6 Recipes To Cure Cookie Dough Cravings

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @eliyawna
    @eliyawna 4 роки тому +218

    i wasnt craving cookie dough until i saw the thumbnail

  • @veryslayverynice2526
    @veryslayverynice2526 7 років тому +875

    so basically you make cookie dough to cure cookie dough cravings-

    • @stormbob
      @stormbob 7 років тому +43

      Funny how that works, isn't it?

    • @casamonticello
      @casamonticello 7 років тому +17

      I Like Ice Cream well what did you expect?

    • @valeturcios1088
      @valeturcios1088 7 років тому +3


    • @thebillybabyshow8233
      @thebillybabyshow8233 6 років тому +3

      it's trying to attract the target audience

    • @asdollas44
      @asdollas44 6 років тому +4

      I Like Ice Cream you usually can’t eat cookie dough, because it has raw eggs in it. What they are doing is removing the eggs.

  • @shams.a
    @shams.a 7 років тому +152

    This made me crave cookiedough even more

  • @joellloyd2064
    @joellloyd2064 7 років тому +599

    1. Buy cookie dough.
    2. Binge on cookie dough.

    • @harmie1743
      @harmie1743 7 років тому +1

      Joel Lloyd but you raw eggs

    • @joellloyd2064
      @joellloyd2064 7 років тому +10

      SerialKillerX ITS WORTH THE RISK 😂

    • @joellloyd2064
      @joellloyd2064 7 років тому +1

      SerialKillerX ITS WORTH THE RISK 😂

    • @joellloyd2064
      @joellloyd2064 7 років тому +1

      SerialKillerX ITS WORTH THE RISK 😂

    • @harmie1743
      @harmie1743 7 років тому +3

      Joel Lloyd ok have fun getting really sick

  • @SkyFantasyWorld
    @SkyFantasyWorld 7 років тому +41

    at 1:42 my sister look over at my shoulder and saw the dried flour and she thought it was cocaine XD

  • @justaddmusclecom
    @justaddmusclecom 7 років тому +1263

    I am at work in the office and this video just gave me Cookie Dough Cravings. Well Played Tasty, Well Played.....

  • @irinakishi8785
    @irinakishi8785 7 років тому +661

    now we are probably gonna need a video on how to cure diabetes

    • @The.Whoever
      @The.Whoever 7 років тому +2

      Irina KR CUCUMBERS! They're excellent for diabetes.....just in case anyone was wondering...😆🙃

    • @fayyfayyy
      @fayyfayyy 7 років тому

      Irina KR by eating for sugar

    • @rachkate76
      @rachkate76 7 років тому +4

      Irina KR Don't expect it from Tasty.

    • @coldlikeaspritesoda4418
      @coldlikeaspritesoda4418 7 років тому +11

      Irina KR we might also need one on how to cure stupidity.

    • @KateNotKatelynn
      @KateNotKatelynn 6 років тому +1

      A whole food vegan diet

  • @josephcajayon6391
    @josephcajayon6391 6 років тому +2

    Omg I used the cookie dough brownie recipe for a HUGE FAMILY PARTY and everyone loved it. They told me where I got it from and I said the one and only Tasty! Thx guys for putting this out there. I’m now the baker in my family👍👍😍

  • @ProPlayer-wq3nu
    @ProPlayer-wq3nu 7 років тому +1114

    *But when we will cure cancer?*

    • @anjuagarwal7119
      @anjuagarwal7119 7 років тому +26

      I know u, you are the guy from the comment section!

    • @nitrokrazy3593
      @nitrokrazy3593 7 років тому +35

      Pro Player 1⃣ This is nothing scientists are using money to discover how to hold burgers lol.

    • @Mr.WhiteCat_YT
      @Mr.WhiteCat_YT 7 років тому +2

      Pro Player 1⃣ We will never know...

    • @PC42069
      @PC42069 7 років тому +5

      I see you everywhere dude. Holy shit

    • @itsokay.9392
      @itsokay.9392 7 років тому +15

      Pro Player 1⃣ when will we*

  • @lonewitch8373
    @lonewitch8373 7 років тому +2

    I love when you guys put a bunch of recipes in one video. I watch these while I listen to music before bed, it's actually kinda relaxing.

