@@ivanmiuller i mean yeah if you're a barber I assume they know what to do and if they watch someone do it should be able to copy it. Your comparison here is stupid and makes no sense
The texture and technique is amazing. is amazing love, love, looooveeeeeeee love I am sporting a mullet myself, but man nothing like this!!!! 👏 sooooo goood
@@prinsaliofgod8871 acá en Argentina es como decir lindo/atractivo o por ejemplo con el estilo de ropa ves un amigo y le decís uu que fachero que estás eh
This was exactly what I needed to show my barber, nice work!
They won't know how to texture that way
@ivanmiuller the video literally shows how
@slayertrauma1683 so I can watch a heart surgeon and I'll know how to operate on hearts now? Okay!!
@@ivanmiuller i mean yeah if you're a barber I assume they know what to do and if they watch someone do it should be able to copy it. Your comparison here is stupid and makes no sense
Never go to any other Barber...that man knows what he's doing.☝🏻
Nah this has to be the cleanest one yet
Awesome scissor work!
Dude he look so happy to have the hair of his dreams
Beautiful watching this man construct layers and texture
This was so satisfying to watch!! Amazing work!! 👏🏼
Wow exactly what i needed for a new look
Ficou brabo 👏
The texture and technique is amazing. is amazing love, love, looooveeeeeeee love I am sporting a mullet myself, but man nothing like this!!!! 👏 sooooo goood
Just fabulous!
Nice haircut I like it
Awesome haircut 👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽💯💯💯
Tutorial for this style...awesome work 🎉
Que hermoso le quedo
Bro is majestic
Dude this guy is an absolute positive Beast if I've ever seen one do you see that incredible carving method be for real
Modern mullet 🔥
Amigo tremenda facha carga el pibe
mal amigo jajwjqj lo veo y me da bronca lo fachero q es
Qué es facha??
@@prinsaliofgod8871 acá en Argentina es como decir lindo/atractivo o por ejemplo con el estilo de ropa ves un amigo y le decís uu que fachero que estás eh
@@Nicosds012 Maluco bonito pra porra. 😂
The song : nirvana 🧐
The hair cut : rock
Hello everyone? The party police has arrived 😂
am I missing something or isnt grunge a subgenre of rock? lol
@@Juanj-07 Yes brother, it is, a different style of punk rock
Es guapísimo el chico del corte
Y es argentino.
Que lindo 😍
Tú no lo eres
Best mulet online!!!!😮😮
Nice work!
O cara virou outra pessoa
Le quedó muy bueno.
Dope hair bro
Una pregunta, eso es mid fade?
Looks great
Este corte me fascina para mi hijo
Jayjo Mullet 🔥
Bro went from the weird quiet kid to the hot popular football guy
Awe . Love the before hairstyle..
the power of barber❤
WOW! Really nice work.
Best hairstyle
Peso pluma de otro universo (este si se ve bien)🧐
Hola , la tijera que uso para los laterales es la común o la de entresacado?
Awesomeness 🤘🏻😝
Donde está ubicado, porfa alguien sabe?
which product do you use for the texture ?
Confidence went up 💯
bruh his hunter eyes and thick eyebrows...damn
I soooo wanna rock a mini mullet now...
Bro is Beautiful
That bro is argentinian .
Wow what a beautiful boy! He looks like the boy version of Cara de Levine
I thought it would be horrible, but it turned out great
Aguante Nirvanaaaaaaa❤❤❤❤
what do I say to my barber if I want this cut?
alto cambio loco
Bro knew what he was doing
queria ficar bonito assim mas minha skin é do ouro royale
Mia khalifa's brother😂
Looks similar to Mia Khalifa but he is make hence the joke Mia Khalifa a brother
Bro looks like that one famous celebrity named ross lynch 💀💀💀
You got to tell me what shears you're using I'm too dumb to know convex concave what
how to get that texture?
Perdón que temon el de Nirvana
Skin premium
The barber did wonders right here
No. Is argentina.
He had beautiful hair and a good style to that 😑, the barber did him dirty.
before cutting the hair ❤😂who noticed he was like Mia khalifa
I did a badass one here, but everyone in the shop looks at me crazy. If it’s not a 1.5 at the ridge people look at you crazy out here. 😂
What hair cutting technique is that called? I’m trying to learn
I think it’s Izzy straddlin haircut
How do you get you hair like that?
bro doesnt know what genes are
bien facha
Vou salvar
Before he shaved, he looked like Mia Khalifa
Badass I want my hair cut like this any tips
Same just show your barber this video
Creo que es de las únicas personas que más o menos le queda
Eso es lo que quiero pero ya van como 3 veces que me dejan el cabello un desastre amigo, mejor dejárselo largo nomas
i have the same type of hair, imma bout to get this!
how did it go?
Gofor it
@@majorhawk2339whats the name for the cut mullet what?
@@AxtrotrayyJay jo mullet
No pues con ese rostrazo, todo le queda 👌🏻
He looks like Ross Lynch but Brunette
Demasiado limpio, este gordo se rifa
From looking original to a standard John Doe
That's siiick
Perfect -
Came like a different person Went like a different person
W for the Barber
W haircut
Kis kis ko pehle ye miya khalifa jesa laga 😂
Esse cara é argentino?
Ok pero la musica 🤑😎😎
rodrick from diary of a wimpy kid ahh haircut 💀🙏🏼
Where are located
Pasaste de ser un rockero cool con el pelo largo a ser un peso pluma con la 7 nooo
Is tht Rodrick Heffley😨😨
Cambio bastante.
What's the name of this mullet ??
Modern Mullet
What’s this cut call?
Dude went from innocent to look what she did to me now she gonna regret it