There is one reason and one reason alone, why I would like to go back in time. I wish I could have seen the night sky before all the city lights ruined it for all of us. I remember back in the early 90's there was a massive blackout around the Los Angeles area. People started calling 911 because they thought the world was under attack. All of these strange lights in the sky that nobody had ever seen before where there. I laughed so freaking hard when I heard this story on the news. It was the stars in the sky that had everyone scared. But it does tell us that we are missing something great. So, yeah I wish I could see the night sky.
I grew up in the 1980s in Southern Indiana. I remember looking up at the night sky and seeing thousands of stars, now I can count them in less than 3 seconds!!!... Sure is something sad about that.
You can still see the night sky in the rural areas and enjoy the stars with no city lights. It is true that life in the city is breaking peoples connection with nature and most of my friends do not show an interest for this things.
While we don't know the inventor of the 'bundle of twigs' style of broom, the flat broom we use today was created by a small American religious group commonly called the Shakers. If you have ever heard of Shaker-style furniture, it's the same group. They also started the idea of selling seeds in paper packets, and developed fascinating things like massive revolving bread ovens.
@8:24 When asked to explain why he was selling his wife he explained she was a "tormentor and a daily devil". So it seems that some things never change.
Because people were not educated and believed in everything what people with power told them, and that people were in front of church and could easily manipulate with crowd. Hard believers still believe their religion leaders no matter what religion is that. But yes, catholic church was the worst in middle ages
The human pig story was used on a 'X-Files' episode. I just watched the rerun 2 days ago. It's rare, but fetal monsters do sometimes survive the womb and grow up. It's a deformity that is usually (naturally) aborted by the mother's body. Ignorance is the result of these legends.
great show!!!! i like the one of early america and collecting fat !! and witches and espeicly the pig faced man!!!thanks for the coolest show online its so appreciated!!!
Love this channel but your recording volume is lower than all other channels, making the random ads SOOOO loud when you watch your videos because the volume has to be turned so high
Today it's opposite if women get tired of their husbands they could send them out on the street and drain them in alimony and child support. So. Women actually treated better under patriarchy then men under Matriarchy
There's nothing "dark" about it other than what was done to them but Manichaeism was just a "less-deified" form of Zoroastrianism. The original Persian religion was merely 🔥 worship, which inspired several Greco-Roman cults. Pythagoras is supposed to have gone to Persia to study their magic and religion and to have placed great emphasis on the number "5", the number of the pentagon, pentacle, and pentagram. Interestingly, the original house of the Vestal Virgins who tended the "sacred" hearth 🔥 in what was called the "Regia" in the center of the Roman Forum was FIVE-sided, with the longest side being the entrance facing Northeast.... the direction of the RISING 🌞 on the LONGEST day of the year, the Summer Solstice on June 21.
Couldn't find ANYTHING on Google about the alleged "pigman" or "pigmutant" monster UNlike stories of other weird creatures easily found so it must be pure recent BS!
Intriguing, I always knew there was more to life and i have also been looking for a way to find not only protection but a way to be influential to the human society.
oh well you can achieve that by being a part of the illuminatus brotherhood, i know it sounds like a mystery but there are ways you can actually get in contact with them
@@bartholetbay412 Well it is not and you can't actually expect it to be open to everyone, but if you want to know more you can look up ANTHONY MARK SZYMON online you will find something interesting.
Dont take the pictures in origins explained videos seriously. Mostly She uses random pictures from the internet in her videos and not necessarily the real picture of the top 10 things.
