DIY Beetlejuice SCULPTURES!! 👀 Miniature Art for my Creepy Dollhouse

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ashleyswshr
    @ashleyswshr Рік тому +4

    Ah, yes. A stunning replica of the famed art piece known the world over. Lumpy and chaotic in antiquity. The Falled-Over Potato. Simply immaculate.

  • @Stacy_SJA
    @Stacy_SJA 2 роки тому +1

    LOVE the wobbly wheels and bumping head! Genius idea! Been so much fun watching this series grow, I love BeetleJuice 🤍

  • @Airwrecka1980
    @Airwrecka1980 3 роки тому +4

    Literally the best thing on UA-cam today.

  • @ResinBelle
    @ResinBelle 2 роки тому +2

    oh my gosh, the names are so AWESOME! Well done kiddo! I cant get over sad flower lolol These turned out so awesome!

  • @AllTheMiniThings
    @AllTheMiniThings 3 роки тому +2

    "Falled over potato" and "Wheee!" killed me lol. Great names!

  • @RavensMinis
    @RavensMinis 3 роки тому +2

    They look so cool!!! Delia would be proud!

  • @historybuff7491
    @historybuff7491 3 роки тому

    Love the award. I joined the celebration, but it is great to see the award itself.

  • @carrie4910
    @carrie4910 3 роки тому

    100% agree with the sculptures names 😂 these are great!

  • @dmmomma
    @dmmomma 3 роки тому

    Fantastic! Even though you gave the car a lobotomy, I loved it all!

  • @yezzyjames
    @yezzyjames 3 роки тому +9

    Your kid picked the perfect names for these sculptures.
    The walking sculpture has always been my fave, and yours looks amazing. :}

  • @argusfleibeit1165
    @argusfleibeit1165 3 роки тому +1

    Aww..... You are my first UA-camr that I have seen unbox their subscriber award. That was really nice, I got all teary. I wasn't really sure I would get into your channel. I was never a doll-house kid, and I'm not that into goofy spooky movies. But your personality and creativity are really endearing, and I've now spent so many happy hours in your "company". Thank you for everything!!

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому

      Thank you!! I felt it was only right to unbox it with you all as you are the reason I have the award! I am so glad you have enjoyed my videos and I am glad you are here!!😊

  • @CornucopiaOFmadness
    @CornucopiaOFmadness 3 роки тому +9

    What a great choice of names 😅 I find weeee pretty acurate. This moving sculpture had my mind blown

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому +1

      Lol!! I thought 'Weee' was pretty good too. It looks like a bouncing ball😊 So glad you enjoyed it!

  • @saragoff9065
    @saragoff9065 3 роки тому

    Your son is an absolute genius. Those names almost killed me. Lol. And congrats!!!! Work it sister!!! 💚💚💚

  • @luvz2reed
    @luvz2reed 3 роки тому +32

    I'm always impressed with how you build with durability in mind. You thoroughly think through or experiment with each piece and part. For the future moving sculpture, maybe simpler is better and you could just have a manual lever the viewer could push and pull. Then it's interactive! Anyway, great job. Catch ya in the new year

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому +8

      I really like that idea too! Kind of like a pop up book where you have a lever and can move the pieces? I will keep that in mind if I can find a motor that I feel will work :)

  • @sketchbookscheming
    @sketchbookscheming 3 роки тому

    Love, love, love the wobble in the legs and everything else!

  • @andreavictoriaparadiso47
    @andreavictoriaparadiso47 3 роки тому +2

    You nailed Delia. Well, not Delia herself lol but her art! Ingenious way of making the moving piece. I think you're son did a great job of naming all of them, too, and donating his car to the Delia cause. Congratulations again for your wonderful award. And I know that, sooner than you think you, will reach your millionth subscriber. It's been a red banner year for you and I'm so glad I got to share in that. Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year to you and yours and everybody here!

