeated behavior... of reliably acting the same way. We have a lifetime of experience with chairs always supporting us, food sustaining us, stairs conveying us up or down a floor. Those things are physically confirmable. There are no examples of any God. Its a supernatural claim. There are only stories, written by men, not contemporary to the claimed events, in an old anthology.
@@mrhwi that's just it. The Bible is not just a book of stories and we don't believe it as just a book of stories. What makes the Bible real is when the reality that we read about becomes evident in our own life. When we give our heart to Jesus and we are filled with his Holy Spirit, just as the Bible declares. When the Holy Spirit begins to change our life, just as the Bible declares. When we are going through trials and tribulations and we feel his peace, just as the Bible declares. That is what sets it apart and that is why we believe the Bible to be true.
@@SK-bw2cv It is a book of stories, literally. I know that you 'believe' it isn't, but it is. A person can chose to believe anything but that doesn't make it reflective of reality. I could believe there is a great herd of polka-dotted unicorns running free between the orbits of saturn and jupiter but that doesn't make it true.... Even if I read it in a book. I would have to prove my belief if I wanted it to be taken seriously.
@@janelle9998 and how do you differentiate those visions from the odd dreams that most people have ? How do you differentiate them from a more serious mental issue ? Having a dream doesnt get one to a proof of any god. And how do you know it will happen if its a future event ? That is a bizarre thing to state even on the face of it.
These videos are good for explaiations. If you're curious, the Gospel according to John is a great starting point to understanding how the Judeo-Christian faith works.
The biggest hurdle is not believability. It's willingness. People know that if they believe Jesus is Lord, they will have to change. When they don't want to, they look for excuses to doubt our Lord. John 3:20-21 "Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God." John 8:43 "Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you are unable to accept My message." John 7:17 "Anyone who chooses to do the will of God will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own." Psalm 25:14 "The LORD confides in those who fear him, and reveals his covenant to them."
@@robertdesantis6205 not a good chance of that happening your God hates me, haven’t seen any meaningful miracles, haven’t seen any thing that PROVES God is real other than having to believe on something that isn’t there which in that case is like believing in Santa clause or Easter bunny. Only thing I believe is MAYBE God was real one time long ago and he died and we just kept going. Otherwise where is your God besides being dead? Or does he take enjoyment of watching people suffer? You have to be perfect for him to show up then Christians claim no one is perfect, Christians always have a reason protecting their belief “if it doesn’t happen or things don’t go your way it’s cause God knows better” so “ask and you shall receive” is a bs line. Yeah I tried believing in that I wanted to believe in that magical fairy tale stuff but real life hit me hard, only thing I can believe is God is dead.
@@pmp2559 GOD manifests Himself daily in the world around us. You are correct, though. There is zero "chance" of your mind and heart being changed, unless He chooses to do so. The suffering we daily behold around us is indeed humanly inexplicable, but that is irrelevant to preparation for eternity. As Pascal said, if those who believe in GOD are wrong, at the end of the day, they lose nothing. If those who reject Him are wrong, they lose it all.
It's funny how Christians used to think when somebody got hit by lightning, it was God punishing them. But in reality it was just somebody standing at the wrong place at the wrong time.
@@sliglusamelius8578 What theology, Christianity has broken down to 1000 factions because you can read those scriptures and make whatever you want of them.
Any science is because of God's creation. You can do good or evil with the science, that is choice/free will that God allows. You will have to answer for how you used the science when you stand before Jesus.
@@imafeltersnatch7634 First, there is only one God. I would argue that physics actually provides evidence FOR God, rather than against Him. First, if God created everything, including physics, wouldn't it make sense for Him to exist outside of physics? I'll take it even further for you. Why is physics possible? The fact that the universe seems to be written in a precise mathematical language that we can discover and use to make predictions seems to point towards an intelligent designer. How else would you explain the exquisite & precise fine tuning of the constants and quantities in our universe that makes life possible? The force of Gravity, the nuclear weak & strong force, the mass of elemental particles that make chemistry possible - and the list goes on. Our universe contains an incomprehensibly immense amount of fine-tuning that makes it possible to exist. How else do you explain all of that without a designer? Physics does not disprove God, but rather, provides evidence for Him. Now on your other question - "What is one piece of scientific evidence that " proves " any mythical gods exist." There is none. Just like there is no evidence you can give to prove God does NOT exist, there is no evidence I can give you that proves HE DOES exist. We can't prove much of anything in science. All we can do is take the evidence we have, and decide what is the best, most plausible explanation of that evidence. I just gave you one major evidence of God - the fine tuning of universe. Another one - the fact that life exists at all suggests there was a designer involved in life's genesis. Got anything else?
Answers in Genesis Well pointed out, as other apologists have also explained to the crowds left and right, we must always remember, as Jesus and Paul have announced, just as there are good teachers who’ll help make sense of the Bible, there are also false teachers leading people astray; therefore to be as 1 Peter 3:15, ready to give an answer, whether accepted or not, to those who question about faith and hope and life.
Quoting genesis ??? There's a lovely story in there. Genesis 19: Angels show up sleeping on the street. Lot brings them into his house as an act of kindness. Crowd arrives wanting them to have sex with them. Lot says, “that would be wicked. I have 2 virgin daughters, take them instead and do what you will”. (isnt that grand?) Crowd: “we want the men/angels”. The Angels blind the crowd and destroy S&G the next day. Lots wife is turned into a pillar. His daughters got him drunk and had sex with him to get pregnant because there were no men around anymore. Interestingly, Judges 19 also seems to tell a different version of this story: A man and his concubine staying with an older man and his daughter. Crowd arrives wanting the guest to have sex with them. So either someone copied the story and got it wrong or it was normal for townsfolk to knock on doors of people with guests and demand they have sex with those guests. Man, “I have a daughter and concubine, take them instead and do what you will”. Crowd: “no, we want the man”. The concubine got sent out, people raped her until she could barely crawl back to the home’s door. The male guest sleeps all night, wakes up, see her upon leaving and says, “get up, we have to go”. She’s too hurt to do so she he puts her on the donkey and takes her home, where he cuts her up into 12 pieces and sends those pieces to all the coasts of Israel. (also lovely, hey?)
This is the exact reasoning that brought me back to God. The more I tried to dive into the latest research on the observations and understanding of reality. The more I realized that A) We know virtually nothing about the nature of reality B) Scientists view intelligent design as a plausible explanation
@@Micolashcage1 But what I'm trying to see is you know how we have fossils of past humans in various shapes, up until the present-day? How does that not prove macro evolution?
@@color4795 if you do some research into that, its a bit fishy. Especially Lucy the alleged missing link. Studies have suggested that they arent early human “variants” at all. The whole missing link thing is a red flag as well
A clear story with a sad example, which unfortunately is very common in all kinds of ways. People are very easily prejudiced and that causes a lot of misery.
The thing is that there is a lot of other stuff that we find that creationists can not explain and the amount of evidence that point to a very old earth is enormously more.
Well I pray you keep looking brother. I pray you feel lead to seek and that you may find like the rest of us. No need to judge some of us have been there before. I just pray you do that in time before he comes back for only his people.. I really hope you will be one of them. Have a good Saturday sir
If you want material proof of spirit, then you will wait until your material body wears out. Your spirit will then learn what we have all been tellng you, and it will be too late.
@@rightwingwackobird Define the word spirit. And, please present a definition which would differentiate what your defining from the imaginary After that, please present whatever evidence you have to show that it does indeed exist.
@@bestcomsystems4458 What’s your bases of fact on this accusation? Who are you to question someone’s heart? Do you know him personally? I don’t listen to gossip. If you have an opposing argument present it. Otherwise you are gossiping and trying to create divisions. I believe that God created the earth in 6 literal days and I can support this through scripture. I believe the post supports reasons why we should question the false evolution dialogue. That is why it is excellent.
@@bestcomsystems4458 So, did you buy your Bible? Do you buy Christian books? Does your Pastor get paid? Does your church own the building it meets in? You’re talking nonsense. You show me in the scripture where Christians can’t be rich? Do you know the ark encounter itself was funded privately? Where is AiG asking you to buy anything? Or contribute to get something back? What about ligonier Ministries? They make a lot of money too. Read your Bible Friend, study what it actually says regarding making money. He’s not a church, he doesn’t profess to be a church. If you condemn him then you also need to condemn every person who has ever written a Christian book. This ministry isn’t promoting false doctrine nor is it trying to get you to buy your salvation. These are not indulgences. Have you even studied church history?
@@bestcomsystems4458 It's interesting you equate selling goods to selling the Gospel. As for paying AiG to intercede, can you provide a single example? I suspect you slander them, but why would anybody do that? Is it because you don't want to see people with terminal degrees researching and discussing topics the secular mythos has already claimed proprietary? Is it because you oppose ministries that attempt to function through the profit of toil rather than through begging for donations? Ken Hamm's ark is not a temple, nor is the gift shop. The one is a museum and the other is a gift shop. The point of the entire thing is to prove Noah's Flood is not a ridiculous and impossible myth. They certainly have proved the ark is not impossible, which means the event is not ridiculous.
Since the beginning of religion, religious people have been "adapting" their belief to scientific discoveries. The bible is a mixture of all existing beliefs in an area, it was translated, retranslated, modified and re-modified, adapted and rewritten. Its content is just an historical fairytale, easy to disprove to anyone who has not decided once and for all to believe in creation.
Quite the claim ur making. Not sure how the Bible arrived at monotheism if it's supposed to be a buffet of surrounding religions. Do u have evidence it's a fairytale or is self assurance good enough for you to pretend u know something?
Did Canaanites believe in the water cycle? Ecclesiastes describes the water cycle. Californians don't seem to know about the water cycle, but ancient Hebrews knew about it. I think what you're trying to do is a sort of reverse tower of Babel. The problem is, well, your thinking is backwards.
@@drewdrake9130 Hebrew religion is named after Eber, who was descended from Noah and an ancestor of Abraham. The lineage is traced back to Adam and down to Jesus in Scripture, and all along it has men who seek the face of God and try their hardest to obey His will, failing from time to time in what can only be described as the frailty of the flesh. This zoroastrianism you mention, it is merely a perversion of what some men already knew. It is an attempt to replace God with something more permissive of one type of sin or another.
@@rightwingwackobird Telling me what the Hebrew religion is named after, or the claims made in this religion, have no bearing on the fact that they're religions that existed before the Hebrew religion, and at least one of these religions was monotheistic.
I love the title of this video. It’s not that scientists cannot disprove the Bible. The reality is that scientists are too involved in doing real science in specific scientific fields of study, to care whether or not there is anything in the Bible that needs to be disproved. With that out of the way, I think I’ll watch the rest of the video. [Twenty hours later] So I did watch the rest of the video. I’m just getting around to sharing what I learned. I’m not sure what crime scene forensics has to do with biblical studies. That entire discussion about the Sam Shepard case was totally irrelevant to whether or not the Bible creation narrative is true. Where this video really ventures into intellectual dishonesty is when our host claims that “…the real conflict is between biblical history versus the story of evolution.” The folks at AIG know full well what is meant by “scientific theory.” Our host refers to evolution as a “story.” He wishes for the Bible’s Genesis account of creation to be “biblical history” but rather than cite any reputable historian that would support the claim that the Bible is history, he goes right into a discussion about soft tissue in dinosaur bones and how that proves the flood story (see, I can do that too!). Scientists don’t need to disprove the Bible. Creationists need to do a better job of proving that there’s anything historical in it. And, oh by the way, when one knowingly engages in intellectual dishonesty, they are in effect, bearing false witness. The Bible needs to stand on the truth by itself. It should not need to be supported by lies and intellectual dishonesty.
I love that Christians think scientists are always out there, doing all they can, day and night, to disprove the bible. I don’t think scientists care, and it shows the insecurity of believers. It’s a revealing title.
@@drewdrake9130 Most of your beliefs are unprovable. Your very consciousness is an unprovable phenomenon, I don’t believe that you have the correct apperception of reality and you can’t prove that you do.
@@douglasdavis8395 We all believe that we have consciousness that reflects reality, yet that is an unprovable assertion. If the brain evolved from a primordial soupy sea, we have no reason to suppose that it properly reflects reality. Maybe your perceptions are all false. Who designed the human brain?
