Dragon Ball Writer Akira Toriyama Passes Away

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
  • Akira Toriyama, creator of the beloved manga and anime Dragon Ball, has died, his production studio said in a statement Friday. He was 68.
    The artist behind the long-running media franchise that popularized Japanese manga abroad, passed away on March 1 from an acute subdural hematoma, according to the statement.
    His creations, which span more than 45 years, include Dr. Slump, Sand Land and the character designs for the Dragon Quest video games.
    News of Toriyama’s death triggered an outpouring of condolences from other artists, many of whom grew up reading his work.
    Toriyama proved to a disbelieving audience that “manga can be fun for both children and adults,” wrote One Piece creator Eiichiro Oda. “He showed that manga could travel the world.”

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,2 тис.

  • @Whixer
    @Whixer  9 місяців тому +1102

    dragon balls kash mere pass hotte

    • @sgx_shorts
      @sgx_shorts 9 місяців тому +20

      Ha whixer 😢

    • @HellHound___
      @HellHound___ 9 місяців тому +15

      All of us would want to wish him back

    • @tauhidjahan9558
      @tauhidjahan9558 9 місяців тому +5

      Kash meain wish kar pata 🥺

    • @saiyan303
      @saiyan303 9 місяців тому +5

      Same bro

    • @sug3222
      @sug3222 9 місяців тому +9

      Dark day for dragon ball fan

  • @BhaiLogKaAdda
    @BhaiLogKaAdda 9 місяців тому +852

    RIP Akira Toriyama, the Legendary Mangaka. 🙇‍♂♥

    • @nate-yt496
      @nate-yt496 9 місяців тому +1

      wsp rishab

    • @EpicGamers240
      @EpicGamers240 9 місяців тому +2

      @bhailogkaadda rishabh bro is that possible to give him a salute to him in yout next video??

    • @ItsFZ99
      @ItsFZ99 9 місяців тому +1

      Rip akiratoriyama sensei

    • @yuvrajop32
      @yuvrajop32 9 місяців тому +1


    • @arpit8967
      @arpit8967 9 місяців тому +1

      Rishabh bhai 😭😭😭 believe nahi ho raha hai ki Toriyama nahi rahe 😭😭

  • @KaranSingh-cu4fs
    @KaranSingh-cu4fs 9 місяців тому +141

    Thank you toriyama मे अपने बचपन से dragon ball z देख रहा हू और बडे होने तक dragon ball super
    और अब आगे का magna देख रहा हू
    Rest in peace sir 😢😢

  • @Art_must_escape_Humans
    @Art_must_escape_Humans 9 місяців тому +41

    Rip...akira toriyama 🪦
    He was my inspiration to draw and follow my passion😢

  • @fitnesstravelwithdm4541
    @fitnesstravelwithdm4541 9 місяців тому +89

    Because of him we got that great feeling in our childhood. RIP

  • @ahsanqureshi8447
    @ahsanqureshi8447 9 місяців тому +60

    Thank You Toriyama (Father of anime)! You have touched so many lives and inspired millions throughout the entire world. May you rest in peace. Kame Hame Ha!💗😭

  • @Rajdx9jf
    @Rajdx9jf 9 місяців тому +133

    Toriyama sensei made everyones childhood happy with his show😢RIP 🙏 LEGEND

    • @shachintheartist
      @shachintheartist 9 місяців тому +1

      Sad demise of an inspirational person and Author

  • @neetunayal1985
    @neetunayal1985 9 місяців тому +26

    this legend make everyone childhood better

  • @Parav786
    @Parav786 9 місяців тому +158

    RIP Legend he made everyone’s childhood better , if I had the dragon balls I would wish him back with eternal life😔

  • @asim5666
    @asim5666 9 місяців тому +29

    RIP Akira Toriyama you made our childhood, a legend for sure and set the base of other shounen anime

    @ARIHANTJAIN27 9 місяців тому +56

    This is very saddened for all of us. His art works taught us the way, how to live a life. He taught us never give up in the life. He will always be remembered in our memory and he will definitely attain the moksha. He is the real legend. Cannot express my feelings in words.