1st mummy unwrapping party's pre UA-cam entertainment brilliant 😂😂 2nd if only someone told me about selling your wife would have saved me a small fortune getting divorced and I would have made a bit of cash to boot 😂😂😂
William Drury was charged but beat the charge and the ghost presence stopped for a 2 days or so then started again William Drury was 100s miles away at the time
Yes, the Simon Necronomicon, one of the most absurd grimoire ever published. It's not the content to be absurd, on the contrary, for what it is, it is really good, the absurdity is the fact that sumerian religion/mitology and rituals, have absolutely nothing (well almost, as Dagon comes from it, but that is all the parallels you can draw) to do with Cthulhu and Lovecraftian mitology in general, so I find very weird, the fact that it had so much success to justify a "sequel", an "history of" , and a spell only booklet, plus various special editions, even if it's not what it's advertised as. Some would say that the author made some sort of occult pact to guarantee its success, and I could agree, emphasis on the could, but if we wanna keep our feet on the ground and be realistic, we could say that it sold so well, because it actually is a very well written book, or books, as both the second part and its "history" are well put together and filled with intresting lines and passages, most of the times not even related to anything Lovecraftian, but simply philosophical, a passage in particular I will forever remember, about reality and the meaning of the word, starting from its etimology, it was in fact the spark that ignited so many articles I've written during the last ten years. So yes, we can navigate in the mysterious and believe Simon to be this obscure figure that found success thanks to magick, or we can be realists, and acknowledge the reality of the situation: that is, that Simon is a very good writer and P.R., and by using a very recognizable name, such as the Necronomicon, managed to sell way more copies, and way faster, than he would have if he titled his book more honestly, I mean, titling it based on its content! 😅 Like pretty much anyone else!
Prema Nocta was ordered by King Edward I of England, when the Scots fought back against his power. When the Scots defeated Edward in Battle, he declared Prima Nocta throughout Scotland, as that at all weddings in Scotland, before the Wedding Night, the local English Lord of the Manor was by Law to bed the bride, as Edward made his famous statement that "if We can't defeat them We'll breed them out "
Women actually could & did own property. Married women in Medieval Europe were legally dependent on their husbands. In the scope of civil law, women were restricted from signing contracts, being witnesses in court, or borrowing money in their names. All of these had to be carried out under the legal authority of their husbands. Though you’ll probably be surprised to know that these laws did not apply to unmarried adult females, who were allowed to sign contracts, borrow money, and do the things that one would expect of a legally responsible adult. Also it should be said that all of this changes/varies based on time period & geography. You cant make blanket statements l when it comes to such things.
"What made this religion so fascinating is that it didn't focus on a single deity" - and goes on to show Shiva from Hinduism in the background which is like the biggest religion with most amount of deities. I wonder why it didn't show any of those single deity religion in the background instead.
Galus Caesar Augustus...aka. Caligula. His depravity also included Jus Primae noctis. Fast forward to late 1990's Saddam Hussein's son was infamous for this crime against women.
Polytheism is what it's called. It's the original from of paganism. It's the belief of Father god, Mother god, and the son of god. It's the belief in multiple gods
I would like to ask a serious question. When you say Christian do you mean Christianity or do you mean catholics? MANY TIMES HAVE I SEEN THEM MIXED TOGETHER
The perspective offered by this content is enlightening and transformative. A book with like themes presented a life-changing viewpoint. "The Silent Bridge: Echoes of the Unspoken Past" by Emma Wick
Typically poor research. “This is a dark secret of the past but there is absolutely no evidence and no reputable scholars think it actually happened “. Utterly pointless.
my only complaint is that i believe you are pronouncing necronomicon wrong. not that i care just that it sounds incorrect. like ur trying to hard to pronounce it. aside from that good video.
There is one reason and one reason alone, why I would like to go back in time.
I wish I could have seen the night sky before all the city lights ruined it for all of us. I remember back in the early 90's there was a massive blackout around the Los Angeles area. People started calling 911 because they thought the world was under attack. All of these strange lights in the sky that nobody had ever seen before where there.
I laughed so freaking hard when I heard this story on the news. It was the stars in the sky that had everyone scared. But it does tell us that we are missing something great. So, yeah I wish I could see the night sky.
Thank you Jason Webb that was beautiful 😊👍🏼💕
I grew up in the 1980s in Southern Indiana. I remember looking up at the night sky and seeing thousands of stars, now I can count them in less than 3 seconds!!!... Sure is something sad about that.