No, crime scene investigators don't do 'historical science' vs operational science. These are terms creationists invented and don't actually exist outside of the creationist material. There are 2 kinds of science, life sciences and physical science. Life science would include biology, physical science would be physics, for example. And both use the scientific method. This operational vs historical thing is a figment of the creationist imagination with the aim of trying to get some wiggle room on their 'facts'. Historians, on the other hand, use other methods. They are less interested in reproducibility and instead are focused on collecting evidence that leads them to a better understanding of the cultures, events and people. They want to see artifacts, documentation, submit samples for dating, determine the materials and methods used for cloth making, or writing, those kinds of things. Those tests need to be reproducible, but the studied events themselves, no. Crime scene techs though do normal every day science. And yes, it needs to be reliable, and repeatable. If they test a stain and find it is a bodily fluid, maybe they can get a blood type, or even dna. And the results need to be reliable, so they are run multiple times, ideally through different labs. The defense might even do their own testing. Or, maybe it's a hit and run case, and they have paint embedded in the corpse, they will examine the paint and determine the color make/model perhaps of the vehicle. And again, the defense might want to do their own testing. This idea of science only being science if reproduction is done is nonsense. You can do science where the thing being studied is not reproduced. This is very common and normal. What does need to be reproducible though are the results of the tests. If that crime lab comes back with an O+ blood type, but the defense team test comes back with B- then there is a serious problem that needs to be sorted out, for example. They don't need to reproduce the crime scene, they do need their analysis to be reliable though, which means independent testing and confirmation or refutation of their results.
Okay, so you've established that there are no scientific absolutes ... as if there are any "Creationist" absolutes? The Bible is a collection of historical fictions, fables that were sometimes repetitively established (often inserting different details according to who the latest author/editor may be) when the "science" of communication was young(er). Instead, this video has its protagonist focusing on "God's Word." But, WHO IS GOD? And what exactly is the most "faithful" interpretation of that Word? There, I've done gone and turned the "gaslight" back on you. Also, it seems that you've chosen to ignore archeology (which is not to be confused with "Biblical archeology," which attempts to shoehorn a fictional religious premise into a historical supposition). The creationist argument being made here is prologued with a subtle misinformation about science, and its most useful function. Pretty slick.
One cannot prove or disprove a belief ? Hunh ? The idea that all the living species of animals arose as a result of some Darwinian evolutionary process is a belief like any other belief. So if you can't prove a belief why have the evolutionists spent 150 years trying to prove THEIR belief ?!
@@CarlMCole Evolution is hard to prove because it takes place on such a long time scale. Actually a University of Cambridge study has recently proven part of of it. 150 years is a very short time in the big picture.
The thing is beliefs are Very disprovable. If I believed that cheese is made of soft stone. It’s easily disprovable, now what if you believed a deity existed before time. Imagine that vs years worth of evidence that is constantly being added on to. Once a belief is created adding onto it would just make the entirety of that belief obsolete.
When you breathe you are speaking the name of God when you breathe in it sounds like YH when you breathe out it sounds like WH. Even the atheists say his name all day every day until their last breath!
That thought popped into my head one day as I was learning about the Hebrew alphabet and how the vowel sounds aren't indicated, so we can't be sure how ancient words were pronounced.
😂😂😂😂 this looks like what i would say if im simply being satirical making fun of theists and fear being called out for my stroll man but i bet you're serious 🤦🤦
I can still remember getting into an argument with my science teacher back in the 80s about how a cow evolved into a whale in my text book. Not only did it not make any sense but there was no explanation as to how, only that it took time and mutations in the DNA, well I was born with a few mutations in my DNA which is called birth defeacts. I've spent the last 8 years studying evolutionists claims, which seems to be evolving faster each year, and realized that not only are they wrong but they have held us back as a human race from becoming better in mind and spirit, and overall HEALTHIER.
A true study of DNA would also conclude Devolving and not evolving. If we continued to evolve as being taught (Macro Evolution) then our DNA would be getting better and not worse requiring fewer Doctors not more. Science has also tested and verified that materials will return to their original state. Hence being made from the dust of the earth and returning to dust of the earth.
@@TylerShacklefordDurden Who said I am unhappy. You have just provided the exact false reasoning used in Evolutionary Science. Assumptions without evidence. (Edit) In turn drawing you to the wrong conclusion.
@@chrish7336 wow, a lot to unpack there. Well for starters, you mixed up your sock accounts and replied from the wrong one. I never said the Chris account was unhappy, just the one you made the OP with. Yikes.
A Christian walks through nature and the world and says: Look at the wonders of God. An atheist walks through nature and the world and says: Look at what evolution has created in 3.5 billion years and the laws of nature in 14 billion years. The Christian has: ...2 old books (Bible/New Testament) of collected sagas, legends, traditions and a few biased eyewitnesses (NT only) on the level of knowledge from 1880 (NT) to 2600 years ago. (Bible) There have not been any new ones since then sources added. In addition, there are thousands and thousands of different interpretations of the texts of hundreds of Christian religions and sects that are mostly not so brotherly opposed to one another. A lot of dubious miracles that have not yet stood up to any serious examination and self-appointed prophets. In competition there are thousands of other non-Christian religions with completely different old books that all claim something completely different. The atheist has: Billions of research results and proofs that stand up to all tests (sometimes not) and mostly fit together perfectly. (rarely not) Still with some gaps, but which are slowly closing. (with some like dark matter/energy it still looks very bleak out) Created by millions of hard-working scientists from around the world who have been bringing together the work of many different branches of science for generations and can almost always confirm the results of the other branches. All in mutual competition and at the same time cooperation and peaceful coexistence. A well-rounded, harmonious world view has developed and continues to develop. Who am I supposed to believe now...
The Christian has the exact same number of facts to observe that the atheist does. There isn't a fact Christians and atheists observe that we do not agree with. It is the interpretation of the facts we disagree with. Believing soft tissue in dinosaurs lasting millions of years when chemical decomposition rates simply don't allow for it is faith. Believing the most sophisticated coded language system we've ever seen (DNA) came about through a no mind process when all we've ever observed is coded language systems coming from intelligent minds is faith. Believing sedimentary rock layers are laid down slowly over millions of years when we've observed rapid sedimentation and fossils forming within hrs is faith. This is not a science VS faith issue. This is a faith VS faith issue based on the exact same facts.
@@calvinangela4348 Yes, we are all observing the exact same things.... Science has thousands of tools to explain it. Religion has... ONE book! Why don't you mention that the fossilized piece of skin that was found had to be treated with various chemicals to make it supple again? DNA could arise because it had the time to do so. Put 1 billion monkeys 1 billion years in front of typewriters... someday someone will write a logical book.
I am beginning to realize that they do. They just literally try to run the correct answer away from them. They want to be overly intellectual about it and not understand and take God’s word for how it is.🤦🏽♀️🙏🏽💯
'Scientists' don't deny god anymore than they do unicorns, pixies, and leprechauns. Show that any of these are more than just your imagination, and science will get to work.
@@sulpicius7602 nice cop out but not based in reality. And by the way how do you know what "every scientist" does or doesn't do? Evolution is an imaginary myth with no more fact to it than unicorns, pixies or leprechauns. It's dead. You just don't realize it yet.
@@sulpicius7602 there is only one way to heaven and one truth. Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.~ John 14:6
@@FRN2013 The Title of this episode is a complete lie. Historians and Scientists along with mathematics disprove mythology. How exactly would mythology even have a foundation?
A lot of folks don't want to know the truth. They're afraid they would have to face the fact there is a god, our God, Yaweh. They do not want to give up their self perceived freedoms and do not realize that coming to God and accepting our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ IS freedom.
Unfortunately AIG can't read and understand it's own Bibles. They pick and choose what parts they believe, and discard what they Don't want to believe. Such as God saying Not to eat anything that is unclean, and in which He describes those unclean animals, meats, like pork, shellfish, and much more, and then AIG misinterprets scripture to say God changed His mind, and now we can eat anything, when the verse they quote was talking about the sanctuary meat, not unclean animals. ..Then they keep Pagan Sunday holy, when God says to Keep My commandments, in which God says to Keep His 7th day sabbath Holy, the 4th Commandment. God says Not to keep the commandments of Men, but Keep the Commandments of God.. They believe God Created the heavens and the earth in 7 days, but then discard the 7th day that God set aside to be Holy, and as a Sign/memorial of His creation, because of false doctrines in the church. They throw out Ex. 20:8-11, and Deut. 5:12-15.. Jesus kept the sabbath, the Apostles kept the sabbath, but then Constantine and the Catholic church changed the sabbath to Sunday in the 2nd century AD, and persecuted those who kept God's sabbath day during the Dark Ages, 538AD to 1798 AD..
This chap is excellent proof of his own theory that science is open to interpretation. He has proven that allowing non scientists like lawyers and policemen to interpret results will open the door to wrong conclusions, which is precisely where he is trying to leave us, the viewers. By being selective in his arguments he is leading us up the garden path, as so many religionists before him have done. This isn't clarity, it is deceit. Listen carefully to his language and apply a scientific rigour to it, disregard his conclusion and focus on the quotes he gives us, and the truth will dawn, especially if you go and look up the quotes for yourself.
It’s difficult to prove a negative. I can however list some things the Bible got wrong 1 grasshoppers have 4 legs (Leviticus 11:20-23) 2. Bats are birds that you can’t eat (Leviticus 11:13-19) 3 plants were created before the sun an entire day before the sun(Genesis 1:11-19) 4 Nebuchadnezzar never took Tyre as Ezekiel predicted (Ezekiel 26:1-14) Etc…
In addition, god created light on the first day even before he created the sun a few days later. Must have been a pretty powerful flashlight. To quote the bible: "On the first day god created light and you could see for miles."
@@godergodel1649 "what a lad" God knows what every {particle} in the universe is doing at any given instant, (even ones unnamed as of yet by science). He transcends time; He has past knowledge of this and knows this about the future. I guess He could have created everything in the dark. Jesus will be the final judge of all of our hearts at the end.
Thank you for explaining science more clearly. This video is so helpful to me, because it's often hard to put into words the things we know are true to those who have an entirely different perspective. God bless you 🙏
How do you know that this version is true? Because it is in the Bible? What is there except the Bible itself to say it is true. Anybody could write that, or maybe you should believe a different religion whose scriptures make the same claim of truth? There is no evidence that you would be wrong.
The video is muddling the water for you, The guy in the video is making stuff up like the word operation/historical science. No one beside AiG use them. Also, no one within the scientific community is talking about disprove/prove things. Science is about creating the best model for what we observe, it should be falsifiable and be able to make novel prediction. This guy is also pulling of nonsense like "you was not there", which they themself is using when they talk about "dead things in the ground".
If you genuinely think that that was a good explanation than it looks like you have no idea when someone is spewing out a load of BS. The example provided was fallacious designed only for people that do not have critical thinking capabilities.
I also think that we can use the terms 'inductive' and 'abductive' reasoning to point out a fallacy of ambiguity made by applying methodological naturalism to 'data interpretation.' I want to thank your website for helping me solve the 'smallest seed' problem. I was trying to solve it by just visiting partial or secular websites but it made me realize that it's ok to look at your teams' work.
@@allenmorgan You wrote this using your mind. Don't you wonder how this happens?This bears witness of an infinite creator. I don't see how chance or physical necessity can account for this. verses Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Genesis 2:7 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Romans 1:20 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Hebrews 11:6
@@jorgei.alonso9959 But a magic man in the sky can do anything so that fixes all your problems, doesn't it? Some people are looking for real answers, not make-believe gods doing everything with their magic wands.
@Jerry long There are so many things wrong with that interpretation of Christianity. Well, really only one: That our God doesn’t do anything we want, in fact he troubles out lives that our life on this earth is difficult, but if we push through in a relationship with the creator of the universe we will gain an eternal life on a new earth with new heavens. God doesn’t promise things will get easier, though there is wisdom (from reading the Bible) to get through the toughness of it all, but God promises that he’ll be with us through these tough times, which only make up a fraction of our lives. The stories in the Bible sound like fiction, but if you can just get to the core of it (having a friendship with Jesus) then you’ll believe anything in the Bible, even the ones of woman turning into salt, or bones being formed into a body. I hope you can see the Bible as another history book, because that’s what it is. We’re supposed to look back on history to act better and not make the same mistakes again, but it seems the world just doesn’t want to, since the mistakes bring pleasure to those who commit them.
And the rapture is soon and then the tribulation in the second coming of Christ and the thousand years of Christ reign and then we will ever be with the Lord Lori be to Jesus
@@thomasfridenberg1507 yep... Any day now.... This is what happens when you convince people that God wants us all sent to heck by default, because some lady wanted to attend public school.
We all know Atheists believe we came from a rock that got rained on for millions of years and evolution brought us here. This is nothing new. Jeremiah 2:27 "They say to the wood, 'You are my father,' and to stone , 'You gave me birth.'
@@TylerShacklefordDurden Shitake mushrooms are great. Cordeyceps and Lion's Mane are also good for different maladies. Same with Turkey Tail mushrooms. There is a mushroom called Chicken of the Woods that is perfectly edible. Why hate on mushrooms?
