Forza Motorsport 7 All Cars (Including All DLC) (834 Cars)



  • @HikariSakai
    @HikariSakai  3 роки тому +30


    • @vreplayz3159
      @vreplayz3159 3 роки тому +2

      Hello, I have a question, which cars are Car Pass cars?

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  3 роки тому +4

      @@vreplayz3159 here's the full list:

    • @caga04
      @caga04 3 роки тому +4

      Like wtf they are removing everything from FM games I can't buy FM dlcs anymore

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  3 роки тому +4

      @@caga04 every Forza game has a 4 year lifespan, after that it's your loss. So in this case if you don't have Horizon 4's DLC's you better get them before September next year because it'll be gone for good then.

    • @ikashiavc7552
      @ikashiavc7552 2 роки тому

      that means.. if i buy ...lets say fm7 standard edition .. i am not getting dlc cars ? no fast and furious stuff .. ? what I am getting exactly with the standard edition ? JDM ? standard ? why no supra ?

  • @arandompersonontheinternet2923
    @arandompersonontheinternet2923 5 років тому +141

    The background music is from Forza Motorsport 4

  • @markwatson3248
    @markwatson3248 4 роки тому +74

    Wow, this is actually a pretty impressive car collection. What I'm impressed by is the diversity and variety of the kinds of cars/vehicles you can drive. I was always envious of Gran Turismo games having those really obscure/rare cars that weren't in the usual racing game car lists, but now it seems like both Forza Motorsport and Horizon have that sense of variety too.

    • @greenbin3028
      @greenbin3028 4 роки тому +14

      even better that they all have detailed interiors

  • @federicoarieldominguez104
    @federicoarieldominguez104 5 років тому +66

    This video got better only because you put Forza 3-4 music. Well done!

  • @Silva4520
    @Silva4520 4 роки тому +57

    I just came from watching Forza Motorsport 4 car list video, and I gotta say, FM7 is really, really weak with its cars. Basically, if it's not a super/hyper car, an SUV/offroad (why are these even in the game?), a car from a famous toy brand, or a car from a movie, it's not going to be there. Forza needs more everyday cars like Forza 4 and like Gran Turismo in the older games. There's so much more to cars than a McLaren and all of its clones.

    • @elrinconcuriosodesally3528
      @elrinconcuriosodesally3528 2 роки тому +1

      Well, at least in GT you can get away with the SUV/off roaders as there's actually proper dirt and snow (last one until the sort of soft reboot with Sport), but this is pretty much a copy paste from the previous car list being a Horizon or Motorsport tittle, making the type useless as there's no place to do "serious" rallying within the game itself

    • @wildannandawicaksana5004
      @wildannandawicaksana5004 2 роки тому

      Yes I hope in next FM they need add more cars in FM 4

    • @iso_master
      @iso_master Рік тому +1

      These regular cars would fit the Horizon games better.

    • @zXPeterz14
      @zXPeterz14 Рік тому +1

      And the homologation system removes half the uniqueness from cars, even race cars from the same series just get blended together with identical stats

    • @zulhizatgadzimagomedova
      @zulhizatgadzimagomedova Рік тому

      Гран туризмо эти тупые концепты

  • @arkham7694
    @arkham7694 5 років тому +21

    The car list in this game is simply the greatest of any racing game. Only thing I'm worried about though, is if the simulation for each car is close to reality.

  • @wiseman3989
    @wiseman3989 5 років тому +13

    Man you put Suicide door and X-track one next to the other , those are my favorite tracks of all forzas, good taste man.

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  5 років тому +4

      np, glad you enjoyed a trip down memory lane :)

  • @jira9286
    @jira9286 4 роки тому +9

    Good memories from fm4 :,)

  • @kolbygraves5441
    @kolbygraves5441 4 роки тому +6

    It’s so funny how you can race with cars the don’t look like they should be race like a slug bug

  • @racingmode3152
    @racingmode3152 5 років тому +56

    Nice touch with the Motorsport 4 music. I just hope they'll add more tracks to FM8. Even if there's licensing issues there's always fantasy tracks that they can bring back from FM1. I just hope they'll do something good on FM8. Turn 10 is full of lazy pricks

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  5 років тому +11

      thanks I don't really enjoy the original soundtrack from the recent Motorsport games tbh, Forza 3 & 4 had better Original Soundtracks thus why I used it.
      and yea I'm kinda bummed out they didn't even add a single new track to FM7, lets hope FM8 has a ton of tracks compared to FM7

    • @alexjamerson5796
      @alexjamerson5796 5 років тому +3

      @@HikariSakai FM8 would be a badass game with the FM4 soundtrack.

