i don't have a fear of failure because i already failed many times. this is where my successes came from, from failures. the thing is i'm more attracted the the spiritual side of life. i cannot take anything materialistic serious as i did when i was younger. people call me insane, or crazy sometimes but i want there to be peace, enlightenment, real freedom, and a spiritual balance. Laitman says our purpose is to become whole again, maybe this is, but i also believe we are here to experience.
Yes! Life has a meaning! And Kabbalah now is revealed openely and invites us to connect with Divinity,the Upper Reality and Force,with Love and Life and feel and be filled with Upper Wisdom and connect with each other in altruistic Love!Thank you for these Words of Wisdom!
when he said 'people will start to feel a void", i could totally relate to that. the past couple of years, especially the past year, i find that the things that used to interest me, excite me, or give me purpose, dont fulfill me anymore. its like im searching for something, but i dont know exactly what! and i feel a constant void and numbness. another thing ive noticed is time seems to be speeding up. a year feels like six months now. is it just me? anyone else feel these things?
this guy just summarized my life. that is exactly how i've been filling, empty as shit. some days i nearly killed myself because of how useless i feel. i do very well in college, got a job, yet when i have free time on weekends i feel empty that everything i'm doing is for nothing. the money i earn cannot be enjoyed because of little free time, and most of them need to be spend on tuition, and when i do have no problems i just try to find some passion to stick to, to avoid suicide.
Oh dear. But most people in your shoes are happy with illusion. Maybe your are enlightened. And know nothing in the material world will ever make you happy for long.
The meaning of life is objective. It's different because each of us has different memories different breeds even culture and religion plays a big role . Do what you want without hurting another person of course . That's what he says . Egoism is unbreakable.
Life isn't what everyone thinks it is. It isn't a journey which you follow, it's one where you're the leader and you set the stage for the rest of your life. What you learn in your lifetime is what you take to the next one. I'm a strong believer in reincarnation and I believe all of us are re-born on this planet, in order to make a difference. To end the suffering of everyone else and become a world that is together. Life isn't about working hard and getting money, it's about the experience.Live
I think the meaning of life is to better your self so you can exist more effectively and efficiently for the means of happiness. Pain and sorrow isn't an obstacle but a tool.
The meaning of life - is life itself. You are alive and some day that will end. And it's all up to you, what you should do with your life before it ends. What choices to make and what goals you want to achieve, or fail at. Just because a person tells you how SHE OR HE thinks life should be lived, doesn't really mean that it's the RIGHT way to live life, because there are no right or wrong way to live it. It's all up to you, what you are going to do and how you want to live..
The meaning of life is to grow up, work hard, and be successful and pave a path for others to follow. Life is like a game of blackjack where are creater is the dealer and were the players. We all try to get the high hand, but like in blackjack we all work to together to win.
I think it's to learn and discover new things. Because if you think about it, if you knew everything about everything, and i mean ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING(even the feelings of things you've never done), there would be nothing left to do.
Wow, this is so similar to what my Bhagavad Gita spiritual teacher taught me. I recently began studying Kabbalah. It has really started to open my eyes. It really is trully amazing. I wish there were more study groups. ARIfilms puts together some very compelling videos.
the meaning of life is to be loved and love as many people as possible and to understand everything possible about yourself and the universe to excel to a higher state of believing
it is we who give meaning to our own lives when living them and finding our selfs, if we seek purpose of other things, we must just ask the right question
In Kabbalah when they say "forbidden/secret" that means "impossible". The teachings were "secret" because they were not needed, as at first we had to go through our evolution process to be ready for Kabbalah's teachings. The wisdom of Kabbalah is like a very specific answer to a very specific question, and until this questions is completely clear, and is coming out like a fountain in a large number of people, the answer "has been on hold". Today there is a question so there is an answer.
meaning of life.... grow up, learn, excell, invent, create, die, pick up where the recent one has fallen and do the process all over again and again and again just this contant loop of....EVOLUTION...