Example for conflict between the bible and science: Genesis 1:16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. 1:17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, Well, we know for sure that the monn is not a luminary, it just reflects sunlight, and both, sun and moon, are surely not inside a fimament with water above it. this part of the bible is definetely disproven by science. And there are hundreds more
A window gives light, even though it does not produce light. Likewise, a mirror gives light, even though it does not produce light. It is not inaccurate to say the moon gives light to the earth, even if it is not the first originator of the light that it is sending to earth. As for the absence of an observable water layer in space, I would point out that the stars are all in the firmament, and Genesis tells us the upper waters are above the firmament. We do not currently possess the capability to see beyond all the stars of the universe with the clarity necessary to confirm or deny the existence of a water layer encapsulating the universe.
Saying goes: "Science does not say anything, scientists do". Simplictically, the scientific method consist of three steps: observe, replicate & repeat. That being; scientists observe the e.g. the universe. Have a lot to say about it, but have up to now failed to replicate and repeat? In my opinion they have a long way (billions of years) to go to satisfy their own "doctrines". Until then..... hasta la vista
@@henkkruger5510 - Many of the core beliefs of modern science have not been validated using the scientific method. Earth by accretion and the Core Dynamo theory of the Earth's magnetic field are two examples. These have been adopted as FACT, and have been misleading the entire world ever since. We live in a time where observation and experiment have largely been replaced by inference and consensus. Does this matter? Is it relevant to the discussion of science vs religion? Of course. Science has declared that there is simply not remotely close to enough water to bury all of the landmasses including the mountains. Is there evidence that this is true? Yes. Is there evidence that it is NOT true? Yes. So it is a matter of interpretation of evidence. How many people have dismissed the biblical Flood and Creation narratives based on unproven 'SCIENCE' being presented as irrefutable fact??
@@henkkruger5510 - Every year more water is detected below the surface. The assertion that more than 99% of the Earth's water is found above ground has already been shown to be false. The head researcher at the Kola super-deep borehole stated that, in light of the 'science' coming from the borehole, the geology books would need to be rewritten! Why? Because the inferences were wrong. The amount of water they were finding was beyond anything thought to be possible. Couple that with the well-hidden truth that the natural crystalline minerals, of which the Earth's crust is comprised, will not form from a melted state. They will only form in water. Melts make glass - not minerals. Now we have two foundational pillars of science that are very much in question, and the implications are quite profound. Suddenly the Flood was absolutely possible since most of the water was said to come from inside the Earth, and an Earth formed "in and of water" as per scripture seems to be the only plausible explanation for what we observe. Core dynamo magnetic field mechanism is false by extension.
@@mirandahotspring4019 Sure, does this logic imply that i will have the same experience when observing a photo of me embracing my wife, than by actually doing so?
@@henkkruger5510 gravity hasn't been replicated but the tests of it's effects has, you're intentionally choosing to arbitrarily define science in a way that reinforces your bias. if you're going to tell scientists, that have 10 years of formal education and 20 years of experience in the field, that they're wrong then you better provide substantial evidence as for why
This is a great video. By that, I mean the content and cinematography. In this comment, I’m focusing on cinematography. (I may not be using the right word). Answers in Genesis is an organization that boldly stands for biblical truth but their videos have usually been discussion panels or lectures. This video here does something wonderfully different. They have incorporated clips, motion, etc. that I think will capture and keep the attention of younger students like mine. Please make more videos like this one. Love you guys!
Is not a coincidence that the universe is: One Escence; that is...Energy . and Three Necessary existences: Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons. Without this Trinity , we wouldn't be here.
There are also three kinds of animals: carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. Proof of the trinity right there.There are also three kinds of weather: dry, raining and humid. More proof. And there are three kinds of kids: good ones, brats and everyone else. And three basic flavors of ice cream: chocolate, strawberry and vanilla. Not only that, there are three directions things can move in space: forward and back, side to side and up and down. Hallelujah for that wonderful proof of God's love! And there are three kinds of books: fiction, non-fiction and reference. What further proof do we need? Not only that, there were three phases to Elvis's career: young, hip Elvis, fat Elvis and dead Elvis. Take that, godless atheists. I see God everywhere.
@@donlimoncelli6108 Don't care about Elvis, at all.. But water is three atoms. Physical world is time, space, matter(energy). Many things in the created world, like you said, are trinitarian. Then other fascinating, and irrefutable proofs of science; Fractal geometry, and the Golden ratio (and the related Fibinacci sequence). Fractal geometry is present from clouds to galaxies, mountains to coastlines, lightning bolts, etc. And in ALL life forms; plants, flowers, vein and artery structures, even to the pattern of trees growing in a forest (has been extensively studied and proven), and so on it goes, too many things to list. The Golden Ratio is present from hurricanes to sea shells, flowers, ratios of the human bodily form, the shape of the DNA molecule, galaxies, etc., it permeates everything, just like fractal geometry also permeates everything. As the Bible says, God's invisible qualities have been clearly seen by what has been made, so that man is without excuse. All of this, and I didn't even mention the miracle of the language of DNA, a molecule containing coded language, fractal geometry, and the golden ratio, all in one (three things again). So it is not really a question of interpretation as this video says, but simply a statement of pure truth and fact, that is undeniable in it's clear witness to our creator.
@@donlimoncelli6108 you obviously failed basic reading skills. One Escence with three necessary existences. Take one of them apart, and everything collapse.! I doubt you will get it.
@@paulgarduno2867 Pointing out a logical fallacy is not the same thing as "failing basic reading skills." And tossing out insults adds nothing to honest debate. So stop it. People often see what they want. The fact is that there are many more basic particles than protons, neutrons and electrons, including muons, neutrinos, bosons, gluons and photons. You chose three because it is what you know and it is convenient. It makes as much sense to conclude that there is a trinity or a God from that as it does to conclude that there is a trinity or God because there are three dimensions (and that, of course, is because there are more than three dimensions just as there are more than three basic particles). By your logic, take one of those dimensions away and everything collapses.
Thank you so much answers in genesis. U guys are the heroes the bible talks about. U give us biblical answers to these scientific questions we get and they are so true and convincing. Thank you so much. Love u guys
Not really. You clearly don't know what you're talking about. Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, and Santa Claus are all just stories and we all know that they are stories because those who made the story didn't claim it to be true. Jesus Christ actually existed in history because we have manuscripts evidence and other outside sources like the historian Flavius Josephus who wrote about Jesus. And the New Testament is a composition of books that are eye-witness testimonies. These are all true, even if you don't want to believe that Jesus is GOD. Jesus of Nazareth did walk this earth. He is the most written about person in the ancient world, so if you believe in Julius Caesar, who has WAY less evidence for his existence than Jesus, then you ought to believe in Jesus Christ. And the tooth fairy or Easter bunny or Santa claus didn't die to set you free from your chains of sin and redeem you unto the Father, Jesus did.
@@aeronblitz9347 You are just spouting off your BELIEFS without actually addressing my statement that scientists cannot disprove the existence of the Easter Bunny etc. Your circular reasoning (it is true because you say it is true) fails to “prove” anything. I DARE YOU to prove to me that the Easter Bunny doesn’t exist.
@@SC-ie5bm beliefs? I just said that we have historical evidence for Jesus Christ. How is that a belief? You're the one with a belief since you havent shown that Jesus Christ didn't exist. We all know the easter bunny, tooth fairy, and Santa Claus are not real since we do not have historical documents written about their lives. But we do of Jesus!
(AiG) Since the term evolution is so strongly associated with the particles-to-people myth, we tend to use the word speciation to explain adaptation and variation within the created kinds, such as that exhibited by the finches.Because the small-scale changes generally lead to a loss of genetic information rather than a gain of new information needed to create new traits like arms and eyes, microevolution can never lead to macroevolution. Evolutionists tend to use these ideas interchangeably. For this reason, we avoid those terms, preferring to speak of speciation within created kinds (which we can observe and verify) and molecules-to-man evolution (which is unobservable and unverifiable).
Love is an act of commitment and not a feeling how many people believe today. People don't stop loving someone just because they stopped feeling affection. If it did stop then it wasn't love, it was lust or feelings.
Evolution is the story of convenient miracles. From my interactions with people online it's become pretty clear that we need to start teaching people how to think critically about evolution.
Ah, yes, but that might lead to the inconvenient truth that Someone put a moral compass within us. Concepts like morality, justice, shame and guilt serve no purpose in the evolutionary scenario. Even the realization that we will someday die is unique to the human species.
@@Bomtombadi1 In the off-chance that you're actually not a troll, I'm specifically referring to the improbability of receiving the multiple mutations that would be required to facilitate some of the complicated changes proposed in many evolutional stories.
@@roger-bp1nr Improbable compared to what? We don't know of any other universes to use as a baseline. But - we are here, regardless of the chances. Adding another variable (god) is unnecessary, until you can adequately show that god, or the supernatural, is something other than just your imagination.
You are just preaching your opinion. I see no reason to believe the answer to life, the universe and everything is written down by an ancient dessert tribe.
@@AndrayTheDutchman because I’m probably influenced by something… and was probably just confused of what belief you are part of… apologies if that was rude…
@@essadheyaa6072 no problem. I don't belong to any religion, but I would be interested if someone had some proof of things beyond our current experience.
@@dongee1664 Here’s just one quote, he writes entire books against biblical beliefs. Good grief. “No serious scholar today thinks the Gospels were written by eyewitnesses, and all agree that even Mark, the oldest of the four Gospels, was written about 35 or 40 years after the death of Jesus”. Do some basic research on the guy then get back to me.
@@sliglusamelius8578 Yes, fair comment. Is the statement made about the dates factually true? I believe that people should continue to establish facts and truth as information surfaces. So the real question is do people set out to disprove the Bible, as a mission, or are they presenting new evidence that we should all be interested in? Surely we should not suppress the the truth so as not to discredit a pre defined belief. The main point is that science does NOT take on arguments like this, science attempts proofs. You are talking about scientists that are involved in biblical discussion, you are talking about individuals not science as a whole.
During the industrial revolution, it shaped Minds around materialism and made it the best way to explain the world around us with the rise of these anti logic line of thinking. Seek everything through The 4% of physical universe. Like materialism.. Now we are in a contradictory age of computation and programming which is from idealistic lines of thinking like Logic and reasoning. This the time to retake academia and science for the greater good !
@@phillipbrittain6409 "The equivocation fallacy is a logical fallacy that involves alternating between different meanings of a word or phrase, in a way that renders the argument that contains them unsound. For example, the statement “I have the right to say whatever I want, so it’s right for me to do so” is fallacious, because the word “right” is used in two different senses: first, to refer to something that someone is entitled to, and second, to refer to something that is morally good."
11:xx He mentioned a Court and Evolution vs Creation. Apparently he didn't get the memo that Evolution IS Admissible Evidence and Creation IS NOT. But who would expect a creationists to be honest?
'Y'all' has different facets : ). This video was produced by AiG CA and posted on ATV and the AiG CA UA-cam Channel a couple weeks ago- but posted here on the AiG US UA-cam channel today.
Science begins with "I don't know." "I don't know" means you haven't already made assumptions, because you aren't omniscient. Admitting you aren't omniscient means you are open to an external, objective source of knowledge (and truth) rather than sourcing internally. Submitting to an objective source requires humility. This is what the Bible means by "Submission to God (Creator) is the beginning of all knowledge/wisdom." This is the choice between the two trees in Eden: "I don't know" vs "I know best."
Science is like throwing jello on the ceiling and trying to figure out why it won't stay even to the subatomic level. eventually they may make a break through.
How do you get to hell? Very simple: claim that you're innocent. How do you get to heaven? Very simple: Admit that you're not Innocent, you're guilty and ask for mercy. How to know if you're guilty or not? Simply: Compare your life to the Ten Commandments God gave you in the Bible. Everyone agrees that if people followed the ten commandments there would be no need for governments or police. Do not lie. Do not steal. Do not commit adultery. Do not insult God by using his name as a cuss word. There are six more but let's just leave it at that. How many lies have you told in your life? Have you ever taken anything that didn't belong to you? Jesus said, if you look at a women lustfully you've already committed adultery in your heart with that woman. How many times a day do you do that? Do you use God's name as a cuss word? Would you do that with your own mother's name? If you answer these questions honestly you know that you're guilty. God can justly punish you and send you to hell. Ask him for mercy. His name is Jesus. It's as simple as this, The Ten Commandments are called the moral law. You and I broke God's laws. Jesus paid the fine. The fine is death. Ezekiel 18:20 - "The soul who sins shall die. That's why Jesus had to die on the cross for our sins. This is why God is able to give us Mercy. Option A. You die for your own sins. Option B. Ask for mercy and accept that Jesus died on the cross for you.
@@mirandahotspring4019 Not a single person has ever been or will be innocent. And there is no way for someone who admits and repents of being wicked with a real change of heart, will stay wicked. We have all sinned and made this grave mistake, don’t try to overcomplicate it.