  • @billnye7592
    @billnye7592 7 років тому +522

    Can you make things to satisfy bleach cravings?

    • @Kloolass_Larspawn
      @Kloolass_Larspawn 7 років тому +25

      Either a CrunchyRoll subscription or your nearest/preferred manga provider.

    • @meechtree5795
      @meechtree5795 7 років тому +5

      Kloolass Larspawn now i want it more

    • @Kloolass_Larspawn
      @Kloolass_Larspawn 7 років тому +9

      Sorry, MeechTree, you might need a second opinion. Granted, I'll advise against unofficial products like fan-fic as symptoms may worsen to a severe mental case that cannot be cured rationally. Be warned.

    • @meechtree5795
      @meechtree5795 7 років тому +8

      Kloolass Larspawn thanks doc, I'll look into additional medical attention.

    • @honeyprincessdawson3420
      @honeyprincessdawson3420 7 років тому +3

      Lmaooo Bill Nye.

  • @peanutbutter4612
    @peanutbutter4612 6 років тому +6

    0:08 Edible cookie dough
    0:51 Cookie dough cheesecake
    1:33 Cookie dough ice cream
    2:15 Cookie dough brownies
    3:04 Cookie dough ice cream bites
    3:57 Cookie dough chocolate cups
    You’re welcome 😉👍

  • @Catalyst313
    @Catalyst313 7 років тому +393

    1:42 wth is that?

  • @rasmusfalkenberg418
    @rasmusfalkenberg418 7 років тому +253

    Pray for the bacteria

    • @izzys.391
      @izzys.391 7 років тому +36

      it's a joke don't worry

    • @pavkomps2762
      @pavkomps2762 6 років тому +1


    • @kyoshi1879
      @kyoshi1879 6 років тому +7

      Pavko Mps that's his point you dumdum😑

    • @darkestone3016
      @darkestone3016 6 років тому

      Azula Dead😂😂😂

    • @DuoVersal
      @DuoVersal 5 років тому

      Azula it’s a joke😑

  • @huntax
    @huntax 7 років тому +139

    I hate it when they call Oreos 'sandwich cookies' 🤔

    • @leelee-jw4ce
      @leelee-jw4ce 7 років тому +27

      Sam they need the company's permission to use their name in a video

    • @Ecliptical84
      @Ecliptical84 6 років тому +9

      its for copyright reasons.

    • @riptigerehrenhabub4634
      @riptigerehrenhabub4634 5 років тому +1

      @@livriana6477 in Germany we have black five(knockoff oreos) and next to it dickmans

  • @meghan_.
    @meghan_. 4 роки тому +2

    I’ve made edible cookie dough countless times, and it’s amazing!! Just find a good recipe and it’s so easy to make!

  • @Nrz1313
    @Nrz1313 7 років тому +294

    Who thought this would be like healthy cookie dough???😂😂

    • @music4dance837
      @music4dance837 7 років тому +16

      Let's get Baking there's no such thing 😂

    • @Nrz1313
      @Nrz1313 7 років тому

      Music 4 Dance yeah haha lol

    • @sherborneprometheus8496
      @sherborneprometheus8496 7 років тому

      raw egg and flour. is that safe?

    • @music4dance837
      @music4dance837 7 років тому +6

      Sherborne Prometheus you don't put eggs in when you make edible cookie dough

    • @Nrz1313
      @Nrz1313 7 років тому +1

      Sherborne Prometheus yeah if u put raw egg in edible cookie dough u will get salmonella😂😂

  • @imacrazystrangerthingsfan8420
    @imacrazystrangerthingsfan8420 6 років тому +1

    When it's 10pm and you're ment to be asleep I'M DIEING OF HUNGER TASTY

  • @נעמהאוטמזגין-ל8נ
    @נעמהאוטמזגין-ל8נ 7 років тому +23

    It is weird that red valvet mix is brown and turns red and brownie mix is red and turns brown...

    • @Sal-hp4js
      @Sal-hp4js 6 років тому +2

      נעמה אוטמזגין
      Red velvet cake mix has beetroot powder in it to colour it. Just a fact!