@LadyScorpio39 Yeah I started to feel that way too. When I see or do something that used to interest me I say to myself, "What am I doing this for?" Even if I think logically on how they would satisfy me I say to myself, "That's it?" It's like I'm searching for something as you said. I feel that void yo. I feel it.
Honestly, the only conclusion I have come to that makes the most sense to me is that we are here to experience, live, grow, and learn as a spirit/soul. That's why I believe all life on Earth is survival-orienented to reproduce- to preserve it's species existence, so future spirits/souls have a vessel in which to experience, live, grow, and learn. I could never get my head around why all life is so driven to reproduce in an endless cycle of birth-life-death... Life must be a school for the soul.
What Is the Meaning of Life? Dr. Michael Laitman talks about why we need to discover that there is a meaning of life, and why specifically this need has arisen in our days. Questioning the Meaning of Life? Live #Kabbalah Course Starts Wednesday July 8. Reserve Your Spot Now => bit.ly/Free-Kabbalah-Course_Summer2015 Like, comment, share and help spread the wisdom of Kabbalah ♥
What Is The Meaning Of Life? Dr. Michael Laitman talks about why we need to discover that there is a meaning of life, and why specifically this need has arisen in our days. New to Kabbalah? Questioning the Meaning of Life? Registration to EC Spring Semester closes Wednesday, April 29! Sign Up Today, Watch The 1st Lessons & Continue With The Rest Of The Course! bit.ly/ECKabbalah_Spring2015 Kabbalah was made to answer the question 'What is the meaning of life?' | #FreeCourse #MeaningOfLife #Spirituality #Wisdom #Kabbalah | Share with your circles and communities. Help spread the wisdom of Kabbalah ♥
The meaning of life is time: this has always been a simple question to answer but the answer has been subdued by anthropocentrism and fear of death. Far from bestowing us with super-natural powers and immortality, the answer re-enforces our mortality and our impotence to prevent it.
@Wolfe1661 Wise words. Who has taught you all this wisdom ? There always been one thing what i've been wondering. What makes lifeforms to act ? What makes it to move and eat ?
Meaning is not a property inherent in things, it's not objective. There is no physical particle that gives meaning to things. We ascribe meaning to things, it's a subjective thing. So when you think life is meaningless, this means that you personally do not see meaning in your own life. There are many things you can do to make your life seem meaningful to you.
What Is the Meaning of Life? Dr. Michael Laitman talks about why we need to discover that there is a meaning of life, and why specifically this need has arisen in our days. The wisdom of Kabbalah answers the question "What Is The Meaning of Life" Sign Up for a free live Kabbalah Course starting Wednesday April 15 Reserve Now your spot => bit.ly/Free-Kabbalah-Course #meaningoflife #wisdom #kabbalah #freedom #spirituality #unity #happiness #suffering #egoism #altruism #zohar #love #creator #soul
What Is The Meaning Of Life? Dr. Michael Laitman talks about why we need to discover that there is a meaning of life, and why specifically this need has arisen in our days. This clip was taken from an interview between Dr. Laitman, William Simon & Bill Gladstone. The wisdom of Kabbalah answers the question "What Is The Meaning of Life" Sign Up to a Free Live #Kabbalah Course at bit.ly/Free-Kabbalah-Course #meaningoflife #wisdom #kabbalah #freedom #spirituality #unity #happiness #suffering #egoism #altruism #zohar #love #creator #soul
The meaning of life is that is has absolutely no point or goal at all. We will all end up dying anyways and everything we have done will go to waste. good fight
the meaning of life is to entertain God because hes just sitting up there bored right, so in order to make him happy is for him to watch how we all get through life
What Is the Meaning of Life? Dr. Michael Laitman talks about why we need to discover that there is a meaning of life, and why specifically this need has arisen in our days. The wisdom of Kabbalah answers the question "What Is The Meaning of Life" Get started with a Free Live #Kabbalah Course - Sign Up Now >>> >>>bit.ly/ECKabbalah_Winter2015 #meaningoflife #wisdom #kabbalah #freedom #freewill #spirituality #unity #happiness #suffering #egoism #altruism #zohar
@shadowgrail glad to hear someone else feels the same way. i feel like a freak sometimes, like, why cant i feel happy? why do i feel so disconnected to everyone and everything around me. ive never felt so restless in all my life.
matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves -Bll hicks
His book "Attaining the Worlds Beyond" had a profound effect on me. This short video clip doesn't do justice to the potential of his teachings. His book goes into many thought provoking topics such as "ego vs altuism", "equivalence of form","purpose of life","perception of the soul" and the "purpose of suffering". He states that the creator responds to what is in your heart, not what u buy. He advises the reader to be wary of Kabbalist teachers who sell merchandise like Kabbalah water.
not saying that kabbalah is the way, but this man is the closest ive heard anyone speak on the meaning of life. All religions are a means to give people a purpose in life, and he even said kabbalah is a way of doing the same thing. Maybe there isnt a purpose and we just are!!! It sucks, but it could be! Like bouiglob said, we might just be a chemical reasction that occurs in the right condition. Just like any other creature of this earth.
very interesting maybe we should look at the simplicty of things.....we are are own enemys....i think thats an ego issue...i am intrigued with this philosophy...
@mrdolike I respect your beliefs completely, and as for all other beliefs, I will leave my mind open and accept your beliefs as the POSSIBLE truth, but not absolute. Just think, nothing actually needed to exist in the first place, therefore there is no meaning to anything. The universe would remain as an infinite void, neither helped or harmed. I am talking on the universal scale, not about us intricate organisms that have evolved on a blue dot in the vast universe.
What is every professional and adult eventually? A Teacher. What does society do every day in business and structure? Survive. So what do we aspire to be? Teachers of survival. Why do our footprints of evolution exist : single cell organisms, flora, fauna, marine & terrain, mammals and such? To inform us how long survival has lasted, and to hint it may be many more years to come. Why is the universe so vast? Because life happens correctly with enough time and space, enough random for surprise.
@synchronium24 Free will is basically any though processes out of instinct. So yes, we do have it, and so do dolphins. And in the other way of actual space, the oceans covers a much larger surface area than land and most sea animals are accessible to a larger volume of space as humans are. I encourage you to watch "dolphins deep thinks" on YT.
@TheRenekruse I know I can't change reality with thoughts. If life has no meaning then so be it. Nature won't change its way according to if we exist or not or what our beliefs are. It is just nature, and it is reality. Technically life is a classification of matter. You can come up with your own meanings but it won't change the reality of nature. I accept that nature is everything and we all must live by its rules.
@elementsk8punk I sort of agree with you but I'd like to know as well how were we created. How was everything created as well. These aren't questions that can be answered by an opinion.
@TheDkMovie Everything, you would even know the results of every single action you do. You wouldn't be able to watch movies because you know the results and experience. So the meaning of life is most likely to discover and learn, and to experience these new things and experience the feelings from it. Life is an experience. And it would be kinda interesting to see how long it would take for that squirrel to do that lol
@Wolfe1661 In very start what made a simple life form to evolve and duplicate ? Why it kept spreading and spreading ? If it passes memory to its offspring in a form of DNA, how and what it "writes" in that DNA ? Who gets to "write" it ? And what "reads" it ?
@shadowgrail thanks shadow....but im not a bro. im a girl. LOL anyway, do you feel this way too? or is it just me? it seems like a year is 6 months, and all the things that used to interest me doesnt anymore, and nothing can satisfy some kind of spiritual hunger i have??
as much as I respect this guy.....he has a flat screen HD TV....and I don't....I don't even have an Xbox or a Playstation 3.....I'd like to develop myself through hand eye coordination and spiritual understanding from having experiences that I couldn't ordinarily have in "normal" life....so please sir....give me a Playstation 3....for my development....