  • @aditya6546
    @aditya6546 9 місяців тому +18

    Akira toriyama was the person who made our childhood memorable 😭😭
    R.I.P Toriyama sensei😢😢

  • @kaalgamer2519
    @kaalgamer2519 9 місяців тому +45

    This writer is a magician that makes a golden childhood of every anime lover ❤❤❤❤

  • @mosahidraza4946
    @mosahidraza4946 9 місяців тому +15

    We will miss you Akira toriyama and thanks for a great childhood.

  • @sharifagro9687
    @sharifagro9687 9 місяців тому +45


  • @nitinsinghal1617
    @nitinsinghal1617 9 місяців тому +146

    My grandma died yesterday I can feel the pain of his family

    • @CloneGamerz289
      @CloneGamerz289 9 місяців тому +12

      March 2024 is a month of sadness

    • @VENOM-ng5hk
      @VENOM-ng5hk 9 місяців тому +4

      OM SHANTI for your grandma

    • @Nimesh-Sinha
      @Nimesh-Sinha 9 місяців тому +4

      My grandfather died too in this month only 😢

    • @TheTosvenom
      @TheTosvenom 9 місяців тому +1


    • @nitinsinghal1617
      @nitinsinghal1617 9 місяців тому

      @@TheTosvenom what the fuck

  • @reyan-18
    @reyan-18 9 місяців тому +49

    RIP 😭😭😭😭( Akira Toriyama )and thanks for giving us the legendary anime Dragon Ball♥♥❤

    • @pankajrana3476
      @pankajrana3476 9 місяців тому +3

      Akira toriyama father of dragon ball

  • @Badgamin15
    @Badgamin15 9 місяців тому +2

    Thanks mr.akira toriyama humai itna intetainment karna kai liye you are legend of anime ❤

  • @godsfighter8434
    @godsfighter8434 9 місяців тому +38

    This man given us memories that we never forget

  • @aashrwa8301
    @aashrwa8301 9 місяців тому +9

    Goodbye legendary man thanks to you for dragon ball

  • @Shonen_goku_99k
    @Shonen_goku_99k 9 місяців тому +37

    Miss you legend. Legends never die😢

  • @hitblizz
    @hitblizz 9 місяців тому +14

    He Made My Childhood Memorable And He Was The Inspiration For Me To Choose Art As a Career His Creations Will Live With Us Forever RIP Toriyama Sensei 🕊️🕊️🕊️

  • @ynlgaming5530
    @ynlgaming5530 9 місяців тому +25

    😢😢😢Akira toriyama sir you are legend of Anime and Manga .Miss you

  • @YoursPokefever
    @YoursPokefever 9 місяців тому +2

    Toriyama sensei 🙏

  • @Lalagani72
    @Lalagani72 9 місяців тому +24

    He was a legend 🥹

  • @_uchiha_parth_95_
    @_uchiha_parth_95_ 9 місяців тому +13

    Rest in peace, The Legend Toriyama-sensei.
    Thank you for everything..😔

  • @Sandeep_anime_edit
    @Sandeep_anime_edit 9 місяців тому +16

    RIP akira Toriyama 😞 thanks for every childhood memories

  • @satyamsatyam8171
    @satyamsatyam8171 9 місяців тому +2

    😢aap Hum sabhi ki yaado mein jinda rahoge sensei akira toriyama

  • @ShriramPal-r7n
    @ShriramPal-r7n 9 місяців тому +28


  • @Abhishek.v10
    @Abhishek.v10 9 місяців тому +1

    RIP Akira toriyama.

  • @kaushalpatil4089
    @kaushalpatil4089 9 місяців тому +16


  • @AnimeLover-kp3xx
    @AnimeLover-kp3xx 9 місяців тому +11

    Rip Akira Toriyama Sensei 💐🕊🕊Thank you for giving us Legendary(G.O.A.T) Anime ❤

  • @yashrawat495
    @yashrawat495 9 місяців тому +14

    Rest in peace 🕊️

  • @SamarendraDas-y4v
    @SamarendraDas-y4v 9 місяців тому +5

    All saying that Akira Toriyama had left us , but I'm not able to believe this. We enjoyed every minute . May God bless your eternal soul . Thank you Godfather of manga ,sir Akira Toriyama.

