Casio G-Shock DW5600E Complete Review: The Best Budget Tough Digital Watch for Everyone ? DW5600

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Mike-kc8rl
    @Mike-kc8rl 2 роки тому +33

    I love the fact this 5600e looks like the first 5600c! This is a G shock classic, a timeless piece from the throw back 80s . It's tough it's got enough functions for most? 200m water resistant and cheap! This is about as good as it gets for a daily sport utility watch!

    • @SamsWatchReview
      @SamsWatchReview  2 роки тому +5

      Yes, that's one of the word I should have used to describe this watch: timeless.

    • @juliodiaz4493
      @juliodiaz4493 3 місяці тому +2

      I purchased got it yesterday 😂 the watch is soo lite.

  • @terryaustin7140
    @terryaustin7140 Рік тому +15

    I started wearing mine about 2 weeks ago and set it with a radio controlled gshock and it hasn't lost or gained 1 second

  • @rajivmenon100
    @rajivmenon100 Рік тому +8

    My 5600 bezel got damaged but still its is running without issues, even i haven't changed the battery from 5 years.Perfect one for day to day rough usage

  • @rickyporter6450
    @rickyporter6450 Рік тому +7

    Recently bought the 5600 and it keeps amazingly accurate time. I have only one other Casio that has stayed accurate ever since I set it two months ago, it's the F91. These two are iconic in my eyes. Thanks for the great review.

  • @SpaceG95
    @SpaceG95 Рік тому +8

    Just bought my first DW 5600e. Love it.

    • @Joshcart08
      @Joshcart08 Рік тому

      Is it to big like other g shocks

    • @k9feces
      @k9feces 11 місяців тому

      @@Joshcart08it’s tiny, the guy in this video must have to smal

    • @Twinceramic
      @Twinceramic 9 місяців тому

      @@Joshcart08not at all i have super small wrists and it fits me great. The band is a bit too long but you can always get a new one

  • @yodeejaymoney766
    @yodeejaymoney766 5 місяців тому +1

    Wouldn't typically buy this watch myself but was gifted it yesterday and I absolutely love it. Great review!!

  • @PearCoin124
    @PearCoin124 Рік тому +4

    i found this same model in the dumpster, i just replaced the battery and it is working perfectly fine now

    • @SamsWatchReview
      @SamsWatchReview  Рік тому +1

      Wow, great find. Maybe the previous owner didn't know it only needs new battery :D

  • @RobertNES816
    @RobertNES816 2 роки тому +13

    I should add the battery life on these on average is about ten years believe it or not. I bought. Myself a 5600e and my Dad one about 8 years ago. They're both still running perfectly fine today. I've used the EL back light fairly often but only for a few seconds each time. The alarm and other features I've used sparsely over the years. The band and bezel have held up very well on mine. My Dad's shows more wear but is in no way ready to be replaced just yet.

    • @SamsWatchReview
      @SamsWatchReview  2 роки тому +7

      That's great. Casio usually mention their battery life spec lower than its real life normal usage, but I didn't imagine it can last that long. Thanks for letting us know :)

  • @fabiandimaspratama
    @fabiandimaspratama 8 місяців тому +2

    I love this watch, own this one. 2nd affordable GShock sold in Indonesia; DW9052 being the most offordable one & DW6900 being the 3rd. Suitable for my small wrist. Has vague tactical aura that comes with it (historically it was watch of choice of US military personnels & NASA astronauts), yet at the same time can be used in formal office settings or even can be used for casual settings such as beach party. Appeared in many films including used by Keanu Reeves in "Speed", Steve Carell in "40 Years Old Virgin" (he is an office worker/manager here), and Jake Gyllenhaal in "Jarhead". Also lot of spare parts available (bezel, strap, etc) even if it's bit expensive. In conclusion, I don't regret owning it since 2022.👍

    • @SamsWatchReview
      @SamsWatchReview  8 місяців тому

      Indeed, one of the best and comes with affordable price.
      Cuman satu yang sebenarnya agak bikin "kesel", bukan salahnya Casio sih, adalah: yang jual KW nya banyak banget :D

    • @fabiandimaspratama
      @fabiandimaspratama 8 місяців тому

      @@SamsWatchReview Yg jual KW nya lebih banyak yg tipe DW5600BB (all black) kayaknya Pak.😁 Bahkan dijual Rp 35.000 di toko online. Tapi DW5600E sepertinya jarang / nggak banyak KW nya.

  • @DonDon-ou7jt
    @DonDon-ou7jt 6 місяців тому +1

    Currently i have only 1 gshock the gd350 now i bought the dw56001vdf it looks cool..