@cropatia you completely missed my point just like everyone else. It is very simple, nothing NEEDS to exist, that is my point. Meaning come from necessity, and the universe is dependent on nothing, needs nothing, thus anything that it contains has no meaning. An just so you understand, I am talking large scale; I agree that there is meaning within, but there is not a meaning for what has meaning within, so basically nothing has meaning, thank you.
... the meaning of life is Life Birth Death and Rebirth that is repeated untill the final year, is reached, and we forget everything and then we start the years back then with the B.C and all tht
@LaBambathereal Life on earth is estimated to be over 1 billion years old. A biologist told me there are chemical processes that inform our bodies of hunger and pain, and that these processes are hundreds of millions of years old. Offspring of an organism often have the "Physical memory" of these processes carried over in their DNA or living tissue and results in hard-wired activity over time. Thus, these memories aid our bodies in preparation for defenses, like infections or hair for warmth.
@irishwinter79 yes, in other words: nothing has meaning before you give it a meaning. You probably have heard these lines before: There is no music, there is only sound waves There is no colors, there is just different wavelengths and there is no feelings, there is just chemical reactions. Meaning is just one of the human traits. Life would be pretty dull if we wouldn't give things a meaning. You are more right than you know, people have already given meaning for those things, why stop there ?
@LaBambathereal Extreme adaptations of survival, such as a metamorphosis to an aquatic-based to an oxygen-based terrestial organism forces a recombination of genetic identity within that particular specimen. Bacteria and simple organsims have displayed such qualities in improvised conditions within laboratories as well as specific defense mechanisms in viruses. Theoretically, the ability to assume a new physical identity is built into humans as well, such as a transition in puberty and old age.
it doesnt matter what you believe, what it matters is that we all have a problem, a crisis that is for all of US, a Domino Effect... We are not united, we do not feel consideration for one another, and we hate each other every day more. So what have been religions and all others believe systems teaching all this time, certainly is not to Love Thy neighbor as Thy Self. Something is fallingFinally something make since, Satan is the egowe are living confusion.. Thanks for posting
@mrdolike Science explains natural creation through cause and effect. There is no need for a creator; it is well understood how we came about. And for the spiritual aspect of man, it is simple to explain through science. Just look at all faiths, and you will see that it is all derived from curiosity and eagerness to discover the truth. What happens when people don't have the truth?, they create an explanation. The actual truth can be found through experimentation with workable results.
I agree. You create meaning in your life by setting and accomplishing goals that are important to you.
Putting your faith in the material world...no thanks.
Love this teacher. Thank you Dr Laitman.
i don't have a fear of failure because i already failed many times. this is where my successes came from, from failures. the thing is i'm more attracted the the spiritual side of life. i cannot take anything materialistic serious as i did when i was younger. people call me insane, or crazy sometimes but i want there to be peace, enlightenment, real freedom, and a spiritual balance. Laitman says our purpose is to become whole again, maybe this is, but i also believe we are here to experience.
Yes! Life has a meaning! And Kabbalah now is revealed openely and invites us to connect with Divinity,the Upper Reality and Force,with Love and Life and feel and be filled with Upper Wisdom and connect with each other in altruistic Love!Thank you for these Words of Wisdom!
when he said 'people will start to feel a void", i could totally relate to that. the past couple of years, especially the past year, i find that the things that used to interest me, excite me, or give me purpose, dont fulfill me anymore.
its like im searching for something, but i dont know exactly what! and i feel a constant void and numbness.
another thing ive noticed is time seems to be speeding up. a year feels like six months now. is it just me? anyone else feel these things?
Dr.Michael is a nice person. Anybody who is conscious and awake like him shall have this question as to what is the purpose of life.
the meaning of life is very simple:
its not WHAT something is made of, it's HOW it is made that is the key to everything.
your answer to the meaning of life will constantly change young one, in just a year I bet everything you thought about life will be changed
How true and well said. Its amazing how much the human ego and attachment to forms has cloaked the true self.
this guy just summarized my life. that is exactly how i've been filling, empty as shit. some days i nearly killed myself because of how useless i feel. i do very well in college, got a job, yet when i have free time on weekends i feel empty that everything i'm doing is for nothing. the money i earn cannot be enjoyed because of little free time, and most of them need to be spend on tuition, and when i do have no problems i just try to find some passion to stick to, to avoid suicide.