    • @pershetul8445
      @pershetul8445 5 років тому

      Bendy & the band r/WOOOOOOOSH

    • @pershetul8445
      @pershetul8445 5 років тому

      Bendy & the band r/iamverysmart

    • @Sal-hp4js
      @Sal-hp4js 5 років тому

      ShesAllAlone Sigh.

    • @Sal-hp4js
      @Sal-hp4js 5 років тому

      ShesAllAlone Sigh.
      I was just saying.

  • @oliviag790
    @oliviag790 6 років тому

    I have a great EDIBLE cookie dough bar recipe:
    1 cup and two t. Of brown sugar
    1 cup and two t. Of white sugar.
    Three sticks (1 1/2 cups) butter
    1 1/2 t. Of vanilla.
    3 1/4 cup and two t. Of flour
    1 1/2 salt
    2 Tablespoons milk
    Two cups of chocolate chips
    In a large bowl, beat butter and sugars. Add milk and vanilla. In separate bowl, mix flour and salt. Slowly combine dry to the wet. Split dough in half. Take a 13x9 pan and put aluminum foil on it. Take one half of the dough and spread it around to cover the whole bottom of the pan. Flip that dough, being careful to keep it in that pan shape, onto paper towels. Spread he other half on the pan. In a microwave safe bowl, melt chocolate chips in 30 second intervals. Pour melted chocolate onto the dough in the pan. Cut the other dough in half down the center to make it easier to put into the pan. Slide one half of the dough onto your hand and gently put into the pan. Repeat with the other half. Gently push the seams together. Put the pan into the fridge to harden it. When it's hard, gently lift the foil with the dough out of the pan. Cut into desired size. Note: This is edible cookie dough, don't try to bake it!! I know this will get lost in a sea of comments, but I hope someone enjoys it!

  • @jasmeetbasra6201
    @jasmeetbasra6201 7 років тому +152

    I have a confession to make...
    I’ve never had an avocado.

    • @ashyp3761
      @ashyp3761 7 років тому +10


    • @chriswest7639
      @chriswest7639 7 років тому +8

      Jasmeet Basra It should be eaten. Not 'had'.

    • @ashyp3761
      @ashyp3761 7 років тому +30

      enter name here Shut up... They mean the same thing...

    • @metric3450
      @metric3450 7 років тому +2

      Well let me tell you, when you try it add some lemon salt and pepper to it and mMM it goes great with sopes too

    • @jeenajavahar7499
      @jeenajavahar7499 7 років тому +9

      *clutches pearls* oh what a scandalous confession!!!

  • @TheOfficialHarryMaguire
    @TheOfficialHarryMaguire 4 роки тому +2

    me: eats cookie dough to think it will cure cravings
    me after eating all of the cookie dough: I want more

  • @phanicatthedisco5924
    @phanicatthedisco5924 7 років тому +14

    Since you cooked it would it really be cookie dough cheese cake or just cookie cheesecake🤔

  • @arkay1063
    @arkay1063 6 років тому +1

    I wasn't craving cookie dough till I saw this. Thanks, Tasty.

  • @MintPickles
    @MintPickles 7 років тому +63

    There can never be too many cookies

  • @user-ol6ie8wq3c
    @user-ol6ie8wq3c 7 років тому +1

    "6 Recipes to Cure Cookie Dough Cravings"? Honey, I think you mean "6 Recipes to CAUSE Cookie Dough Cravings"! 😍

  • @Lia_03x
    @Lia_03x 7 років тому +8

    I love you, tasty! 🤤

  • @melliesarobles89
    @melliesarobles89 6 років тому +2

    Love your guys creativity

  • @rachelstefany1169
    @rachelstefany1169 7 років тому +3


  • @Star-nl5id
    @Star-nl5id 7 років тому +1


  • @roadrollarequiem8560
    @roadrollarequiem8560 6 років тому +6

    I'm not so sure about it curing cookie dough cravings... btw is cookie dough cravings a desease?