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому +1

      Thank you Andrea!! I am so glad you liked the sculptures! They were more challenging than I originally thought they would be lol! Happy New Year!💖

  • @angelabernhardt6761
    @angelabernhardt6761 3 роки тому +5

    Those sculptures are fabulous! And with the backlighting added ...*chef’s kiss* Delia getting trapped against the house by her falling sculpture is one of my favorite scenes. Lol I love how you made that piece with the mobile walking legs! So creative!

    @ARTSIEBECCA 3 роки тому +1

    You can use clear fishing line for the string.

  • @megwilcox9774
    @megwilcox9774 3 роки тому +21

    Merry Christmas! I love the names that your son gave for the sculptures, especially "Fall'd Down Potato", and "Whee!". I'm really looking forward to the next video, but I can rewatch your catalogue while we wait. Have a great holiday season!

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому

      Thank you Meg! He will be glad to hear that! Merry Christmas my friend!💖💖

  • @amandae5165
    @amandae5165 9 місяців тому

    I LOVE falled over potato!!!

  • @georgecunningham9175
    @georgecunningham9175 3 роки тому +1

    And Ara adds Kinetic Engineer to her impressive and growing list of credentials..............pretty soon we won't know what to call you - except maybe Brilliant!!!!
    PS I think I will wait until this project is (regrettably) completed before I watch the movie.........that way I can "reverse" exclaim "I know what that is - its just like the ORIGINAL!!!"
    PPS - forgot to say CONGRATULATIONS on the 100k button!!!

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому

      I think that would be a really fun point of view! I wonder if my dollhouse version would relay the story very well or if you will be surprised watching it!?

  • @MrKirby365
    @MrKirby365 3 роки тому

    I love the last one's just weeee! Kids are fun!

  • @makewithblake
    @makewithblake 2 роки тому

    Love them all! The scene really came together when you backlit the window! So cool!

  • @ev.8972
    @ev.8972 3 роки тому +5

    I am thoroughly impressed by the fact that after all the sculpting, sanding, drilling, and painting your nail polish is still intact! The sculptures look amazing too as always :)

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому +2

      😄😄 This is why I have to use Gel nail polish... otherwise it would have been wrecked lol! Thank you!

  • @pepps1943
    @pepps1943 3 роки тому +1

    Pure talent!

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому +1


    • @pepps1943
      @pepps1943 3 роки тому +1

      @@BentleyHouseMinis Happy holiday's to you and yours!! May 2022 bring many blessings ☺️🥰

  • @NexJen
    @NexJen 3 роки тому +18

    Literally just starting this video but I have to tell you I love the intro.

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому +2

      Thank you Jen! I am trying to be more creative with the intros so I am glad you liked it!😊

  • @mrscb5303
    @mrscb5303 3 роки тому +1

    Wow!!! Your ingenuity is a thing of beauty!! It’s so fascinating to watch how you create!! Have a wonderful holiday!!

  • @sarahmccollum3694
    @sarahmccollum3694 3 роки тому

    This video completes my childhood!! I could tell you had a happy relationship with Hammerhead guy. He's very handsome, In my opinion even better than Delia's original. Delia's lawyer is a dope. You brought her art to life. Her art is actually good and yours is superb! Much ❤ to you and your sweet family. Love Sarah

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому +2

      Thank you Sarah!! I definitely grew an attachment to each sculpture as I created them! They do have a certain charm to them😊 So glad you enjoyed it!💖

  • @swearenginlawanda
    @swearenginlawanda 3 роки тому

    The letter sounded personal, not form. How nice. Especially the keep building part. Congratulations again.

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому +1

      It did!! I wonder if they have a specific letter form for creative channels vs. maybe an athletic channel etc... Thank you Lawanda!

  • @julievanarends3702
    @julievanarends3702 2 роки тому

    I love the moving sculpture! Genius!

  • @christinastalder4727
    @christinastalder4727 3 роки тому +1

    It looks so good. You did an amazing job once again.,

  • @foxhousecreations4869
    @foxhousecreations4869 3 роки тому

    WOW on the plaque!!!!!