Oh dear. But most people in your shoes are happy with illusion. Maybe your are enlightened. And know nothing in the material world will ever make you happy for long.
Spot on, mate. Spot on...
The meaning of life is objective. It's different because each of us has different memories different breeds even culture and religion plays a big role . Do what you want without hurting another person of course . That's what he says . Egoism is unbreakable.
Needs *
The objective is to reveal this meaning beyond words, going above complacency in thought even. 🙏
Life isn't what everyone thinks it is. It isn't a journey which you follow, it's one where you're the leader and you set the stage for the rest of your life. What you learn in your lifetime is what you take to the next one. I'm a strong believer in reincarnation and I believe all of us are re-born on this planet, in order to make a difference. To end the suffering of everyone else and become a world that is together. Life isn't about working hard and getting money, it's about the experience.Live
I think the meaning of life is to better your self so you can exist more effectively and efficiently for the means of happiness. Pain and sorrow isn't an obstacle but a tool.
The meaning of life - is life itself. You are alive and some day that will end. And it's all up to you, what you should do with your life before it ends. What choices to make and what goals you want to achieve, or fail at.
Just because a person tells you how SHE OR HE thinks life should be lived, doesn't really mean that it's the RIGHT way to live life, because there are no right or wrong way to live it. It's all up to you, what you are going to do and how you want to live..
The meaning of life is to grow up, work hard, and be successful and pave a path for others to follow. Life is like a game of blackjack where are creater is the dealer and were the players. We all try to get the high hand, but like in blackjack we all work to together to win.
I think it's to learn and discover new things. Because if you think about it, if you knew everything about everything, and i mean ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING(even the feelings of things you've never done), there would be nothing left to do.
Wow, this is so similar to what my Bhagavad Gita spiritual teacher taught me. I recently began studying Kabbalah. It has really started to open my eyes. It really is trully amazing. I wish there were more study groups. ARIfilms puts together some very compelling videos.
How is the study going ?
the meaning of life is to be loved and love as many people as possible and to understand everything possible about yourself and the universe to excel to a higher state of believing
The meaning of life is to spread and therefore increase joy.
it is we who give meaning to our own lives when living them and finding our selfs, if we seek purpose of other things, we must just ask the right question
thank you =)
In Kabbalah when they say "forbidden/secret" that means "impossible". The teachings were "secret" because they were not needed, as at first we had to go through our evolution process to be ready for Kabbalah's teachings.
The wisdom of Kabbalah is like a very specific answer to a very specific question, and until this questions is completely clear, and is coming out like a fountain in a large number of people, the answer "has been on hold".
Today there is a question so there is an answer.
the meaning of life is life itself
meaning of life.... grow up, learn, excell, invent, create, die, pick up where the recent one has fallen and do the process all over again and again and again
just this contant loop of....EVOLUTION...
@LadyScorpio39 Yeah I started to feel that way too. When I see or do something that used to interest me I say to myself, "What am I doing this for?" Even if I think logically on how they would satisfy me I say to myself, "That's it?" It's like I'm searching for something as you said. I feel that void yo. I feel it.
Honestly, the only conclusion I have come to that makes the most sense to me is that we are here to experience, live, grow, and learn as a spirit/soul. That's why I believe all life on Earth is survival-orienented to reproduce- to preserve it's species existence, so future spirits/souls have a vessel in which to experience, live, grow, and learn. I could never get my head around why all life is so driven to reproduce in an endless cycle of birth-life-death... Life must be a school for the soul.
But why did God want humans around to experience, live, grown and learn? Why didn't he leave well enough alone?
The ultimate answer to the meaning of life, the universe and everything is 42!