    • @littlecuties3499
      @littlecuties3499 5 років тому +1

      @@alexjamerson5796 what?

    • @alexjamerson5796
      @alexjamerson5796 5 років тому +3

      @@littlecuties3499 What do you mean what?

    • @littlecuties3499
      @littlecuties3499 5 років тому +1

      @@alexjamerson5796 bad word679 huh

  • @littlecuties3499
    @littlecuties3499 5 років тому +6

    Thank you so much and all cars FM7

  • @thegameknight8916
    @thegameknight8916 5 років тому +14

    I miss the 1970 Boss 429 Mustang from the past games...

  • @yes.452
    @yes.452 3 роки тому +2

    What a Legend you did this for 40 mins

  • @blonderobot8161
    @blonderobot8161 5 років тому +24

    I wish every car here was added into FH4... Unless they have licensing issues for some vehicles.

    • @maxfxrrow
      @maxfxrrow 4 роки тому +16

      It’s a shame that cars in forza motorsport games such as Honda Oddysey, Volvo XC90 ans just the standard cars aren’t in Horizon games seeing as they are for cruising whereas Motorsport is for racing which confuses me slightly, however it may be due to the companies not allowing street racing shown with their vehicles?

  • @drwgalabuschagne3287
    @drwgalabuschagne3287 5 років тому +10

    This is what we wanted polyphony...

  • @shelbysolko7783
    @shelbysolko7783 Рік тому

    834. Damn that is huge. Seeing the vintage Grand Prix cars from close to WWII, the 50s, 60s, and 70s were amazing. Driven by some of the best legends and late great drivers that those have heard and never heard of from before. Like Tazio Nuvolari, Mike Hawthrone, Juan Manuel Fangio, Phil Hill, Sterling Moss, Jim Clark, Jack Brabham, Graham Hill, John Surtees, Jackie Stewart, Jackie Oliver, Emerson Fittipaldi, Niki Lauda, James Hunt, and Mario Andretti.

  • @montypyeman9127
    @montypyeman9127 4 роки тому +6

    27:50 it is back in action

  • @leoking889tong2
    @leoking889tong2 3 місяці тому +1

    Pango and friends and friends
    Main character cars
    Shinty’s car 5:30
    Crystal’s car 7:20
    Roxy’s car 7:23
    Lifty’s car 7:29
    Russell’s car 7:53
    Sheep 1’s car 8:03
    Chipmunk’s car 8:06
    Disco bear’s car 8:42
    Sheep 1’s car 9:33
    Lex’s car 9:48
    Knux’s car 9:57
    Squrriel’s car 11:49
    Artic fox’s car 11:52
    Wolf 2’s car 12:00
    April’s car 15:09
    Clarice’s car 15:17
    Huey’s car 0:35
    Splendont’s car 16:22
    Pig’s car 16:47
    Fetcria’s car 19:53
    Webby’s car 19:55
    Fox’s car 21:51
    Lammy’s car 22:15
    Wolf 1’s car 24:02
    Flippy’s car 24:10
    Splendid’s car 27:26
    Cavy’s car 28:42
    Nutty’s car 29:07
    Jebisha’s car 32:25
    Jessica’s car 33:54
    May’s car 35:15
    Dewey’s car 35:18
    Beaver’s car 4:30
    Lena’s car 31:51
    Snuffles’ car 23:57
    Dark blue chinchilla’s car 15:23
    Pooey’s car 1:17
    Skaggles’ car 11:46
    Showers’ car 33:57
    Bunny’s car 35:02
    Jord’s car 7:32
    Culu’s car 7:47
    Blossom’s car 28:25
    Gidget’s car 4:12
    Susan’s car 12:02
    Stacy’s car 11:35
    Pinky’s car 22:12
    Nicky’s car 33:51
    Deeper’s car 30:28

  • @ethanw7211
    @ethanw7211 Рік тому +2

    I gotta admit, this Forza game has the maddest Car & Track list.

