Stanford Doctors on Living Better with Atrial Fibrillation

  • Опубліковано 1 лют 2025


  • @RobDaman
    @RobDaman Рік тому +4

    I'm gonna hope losing weight and dropping stress fixes this naturally

  • @Jillianpain
    @Jillianpain 2 роки тому +1

    Wonderful video. So informative and clearly from doctors who care deeply about patients. Thank you!

  • @carolinesmall4869
    @carolinesmall4869 3 роки тому +3

    These 2 Doctors are excellant they answered many questions
    for me Thank you so much.

  • @vincekhoo870
    @vincekhoo870 4 роки тому +17

    The best video I have seen so far. It is clear, the topics discussed just excellent, very informative. Knowledge gained just beyond valuable. How I wish all the medical videos on UA-cam would be as good as this one. Maybe take this as the benchmark? Thank you for sharing.

  • @alainleger8973
    @alainleger8973 3 роки тому +11

    I am 90 old, have AF for at least 15 years, since aware of it after two pulmonary embolisms which nearly killed me. My heart rate is under 40 per minute, and I have been on the new anti coagulants for 7 years without the problems of heavy nose bleeds caused by Warfarin and no further embolisms.. Not a sport person, but able to walk 5 Kms under 60 minutes, and not aware of AF symptoms.,not taking medicines other than anticoagulants
    Think that a strict Mediterranean type diet and regular walks have been the answer after losing 20 kgs or 20% of my weight

    • @fatih3017
      @fatih3017 5 місяців тому

      Hello Sir. What kind of walk? Are you fixing your hearth rate at 120-130 bpm while walking or just walking regularly? Are you drinking alcohol?

  • @peterbedford2610
    @peterbedford2610 3 роки тому +4

    Im in constant AF and almost never feel it. I follow all the diet and life style guidelines and have a BMI of 21. I guess Im looking at getting an ablation.

  • @brenda012249
    @brenda012249 Рік тому +1

    You talked about the blood thinners, I have been on xeralto, but I have arthritis and chronic bronchitis but what if I need a z pack , and I can’t take antiflamatory for arthritis, that can be an issue,

  • @mesenteria
    @mesenteria 2 роки тому +1

    The reason the dotted line falls steadily is because the average age of death after a diagnosis of AF is in the range of 5-7 years. Physicians don't count those who have died in the number of those with AFib at any age, only those currently diagnosed and 'apparently' being treated. The line falls to reflect the relative numbers of those STILL ALIVE, and as you look at each successive five year interval of increased age, you see their absences reflected in their fewer relative numbers. It's a sober fact that has only come to the attention of the medical community in the last few years.

  • @margaretbinns3134
    @margaretbinns3134 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you . Fantastic video with two wonderful caring doctors who obviously love their subject . Wonder how the program is going ? I’m a newly diagnosed Afib patient . Zero risk factors except for Age 74 yrs and female so I get a 2 on the chad-vas .. I’m hoping that if my ablation is successful I can get off the anticoagulant Xerelto .

    • @lrc87290
      @lrc87290 2 роки тому

      Was your ablation successful?

  • @krg9942
    @krg9942 3 роки тому +2

    They covered so many important questions!
    Thank you!

  • @MellyBelle
    @MellyBelle 5 років тому +6

    Is there any current research addressing afib in endurance athletes?

    • @ysteinsteiro5454
      @ysteinsteiro5454 Рік тому +1

      Lots of research in the Nordic countries. Afib is a well known problem in endurance sports like cross country skiing and long distance running. Probably due to an enlarged heart because of excessive training over a long period of time.

  • @donfaubion4832
    @donfaubion4832 3 роки тому +5

    Dr Wong the abtion you performed on me got rid of a fib up until now.
    It started again after my 2nd Moderna vacine shot.
    It leaves as fast as it comes. I ate a piece of chocolate cake earlier and started.
    Heart rate 110-125 normal is 50-60. Should I come for an examination ? I’ll be 83 04-09-2021 and I still run my business.

  • @joakimdam9723
    @joakimdam9723 3 роки тому +2

    Feels fucking bad 27 years old here with ectopics and I sometimes feel something that could sound like AF. I'm healthy weight, eating decent, the world is so unfair.

  • @EugeneAxe
    @EugeneAxe 4 роки тому +2

    Just what I was looking for. Informative video. I suffer from this uncomfortable heart issue, and my cardiologist will probably have to prescribe me Sotalol or something similar.

  • @ifanmahdiyatsofiana9973
    @ifanmahdiyatsofiana9973 4 роки тому +7

    Thank you doctors

  • @TrennyLopez-j6y
    @TrennyLopez-j6y 5 місяців тому

    I was around 40 when I was diagnosed with it
    I walked away from my Dr and his treatment at that time, so It has been untreated since then. Until the last month

  • @gramps5157
    @gramps5157 10 місяців тому

    Some people get the AV node Ablated. I could never do that because you are depending 100% on a Pace Maker and if the PM fails you're dead. I couldn't live life depending totally on a PM.