    @LAIFEGX 9 місяців тому +13

    Yaarrrrr really kitna bura feel ho Raha h just unhone Goku vs Gohan ka manga banaya tha and adhura hi h or ab ye ........ 😢 Ab sabhi Anime vaale aage chale jayege DBS yahi Tak thaa 😢 hadd hai yrrrr hamara ul Goku and unka creator R.I.P 😞

    • @Sushma-l9m
      @Sushma-l9m 9 місяців тому

      No this is not end of dragon ball 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • @finishthegameyt3057
    @finishthegameyt3057 9 місяців тому +6

    School se aate hi TV chalu karke dragon Ball z dekhte dekhte itna time hogya Aaj ye news sun ke bohot dukh ho Raha hai kuch words nahi hai bolne ko 😞😖😢

  • @Cryptoairdrops201
    @Cryptoairdrops201 9 місяців тому +12

    Dragon ball will never be the same😢😢😢

  • @anshotsutsukigameryt93
    @anshotsutsukigameryt93 9 місяців тому +11

    Mai royaaa😭
    Om shanti
    Akira sensai ki atma ko shanti mile
    He was a legend a legend left us he will be remembered truly god of maga😭

  • @VERO-mv1nk
    @VERO-mv1nk 9 місяців тому +2

    Thank you for such legendary manga and Rest in peace Akira Toriyama

    @MIR_EDITZZ 9 місяців тому +8

    He will not dead, he will just fly high❤

  • @Herobrine47413
    @Herobrine47413 9 місяців тому +2

    Legends never die, RIP Akira, you created one of the best shows ever and touched so many of our hearts growing up. Thank you for everything

  • @Anime_meme40
    @Anime_meme40 9 місяців тому +7

    Rip creator of one of the strongest character

  • @spintoxgaming6599
    @spintoxgaming6599 9 місяців тому +5

    Time to re watch dragon ball z and dr slump again I will never stop watching his creation

  • @sargana_khasim
    @sargana_khasim 9 місяців тому +51

    Rip Akira toriyama ❤️‍🩹😭 0:14

  • @gameplaywithzain2409
    @gameplaywithzain2409 9 місяців тому +1

    No Matter what happens, we all make a promise that we will always watch dragon ball again and again and read manga as we have done always,
    we all promise you Akira Toriyama Sensei that we will make your legacy live forever 😇 Thanks for everything 💔💖 may your soul rest in peace🥀

  • @100vegwithsouravroy7
    @100vegwithsouravroy7 9 місяців тому +5

    🥺😓😔😞😣💔 Legendary Mangawriter we all fans miss you so much 💔😩😩😭

  • @ManojKahar__3515
    @ManojKahar__3515 9 місяців тому +1

    Dragon Ball Z ❤
    RIP Akira Toriyama 🙏

  • @Godevilangel
    @Godevilangel 9 місяців тому +3

    Thank you for akira toriyama legend anime create dragon Ball my first anime I'm sad akira sir die RIP 😢❤❤

  • @Alvi8889
    @Alvi8889 9 місяців тому +3

    Rip akira toriyama thank you for giving us dragon ball anime

  • @spygamerz849
    @spygamerz849 9 місяців тому +8


  • @Uday_D_kumar
    @Uday_D_kumar 9 місяців тому +2

    😭😭😭😭😭yr maine apna childhood is chiz may guzara hai thank you sensei rip😭

  • @aryansharma4260
    @aryansharma4260 9 місяців тому +3

    Akira... Thank You for "Dragon Ball" & "GOKU", Thank you for giving us "FATHER OF ALL ANIME" 🙏

  • @ayodhyadusaj626
    @ayodhyadusaj626 9 місяців тому +1

    Everyone, raise your arms to the sky and give your energy to the man who shaped our childhoods, he's gonna need it for his next journey in the other world
    Rip Mr Toriyama.........

  • @NEROSTARnero
    @NEROSTARnero 9 місяців тому +4

    the god of all anime ❤❤😢

  • @PLBrine
    @PLBrine 9 місяців тому +3

    I was getting happier and happier after listening updates, but this is hard part for me that my series with favorite manga writer has passed away, I appreciate his work, rest in peace and hope your manga work stays alive always to heart of the people.