  • @upSettTV
    @upSettTV 4 роки тому +11

    Motorsport 4 music just brought something back to me... if they can’t do it due to licensing than that’s understandable. But I at least wanna see a Mount Fuji inspired fantasy track. Absolutely loved drifting up and down Mount Fuji... in my Prius... fm4 was the best Forza Motorsport game imo.

  • @Matthew_Percival
    @Matthew_Percival 4 роки тому +7

    I wish I could get forza on PS4, Forza Horizon 4, Forza Motorsports 7, will be added in a heart beat.

    • @mariusblp
      @mariusblp 4 роки тому

      Yeah but it's like if playstation created a game then it's only for there consoles?

    • @channel_abc123_
      @channel_abc123_ 3 роки тому +1

      @@mariusblp it's called exclusive and their purpose is to convince people to by the console

  • @Glass-Eye25
    @Glass-Eye25 5 років тому +9

    Lol I was thinking Forza brought back the music from 4 and 3, until I saw the comments 😂 last time I played a Forza game was 4, so idk much anymore haha.

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  5 років тому +6

      nah the new music isn't that great so thats why I used the old music

  • @ryanferguson9863
    @ryanferguson9863 5 років тому +6

    Ford's looking good like always

  • @krakentortoise7531
    @krakentortoise7531 3 роки тому +5

    4:55 God the soundtrack! Last Forza I played was Forza Motorsport 4 since I moved to PC, but I played Motorsport 3 for well over 2000 Hours as a kid. It makes me smile from ear to ear hearing the soundtrack is still the same masterpieces

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  3 роки тому +2

      The music was edited into the video, just wanna clarify that it isn't part of Forza 7 itself.

    • @krakentortoise7531
      @krakentortoise7531 3 роки тому +5

      @@HikariSakai Ahh okay, made me smile regardless :)

  • @IsaacBoorman
    @IsaacBoorman 3 роки тому +1

    I'm watching this while downloading the game

  • @Hero-sp3xr
    @Hero-sp3xr 2 роки тому +1

    Wow so many cars! Good thing i bought all DLC. I wish they had more Toyotas.

  • @SendersnCA
    @SendersnCA 5 років тому +7

    I wish all cars from FM7 are in my garage

  • @HammySigvard
    @HammySigvard 5 років тому +9

    And they still complain that there’s no Toyota or Lexus...(I hope they come back in FM8)

    • @preciousbeautifulprincess2926
      @preciousbeautifulprincess2926 5 років тому +2


    • @AdrianGarcia-jk1gj
      @AdrianGarcia-jk1gj 5 років тому +5

      If they do they better put Supra and an ae-86

    • @DarrenHoussein
      @DarrenHoussein 4 роки тому +1

      @@AdrianGarcia-jk1gj they got in in Horizon 4 lets hope its in fm 8 and lets hope the sounds and visuals are realistic, clear, immersive and powerful.

    • @grandmacletus4541
      @grandmacletus4541 4 роки тому

      Well toyota is coming back in forza motorsport 8 because they also race in f1 and indycar and GT3. So i dont see why they wouldnt put their cars in forza motorsport 8

