Response to Erin Byrd: "Why Matriarchies Fail"

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @johnbuggy9121
    @johnbuggy9121 Місяць тому +2

    Western countries are indeed highly effete (if that's what you mean by Matriarchal), but I think the point the (quite beautiful) lady makes is that we're enjoying the legacy of centuries of patriarchy. That is, Europe and the US in the 21st century and all of the benefits that come with it were conferred upon us by Patriarchies - including Christianity. Most African countries may be examples of third world patriarchies, but Europe at one point in its past would have been considered a back water by the Greeks/Persians. There's no reason why African countries will not rise to first world levels - one thing that is holding them back is neocolonialism and the burden of servicing debt (IMF debt). I think her other point is, and this is crucial, if you were to remove males, even from a culture that is largely reliant in automation, society would collapse. She cites a book which deals with this issue. Most of the risky work is carried out by males. STEM is dominated by males. Trades? Dominated by males. It's hard to imagine a team of females building an appartment complex or skyscraper. I love women, but they are not men, and were not designed by nature to fight in wars or build cities.

  • @flytrapYTP
    @flytrapYTP Місяць тому +2

    That entire video has this subtly venomous vibe to it

    • @anistristan1202
      @anistristan1202  Місяць тому

      Ummm you mean my video or hers?

    • @informationyes
      @informationyes Місяць тому

      Her video felt very biased, the fact is its more like we never tried a matriarchy and for most of history the circumstances for such a thing werent good due to wars/ the chance of woman dying childbirth etc like we have the mosou people but were talking small groups

  • @michael_demiurgos2034
    @michael_demiurgos2034 25 днів тому +1

    Well you actually missed some of her points, I'll explain she says women's authority or matriarchy can only be an illusion because men enforce and allow it to happen, So if men refused to enforce a matriarchy it would seize to exist. This can also be applied to you're take on 1st world countries, There are fully developed countries like UAE, Saudi, Qatar etc which are patriarchal, but the difference is it's completely authoritarian/monarchy, while the west is a Democracy, So by you're logic we can assume that the west is developed because of matriarchy and suppose if men decides to turn USA into a Christian theocracy, What choice do women have other than appeal to other subset of men to save them? So the west is matriarchal because patriarchy allows it, Any time men want they can turn the west into a patriarchal dystopia.

    • @anistristan1202
      @anistristan1202  24 дні тому

      Cool name BTW. Yahweh the demiurge hehe. And yes I agree with what you said but it also proves what I said.

    • @michael_demiurgos2034
      @michael_demiurgos2034 24 дні тому +1

      @@anistristan1202 do you consider democracy to be matriarchal, then fair enough.

    • @anistristan1202
      @anistristan1202  24 дні тому

      @@michael_demiurgos2034 It is and always has been

    • @michael_demiurgos2034
      @michael_demiurgos2034 24 дні тому +1

      @@anistristan1202 Yeah that's what i also thought, Infact yeah Patriarchy can be first world nations too, like in Saudi, UAE, Qatar etc. I recommend you to check a debate of Andrew Wilson and Farha on enforcement of rights, It's quite interesting.

    • @anistristan1202
      @anistristan1202  24 дні тому

      @michael_demiurgos2034 I grew up in the UAE. It was like living in planet Mars. Then I came to Europe and here it feels like the planet Venus lol. UAE was tough, rock solid hard.

  • @informationyes
    @informationyes Місяць тому +1

    Ok firstly some anciant people with very patriarchy veiws saying matriarchys done work doesnt mean anything, what mater is evidence and we havent really had any true matriarchys, we had female rulurs and even good ones but not female domination, modern countrys are not matriarchys at all??? and your personal veiws on natural life is your personal veiws they are not objective nor a majority, tbh I dont think you would want to live in a third world country but thats my opinion on that.

    • @anistristan1202
      @anistristan1202  Місяць тому +1

      Western countries are matriarchies

    • @informationyes
      @informationyes Місяць тому +1

      @@anistristan1202 But a matriarchy is a a system of society or government ruled by a woman or women but thats not the case, a large scale matriarchy is practicly an untested thing

    • @anistristan1202
      @anistristan1202  Місяць тому +1

      @informationyes I think you are confused my friend. European societies are patriarchal on PAPER. The ruling parliament and political parties tend to be ruled by men (although there are many women in positions of power even as chancellors and prime ministers). But in reality, the society is ruled by women because the women have the power to dictate what happens and what doesn't. On paper, it appears they are patriarchal but if they were really patriarchal then there wouldn't be such rampant feminism as there is in the West (the most feminism countries in the world such as Sweden). A real patriarchy would never ALLOW feminism to exist as an ideology. Take for example Saudi Arabia, are there any feminists openly decrying the patriarchy? Can feminists yield any genuine power in Saudi Arabia? If you think the answer is yes then you are seriously misconstrued!

    • @informationyes
      @informationyes Місяць тому +1

      @@anistristan1202 A Patriarchy or matriarchy at their base defenition are simply about which sex is in charge and may also exlude the other gender from it, it speaks nothing about the actual policys or veiws they may develop, You assume that if men are in charge they wouldnt say agree to woman voting or changing any other more egalitarian system but thats not the case and that outside of all the modern radical femenist stuff has been what femenism has mainly been about, western country that have been mainly ruled by men simply agree with an egalitarian outlook while many middle eastern country's which are still heavily religous dont.
      Also its those actually in charge that make the decitions and have the power to make policy.

    • @anistristan1202
      @anistristan1202  Місяць тому

      @@informationyes I said what I said. I don't see a point in continuing this futile discussion.