  • @tipsygypsy3613
    @tipsygypsy3613 3 роки тому

    Congratulations💐🍾🎉❗ You're doing such a great job!
    Luke Towan has some great videos on moving cars and trucks around his small town dioramas.
    See you next year😃

  • @JoniWagner
    @JoniWagner 3 роки тому +7

    "This is my art, and it is dangerous!"
    Your genius never ceases to amaze me! And I am so grateful that you're willing to share your thought processes in creating your miniatures, I so wish I could cultivate nearby friends with any sort of similar interests... but alas, since I cannot, I'm even more thankful for videos such as yours! Oh, and MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy New Year to you and yours!

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому

      Thank you so much Joni! I am glad sharing my thoughts has been helpful! Happy New Year!

  • @darlenegreenhalgh3126
    @darlenegreenhalgh3126 3 роки тому

    Congratulations.Always fun here 👏🏻

  • @claireeberry23
    @claireeberry23 3 роки тому +2

    Adding thread to the wheels was genius. Congrats on 100K!

  • @lyndilee2955
    @lyndilee2955 3 роки тому

    Awesome! Can't wait for your 2022 videos of your fabulous creations!

  • @sharoncarter9301
    @sharoncarter9301 3 роки тому

    Congratulations! I love your sculptures! They turned out great. Your Son picked out the best names. I laughed so hard with the Weee! Name.

    @ARTSIEBECCA 3 роки тому

    Your son is brilliant 😊

  • @carlav.rushton7472
    @carlav.rushton7472 3 роки тому

    Way to go Ara!!!

  • @LittleCraftyKitty
    @LittleCraftyKitty 3 роки тому

    You’re getting great at clay sculptures 💖😀

  • @sharonrafferty3423
    @sharonrafferty3423 3 роки тому

    Thank u for letting be part of the Bentley mini family. All the best for christmas and 2022. Looking forward to more of your art work.

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому +1

      Thank you Sharon! Thank you for being here😊 See you in 2022!!

  • @lguadiana
    @lguadiana 3 роки тому +1

    Yay! I just recieved my three retro kits from my favorite miniaturist. Cant wait to start working on them. Love your channel . Thank You so much Ara.

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому +1

      Yay!! I hope you will send me a picture when you're done! Thank you for your order! Happy New Year!

  • @audrey5941
    @audrey5941 3 роки тому

    Wow! Hard to imagine the talent it takes to create something that has the appearance of amateur work!!! I’m exhausted just watching! I can only imagine the original creators laughing heartily at the sculptures!
    Congrats on your award! So deserving! Can’t wait to see how you choose up display it! 🙏

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому

      That's so true.... I wonder if the set designers would think it was funny how many people have recreated these pieces that they worked so hard to make unattractive😄 Thank you Audrey!!

  • @ZoeShears
    @ZoeShears 3 роки тому

    Its starting to take shape, those sculptures are amazing Ara we'll done

  • @LittleCraftyKitty
    @LittleCraftyKitty 3 роки тому

    You my dear always blow me away 🥰💖 I love watching you make things.

  • @deegorgeous
    @deegorgeous 3 роки тому


  • @michaellindsey1543
    @michaellindsey1543 3 роки тому +2

    Don't know if you're familiar with Luke Towan? He builds miniature scenes with lots of moving cars and bikes etc. He uses a rail system and motors by a company called Faller.

    • @RamoArt
      @RamoArt 3 роки тому

      That's what came to my mind at first as well! Unfortunately I suspect that this sculpture is too heavy to be pulled by a tiny little magnet. That could be counteracted by creating a mold and casting the sculpture from foam. Expensive, but probably not impossible.

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому

      I will definitely be checking out Luke Towan's channel for research on a few different systems. The sculpture is pretty heavy though so that will be concern.

  • @NickCasey
    @NickCasey 3 роки тому +1

    Idea for the bumps to make the legs move, make them like small speed bumps (ramped up on either side) so the legs don’t get snagged on a sharp corner.

  • @agneschrismer9946
    @agneschrismer9946 3 роки тому

    Another awesome make.