  • @leoking889tong2
    @leoking889tong2 Місяць тому

    Pango’s live action cars
    Phooey’s car 1:17
    Gadget’s car 4:12
    Beaver’s car 4:30
    Jackrabbit’s car 4:48
    Shifty’s car 5:29
    Crystal’s car 7:20
    Ralph’s car 7:23
    Lifty’s car 7:30
    Jord’s car 7:32
    Culu’s car 7:47
    Russell’s car 7:53
    Chipmunk’s car 8:12
    Disco bear’s car 8:42
    Ben’s car 9:39
    Lex’s car 9:49
    Knux’s car 9:58
    Stacy’s car 11:35
    Skaggles’ car 11:46
    Squirrel’s car 11:48
    Artic fox’s car 11:51
    Wolf 2’s car 11:59
    April’s car 15:09
    Clarice’s car 15:17
    Dark blue chinchilla’s car 15:23
    Splendont’s car 16:21
    Pig’s car 16:46
    Fetrica’s car 19:53
    Webby’s car 19:55
    Fox’s car 21:51
    Pinky’s car 22:12
    Lammy’s car 22:15
    Snuffles’ car 23:58
    Wolf 1’s car 24:01
    Flippy’s car 24:10
    Flaky’s car 26:33
    Splendid’s car 27:26
    Blossom’s car 28:26
    Deeper’s car 30:28
    Lena’s car 31:51
    Twifty’s car 33:19
    Swifty’s car 33:28
    Nicky’s car 33:51
    Jessica’s car 33:54
    Showers’ car 33:57
    Pranky’s car 34:05
    Crafty’s car 35:02
    May’s car 35:15
    Dewey’s car 35:18

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  Місяць тому

      are you doing alright buddy?

  • @HikariSakai
    @HikariSakai  5 років тому +22

    Here's every car in 1 picture btw:

    • @eli53973
      @eli53973 5 років тому

      Perfect thanks!

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  4 роки тому

      @Juan Antonio Preciado what?

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  4 роки тому

      @Juan Antonio Preciado Why would I make another video showing the same cars but in a different format lol, that's what that picture above is for.

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  4 роки тому

      @Juan Antonio Preciado I'm not making a new video either way

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  4 роки тому

      @Juan Antonio Preciado no means no

  • @_baucooperativosocial_
    @_baucooperativosocial_ 5 років тому +3

    Finally, the FM7 video. Thank you.
    Seeing FM7 car list and listening FM4 music, put a big smile in my face and some tears of happiness...
    I'm blessed for be a owner & player of FM3 & FM4.

    • @johnurqhart948
      @johnurqhart948 5 років тому +2

      I own fm3 fm4 fm6 fh4 and am getting fm7

    @GR1MRACER 5 років тому +22

    Brah you dont have the Totinos Pagani Huayra. Do you know who does? Me. Lol.

  • @gamesknrtdrinkz
    @gamesknrtdrinkz 5 років тому +2

    Nice cars and video Like 29👍🏿

  • @datsniktho
    @datsniktho 4 роки тому +7

    still the exciting ones are missing, so sad

  • @Skybolter
    @Skybolter 4 роки тому +1


  • @mariskauijttewaal7018
    @mariskauijttewaal7018 4 роки тому +1

    nice video!!!!!

  • @psyclonetheseahawk9261
    @psyclonetheseahawk9261 5 років тому +4

    Are these remixes of classic Forza soundtracks!?

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  5 років тому +4

      no these are THE songs from Forza Motorsport 3 and 4

  • @RS-nq8xk
    @RS-nq8xk 4 роки тому +2

    Is the MG in autoshow now?
    I think I have seen the Z4 M in the autoshow...

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  4 роки тому

      every car is in the autoshow now, even the forza editions

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  4 роки тому +1

      @@RS-nq8xk might be career only idk, I personally have everything in the autoshow but then again I finished everything in the game so idk

  • @soyunbanano166
    @soyunbanano166 4 роки тому

    I´am Glad they continue using this Story song since Forza 4

  • @DepecheGuy99
    @DepecheGuy99 3 роки тому

    The music, just... damn man.

  • @jivewig
    @jivewig 3 роки тому

    0:01 what’s the violin music called ?

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  3 роки тому +2

      it's in the description

    • @jivewig
      @jivewig 3 роки тому +1

      @@HikariSakai thanks !

  • @kubapanfil2666
    @kubapanfil2666 2 роки тому

    Wow! Theres so much brands that i didn't know that they exist!

  • @sverreytterdal7167
    @sverreytterdal7167 5 років тому +2

    Impressive. Now how much did all of these dlcs cost? Are they expensive?