@@mirandahotspring4019Hi. Please understand. No one is good (or innocent) but God. Not you, not me. I pray that you keep searching for the truth with an open mind. He is subtly leading you to it. Reflect on snippets of scripture. Try short, but meaningful prayer in quiet moments, with thankfulness and forgiveness, regardless of your status in life. The Glorify app is great for short, quiet moments. Eventually, you won't fear inevitable death due to your faith in that truth. Good luck on your journey. My journey is long, ongoing, and imperfect, but I will always keep my faith in the blessed hope, until the end. It's the very least I can do for someone who suffered, for no reason, on a piece of wood simply for caring and love. That is how evil, dark and manipulative the human heart is, and the evidence is all around you. God bless. Sincerely, SOK Australia
@@jcglowka yes, God said there is no one good, no, not one. There is no way we can ever be perfect. We compare ourselves to God's perfection, not to other people to decide if we are a "good" person. Nothing imperfect can dwell with, and be in the presence of God. So, compared to Hitler, yeah , I'm a "good" person. Compared to almighty God, no, not even close....inherited a sin curse. First Step is admitting we have a problem. The Son of God provides the solution. Jesus as God manifested, was the ONLY one that ever has been perfect, and ever will be here.
@@sunnydaze1185 100% agree, glad to see that some people still have common sense! Just because we see someone on the news who dismembered someone & most say “oh i’m not wicked” because we compare ourselves to complete utter evil, it gives us no excuse to think we’re good. We should ALL be seeking to be more christ-like every single day & repent for true salvation!
THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS VIDEO! FINALLY! This has always been what I've been trying to stress, but I am no where near as sophisticated as this amazing man. God bless you all and your channel!
Nonbelievers don’t have a burden of proof but science can disprove the majority of claims within the bible. Not to mention the bible is just the claim and not the evidence.
Forensics always fascinates me the most. Now all of criminal justice is deeply fascinating but forensics for me takes the cake because it always seems to be the odd child of the sciences. What I mean by that is take the whole God argument and look at the objection towards the gospels being eyewitness statements well most of the Christ mythers try to say they were written way way way after the fact and use some sort of reasoning behind it but it's forensics, many of these critics fail to realize that forensic sciences have handled cases like this so it's not a stranger to such counter claims, forensics goes wait hold on a second what about Matthew and John being mentioned by name in Matthew? Why is Paul quoting Luke in Ephesians? He actually does btw. Why isn't the burning of the Temple in 70 AD never mentioned when Jesus predicts it would happen? There are other very forensic based counter arguments to those counter arguments but these are just the highlights. The reason why these are forensic based is because these types of questions are the very reasons why we have forensics in the first place. It's special bread and butter is looking at things after the fact. Look up any famous case where it all came down to forensics and, if it's that far after the fact, a cold case detective and you will see that repeatedly. Only in very rare circumstances when a cold case detective is called that what Christ mythers think is proof is actually used and a lot of times what they think of is proof isn't even proof and for good reason. You study cases long enough and it becomes clear why that is. So anyway it's this approach to science that makes forensics unique and worth a good read through for anyone really wanting to know what actually counts as evidence. But if you are a Bible basher then don't be surprised if you find yourself accepting evidence you really don't want to accept. To quote Lewis from the Screwtape Letters "once reason is tapped there is no telling where it will lead."
@@rudebowy9 that's exactly my point. If the gospels we're written way after the fact why leave that detail out when Jesus was the one who predicted it? That only makes sense if it hasn't happened yet so the new testament had to be written before 70 AD
That is not true. Many texts are already proven to be false and and is the source of false religions, like there are many "gods" or like in Mormonism where the Mormons claim that their "god" was once a man and became "god" and that we can do the same. Their text, unlike the Bible is wrought through with self-contradictions and lies. The Bible is totally different as it is challenges man to disprove its claims. In every field of study it is self authenticating. When it speaks of science, it is true, when it speaks of morals, it is true. Its history is true as proven again and again in archaelogical studies. Why? The Bible is the only "Word of God."
From an evolutionary standpoint, survival of the fittest determines what mutations are acceptable. Before there were ships to sail, almost every continent believed in some kind of god. Why is mankind predisposed to believe there is a God? Is it because we were designed to worship God, or because we evolved to believe in the spiritual? There is a part of the brain that lights up in CAT scans when you pray. God existing makes more sense to me than "evolving" to believe in a fictitious deity, which doesn't ensure survival.
@@bloodwyvern7876 Consider why we need to believe in our Creator. What are the odds of any two objects hurtling through the emptiness of space, randomly settling into a stable orbit? I'm sure the number is astronomical, to the extent of practical impossibility. Now multiply those odds to the power of the number of objects in the universe, because effectively all objects are in stable orbits. Next, consider there have been no suggestions for the origin of all matter and energy, except deity of one name or another. Our deity has introduced Himself to us, and has even told us what life is all about, what happens after we die, and how we can decide our own fate for the rest of eternity. While you have the freedom to go worship Chthulu von Darwindawkins, I can't see how it would benefit you.
I am amazed that anyone could look at the unspeakably astounding engineering around SIGHT, HEARING and LANGUAGE (or SPEECH) and somehow conclude that any of these could have been forged by any number of millions of years of effort by a NON-INTELLIGENCE! I find that conclusion the stuff and essence of maniacal insanity.
What about poor design? Humans and other animals have a larynx nerve that loops around the heart instead of going straight to the larynx. There's absolutely no reason why a designer would create such an inefficient design. Whales have a vestigial hip and femur that are tiny and serve no purpose.
@@DavidVonR You people are to be deeply, and I mean deeply, deeply, pitied. Go on and live your lives, it doesn't matter, your very enlightened world has fooled all of you into thinking that non-intelligence designed your brains and made you. Don't worry, it will all be over in a flash, and then you will all know. Enjoy the ride while you can.
Reasoning and logic are maniacal insanity, wow , that’s quite a stretch ! You can see truly maniacal behavior by watching and listening to ranting, lunatic televangelists !
I use Proverbs 18:17 often as a cautionary to be careful judging others when you have not listened to both sides of a matter.
Love it!
But Christians always assume the moral high ground and judge others
I also use Dr Phil's quote:" I don't care how flat you make a pancake, it's always got two sides."
I was tutoring a college student yesterday Who is supposed to learn the evolution airy origin of the earth. I was trying to explain to him that it is just one viewpoint and not actual science. This video helped clarify things for me so I can explain it to him better today. Thank you!
You were tutoring a Cosmology student and yet you don't know what Cosmology is?
The earth doesn't have an "Evolutionary origin ". Why did you inject your personal ignorance into something rooted in science and yet claim to be a tutor?
You obviously couldn't tutor a 3rd grade science student
You're a college tutor? God help us!
@@imafeltersnatch7634 cosmology?
@@aeronblitz9347 Better than magic and wizards
00:45 "scientists will almost never say that science can prove anything without a doubt because they understand the limitations of experimental science"
You never prove things with science
No one within the scientific community in any field is using the term "experimental science" as AiG use it.
"Operational science" is just a made up term by AiG
So the video is wrong on so many points
Yes. But Christian’s will never admit the huge amounts of gaps and easily disproved points in the Bible. Science is never limited, it must be refined in order to advance into our previously impossible tasks. But at every point in the evolution of research we will always feel limited until we break that barrier.
I don't think scientists want to lose valuable time trying to convince people the bible is just another book amongst many others, they have better things to do like trying to understand how the universe works through rigorous scientific methods. Religion has always taken the easy path and ends up confusing or distracting people more than anything else.
Religion doesn't mean the truth, Jesus did not die to create a religion, he died to create a relationship with us
You don’t think, because you cannot understand.
Yea exactly it's like trying to disprove the idea that we live in a simulation to someone who is already 100% convinced of it and has no way of changing their mind. It's a complete waste of time because at the end of the day all they are going to say is, "Well you can't disprove it, therefore it's true". Our brightest minds should be dedicated to actual theories that can be disproved and are based in reality. Not superstitious, psuedo-scientific, nonsense.
Those of us that follow The Way The Truth and The Life are not able to take an easy way out by just blindly following. More and more and day by day we are having more proof of God. The energy source that pushed amd breathed and spoke the universe into existence. Science is the study of life and all that’s in it. God created that so we can actually understand what the reasons are for things and creations. Unfortunately there is not an easy out of this learning and studying of life. Isn’t that soo awesome 😎 💯🎉👍🏽
This is sort of off topic, anyhow, I just wanted to point out, that how Shepard's affair is possibly the main contributing factor in his conviction. This shows how easily sin can ruin a life. Something to think about.
Off topic but catchy thus arguably effective. My thought is that because human dna is so complicated it is unlikely to have occurred naturally (Darwinism) in such a short time without intervention by a higher force
@@michaelboano7183 Anthony Flew a devote atheistic scientist from the UK stated upon viewing human DNA that there was intelligent design.
@@simply2sophisticated Based off the little that I have read, I tend to agree with that argument
@Daily verse Biblically speaking, I don’t think you’re correct
@Daily verse thanks for not being belligerent like most on utube. I like what u said from a non-biblical perspective. Keep up the desire for righteousness. It is refreshing and much needed in this flawed world! Made my day!!!!
These videos are so well done! They seek to glorify God in every aspect!
Thanks! Please share!
Do you think an organization that chronically lies about science is glorifying God in some way?
Why would they try to disprove the Bible. Oh, I know, they don't want to give credit to the Almighty.
No real scientist has ever even tried to disprove the bible. Science doesn't study the super natural
You bought the straw man premise. Science does not in fact try to disprove the bible. Refuting some unsupported claims of young Earth creationists is not trying to disprove the bible. It's simply skepticism about unsupported claims.
...the ironic thing is, with more science done, they prove it more.
@@paradelights Cite the top 5
The Bible disproves itself.
Thank you so much for this ministry!! You are opening the eyes of so many people to the awesome existence of our almighty God and Savior Jesus Christ
Thanks! Please share! : )
@@calvinangela4348 I will and I do! Merry Christmas and God bless you and yours 🙏
@@lauracaskey2753 no
@@lauracaskey2753 don't spread propaganda
There will always be a gap between what we can “know” and what we “believe.” This applies equally to skeptics and believers. We cannot possibly know every detail involved every time we sit in a chair, eat food, or climb stairs. Such actions all express a measure of faith. We act, despite what we don’t know, because of what we do know. That’s the essence of biblical faith, including faith in the existence of God. We trust in what is known, leading us to action, despite a less-than-absolute understanding
Yes, but not all of us have blind faith. Some people, like me, have received dreams/visions of future biblical events.
no, the things you list have countless examples of being real... of having repeated behavior... of reliably acting the same way. We have a lifetime of experience with chairs always supporting us, food sustaining us, stairs conveying us up or down a floor. Those things are physically confirmable. There are no examples of any God. Its a supernatural claim. There are only stories, written by men, not contemporary to the claimed events, in an old anthology.
@@mrhwi that's just it. The Bible is not just a book of stories and we don't believe it as just a book of stories. What makes the Bible real is when the reality that we read about becomes evident in our own life. When we give our heart to Jesus and we are filled with his Holy Spirit, just as the Bible declares. When the Holy Spirit begins to change our life, just as the Bible declares. When we are going through trials and tribulations and we feel his peace, just as the Bible declares. That is what sets it apart and that is why we believe the Bible to be true.
@@SK-bw2cv It is a book of stories, literally. I know that you 'believe' it isn't, but it is. A person can chose to believe anything but that doesn't make it reflective of reality. I could believe there is a great herd of polka-dotted unicorns running free between the orbits of saturn and jupiter but that doesn't make it true.... Even if I read it in a book. I would have to prove my belief if I wanted it to be taken seriously.
@@janelle9998 and how do you differentiate those visions from the odd dreams that most people have ? How do you differentiate them from a more serious mental issue ? Having a dream doesnt get one to a proof of any god. And how do you know it will happen if its a future event ? That is a bizarre thing to state even on the face of it.
For some reason these vids make more sense and I’m not even Christian
Be careful!! You're liable to think deeply enough to become one!! 🙏
These videos are good for explaiations.
If you're curious, the Gospel according to John is a great starting point to understanding how the Judeo-Christian faith works.
The biggest hurdle is not believability. It's willingness.
People know that if they believe Jesus is Lord, they will have to change. When they don't want to, they look for excuses to doubt our Lord.
John 3:20-21
"Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God."
John 8:43
"Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you are unable to accept My message."
John 7:17
"Anyone who chooses to do the will of God will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own."
Psalm 25:14
"The LORD confides in those who fear him, and reveals his covenant to them."
@@robertdesantis6205 not a good chance of that happening your God hates me, haven’t seen any meaningful miracles, haven’t seen any thing that PROVES God is real other than having to believe on something that isn’t there which in that case is like believing in Santa clause or Easter bunny. Only thing I believe is MAYBE God was real one time long ago and he died and we just kept going. Otherwise where is your God besides being dead? Or does he take enjoyment of watching people suffer? You have to be perfect for him to show up then Christians claim no one is perfect, Christians always have a reason protecting their belief “if it doesn’t happen or things don’t go your way it’s cause God knows better” so “ask and you shall receive” is a bs line. Yeah I tried believing in that I wanted to believe in that magical fairy tale stuff but real life hit me hard, only thing I can believe is God is dead.