You can still see the night sky in the rural areas and enjoy the stars with no city lights. It is true that life in the city is breaking peoples connection with nature and most of my friends do not show an interest for this things.
Omg. I remember that night in the nineties.
Just go to the country 😒
While we don't know the inventor of the 'bundle of twigs' style of broom, the flat broom we use today was created by a small American religious group commonly called the Shakers. If you have ever heard of Shaker-style furniture, it's the same group. They also started the idea of selling seeds in paper packets, and developed fascinating things like massive revolving bread ovens.
I'd love to hear more about this, Katrina.
The Persians invented the bundle of twigs style broom called the "barsom".
or claimed the idea and sold it as theirs just like most of the american inventions and lands
And I'm Bill Clinton....
Jesus… the ignorance, stupidity, and lies that people somehow STILL BELIEVE when it comes to witches is astounding…
Woah... I knew there were some really messed up things in the past, but these still surprised me 😮
Amazing video, Katrina 🤩
Good job 😁
These are some of the most gruesome things I've ever heard.
@8:24 When asked to explain why he was selling his wife he explained she was a "tormentor and a daily devil". So it seems that some things never change.
Love your channel. Keep up the great videos. 😁🤟😄
One of my favourite channels. Keep up the great work. :)
"Witches flying on brooms" has been around since the bronze age.
Didn't know they had back then 🧹🧹🧹
If someone was banging a drum all day I would get pissed too
Too much cannibalism in our history, let's not go back to that! 🤕
It still happends today Armie Hammer
You can expect this abomination act during the end time's to come... 🤔
Odd how violent Christianity has been through the ages but yet says it believes in peace and forgiveness.
what religion wasnt tho
And sad how brain washed they all are
@@judemorrison2701 What 🤣
Because people were not educated and believed in everything what people with power told them, and that people were in front of church and could easily manipulate with crowd. Hard believers still believe their religion leaders no matter what religion is that. But yes, catholic church was the worst in middle ages
The human pig story was used on a 'X-Files' episode. I just watched the rerun 2 days ago. It's rare, but fetal monsters do sometimes survive the womb and grow up. It's a deformity that is usually (naturally) aborted by the mother's body. Ignorance is the result of these legends.
What about the Seinfeld episode where Kramer sees the pig man!
So pig story really happened a half human half pig?
Always something new to learn with you
Now I know where all the missing bodies went. People ate them. We should have mass Graves that have never been found. 👻
great show!!!! i like the one of early america and collecting fat !! and witches and espeicly the pig faced man!!!thanks for the coolest show online its so appreciated!!!
Thanks, Katrina!. Nice to listen and see.
Victorian Era was 1837 - 1901 so auctioning off one's wife was not really a Victorian trait as it only lasted 15 years during Victoria's reign
number 10 makes more sense than any other current religion
Love this channel but your recording volume is lower than all other channels, making the random ads SOOOO loud when you watch your videos because the volume has to be turned so high
I wonder what things that are widely accepted now will be judged as strange in hundreds of years time
Today it's opposite if women get tired of their husbands they could send them out on the street and drain them in alimony and child support.
So. Women actually treated better under patriarchy then men under Matriarchy
There's nothing "dark" about it other than what was done to them but Manichaeism was just a "less-deified" form of Zoroastrianism. The original Persian religion was merely 🔥 worship, which inspired several Greco-Roman cults. Pythagoras is supposed to have gone to Persia to study their magic and religion and to have placed great emphasis on the number "5", the number of the pentagon, pentacle, and pentagram. Interestingly, the original house of the Vestal Virgins who tended the "sacred" hearth 🔥 in what was called the "Regia" in the center of the Roman Forum was FIVE-sided, with the longest side being the entrance facing Northeast.... the direction of the RISING 🌞 on the LONGEST day of the year, the Summer Solstice on June 21.
Couldn't find ANYTHING on Google about the alleged "pigman" or "pigmutant" monster UNlike stories of other weird creatures easily found so it must be pure recent BS!
