there is sooo much individualism in this routine!!! a representation of the three great generals: Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei! Each lion's dance is so unique. look at the drinking scene, Liu Bei is displaying great respect. Guan Yu strokes his beard, and Zhang Fei just tosses the jar away. hahaha, sooo representative of the generals xD
@hygs4life Ohh, it's nothing serious. I just expect an individual who has perform/teach martial arts, lion dancing, and drumming for over 25 yrs to have a little more common sense than calling out someone else's master. no hard feelings
一流的演出,明師出高徒,百看不厭! 已加入了我的最愛,努力,加油!
there is sooo much individualism in this routine!!! a representation of the three great generals: Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei! Each lion's dance is so unique. look at the drinking scene, Liu Bei is displaying great respect. Guan Yu strokes his beard, and Zhang Fei just tosses the jar away. hahaha, sooo representative of the generals xD
WoW! this is really really good. The expression from each lion is superb!
i love this vid
ram fur lions are beautiful
i like this
厉害 !
i love this vid
@egg721 我識睇中文,我當然知道係周漢興龍獅總會,我指嘅周家係指舞法,而唔係指屬於邊個派別或武術組織!
egg721 周家館嘛!
lion dance is good..
周家?Chow Ga?
724 講得都冇錯,有見識,獅及鼓都吾係周漢興先師傳统技藝,周漢興先師係冇南獅北舞,周漢興館係傳統功夫吾係雜技武術。
múa lân hay đánh lộn zậy ?
@ken33211994 你肯定係洪拳?洪拳套醒獅鼓法好似唔係咁!
Ohh, it's nothing serious. I just expect an individual who has perform/teach martial arts, lion dancing, and drumming for over 25 yrs to have a little more common sense than calling out someone else's master. no hard feelings
@egg721 OIC...
@awzw1990 請唔好侮辱周家獅!你識乜嘢?呢個係周家獅,即「洪家頭、蔡家尾」(洪拳及蔡李佛之結合)。請唔好侮辱周家獅!