Gravity from Cosmic Scale Invariance

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • Mini-presentation by Jonathan Fay and discussion in Bonn, 2024,
    In the Machian Gravity Meeting held in Bonn, Alexander Unzicker, Jonathan Fay, Dennis Braun and Jan Preuss discussed about how to deal with Dennis Sciama's 1953 groundbreaking discovery of linking inertia and gravity.
    Mini-presentation by Jonathan Fay and discussion.
    In the Machian Gravity Meeting held in Bonn, Alexander Unzicker, Jonathan Fay, Dennis Braun and Jan Preuss discussed about how to deal with Dennis Sciama's 1953 groundbreaking discovery of linking inertia and gravity.
    See also Fay's paper: relativemotion...
    Sciama's paper: academic.oup.c...
    Jonathan's paper:
    See also:
    and Jonathan Fay's site: www.jonathanfay...
    Mind also my backup channel:
    My books:


  • @user-md3nb4us1q
    @user-md3nb4us1q 18 днів тому +5

    Please use microphones carried on your person and a much larger whiteboard or use a second vodeo, cut in into the video, zoomed in on the whiteboard. Its hard to see and hear much and many of your videos, of wich i have seen them all over the years. Thank you!

    • @wargreymon2024
      @wargreymon2024 16 днів тому +1

      yea, he has good equipment... it is very different experience if they just setup properly...

  • @OneCrazyDanish
    @OneCrazyDanish 18 днів тому +1

    It's all about potentials. Machian gravity seems very intuitive. Some controversial scientists formerly associated with the US Army & Air Force made public in the 90s that extensive progress had been made in classified programs in these areas. I tend to think they were right.

  • @johnlord8337
    @johnlord8337 18 днів тому +1

    The Electro-static (ES) and Electro-gravitic (EG) Model will explain all your conundrums (and current physics distortions) about gravity objects, gravity fields, and gravity waves.
    All matter particles and aether particulates displaying full or partial EG properties, have gravity, fields, and wave functions.
    Gravitons are pure EG composites. Tensor bosons and bosinos are half ES and half EG.
    Matter universe :
    Tau electron energy level
    Tau graviton Tau gravity field Tau gravity wave
    Tau tensor boson (Higgs-1) Tau tensor field Tau tensor wave
    Muon electron energy level
    Muon graviton Muon gravity field Muon gravity wave
    Muon ttemsor boson (Higgs-2) Muon tensor field Muon tensor wave
    Electron energy level
    Electron gravition Electron gravity field Electron gravity wave
    Electron tensor boson (Lord-1) Electron tensor field Electron tensor wave
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quantum boundary, quantum foam, CMBR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Aether domain :
    Small electron energy level
    S electron gravition S electron gravity field S electron gravity wave
    S electron tensor bosino (Lord-2) S electron tensor field S eletron tensor wave
    Electrino energy level
    Electrino graviton Electrino gravity field Electrino gravity wave
    Electrino tensor bosino (Lord-3) Electrino tensor field Electrino tensor wave
    Graviton (basement) energy level
    Graviton Graviton gravity field Graviton gravity wave
    Graviton tensor bosino (Lord-4) Graviton tensor field Graviton tensor wave
    These pure EG Gravitons, with SIX (6) different energy levels, display their own unique energy fields (contants), as well as having the variable 6 space-time fabric meshes. There IS NO singular "G" gravity, no singular field, and no singular wave constants. These proofs negate much of the advanced Newtonian and Einsteinian gravity calculus and derivatives.
    The matter tensor bosons and the Aether tensor bosinos have ES electron/EG positron ... or EG electron/ES positron ... properties. They are the respective actual fusion agents across the Aether domain, and the matter universe. Tensor bosinos in the photosphere and bosons in the chromosphere conduct all fusion proceses inside the stellar engines. These bosino-bosons ARE the photosphere-chromosphere spicules in the stellar engine. Be'nard's Convection IS this tenson bosino current. The matter universe Birkeland currents (tensor bosinos and tensor bosons) are Be'nards up to galactic slipstream currents across the cosmos.
    The tensor bosino-boson connections at the quantum boundary of the Aether domain and the matter universe ARE also these same stellar engine spicules THAT IS the activity of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR). The CMBR IS NOT ! from the BIg Bang. There is no BIg Bang. There is no SINGULARITY. If these spicules are considered singularities of emission, then the entire structure of the cosmos is embedded with the qunatum foam, and these spicules ARE the Big Manifestation with all these spicules coming into activity, and continuing to the present. Such spiculaes are those red shift and blue shift colors of the CMBR.
    These tensor bosons and bosinos are the veritable Hubble tension, cosmic tension, EInstein tension of the cosmos. These tensors interconnect all of the various gravitons with their fields and waves, creating the lesser and greater space-time fabrics. Herein lies the truthful reasons why current science and physics has the study and documentation of gravity, gravity waves etc. all wrong ... and are unable to differentiate between these 6 layers. As such the "G" gravity constant can only be said to be the mode or medium of all these 6 energy levels put together, as a date range of energies. Such is not "G" and not a constant !
    These 6 space-time fabrics are thinner (less energetic) at the galactic edge (near where we are), and thicker (more energetic) at the galactic arm and core. As such, we here are able to find the smaller space-time fabrics and smaller particle and particulates, but the higher Tau space fabric and gravity wave are only found in the higher energies of the galactic arm and core. So again, "G" as a constant is a total fabrication and a statistical and data lie.