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  5 років тому +2

      I bought the season pass and i think a few that weren't part of the season pass I believe, so buy the Ultimate Edition if you want everything

    • @sverreytterdal7167
      @sverreytterdal7167 5 років тому

      @@HikariSakai ok, thanks

  • @dailydoseofgtaonline448
    @dailydoseofgtaonline448 5 років тому +14

    So forza 4 is considered the best of all.
    And it has 676 cars in total. And forza 7 has 834 cars in total.
    And forza 4 sounds better and realistic car sounds and better gameplay. But no multiplayer.
    Forza 7 better graphics and multiplayer.
    Quality vs Quantity

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  5 років тому +6

      actually forza 4 has 676 total, although I think some of them were reskins lol
      also FM4 does have multiplayer but the population for it is basically dead thus why nobody really plays online on it lol

    • @dailydoseofgtaonline448
      @dailydoseofgtaonline448 5 років тому +1

      @@HikariSakai yea i got the number wrong sorry.

    • @dailydoseofgtaonline448
      @dailydoseofgtaonline448 5 років тому +1

      @@HikariSakai i said no multiplayer on it thinking that the servers arent active no more. Lol

  • @obione51499
    @obione51499 2 роки тому +1

    So no 2015 Z28?

  • @ganglichanins_creations
    @ganglichanins_creations 4 місяці тому +1

    Не понял, где легендарный гоночный суперкар LADA Kalina 1 Sport???

  • @goomanhlr5697
    @goomanhlr5697 5 років тому +3

    Why is Forza 4 music playing? I don’t hear this music in game

  • @ApolloDelius
    @ApolloDelius 4 роки тому +1

    lovin the need for speed high stakes music!

  • @thelegend2043
    @thelegend2043 2 роки тому +2

    Most impressive. it has very higher map and cars than GT sport

  • @deathtrooper2048
    @deathtrooper2048 7 місяців тому

    If only Forza Motorsport had this many cars.

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  7 місяців тому

      give it time it will
      Horizon 5 currently has more than FM7 atm

  • @andilezondo2550
    @andilezondo2550 4 роки тому

    Awesome car list I’ll give you that

  • @FranF40
    @FranF40 5 років тому +2

    Wow! That thumbnail 😳

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  5 років тому +3

      yea it took some time, I have a high res version of that btw lol

  • @VCN01
    @VCN01 2 роки тому +1

    Is even possible to buy this game now on PC? I can't see it on Microsoft Store

    • @Lamborghini-ml9mo
      @Lamborghini-ml9mo 8 місяців тому +1

      You cannot get this game anymore because it's delisted,the only way to get this game is by buying the activation key

  • @tylerska8er749
    @tylerska8er749 4 роки тому +3

    I have the 1995 BMW 850CSi Forza edition! I tuned it and it's actually no joke 10x times faster

  • @MrHappyUnicorn
    @MrHappyUnicorn 7 місяців тому

    What song 9:05

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  7 місяців тому +1

      the songs are in the description lol

  • @samuelmacleod2553
    @samuelmacleod2553 4 роки тому +7

    wow, almost as good as fm4

    • @preciousbabygirl5225
      @preciousbabygirl5225 4 роки тому +1


    • @kak8895
      @kak8895 3 роки тому +4

      Way better. It's has hundreds more than Motorsport 4. Can't you people just forget the past

    • @johndawhale3197
      @johndawhale3197 3 роки тому +4

      @@kak8895 The Forza Motorsport 4 car list is more impressive...even though there's less cars, the cars that are on there are better than the ones in Forza Motorsport 7.

    • @1eyepaul
      @1eyepaul 2 роки тому +3

      @@kak8895 you obviously never played fm4.

    • @1eyepaul
      @1eyepaul 2 роки тому +1

      @JohnDaWhale3 the diverse selection of cars, like from peugeot 106 to the super cars. Fm4 was the game where they really knew what cars were.
      Unlike know where as any low powered car like the peel p50 is added its only added for laughs.

  • @rust5846
    @rust5846 2 роки тому

    Paris - rouen do be a banger

  • @jefbozies3707
    @jefbozies3707 4 роки тому +4

    834 cars and only 50% of them are usable online. 50% is a joke, A JOKE!

  • @daten__
    @daten__ 5 років тому +11

    Shame FM7 got it's last update and now considered dead...

    • @KevAlberta
      @KevAlberta 5 років тому +1

      Dead? Do you even multiplayer race?

    • @daten__
      @daten__ 5 років тому

      @@KevAlberta yes.