  • @garycannon1247
    @garycannon1247 4 місяці тому +1

    I love the alarm light this should be standard in all casios !

    • @SamsWatchReview
      @SamsWatchReview  4 місяці тому

      Sadly, even some new square GShock like G5600 omitted this feature :(

  • @briansaiditsoitmustbetrue4206
    @briansaiditsoitmustbetrue4206 Рік тому +3

    Thank you so much for this review ... I collect Casio digital watches...
    I have yet to get this watch...However, it is next on my shopping list .. This watch looks good.
    This is a good video

    • @SamsWatchReview
      @SamsWatchReview  Рік тому +2

      Thank you for the appreciation. Yes, this model is a great choice.
      Have a great day :)

  • @AmazingShorts2876
    @AmazingShorts2876 Рік тому +4

    What is the other watch that you have at 5:30. ?

  • @tarheelred
    @tarheelred Рік тому +2

    *Outstanding watch review my man. **6:41** 👊🏾*

  • @murdock5537
    @murdock5537 Рік тому +4

    Really a great review, many thanks! Great watch, have one, love it.

  • @brandon5012
    @brandon5012 Рік тому +1

    I have a snow boarding G shock, a Mudmaster G shock and this classic which is my favourite

  • @Ron-Ton_78
    @Ron-Ton_78 Рік тому +5

    This is my favorite watch. I looked down the rabbit hole of mechanical and luxury watches and brands but after seeing how much they cost and the upkeep it wasn’t for me. For the price of this basic g shock even if I had to purchase a replacement it’s not a huge expense.

  • @Jaimepadill
    @Jaimepadill Рік тому +2

    The best! I just bought it.

  • @albert333pool
    @albert333pool Рік тому +1

    @ 4:17 what is the 21 on the left side? I can't figure it out... I believe it goes up to 99

    • @SamsWatchReview
      @SamsWatchReview  Рік тому +1

      Year (the video was shot at 2021)

    • @albert333pool
      @albert333pool Рік тому

      @@SamsWatchReview 🤦🏻‍♂️ I'm losing my mind 🤣 - Thank you

  • @ujjwalmalhotra1326
    @ujjwalmalhotra1326 Рік тому +2

    Very great review❤

  • @pavanvc
    @pavanvc Рік тому +1

    Can you please tell me if it would too small on my 7.2 inch (18.5 cm) wrist?

  • @RitikVerma321
    @RitikVerma321 Рік тому +1

    Bro does it have Auto LED on in tilt without pressing any button?

    • @SamsWatchReview
      @SamsWatchReview  Рік тому

      Nope, it doesn't :)

    • @RitikVerma321
      @RitikVerma321 Рік тому

      @@SamsWatchReview So brother, in which model do we get the option of auto LED back light?

    • @SamsWatchReview
      @SamsWatchReview  Рік тому

      Check the GWM5610 or GWB5610 :)

    • @deepworld7
      @deepworld7 Рік тому +2

      New variant have auto El led 5600 UE

  • @deepworld7
    @deepworld7 Рік тому +1

    What's the major difference between 5600 E and new variant 5600 UE and also did you put any screen guard on the display?

    • @SamsWatchReview
      @SamsWatchReview  Рік тому +2

      I have no experience with the G5600UE yet, but from the specs, looks like the 5 main differences are: tough solar, LED backlight+ auto, world time, 5 alarms, and button mute.

  • @SuvayanGhosh-zm7wf
    @SuvayanGhosh-zm7wf Рік тому +1

    Does it have auto light features?

  • @ongyalregimu5419
    @ongyalregimu5419 8 місяців тому +1

    does it look well with small wrist?

    • @SamsWatchReview
      @SamsWatchReview  8 місяців тому

      Maybe still okay up to about a 6-inch wrist.
      Anyway, you might want to check out the slimmer line-up, the GMD-S5600, which is basically a similar model but comes in a slimmer case and uses LED backlight.

  • @gahrdz
    @gahrdz Рік тому +1

    is it hard to push like the mudman?

    • @SamsWatchReview
      @SamsWatchReview  Рік тому

      To be frank, I don't have any Mudman in my collection, so I can't give an exact answer.
      But in my opinion, the buttons are still easy to push, although not as easy (and also well protected) as the buttons on DW9052.

  • @kingstrap8159
    @kingstrap8159 Рік тому +3

    Best $115 I have ever spent! Great watch.