@@pmp2559 GOD manifests Himself daily in the world around us. You are correct, though. There is zero "chance" of your mind and heart being changed, unless He chooses to do so. The suffering we daily behold around us is indeed humanly inexplicable, but that is irrelevant to preparation for eternity. As Pascal said, if those who believe in GOD are wrong, at the end of the day, they lose nothing. If those who reject Him are wrong, they lose it all.
It's funny how Christians used to think when somebody got hit by lightning, it was God punishing them. But in reality it was just somebody standing at the wrong place at the wrong time.
No Christians whom I know ever had a theology like that. Can you quote a source based on any formally taught theology of lightning?! Nope.
@@sliglusamelius8578 What theology, Christianity has broken down to 1000 factions because you can read those scriptures and make whatever you want of them.
So your idea is false, Christianity does not preach that lightning strikes are punishment from God.
And also during the great flood while egyptians were building pyramid they were on the same timeline according to genesis.
Great quote by E.O. Wilson! Therefore the automobile was created by man, and man was created by Christ.
* and Mankind created all the mythical gods
Awesome content presented with amazing clarity 👍👍🙂
Thanks! Please share! : )
awesomely incorrect that is !
It's not up to scientist to disprove anything, if you make a claim, it's up to you to prove it.
Most of what we believe is not provable though.
Any science is because of God's creation. You can do good or evil with the science, that is choice/free will that God allows. You will have to answer for how you used the science when you stand before Jesus.
Yet ALL science proves mythical gods impossible. Go figure
@@imafeltersnatch7634 What is one piece of scientific evidence that "proves" God impossible?
@@chrispark2698 " All gods are outside the bounds of physics.
@@chrispark2698 What is one piece of scientific evidence that " proves " any mythical gods exist.
@@imafeltersnatch7634 First, there is only one God. I would argue that physics actually provides evidence FOR God, rather than against Him.
First, if God created everything, including physics, wouldn't it make sense for Him to exist outside of physics?
I'll take it even further for you. Why is physics possible? The fact that the universe seems to be written in a precise mathematical language that we can discover and use to make predictions seems to point towards an intelligent designer. How else would you explain the exquisite & precise fine tuning of the constants and quantities in our universe that makes life possible? The force of Gravity, the nuclear weak & strong force, the mass of elemental particles that make chemistry possible - and the list goes on. Our universe contains an incomprehensibly immense amount of fine-tuning that makes it possible to exist. How else do you explain all of that without a designer?
Physics does not disprove God, but rather, provides evidence for Him.
Now on your other question - "What is one piece of scientific evidence that " proves " any mythical gods exist."
There is none. Just like there is no evidence you can give to prove God does NOT exist, there is no evidence I can give you that proves HE DOES exist. We can't prove much of anything in science. All we can do is take the evidence we have, and decide what is the best, most plausible explanation of that evidence. I just gave you one major evidence of God - the fine tuning of universe. Another one - the fact that life exists at all suggests there was a designer involved in life's genesis.
Got anything else?
This is the same thing I've said for decades. The facts are facts, but the interpretation is opinion.
Thanks you! Please share! : )
Answers in Genesis Well pointed out, as other apologists have also explained to the crowds left and right, we must always remember, as Jesus and Paul have announced, just as there are good teachers who’ll help make sense of the Bible, there are also false teachers leading people astray; therefore to be as 1 Peter 3:15, ready to give an answer, whether accepted or not, to those who question about faith and hope and life.
Quoting genesis ??? There's a lovely story in there.
Genesis 19:
Angels show up sleeping on the street. Lot brings them into his house as an act of kindness. Crowd arrives wanting them to have sex with them.
Lot says, “that would be wicked. I have 2 virgin daughters, take them instead and do what you will”. (isnt that grand?)
Crowd: “we want the men/angels”.
The Angels blind the crowd and destroy S&G the next day. Lots wife is turned into a pillar. His daughters got him drunk and had sex with him to get pregnant because there were no men around anymore.
Interestingly, Judges 19 also seems to tell a different version of this story:
A man and his concubine staying with an older man and his daughter. Crowd arrives wanting the guest to have sex with them.
So either someone copied the story and got it wrong or it was normal for townsfolk to knock on doors of people with guests and demand they have sex with those guests.
Man, “I have a daughter and concubine, take them instead and do what you will”.
Crowd: “no, we want the man”.
The concubine got sent out, people raped her until she could barely crawl back to the home’s door. The male guest sleeps all night, wakes up, see her upon leaving and says, “get up, we have to go”. She’s too hurt to do so she he puts her on the donkey and takes her home, where he cuts her up into 12 pieces and sends those pieces to all the coasts of Israel. (also lovely, hey?)
This is the exact reasoning that brought me back to God. The more I tried to dive into the latest research on the observations and understanding of reality. The more I realized that
A) We know virtually nothing about the nature of reality
B) Scientists view intelligent design as a plausible explanation
Creationists who think intelligent design is a thing, are not scientists.
Exactly, the only thing I have difficulty with is trying to disprove evolution. I still haven't found anything concrete yet.
@@color4795 micro evolution yes. Macro evolution. I dont think so, personally
@@Micolashcage1 But what I'm trying to see is you know how we have fossils of past humans in various shapes, up until the present-day? How does that not prove macro evolution?
@@color4795 if you do some research into that, its a bit fishy. Especially Lucy the alleged missing link. Studies have suggested that they arent early human “variants” at all. The whole missing link thing is a red flag as well
A clear story with a sad example, which unfortunately is very common in all kinds of ways.
People are very easily prejudiced and that causes a lot of misery.
The thing is that there is a lot of other stuff that we find that creationists can not explain and the amount of evidence that point to a very old earth is enormously more.
Really? Can you name one? I just want to know
@@LilBunny6077 oil and cole deposites.
@@mattikaronen7728 yeahhh.....anything else? I think I wanna know more
@@LilBunny6077 no creationist explanation for my evidence?? 🙄
@@mattikaronen7728 someone definitely has an answer but for now I think God did
There's no need to disprove something that has continuously failed to be proven in the first place.
All one has to do, is point at this failure.
Well I pray you keep looking brother. I pray you feel lead to seek and that you may find like the rest of us. No need to judge some of us have been there before. I just pray you do that in time before he comes back for only his people.. I really hope you will be one of them. Have a good Saturday sir
I am curious what you mean - can you point at a particular failure?
If you want material proof of spirit, then you will wait until your material body wears out. Your spirit will then learn what we have all been tellng you, and it will be too late.
The failure to meet the burden of proof concerning any Supernatural claim made in the Bible.
Define the word spirit.
And, please present a definition which would differentiate what your defining from the imaginary
After that, please present whatever evidence you have to show that it does indeed exist.
Videos like these make my week! Thank you so much A.I.G. Canada!
Do you know how much of the Bible Science has disproven? Science has disproven Noah's flood and etc..
This is excellent. Thank you!
What’s your bases of fact on this accusation?
Who are you to question someone’s heart? Do you know him personally?
I don’t listen to gossip. If you have an opposing argument present it. Otherwise you are gossiping and trying to create divisions.
I believe that God created the earth in 6 literal days and I can support this through scripture. I believe the post supports reasons why we should question the false evolution dialogue. That is why it is excellent.
So, did you buy your Bible? Do you buy Christian books? Does your Pastor get paid? Does your church own the building it meets in?
You’re talking nonsense.
You show me in the scripture where Christians can’t be rich?
Do you know the ark encounter itself was funded privately?
Where is AiG asking you to buy anything? Or contribute to get something back?
What about ligonier Ministries? They make a lot of money too.
Read your Bible Friend, study what it actually says regarding making money. He’s not a church, he doesn’t profess to be a church. If you condemn him then you also need to condemn every person who has ever written a Christian book.
This ministry isn’t promoting false doctrine nor is it trying to get you to buy your salvation.
These are not indulgences. Have you even studied church history?
and what is a “real Christian “?
@@bestcomsystems4458 So you are equating AIG to catholicism?
It's interesting you equate selling goods to selling the Gospel.
As for paying AiG to intercede, can you provide a single example?
I suspect you slander them, but why would anybody do that?
Is it because you don't want to see people with terminal degrees researching and discussing topics the secular mythos has already claimed proprietary?
Is it because you oppose ministries that attempt to function through the profit of toil rather than through begging for donations?
Ken Hamm's ark is not a temple, nor is the gift shop. The one is a museum and the other is a gift shop.
The point of the entire thing is to prove Noah's Flood is not a ridiculous and impossible myth. They certainly have proved the ark is not impossible, which means the event is not ridiculous.
It is not for science to disprove the Bible. It's for believers to prove the Bible. That's the burden of proof in science as well as law.
By the same token, it's for believers in Darwinian evolution to prove that theory....and they have failed to do so for 150 years now !
There is no theory of darwinian evolution
@@CarlMCole Because the only argument they ultimately accept is: it's in the Bible.
Since the beginning of religion, religious people have been "adapting" their belief to scientific discoveries. The bible is a mixture of all existing beliefs in an area, it was translated, retranslated, modified and re-modified, adapted and rewritten. Its content is just an historical fairytale, easy to disprove to anyone who has not decided once and for all to believe in creation.
Quite the claim ur making. Not sure how the Bible arrived at monotheism if it's supposed to be a buffet of surrounding religions. Do u have evidence it's a fairytale or is self assurance good enough for you to pretend u know something?
Did Canaanites believe in the water cycle? Ecclesiastes describes the water cycle.
Californians don't seem to know about the water cycle, but ancient Hebrews knew about it.
I think what you're trying to do is a sort of reverse tower of Babel.
The problem is, well, your thinking is backwards.
You do know Zoroastrianism was in existence before the Hebrew religion, don't you?
Hebrew religion is named after Eber, who was descended from Noah and an ancestor of Abraham.
The lineage is traced back to Adam and down to Jesus in Scripture, and all along it has men who seek the face of God and try their hardest to obey His will, failing from time to time in what can only be described as the frailty of the flesh.
This zoroastrianism you mention, it is merely a perversion of what some men already knew.
It is an attempt to replace God with something more permissive of one type of sin or another.
Telling me what the Hebrew religion is named after, or the claims made in this religion, have no bearing on the fact that they're religions that existed before the Hebrew religion, and at least one of these religions was monotheistic.
I love the title of this video. It’s not that scientists cannot disprove the Bible. The reality is that scientists are too involved in doing real science in specific scientific fields of study, to care whether or not there is anything in the Bible that needs to be disproved. With that out of the way, I think I’ll watch the rest of the video.
[Twenty hours later] So I did watch the rest of the video. I’m just getting around to sharing what I learned. I’m not sure what crime scene forensics has to do with biblical studies. That entire discussion about the Sam Shepard case was totally irrelevant to whether or not the Bible creation narrative is true. Where this video really ventures into intellectual dishonesty is when our host claims that “…the real conflict is between biblical history versus the story of evolution.” The folks at AIG know full well what is meant by “scientific theory.” Our host refers to evolution as a “story.” He wishes for the Bible’s Genesis account of creation to be “biblical history” but rather than cite any reputable historian that would support the claim that the Bible is history, he goes right into a discussion about soft tissue in dinosaur bones and how that proves the flood story (see, I can do that too!).
Scientists don’t need to disprove the Bible. Creationists need to do a better job of proving that there’s anything historical in it. And, oh by the way, when one knowingly engages in intellectual dishonesty, they are in effect, bearing false witness. The Bible needs to stand on the truth by itself. It should not need to be supported by lies and intellectual dishonesty.
I love that Christians think scientists are always out there, doing all they can, day and night, to disprove the bible.
I don’t think scientists care, and it shows the insecurity of believers.
It’s a revealing title.
Johann Kepler, 16th century mathematician and astronomer said, “science is the process of thinking God’s thoughts after Him”
Did he ever demonstrate that he was correct?
Most of your beliefs are unprovable. Your very consciousness is an unprovable phenomenon, I don’t believe that you have the correct apperception of reality and you can’t prove that you do.
@@sliglusamelius8578 - Drew made no comment about consciousness. He was asking if Kepler has been proven correct. Don't deflect, answer the question.
We all believe that we have consciousness that reflects reality, yet that is an unprovable assertion. If the brain evolved from a primordial soupy sea, we have no reason to suppose that it properly reflects reality. Maybe your perceptions are all false. Who designed the human brain?
@@sliglusamelius8578 - Do you have evidence that the human brain was designed?
Excellent work on this video! Generation Z needs more of this.. because all they have nowadays is one sided narrative..