    • @KevAlberta
      @KevAlberta 5 років тому +1

      mukoue7303 I find races 24/7

    • @fuzzo4475
      @fuzzo4475 5 років тому +2

      @@KevAlberta He means it's reached the end of its life support wise by the devs. Not dead community wise.

    • @KevAlberta
      @KevAlberta 5 років тому

      Fᴜᴢᴢᴏ makes sense

  • @Touchmahtoaster
    @Touchmahtoaster 5 років тому +1

    Why no Bentley Speed 8 anymore?

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  5 років тому

      idk why, Forza 6 did have it though

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  4 роки тому

      @@preciousbeautifulprincess2926 no idea

  • @n00b____________26
    @n00b____________26 5 років тому +3

    Wait,did you buy all car?

  • @vascofrancisco9903
    @vascofrancisco9903 5 років тому +3

    Forgot the Alfa Romeo Stelvio Q4

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  5 років тому +2

      that was only added in Horizon 4, it was never in Forza Motorsport 7

    • @littlecuties3499
      @littlecuties3499 5 років тому +1

      @@HikariSakai tep

  • @DarrenHoussein
    @DarrenHoussein 4 роки тому +2

    Forza Motorsport 8 this year hopefully! I hope its a true next gen experience like forza motorsport 7 was this generation

    • @darkslaerdark
      @darkslaerdark 3 роки тому

      2022 or 2023

    • @kak8895
      @kak8895 3 роки тому

      @@darkslaerdark 2023 is too far. It'll likely make its way in early 2022

    • @shinobiblade2558
      @shinobiblade2558 Рік тому +2

      @@kak8895 2023 lol

  • @otismartinll1994
    @otismartinll1994 5 років тому +3

    Gt sport need to take a page from forza on the car list.

    • @nicofire31
      @nicofire31 4 роки тому +2

      @xMclaren_x No. Not Just Race Cars. They focus on driving experience.

  • @JokerGaming-iv1tm
    @JokerGaming-iv1tm 3 роки тому

    15:08 Forza Motorsport 3 Main Menu

  • @Phantom19-YT
    @Phantom19-YT 2 роки тому +1

    Why does that bgm sound so familiar…hmm

  • @rAtableable
    @rAtableable 4 роки тому +1

    No dodge viper 2013? how do i get it?

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  4 роки тому +2

      wdym how do you get it? every car is available in the autoshow. Did you update your game?
      it's under SRT not Dodge 37:08

    • @preciousbabygirl5225
      @preciousbabygirl5225 4 роки тому +1

      @@HikariSakai lol

  • @littlecuties3499
    @littlecuties3499 5 років тому +2

    And FM4 song

  • @theidiotwithanissanonhispr9404
    @theidiotwithanissanonhispr9404 4 роки тому +1

    How many cars are in the game without dlc?

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  4 роки тому +3

      Base Game - 667
      Forza Edition Cars - 34
      VIP Forza Edition Cars - 5

  • @kylewilliams2895
    @kylewilliams2895 4 роки тому +1

    Sad how lexus ain't there I really need it

  • @1eyepaul
    @1eyepaul Рік тому

    Watching this, I forgot how many bmws are removed from the new fm title. Of course obviously unsuitable cars such as the
    2008 m3
    2009 m5
    2014 m3
    2011 i series m
    1995 m5
    1986 m6
    1999 z4
    2011 z4
    All the bmw race cars
    You know incredibly goofy cars.

  • @johnurqhart948
    @johnurqhart948 5 років тому +2

    I never knew there was a senna

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  5 років тому +2

      it was one of the last cars added, think it was added about 4-5 months ago

  • @shubhamKkain
    @shubhamKkain Рік тому

    is this a save game file like forza horizon 5

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  Рік тому

      huh? why would it be, this is FM7 lol

  • @Mr_Tait
    @Mr_Tait 2 роки тому +1

    so the porsche 919 is for carpass.....

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  2 роки тому +1

      The LMP car? No, comes with the game

    • @Mr_Tait
      @Mr_Tait 2 роки тому +1

      @@HikariSakai oh ok then

  • @PG-20
    @PG-20 3 роки тому

    What is the first song?