  • @livlangan1344
    @livlangan1344 5 років тому +1

    I know it’s cringe to say vids like this make u hungry but...
    I’m torturing myself I’m starving now😂

  • @Soyjorgebernal
    @Soyjorgebernal 7 років тому +47

    Deli! Like si eres latino y estás aquí. Saludos! Soy youtuber Colombiano ❤️😌

    • @SonicGamerProSGP
      @SonicGamerProSGP 7 років тому +1

      Jorge Bernal Era suficiente con decir que eres Colombiano

    • @bromine1480
      @bromine1480 7 років тому

      en vez de harina pondrás cocaína o qué :v

    • @SonicGamerProSGP
      @SonicGamerProSGP 7 років тому

      Gilberto Bustos Acuña :v

    • @SonicGamerProSGP
      @SonicGamerProSGP 7 років тому

      Gilberto Bustos Acuña Tal vez :v

    • @titimeme8854
      @titimeme8854 7 років тому +1

      spanish machine 🅱 r 🅾 k e

  • @johncamplin1159
    @johncamplin1159 6 років тому +1

    Where I live it's more ok to eat cookie dough with raw eggs in it cause it is much safer to eat raw flour and it unlikely to get samelema ( sorry I can't spell ) poisoning.

  • @kiwi-mf2do
    @kiwi-mf2do 7 років тому +2


  • @staciejones6423
    @staciejones6423 7 років тому

    Tasty you are the best thing since slice bread

  • @troybombay
    @troybombay 7 років тому +4

    Welcome to Tasty! (AKA the staircase to diabetes land)

  • @javicabanas324
    @javicabanas324 7 років тому

    Este canal es lo máximo la numero 1 del internet saca ideas recetas muy buenas felicidades

  • @anjuagarwal7119
    @anjuagarwal7119 7 років тому +9

    Why can't they make new recipes instead of making a compilation of those made before!?

    • @Froot1987
      @Froot1987 7 років тому +2

      Anju Agarwal
      They are running out of ideas

    • @hyhannahchan8810
      @hyhannahchan8810 7 років тому +2

      Anju Agarwal you try. Not as easy as it seems

    • @anjuagarwal7119
      @anjuagarwal7119 7 років тому

      I know but they're experienced!!

  • @sjurmii
    @sjurmii 4 роки тому

    I knew I would not make these so watching these just made me crave this.

  • @peroxide8823
    @peroxide8823 7 років тому +3

    What is this song called?

    • @davidb5205
      @davidb5205 7 років тому +1

      I want to know too. It's catchy. I was tapping my foot along the whole time.

    • @leelee-jw4ce
      @leelee-jw4ce 7 років тому

      Darude - Sandstorm

    • @peroxide8823
      @peroxide8823 7 років тому +1

      rod the boat Get out.

    • @leelee-jw4ce
      @leelee-jw4ce 7 років тому

      Peroxide ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • @sadeema398
    @sadeema398 7 років тому

    I'm not carving cookie dough but now I am thanks Buzzfeed

  • @darkestone3016
    @darkestone3016 6 років тому +3

    So to be clear, you would bake the flour to kill bacteria so you can eat the cookie dough by itself without baking it. But if you wanted to make a cookies and cream cookie you wouldn't
    Have to bake the flour❓⁉️

    • @jessicabohe3387
      @jessicabohe3387 6 років тому

      Fatoumatta Jobe ikr!!! I was so confused!! It’s like, if you freeze the cookie dough the flour will die... maybe that’s actually it

  • @hayleecatrina
    @hayleecatrina 7 років тому

    omg i was literally dying for cookie dough last night. HOW DID YOU KNOW!

  • @urvashirajput1878
    @urvashirajput1878 7 років тому +5

    Flour... which flour ?

    • @haydee1578
      @haydee1578 7 років тому

      Urvashi Rajput probably all purpose

  • @quoshtard1510
    @quoshtard1510 4 роки тому +1

    1:00 i want that creme dude it sounds so good

  • @The.Whoever
    @The.Whoever 7 років тому +46

    I've never been a fan of cookie dough. Even the icecream. Just cant get past the fact I'm eating raw egg. I'll eat the second one though. It's cooked.

    • @florrcorr5607
      @florrcorr5607 7 років тому +62

      most of these don't have eggs, so you don't have to worry about that

    • @msinformation91
      @msinformation91 7 років тому +27

      You can make safe to eat cookie dough minus the egg. There are recipes all over the net. They even sell it in stores, but it's a little pricey.