The meaning to life is your destiny
The meaning of life is to make life meaningful. How to make it meaningful is something you should ask yourself.
What Is the Meaning of Life?
Dr. Michael Laitman talks about why we need to discover that there is a meaning of life, and why specifically this need has arisen in our days.
Questioning the Meaning of Life?
Live #Kabbalah Course Starts Wednesday July 8. Reserve Your Spot Now => bit.ly/Free-Kabbalah-Course_Summer2015
Like, comment, share and help spread the wisdom of Kabbalah ♥
oh? and how do you come to this conclusion?
The meaning of life is music too me
the meaning of life is purpose & the purpose is perpetuation
"To experience the experience of existence" -The Wonders
We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.
The meaning of life is purpose and purpose of life is purpitiuty.
the meaning of life is 42
The meaning of life is 42
What Is The Meaning Of Life?
Dr. Michael Laitman talks about why we need to discover that there is a meaning of life, and why specifically this need has arisen in our days.
New to Kabbalah? Questioning the Meaning of Life?
Registration to EC Spring Semester closes Wednesday, April 29!
Sign Up Today, Watch The 1st Lessons & Continue With The Rest Of The Course! bit.ly/ECKabbalah_Spring2015
Kabbalah was made to answer the question 'What is the meaning of life?' | #FreeCourse #MeaningOfLife #Spirituality #Wisdom #Kabbalah | Share with your circles and communities. Help spread the wisdom of Kabbalah ♥
il senso della vita e' quello di migliorarla senza cadere negli stessi stupidi e catastrofici errori.
The trouble with real life is that there is no background music
The meaning of life is time: this has always been a simple question to answer but the answer has been subdued by anthropocentrism and fear of death. Far from bestowing us with super-natural powers and immortality, the answer re-enforces our mortality and our impotence to prevent it.
the goal in life is to find a goal to life,the answer is the end,when you'll know the answer,you'll know the end
Yeah, right.
@Wolfe1661 Wise words. Who has taught you all this wisdom ?
There always been one thing what i've been wondering. What makes lifeforms to act ? What makes it to move and eat ?
So is be basically saying our purpose is to find the meaning of life?
Meaning is not a property inherent in things, it's not objective. There is no physical particle that gives meaning to things. We ascribe meaning to things, it's a subjective thing. So when you think life is meaningless, this means that you personally do not see meaning in your own life. There are many things you can do to make your life seem meaningful to you.
@Daniel210nion so how exactly do you grow the spirit
The meaning of life is to use the human body to grow the human spirit and when we die we move on to the next life
What Is the Meaning of Life?
Dr. Michael Laitman talks about why we need to discover that there is a meaning of life, and why specifically this need has arisen in our days.
The wisdom of Kabbalah answers the question "What Is The Meaning of Life"
Sign Up for a free live Kabbalah Course starting Wednesday April 15 Reserve Now your spot => bit.ly/Free-Kabbalah-Course
#meaningoflife #wisdom #kabbalah #freedom #spirituality #unity #happiness #suffering #egoism #altruism #zohar #love #creator #soul
So what is the meaning of life?
He avoided that really. The meaning of life is for us to keep reincarnating until we are more nearly perfect. But what's it to God?
The meaning of life is creating a purpose for your own existence. :)
What Is The Meaning Of Life?
Dr. Michael Laitman talks about why we need to discover that there is a meaning of life, and why specifically this need has arisen in our days. This clip was taken from an interview between Dr. Laitman, William Simon & Bill Gladstone.
The wisdom of Kabbalah answers the question "What Is The Meaning of Life" Sign Up to a Free Live #Kabbalah Course at bit.ly/Free-Kabbalah-Course
#meaningoflife #wisdom #kabbalah #freedom #spirituality #unity #happiness #suffering #egoism #altruism #zohar #love #creator #soul
Very deep, sir.
Are you a philosopher?