    • @treborkroy5280
      @treborkroy5280 2 місяці тому

      It's $40. I don't think you bought this model

  • @don_s
    @don_s 5 місяців тому +1

    Bro, wrist size saya cuma 16.5 kira-kira recommend ga dw-5600 ini? Mau masukin g shock ke koleksi saya cuma kok masih ragu ya? Kalau yang GMD-S5600 bezel after marketnya gak ada yang metal dan baterai nya juga CR1616, hidupnya lebih pendek. Saya pilih dw-5600 karena mau ganti bezel.

    • @SamsWatchReview
      @SamsWatchReview  5 місяців тому +1

      IMO, masih ok untuk pakai DW5600, terlebih spare dan aksesorisnya jauh lebih banyak :)

    • @don_s
      @don_s 5 місяців тому

      @@SamsWatchReview Thanks a bunch bro

  • @rajiv6336
    @rajiv6336 Рік тому +1

    Can it be changed to 12 hr format?

    • @SamsWatchReview
      @SamsWatchReview  Рік тому +1

      Sure. Check our other video for settings here

    • @rajiv6336
      @rajiv6336 Рік тому +1

      @@SamsWatchReview Thank you.

    • @SamsWatchReview
      @SamsWatchReview  Рік тому

      @@rajiv6336 you're welcome, have a great day :)

  • @ahmadofficial4576
    @ahmadofficial4576 5 місяців тому +1

    Bro how to know our G-shock tough solar watch is original

    • @SamsWatchReview
      @SamsWatchReview  5 місяців тому

      Sorry but I don't have any gshock tough solar in my collection as comparison.
      But usually, a counterfeit will have subpar details, a different thickness, and much less weight.

  • @superbird24
    @superbird24 Рік тому +1

    Is it expensive to change the battery?

    • @SamsWatchReview
      @SamsWatchReview  Рік тому

      I don't have an exact answer for that.
      Watch service charges will vary from place to place, and honestly, I changed my watch batteries myself.
      The battery itself is not expensive, about 1~2 USD :)

    • @superbird24
      @superbird24 Рік тому

      @@SamsWatchReview Thanks! Just wondering if the solar is worth double the price or stick with standard battery.

  • @davidkodym6029
    @davidkodym6029 Рік тому +2

    As much as I like G-shocks, I want to start a wave of rants against the worsened accasibility of the ADJUSTMENT button. It only prevents the extra functions from friendly use. The chance of it being pressed by mistake is statisticaly very improbable, I recon. But many of us use stopwatch on daily bases. This ingenious out of this world secure safety almost brings me to tears with its inpracticality. Casio please! Remember the Zen master throwing some leaves back over the raked garden.

    • @SamsWatchReview
      @SamsWatchReview  Рік тому

      Thanks for bringing that up. Yes, the stopwatch and CDT reset are assigned to the recessed adjust button, which reduces its ease of use.
      I'm using CDT a lot and found the same (if not worse) issue with several models, including the iconic (non G-shock) DW290 :D

    • @davidkodym6029
      @davidkodym6029 Рік тому +1

      @@SamsWatchReview I took a cardboard cutter to fix it on my DW5600, The MRGs will be a tough cake:-)

    • @SamsWatchReview
      @SamsWatchReview  Рік тому

      that's one bold mod :D

    • @stfuplsok
      @stfuplsok Рік тому


    • @davidkodym6029
      @davidkodym6029 Рік тому


  • @thom9268
    @thom9268 Рік тому +1

    Is it possible to change the date order to day-month instead of the month-day thing they use in usa?

    • @SamsWatchReview
      @SamsWatchReview  Рік тому +1

      As far as I know, this model doesn't support multi date format :)

    • @thom9268
      @thom9268 Рік тому

      @@SamsWatchReview Oh that sucks, but thanks for the quick reply!

  • @AmateurPhotographer12
    @AmateurPhotographer12 Рік тому +2

    Bought one!

    • @SamsWatchReview
      @SamsWatchReview  Рік тому

      Awesome. Enjoy the new watch :)

    • @AmateurPhotographer12
      @AmateurPhotographer12 Рік тому

      @@SamsWatchReviewhave a question when I put my watch underwater right? Why is there a water mark on it when I wipe it will not be gone? Is that normal? And also can you press the light button if the watch is wet?

    • @SamsWatchReview
      @SamsWatchReview  Рік тому

      Not sure about the watermark, maybe it's under the bezel which is removable.
      And about pushing the button when the watch is soaked/wet, generally ok :)

    • @AmateurPhotographer12
      @AmateurPhotographer12 Рік тому

      @@SamsWatchReview so if it’s wet you can press the light button or it’s also okay to swim underwater and press the light button is that okay? Will the watch will be broken

    • @SamsWatchReview
      @SamsWatchReview  Рік тому

      @@AmateurPhotographer12 I wouldn't advise to press the buttons underwater :)

  • @g-man8705
    @g-man8705 Рік тому +3

    I bought one recently but I've already returned it. I'm not saying it's a bad watch but I found it too chunky and maybe I would have got used to it but when it comes to features and comfort my Fitbit I can also wear when swimming and it's just as tough. I also found the LCD display small relative to the size of the watch and therefore difficult to read. These are retro digital watches and they may look cool but actually compared to a smartwatch they feel just as dated as an old analogue/mechanical watch.