#3 So they greased up the shaft of a "Broomstick" then sat on it, it doesn't conjure up the idea of "Witches" to me.
Thanks for sharing 👍😀
Siege of Ostend was brutal. Piles of bodies serving a meatwalls.
Every single channel I subscribe too awaken my mind ,body & soul knowledge for everyone explain clearly 👍 💯 on origins 👍
I heard the Mormons do the rights of the first knight .Not sure if it’s true but I have heard from a few people that this is done.
Thank y’all 🧚🏽♂️🙏🏽
Ouch my tooth hurts! Hold on don’t I have some human fat?? Yes! This surely will help!!
If not I got some mummia for ya
Intriguing, I always knew there was more to life and i have also been looking for a way to find not only protection but a way to be influential to the human society.
oh well you can achieve that by being a part of the illuminatus brotherhood, i know it sounds like a mystery but there are ways you can actually get in contact with them
@@haynesatteh4463 hi, isn't the brotherhood a myth??
@@bartholetbay412 Well it is not and you can't actually expect it to be open to everyone, but if you want to know more you can look up ANTHONY MARK SZYMON online you will find something interesting.
@@haynesatteh4463 oh really, i just saw his website, interesting.i will leave him a message.
#5 is legit bring it back
Commenting on the 1600's, show pictures from late 1800's
Dont take the pictures in origins explained videos seriously. Mostly She uses random pictures from the internet in her videos and not necessarily the real picture of the top 10 things.
Consistently well-researched ... and adorable .
1st mummy unwrapping party's pre UA-cam entertainment brilliant 😂😂
2nd if only someone told me about selling your wife would have saved me a small fortune getting divorced and I would have made a bit of cash to boot 😂😂😂
That is probably why it was called the dark ages 🤣🤣🤣
Turn your volume on.
William Drury was charged but beat the charge and the ghost presence stopped for a 2 days or so then started again William Drury was 100s miles away at the time
Yes, the Simon Necronomicon, one of the most absurd grimoire ever published. It's not the content to be absurd, on the contrary, for what it is, it is really good, the absurdity is the fact that sumerian religion/mitology and rituals, have absolutely nothing (well almost, as Dagon comes from it, but that is all the parallels you can draw) to do with Cthulhu and Lovecraftian mitology in general, so I find very weird, the fact that it had so much success to justify a "sequel", an "history of" , and a spell only booklet, plus various special editions, even if it's not what it's advertised as. Some would say that the author made some sort of occult pact to guarantee its success, and I could agree, emphasis on the could, but if we wanna keep our feet on the ground and be realistic, we could say that it sold so well, because it actually is a very well written book, or books, as both the second part and its "history" are well put together and filled with intresting lines and passages, most of the times not even related to anything Lovecraftian, but simply philosophical, a passage in particular I will forever remember, about reality and the meaning of the word, starting from its etimology, it was in fact the spark that ignited so many articles I've written during the last ten years. So yes, we can navigate in the mysterious and believe Simon to be this obscure figure that found success thanks to magick, or we can be realists, and acknowledge the reality of the situation: that is, that Simon is a very good writer and P.R., and by using a very recognizable name, such as the Necronomicon, managed to sell way more copies, and way faster, than he would have if he titled his book more honestly, I mean, titling it based on its content! 😅 Like pretty much anyone else!
What a cool channel
The videos are awesome&bizarre
Prema Nocta was ordered by King Edward I of England, when the Scots fought back against his power. When the Scots defeated Edward in Battle, he declared Prima Nocta throughout Scotland, as that at all weddings in Scotland, before the Wedding Night, the local English Lord of the Manor was by Law to bed the bride, as Edward made his famous statement that "if We can't defeat them We'll breed them out "
14:07 looks like Tom Hanks 😂😂😂
Women actually could & did own property. Married women in Medieval Europe were legally dependent on their husbands. In the scope of civil law, women were restricted from signing contracts, being witnesses in court, or borrowing money in their names. All of these had to be carried out under the legal authority of their husbands. Though you’ll probably be surprised to know that these laws did not apply to unmarried adult females, who were allowed to sign contracts, borrow money, and do the things that one would expect of a legally responsible adult. Also it should be said that all of this changes/varies based on time period & geography. You cant make blanket statements l when it comes to such things.
