Kenneth Okonkwo - Politically Faulty!!! (so CONVENTIONAL!)

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024
  • la plupart des candidats campagne présidentiels africains pour être à la tête du pays sont si conventionnels!!!
    leur discours de campagne est tout mis en place pour sortir de telle manière que "oh je suis la bonne" (acheter des votes)
    si doués pour dire toutes les bonnes choses, mais une fois qu'ils entrent en fonction, leurs paroles deviennent plus sages que leurs actions
    en plein cœur de toute campagne présidentielle et après leur élection, il y a de la corruption, corruption, corruption et encore de la corruption!
    Mr Kenneth Okonkwo you are so right, those are they three main areas of problem not just Nigeria has, but all of Africa needs to work on! corruption, a better economy (less importation and more of production and export) and most importantly National and local security for ALL and not security just for some!
    corruption, corruption, corruption is not just very bad in Nigeria, but is a cancer that has eaten deep into the body of Africa and has spread to all it's vital organs, well the good thing is that there is hope, there are indications that the corruption cancer has not yet reached the brains and bone marrow of some Africans
    Mr Okonkwo, all African heads of states, when they are running for presidency, during their presidential campaigns they say all the rights on corruption, the economy and most importantly security i.e border security, national and as well as local security - how they will this and the other, but as soon as they get into position, they even worse than the previous head of state, they become politically faulty et si conventionnel!
    African heads of states, ministers, governors, mayors, military and police leaders do not let your campaign words be wiser than your actions when you get into position!!! because like Mr Okonkwo said, it is not only a new Nigeria that is needed (the giant of Africa is really going down!), but a new Africa is needed!!!
    Corruption! Corruption! Corruption!
    heads of states cannot continue to allow/permit for millions, if not billions to be wasted on useless expenditures when citizens are in critical need of good roads, some do not even have electricity, clean drinking water, food, some areas lack good class rooms, some lack good hospitals etc., while others are only thinking of how to misappropriation government funds - funds that could have been better prioritized to a more beneficial use for the population, for generations to come! (project priority is really an issue for Africans! most are thinking of how much they can steal while they are in office - it should be your agreed salary/benefits and nothing more! if there are any excesses left over from a project, it be kept in the bank for later use or transfer to another department/ministry that needs for a need for the population! rather going into private pockets (the population cannot have the everyday basics, food prices going up everyday, but people are looking to steal/waste money sur des choses inutiles qui n'aideront en rien la population!
    The country's general security is very critical for a couple of reasons, first for the populations's wellbeing (which some presidents and governors don't seem to care about), tourism, attracts investors (tourism and good investors/investment helps the country's GDP)
    all gains gotten from kidnapping should be destroyed - if a kidnapper(s) is arrested after getting ransom, and if investigations proofs they build a home, bought what so ever, it should all be destroyed (such an insecurity phenomenon has to be discouraged)
    more investment on local police patrols
    border security
    security is very important for the growth of Africa
    Africa invests tooooooo high and gets back tooooooooo little!!! it should be the other way round - buying imports in millions and billions is investing toooooo high! it will bring prices/inflation down not depending too much on exportation - most Africans are so much interested in developing the countries of others (most moneys embezzled in African governments is sent/spent out of Africa)
    everything should be processed in Africa and others come and buy/export from Africa -(cotton, wood, petrol, minerals, agriculture, etc.,) that is investing low and gaining very high, which in turn provides jobs in Africa!!! but what does Africans prefer to do!
    - prefer to be distracted with all the internet nonsense/the bad parts of it! lazying around there for hours if not all day on the internet posting/talking things that helps no one at the end of the day(some allow themselves to be distracted by that nonsense) when there is so much work to be done to get Africa developed and be the bread basket of the world!!!
    - certaines personnes passent leur temps à monter les gens contre les autres parce qu'ils gagnent de l'argent avec ça - c'est tellement grave qu'il y a des gens qui pensent qu'ils sont meilleurs que les autres et qu'ils feront n'importe quoi pour faire tomber les autres (intéressés à faire de l'argent avec les bêtise!!!)