  • @n779pt
    @n779pt 2 місяці тому

    Had it for 14 years, do not feel a thing. Resting rate 50 to 80. Was told rt atrium is enlarged. Age 77...can do anything athletics...taking Xarelo expectancy?

  • @maddiojugend1636
    @maddiojugend1636 4 роки тому +2

    Very clearly explained, thanks.

  • @tipupohutuhutu6736
    @tipupohutuhutu6736 4 роки тому +1

    I have had a atrial fibrillation operation I find that it has stopped the racing heart but I still get tight chest ND very bad dizzy spells I do have sleep apnea under active thyroid can get rid of the dizzy spells and tight chest

    • @billn.1318
      @billn.1318 4 роки тому

      what is a atrial fib operation? you mean ablation?

  • @garywendeln7114
    @garywendeln7114 6 місяців тому +1

    They need to put elastic bands on their glasses so they don't have to push them back every 5 seconds very distracting

  • @marylouirick7316
    @marylouirick7316 4 роки тому +4

    Thanks, very good.
    I take blood thinners meds.
    It was hard @ first but good now. Thank God😁❗
    Bottom line must humble ur Heart plus Purify ur Heart.
    Don't be Arrogant but be HUMBLY PATIENT, GENTLE ,kind and calm.
    It hard @ first but prayer and
    Being nice 2 all PPL. U see u will start 2 feel better in ur Heart. Sometime our hearts are mixture with something unclean. Up 2 u 2 clean ur heart. Like a lake is purify until someone put bad water in it. Alright God BLESS 🛐❗

  • @gavster023
    @gavster023 4 роки тому +2

    I clasped during a workout I’m 35 years old strength athlete my heart has been in af for 2 days now one currently taking beta blockers and blood thinners.
    Can I still train I feel okay will it go away? They were talking about shocking my heart if it goes back can I carry on as normal.?

    • @cat-lw6kq
      @cat-lw6kq 4 роки тому +1

      Find a chiropractor that does natural medicine. Mine is certified to perform physical exams on airline pilots. She has a lot of medical knowledge. She gave me natural things. I do take oppressor for blood pressure and it also helps with A- fib.

    • @billn.1318
      @billn.1318 4 роки тому +2

      cat 11 afib has no connection with a chiropractic approach. sure, there are nerves that run and connect with the spine and to the external part of the heart (if the nerve is pinched, blocked or dead). Afib is from the cardiac tissue that has the potential to “contract” on its own due to a faulty cardiac tissue in the atria, an extra pathway had been created or defective atria. I have AFib and I tried chiro, acupuncture, electrolytes supplementation , magnesium potassium.. vitamin.. nothing works. May alleviate some symptoms maybe but cardiac tissue is cardiac tissue. I will say the best treatment That helped control my afib is ..... SLEEP! My doctor recommend sleep. I decided to try and sleep for 7-8 hrs per day , on schedule and I wake up nice and fresh. I’ve had all the tests, stress echo, ecg and blood tests. Don’t opt in for antiarrythmic drugs. Like the video said, it only controls heart rate - not the problem. Ablation is the only way. But there is a risk. The ablation approval has limitations. It only applies if you have severe debilitating afib that you may go to heart failure and you have afib 4x a day. I have afib once every 2-3 years. Not bad but I still have it and it can happen anytime, anywhere. Get treated. See your options.

    • @cat-lw6kq
      @cat-lw6kq 4 роки тому +1

      @@billn.1318 see high desert heart institute proargi-9 study here on youtube.

    • @cat-lw6kq
      @cat-lw6kq 4 роки тому

      @@billn.1318 again suggest you find chiro that practices natural medicine. Mine use the Max Plus to check my heart it will show you a graph that you can understand. Also standard processes some good supplements for heart. I have been with Dr Charina Holmes for 31 yr and she is the best chiro & holistic dr.

    • @cat-lw6kq
      @cat-lw6kq 4 роки тому

      @@billn.1318 again there are heart points used in accupunture that have helped me.

  • @Mark_Chandler
    @Mark_Chandler 3 роки тому +1

    most of the blood thinner manufactures have 3000 lawsuits on internal bleeding

  • @agneshumphries4958
    @agneshumphries4958 3 роки тому


  • @glen4326
    @glen4326 4 місяці тому

    I heard him say atrilation like dozens of times, am I the only one?

  • @villagelightsmith4375
    @villagelightsmith4375 4 роки тому

    Man, you gotta have rhythm!
    Did I hear that correctly? River-Rocks-a-ban?

  • @onexsculler
    @onexsculler 6 місяців тому

    For heavens sake, IF you’re an expert on Afib, Learn to pronounce atrial fibrillation OR only use Afib.