The meaning of life
is that is has absolutely no point or goal at all. We will all end up dying anyways and everything we have done will go to waste.
good fight
now im serious but i think the meanig of life is to make a difference wether its good or bad but to change the world
the meaning of life is to entertain God because hes just sitting up there bored right, so in order to make him happy is for him to watch how we all get through life
What Is the Meaning of Life?
Dr. Michael Laitman talks about why we need to discover that there is a meaning of life, and why specifically this need has arisen in our days.
The wisdom of Kabbalah answers the question "What Is The Meaning of Life" Get started with a Free Live #Kabbalah Course - Sign Up Now >>> >>>bit.ly/ECKabbalah_Winter2015
#meaningoflife #wisdom #kabbalah #freedom #freewill #spirituality #unity #happiness #suffering #egoism #altruism #zohar
I think we all have multiple individual and unique goals in life... But i wonder if we all have one united purpose.
Meaning of life = What you want it to be.
The meaning of is to escape the Universe to a new one also know as level 2.
The meaning of life is finding meaning to your life
glad to hear someone else feels the same way. i feel like a freak sometimes, like, why cant i feel happy? why do i feel so disconnected to everyone and everything around me. ive never felt so restless in all my life.
Some of these comments really amaze me and come from people who obviously have no clue what Kabbalah really is.
matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves
-Bll hicks
His book "Attaining the Worlds Beyond" had a profound effect on me. This short video clip doesn't do justice to the potential of his teachings. His book goes into many thought provoking topics such as "ego vs altuism", "equivalence of form","purpose of life","perception of the soul" and the "purpose of suffering". He states that the creator responds to what is in your heart, not what u buy. He advises the reader to be wary of Kabbalist teachers who sell merchandise like Kabbalah water.
not saying that kabbalah is the way, but this man is the closest ive heard anyone speak on the meaning of life. All religions are a means to give people a purpose in life, and he even said kabbalah is a way of doing the same thing. Maybe there isnt a purpose and we just are!!! It sucks, but it could be! Like bouiglob said, we might just be a chemical reasction that occurs in the right condition. Just like any other creature of this earth.
very interesting maybe we should look at the simplicty of things.....we are are own enemys....i think thats an ego issue...i am intrigued with this philosophy...
@happyorks you are correct
@whitenightf3 Well... 42 is still the answer!
What is the meaning of life?
To give it a meaning.
The meaning of life is dualistic observation/action and the infinite experiential outcomes therein perhaps?
@mrdolike I respect your beliefs completely, and as for all other beliefs, I will leave my mind open and accept your beliefs as the POSSIBLE truth, but not absolute. Just think, nothing actually needed to exist in the first place, therefore there is no meaning to anything. The universe would remain as an infinite void, neither helped or harmed. I am talking on the universal scale, not about us intricate organisms that have evolved on a blue dot in the vast universe.
What is every professional and adult eventually? A Teacher. What does society do every day in business and structure? Survive. So what do we aspire to be? Teachers of survival. Why do our footprints of evolution exist : single cell organisms, flora, fauna, marine & terrain, mammals and such? To inform us how long survival has lasted, and to hint it may be many more years to come. Why is the universe so vast? Because life happens correctly with enough time and space, enough random for surprise.
@synchronium24 Free will is basically any though processes out of instinct. So yes, we do have it, and so do dolphins. And in the other way of actual space, the oceans covers a much larger surface area than land and most sea animals are accessible to a larger volume of space as humans are. I encourage you to watch "dolphins deep thinks" on YT.
I know I can't change reality with thoughts. If life has no meaning then so be it. Nature won't change its way according to if we exist or not or what our beliefs are. It is just nature, and it is reality. Technically life is a classification of matter. You can come up with your own meanings but it won't change the reality of nature. I accept that nature is everything and we all must live by its rules.
The more important question is: Will it blend?
or this.. God bless you!!!. every knee shall bow, every tongue confess
the meaning of life is to be sure how is the upper world in my criteria
Im so empty:'(
@elementsk8punk I sort of agree with you but I'd like to know as well how were we created. How was everything created as well. These aren't questions that can be answered by an opinion.