  • @yutarouofficial
    @yutarouofficial 9 місяців тому +8


  • @JanilPatel-fc2gy
    @JanilPatel-fc2gy 9 місяців тому +1

    RIP to a legend thanks to make our childhood 🥹🥹🥹😭

  • @harmanpreet8848
    @harmanpreet8848 9 місяців тому +17

    Our childhood isn’t complete without dragon ball and it’s very sad to hear that the creator is no more. Rest in peace legend 🕊️

  • @anshumandeka8300
    @anshumandeka8300 9 місяців тому

    Childhood se DB dekhte aaraha hu or agge vi dekhunga...thank you toriyama hum sabko itna accha bachpan Dene ke liye😢...#R.I.P

  • @RohitGupta-wk6wd
    @RohitGupta-wk6wd 9 місяців тому +9

    A man who made
    Character more than a legend

  • @rockswithmusa123
    @rockswithmusa123 9 місяців тому +2

    Because of him we got that great feeling in our childhood
    This man given us memories that we never forget RIP AKIRA TORIYAMA LEGENDARY WRITER RIP SIR

  • @babitamandal-6487
    @babitamandal-6487 9 місяців тому +1

    The legend akira toriyama is a legend in all of our hearts

  • @Dr.L-69
    @Dr.L-69 9 місяців тому +7

    Thanks for everything Sensei 🥺❣️Your memory will be kept alive in our hearts forever ♾️❤

  • @Ranveer-i4k
    @Ranveer-i4k 9 місяців тому +4

    Thankyou Akira toriyama

    @DRAGONCRAZY3.0 9 місяців тому +1

    Omg 😭😭😭💔 muje yakin nahi ho raha bhai rip creator of god father legend 😢😓😞

  • @proboydeep9575
    @proboydeep9575 9 місяців тому +13

    "DRAGON BALL"😭😭😭😭😭😭😨😨😨😨😭😭😭😭

  • @mastefan4442
    @mastefan4442 9 місяців тому +3

    Not creater the Emotion
    The Real GOAT RIP Akira toriyama Sir
    Thank you for my best childhood

  • @himanshawtani2945
    @himanshawtani2945 9 місяців тому +3

    I salute this man he made me fall in love with anime and he has given one of the best anime ever which inspired thousands of other anime and made the most impact in this industry at the end of the day everyone will remember him as he created this masterpiece this a big loss for anime industry. Om Shanti 🙏🙏

  • @MABHAI12
    @MABHAI12 9 місяців тому +2

    Heaven Akira toriyama sensei❤❤❤❤❤😭😭😭😭😭

  • @oneman6
    @oneman6 9 місяців тому +1

    Legend never dies, RIP Akira Toriyama

  • @pinkumoury5617
    @pinkumoury5617 9 місяців тому +1

    Best Akira toriyama 🙋🙋🙋❣️❣️❣️🫡🫡🫡Rip🫡🫡🫡

    @BLAZING_EDITZ.1 9 місяців тому +1

    Rip for akira toriyama😢😢😢❤

  • @BooshraSanzid
    @BooshraSanzid 9 місяців тому +1

    This man shaped an entire generations childhood and the anime community of today with his pen. RIP to Akira Toriyama, the most influential mangaka of all time,the OG goat. You will forever be missed and no one can replace you or your influence.Sayonara Toriyama sensei,you'll never be forgotten,your name will be written in golden words as the most iconic animanga creator. You may have passed,but your legacy will continue through the characters you created and people you inspired,and your impact shall always stay eternal. Fly high goat of animanga🕊️❤

  • @durgabanke231
    @durgabanke231 9 місяців тому +2

    Rip to our Great legend of all time💔💔

  • @legsterffcomment7526
    @legsterffcomment7526 9 місяців тому +3

    RIP Akira toriyama❤❤ Salute to that legendary.. Person..
    Dil se…

  • @mew444
    @mew444 9 місяців тому +2

    The akira toriyama is the legend who published anime

  • @Toon396
    @Toon396 9 місяців тому +1

    Akira Toriyama 😢

  • @Hellowhatsup0038
    @Hellowhatsup0038 9 місяців тому +1

    Rip sir.he raised us from our childhood.respected stan lee and respected sir akira toriyama thank you for giving us our greatful childhood.rip

  • @kaziajmain-djg4910
    @kaziajmain-djg4910 9 місяців тому +1

    Akira Toriyama

  • @Rta2426
    @Rta2426 9 місяців тому +1

    Dragon ball my childhood friend I watched 21 years old

  • @AnuragUpadhyay-mj3tf
    @AnuragUpadhyay-mj3tf 9 місяців тому +3

    Rip tha legendry writer making my childhood dil se salute hai aise mahan writer mera salut Rip the legend Akira Toriyama 😢😢😢

