AHHH yes, ye olde Bus Motor! Thanks, Mark and that's some FINE looking oak, Pal. The slick line on the dust blower is working FINE! Keeping caught up, no problem and that thing surely is cutting. I just sit here with my headphones on with a grin while the slack comes out of all those internal parts and that GM starts moaning the sawmill blues! Just can't beat a 2-cycle in my book. So it sure looks like the bugs are GONE in that rig! Thanks for doing some FINE lumber making and you're getting plumb SNAZZY on the turner! Thanks again, Buddy!
HI Lewie ,hows things going ? we are having problems with the bus motor it needs a new injector one got stuck , we were lucky it was in the off position no full open , "no run away"!!
@@markgalicic7788 Just make sure the flap in the air horn works. Then there'll be no problem! I've never had run away but one or 2 run backwards. One in a mixer and one on a grader I think. just recranked them and off we went.
@@markgalicic7788 That'll be the best emergency stop you can have. It'll stop everything but not at a screech, but it will stop. And just reset it and away you go but just use it for that purpose. It'll wreck the blower shaft seals if used for just stopping but yall wouldn't do that, I have no doubts.
Random UA-cam Posting. You Young Men must have hit one of their marks. Congratulations!!! Imagine back then, the early years. The beginning stages of the sawmill. Now it is 05/2021. There was so much glare of Eddie's Bare Back-hehehehehehe. Must have been hot that day? BTW=heard you/caught you speaking of frickandjeep on the vid. Hopefully you get 80,000 to 100,000 subscribers by end of year.
Thank you for the video.Appreciate the commentary about sawing for grade.Does having the log turner affect your thinking when you're sawing for grade? What is your market for the 4X6s?
We are having some right nice thunder storms with blinks and outs as far as the power goes so I started to do like the last one and wait till I could watch uninterrupted BUT I found out I couldn't wait that long! So I didn't! And the not wait was worth it!
AHHH yes, ye olde Bus Motor! Thanks, Mark and that's some FINE looking oak, Pal. The slick line on the dust blower is working FINE! Keeping caught up, no problem and that thing surely is cutting. I just sit here with my headphones on with a grin while the slack comes out of all those internal parts and that GM starts moaning the sawmill blues! Just can't beat a 2-cycle in my book. So it sure looks like the bugs are GONE in that rig! Thanks for doing some FINE lumber making and you're getting plumb SNAZZY on the turner! Thanks again, Buddy!
HI Lewie ,hows things going ? we are having problems with the bus motor it needs a new injector one got stuck , we were lucky it was in the off position no full open , "no run away"!!
@@markgalicic7788 Just make sure the flap in the air horn works. Then there'll be no problem! I've never had run away but one or 2 run backwards. One in a mixer and one on a grader I think. just recranked them and off we went.
yes it does , I need a cable to run up to the cab just in case it would run away.
@@markgalicic7788 That'll be the best emergency stop you can have. It'll stop everything but not at a screech, but it will stop. And just reset it and away you go but just use it for that purpose. It'll wreck the blower shaft seals if used for just stopping but yall wouldn't do that, I have no doubts.
Nice looking wood great video
thanks .
Mark i have been logging and sawing from 1971 till now... nice sawmill you got I have a number 6 Ireland hand set mill to old to get an automatic lol
thanks Bob , this mill was a wreck when we got it but alls good now just some hard work.
Enjoyed the sawing!
thanks for watching.
Perty wood, love red oak!!!
That grain was beautiful with mineral stain . Great video
thanks Charles , the mineral stain looks like black oak without the bad smell.
@@markgalicic7788 down here in Florida we have a ton of oak . Do you ever quarter saw it?
no we only grade saw but I would like to try to quarter saw some day , not sure how to on this mill.
@@markgalicic7788 That would be a great video. If it worked out quarter saw is so good looking wood.
Random UA-cam Posting. You Young Men must have hit one of their marks. Congratulations!!! Imagine back then, the early years. The beginning stages of the sawmill. Now it is 05/2021. There was so much glare of Eddie's Bare Back-hehehehehehe. Must have been hot that day? BTW=heard you/caught you speaking of frickandjeep on the vid. Hopefully you get 80,000 to 100,000 subscribers by end of year.
Thank you for the video.Appreciate the commentary about sawing for grade.Does having the log turner affect your thinking when you're sawing for grade? What is your market for the 4X6s?
glad you liked it , the log turner is great to have when grade sawing , we use the 4x6s to make lumber stackers.
Beautiful stick of wood!
thanks Jeremy.
Excelente trabajo, Saludos cordiales desde Caracas Venezuela
What method / procedure do you use to remove the bark from either edge of the boards ?
Enjoy your videos .
Thank you , :-)
God bless
we have a edger.
Love the videos man keep em up brotha
thanks for watching Michael , we will keep em coming sir.
The second log had some nice value in it but the split sure did stink. It still turned out to a nice couple sticks of wood.
hi there looking real good john
thanks for watching.
Get some window light color it will cut down on the glare you be able to see better .
Mark, where are you located? I want to visit.
we are in Pittsburgh PA.
Mark, tell me more about your location. I can be there on Saturday.
Bob if you go to my channel and click on about you will find my E mail.
Is ED allowed to be topless on line ??
yes sir.
I see Eddie is bringing sexy back in this video
We are having some right nice thunder storms with blinks and outs as far as the power goes so I started to do like the last one and wait till I could watch uninterrupted BUT I found out I couldn't wait that long! So I didn't! And the not wait was worth it!
Bet, you don’t have an electric fireplace indoors, Mark))
no sir , I have a wood fired furnace in my house & cabinet shop, thanks for watching my video Stan.
To bad red oak isn’t worth anything now nobody wants dark wood
yes , about two years ago but is a buyers market now.