    • @johnlord8337
      @johnlord8337 18 днів тому +1

      The electro-static particles and particulates that display the WEAK (electrical, static) nuclear force. The electro-gravitic particles and particulates display the STRONG (gravitational) nuclear force.
      The electrical force appears at the Aether electrino energy level. All basement energy levels are the graviton, and all basement gravitational forces of the cosmos. As such, when this differentiation between the electrical force and the gravitational force happens, you then see the appearance of the weak and strong nuclear forces. No longer use the outdated and misconstruing word electro-magnetism. There is electro-statics and electro-gravitics. Pure gravity forces are gravitic, not magnetic. Skip the magnet experiments in studying and documenting gravity objects, gravity fields, and gravity waves. The same applies for the ES/EG or EG/ES tensor bosinos and bosons, display both the electrical force (AC Tesla) and gravitational force (DC Edison) as the newly worded ADC current. Such is all of the many descriptions and definitions of the various levels of the tensor bosinos and bosons as Be'nards Convection, stellar engine photosphere-spicules-chromosphere, coronal mass ejections of vast Birkeland current energies. Any and all suspected, and lightly talked about stellar-planetary flux lines, are those of the Birkeland currents that are tensor bosino and tensor boson currents. This goes back to documenting the ancient's knowlege of stellar-planetary flux lines, and such gravity attractions at a distance (that are not Newtonian "mass"). The same applies for (said) astrology stating that all stellar and planetary objects have these flux lines between the star and planets, star and moons, planets and planets, and planets and moons. Such inter-connectedness of multiple flux lines interacting upon the terran planet becomes more obvious with the ES and EG model, than any of the Standard Model explanations.
      Gravity, electrical force, weak ES nuclear force, and strong EG nuclear force are all easily explained and understood in layman's term.
      The vast majority of all current science and physics has massively walked away from truth, valid data, ... into philosophical and theological data, opinions, false concepts ... leading into pure illogical existence ... as shown by all of the many discoveries and challenges to the Standard Model, and that of th Big Bang, Singularity, cosmic expansion, etc. All of hot air and bluff.
      Detector machines and telescopes do not lie. They provide the ultimate truths that science and physics must back track most of their current statements, and get back to valid fundamentals, and then work out the higher derivatives, constants, etc of the Greater Out There.