    • @The.Whoever
      @The.Whoever 7 років тому +5

      Lady Divine Really? Hmm I'll have to look that up. Thanx.

    • @The.Whoever
      @The.Whoever 7 років тому +1

      Florr Corr .....Yes, I see that....

    • @florrcorr5607
      @florrcorr5607 7 років тому +14

      nikqualuv09 then why would you worry about eating raw egg?? Or is it just the idea of cookie dough that makes you think about raw egg?

  • @smudgy264
    @smudgy264 7 років тому

    That cookie dough cheesecake looked divine. And I mean divine as in touched by the hand of god.

  • @marisolortega2480
    @marisolortega2480 6 років тому +5

    Or just go to the store and buy cookie dough..there problem solved

  • @xDiamondLights
    @xDiamondLights 7 років тому


  • @ddcopeland6307
    @ddcopeland6307 7 років тому +7

    I’m not first

  • @savannahjohnson633
    @savannahjohnson633 7 років тому

    Looks yum..raw flour is bad to eat as well, is there a way to heat treat our own flour at home??

  • @ihavenoidea4416
    @ihavenoidea4416 7 років тому +5

    the recipe link isnt working for me

  • @rriimmaass11
    @rriimmaass11 6 років тому

    What to use instead of brown sugar? P.s: u don't have molasses to add to white sugar! :/ those looks yummy and I wanna try them! Thanks for your help in advance 💗

  • @Lily-wo5wm
    @Lily-wo5wm 6 років тому +3

    Orrrrrrrrr jus go and buy yourself sum cookie dough?

    • @purplebugg
      @purplebugg 6 років тому

      What was the point of this comment ????

    • @Lily-wo5wm
      @Lily-wo5wm 6 років тому

      Roxyx what was the point of your comment

    • @pennyroyalT
      @pennyroyalT 6 років тому

      Lily /// they are a recipe channel, not a life hack one. Also there are people like me who live in countries that don't have cookie dough available in supermarkets.

  • @Green07
    @Green07 5 років тому

    This is satisfying my cravings!

  • @tavesty2559
    @tavesty2559 7 років тому +168

    can you make a video on porn addiction please

  • @itsliliuokalani
    @itsliliuokalani 6 років тому +1

    This just made me hungrier then I was before🤣🤣

  • @raidahh6161
    @raidahh6161 7 років тому +5

    Why don't u just buy or make easy cookies

    • @ashyp3761
      @ashyp3761 7 років тому +2

      What's up Raidah Because they most likely wouldn't taste as good as the recipes in the video :)

    • @raidahh6161
      @raidahh6161 7 років тому +1

      Aschel Perera oh ok but still I'd rather have a simple choco cookie 😂😂

    • @the1stkamall
      @the1stkamall 7 років тому

      What's up Raidah We want cookie dough. Not cookies. Is it that hard to grasp?

    • @raidahh6161
      @raidahh6161 7 років тому

      Kamall XvX oh I am so sorry 😑 but with most of them they made other stuff like cheesecake sOOOOOO YOU ARE WRONG!!

    • @the1stkamall
      @the1stkamall 7 років тому

      What's up Raidah What is your point? it was a cheesecake with a cookie DOUGH crust.

  • @salty433
    @salty433 4 роки тому +1

    Before I watch video: not craving cookie dough at all
    After I watch video: MOM I heading to the store

  • @DaishinZlrex
    @DaishinZlrex 7 років тому +6

    *DIABETES* (︶︿︶)

  • @nadineo1983
    @nadineo1983 7 років тому

    Whoa whoa whoa... hold the phone... cookie dough cheesecake?!?!?! 😍😍😍

  • @LittleDrummerChic
    @LittleDrummerChic 7 років тому +11

    I have never understood the obsession with cookie dough. Why people want to eat raw batter I just don't know, especially as it tends to have uncooked eggs in it.

    • @monomoonchild8066
      @monomoonchild8066 7 років тому +7

      LittleDrummerChic thank you for taking the time out of your day to leave a comment instead of just clicking off the video.

    • @LittleDrummerChic
      @LittleDrummerChic 7 років тому +2

      Destiny R. H. You're perfectly welcome.