Thanks! Please share! : )
This video helped me see the world with an open mind and not just assume its only 6000 years old like i've been taught
No, crime scene investigators don't do 'historical science' vs operational science. These are terms creationists invented and don't actually exist outside of the creationist material. There are 2 kinds of science, life sciences and physical science. Life science would include biology, physical science would be physics, for example. And both use the scientific method. This operational vs historical thing is a figment of the creationist imagination with the aim of trying to get some wiggle room on their 'facts'.
Historians, on the other hand, use other methods. They are less interested in reproducibility and instead are focused on collecting evidence that leads them to a better understanding of the cultures, events and people. They want to see artifacts, documentation, submit samples for dating, determine the materials and methods used for cloth making, or writing, those kinds of things. Those tests need to be reproducible, but the studied events themselves, no.
Crime scene techs though do normal every day science. And yes, it needs to be reliable, and repeatable. If they test a stain and find it is a bodily fluid, maybe they can get a blood type, or even dna. And the results need to be reliable, so they are run multiple times, ideally through different labs. The defense might even do their own testing. Or, maybe it's a hit and run case, and they have paint embedded in the corpse, they will examine the paint and determine the color make/model perhaps of the vehicle. And again, the defense might want to do their own testing.
This idea of science only being science if reproduction is done is nonsense. You can do science where the thing being studied is not reproduced. This is very common and normal. What does need to be reproducible though are the results of the tests. If that crime lab comes back with an O+ blood type, but the defense team test comes back with B- then there is a serious problem that needs to be sorted out, for example. They don't need to reproduce the crime scene, they do need their analysis to be reliable though, which means independent testing and confirmation or refutation of their results.
Okay, so you've established that there are no scientific absolutes ... as if there are any "Creationist" absolutes? The Bible is a collection of historical fictions, fables that were sometimes repetitively established (often inserting different details according to who the latest author/editor may be) when the "science" of communication was young(er).
Instead, this video has its protagonist focusing on "God's Word." But, WHO IS GOD? And what exactly is the most "faithful" interpretation of that Word? There, I've done gone and turned the "gaslight" back on you.
Also, it seems that you've chosen to ignore archeology (which is not to be confused with "Biblical archeology," which attempts to shoehorn a fictional religious premise into a historical supposition).
The creationist argument being made here is prologued with a subtle misinformation about science, and its most useful function. Pretty slick.
I don't know of any scientists who have any interest in disproving the bible. Why would they even want to try? One cannot prove or disprove a belief.
There's plenty of testimonies of ppl setting out to do just that, and end up converting to Christianity. That's quite the witness.
One cannot prove or disprove a belief ? Hunh ? The idea that all the living species of animals arose as a result of some Darwinian evolutionary process is a belief like any other belief. So if you can't prove a belief why have the evolutionists spent 150 years trying to prove THEIR belief ?!
@@CarlMCole Evolution is hard to prove because it takes place on such a long time scale. Actually a University of Cambridge study has recently proven part of of it. 150 years is a very short time in the big picture.
The thing is beliefs are Very disprovable. If I believed that cheese is made of soft stone. It’s easily disprovable, now what if you believed a deity existed before time. Imagine that vs years worth of evidence that is constantly being added on to. Once a belief is created adding onto it would just make the entirety of that belief obsolete.
Is this the correct video? It appears to be the same as "What Forensic Science can teach us about our origins." posted 2 weeks ago.
That’s one way to increase viewership
When you breathe you are speaking the name of God when you breathe in it sounds like YH when you breathe out it sounds like WH. Even the atheists say his name all day every day until their last breath!
That thought popped into my head one day as I was learning about the Hebrew alphabet and how the vowel sounds aren't indicated, so we can't be sure how ancient words were pronounced.
@Creston Swan You do not know Hebrew.
😂😂😂😂 this looks like what i would say if im simply being satirical making fun of theists and fear being called out for my stroll man
but i bet you're serious 🤦🤦
@Creston Swan the original
@Creston Swan its not yours
I can still remember getting into an argument with my science teacher back in the 80s about how a cow evolved into a whale in my text book. Not only did it not make any sense but there was no explanation as to how, only that it took time and mutations in the DNA, well I was born with a few mutations in my DNA which is called birth defeacts. I've spent the last 8 years studying evolutionists claims, which seems to be evolving faster each year, and realized that not only are they wrong but they have held us back as a human race from becoming better in mind and spirit, and overall HEALTHIER.
A true study of DNA would also conclude Devolving and not evolving. If we continued to evolve as being taught (Macro Evolution) then our DNA would be getting better and not worse requiring fewer Doctors not more.
Science has also tested and verified that materials will return to their original state. Hence being made from the dust of the earth and returning to dust of the earth.
Ok so because youre unhappy with the evolutionary mutations you received, you say it doesn't exist....
One animals defect is another's adaptation. Nature sorts it out. Sorry you drew the short straw, but you're proof.
@@TylerShacklefordDurden Who said I am unhappy. You have just provided the exact false reasoning used in Evolutionary Science. Assumptions without evidence.
(Edit) In turn drawing you to the wrong conclusion.
@@chrish7336 wow, a lot to unpack there. Well for starters, you mixed up your sock accounts and replied from the wrong one. I never said the Chris account was unhappy, just the one you made the OP with. Yikes.
Great synopsis.
A Christian walks through nature and the world and says:
Look at the wonders of God.
An atheist walks through nature and the world and says:
Look at what evolution has created in 3.5 billion years and the laws of nature in 14 billion years.
The Christian has:
...2 old books (Bible/New Testament) of collected sagas, legends, traditions and a few biased eyewitnesses (NT only) on the level of knowledge from 1880 (NT) to 2600 years ago. (Bible) There have not been any new ones since then sources added. In addition, there are thousands and thousands of different interpretations of the texts of hundreds of Christian religions and sects that are mostly not so brotherly opposed to one another. A lot of dubious miracles that have not yet stood up to any serious examination and self-appointed prophets. In competition there are thousands of other non-Christian religions with completely different old books that all claim something completely different.
The atheist has:
Billions of research results and proofs that stand up to all tests (sometimes not) and mostly fit together perfectly. (rarely not) Still with some gaps, but which are slowly closing. (with some like dark matter/energy it still looks very bleak out)
Created by millions of hard-working scientists from around the world who have been bringing together the work of many different branches of science for generations and can almost always confirm the results of the other branches.
All in mutual competition and at the same time cooperation and peaceful coexistence. A well-rounded, harmonious world view has developed and continues to develop.
Who am I supposed to believe now...
The Christian has the exact same number of facts to observe that the atheist does. There isn't a fact Christians and atheists observe that we do not agree with. It is the interpretation of the facts we disagree with. Believing soft tissue in dinosaurs lasting millions of years when chemical decomposition rates simply don't allow for it is faith. Believing the most sophisticated coded language system we've ever seen (DNA) came about through a no mind process when all we've ever observed is coded language systems coming from intelligent minds is faith. Believing sedimentary rock layers are laid down slowly over millions of years when we've observed rapid sedimentation and fossils forming within hrs is faith. This is not a science VS faith issue. This is a faith VS faith issue based on the exact same facts.
Yes, we are all observing the exact same things....
Science has thousands of tools to explain it.
Religion has... ONE book!
Why don't you mention that the fossilized piece of skin that was found had to be treated with various chemicals to make it supple again?
DNA could arise because it had the time to do so.
Put 1 billion monkeys 1 billion years in front of typewriters... someday someone will write a logical book.
This video is awesome!!! I don’t know how people can look at science and not see God’s craftsmanship. Thank you! ❤️
Thanks! Please share! : )
Cause it's not showing
I am beginning to realize that they do. They just literally try to run the correct answer away from them. They want to be overly intellectual about it and not understand and take God’s word for how it is.🤦🏽♀️🙏🏽💯
Why Scientists CANNOT Disprove the Bible. The same way that Science can't disprove LOTR or Spiderman?
All scientists know you cannot disprove a negative. You cannot prove unicorns do not exist, but no one has seen one.
Great vid, but that vest is criminal :P
Very well done!
Thanks! Please share! : )
One day every scientist will meet the one they are trying to deny, face to face. Then they'll wish they would have listened now.
'Scientists' don't deny god anymore than they do unicorns, pixies, and leprechauns. Show that any of these are more than just your imagination, and science will get to work.
@@sulpicius7602 nice cop out but not based in reality. And by the way how do you know what "every scientist" does or doesn't do? Evolution is an imaginary myth with no more fact to it than unicorns, pixies or leprechauns. It's dead. You just don't realize it yet.
@@sulpicius7602 evolution never happened, isn't happening now and will never happen in the future. You've been deceived.
@@sulpicius7602 there is only one way to heaven and one truth.
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.~ John 14:6
And which of the 6000+ gods that people believe in will that be? I'm sure you'd say, only the one YOU believe in. PATHETIC.
Its not up to anybody to disprove the bible , its up the the people trying to convert you to prove it.
Great listen 👍
Thanks, please share! : )
@@calvinangela4348 I definitely will :)
Great job AiG. Love these types of films and the production. This would make a great YT commercial.
? A children's coloring book would be more appropriate considering the target audience
Thanks! Please share! : )
Christians love breeding, are you saying? I'm pretty sure every adult enjoys the reproductive act.
"Ima Troll" can't possibly respond to the persuasive arguments, so...
@@FRN2013 The Title of this episode is a complete lie.
Historians and Scientists along with mathematics disprove mythology. How exactly would mythology even have a foundation?
Excellent video!
Thanks! Please share! : )
A lot of folks don't want to know the truth. They're afraid they would have to face the fact there is a god, our God, Yaweh. They do not want to give up their self perceived freedoms and do not realize that coming to God and accepting our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ IS freedom.
Yey!!!! Freedom
Unfortunately AIG can't read and understand it's own Bibles. They pick and choose what parts they believe, and discard what they Don't want to believe. Such as God saying Not to eat anything that is unclean, and in which He describes those unclean animals, meats, like pork, shellfish, and much more, and then AIG misinterprets scripture to say God changed His mind, and now we can eat anything, when the verse they quote was talking about the sanctuary meat, not unclean animals.
..Then they keep Pagan Sunday holy, when God says to Keep My commandments, in which God says to Keep His 7th day sabbath Holy, the 4th Commandment. God says Not to keep the commandments of Men, but Keep the Commandments of God.. They believe God Created the heavens and the earth in 7 days, but then discard the 7th day that God set aside to be Holy, and as a Sign/memorial of His creation, because of false doctrines in the church. They throw out Ex. 20:8-11, and Deut. 5:12-15.. Jesus kept the sabbath, the Apostles kept the sabbath, but then Constantine and the Catholic church changed the sabbath to Sunday in the 2nd century AD, and persecuted those who kept God's sabbath day during the Dark Ages, 538AD to 1798 AD..
This chap is excellent proof of his own theory that science is open to interpretation. He has proven that allowing non scientists like lawyers and policemen to interpret results will open the door to wrong conclusions, which is precisely where he is trying to leave us, the viewers. By being selective in his arguments he is leading us up the garden path, as so many religionists before him have done. This isn't clarity, it is deceit. Listen carefully to his language and apply a scientific rigour to it, disregard his conclusion and focus on the quotes he gives us, and the truth will dawn, especially if you go and look up the quotes for yourself.
It’s difficult to prove a negative. I can however list some things the Bible got wrong
1 grasshoppers have 4 legs (Leviticus 11:20-23)
2. Bats are birds that you can’t eat (Leviticus 11:13-19)
3 plants were created before the sun an entire day before the sun(Genesis 1:11-19)
4 Nebuchadnezzar never took Tyre as Ezekiel predicted (Ezekiel 26:1-14)
In addition, god created light on the first day even before he created the sun a few days later.
Must have been a pretty powerful flashlight.
To quote the bible:
"On the first day god created light and you could see for miles."
Not only that, to quote "Ricky Gervais " , he did "heavens and the earth" in total darkness, what a lad
@@godergodel1649 "what a lad"
God knows what every {particle} in the universe is doing at any given instant, (even ones unnamed as of yet by science). He transcends time; He has past knowledge of this and knows this about the future. I guess He could have created everything in the dark. Jesus will be the final judge of all of our hearts at the end.
also compare the genealogies in Matthew and Luke
Very informative
Thanks! Please share! : )
This was great.
Thank you for explaining science more clearly. This video is so helpful to me, because it's often hard to put into words the things we know are true to those who have an entirely different perspective. God bless you 🙏
How do you know that this version is true? Because it is in the Bible? What is there except the Bible itself to say it is true. Anybody could write that, or maybe you should believe a different religion whose scriptures make the same claim of truth? There is no evidence that you would be wrong.
The video is muddling the water for you, The guy in the video is making stuff up like the word operation/historical science. No one beside AiG use them. Also, no one within the scientific community is talking about disprove/prove things.
Science is about creating the best model for what we observe, it should be falsifiable and be able to make novel prediction.
This guy is also pulling of nonsense like "you was not there", which they themself is using when they talk about "dead things in the ground".
If you genuinely think that that was a good explanation than it looks like you have no idea when someone is spewing out a load of BS.