    • @johnlord8337
      @johnlord8337 18 днів тому +1

      It is the matter particle tensor bosons (with electrical and gravitational forces) that are the interlocking media between other gravitational objects. With gravity space-time fabric weaves (including the potential quark fabric particles of ups, downs, charms, stranges, tops, and bottoms), the tensors are the hidden gravitons in that model. They provide the gravitational force holding the quarks nearby, but their own electrical force keeps them from collapsing. They achieve the balance of the Van der Wahl's radius for atomic electorn shells, but also the Coulomb nuclear boundary.
      So of the above listing of the 6 energy levels of gravitons and their corresponding matter tensor boson particles and the Aether gravitons and their tensor bosino particulates, ... you start seeing the warp and weft of the space time fabric.
      Quark - bosino (acting as a graviton) - quark
      Graviton matter boson or Aether bosino Graviton
      Herein lies the truth of the space-time fabric (having its time dilation properties from gravitational attraction) but that these 6 specific energy levels (neither higher nor lower number of levels) provides the solution to string theory "dimensions" or those of the space-time fabric. Strings are the composition of space-time fabric. Strings are linear - straight and flat ... or wavy due to a greater external object's gravitational forces warping the fabric. String theory must also deal with ring theory, or the self-contained string reconnecting back upon itself like August Kukule' ring structure of a benzene molecule. Strings and ring theory fall easily into the ES and EG model, whereas the Standard Model does not suggest such activities. String theory is tensor boson theory is Birkeland currents et al ADC currents.
      Modern clothing fabric weaving shows the immensity of dimensions that can be achieve with string and thread, but the same can be applied to these various 6 energy levels having their pure states of fabric (equal energy level particles), but that there could be admixtures between these 6 energy level particles and Aether particulates, and you have a very textured space-time fabric, like many fabric surfaces designed by man and put into machine coding for weaving machines to produce. Modern fabric theory is part of physic's string and ring theory.
      So trying to figure out gravity, gravity fields, gravity waves, ... tensor gravity, fields, waves, ... and pure and impure space-time fabrics with a lot of derivatives ...ends in a lot of hoo-eee.
      A recent discovery of a recovered scorched parchment from the destruction of Pompey deals with the topic of atoms, The document, as a correspondence or topic lecture could only say to others, you can't make specific comments about the shape or size of atoms (as they are constantly active and in motion, changing constantly into other morphed forms), but that they could be generically understood on their energy levels of existence. The same would apply to lower forms of particles and particulates.

  • @unrealnews
    @unrealnews 18 днів тому +1

    It seems like you're saying that the fact that there is relative (heh) uniformity in space-time, when entities accumulate what will become gravitational potential, the contrast between the activity within and accumulation of said entities and the surrounding space yields the effects of gravity.
    A facile way of saying it might be that the earth, sun (and other bodies) are undergoing various processes and therefore having an effect similar to pushing against one another relative to the expansion of the universe, but since the only frame of reference is the endless expansion of space, there's no ruler to hold up against the effect that isn't itself affected by it, and no "edge" towards which the expansion approaches to use as a starting point.
    There's a great deal of lovely noise and background conversation making for a wonderful wallpaper behind the audio. Perhaps some sort of visualized animation coupled with hand-holding definitions could aid comprehension by a wider audience.

  • @ernestdempsey9441
    @ernestdempsey9441 10 днів тому

    I just started watching a video of World Science Festival where a Chicago professor Wendy Freedman was interviewed on where things are in the cosmology right now. The very first thing she had to say was that we don't know where we are and we are not sure where it'll end but we do not need to drop the standard model. I stopped watching and thought that in the good old days it would make a good joke; today they celebrate it as science.

  • @digbysirchickentf2315
    @digbysirchickentf2315 18 днів тому +1

    Thought experiment about inertia; The solar system travels around the galaxy at 514,000 mph. Say a large asteroid is sitting quietly in the solar system, is suddenly hit head-on by another equal asteroid, travelling at 514,000 mph relative to the intergalactic void it came from. Assuming the galaxy is static relative to the void. Which asteroid has higher inertia?
    I guess they are equal in this case. It just seems unintuitive that a body at rest actually has enormous inertia, so kinetic energy is only a local concept in physics? How do we define local?