    • @manzildoley2088
      @manzildoley2088 Рік тому +6

      Bruh if you think this is chunky then you should see the regular chunky models

    • @plasticindices3385
      @plasticindices3385 Рік тому +2

      smart watch 😂😂😂 Boy you sure you know about watches?

    • @jasonclarke7422
      @jasonclarke7422 11 місяців тому +6

      I wore a smartwatch for a few weeks and after the novelty had worn off I went back to wearing my Casio, I found the smartwatch to be utterly soulless, it was just like wearing my smartphone on my wrist and was a complete distraction of constant emails, messages and sleep updates ect. The only thing that the smartwatch gave me was a bigger appreciation of my Casio watch collection .

    • @SnarkyRC
      @SnarkyRC 9 місяців тому +2

      Lol this g shock is small on my wrist lol.

  • @myelectricalmta7219
    @myelectricalmta7219 2 роки тому +5


  • @kushthakkar1299
    @kushthakkar1299 2 роки тому +1

    How it's quality now

  • @jaywhite1141
    @jaywhite1141 8 місяців тому +1

    I’ve got the g shock dw5600e-1wm I love its amazing I love all my g shock in my collection

  • @АААА-э2о
    @АААА-э2о 6 місяців тому +1

    Насил такие же 10 лет не снимая,и не разу не подвели миня. Батареи хватает на 4 года,5 тый год работает но без подсветки.

    • @SamsWatchReview
      @SamsWatchReview  6 місяців тому

      That's great, twice than it's battery life rating. Thank you for sharing :)

  • @mrmods7912
    @mrmods7912 7 місяців тому +1

    The buttons are too fiddly and the strap too short. AE1200 beats it hands down!

  • @uaeuae4095
    @uaeuae4095 5 місяців тому +1


  • @badboy-mo3mv
    @badboy-mo3mv Рік тому +1

    but m5610u is better?

  • @crazyshorts6955
    @crazyshorts6955 Рік тому +2

    Personally bought the solar powered version of casio G-Shock DW 5600 watch...
    Utterly disappointed with brand Casio G-Shock!
    Just after 3 or 4 months of normal usage ( No swimming, No Diving, No Extreme water Sports, No Surfing) it developed fog and water vapour inside the glass disrupting the time view.
    I went to the Casio Service centre but the service center people bluntly told me that there was no option for replacement. They also shamelessly told me that their watches are water resistant and not water proof. They said they never claim that their watches are water proof in their advertising also. They simply changed some parts and dried the fog or water vapour inside AND after a few months the fog and water vapour inside the glass RETURNED. What a Waste. 👎
    Had it been the case of putting the watch under extreme conditions , it is understandable, but the refusal to replace the watch under normal conditions seemed callous and unprofessional on part of Casio. Utterly disappointed by such a big brand LIKE CASIO AND G-SHOCK with big & HOLLOW claims! 😒

    • @SamsWatchReview
      @SamsWatchReview  Рік тому +2

      Thank you for sharing, I'm very sorry to hear that. I hope you will find a more suitable alternative :)

  • @iamamrcr7376
    @iamamrcr7376 6 місяців тому +1

    Casio china it is original

    • @SamsWatchReview
      @SamsWatchReview  6 місяців тому

      Most budget range Casio general model and entry level Gshocks are made/cased in China.

  • @DressForAfrica
    @DressForAfrica 7 місяців тому +1

    Too big a watch

  • @abdellah4878
    @abdellah4878 2 роки тому

    i thinking $50 is overpriced for this because at this price point you get a mechanical watch with japanese movement

    • @Tomijee
      @Tomijee 2 роки тому +4

      Absolutely not overpriced by anymeans. Its G-Shock and for 50$ Its great and has awesome specs. Japanese movement doesnt stand for anything in that price range. In Finland this watch cost around 100€ to 130€

    • @longer2007
      @longer2007 Рік тому

      @@Tomijee I have paid £79.99 in UK just before Christmas. Indeed it is a great watch for me, unfortunately I cant reach battery to be charged to High mode

    • @stfuplsok
      @stfuplsok Рік тому

      @@longer2007 it's not a rechargeable battery.