Modern witches fly on vacuum cleaners. 😃
Anyone know the painting at 7:44??
Absolutely horrific 😱
Um ya katherina, I wish the human from 200 years later could read my comment😁
Hello human 2222, I'm human from 2022 heheh❤❤
"What made this religion so fascinating is that it didn't focus on a single deity" - and goes on to show Shiva from Hinduism in the background which is like the biggest religion with most amount of deities. I wonder why it didn't show any of those single deity religion in the background instead.
Crazy stuff
I can’t be the only one who thought of ManBearPig
Victorians didn't last 500 years, they only lasted till Victoria died, she was old but she wasn't that old.
Have you ever heard of the
Broom Broom Man?
I've heard of spoon man..
Galus Caesar Augustus...aka. Caligula.
His depravity also included Jus Primae noctis.
Fast forward to late 1990's
Saddam Hussein's son was infamous for this crime against women.
Polytheism is what it's called. It's the original from of paganism. It's the belief of Father god, Mother god, and the son of god. It's the belief in multiple gods
There's a pattern here. 🤦🏾♀️
Cleaner history okay babes💙
Duce premonoctus? More like dead nobleman.
WIFE AUCTION : Bring Back The Past Please..!!
In English, we say "darkest"...
#8 @3:40 No neck & no "What"?
Take away the pleasantries and most humans are still just as messed up in the head
There's an 'Easter egg' in Red Dead 2 of the pig man story
@@hakuna.matata0123 I don't make the rules man, I just think of them then write them down
I would like to ask a serious question. When you say Christian do you mean Christianity or do you mean catholics? MANY TIMES HAVE I SEEN THEM MIXED TOGETHER
I need mumia for my french fries 🍟
To be honest, I used to feel bad for women back in the day until I had contact with modern feminists. A lot of modern women are awful human beings. 😅
It's Man-Bear-Pig. Mr. Gore was right.
NOT as ⚫as the ⚫est secret of ALL: the FUTURE! NANN😎 NANN😎 B😵💫RG!!
I had to stop watching ! Dinner is ready ! Lol
The perspective offered by this content is enlightening and transformative. A book with like themes presented a life-changing viewpoint. "The Silent Bridge: Echoes of the Unspoken Past" by Emma Wick
My God
So manicasm is butisma
Looks zombies were based of dutch history
The story of Johan de Witt is largely incorrect
Let me make this all form sense! I don’t have to fabricate when the people back then were of the Wicked 😂👀
Mompesson , okay , I forget what I wanted to say .
Epics of gilgamesh!!
Gilgamesh did the same . He's the first recorded
They selling and trading women in the 1600's like they Pokemon...WTF? Gotta Catch Em All huh?
Some really "sick" stuff.
Putting ❌ on "Shiva" might be too rationalistic.
I am sure that premanacta went on why wouldn't it they took what they wanted
Don't you know , that's all , tod .
Maybe the sons of god sew the pigs were beautiful
Manichaeism is not dead. Yet.
Laws are laws, whether you obey or not, religious laws are not to be fought.
U can still by people yes I know I spelled it wrong
Typically poor research. “This is a dark secret of the past but there is absolutely no evidence and no reputable scholars think it actually happened “. Utterly pointless.
my only complaint is that i believe you are pronouncing necronomicon wrong. not that i care just that it sounds incorrect. like ur trying to hard to pronounce it. aside from that good video.
Haha These Women Riding Broomsticks yeah okay Disgusting But that was there way of Getting OFF!!! Lol
Oi henry where you off to this morning? Ow just to put me wife up for auction and have jolly time
Creepy, I have a Dutch last name. 🙄