    • @nuestra_victoria
      @nuestra_victoria 18 днів тому

      Is the body at rest in your example? Aren’t both asteroids accelerating?

    • @digbysirchickentf2315
      @digbysirchickentf2315 18 днів тому

      @@nuestra_victoria Neither are accelerating. We assume one is at rest relative to the sun, could be in a slow orbit but I am ignoring that.

    • @digbysirchickentf2315
      @digbysirchickentf2315 17 днів тому

      I just looked up 'relative kinetic energy', and it is measured from a reference frame just like speed. So kinetic energy (inertia) is not absolute.

  • @ZhanMorli
    @ZhanMorli 18 днів тому +1

    Здравствуйте. Всех благ Вам. Благодарю что ответили. Мы уже написали 1000 теории как ОТО Эйнштейна, пишим ещё 1000 и … . Вопрос можно из старческого измышления перейти к свежим идеями? Прошло время, пришли новые технологии. Может за 120 лет выполним «1» прямой опыт и все вместе посмотрим на результат.

  • @theeddorian
    @theeddorian 6 днів тому

    If you consider the universe to be infinite in time and space, then there are several facts that can be inferred. One is, in an infinitely old universe, even if gravitational effects are bound by the speed of light, then we all experience the infinite gravitational influence of the entire, _infinite_ universe at all times and from all directions. Any local mass, regardless of its mass compared to other local masses, is essentially "at rest" at all times, compared to that infinite field. The infinite mass of an infinite universe precisely cancels any acceleration effects on local masses. Inertia follows as the local resistance to acceleration with respect to the infinite universe. There is the equivalence principle. Another property of an infinite universe is that regradless of how large "local regions" are, they are indistinguishable from zero, with respect to an infinite universe. There is no such state as "almost" infinite. That suggests that that things like causality are also local.

  • @davidwilkie9551
    @davidwilkie9551 14 днів тому

    Back where-when ADS/CFT Holographic Principle Imagery of Black Holes in a reciprocation-recirculation potential positioning possibilities for Absolute Zero-infinity nodal-vibrational fields limited by points of nothing floating in No-thing Relativity describes the Aether of Sublimation-Tunnelling coherence-cohesion sync-duration resonance quantization objectives, and the origins of this line of development came from Susskind's analysis of Einsteinian Relativity and that was in the same context as this presentation.
    Because all substance is temporal thermodynamical condensation-coordination of logarithmic relative-timing superposition, which means that all forms In-form-ation follow the process of spin Scattering and reintegration demonstrated by Newtonian Optics of the light spectrum of divergence/convergence at the Singularity-point Centre of Logarithmic Time, a continuous quantization annealing process, Gravity +/-, is flash-fractal e-Inflation and reciprocation-recirculation Singularity-point Apature Lensing interference, here-now-forever floating in the flat-space ground-state.
    The example provided has defined value, "beauty (of the design-development sequence) is in the eyes of beholders" with experience of the concepts brought into a degree of congruence.
    (It's always NOW and this is what we are learning by doing)

  • @AquarianSoulTimeTraveler
    @AquarianSoulTimeTraveler 18 днів тому

    I recently simplified my explanation of the logical progression of the spatial dimensions even more and I'm gonna leave it here. let me show you the logical establish pattern so you can understand better, infinite amounts of 0 dimensional existence can stack into any size one dimensional existence because it is nothing and infinite amount of nothing can stack in any size version of something. 1D equals length only. Now infinite amounts of one-dimensional existence can stack into any size two dimensional existence because it is length and now that you've added width in so then infinite amounts of one dimensional existence can stack inside of it. Now infinite amounts of two dimensional existence can stack into any size three dimensional existence because this is length and width and now you add depth... When we add in depth we allow for infinite stacking of two-dimensional planes to stack into any size three dimensional existence because of the additional depth dimension. Now given this logically established pattern we can conclude that if a fourth spatial dimension exist then infinite amounts of three dimensional existence can stack into any size 4 dimensional existence... This means that if a fourth spatial dimension exist our universal potentiality of our three-dimensional universe will be compressed down into a relatively flat state which is exactly what we observe of our universe. This means if a 4th spacial dimension exists (as verified by this logical progression pattern that aligns with our observations) then infinite three-dimensional universal potentiality can stack into ANY SIZE 4D existence making a infinite 3d multiverse the norm... This explains Mandela effects....