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  3 роки тому +2

      all songs are literally in the description of the video lol

    • @PG-20
      @PG-20 3 роки тому +2

      @@HikariSakai oop, seems like I can't read

  • @uberschnilthegreat22
    @uberschnilthegreat22 Рік тому +1

    Its funny how despite having over double the cars of Motorsport 2, I felt like Motorsport 2 had more actual content than Motorsport 7. Maybe it's just me though.

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  Рік тому +1

      it definitely had the better career mode, I think that's what the earlier games had right in general. progression felt more rewarding in the end.

    • @uberschnilthegreat22
      @uberschnilthegreat22 Рік тому

      @@HikariSakai Yeah, that's for sure. I've got an Xbox 360 comin to me so I can give my old game collection some use again, and first thing I'm popping into it is Motorsport 2 for the good vibes.

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  Рік тому

      @@uberschnilthegreat22 I'm hopping FM2023 gives us some form of proper progression though, that's honestly what forza is missing a lot of. the games have been simply too generous with credits and cars.

  • @XZRIW
    @XZRIW 4 роки тому +1

    I want the honda odessy in FH4

  • @Icepick614
    @Icepick614 4 роки тому +1

    Where the fucking Toyota 85 sprinter? It was in the last one

  • @nikkikarlssonthetalkingtom870
    @nikkikarlssonthetalkingtom870 5 місяців тому

    It should have used these original FM7 soundtracks with rock music.

    • @1eyepaul
      @1eyepaul 4 місяці тому

      That gives people a headache

  • @ashtongagnon515
    @ashtongagnon515 4 роки тому

    Motorsport 4 nostalgia

  • @iamyazeed
    @iamyazeed Рік тому

    lance hayes🥺❤️🎵

  • @d4rthsp4rt4n5
    @d4rthsp4rt4n5 5 років тому +1

    I like this cars 😉😎

  • @JokerGaming-iv1tm
    @JokerGaming-iv1tm 3 роки тому +2

    Guys is Ferrari 599XX Evo DLC or its normal car

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  3 роки тому +3

      it was a free car added as an update

    • @JokerGaming-iv1tm
      @JokerGaming-iv1tm 3 роки тому +1

      @@HikariSakai and now? What happened to it

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  3 роки тому

      @@JokerGaming-iv1tm wdym "what happened to it?"

    • @JokerGaming-iv1tm
      @JokerGaming-iv1tm 3 роки тому

      @@HikariSakai if its still free or DLC or a paid car idk

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  3 роки тому

      @@JokerGaming-iv1tm its updated into the game, when you update the game it should have it automatically

  • @TheDarioHenrique
    @TheDarioHenrique 4 роки тому

    Why in Vw have only R version ;-;, want Focus St Vs Golf Gti Vs Civic Si

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  4 роки тому

      because R is the better version lol

    • @TheDarioHenrique
      @TheDarioHenrique 4 роки тому

      @@HikariSakai i liked more simple versions, because is versions simple have in Brazil

  • @littlecuties3499
    @littlecuties3499 5 років тому +2

    And FM3

  • @Nathanlee63
    @Nathanlee63 2 роки тому +1

    if you like with your collect car. somehow the license contract ends. and the game was gone forever. looks like the collect are gone. now you have a most pain

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  2 роки тому +1


    • @Nathanlee63
      @Nathanlee63 2 роки тому +2

      @@HikariSakai sorry I had english problem

    • @Lamborghini-ml9mo
      @Lamborghini-ml9mo 8 місяців тому

      I'm laughing my ass off because of how bad your english is😭🤣

    • @Nathanlee63
      @Nathanlee63 8 місяців тому

      @@Lamborghini-ml9mo bro even though it been one years, you just discovered my dumbstruck comment, Jesus chirst.

    • @Lamborghini-ml9mo
      @Lamborghini-ml9mo 8 місяців тому

      ​@@Nathanlee63 "dumbstruck" bruh what the hell is this word?😭

  • @aaronwengkang5605
    @aaronwengkang5605 Рік тому +1

    How to get all car easy?

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  Рік тому +1

      you can literally buy them from the autoshow, it doesnt get easier than that

    • @Lamborghini-ml9mo
      @Lamborghini-ml9mo 8 місяців тому +1

      You can buy them or get them from crates

  • @MAPAT987
    @MAPAT987 3 роки тому

    Lada why not?

