Ticket snippet and easy glassine pocket // day 5 of the 12 days of journaling

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
  • Overview • 12 days of journaling ...
    Playlist • 12 days of jornaling
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    Jessica Huffman
    PO Box 1716
    Fairview, OR 97024


  • @reneeh3007
    @reneeh3007 20 годин тому +1

    Great layout! Loved the way this turned out…have a great day 😊❤️

  • @EileenWstCstGrl
    @EileenWstCstGrl День тому +1

    You're SO creative! I absolutely love your 12 days of journaling as well as your December daily journaling. Can't get enough!

  • @aliceharbour5926
    @aliceharbour5926 День тому +1

    Just watching for now. Most of my journal and advent will be made after Christmas 🎄. I've got ideas for pages but focused on organization right now.
    I cant believe Christmas is just next week! I'm never ready. Each year I swear I'll be better prepared. I never am. It's been a really rough year this year, as I'm sure a lot of others are struggling also. 😢 watching you create and hearing the cheer in your voice helps keep the funk at bay. 😅 thank you so much for the inspiration, the calm, and peace you bring to your videos. 🎉🎉😊

    • @PaperTerrace
      @PaperTerrace  День тому

      Awww I’m sorry to hear that and I truly appreciate your kind words.

  • @RegenaWallace-ri1ds
    @RegenaWallace-ri1ds День тому

    I just love that layout and the way you did the tag.

  • @LinaLeBlanc-l1v
    @LinaLeBlanc-l1v День тому +1

    That's the sweetest journal . This is my favorite layout so far. It looks so good 🥰✨

  • @LindseyDoodles
    @LindseyDoodles День тому +1

    Jess your inspiration is spreading like wildfire!

  • @KarenAmerson-k6n
    @KarenAmerson-k6n День тому +1

    Jessica, I love these daily journaling videos!! Keep them coming! Thank you!

  • @GailScarano
    @GailScarano День тому

    Such a fun project, amazing what you do with all the goodies!

  • @mariebinkin4365
    @mariebinkin4365 День тому

    Just watching your videos, Jessica, but really enjoying them!! Thanks

  • @sueellendickinson3079
    @sueellendickinson3079 День тому

    I've been watching but definitely getting inspired! Great ideas!

  • @smccullou6559
    @smccullou6559 День тому

    I have been joining in on the fun. It's really got my creative juices flowing.

  • @sandypalmer3861
    @sandypalmer3861 День тому

    Sweet little pages!