@TheDkMovie Everything, you would even know the results of every single action you do. You wouldn't be able to watch movies because you know the results and experience. So the meaning of life is most likely to discover and learn, and to experience these new things and experience the feelings from it. Life is an experience. And it would be kinda interesting to see how long it would take for that squirrel to do that lol
@Wolfe1661 In very start what made a simple life form to evolve and duplicate ? Why it kept spreading and spreading ? If it passes memory to its offspring in a form of DNA, how and what it "writes" in that DNA ? Who gets to "write" it ? And what "reads" it ?
thanks shadow....but im not a bro. im a girl. LOL
anyway, do you feel this way too? or is it just me?
it seems like a year is 6 months, and all the things that used to interest me doesnt anymore, and nothing can satisfy some kind of spiritual hunger i have??
as much as I respect this guy.....he has a flat screen HD TV....and I don't....I don't even have an Xbox or a Playstation 3.....I'd like to develop myself through hand eye coordination and spiritual understanding from having experiences that I couldn't ordinarily have in "normal" life....so please sir....give me a Playstation 3....for my development....
@rujtj No, I'm not a philosopher, just someone who thinks clearly.
@cropatia you completely missed my point just like everyone else. It is very simple, nothing NEEDS to exist, that is my point. Meaning come from necessity, and the universe is dependent on nothing, needs nothing, thus anything that it contains has no meaning. An just so you understand, I am talking large scale; I agree that there is meaning within, but there is not a meaning for what has meaning within, so basically nothing has meaning, thank you.
what was the point of hiding it for all these years
... the meaning of life is Life Birth Death and Rebirth that is repeated untill the final year, is reached, and we forget everything and then we start the years back then with the B.C and all tht
Hell, you mean we get primitive again?
@LaBambathereal Life on earth is estimated to be over 1 billion years old. A biologist told me there are chemical processes that inform our bodies of hunger and pain, and that these processes are hundreds of millions of years old. Offspring of an organism often have the "Physical memory" of these processes carried over in their DNA or living tissue and results in hard-wired activity over time. Thus, these memories aid our bodies in preparation for defenses, like infections or hair for warmth.
The meaning of life is to find out the meaning of life
@irishwinter79 yes, in other words: nothing has meaning before you give it a meaning. You probably have heard these lines before:
There is no music, there is only sound waves
There is no colors, there is just different wavelengths
and there is no feelings, there is just chemical reactions.
Meaning is just one of the human traits. Life would be pretty dull if we wouldn't give things a meaning. You are more right than you know, people have already given meaning for those things, why stop there ?
@elementsk8punk Even how long it would take a 23 pound, drunk squirrel to jump 23452345 times on 1 leg?
@Kakarott191 I prefer 3.14
@LaBambathereal Extreme adaptations of survival, such as a metamorphosis to an aquatic-based to an oxygen-based terrestial organism forces a recombination of genetic identity within that particular specimen. Bacteria and simple organsims have displayed such qualities in improvised conditions within laboratories as well as specific defense mechanisms in viruses. Theoretically, the ability to assume a new physical identity is built into humans as well, such as a transition in puberty and old age.
it doesnt matter what you believe, what it matters is that we all have a problem, a crisis that is for all of US, a Domino Effect... We are not united, we do not feel consideration for one another, and we hate each other every day more. So what have been religions and all others believe systems teaching all this time, certainly is not to Love Thy neighbor as Thy Self. Something is fallingFinally something make since, Satan is the egowe are living confusion..
Thanks for posting
@HellesBringer Animals such as dolphins have the same freedom we do. We should study their minds too.
@mrdolike Science explains natural creation through cause and effect. There is no need for a creator; it is well understood how we came about. And for the spiritual aspect of man, it is simple to explain through science. Just look at all faiths, and you will see that it is all derived from curiosity and eagerness to discover the truth. What happens when people don't have the truth?, they create an explanation. The actual truth can be found through experimentation with workable results.