  • @CHINOAIR_23
    @CHINOAIR_23 3 роки тому

    En el 7 no esta el Celica

  • @KogaTora25
    @KogaTora25 4 роки тому +2

    Still no Supra.....smh🤦‍♂️and now no Lexus LFA?!! Turn 10 , Toyota WTH!!!

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  4 роки тому +5

      I see you've been living under a rock, Toyota has removed themselves from most videogames back in early/mid 2017 and only just recently came back to Forza in November 2019 after Turn 10 made a proposition to Toyota (this involves Lexus btw).
      it was on Toyotas fault. Also the Toyota Racecars and trucks don't count as they're licensed under a different license (NASCAR, Arctic Trucks, etc etc)

    • @KogaTora25
      @KogaTora25 4 роки тому +1

      @@HikariSakai that's all fine and dandy but corporate decisions that lead to content being cut out of video games really doesn't interest me that much... I was merely expressing my disappointment

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  4 роки тому +3

      @@KogaTora25 ah ok but you made it seem like it was turn 10's fault is all when infact it was Toyota's fault

  • @kamata93
    @kamata93 Рік тому

    Shame for not including the R10 TDI

  • @alessandroschmidt5579
    @alessandroschmidt5579 3 роки тому +1

    Only i say "gran turismo go home" 😉 i need this game

  • @1ntegro
    @1ntegro Рік тому +1

    This is such a shame that there is a 3rd gen of civic which is not that popular but the 5th gen which is very common even to this day is not. It appears in the Forza Motorsport 4 but not in 7. Since it is one of my all time favourite cars i'm quite disappointed.

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  Рік тому +1

      yea they never brought back the 5th gen since the 6th gen is essentially the replacement for it i guess

    @MrJAGODIC 2 роки тому

    where is ford fiesta st150?

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  2 роки тому +2

      it was never in the franchise

  • @Diego2010-y4m
    @Diego2010-y4m 5 місяців тому

    If only Forza Motorsport 8 had all these cars...

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  5 місяців тому +1

      with time it will have a lot of cars but they've been adding them slower than expected. But if all you care about is a huge amount of cars then I recommend Horizon 5 as it currently sits at around 860 cars and they're still adding more every month

    • @Diego2010-y4m
      @Diego2010-y4m 5 місяців тому

      @@HikariSakai i know, but Horizon 5 isnt a sim racing game! Id like to test all those cars on the tracks!

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  5 місяців тому

      @@Diego2010-y4m true but don't expect SUV's, Trucks, Offroaders, Daily Drivers or oddball cars in Motorsport anymore, they're focusing on track focused cars, racecars, performance built cars etc etc

    • @Diego2010-y4m
      @Diego2010-y4m 5 місяців тому

      @@HikariSakai they havent still added the gt1-gt2 categories cars...

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  5 місяців тому +1

      @@Diego2010-y4m i think their main focus is GT3/GTLM tbh. As for GT2 it's sort of in the game with the X-Bow GT2 but that's about it.
      As for GT1 it hasn't been around since the early 2000's

  • @omarqasir170
    @omarqasir170 4 роки тому +1

    is This Game Has Toyota in it

    • @HikariSakai
      @HikariSakai  4 роки тому +2

      watch the video

    • @omarqasir170
      @omarqasir170 4 роки тому +2

      It Does Feature Toyota in This Game But Only Race Cars

  • @siberius14spectre94
    @siberius14spectre94 3 роки тому +1

    adoro mucho la musica del Menu de Fondo, Forza Motorsport 7 dejar a Gran Turismo Sport como una simple demo Forza tiene MAS cochazos que el juego que mencione al menos espero que sea Offline (juegos que no necesiten obligatoriamente Internet para jugarlo).

  • @kierlak
    @kierlak 3 роки тому

    MG, can't obtain it rn 🤔

  • @stormymiss8118
    @stormymiss8118 4 роки тому

    The 2002 ram air trans am is so fite

  • @ianalicea4393
    @ianalicea4393 4 роки тому +1

    Lo voy a pedir para navidad esta cul este juego es legendario