  • @stormtrooper9404
    @stormtrooper9404 18 днів тому +2

    I still can not fathom, why physics videos like this, attract the freaks who have their own theory, or are pushing one of the few well known fringe theories 🤷🏼
    Occasionally there is a good comment from physicist who does understand, and try to contribute something.. but by default his comment is buried under all the non-sense!
    Lately I don't even check the comment section because of this!
    There must be a way to flag the spammers(?) am sure this is not the only channel where they are posting their bulsh!t

    • @unrealnews
      @unrealnews 17 днів тому +1

      My apologies if I'm one of thise spewing bullshit. I suppose the hope is that someone will point me in the right direction.

    • @TheMachian
      @TheMachian  17 днів тому

      I cannot fathom why the videos comments attract trolls who are not interested in the content.

    • @stormtrooper9404
      @stormtrooper9404 16 днів тому +2

      @@unrealnewsI don't know what to say 🤷🏼
      Probably: apology accepted if it's you (don't know, who is who).
      But no matter how good are your intentions.. it's a wrong place and a wrong time for getting a directions.
      First of all, no one will help you here, at least not in a way you would want.
      But if you really really wanna someone to clear your doubts.. try arranging a private classes.
      As strangely as it sounds... that is the best way. Trust me, you don't need Fermilab scientist or nobel laureate to clear some basics for you! And am sure there are many enthusiastic mid or high school teachers, whom for a money will be glad to chat and explain things to you.
      All the best!

    • @stormtrooper9404
      @stormtrooper9404 16 днів тому

      @@TheMachianProfessor, please send regards to the young scientists. I very much appreciate their hard work!
      Sadly, this series is too dense for me. My fault, not physicist. I could only wish to follow through.
      But non the less, I applaud for them taking a bold step into the foundation problems not following the herd!
      P.S. am sure these kids deserve more than 1.2k views 😢

  • @ai-pictures8833
    @ai-pictures8833 16 днів тому

    Machian gravity is fractal representation this phenomenom of gravity. I don't like it because this dont give us ability to have control over gravity.

  • @AquarianSoulTimeTraveler
    @AquarianSoulTimeTraveler 18 днів тому

    Gravity doesn't exist that is all just convergence and divergence of opposite spinning toroidal flows... You should look into theoria apophasis CRT cathode ray tv experiment....

    • @AquarianSoulTimeTraveler
      @AquarianSoulTimeTraveler 18 днів тому

      Statistics experiment you can see how the magnetic forces are truly provided and you can see the proof of the magnetic vortex...

  • @atheistaetherist2747
    @atheistaetherist2747 18 днів тому

    Zero physics here as usual.
    Just math.

  • @walterbrownstone8017
    @walterbrownstone8017 18 днів тому

    If the words don't say gravity from the electric force then I won't know what you're talking about. I'll watch the video but I'll be like what are you talking about.

    • @atheistaetherist2747
      @atheistaetherist2747 18 днів тому

      Electric forces have zero to do with gravity & inertia.

    • @walterbrownstone8017
      @walterbrownstone8017 18 днів тому

      @@atheistaetherist2747 I'm from Heathenland, so....

    • @digbysirchickentf2315
      @digbysirchickentf2315 18 днів тому

      @@atheistaetherist2747 Gravity effects EM, clocks use EM parts, hence gravity effects clocks. Time is obviously not physical... etc.

    • @atheistaetherist2747
      @atheistaetherist2747 18 днів тому

      Yes aetherwind & the nearness of mass affects TSOL etc, & affects our rods & clocks.

    • @digbysirchickentf2315
      @digbysirchickentf2315 18 днів тому

      ​@@atheistaetherist2747 Affects rods because of EM forces in the atoms? Has length contraction actually been demonstrated somewhere?