    • @SkyFantasyWorld
      @SkyFantasyWorld 7 років тому +5

      LittleDrummerChic you do know that this doesn't have any eggs in it right ? well some of them are.

    • @LittleDrummerChic
      @LittleDrummerChic 7 років тому +1

      Sky Fantasy World Some do have eggs in them, which was my point.

    • @lanie9983
      @lanie9983 7 років тому +1

      It's just because it's good and people like it (like me😕) yeah you have raw eggs and flour but the taste mmmhm. (And this is how I loss the case)

  • @redturtle234xd5
    @redturtle234xd5 5 років тому +1

    3:22 who else was unsatisfied when the chocolate chips weren’t mixed in

  • @ccuponoodless
    @ccuponoodless 7 років тому +14

    You guys should make deep-fried cookie dough. like if you agree!

  • @anydae
    @anydae 7 років тому +1

    😍😍 the backround music!!!!

  • @rattenskidbd9840
    @rattenskidbd9840 6 років тому +6

    Stop reusing the same exact recipes for other videos

  • @mikalugg5641
    @mikalugg5641 Рік тому +1

    Person and Animals
    1. Brother
    2. Dog
    3. Sister
    4. Cat
    5. Rabbit
    6. Mother
    7. Grandma
    8. Father
    9. Duck
    10. Horse

  • @blinkblink9297
    @blinkblink9297 7 років тому +27

    Am I the only one who does not like Oreo??

  • @helen9822
    @helen9822 6 років тому

    I was literally in the middle of eating a whole mixing bowl full of cookie dough while seeing this video, I mean idk I said was, I still am lmao

  • @kabirsinha6338
    @kabirsinha6338 7 років тому +42

    So we're just gonna ignore the fact that they baked flour?

    • @perfectlyimperfect423
      @perfectlyimperfect423 7 років тому +40

      Kabir Sinha If you don't you will probably get ill from bacteria

    • @thatoneanimal7875
      @thatoneanimal7875 7 років тому +41

      In 'murica the way flour is ground is not necessarily sanitary. The machinery carries the possibility of incorporating e coli into the flour. Eating raw flour is as dangerous as eating raw egg, here. So yes, you can get sick. Very sick.

    • @Froot1987
      @Froot1987 7 років тому +24

      gjl kpsl
      Eating raw flour actually increases the chance of getting sick. We bake raw flour because we just want to be safe from the bacteria. Before you say (if you're dumb enough) "We're still eating the bacteria!", it's alright because they're dead. They won't do anything.

    • @Froot1987
      @Froot1987 7 років тому +6

      gjl kpsl
      Well, you can just not prebake the flour and get sick from the bacteria if that's what you want.

    • @Froot1987
      @Froot1987 7 років тому +4

      gjl kpsl
      Yeah ok 😀😊💯
      But I'd rather cook the flour than get sick.
      I'm not saying that I'm going to be scared of eating raw flour.
      Also, *flour (no hate) 😀😊💯

  • @xiphoidar
    @xiphoidar 7 років тому

    4 tablespoons of flour
    1 tablespoon softened butter
    1 tablespoon brown sugar
    1 tablespoon white sugar
    1 tablespoon of water
    Pinch of salt
    Pinch of baking soda
    Splash of vanilla extract
    ezpz single serving cookie dough

  • @martinquinonez1935
    @martinquinonez1935 7 років тому +12

    Are you fucking kidding me?
    raw dough?

    • @Yasmin-qo2jd
      @Yasmin-qo2jd 7 років тому +8

      they bake the flour first... the rest are just chocolate chips & sugar and also it's eggless (the non-bake).

    • @msinformation91
      @msinformation91 7 років тому

      +Bob Bob The name calling is uncalled for ... but you're right. Chill out +Martin Alonso Quinonez Retana.

    • @hiro9001
      @hiro9001 7 років тому

      when kids cant take a joke

  • @RocketMartin
    @RocketMartin 7 років тому +1

    Eat cookie dough and it shall cure the cravings

  • @deena6735
    @deena6735 6 років тому

    recipes for *cookie dough*
    *i never would've guessed*

  • @ethanl886
    @ethanl886 7 років тому

    the brownie one looks really good

  • @emmabethcaddy7523
    @emmabethcaddy7523 6 років тому

    The cookie dough ice cream is amazing

  • @yunicoorn
    @yunicoorn 5 років тому

    I love when they add an ingredient and don't write what it is. "Vanilla. Milk. Some mysterious white powder."