The example provided was fallacious designed only for people that do not have critical thinking capabilities.
* Misrepresented science
@@imafeltersnatch7634 *misrepresented comment
I can dispute it. It isn't really anything more than a collection of stories, There! I've disputed it.
Very well done video.🙏🏿💯🐼🤔💥
Thanks! Please share! : )
This is beautiful. Well done!
Thanks! Please share! : )
I also think that we can use the terms 'inductive' and 'abductive' reasoning to point out a fallacy of ambiguity made by applying methodological naturalism to 'data interpretation.'
I want to thank your website for helping me solve the 'smallest seed' problem. I was trying to solve it by just visiting partial or secular websites but it made me realize that it's ok to look at your teams' work.
You can throw in as many terms as you like to try and obscure the many hard facts and data that render them vacuous.
@@allenmorgan You wrote this using your mind. Don't you wonder how this happens?This bears witness of an infinite creator. I don't see how chance or physical necessity can account for this.
Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
Genesis 2:7
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
Romans 1:20
And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
Hebrews 11:6
@@jorgei.alonso9959 But a magic man in the sky can do anything so that fixes all your problems, doesn't it? Some people are looking for real answers, not make-believe gods doing everything with their magic wands.
@Jerry long There are so many things wrong with that interpretation of Christianity. Well, really only one: That our God doesn’t do anything we want, in fact he troubles out lives that our life on this earth is difficult, but if we push through in a relationship with the creator of the universe we will gain an eternal life on a new earth with new heavens. God doesn’t promise things will get easier, though there is wisdom (from reading the Bible) to get through the toughness of it all, but God promises that he’ll be with us through these tough times, which only make up a fraction of our lives. The stories in the Bible sound like fiction, but if you can just get to the core of it (having a friendship with Jesus) then you’ll believe anything in the Bible, even the ones of woman turning into salt, or bones being formed into a body. I hope you can see the Bible as another history book, because that’s what it is. We’re supposed to look back on history to act better and not make the same mistakes again, but it seems the world just doesn’t want to, since the mistakes bring pleasure to those who commit them.
@@jorgei.alonso9959 Look up the logical fallacy called "argument from incredulity"
I couldn't more agree, God created the universe and man and woman and all the animals, plants, everything.
And the rapture is soon and then the tribulation in the second coming of Christ and the thousand years of Christ reign and then we will ever be with the Lord Lori be to Jesus
@@thomasfridenberg1507 yep... Any day now.... This is what happens when you convince people that God wants us all sent to heck by default, because some lady wanted to attend public school.
Excellently and logically put!
We all know Atheists believe we came from a rock that got rained on for millions of years and evolution brought us here. This is nothing new.
Jeremiah 2:27 "They say to the wood, 'You are my father,' and to stone , 'You gave me birth.'
That was written by someone on a ton of mushrooms.
@@TylerShacklefordDurden Shitake mushrooms are great. Cordeyceps and Lion's Mane are also good for different maladies. Same with Turkey Tail mushrooms. There is a mushroom called Chicken of the Woods that is perfectly edible. Why hate on mushrooms?
@@midknight3350 I don't, I love them. Especially the psychedelic variety you must have overdosed on before posting this.
@@TylerShacklefordDurden Ad hominem, much?
@@midknight3350 hey man, it's cool. Ride the wave, no hate.
Example for conflict between the bible and science:
1:16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
1:17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,
Well, we know for sure that the monn is not a luminary, it just reflects sunlight, and both, sun and moon, are surely not inside a fimament with water above it. this part of the bible is definetely disproven by science. And there are hundreds more
A window gives light, even though it does not produce light. Likewise, a mirror gives light, even though it does not produce light. It is not inaccurate to say the moon gives light to the earth, even if it is not the first originator of the light that it is sending to earth.
As for the absence of an observable water layer in space, I would point out that the stars are all in the firmament, and Genesis tells us the upper waters are above the firmament. We do not currently possess the capability to see beyond all the stars of the universe with the clarity necessary to confirm or deny the existence of a water layer encapsulating the universe.
Saying goes: "Science does not say anything, scientists do". Simplictically, the scientific method consist of three steps: observe, replicate & repeat. That being; scientists observe the e.g. the universe. Have a lot to say about it, but have up to now failed to replicate and repeat? In my opinion they have a long way (billions of years) to go to satisfy their own "doctrines". Until then..... hasta la vista
@@mirandahotspring4019 Thank you. The universe has not been replicated nor repeated.
@@henkkruger5510 - Many of the core beliefs of modern science have not been validated using the scientific method. Earth by accretion and the Core Dynamo theory of the Earth's magnetic field are two examples. These have been adopted as FACT, and have been misleading the entire world ever since. We live in a time where observation and experiment have largely been replaced by inference and consensus. Does this matter? Is it relevant to the discussion of science vs religion? Of course. Science has declared that there is simply not remotely close to enough water to bury all of the landmasses including the mountains. Is there evidence that this is true? Yes. Is there evidence that it is NOT true? Yes. So it is a matter of interpretation of evidence. How many people have dismissed the biblical Flood and Creation narratives based on unproven 'SCIENCE' being presented as irrefutable fact??
@@henkkruger5510 - Every year more water is detected below the surface. The assertion that more than 99% of the Earth's water is found above ground has already been shown to be false. The head researcher at the Kola super-deep borehole stated that, in light of the 'science' coming from the borehole, the geology books would need to be rewritten! Why? Because the inferences were wrong. The amount of water they were finding was beyond anything thought to be possible. Couple that with the well-hidden truth that the natural crystalline minerals, of which the Earth's crust is comprised, will not form from a melted state. They will only form in water. Melts make glass - not minerals. Now we have two foundational pillars of science that are very much in question, and the implications are quite profound. Suddenly the Flood was absolutely possible since most of the water was said to come from inside the Earth, and an Earth formed "in and of water" as per scripture seems to be the only plausible explanation for what we observe. Core dynamo magnetic field mechanism is false by extension.
@@mirandahotspring4019 Sure, does this logic imply that i will have the same experience when observing a photo of me embracing my wife, than by actually doing so?
@@henkkruger5510 gravity hasn't been replicated but the tests of it's effects has, you're intentionally choosing to arbitrarily define science in a way that reinforces your bias. if you're going to tell scientists, that have 10 years of formal education and 20 years of experience in the field, that they're wrong then you better provide substantial evidence as for why
Science is the search by method for truth
Great video
Thanks! Please share! : )
This is a great video. By that, I mean the content and cinematography. In this comment, I’m focusing on cinematography. (I may not be using the right word). Answers in Genesis is an organization that boldly stands for biblical truth but their videos have usually been discussion panels or lectures. This video here does something wonderfully different. They have incorporated clips, motion, etc. that I think will capture and keep the attention of younger students like mine. Please make more videos like this one. Love you guys!
Biblical truth is a fine example of an oxymoron
Is not a coincidence that the universe is:
One Escence; that is...Energy . and
Three Necessary existences:
Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons.
Without this Trinity , we wouldn't be here.
There are also three kinds of animals: carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. Proof of the trinity right there.There are also three kinds of weather: dry, raining and humid. More proof. And there are three kinds of kids: good ones, brats and everyone else. And three basic flavors of ice cream: chocolate, strawberry and vanilla. Not only that, there are three directions things can move in space: forward and back, side to side and up and down. Hallelujah for that wonderful proof of God's love! And there are three kinds of books: fiction, non-fiction and reference. What further proof do we need? Not only that, there were three phases to Elvis's career: young, hip Elvis, fat Elvis and dead Elvis. Take that, godless atheists. I see God everywhere.
@@donlimoncelli6108 Don't care about Elvis, at all.. But water is three atoms. Physical world is time, space, matter(energy). Many things in the created world, like you said, are trinitarian. Then other fascinating, and irrefutable proofs of science; Fractal geometry, and the Golden ratio (and the related Fibinacci sequence). Fractal geometry is present from clouds to galaxies, mountains to coastlines, lightning bolts, etc. And in ALL life forms; plants, flowers, vein and artery structures, even to the pattern of trees growing in a forest (has been extensively studied and proven), and so on it goes, too many things to list. The Golden Ratio is present from hurricanes to sea shells, flowers, ratios of the human bodily form, the shape of the DNA molecule, galaxies, etc., it permeates everything, just like fractal geometry also permeates everything. As the Bible says, God's invisible qualities have been clearly seen by what has been made, so that man is without excuse. All of this, and I didn't even mention the miracle of the language of DNA, a molecule containing coded language, fractal geometry, and the golden ratio, all in one (three things again). So it is not really a question of interpretation as this video says, but simply a statement of pure truth and fact, that is undeniable in it's clear witness to our creator.
@@donlimoncelli6108 you obviously failed basic reading skills.
One Escence with three necessary existences.
Take one of them apart, and everything collapse.!
I doubt you will get it.
What about photons?
@@paulgarduno2867 Pointing out a logical fallacy is not the same thing as "failing basic reading skills." And tossing out insults adds nothing to honest debate.
So stop it.
People often see what they want. The fact is that there are many more basic particles than protons, neutrons and electrons, including muons, neutrinos, bosons, gluons and photons. You chose three because it is what you know and it is convenient.
It makes as much sense to conclude that there is a trinity or a God from that as it does to conclude that there is a trinity or God because there are three dimensions (and that, of course, is because there are more than three dimensions just as there are more than three basic particles). By your logic, take one of those dimensions away and everything collapses.
Thank you so much answers in genesis. U guys are the heroes the bible talks about. U give us biblical answers to these scientific questions we get and they are so true and convincing. Thank you so much. Love u guys
Thanks! Please share! : )
Thanks! Please share! : )
@@calvinangela4348 Ok👍
Scientists cannot prove that the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and Santa Clause don’t exist either. Jesus is Santa Claus for adults.
Not really. You clearly don't know what you're talking about.
Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, and Santa Claus are all just stories and we all know that they are stories because those who made the story didn't claim it to be true.
Jesus Christ actually existed in history because we have manuscripts evidence and other outside sources like the historian Flavius Josephus who wrote about Jesus. And the New Testament is a composition of books that are eye-witness testimonies. These are all true, even if you don't want to believe that Jesus is GOD. Jesus of Nazareth did walk this earth. He is the most written about person in the ancient world, so if you believe in Julius Caesar, who has WAY less evidence for his existence than Jesus, then you ought to believe in Jesus Christ.
And the tooth fairy or Easter bunny or Santa claus didn't die to set you free from your chains of sin and redeem you unto the Father, Jesus did.
@@aeronblitz9347 You are just spouting off your BELIEFS without actually addressing my statement that scientists cannot disprove the existence of the Easter Bunny etc. Your circular reasoning (it is true because you say it is true) fails to “prove” anything. I DARE YOU to prove to me that the Easter Bunny doesn’t exist.
@@SC-ie5bm beliefs? I just said that we have historical evidence for Jesus Christ. How is that a belief? You're the one with a belief since you havent shown that Jesus Christ didn't exist. We all know the easter bunny, tooth fairy, and Santa Claus are not real since we do not have historical documents written about their lives. But we do of Jesus!
This is true
@@skybrotha1042 no
(AiG) Since the term evolution is so strongly associated with the particles-to-people myth, we tend to use the word speciation to explain adaptation and variation within the created kinds, such as that exhibited by the finches.Because the small-scale changes generally lead to a loss of genetic information rather than a gain of new information needed to create new traits like arms and eyes, microevolution can never lead to macroevolution. Evolutionists tend to use these ideas interchangeably. For this reason, we avoid those terms, preferring to speak of speciation within created kinds (which we can observe and verify) and molecules-to-man evolution (which is unobservable and unverifiable).
Please explain what a 'kind' is.
Body plan at level of phylum.
@@sliglusamelius8578 - I don't find 'kind' in any biology text. Are you certain that it is a scientific term?
I explained it to you, make of it what you will. I’m sorry that you don’t like the term.
Love is a verb.
Love is an act of commitment and not a feeling how many people believe today. People don't stop loving someone just because they stopped feeling affection. If it did stop then it wasn't love, it was lust or feelings.
Love is a behavior recognizable from an overview of countless thoughtful acts.
I saw a verse the other day in Job: Can a wild donkey's colt be born human? (Of course not, from context)
This would be an excellent video for students.
No, it wont, it is nonsense from start to end
Thanks! Please share! : )
Last time we checked the earth was rotating.. moving, not still and unmoving.
Science doesn't need proof to be useful. The Bible does, but that's a contradiction for a faith.
Evolution is the story of convenient miracles.
From my interactions with people online it's become pretty clear that we need to start teaching people how to think critically about evolution.
Ah, yes, but that might lead to the inconvenient truth that Someone put a moral compass within us. Concepts like morality, justice, shame and guilt serve no purpose in the evolutionary scenario. Even the realization that we will someday die is unique to the human species.