  • @christinastalder4727
    @christinastalder4727 3 роки тому +1

    Happy holidays to you and your family, and don't feel bad bc the years are running together for me also.

  • @tinynina76
    @tinynina76 3 роки тому

    Congratulations again, Ara! 100,000, wow! You deserve it. As I watch your videos I am constantly reminded how creative and innovative you are. Thank you for all you do to inspire us. Love your channel. I believe you'll progress to 1,000,00 subs!

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому +1

      Thank you so much Nina! I appreciate it! Happy New Year!

  • @jojosmumdorothy2829
    @jojosmumdorothy2829 3 роки тому

    That's a fab plague. Happy Christmas 🎄 everyone see you in 22 love to all xx

  • @gordonwiley2006
    @gordonwiley2006 3 роки тому

    Love the movement idea. These turned out great.

  • @signaltome
    @signaltome 3 роки тому

    Always happy to see whats going on in the Beetlejuice household. Have a very good Christmas all! ;-)

  • @janusquiamco7128
    @janusquiamco7128 3 роки тому

    Congratulations on your plaque, and may you have more subscribers in the future!
    My suggestion for the moving sculpture is to attach a peg on each wheel of the moving sculpture. The pegs should flick the legs as the wheels rotate, creating an illusion of crawling legs.

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому +1

      Thank you Janus! I like the idea with the pegs and I will see if it will work! Thank you!

  • @wonderwend1
    @wonderwend1 3 роки тому

    It takes great skill to make something look bad 💚
    Much love for the holiday season 💚

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому +1

      Haha! I have heard that about singing... you have to be a good singer to sing horribly well. I don't know if that made sense lol! Have a good one my friend!

    • @wonderwend1
      @wonderwend1 3 роки тому

      @@BentleyHouseMinis you too hun xx

  • @britnyr8493
    @britnyr8493 3 роки тому +1

    Yessss queen, you deserve all the recognition. I'm a huge beetlejuice fanatic. Huge. And when I learned what you were doing I screamed. I started following your work when I discovered your Adams family work. *chefs kiss* you're truly a gift.

  • @filipematias5127
    @filipematias5127 3 роки тому

    I wish you a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year Milady Ara : see you in 2022 !!!!! 😘

  • @cat3crazy
    @cat3crazy 3 роки тому +1

    I love that your son was so willing to give you one of his cars to destroy! LOL He must be creative to come up with the names for the statues. I think that they are named very appropriately. After you mentioned that the statues looked like they came from a construction site. I figured that Delia may have gotten ideas there.
    Congratulations for 100k subscribers. You really deserve it. I'm so glad that I found your channel. Now I have a lot of cardboard in my home. I plan on making a cardboard house. 🏠

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому

      He was very sweet about it! But I made sure several times that he didn't care about that car before I officially destroyed it! I can picture Delia standing at the edge of a demolished concrete wall and getting very inspired lol! I can't wait to hear how your cardboard house goes!

  • @christineingram55
    @christineingram55 3 роки тому

    They look fabulous off course …I Hope you and your family have a Wonderful Christmas with lots of love and laughter..Looking forward to what’s to come for next year..Love n Light 🥰

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому

      Thank you so much Christine! You have a wonderful Christmas as well!💖

  • @kaelbellchambers
    @kaelbellchambers 3 роки тому

    Great work Ara. Sculptures look amazing! Love the names!

  • @composing-chaos
    @composing-chaos 3 роки тому

    The maquette I made would have been too big for the space and mine doesn’t move! How stinking cute is that? I love that it moves. My favorite is the “Fall’d over potato” though. Your son is a natural born curator.

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому

      I was so afraid that any that were sent in would be too big... and mine were still too big lol! Thank you for you amazing offer💖 I definitely need to get him to name more of my art for me lol!