  • @littleratboi3644
    @littleratboi3644 7 років тому

    Tasty: puts cookie dough into pan

  • @hawtpotato69
    @hawtpotato69 3 роки тому +1

    How to cure cookie dough cravings: m a k e c o o k i e d o u g h

  • @ethanoconnor5945
    @ethanoconnor5945 6 років тому

    I love cookie dough so much I have like an addiction to so when I saw this video I started laugh and crying

  • @stellaflora1738
    @stellaflora1738 6 років тому +1

    I have no time to make it but I have time to eat it 😋

  • @Bookwormtalksabout
    @Bookwormtalksabout 3 роки тому

    “Cookie dough ice cream”
    Literally can buy that at a store

  • @April4YHWH
    @April4YHWH 7 років тому

    Six original cookie dough recipes:
    1) A spoon of cookie dough
    2) A scoop of cookie dough
    3) A forkful of cookie dough
    4) Licking-finger-cleaning-cookie-dough-from-the-rim-of-the-mixing-bowl
    5) The cookie dough that dropped on the counter
    6) Cookie dough

  • @vegetathesayianprince6779
    @vegetathesayianprince6779 7 років тому

    u make the best videos ever

  • @angeldeb82
    @angeldeb82 6 років тому

    Wow! All these look so yummy and good! :D

  • @graciellesilverglass5451
    @graciellesilverglass5451 5 років тому

    Me: Mom can I make cookie dough ice botes?
    Mom: Sure honey Ill make some when you start studying.
    Me: No can I make them.
    Me: Why not?
    Mom: We're rich enough to renovate the kitche.

  • @daniyaparvez2143
    @daniyaparvez2143 5 років тому +2

    recipe - we can cure your "cravings"
    also recipe- *contains an hour long step *

  • @plasmqq
    @plasmqq 4 роки тому

    When you're not allowed to call them oreos *S A N D W I C H C O O K I E S*

  • @sc-hg2yb
    @sc-hg2yb 7 років тому

    People be like "fine get sick from raw egg and flour you weirdos"
    *slowly eats cookie dough while they all be watching* =^= fight me

  • @spectrethefox5450
    @spectrethefox5450 6 років тому

    These would just increase your cravings. The only real way to cure cravings is to eat a balance of meat and veggies, with no dairy, grains, sugar, gluten, or fruit. THAT is a healthy diet. Avoid chemicals, and don't eat processed foods. I'd recommend salads with avocado, romane lettuce, carrots, and if you want, cucumbers. You can put tomatoes in the salad but it's not recommended due to being a nightshade. As for the dressing, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt, onion powder, black pepper, and dijon mustard usually makes a delicious and healthy dressing. As for meat, boiled ground beef is recommended, and broth is great too.

  • @saikyou7720
    @saikyou7720 6 років тому

    This made me drool all the way

  • @sumaiyah8748
    @sumaiyah8748 6 років тому

    Yea. ..this is making me crave it more?.

  • @sl1014
    @sl1014 5 років тому


  • @ghostkarma3679
    @ghostkarma3679 7 років тому

    I'm at work on my mom couch playing NBA2k and just gave her my EBT card. now go get my cookie dough and a cold one. Well Played Tasty, Well played.....

  • @yahitsme5781
    @yahitsme5781 7 років тому

    More like recipes to make you want more cookie dough and MORE!!!

  • @bella-ee2dq
    @bella-ee2dq 7 років тому

    Bruh this makes me crave it even more 😂

  • @adamosmanfitness8896
    @adamosmanfitness8896 7 років тому

    For the first recipe do you like put it in a fridge or something

  • @liz-cf2rv
    @liz-cf2rv 7 років тому

    These type of foods remind me of when in the movie Mean Girls they say 'girls who eat their feelings'😂

  • @ethanl886
    @ethanl886 7 років тому

    1:42 was that flour?