  • @solonthegamer9992
    @solonthegamer9992 9 місяців тому +1

    Sir akhira toriyama ❤Arigato

  • @jayalaxmi6292
    @jayalaxmi6292 9 місяців тому +1

    May his soul rest in peace❤️❤️🙏🙏

  • @ldragoblastattack203
    @ldragoblastattack203 9 місяців тому +1

    Dragon ball is emotion for everyone you are best hero god of manga creator of manga and inspiration of other manga writers you are best

  • @ParthandKunalshorts
    @ParthandKunalshorts 9 місяців тому +3

    My first anime is dragon Ball z and I wait episode when come I get excited but now feel like there is missing in my heart Thank you Akira Toriyama sensei for this great work.I miss you sensei😭😭

  • @ultra_sj1
    @ultra_sj1 9 місяців тому +2

    May His Soul Rest In Peace 🕊️💐

  • @theshadowanime
    @theshadowanime 9 місяців тому +3

    Rip Legend. And thanks toriyama Sensei for everything 😢🥺

  • @BooshraSanzid
    @BooshraSanzid 9 місяців тому +1

    Your light may have dimmed,but your impact will always stay eternal.
    Thank you Toriyama-sensei for everything,your contributions couldn't be done justice by words so all I have to say is Thank you❤

  • @natsukiverse
    @natsukiverse 9 місяців тому +2

    RIP Lord Akira Toriyama

  • @surveer017
    @surveer017 9 місяців тому

    Thank you Toriyama Sensei whixer bhai😢 but kya hey na ki main 10th standard ka Exam dene ke baad in the Month of April main ek Cartoon network pe advertisement aati thi Or u kahe ki trailer aatha tha Dragon ball z series ka phir kya thub se Din ho ya raath bus ek target watch dragon ball z in Hindi dubbed or yahi sey shuru huwi dragon ball ki journey in my life ,main such pagal hotha tha dragon ball z k episodes dekhne liye padhai krte sumai bhi main dragon ball z ke episodes dekhta thaa,or kya feeling aathi thi yaar ek no words can't describe this feeling just enjoyed it,i really love that feeling, abhi bhi main yaad kertha hu un dino ko.bhai ye feeling subi dragon ball fans ne ji hai.or kya hi khau.its marvelous Dragon Ball z, kamehame hahahahahahh !!!!!!!.

  • @showtime5312
    @showtime5312 9 місяців тому +4

    😢 nahi biwas ho raha
    Dragon ball always in our heart . ❤❤
    R. I. P Akira Toriyama 😢❤

  • @Roku_edit
    @Roku_edit 9 місяців тому

    Rip Akira Toriyama😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

  • @Sahil.12.
    @Sahil.12. 9 місяців тому +1

    RIP Sir Akira Toriyama 💔🛐🕊️

  • @kazuku2789
    @kazuku2789 9 місяців тому +1

    A character whom people call Goku Thanks for giving us such a character🖤🥀RIP akira toriyama

  • @BeeClimax
    @BeeClimax 9 місяців тому +1

    Rip To these legend❤❤❤

  • @Pareshvsv4888
    @Pareshvsv4888 9 місяців тому

    I wished come back akira toriyama

  • @Little_trickster
    @Little_trickster 9 місяців тому +1

    Thank you for making our childhood what is today with all masterpiece without all of his art anime wouldn’t be famous today Ty rip

  • @vvdpabhishek9583
    @vvdpabhishek9583 9 місяців тому +1

    Shradhanjali Akira Toriyama Sensei 🙏🙏🙏

  • @YuvrajSinghDhruw-nr2hu
    @YuvrajSinghDhruw-nr2hu 9 місяців тому +1

    I love toriyama sir ❤

  • @nothing__gamerz52
    @nothing__gamerz52 9 місяців тому +1

    R.I.P Akira Toriyama the Legendary manga artist he made our childhood nostalgic he made our emotions. 😢😢
    I also inspired from akira toriyama sensai for make my own manga. 😢😢😢
    R.I.P Akira Toriyama Sensai.