  • @kailed
    @kailed 3 роки тому

    great video congrats for the silver play button

  • @kathysausen6493
    @kathysausen6493 3 роки тому

    Congrats Ara you truly deserve this award!!!!💕💕🧜‍♀️

  • @adornethegraverobber
    @adornethegraverobber 3 роки тому

    Well done

  • @tinykeyholeminis
    @tinykeyholeminis 3 роки тому

    🥰I'm always amazed Ara, how do you figure these things out!?!? Yaaay for your award!! 🎉
    Happy Holidays! 🎄
    See ya next year!🥰

  • @ashleyhornyak34
    @ashleyhornyak34 3 роки тому +1

    Happy holidays and congrats on 100k!! It's been so cool to see your numbers and community grow! Thanks for sharing your projects with us!

  • @brianahawkins8124
    @brianahawkins8124 3 роки тому +1

    Amazing job making the sculptures, see you on your next video & Happy Holidays. :)

  • @ps1hagridoufofcharacter
    @ps1hagridoufofcharacter 3 роки тому

    congrats on 100k!! it's been so fun to watch that number get bigger haha

  • @edielynch7819
    @edielynch7819 3 роки тому +1

    My daughter wants me to make a copy of the Hocus Pocus House! She also wants really macabre versions of other Halloween
    "Monster" houses..which I am using premade Christmas houses for the base. Since the Hocus Pocus House is so well known and it is an English Tudor cottage, I will be making it from give me hope! Thank you!

  • @melissamoonfire4323
    @melissamoonfire4323 3 роки тому

    Oh my goodness! I hit like so fast and I'm so here for it. 😍💚🖤

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому

      Lol thank you for the like!! I appreciate it and I hope you enjoy the video!

  • @darlingdivadurelle
    @darlingdivadurelle 3 роки тому

    Soooo awesome… they are perfection…you are having so much fun with this project and we are having fun watching…Merry Christmas to you too.

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому

      Thank you Durelle!! I am having a lot of fun!! Merry Christmas!

  • @deborahrwafil1344
    @deborahrwafil1344 3 роки тому

    I found you in june this year because i wanted an extra hobby and i love your videos for ideas and it is really like a serie , i know when its friday iam always clicking in hoping to see the new video online so iam here in 2022

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому

      Thank you Deborah!! I am so glad you found my channel and are here! My next video should be up on Jan 7th!

  • @robinoleary7099
    @robinoleary7099 3 роки тому

    I love it. Get so excited for your new video! Merry Christmas, enjoy your time with your family. See you next year!

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому

      Thank you Robin! Merry Christmas to you and yours as well💖💖

  • @MoniqueAO888
    @MoniqueAO888 3 роки тому

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch !!! 😃

  • @alisawing
    @alisawing 3 роки тому

    "Falled over potato" is an incredibly accurate name

  • @darksideofken
    @darksideofken 3 роки тому

    Congrats to you , well deserved following !

  • @carrie4910
    @carrie4910 3 роки тому

    Congratulations on 100k! Well deserved!

  • @DRN
    @DRN 3 роки тому

    Congratulations with the play button my friend 🥳 I hope that I one day will make it to. Nice work on thees sculptures, they turned out great, I love the texture the sand gives

  • @aprilpauldo5685
    @aprilpauldo5685 3 роки тому

    😏fall’d down potato is my favorite

  • @dolfinmagikpro
    @dolfinmagikpro 3 роки тому +8

    This was fun! Great work on those sculptures!
    The "bumps" that you used might work a bit better if they were rounded instead of square. This would make like a ramp that would lift the legs smoother.
    For a motor, you could use something like a "disco ball" turning motor, which turns slowly. If it were me, I would use a stepper motor, but that would require more wiring and an Arduino to control its speed and movement. I'd be glad to help if you want to go this route! Let me know!
    Congratulations, again, on reaching 100k subscribers! I wish you all the best in the new year!
    Merry Christmas and, of course ... have a better day!

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому +1

      Thank you so much for the ideas and for the offer! I will let you know because I really do think it would be fun to get it to work! I hope you had a good Christmas! Happy New Year Sean!