@@Bomtombadi1 TROLL ALERT!
@@Bomtombadi1 In the off-chance that you're actually not a troll, I'm specifically referring to the improbability of receiving the multiple mutations that would be required to facilitate some of the complicated changes proposed in many evolutional stories.
@@roger-bp1nr Improbable compared to what? We don't know of any other universes to use as a baseline. But - we are here, regardless of the chances. Adding another variable (god) is unnecessary, until you can adequately show that god, or the supernatural, is something other than just your imagination.
@@sulpicius7602 "other universes"?! There are satisfying answers to your questions out there, but you'll never find them by watching superhero movies.
You are just preaching your opinion. I see no reason to believe the answer to life, the universe and everything is written down by an ancient dessert tribe.
Are you a christian ???… if you don’t mind me asking
@@essadheyaa6072 I am not. Why do you ask? Does it make a difference? The Bible is still written down by people from an ancient desert tribe...
@@AndrayTheDutchman because I’m probably influenced by something… and was probably just confused of what belief you are part of… apologies if that was rude…
@@essadheyaa6072 no problem. I don't belong to any religion, but I would be interested if someone had some proof of things beyond our current experience.
Scientists deal in reality not fantasy.
“The act of discovering how God’s creation works, using the tools and techniques we have at our disposal at that time.”
Please cite your observable, testable, repeatable, an peer-reviewed evidence of 'god.'
Scientist don't try to disprove the Bible. This is a typical theist thoughtless comment.
Many scientists have tried to disprove the Bible. It might not be “scientific”, but they do it. Richard Dawkins comes to mind.
@@sliglusamelius8578 How has Dawkins tried to disprove the Bible? One example please.
Here’s just one quote, he writes entire books against biblical beliefs. Good grief.
“No serious scholar today thinks the Gospels were written by eyewitnesses, and all agree that even Mark, the oldest of the four Gospels, was written about 35 or 40 years after the death of Jesus”.
Do some basic research on the guy then get back to me.
@@sliglusamelius8578 Yes, fair comment. Is the statement made about the dates factually true? I believe that people should continue to establish facts and truth as information surfaces. So the real question is do people set out to disprove the Bible, as a mission, or are they presenting new evidence that we should all be interested in? Surely we should not suppress the the truth so as not to discredit a pre defined belief.
The main point is that science does NOT take on arguments like this, science attempts proofs. You are talking about scientists that are involved in biblical discussion, you are talking about individuals not science as a whole.
During the industrial revolution, it shaped Minds around materialism and made it the best way to explain the world around us with the rise of these anti logic line of thinking. Seek everything through The 4% of physical universe. Like materialism..
Now we are in a contradictory age of computation and programming which is from idealistic lines of thinking like Logic and reasoning.
This the time to retake academia and science for the greater good !
God is a God of reason , our reason for existence.
"The equivocation fallacy is a logical fallacy that involves alternating between different meanings of a word or phrase, in a way that renders the argument that contains them unsound. For example, the statement “I have the right to say whatever I want, so it’s right for me to do so” is fallacious, because the word “right” is used in two different senses: first, to refer to something that someone is entitled to, and second, to refer to something that is morally good."
11:xx He mentioned a Court and Evolution vs Creation. Apparently he didn't get the memo that Evolution IS Admissible Evidence and Creation IS NOT. But who would expect a creationists to be honest?
If you've watched this video and think that you've learned something valuable, you've been deceived.
Says the man who presents no evidence or reasoning to support his claim
Great explanation
Thanks! Please share! : )
Title doesn’t really match up with this video and I’m pretty sure I saw this video a few weeks ago from y’all.
Didn't see the previous version/iteration, but to me, the title works perfectly. And it's a well-done presentation.
'Y'all' has different facets : ). This video was produced by AiG CA and posted on ATV and the AiG CA UA-cam Channel a couple weeks ago- but posted here on the AiG US UA-cam channel today.
Science begins with "I don't know."
"I don't know" means you haven't already made assumptions, because you aren't omniscient. Admitting you aren't omniscient means you are open to an external, objective source of knowledge (and truth) rather than sourcing internally. Submitting to an objective source requires humility. This is what the Bible means by "Submission to God (Creator) is the beginning of all knowledge/wisdom." This is the choice between the two trees in Eden: "I don't know" vs "I know best."
Science is like throwing jello on the ceiling and trying to figure out why it won't stay even to the subatomic level. eventually they may make a break through.
This is the second dumbest comment I’ve seen
Exactly. That’s how the human brain works when it comes or learning on a simple level aswell.
Klaus Schwab wants his jacket back.
First off, you don't have to disprove anything. You must prove it.
Most things we believe are not provably true, they are believed through inductive reasoning.
How do you get to hell?
Very simple: claim that you're innocent.
How do you get to heaven?
Very simple: Admit that you're not Innocent, you're guilty and ask for mercy.
How to know if you're guilty or not?
Simply: Compare your life to the Ten Commandments God gave you in the Bible.
Everyone agrees that if people followed the ten commandments there would be no need for governments or police.
Do not lie.
Do not steal.
Do not commit adultery.
Do not insult God by using his name as a cuss word.
There are six more but let's just leave it at that.
How many lies have you told in your life?
Have you ever taken anything that didn't belong to you?
Jesus said, if you look at a women lustfully you've already committed adultery in your heart with that woman.
How many times a day do you do that?
Do you use God's name as a cuss word?
Would you do that with your own mother's name?
If you answer these questions honestly you know that you're guilty.
God can justly punish you and send you to hell.
Ask him for mercy.
His name is Jesus.
It's as simple as this, The Ten Commandments are called the moral law. You and I broke God's laws. Jesus paid the fine.
The fine is death.
Ezekiel 18:20 -
"The soul who sins shall die.
That's why Jesus had to die on the cross for our sins. This is why God is able to give us Mercy.
Option A.
You die for your own sins.
Option B.
Ask for mercy and accept that Jesus died on the cross for you.
Amen! And repent from your sins and follow Christ!
@@mirandahotspring4019 Not a single person has ever been or will be innocent. And there is no way for someone who admits and repents of being wicked with a real change of heart, will stay wicked. We have all sinned and made this grave mistake, don’t try to overcomplicate it.
@@mirandahotspring4019Hi. Please understand. No one is good (or innocent) but God. Not you, not me. I pray that you keep searching for the truth with an open mind. He is subtly leading you to it. Reflect on snippets of scripture. Try short, but meaningful prayer in quiet moments, with thankfulness and forgiveness, regardless of your status in life. The Glorify app is great for short, quiet moments. Eventually, you won't fear inevitable death due to your faith in that truth. Good luck on your journey. My journey is long, ongoing, and imperfect, but I will always keep my faith in the blessed hope, until the end. It's the very least I can do for someone who suffered, for no reason, on a piece of wood simply for caring and love. That is how evil, dark and manipulative the human heart is, and the evidence is all around you. God bless.
SOK Australia
@@jcglowka yes, God said there is no one good, no, not one. There is no way we can ever be perfect. We compare ourselves to God's perfection, not to other people to decide if we are a "good" person. Nothing imperfect can dwell with, and be in the presence of God. So, compared to Hitler, yeah , I'm a "good" person. Compared to almighty God, no, not even close....inherited a sin curse. First Step is admitting we have a problem. The Son of God provides the solution. Jesus as God manifested, was the ONLY one that ever has been perfect, and ever will be here.
@@sunnydaze1185 100% agree, glad to see that some people still have common sense! Just because we see someone on the news who dismembered someone & most say “oh i’m not wicked” because we compare ourselves to complete utter evil, it gives us no excuse to think we’re good. We should ALL be seeking to be more christ-like every single day & repent for true salvation!
Really good video
THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS VIDEO! FINALLY! This has always been what I've been trying to stress, but I am no where near as sophisticated as this amazing man. God bless you all and your channel!
Thanks! Please share! : )
Nonbelievers don’t have a burden of proof but science can disprove the majority of claims within the bible. Not to mention the bible is just the claim and not the evidence.
Thankyou. Very good. And that's such an excellent and fitting Proverb you quoted.
Thanks! Please share! : )
Forensics always fascinates me the most. Now all of criminal justice is deeply fascinating but forensics for me takes the cake because it always seems to be the odd child of the sciences. What I mean by that is take the whole God argument and look at the objection towards the gospels being eyewitness statements well most of the Christ mythers try to say they were written way way way after the fact and use some sort of reasoning behind it but it's forensics, many of these critics fail to realize that forensic sciences have handled cases like this so it's not a stranger to such counter claims, forensics goes wait hold on a second what about Matthew and John being mentioned by name in Matthew? Why is Paul quoting Luke in Ephesians? He actually does btw. Why isn't the burning of the Temple in 70 AD never mentioned when Jesus predicts it would happen? There are other very forensic based counter arguments to those counter arguments but these are just the highlights. The reason why these are forensic based is because these types of questions are the very reasons why we have forensics in the first place. It's special bread and butter is looking at things after the fact. Look up any famous case where it all came down to forensics and, if it's that far after the fact, a cold case detective and you will see that repeatedly. Only in very rare circumstances when a cold case detective is called that what Christ mythers think is proof is actually used and a lot of times what they think of is proof isn't even proof and for good reason. You study cases long enough and it becomes clear why that is. So anyway it's this approach to science that makes forensics unique and worth a good read through for anyone really wanting to know what actually counts as evidence. But if you are a Bible basher then don't be surprised if you find yourself accepting evidence you really don't want to accept. To quote Lewis from the Screwtape Letters "once reason is tapped there is no telling where it will lead."
I like where your coming from but the burning the temple does actually happen in 70ad. Which means jesus apparently made a correct prophecy.
@@rudebowy9 that's exactly my point. If the gospels we're written way after the fact why leave that detail out when Jesus was the one who predicted it? That only makes sense if it hasn't happened yet so the new testament had to be written before 70 AD
OK, but scientists cannot disprove any other religious text. It's not about disproving it. It's about what is more likely to be true.
That is not true. Many texts are already proven to be false and and is the source of false religions, like there are many "gods" or like in Mormonism where the Mormons claim that their "god" was once a man and became "god" and that we can do the same. Their text, unlike the Bible is wrought through with self-contradictions and lies. The Bible is totally different as it is challenges man to disprove its claims. In every field of study it is self authenticating. When it speaks of science, it is true, when it speaks of morals, it is true. Its history is true as proven again and again in archaelogical studies. Why? The Bible is the only "Word of God."
Yes and evolution of life theory is more likely not true.
From an evolutionary standpoint, survival of the fittest determines what mutations are acceptable. Before there were ships to sail, almost every continent believed in some kind of god. Why is mankind predisposed to believe there is a God? Is it because we were designed to worship God, or because we evolved to believe in the spiritual? There is a part of the brain that lights up in CAT scans when you pray. God existing makes more sense to me than "evolving" to believe in a fictitious deity, which doesn't ensure survival.
Evolution makes more since to me then a magical sky daddy creating a dirt man and rib woman
Consider why we need to believe in our Creator.
What are the odds of any two objects hurtling through the emptiness of space, randomly settling into a stable orbit?
I'm sure the number is astronomical, to the extent of practical impossibility.
Now multiply those odds to the power of the number of objects in the universe, because effectively all objects are in stable orbits.
Next, consider there have been no suggestions for the origin of all matter and energy, except deity of one name or another.
Our deity has introduced Himself to us, and has even told us what life is all about, what happens after we die, and how we can decide our own fate for the rest of eternity.
While you have the freedom to go worship Chthulu von Darwindawkins, I can't see how it would benefit you.
I am amazed that anyone could look at the unspeakably astounding engineering around SIGHT, HEARING and LANGUAGE (or SPEECH) and somehow conclude that any of these could have been forged by any number of millions of years of effort by a NON-INTELLIGENCE! I find that conclusion the stuff and essence of maniacal insanity.
Those people see your surrender as lazy.
What about poor design? Humans and other animals have a larynx nerve that loops around the heart instead of going straight to the larynx. There's absolutely no reason why a designer would create such an inefficient design. Whales have a vestigial hip and femur that are tiny and serve no purpose.
And thats why we dont draw conclusions from simply looking
@@DavidVonR You people are to be deeply, and I mean deeply, deeply, pitied. Go on and live your lives, it doesn't matter, your very enlightened world has fooled all of you into thinking that non-intelligence designed your brains and made you. Don't worry, it will all be over in a flash, and then you will all know. Enjoy the ride while you can.
Reasoning and logic are maniacal insanity, wow , that’s quite a stretch ! You can see truly maniacal behavior by watching and listening to ranting, lunatic televangelists !
Well done.
Thanks! Please share! : )
The creator and his way is beyond human understanding
Ignorance is bliss
Can't fully prove a hypothesis because it is a hypothesis, ( an educated GUESS) 🙄
Yes but we should listen to a book written by people who did not know where the sun goes
Your comment is the dumbest thing I’ve ever ever read