  • @jennylawson1980
    @jennylawson1980 3 роки тому +1

    Ara, you are full of wonderful and fun surprises every video. I am glad you are taking time for you and your family.
    You do so many amazing projects every year it’s hard to pick even one favorite instead of them all 😊
    You are so talented and I am lucky I found such a fun lady to hang with Friday mornings.
    The Beetlejuice house is gonna be beyond amazing like the Adams Family Mansion!
    Take care and be safe. ♥️

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому

      Thank you Jennifer! I am so thankful that you are here and part of this mini community! I am glad you enjoyed the video!💖

  • @daphnet39
    @daphnet39 3 роки тому +3

    So inspiring and impressed with your creativity and "problem" solving! Looking forward to watching all the progress. And congratulations on your UA-cam button!

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому

      Thank you Daphne! I love the problem solving side of it sometimes! Especially when it works lol!

  • @TheArtOfYuls
    @TheArtOfYuls 3 роки тому

    I love it!!!

  • @georgetteanderson8980
    @georgetteanderson8980 3 роки тому

    Congratulations on 100k

  • @aw04tn58
    @aw04tn58 3 роки тому

    Congrats on 100K!!! So well-deserved and I'm excited to see how we get to celebrate.

  • @mathewcox9371
    @mathewcox9371 2 роки тому

    I’m a bit late I know but if you’re willing to purchase or try to find a used one on eBay for cheaper, not sure how much they are, there might be a Hex Bug toy that you could either incorporate into the pre existing statue or sculpt onto…some even come with remote controls to fix the whole track issue….hope this helps☺️

  • @swearenginlawanda
    @swearenginlawanda 3 роки тому

    MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and yours

  • @karengates7154
    @karengates7154 3 роки тому

    Thank you for a wonderful and informative 2021. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  • @kellykennedy1165
    @kellykennedy1165 3 роки тому

    Crazy talent! The way you have a vision and poof you bring it to life! Love these little sculptures ❤️See you next year!!!

  • @annesmith1291
    @annesmith1291 3 роки тому

    Merry Christmas to you and your family x

  • @sallybally9731
    @sallybally9731 3 роки тому

    Amazing ❤️hope you and your family have a lovely holiday 😊

  • @brendabrinton2062
    @brendabrinton2062 3 роки тому

    Merry Christmas to you and yours! Love and be blessed ❤

  • @cyndiisme4185
    @cyndiisme4185 3 роки тому +3

    You did an absolutely amazing job!! For the creepy hammer head you could have used Cosclay it's flexible and strong at the same time. Might come in handy for you for another project 🤗

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому

      Thank you Cyndi! I do need to try cosclay sometime!

    • @deborahrwafil1344
      @deborahrwafil1344 3 роки тому +1

      @@BentleyHouseMinis watch ace of clay he use it a lot with like hair and noses

    • @MissLilyputt
      @MissLilyputt 2 роки тому +1

      @@deborahrwafil1344 I love Ace Of Clay. He mades the best scary sculptures. I’d love to see them collab on something like the couple after they disfigure their faces to scare ofd the living.

  • @nathaliemercier1485
    @nathaliemercier1485 3 роки тому

    Very well done, they look real to me. :) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family... 🎅🤶...

  • @dennisbeers
    @dennisbeers 3 роки тому

    Merry Christmas. I'm really enjoying your Beetlejuice house.🎄

  • @dmmomma
    @dmmomma 3 роки тому

    I am hoping to finish my contribution to the attic mini mini display over Christmas break.

  • @Vagabondwitchh
    @Vagabondwitchh 3 роки тому

    Ball jointed doll limbs could be useful for moving parts. Doll repaint artists have 3D printed ball jointed dolls and even provided them as free downloads for 3D printing. Dollightful has done that, she has also made joints for her dolls using popsicle sticks and screws.

    • @BentleyHouseMinis
      @BentleyHouseMinis  3 роки тому +1

      Great tip! Thank you! Dollightful is wonderful and I will definitely have to go back and watch a few more of her videos!

  • @Cleansweep38
    @Cleansweep38 3 роки тому

    Hi! Just stopped by to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!